Western high-speed diameter payment card. ZSD gets rid of cash

The WHSD operator changed the tariff schedule after the opening of the central section. The cost of travel using a transponder became the base price, which made it possible to increase the entry ticket in cash. So far, the “Your WHSD” mobile application cannot cope with the innovations.

Svetlana Kholyavchuk/Interpress

At one o'clock in the morning on December 4, the central section of the WHSD from the Obvodny Canal to Primorsky Prospekt opened. The 46-kilometer route is fully presented to drivers. Behind the news about Vladimir Putin and traffic jams at the exit to Vasilyevsky Island, the transition of the WHSD operator to new principle tariffs. There is nothing to envy for cash lovers, and transponder owners have the opportunity to pay for the actual route, rather than an entire tariff zone.

For the opening of the central section of the WHSD, the Magistral company Northern capital» (MCS), representing the operating consortium toll road, timed the restructuring of tariffs for travel on the southern and northern sections. The key principle is to reduce the amount of cash payments ( by bank card, BSK). Previously, it was taken as a tariff unit, and from it the payment was calculated by transponders (an electronic device mounted on the windshield and providing automatic payment without driver participation) without subscription fee(15% discount) and by transponders with subscription fee(25%). The fee was charged for the entire tariff zone.

From December 4, the transponder tariff without a subscription fee (AP) became the basic one. Cash/BSK payment is 15% higher, and AP transponder is 10% lower. Due to changes in the pricing principle, drivers will have to get used to completely new numbers.

Transponder orientation is due to the transition to new system"Flow+". It represents a complex of antennas and video cameras installed at all entrances and exits of the WHSD - even where there are no barriers (for example, on the Makarova embankment and Primorsky Prospekt). Flow+ allows transponder users to pay per route traveled rather than per zone. After introducing tolls for the central section, a driver with a transponder traveling from Bogatyrsky Prospekt to Primorsky will pay 12 rubles 80 kopecks, and a motorist with cash will have to pay for the same route as for a trip to Ekaterinofka.

“Tolls via transponder are automatically charged when leaving the WHSD, and in cash or by card - when entering,” the MCC explained the essence of Flow+. - We cannot install payment points at each entrance and check-in, unlike the already installed frames with antennas that read the signal from transponders. However, for the system to work correctly, drivers need to keep the transponder on the windshield so that the information can be read when leaving too. Often the transponder is stored in the glove compartment and only taken out at the entrance. In such cases, for example, travel from the Ring Road in the south to the Ring Road in the north will not cost 112.4 rubles, as provided for in the new tariffs, but as before the junction with Scandinavia - 154.9.”

In general, according to MCC, tariffs remained virtually unchanged. Previously, travel from Ekateringofka to Blagodatnaya using a transponder without an AP cost 29.75 rubles, now it is 29.8. The tariff on the section of the Ring Road - Ekateringofka (68) remained identical. On the northern WHSD the changes are more noticeable. Travel from Primorsky Prospekt to Scandinavia cost 75 rubles using a transponder without a monthly fee, now it is 86.9. You can calculate any route using the tariff calculator on the MCC website (http://www.nch-spb.com/CALC/).

The “Your WHSD” mobile application has not yet adapted to the new tariff rules. On the morning of December 5, numerous readers addressed the Fontanka editorial office with letters of the same type: “The WHSD is removing more money for travel than indicated on the website. For tariff zone 3-a using a transponder with a subscription fee, they charge 37.5 rubles, although the website indicates 11.5 rubles. For travel on the route Bogatyrsky - Blagodatnaya, they charged 37.5 rubles twice, although the calculator on the company’s website indicates the amount of 38.3 rubles.”

There are also counter examples. For a Fontanka photojournalist, for example, the program charged 60 rubles for travel from Ekateringofka to the Ring Road in the south at a fare of 68 rubles.

MSS Fontanka reported that the mobile application does not display transactions correctly. It hasn't switched to Flow+ yet.

“Currently, before updating the application, we ask you to pay attention to the information in personal account on the MCC website, where correct transactions are displayed, the company clarified. - IN mobile application the accuracy of write-offs is reflected in the amount of balance on the transponder balance.”

During the two days of using the central section, many users encountered an incorrect interpretation of free zones. Entering on Bogatyrsky Prospekt and moving south by default means paying for the zone from Bogatyrsky to Primorsky (on a transponder without an AP, 12.8 rubles during the day and 5.1 at night), and if the movement continues below Ekateringofka (the same 12.8 and 5, 1), then the southern section will also be affected, for which you will also have to pay extra.

Decoupling from cash payments allowed MCC to increase the fare for motorists driving from Bogatyrsky Prospekt and Blagodatnaya Street towards the center - from 15 rubles to 50. This is intended to encourage drivers to switch to transponders, which increase the lane capacity eight times compared to payment in cash or BSC.

“In connection with the opening of the central section of the WHSD, a significant increase in traffic load is predicted at the toll points at the entrance when moving towards the north and the exit when moving from the north to Blagodatnaya Street and at the entrance and exit from Bogatyrsky Prospekt,” explains the MCC. - According to transport analytics, the increase in traffic flow here can be fourfold. In this regard, it was decided to establish a new tariff at these payment points.”

Perhaps the only thing that scares St. Petersburg residents away from transponders is the need to conclude a written agreement with LLC Expressway Operator - North. In fact, using the transponder is free. The mandatory deposit of 1000 rubles into the account is due to the economy. The amount deposited is approximately equal to the purchase price of the transponder.

According to statistics, about 60% of drivers now use transponders to pay their fares at speeds of up to 30 km/h. MCC probably wants to quickly switch to 100% remote payment, since after 2018 it is planned to introduce the Multi Lane Free Flow system, which allows transactions to be carried out at speeds of up to 130 km/h.

Alexander Ermakov, Fontanka.ru

WHSD - Western High-Speed ​​Diameter - is a unique highway, which can only be crossed on a toll basis. Since this is one of the main “arteries” of the city, WHSD tariffs by zones and the time of day at which the movement takes place.

A total of 5 zones are defined:

  1. Ring Road (south) – st. Gracious.
  2. Blagodatnaya st. – embankment Makarova.
  3. emb. Makarova - a promising interchange with Shuvalovsky Prospekt.
  4. A promising interchange with Shuvalovsky Prospekt - Ring Road (north).
  5. Ring Road (north) – E-18 “Scandinavia”.

In addition, fares depend on the class vehicle, which moves along the route. There are 4 of them in total, and they are determined by the weight and dimensions of the machine.

To find out how much travel will cost you, you need to use the tariff schedule, which is calculated for five zones:

  • Zone 1. 100 rubles for cars of the 1st and 2nd categories, 130 rubles for cars of the 3rd category and 170 rubles for cars of the 4th category.
  • Zone 2 and all subsequent ones have a similar cost.
  • A tariff that includes travel in all zones: 500 rubles for cars of the 1st and 2nd categories, 650 rubles for cars of the 3rd category and 850 rubles for cars of the 4th category.

Since the launch of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter project, WHSD tariff increase, but quite insignificantly. You can see this by looking at the rates above - they are still within reasonable limits.

An online calculator can simplify the process of calculating the cost of travel along the WHSD. To use it, you need to enter data in the appropriate boxes and click the “calculate” button. As a result, you will receive the exact cost of your movement along the highway.

What are the tariffs on the WHSD at night?

If you want to save on travel along the “diameter”, make your trip at night. At this time, the fare for any vehicle, regardless of zone, is 50% lower than the daily rate above. Valid night tariff WHSD from 06:00 to 23:59 hours.

What is a transponder, and what are the WHSD tariffs with it?

A transponder is a miniature device that allows you to pay for travel on a toll highway without the participation of the driver or passenger. The device attaches to the windshield and makes payments automatically.

This device became available thanks to Flow+ payment acceptance technology, which allows you to carry out payment transactions in a matter of seconds.

Having transponder, WHSD tariffs become more profitable for their owners, and the payment process itself becomes instant and comfortable. Thanks to the transponder, you will save up to 10% on travel costs (for those who purchased a device with a monthly fee). In addition, the owners of this device they pay for the exact route without rounding and other things. When you travel the same route again, its cost becomes lower.

To receive this device, you need to write an application addressed to Magistral Northern Capital LLC and make an advance payment in the amount of 1000 rubles. After receiving the device, you must mount it on the windshield according to the attached instructions.

For its correct operation, it is important to keep the numbers clean, replenish your account in a timely manner and pay a monthly fee for its use in the amount of 50 rubles.

How to pay WHSD tariffs

There are several simple ways fares by “diameter”:

  • In cash or by credit card at the Toll Point.
  • Using a transponder.

Thus, there is a convenient option for everyone traveling along the highway.

The test mode of operation of the Central section of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter ends and a fee will be introduced on it from February 4, 2017. Moreover, at the same time, the payment collection scheme will be completely revised. The entire WHSD route is now divided into 5 tariff zones, each costing 60 rubles.

This is the base price when paying in cash or by credit card. Thus, the expected strong increase in the cost of travel along the WHSD has not happened since the new year and, contrary to expectations, travel along the entire route will cost 300 rubles (from the Scandinavia highway to the Ring Road in the south of the city). But for those who prefer to pay in cash or by card, the night rate is canceled. That is, the price of 60 rubles () per plot will be around the clock. Here is the official tariff zone diagram:

  • Zone 1. Ring Road (South) - Blagodatnaya Street
  • Zone 2. Blagodatnaya Street - Makarova Embankment (Vasilievsky Island)
  • Zone 3. Makarova Embankment (Vasilievsky Island) - Future interchange with Shuvalovsky Prospekt
  • Zone 4. Future interchange with Shuvalovsky Prospekt - Ring Road (North)
  • Zone 5. Ring Road (North) – Highway E-18 “Scandinavia”

UPD: From May 15, 2017, to encourage drivers to use transponders, an increase to 100 rubles is introduced. fee when exiting Bogatyrsky Prospekt when paying in cash or by credit card.

UPD: From July 22, 2017 to 100 rubles. The cost of travel in any zone increases when paying in cash or by credit card. Traveling the entire WHSD route when paying in cash at each point will cost 500 rubles. The experiment at the exit to Bogatyrsky Prospekt was apparently considered successful; now the experience extends to the entire route and using cash has become as unprofitable as possible. The only surprising thing is why the developers tariff schedule They come from the other side - instead of increasing the discount on the transponder or making more flexible tariffs, protective tariffs are established when paying in cash.

When using a transponder, the savings will be 15% compared to paying in cash. In addition, thanks to the newly introduced Flow+ system, if the route is less than the tariff zone, the transponder owner will save not 15%, but even more, since the cost will be calculated based on the actual distance traveled. This is due to the fact that not all exits have toll booths, but all have devices for reading the transponder signal. This allows us to cut tariff zones even more finely for this category of highway users. Another significant plus for transponder users is the preservation of the night tariff (50% discount applies from midnight to 6 am).

At the end of the review, a few photos of the WHSD and video: