DE series steam boilers. Design and principle of operation of the boiler

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher Professional Education

"Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov"



course work

in the discipline: “Heat generating installations”

on the topic: “Thermal calculation of the boiler DE-16-14GM”

Performer: Pivkin A.A., 4th year student, group SO-12

Head: Trubitsyna G.N., Ph.D. tech. Sci., Associate Professor

The work was approved for protection “”20.


The work is protected "" 20g. with assessment


Magnitogorsk 2016

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational institution

higher vocational education

"Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Them. G. I. Nosova"


Department "Heat and gas supply, ventilation and

Water supply, sanitation"



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Magnitogorsk 2016

2.1. General form
2.2. Description
2.4. Boiler drum DE-16-14 GM
2.5. Automatic boiler DE-16-14 GM
2.6.Water economizer
2.6.1. Cast iron economizers
2.6.2. Modifications
2.6.3. Characteristics of cast iron economizers
3.1. Calculation of volumes of combustion products and air.
3.2. Calculation of combustion products in heating surfaces
3.3. Calculation of enthalpies of combustion products and air
5.1. Calibration thermal calculation of the combustion chamber


It is necessary to carry out a verification calculation of the DE-16 type boiler unit with elements of the structural calculation of individual heating surfaces (water economizer). The main purpose of the verification calculation is to determine the main performance indicators of the boiler unit, as well as design measures that ensure high reliability and efficiency of its operation under given conditions.


Boiler unit DE-16-14 GM on gas and liquid fuel, brand GM (gas-oil burner), Russian Federation, Saratov region, natural gas from the Saratov - Gorky gas pipeline.

Table 1

Design characteristics steam boiler type DE-16-14 GM

Biysk Boiler Plant

Indicator name Meaning
Steam capacity,
Steam pressure at the boiler outlet, (kgf/cm2)
Steam temperature
Feed water temperature,
Flue gas temperature,
Type of design fuel Natural gas
Fuel consumption
Type of combustion device TLZM
Surface area of ​​the combustion mirror, m 2 6,39
Combustion chamber volume, m 3 22,5
Radiation heating surface area, m 2 30,3
Heating surface area of ​​the convective beam, m2 207,3
Outside diameter convective bundle tubes, m 0,051
Transverse pipe pitch, m 0,11
Longitudinal pitch of pipes, m 0,09
Number of rows of pipes, pcs
Length of one water economizer pipe, m 1,5
Gross boiler efficiency,
dimensions boiler mm: length width height 8655 5205 6050

table 2

Operating fuel weight

Chemical composition
methane ethane propane butane pentane nitrogen carbon dioxide
91,9% 2,1% 1,3% 0,4% 0,1% 3% 1,2%
Heat of combustion 8630 kJ/m³ Density 0.786 kg/m³


2.1. General view of the boiler

A longitudinal section drawing of the DE-16 boiler is given in Appendix 1.

2.2. Description

Steam boiler DE-16-14 GM oil-gas vertical water tube with natural circulation type E (DE) with a capacity of 16 tons of saturated steam (194 °C) per hour, used for technological needs industrial enterprises, in heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems. The combustion chamber of the DE boiler in the form of a Latin "D" is formed by screen pipes, located to the right of the convective beam, equipped with vertical pipes, flared in the upper and lower drums. Main components of the DE-16-14GM boiler are the upper and lower drums, the pipe system of the DE boiler consists of a convective beam, a rear front and side screen, forming the combustion chamber of the DE-16-14GM boiler.

Boiler DE-16 14 GM with a steam capacity of up to 16 t/h with a diameter of the upper and lower drums of 1000 mm. The distance between the drums is 1700 mm and 2750 mm, respectively (the maximum possible according to the conditions for transporting the block by railway). To access the inside of the drums, there are manholes with shutters in the front and rear bottoms of each of them (manhole cover). Drums for boilers with a working pressure of 1.4 MPa (abs) are made from steel 16GS or 09G2S and have a wall thickness of 13 mm, respectively.

Steam boiler DE-16 14 GM with a capacity of 16 and 25 t/h with a two-stage evaporation scheme. The second stage of evaporation includes the rear part of the furnace screens and part of the convective beam, located in a zone with more high temperature gases The second stage evaporation circuits have an unheated descent system.

On boilers with a capacity of 16 and 25 t/h, the superheater is vertical, drained from two rows of pipes.

The DE-16-14 GM boiler is supplied both in blocks and in bulk; upper and lower drums with intra-drum devices, a pipe system of screens and a convective beam (if necessary, a superheater), support frame, insulation and casing.

Steel BWES or cast iron EB economizers are used as boiler tail heating surfaces.

The DE 16 14 GM steam boiler is equipped with heating surface cleaning systems using a GUV (shock wave generator).

The fixed supports of the boilers are the front supports of the lower drum. The middle and rear supports of the lower drum are movable and have oval holes for bolts that are attached to the support frame during transportation.

The DE-16-14 GM boiler is equipped with two 17s28nzh spring safety valves, one of which is a control valve. On boilers without a superheater, both valves are installed on the upper drum of the boiler and either of them can be selected as a control valve. On boilers with a superheater, the control valve is the superheater outlet manifold valve.

Nominal steam output and steam parameters (corresponding to GOST 3619-82) are provided at a feed water temperature of 100°C when burning fuels: natural gas With specific heat combustion 29300-36000 kJ/kg (7000-8600 kcal/m3) and fuel oil grades M40 and M100 according to GOST 10588-75.

The control range is 20-100% of the nominal steam output. Short-term operation with a load of 110% is allowed. Maintaining the superheat temperature in boilers with superheaters is ensured in the load range of 70-100%.

The DE-16-14 GM boiler can operate in the pressure range of 0.7-1.4 MPa.

In boiler houses designed to produce saturated steam without imposing strict requirements on its quality, the steam production of type E (DE) boilers at a pressure reduced to 0.7 MPa can be taken the same as at a pressure of 1.4 MPa.

For the DE-16-14 GM boiler, the throughput of safety valves 17s28nzh corresponds to the nominal output of the boiler at a pressure of at least 0.8 MPa (abs).

The quality standards of feed water and steam must comply with the requirements regulated by the rules " Federal service on Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" of Russia.

Average boiler service life between major repairs with the number of hours of use of the installed capacity being 2500 hours/year - 3 years, the average service life before write-off is at least 20 years.

Steam boiler DE-16-14 GM can be used as a hot water boiler (according to the technical documentation of the enterprise).

2.3. Pipe system of the boiler DE-16-14 GM

Convective pipes DE-16-14 GM and screen pipes DE-16 14 GM are made exclusively from seamless boiler pipe with a diameter of 51 mm and a wall thickness of 2.5 mm. Since the weld can become a concentrator of internal stresses and lead to a decrease in corrosion resistance, strength and even destruction of the product. Boiler pipes are produced by cold or hot deformation, which provides excellent quality and durability results. For convective pipe DE-16-14 GM and screen pipe DE-16 14 GM, GOST 8734-75 or GOST 8731-74 is used (steel grades: St10, St15, St20, St25 and wall thickness from 2.5 to 13 mm, respectively) . As a rule, convective pipes DE-16-14 GM and screen pipes DE-16 14 GM are used in conditions of high and supercritical steam parameters. In this case, a subtype of boiler pipe rolling is used: pipes for steam boilers; they best meet these conditions. The pipe for the boiler pipe system DE-16 14 GM is manufactured by hot rolling on a continuous mill and by hot pressing, which ensures excellent result at any temperature. The combustion chamber of the DE-16 14 GM boiler is formed from screen pipes flared in the upper and lower drum of the DE-16 14 GM boiler in the form of the Latin letter "D".

2.4. Boiler drum DE-16

Boiler drum DE-16 operating pressure 1.4 MPa, made of steel 16GS, 09G2S, wall thickness 13 and 22 mm, respectively. The technology for manufacturing the drums of the DE-16-14 boiler is similar to the original factory technology; cutting of sheet metal, processing the edge of the sheet for welding, rolling sheets with rollers to obtain the shells of the future drum of the DE-16 14 GM boiler, submerged arc welding of shells and bottoms using an automatic welding machine, drilling holes for a boiler pipe ø 51 mm, using the milling method with subsequent knurling holes, which when rolling a pipe in a drum when installing a DE-16-14 GM boiler, gives more reliable connection when checking by hydraulic testing of the boiler DE-16 14 GM. Control of welds is ensured by providence ultrasound diagnostics boiler drum DE-16 14 GM. How finished product The drum of the DE-4 boiler is assigned and stamped with a serial number, and stamps are placed with a certificate and permission to use "ROSTEKHNADZOR" attached. For inspection of DE boiler drums and devices located in them, as well as for cleaning pipes with rollers, there are manholes on the rear bottoms; boilers DE-16 and DE-10 with a long drum have another hole on the front bottom of the upper drum.

On the upper part of the upper drum of the DE-16-14 boiler, pipes are welded for installing safety valves, the main steam valve or gate valve, valves for sampling steam, and extracting steam for auxiliary needs (blowing).

In the water space of the upper drum of the DE-16 boiler there is a feed pipe, and in the steam volume of the drum there is a steam separation device. The lower drum of the DE-16 14 GM boiler contains a perforated pipe for purging, a device for heating the drum during lighting (for boilers with a capacity of 16 t/h and above) and a fitting for draining water.

To monitor the water level in the upper drum of the DE-16 boiler, two level indicators are installed.

On the front bottom of the upper drum of the DE-16 boiler there are two fittings for selecting water level pulses for the boiler automation.

2.5. Automatic boiler DE-16-14 GM

Boiler automation functions:

1.Measurement and signaling: boiler automation DEV-16 14 GM using light and sound alarm when technological parameters deviate from the norm.

2. Ignition and shutdown of the boiler: the automation of the water heating boiler DE-16 14 GM automatically ignites and stops the boiler, without participation service personnel, which meets the requirements of rules PB 12-529-03.

3.Regulation of the combustion process: automatic regulation supplying fuel to the boiler furnace depending on the temperature of the water leaving the boiler;

4. Vacuum: the automatic control of the DEV 16 14 GM boiler provides regulation of the vacuum in the boiler furnace, the fuel-air ratio using MEO or frequency converters installed on the fan (VDN) and smoke exhauster (DN).

5. Protection: the automation of the water heating boiler DE-16 14 GM ensures that the boiler stops if the specified technological parameters change:

● when the water temperature at the boiler outlet increases,

● when decreasing air pressure,

● when there is a deviation in gas pressure in front of the burner,

● when the vacuum in the boiler furnace decreases,

● when there is a deviation in water pressure at the boiler outlet,

● when the fuel pressure in front of the burner decreases,

● when the water flow through the boiler decreases,

● when the burner flame goes out,

● when voltage disappears in the protection circuits,

● in case of emergency stop of the fan and smoke exhauster,

6.Measurement and signaling: automatic boiler DEV-16-14 GM provides measurement and signaling of boiler operating parameters:

● water pressure at the boiler inlet;

● water pressure at the boiler outlet,

● water temperature at the boiler inlet,

● temperature of water leaving the boiler,

● air pressure in front of the burner,

● vacuum in the boiler furnace,

● water flow through the boiler,

● flue gas temperature.

7. “Upper level” control (optional): when equipping the automation system of the water heating boiler DE 16 14 GM with “upper level” control, it is implemented;

● presentation of information about the operation of the boiler on a computer monitor in the form of mnemonic diagrams and graphs,

● boiler control,

● archiving and registration of parameters.

In the boiler automation system DEV-16-14 GM, as required by PB 10-574-03, an electronic recorder is installed - a four-channel “Termodat17M5”, which records the root cause of the accident.

Water economizer

Cast iron economizers

A water economizer is a tubular heat exchanger in which feed water is heated to a temperature of 30 - 40 o C below the boiling point before entering the boiler in order to prevent steam formation and hydraulic shocks inside it. Heating occurs due to the heat of exhaust gases, thereby increasing the efficiency of the boiler unit.


Example symbol cast iron economizers:

EB1-300I(P) – economizer unit with one column, heating surface area of ​​300 m2 and gas pulse (I) or steam (P) cleaning.

Fig 1. Block single-column cast iron water economizer.

A – longitudinal section; B – cross section; 1 – valve; 2 – blowing device; 3 – cast iron finned pipes; 4 – gas duct.

In steam boilers, the temperature of the heat-receiving wall throughout the entire unit is almost the same and slightly exceeds the boiling point. As the steam pressure increases, the wall temperature rises, resulting in an increase in the flue gas temperature. It is irrational to release gases with such a high temperature into the atmosphere. Devices designed to solve this problem include economizers.

Cast iron block economizers are used as tail heating surfaces of stationary steam boilers of the DE, KE and DKVR types.

Economizers are installed individually on a boiler or on a group of boilers low pressure(up to 2.4 MPa) and low power and can be disconnected from the boilers both through the gas and water paths.

Economizers of this type are made of cast iron finned pipes with flanges, which are connected to each other using cast iron rolls (arcs). Fin length cast iron pipes The economizer is 2 or 3 m, the pipe diameter is 76x8 mm, the connecting flange is square with dimensions of 150 x 150 mm. The total heating surface area of ​​the pipe is respectively 2.95; 4.49 m2.

Rice. 2. Parts of a cast iron water economizer.

A– finned tube; B– connecting pipes using a roller (arc).

The number of pipes in the package in the horizontal plane is determined based on the speed of the combustion products, usually in the range of 6-9 m/s; the number of horizontal rows is determined by the required total heating surface.

Water moves sequentially through all pipes from bottom to top, and combustion products pass through the gaps between the ribs of the pipes from top to bottom. With this pattern of water movement (lifting), it is ensured best removal air bubbles. To remove possible deposits, the outer surfaces of economizers are periodically blown with steam (P) using blowers or compressed air(gas pulse (I) cleaning).

Rice. 5. Movement of water and combustion products in the economizer.

To ensure reliable operation, the necessary fittings are installed at the inlet and outlet - safety valves and shut-off valves, thermometers, pressure gauge, drain valve, check valve, and at the top point of the economizer there are plungers to remove air.

Rice. 6. Connection diagram for a cast iron economizer.

1 – boiler drum;
2 – shut-off valve;
3 – check valve;
4 – valve on the discharge line; 5 – safety valve; 6 – air vent valve; 7 – cast iron water economizer; 8 – drain valve.

Cast iron economizers are supplied either in the form of separate parts with assembly on site, or in the form of transportable blocks in lightweight lining with metal lining.

Economizers EB2-94I(P) - EB2-236I(P) are supplied in one block, EB1-300I(P) and EB1-330I(P) - in two blocks, EB1-646I(P) and EB1-808I(P) - in three blocks.

The advantage of cast iron economizers: the use of cast iron in heating surfaces and connecting parts significantly increases service life due to its resistance to corrosion, both on the internal and external surfaces.

DE boilers are supplied as a block, including upper and lower drums with internal drum devices, a pipe system of screens and a convective bundle, a support frame, insulation and casing.

Technical characteristics of DE steam boilers with gas-oil furnaces






Efficiency, %
gas/fuel oil

Overall dimensions of the boiler,

Boiler weight in
deliveries, kg








3 240

1 900

2 645

6 660


Gas, fuel oil



3 240

1 900

2 645

6 660


Gas, fuel oil



4 200

3 980

5 050

12 506


Gas, fuel oil



4 800

3 980

5 050

13 908


Gas, fuel oil



6 530

3 980

5 050

17 681


Gas, fuel oil



6 530

3 980

5 050

18 581


Gas, fuel oil



6 532

3 980

5 050

20 254


Gas, fuel oil



6 573

3 980

5 050

21 286


Gas, fuel oil



8 655

5 205

6 050

20 743


Gas, fuel oil



8 655

5 205

6 050

21 600


Gas, fuel oil



8 655

5 205

6 050

23 658


Gas, fuel oil



8 655

5 205

6 050

25 695


Fuel oil, gas



10 195

5 315

6 095

27 843


Fuel oil, gas



10 195

5 315

6 095

27 361


Fuel oil, gas



10 195

5 315

6 095

30 836


Fuel oil, gas



10 195

5 315

6 095

31 430


Fuel oil, gas



10 195

5 480

6 120

29 199


Fuel oil, gas



10 195

5 450

6 205

32 756

Description of the DE boiler

The combustion chamber of DE boilers is located on the side of the convective beam, equipped with vertical pipes flared in the upper and lower drums. The main components of DE boilers are the upper and lower drums, the convective beam, the front and side screens that form the combustion chamber.

For boilers with a steam capacity of up to 4 t/h (DE 4 14), the diameter of the upper and lower drums is 700 mm, for the rest - 1000 mm. The distance between the drums is 1700 and 2750 mm, respectively (the maximum possible under the conditions of transporting the block by rail). For access to the inside of the drums, there are manhole gates in the front and rear bottoms of each of them.

Drums for DE boilers with a working pressure of 1.4 and 2.4 MPa abs are made from steel 16GS or 09G2S and have a wall thickness of 13 and 22 mm, respectively.

Boilers with a capacity of 4; 6.5 and 10 t/h (DE 4, DE 6 5, DE 10) are made with a single-stage evaporation scheme. In boilers with a capacity of 16 and 25 t/h (DE 16, DE 25), two-stage evaporation is used. The second evaporation stage includes the rear part of the furnace screens and part of the convective beam, located in the zone with a higher gas temperature. The second stage evaporation circuits have an unheated downdraft system.

The superheater of DE boilers with a capacity of 6.5 and 10 t/h is made of coil pipes. On boilers with a capacity of 16 and 25 t/h, the superheater is vertical, drained from two rows of pipes.

Steel or cast iron economizers are used as tail heating surfaces of DE boilers.

The fixed supports of DE boilers are the front supports of the lower drum. The middle and rear supports of the lower drum are movable and have oval holes for bolts that are attached to the support frame during transportation.

Each DE boiler is equipped with two spring safety valves, one of which is the control. On boilers without a superheater, both valves are installed on the upper drum of the boiler and either of them can be selected as a control valve. On DE boilers with a superheater, the control valve is the valve of the superheater outlet manifold.

Nominal steam production and steam parameters corresponding to GOST 3619-82 are provided at a feed water temperature of 100 ° C when burning fuels: natural gas with a specific heat of combustion of 29300-36000 kJ/kg (7000-8600 kcal/m 3) and fuel oil grades M40 and M100 according to GOST 10588-75.

The control range is 20-100% of the nominal steam output. Short-term operation with a load of 110% is allowed. Maintaining the superheat temperature in DE boilers with steam superheaters is ensured in the load range of 70-100%.

Boilers DE-4-14GM; DE-6.5-14GM; DE-10-14GM; DE-16-14GM; DE-25-14GM can operate in the pressure range of 0.7-1.4 MPa. Boilers DE-10-24GM; DE-16-24GM;

DE-25-24GM - in the pressure range of 1.8-2.4 MPa without changing steam production.

In boiler houses designed to produce saturated steam without imposing strict requirements on its quality, the steam production of DE type boilers at a pressure reduced to 0.7 MPa can be taken the same as at a pressure of 1.4 MPa.

For DE boilers, the throughput of the safety valves corresponds to the rated output of the boiler at a pressure of at least 0.8 MPa abs.

The quality standards of feedwater and steam must comply with the requirements regulated by the Rules of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia.

The average service life of DE boilers between major overhauls with the number of hours of use of the installed capacity being 2500 hours/year is 3 years, the average service life before decommissioning is 20 years. This and

information belongs to enterprise,

use by third parties

with the owner! How specialized production and supply company boiler and boiler-auxiliary equipment, our company offers reliable steamboiler ( DE-16-14 GM boiler ) .

delivered to the customer in bulk, fully equipped We also propose to carry out comprehensive work

. design of a boiler room, both stationary and MKU,

Design for the reconstruction of a boiler cell (replacement of a boiler with a larger or less productive one)),

Supply of boiler(s) and auxiliary equipment,

Checkout: to purchase a steam boiler DE-16-14 GM, from You will need to send to our addressapplication where Necessarilyindicate :

. boiler layout ( specialist consultation, recommendations ) ;

Company details;

Contact person, position;

Phones/fax for feedback;

. email enterprises ( e-mail:).

Delivery to calculate the cost of delivery - indicate the destination(auto delivery, Railway delivery ).

TO consultation specialist: 8- 960- 942- 53- 03

T phone /Fax : 8 ( 3854) 44- 86- 49

e-mail :biek22@

Price list DE

. TO boiler delivery kit DE-16-14 GM (ross) :

1. Upper drum, lower drum with internal drum devices (holes for the boiler pipe are milled and knurled);

3. Platform stairs, frame, frame, lining materials;

5. Spare parts box complete set(shut-off valves, instrumentation);

6. Package of technical documentation: boiler passport DE-16-14 GM with annex - ultrasonic inspection reports, certificates and permission to use "Rostechnadzor".

. Execution of work :

1. Dismantling works;

2. Installation work;

3. Replacement of boiler pipe systems;

4. Masonry work (light/heavy);

5. Installation and adjustment of instrumentation and automation;

6. Start-up adjustment;

. Selection of equipment I :

(go to page)

. Boiler automation DE, DKVR, KE . Drum kit to boilers DE, DKVr, KE .

. . Pipe system DE, DKVR, KEBurner. - GM, GM, GM- .

. We ishaupt . Deaerators YES Filter . FIP . Economizers EB, BVES .

. Valves 17s28nzh Draft machines VDN . , DN Level indicator

. Dy10 Py25. :

General form

. Description of the boiler DE-16-14 GM:, Steam boiler DE-16-14 GM oil-gas vertical water tube with natural circulation type E (DE) with a capacity of 16 tons of saturated steam (194 °C) per hour, used for the technological needs of industrial enterprises, in heating, ventilation and hot water systems water supply The combustion chamber of the DE boiler in Latin “D” is formed by screen pipes, located to the right of the convective beam, equipped with vertical pipes flared in the upper and lower drums. The main components of the DE-16-14GM boiler are the upper and lower drums

Boiler DE-16 14 GM with a steam capacity of up to 16 t/h with a diameter of the upper and lower drums of 1000 mm. The distance between the drums is 1700 mm and 2750 mm, respectively (the maximum possible under the conditions of transporting the block by rail). To access the inside of the drums, there are manholes with shutters in the front and rear bottoms of each of them (manhole cover). Drums for boilers with a working pressure of 1.4 MPa (abs) are made from steel 16GS or 09G2S and have a wall thickness of 13 mm, respectively.

Steam boiler DE-16 14 GM with a capacity of 16 and 25 t/h with a two-stage evaporation scheme. The second evaporation stage includes the rear part of the furnace screens and part of the convective beam, located in a zone with a higher gas temperature. The second stage evaporation circuits have an unheated descent system.

On boilers with a capacity of 16 and 25 t/h, the superheater is vertical, drained from two rows of pipes.

The DE-16-14 GM boiler is supplied both in blocks and in bulk; upper and lower drums with intra-drum devices, a pipe system of screens and a convective beam (if necessary, a superheater), support frame, insulation and lining.

The DE 16 14 GM steam boiler is equipped with heating surface cleaning systems using a GUV (shock wave generator).

The fixed supports of the boilers are the front supports of the lower drum. The middle and rear supports of the lower drum are movable and have oval holes for bolts that are attached to the support frame during transportation.

The DE-16-14 GM boiler is equipped with two spring safety valves 17s28nzh, one of which is the control. On boilers without a superheater, both valves are installed on the upper drum of the boiler and any of them can be selected as a control valve. On boilers with a steam reheater, the control valve is the valve of the superheater outlet manifold.

Nominal steam output and steam parameters (corresponding to GOST 3619-82) are provided at a feed water temperature of 100°C when burning fuels: natural gas with a specific heat of combustion of 29300-36000 kJ/kg (7000-8600 kcal/m3) and fuel oil grades M40 and M100 according to GOST 10588-75.

Regulation range 20-100% of the nominal steam output. Short-term work with a load of 110% is allowed. Maintaining the superheat temperature in boilers with steam superheaters is ensured in the load range of 70-100%.

The DE-16-14 GM boiler can operate in the pressure range 0.7-1.4 MPa.

In boiler houses intended for the production of saturated steam without imposing strict requirements on its quality, the steam production of type E (DE) boilers at a pressure reduced to 0.7 MPa can be taken the same as at a pressure of 1.4 MPa.

For the DE-16-14 GM boiler, the flow capacity of the safety valves 17s28nzh corresponds to the nominal boiler performance at a pressure not lower than 0.8 MPa (abs).

Feed water quality standards and the pair must comply with the requirements regulated by the rules of the “Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision” of Russia.

The salt content of boiler water in the first evaporation stage of boilers without a superheater should be no more than 3000 mg/kg, for boilers with a superheater - no more than 2000 mg/kg. The salt content of boiler water of the second stage of evaporation should be no more than 4500 mg/kg.

Average service life of boilers between major overhauls when the number of hours of use of the installed capacity is 2500 hours/year - 3 years, the average service life before write-off is at least 20 years.

Steam boiler DE-16-14 GM can be used as a hot water boiler (according to the technical documentation of the enterprise).


Technical characteristics of DE-16-14 GM:

Boiler type

Steam t/h (MW)

Working pressure MPa (kgf/cm 2 /)

Temp, steam °С

Efficiency, %

Fuel consumption

Dimensions (LxBxH), mm

Weight, kg


fuel oil

gas (m 3 / h)

fuel oil (kg/h) 4,0 (2,65) 1,4 (14) 194 92,1 89,9 287 272 DE-4-14 GMO 12506
4195x3980x5050 6,5 (4,31) 466 443 DE-6.5-14 GMO 13908
4080x3980x5050 92,4 90,3 482 455 DE-6.5-116-225 GMO 14130
4800x3980x5050 10,0 (6,63) 93,2 91,3 710 671 DE-10-14 GMO 17681
6530x3980x5050 225 91,9 90,8 742 695 DE-10-14-225 GMO 18581
6530x4080x5050 2,4 (24) 221 93,2 91,3 710 671 DE-10-24 GMO 20254
6573x4080x5050 250 91,9 90,8 742 695 21286
DE-10-24-250 GMO 16,0 (10,61) 1,4 (14) 194 93 90,1 1141 1088 DE-16-14 GM 20743
8655x5205x6050 225 89,9 1202 1124 DE-16-14 GM 22110
DE-16-14-225 GMO 2,4 (24) 221 90,08 1141 1088 DE-16-24 GM 23658
8655x5210x6050 250 91,2 89,9 1202 1124 DE-16-14 GM 25250
DE-16-24-250 GMO 380 91,5 88,7 1390 1296 DE-16-24-380 GMO 25690
8565x5242x6260 25,0 (16,58) 1,4 (14) 194 93,9 91,7 1762 1670 DE-25-14 GMO 27843
10195x5315x6095 225 93 90,6 1868 1740 DE-25-14 GMO 27400
DE-25-14-225 GMO 1,4 (14) 270 93,4 90,95 1916 1803 DE-25-15-270 GMO 29199
10195x5480x6120 285 93,1 90,9 2023 1879 DE-25-15-285 GMO 32026
10195x5315x6100 2,4 (24) 221 93,9 91,7 1762 1670 DE-25-24 GMO 30836
10195x5210x6095 94,5 90,93 1750 1684 DE-25-24 GM-OE 36290
12363x5340x5967 250 91,3 89,9 2126 2008 DE-25-14 GMO 31430
DE-25-24-250 GMO 380 DE-25-24-380 GMO 32756

10195x5570x6095 Boilers steam series

DE are two-drum, vertical water-tube devices with natural circulation, a D-shaped combustion chamber and a convective beam placed parallel to the combustion chamber.

Such devices are supplied in one transportable unit (boiler in casing and insulation with a supplied burner; an integrated version is possible), complete with instrumentation, fittings, as well as fittings, stairs, platforms, and a steam superheater.

Design and advantages of DE boilers

  • DE series boilers have the following advantages:
  • Quite high efficiency - up to 93%.
  • Possibility of operation in steam generation and water heating modes.
  • The boiler is transportable, supplied on one block, simply installed and connected to utilities.

DE series equipment consists of 2 drums (upper and lower), a pipe system, and additional components. Economizers are used as heating planes.

By agreement with the customer, all boilers are equipped with domestic or foreign burners. DE modifications intended for use with gaseous fuel can be equipped with a heating surface cleaning system.

The combustion chamber is located on the side of the convective beam, equipped with vertical pipes flared in both the upper and lower drums.

Composition of the combustion unit: convective beam, front, side and rear screens. The convective beam is separated from the combustion chamber by a gas-tight partition; in its rear part there is a window designed for the direct entry of gases into the beam.

To ensure that gas velocities are maintained directly in the convective beams, longitudinal stepped bulkheads are installed.

Thus, flue gases, passing completely across the entire cross-section of the convective beam, exit through the front wall into a box located above the combustion chamber, and flow through it to.

Gas-oil steam boilers of the DE series belong to the type of double-drum vertical water-tube devices and are designed for the industrial production of saturated steam, the pressure of which is 1.4 MPa and the temperature is 194°C.

Thus, DE 25 devices are used to produce steam used for technological work industrial companies; as heating equipment; in ventilation and hot water supply systems.

The DE 25 14 steam boiler has the following components: upper and lower drums with a diameter of 1000 mm, a convective beam and a combustion chamber located on the side of the convective part of the device along the convective beam.

At the same time, the distance between the axes of the drums for all standard sizes is the same, and an increase in steam production up to 25 t/h is achieved by increasing the length of the drums, combustion chamber, and also the convective beam.

Equipment DE 10 14 and DE 4 14

Let's look at what the marking “steam boiler DE 10 14 250GM” means:
10 – power, 10 tons of steam/hour.
14 – pressure, 1.4 MPa.
250 – temperature of heated steam, 250 `C
GM – picture of fuel: GM – liquid fuel (gas, fuel oil, etc.).

Such steam installations are supplied as a single transportable unit in special lining and casing. The delivery set includes a gas-oil burner, fittings within the boiler, stairs, and a platform.

The DE 4 14 steam boiler, whose steam output is up to 4 t/h, has a diameter of the upper and lower drums of 700 mm, other types - 1000 mm. The distance between the drums is 1700 and 2750 mm (the maximum permissible according to the requirements for transporting the block). For direct access to the inside of the drums, there are manhole gates in the front and rear bottoms.

Characteristics of steam boiler DE 16 14

The steam boiler DE 16 14 has a two-stage steam generation scheme. The second stage includes the rear part of the chamber screens, as well as the part of the convective beam located in the zone with the highest gas temperature. The circuits of the two-stage steam generation circuit have an unheated system. In devices with a capacity of 16 t/h, the superheater is vertical, drained from two pipe lines.

When choosing a heating equipment supplier, you need to pay attention to the range of work provided.

Since it is very convenient if the supplier has the opportunity to offer design work, installation and subsequent maintenance of equipment.

for operation on natural gas/fuel oil
productivity 16.0 t/h

Boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) is a steam boiler, the main elements of which are the upper and lower drums, a firebox formed by screened walls with a burner and a bundle of vertical pipes between the drums.


No. Indicator name Meaning
1 Layout drawing number 00.8022.520
2 Boiler type Steam
3 Type of design fuel 1 - Gas; 2 - Liquid fuel
4 Steam capacity, t/h 16
5 Operating (excess) coolant pressure at the outlet, MPa (kgf/cm2) 1,3(13,0)
6 Steam outlet temperature, °C sat. 194
7 Feedwater temperature, °C 100
8 Estimated efficiency (fuel No. 1), % 93
9 Estimated efficiency (fuel No. 2), % 90
10 Estimated fuel consumption (fuel No. 1), kg/h (m 3 / h - for gas and liquid fuel) 1141
11 Estimated fuel consumption (fuel No. 2), kg/h (m 3 /h - for gas and liquid fuel) 1088
14 Dimensions of transportable unit, LxBxH, mm 7180x3030x4032
15 Layout dimensions, LxBxH, mm 855x5240x6072
16 Weight of the boiler without firebox (transportable boiler block), kg 19130
17 Weight of the boiler without firebox (in the scope of factory delivery), kg 20750
18 Type of delivery Assembled
19 Basic kit assembled

Boiler block with casing and insulation

Stairs and landings

Burner GM-10

Design and principle of operation of the boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM)

The boiler has DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) inner diameter the upper and lower drums are 1000 mm.

The pipes of the partition and the right side screen, which also forms the under and ceiling of the combustion chamber, are inserted directly into the upper and lower drums. The ends of the rear screen pipes are welded to the upper and lower manifolds. The front screen pipes of the boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) are flared in the upper and lower drums.

In the water space of the upper drum there is a feed pipe and a pipe for introducing phosphates, and in the steam volume there is a separation device. The lower drum contains a device for steam heating of water in the drum during kindling and pipes for draining water, perforated pipes for periodic purging.

The combustion chamber of the DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) boiler is separated from the convective beam by a gas-tight partition, in the rear part of which there is a window for the entry of gases into the beam. The partition is made of tightly placed and welded pipes. When entering the drums, the pipes are separated into two rows. The vertical part of the partition is sealed with metal spacers welded between the pipes. The convective bundle of the boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) is formed by corridor-positioned vertical pipes, flared in the upper and lower drums.

The furnace rear screen is available in two versions:

The firebox rear screen pipes are welded to the upper and lower screen collectors, which in turn are welded to the upper and lower drums. The ends of the rear screen collectors on the side opposite the drums are connected by an unheated recirculation pipe. To protect recirculation pipes and collectors from thermal radiation, two pipes are installed at the end of the combustion chamber, connected to the drums by rolling.

C-shaped pipes forming the rear screen of the firebox and are connected to the drums by rolling.

The boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) has no partitions in the convective beam, and required level gas velocities is also maintained by changing the beam width. Flue gases pass across the entire cross-section of the convective beam and exit through the front wall into the gas box, which is located above the combustion chamber. Next, through the gas box, the flue gases pass to the economizer located at the rear of the DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) boiler.

The boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) uses two-stage evaporation. The second stage of evaporation includes the rear part of the furnace screens and the convective beam, located in an area with a higher gas temperature. The second stage evaporation circuits have an unheated downdraft system.

The contours of the side screens and the convective beam of the DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) boiler, as well as the front screen of the boiler, are closed directly to the drums. The contours of the rear screen of the DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) boiler are connected to the drum through intermediate collectors: the lower one is distributing (horizontal) and the upper one is collecting (inclined). The ends of the intermediate collectors on the side opposite to the drums are connected by an unheated recirculation pipe.

As primary separation devices fender shields and guide visors installed in the upper drum are used to ensure the supply of the steam-water mixture to the water level. A perforated sheet and a louvered separator are used as secondary separation devices.

In the DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) boiler, the superheaters are vertical, drained from two rows of pipes with a diameter of 51x2.5.

To burn fuel oil and natural gas, a gas-oil burner GMP is installed on the DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) boiler.

The main components of the burner are: gas part, blade apparatus for swirling air, nozzle unit with main and backup steam-mechanical nozzles.

The boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) is equipped with required quantity fittings and instrumentation.

Converting the steam boiler DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) to hot water mode allows, in addition to increasing the productivity of boiler plants and reducing costs for own needs associated with the operation of feed pumps, heating water heat exchangers and equipment continuous blowing, as well as reducing costs for water treatment, significantly reducing fuel consumption.

Average exploitation Boiler efficiency, used as a water heating system, increases by 2.0-2.5%.

The DE-16-14GM-O (E-16-1.4GM) boiler is supplied to the customer in one transportable unit (the unit is sheathed and insulated installed burner; can be designed with a built-in economizer) complete with instrumentation, fittings and fittings within the boiler, stairs and platforms, a steam superheater (under an additional agreement).

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