Delicate creamy sauce for trout. Trout in cream sauce Trout baked in the oven with cream and cheese

I won’t say that this dish is budget-friendly - after all, not everyone has rainbow trout steaks and a jar of red caviar in their refrigerator every day. But for a holiday treat, this dish will be just right - it can be prepared quickly and with a minimum of effort. And in general: it’s difficult to spoil salmon - it will still turn out delicious. So, let's cook trout in cream. The recipe is quite simple, and even the most novice cook can cope with the task. But for such "dummies" I will give advice: buy already cut fish steaks. You shouldn’t buy a carcass or a piece of it - save yourself the long process of pulling out the bones.

Season six trout steaks (but you can also use other salmon - salmon or pink salmon) and sprinkle with juice from a quarter of a lemon. Set the fish aside for half an hour to marinate. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Finely chop a medium onion. It needs to be fried until “glassy”, preferably in olive oil. Mix all this with three tablespoons of sour cream, add a spoonful of dried oregano and basil, and salt to taste. Turn on the oven at 200C. Line a baking sheet with parchment and grease it too olive oil. Place the steaks on this sheet and cover them with sauce. Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. It’s very tasty to sprinkle with fresh dill right before serving.

Trout in cream sauce with cheese

We marinate the steaks as in the previous recipe, but additionally sprinkle with olive oil. Place one hundred grams of butter and finely chopped 1-2 onions in a frying pan and sauté. Then put the onion into a blender and puree it. Place it back into the pan, add a tablespoon of flour and stir until the lumps disappear. Pour in 150 ml of cream and bring to a boil. Three shavings of one hundred grams of good hard cheese (Dutch or Maasdam), keep on low heat, stirring. This must be done until it completely dissolves in the sauce. Salt and season to taste. The rest is the same as in the previous recipe.

Trout in cream sauce"Royally"

Marinate portioned fillets or steaks for half an hour. Then place the fish on a greased sunflower oil baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 180-200C. The sauce is made like this: a teaspoon of flour is fried in a spoon of butter. We carry out this process until the latter has a pinkish tint and the lumps disappear. Then pour in 150 ml of cream, knead again, add dill, and bring to a boil. Place the baked fish on plates, pour over the hot sauce, and top with red caviar.

Trout in cream sauce with vegetables

We marinate steaks or fillets in a way we already know. While the fish is resting, cut the vegetables: leeks into rings, carrots on a coarse grater, 1-2 cloves of garlic into thin slices. Fry them in a mixture of lean and butter, add a few pieces of tomatoes - preferably small ones, “Cherry”. Stirring carefully so as not to crush the tomatoes, fry the vegetable mixture over low heat for another five minutes. Let's make the sauce. Finely chop the spinach and dill. Heat the cream over low heat, add a spoonful of flour, knead, sprinkle in the herbs, bring to a boil and immediately remove. Pour the fat from the frying pan into the saucepan in which the leeks, carrots and garlic were fried, followed by the vegetable mixture itself. Place the fish on it, pour the sauce over it and sprinkle with coarsely grated hard cheese. Place the saucepan in the preheated oven. Trout in cream sauce should be baked for about twenty minutes (maybe a little more) at 180C.

The word trout includes several species of salmon. This fish is used to make a wide variety of delicious dishes, including serving it with sauce. To prepare such a product deliciously, you need to choose it correctly in the store and follow some cooking rules.

How to choose fish?

If trout is sold in a store as a whole carcass, you can see a silver or purple stripe on its side. You need to take a close look at this fish and pay attention to the eyes and gills, scales, tail and the condition of the carcass as a whole. The eyes of fresh, high-quality fish are not cloudy. There should be no mucus in the gills; the natural color of the gills is bright red. The scales should be evenly spaced and have no traces mechanical impact, and also it cannot be dry. If certain areas on the surface are dry, it means the fish were transported incorrectly. In dry places, bacteria begin their harmful activity.

The fact that the buyer is looking at an old product may be indicated by a dried fish tail or the general, weathered appearance of the carcass.

But the glossy shine of the scales may be an indication that the fish was specially treated with chemicals to make it look more beautiful on the counter. High-quality trout responds elastically to the touch when pressed. There are no dents left on the skin. If this happens, and liquid appears on the surface when pressed, it means that the fish is either stale, or the seller deliberately “pumped it with water” to make it appear heavier.

Normal trout has a light pink flesh color interspersed with white. The rich pink flesh indicates that the fish was artificially reared and was also fed with antibiotics. You should not take such trout for the sake of preserving your own health. To be sure, the purchased carcass must be checked with water. Bad fish

will float up, and the good one will sink to the bottom of the container with liquid.

Preparing Ingredients

  • To cook trout in sauce, you need to follow a certain sequence of steps. First you need to prepare the fish itself.
  • The fish carcass is covered with a layer of mucus, so the trout will have to be washed thoroughly. To prevent it from jumping out of your hands, experienced people advise rubbing it with salt. The scales need to be removed.
  • To do this, use a knife or even a metal grater. The scales are removed carefully so that the layer of skin underneath is not damaged. It is necessary to rip it off, moving from the tail to the head. To prevent the scales from scattering, the fish is either immersed in water or placed in a bag. Considering that the scales are not visible on the light belly, it is advisable to check with your fingers whether they remain on the fish or no longer exist. Such cleaning is a responsible matter. If leftover scales come across while eating, it will spoil the impression of the dish. When you are done with removing the scales, the carcass needs to be rinsed in water.

  • Then pull out the insides. To do this, the abdomen is cut from the tail to the head and everything is pulled out, including membranes and blood clots. The gills are also removed, since their contents are harmful to the body and spoil the taste of food. The head can be cut off completely if it is not needed. For a small fish this is done from head to tail. The skin is removed like a sock from the foot. Then use a knife to separate the meat from the side of the spine. The carcass will split into two halves. Remaining bones will become easier to remove. From large fish, the flesh is first separated from the spine and bones. The carcass will also split into two parts covered with skin. This skin is separated by holding it at the tail. It is easier to remove the skin from trout that has been frozen. The carcass is doused with 100-degree water, the edge of the skin covering is picked up and pulled off the fish, after which all that remains is to remove the fillet.

Subtleties of cooking

When using trout small size The carcass is used with the head. Only the gills are removed so that no bitterness remains. Larger fish can be cut into pieces, so-called steaks, or take fillet. For the sauce, fresh cream of varying fat content is used, depending on the recipe. Before baking the fish, the oven is heated to a temperature of about plus one hundred and eighty degrees. It usually takes half an hour or a little longer to prepare. It all depends on the size of the trout pieces and the characteristics of the oven.

You can also use cheese when preparing trout with cream. This will give the dish special tenderness. To prepare, you need to take semi-hard cheeses. To create special shades of the taste of trout, not only fish spices are used, but also mixtures of various herbs such as basil, which emphasize the taste of this fish. Although this product turns out very tasty without any seasonings, so some people refuse to use any additional ingredients other than cream and salt. When frying trout, you need to use very little oil. You can drop it onto the frying surface in the size of a teaspoon and distribute it over the entire area, for example, using a napkin. When using a container with a non-stick coating, it is not necessary to use oil.


Recipes for trout in cream sauce may vary, but the result is always pleasing.

To make a simple baked fish recipe you need the following ingredients:

  • about three hundred grams of trout in pieces;
  • half a glass of 10–15% cream;
  • one lemon fruit;
  • salt and pepper;
  • cow's cream butter;
  • olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • greenery.

Divide the lemon into two equal parts, squeeze out the juice from both parts to marinate the trout. Rinse the fish and dry on a paper towel. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour over lemon juice and drizzle with olive oil. Leave it like this for half an hour.

Chop the dill. Make the sauce. To do this, put a tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and wait until it melts. Add flour, stir. Slowly add cream, and finally dill. Heat the sauce until it begins to boil, then remove from the stove and cover with a lid. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, place the fish on it and place in the oven preheated to +190 degrees for half an hour. When ready, transfer the pieces to a plate and pour over the sauce.

You can bake trout fillet in cream. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • about a kilogram of fish fillet;
  • two glasses of 15% cream;
  • fresh, chopped dill;
  • salt and pepper;
  • four tablespoons of lemon juice.

Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Place fillet pieces on it. Sprinkle the fish with dill. Combine cream with pepper, salt and lemon juice. Pour the resulting sauce over the fillet and place in the oven for fifty minutes.

To prepare trout fillet in heavy cream, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • half a kilo of fish fillet;
  • a glass of cream;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • one Bay leaf;
  • four lemon fruits;
  • pepper and salt.

Wash the trout fillet, rub with pepper and salt and place on the bottom of a baking dish. Place the parsley and dill under running water, let them drain, and then chop. Mix the herbs with heavy cream and pour this mixture over the fillets. Place a bay leaf on top and place in a preheated oven for half an hour. After this, remove the trout, pour the sauce into a saucepan and finish cooking, removing the bay leaf from it. When serving the fish, pour the sauce over it.

If you cook trout with cream along with potatoes, you will get a very tasty and nutritious dish.

To make the recipe, you need to have the following ingredients:

  • fish fillet weighing about a kilogram;
  • about a kilo of potatoes;
  • medium hard cheese - two hundred grams;
  • a glass of cream;
  • a spoonful of butter (from cream) and vegetable oil;
  • garlic;
  • oregano;
  • salt and pepper.

Peel the potatoes and cut into bars. Divide the fillet into pieces of similar size. Grate the cheese on a grater with medium-sized holes. Cut two cloves of garlic very finely or squeeze the contents out of the cloves with a garlic press. Grease a baking sheet with oil.

Melt the butter and combine with the garlic mass. Lubricate the potato blank laid out on a sheet with this mixture. Place fish fillet on top and cover with grated cheese. Stir the cream with salt, pepper and oregano, pour onto the prepared foods in the pan.

Bake for about an hour until the potatoes are cooked. To prevent the cheese from burning, you can put foil on the dish and cook until done.

Trout with cream sauce can be cooked in a frying pan.

To implement the recipe you need to take the following ingredients:

  • five hundred grams of trout (fillet);
  • a glass of low-fat cream;
  • one lemon fruit;
  • dill and parsley;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fish seasonings;
  • salt.

The fillet will be divided into approximately equal pieces. Sprinkle each of them with salt and seasonings, sprinkle with lemon juice and let sit for 20 minutes. Heat the frying pan by pouring oil over the frying surface. Fry the fillet pieces on all sides for three minutes. Heat the cream in a thick-walled saucepan (do not allow it to boil). Then put the fish in this container and put it on low heat. After fifteen minutes, sprinkle chopped parsley and dill on top. Leave on the stove for another ten minutes. Switch off. Do not remove from the stove. Serve in twenty minutes.

You can cook trout with onions and cream in a frying pan. To make such a dish, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • trout fillet – about a kilogram;
  • butter – 100 grams;
  • two large onions;
  • cream – 1 glass;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cut the butter into pieces. Place half on the frying pan. Divide the fillet into small pieces. Divide the onion into cubes and finely chop the dill. Place the onion in the oil in the frying pan, the trout on it, and above that a layer of dill. Pour cream over it all and place the remaining butter on top. Place the frying pan on a burner with medium heat. When the contents begin to boil, transfer to low heat and simmer for 25 minutes.

You can cook trout pieces with sweet pepper in a frying pan.

To do this, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • 700 grams of trout;
  • half a lemon;
  • onion head;
  • half a glass of cream;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Wash the trout, salt, sprinkle with spices and pour over lemon juice. Leave for ten minutes. Then cut into small pieces, put in a frying pan and wait for them to brown. Finely chop the onion. Wash the pepper, cut it, remove the seeds, and divide it into long strips. In a separate frying pan, simmer the onion, add pepper and continue cooking for five minutes, remembering to stir. Add cream and let sit for another five minutes, then add fish and keep on low heat for 20 minutes.

Features of serving

Trout is served with fresh vegetable salads and bread. This dish can be decorated with cherry tomatoes, lemon slices and fresh herbs. Use caviar for this. Take as a side dish mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, rice or broccoli. It all depends on the gastronomic preferences of family members.

For another recipe for trout in cream sauce, watch the video below.

Trout in cream – general principles preparations

Before cooking, the trout must be prepared. First of all, clean off the scales, moving traditionally, from the tail to the gills. The cleaned carcass should be washed to remove mucus, blotted with a paper towel and gutted. To do this, an incision is made along the abdomen, the entrails are removed, and the gallbladder is taken out with special care. There is no need to remove the skin: it can be removed from cooked fish.

If the trout is small in size, it is usually cooked with the head. You will have to cut off the fins, tail and, of course, the gills. They add a bitter taste to the dish. A large carcass can be cut into steaks or fillets. To do this, the fish is cut along the back to the base of the ridge, then the meat is separated by hand from the bones and spine. Trout bones are soft and easy to remove.

Since trout meat is fatty, you should buy low-fat cream, no more than 10 percent. They must be fresh.

Bake trout in cream in a preheated oven. Optimal temperature– 180 degrees. It will take about thirty to forty minutes for the fish to bake. Exact time preparation depends on individual characteristics oven and the size of the baked pieces.

Trout in cream, baked with cheese

The classic version of trout in cream involves the use of cheese. The dish turns out tender, juicy, soft. Trout is very easy to cook, and even a beginner can cook with this recipe.


Trout carcass weighing 700-800 grams;

A glass of cream;

One hundred grams of cheese;

A package of ready-made seasoning for fish;

Cooking method:

Cut the carcass into steaks no thicker than two centimeters.

Squeeze the juice from half a large lemon.

Grate the cheese on the fine side of the grater.

Mix low-fat cream, grated cheese and lemon juice.

Place the fish pieces in the pan and add a little salt.

Spread the cream cheese sauce over the surface of the fish.

Sprinkle with spices from the bag.

Place the pan in the oven and bake (the cheese should be browned).

Fried trout in cream with herbs

In just an hour you can prepare a magnificent dish of trout, fresh herbs and cream. Frying as a way to cook pink meat is quite rare, but this option is definitely worth trying.


Half a kilo of trout fillet;

Fresh low-fat cream – 300 ml;

Fresh parsley and dill - small bunches (or a spoonful of dried herbs);

Spoon vegetable oil;

A packet of ready-made fish seasoning (optional).

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into portions.

Add a little salt to each piece, sprinkle with seasoning, squeeze a little lemon juice on top and leave for fifteen minutes to marinate.

Heat a frying pan with oil and quickly fry the trout on both sides for two to three minutes.

Heat the cream in a saucepan (do not boil).

Place the fish in the cream and simmer over low heat for about fifteen minutes.

Chop herbs.

Sprinkle the herbs on top of the fish and simmer for another five minutes.

Let the trout sit for about twenty minutes and then serve.

Trout in cream with mushrooms in a slow cooker

A luxurious recipe for trout in cream for lovers of mushroom flavor and multicooker owners. Literally thirty minutes - and you can enjoy the incomparable taste.


Three or four steaks from thawed trout;

Six to seven pieces of medium-sized whole champignons;

A glass of fresh cream;

Salt, spices, pepper.

Cooking method:

Season the fish steaks with salt, a little pepper and sprinkle with spices. You don’t need to use seasonings at all to make the mushroom flavor thicker.

Place the fish in a bowl.

Place whole mushrooms on top of the trout and in the free areas of the bowl.

Pour cream over everything.

Cook on baking mode for thirty minutes.

Whole trout in cream, baked with vegetables

Tomato, onion and cheese are an excellent company for trout in cream. The sauce is spicy-sweet and sour, very tasty.


Two or three carcasses of small river trout;

Fresh cream - at least 300 ml;

Two or three small onions (one for each fish);

Three large or five to six small tomatoes;

Semi-hard cheese – 250 grams;

Salt, spices, pepper.

Cooking method:

Rub the fish with salt.

Finely chop the onions.

Finely grate the semi-hard cheese.

Cut the washed and dried tomatoes into thinner rings.

Place the fish in the mold.

Pour cream over top.

Place the tomatoes first on the fish, then the onions.

Sprinkle cheese crumbles on top.

Bake for about thirty minutes.

Trout in cream with yolk sauce

The original taste is obtained from trout in creamy egg sauce. A soft, juicy, tender dish good served with rice or mashed potatoes.


Half a kilo of fresh trout fillet;

Yolks of three chicken eggs;

A glass of store-bought low-fat cream;

Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the defrosted fillet into small pieces.

Sprinkle each piece with pepper and salt.

Heat oil in a frying pan and quickly fry the fish. Two minutes is enough for each side.

Beat the yolks with cream.

Place the fish in the mold.

Pour creamy egg sauce over trout.

Bake for no more than fifteen minutes.

Trout in cream with onions in a frying pan

Onions and butter will give an incomparable taste to this version of trout in cream. The dish is prepared in a frying pan with fresh dill, which gives it a touch of rustic simplicity and lightness.


Medium trout carcass (no more than a kilogram);

One hundred grams of butter;

Two large onions;

A glass of cream;

Pepper, salt;

A bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

Cut the butter into thin slices and place half of it in the pan.

Fillet the trout and cut into small pieces.

Cut the onions into cubes or half rings.

Finely chop fresh dill.

First place the onion in the oil, then the trout, sprinkle with dill.

Pour cream over everything.

Spread the other half of the oil on top.

Place over medium heat, and after boiling, simmer for about thirty minutes over low heat.

Place on plates and garnish transparent slices lemon.

Trout in cream with potatoes

Full hearty dish, which looks good on an everyday and festive table, is trout in cream, baked with potatoes. It doesn’t take much effort, and you’ll definitely like the result. If the use of vegetable oil and butter seems excessive (trout is already fatty), then these ingredients can be easily omitted from the recipe. In this case, the potatoes are not greased with garlic oil, but simply sprinkled with garlic.


Trout carcass weighing up to a kilogram;

A kilogram of potatoes;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

A cup of cream (300 ml);

A little vegetable oil;

Two cloves of garlic;

Spoon of butter;

To taste salt, pepper, oregano.

Cooking method:

Cut the potatoes into very thin slices or bars.

Cut the trout fillet into portions.

Medium grate the semi-hard cheese.

Grind the garlic with a press or grater.

Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with vegetable oil.

Place potato slices in pan.

Melt the butter and mix with the garlic.

Brush garlic oil onto potatoes

Place the fish on top of the potato layer.

Cover everything with cheese crumbs.

Mix in cream with oregano, salt and pepper.

Pour sauce over fish and potatoes.

Bake for about fifty minutes until the potatoes are cooked through.

If the cheese starts to burn, cover the pan with foil and finish baking.

A beautiful golden cheese crust should form.

When serving, you can decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

Trout in cream with sorrel and broccoli

The sour taste of sorrel complements the fat content of trout very well. Boiled broccoli will add piquancy to the dish and make it very beautiful.


A kilogram of trout fillet;

A little oil;

Two hundred grams of canned sorrel;

Half a glass of cream;

Seasonings to taste (you can take a bag of Italian herbs), salt, pepper;


Fresh dill;

Spoon of red game (optional).

Cooking method:

Cut the prepared fillet into portions.

Season the fish with salt and herbs and pepper.

Heat oil (preferably olive oil) and quickly fry the fish on both sides.

Place canned sorrel in a frying pan and simmer for about five minutes under the lid.

Pour cream over everything and simmer for another five minutes.

Boil broccoli.

Place trout with cream, broccoli, a spoonful of red game and a sprig of dill into a plate.

Trout in cream with shrimp

The wonderful taste of trout in cream enhances the piquancy of the shrimp. Lemon, dill, dried herbs, olives complete the flavor bouquet. The subtle almond note is the highlight of this dish.


Three or four trout steaks;

Two hundred grams of shrimp (already peeled);

A glass of cream;

Several pitted olives;

Fresh dill;

Five tablespoons of grated almonds;

Dried herbs (oregano, thyme, basil);

A little olive oil;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

Salt, a mixture of several peppers.

Cooking method:

Cut the trout into steaks.

Grate the olives into rings (seven to eight pieces).

Clean the shrimp.

Finely grate the Gouda.

Finely chop the dill.

Grate almonds.

Place the fish pieces in a mold lightly greased with olive oil.

Place shrimp on top of the fish.

Pour lemon juice over the fish and shrimp.

Mix salt with herbs and almond crumbs, add trout.

Pour cream over everything.

Place dill and olives on top.

Cover the dish with cheese crumbs.

Cover the top with foil and place in the oven.

After half an hour, remove the foil and allow the cheese to bake nicely.

Trout in cream - tricks and useful tips

Cheeses are often used to prepare trout in cream. For lovers of a delicate, pleasant taste, semi-hard Gouda or Edam cheeses are suitable. They melt easily, have a mild odor, and emphasize the tenderness of the cream. But trout also goes well with blue cheeses. Therefore, for a more refined taste, you can use Dor Blue or Bergader.

Instead of a ready-made fish mixture, you can use Mediterranean herb seasoning. It includes oregano, basil, marjoram, tarragon, which also go well with the aroma and taste of trout. Some people love the pure, natural flavor of this delicate fish and don't use any spices. It turns out very tasty too.

When frying trout, you need to be careful not to overdo it with oil. You can literally drop a teaspoon into the pan and rub paper napkin over the entire surface. Or you can do without oil altogether if you fry the fish in a non-stick frying pan.

Before cooking the fish, you can marinate it for an hour in dry white wine with spices. The fish will absorb the marinade and it will be flavorful and not so greasy.

When serving, trout can be decorated not only with lemon slices, but also with sprigs of tarragon, parsley, dill, thyme and pomegranate seeds.

Fish dishes in our diet should always occupy mandatory positions, because fish is the source of a number of useful substances, which we do not get from other products. But healthy dishes– does not mean tasteless, because even simple baked trout can be served with a wonderful creamy garlic sauce.

This sauce for trout is prepared very quickly and is used both for individual serving and during baking of fish. The recipe refers to universal creamy dressings, so the recipe for its preparation will seem familiar and very simple to experienced housewives.

The composition of the sauce is a set of healthy ingredients. The recipe can be safely included in the children's menu, especially since the dish is so tasty that all the kids will happily gobble up lunch with gravy.

You will need:

  • Cream 30% – 100 ml
  • Wheat flour – 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
  • Dill, fresh – 1 medium bunch
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Number of servings – 5

Cooking time – 40 minutes

Creamy notes

This recipe uses cream as the base for the sauce. In this regard, both products are subject to rather strict requirements. It is recommended to use cream with a fat content of 30%. This figure guarantees several important points: firstly, heavy cream will give the required thickness and viscous consistency; secondly, such a product is much healthier than a low-fat product; and finally, thirdly, high percent fat in the composition reduces the likelihood of cream separating when heated.

To give the sauce a thicker consistency, you can add a little sour cream to it. Only this product must also have a high fat content, otherwise the taste will not be what you expected.


Trout sauce can be used as a separate dressing for fish, which is served in a gravy boat to the table, and to bake it in the oven. Naturally, creamy gravy is suitable not only for trout, but also for other types of fish.

In addition, there are many more culinary dishes that will become even tastier with cream gravy:

  1. Seafood - shrimp, mussels and squid - goes well with garlic, herbs, and cream. They can be fried and then served in a gravy boat, or they can be stewed in a thick creamy dressing.
  2. Chicken fillet, cut into small pieces and served with creamy sauce, will be an excellent addition to any side dish - rice, pasta or potatoes. You can also serve the dressing with oven-baked chicken.
  3. Cauliflower, broccoli or green beans also go well with gravy, especially if the vegetables have been steamed.

The classic cream sauce recipe is easy to make at home. An inexpensive and accessible set of ingredients allows you to prepare the gravy at any time, and its rich taste is suitable for both the everyday diet and special occasions. Light and delicate, creamy gravy will appeal to all household members and guests.

Bon appetit!

In contact with

Red fish is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Beneficial features This product affects the condition of the brain, acts as a prevention of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. You can prepare a variety of dishes from red fish, such as trout or salmon - pickle, cook soup, bake or fry, steam, add to salad. Any dish will turn out tasty and elegant, worthy of a festive table. Today I propose to prepare a fairly simple, quick dish - trout baked in cream. An interesting point is that we will first fry the fish.

Let's prepare the necessary products.

Divide the fish into steaks, add salt, coat with fish spices, and leave for 10-15 minutes.

If desired, the steaks can be cut into portions.

Cut a circle out of parchment to fit the diameter of the pan.

Pour about 1/2 tsp onto the paper. vegetable oil, brush with a brush.

Place the fish on paper and fry over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side.

Then place the fish in a baking dish, pour in cream, and bake in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes.

Red fish prepared in this way turns out very juicy and aromatic.

Bon appetit!