Scientific career. Careerists are most often workaholics

Ambitious man, who firmly knows what he wants from life is, of course, good. If work comes first for a man, then success will definitely await him, equal to his abilities, patience and perseverance. But will it be easy to build a family with such a man and is it worth it overall?

In general, such questions appeared only in our, soft time, when women gained independence, when one woman became capable of doing this on her own, and it became possible to do this even while living on a salary that is relatively modest in our times.

In the old days such a question would have been rejected altogether, as stupid. What other news is it to evaluate a man by some other criteria other than his ability to earn money for his family? And who will feed and clothe everyone if he does not strive with all his might to better work, a better-fed position, a higher salary? The fact that his children sometimes find it difficult to recognize him, because he is so rarely at home, is a small price to pay for the fact that they are dressed, washed, healthy and well-fed every day.

But today, when Problems survival has taken a back seat, the question of whether it is worth throwing in your fate with a person who, in the future, most likely, will set priorities in which you will consistently not be in the main roles, this is a fair question. What kind of people are these, these careerists, and why can’t they stop in their pursuit of success, as they understand it?

At all, careerists strong personalities, leaders and natural leaders become. And this, of course, speaks in favor of the potential chosen one. But, at the same time, the desire for this success is often a desire to prove something to yourself and others. This is a certain lack of love that the careerist never received in childhood, sprouted in the form of such a desire to achieve high career achievements, financial independence and the power to manage other people.
So, as always, in the choice careerist men has its pros and cons. What do you need to be prepared for if you still dare to have a relationship and start a family with such a person?

Firstly, most likely you will have to forget about your personal ambitions and career dreams. For such a man, a woman is always the rear, the personification of stability, peace and security. Moreover, if a woman begins to achieve more than he does in the professional field and earn more, the careerist will never be able to come to terms with this. And the longer he fails to restore his leading position, the worse he will feel, up to real depression and initiation of a break in relations.

On the other hand, if some of your hobbies, activities or your profession, will be defined by him as serious, as well as your intentions in this regard, then you can expect full support from the man. He will support both morally and financially, but you will still have to remain a homemaker for him, but not a conquering Valkyrie.

The following thing will not be tolerated careerist man, this is disbelief in his success. He convinces himself every day (and confirms his beliefs with his own results) that he is strong, capable, a true leader. And he doesn’t need those around him who doubt this; they are immediately removed from the contact list. Such a person will not tolerate frequent reproaches; he wants to occupy a dominant position. The careerist's wife often reports to him, but very rarely reprimands him. If things don't go well, the relationship will fall apart very soon.

For the same reason, don't expect your home to always be open to many guests. The careerist has very few friends (but they do exist; if they don’t exist at all, this is already an alarming sign), and these are only the people he really needs. He will be your friends and girlfriends, in best case scenario, will only tolerate it condescendingly and will be glad if you limit their communication with him to the minimum necessary time. Any outsider is seen by the careerist as not a unique personality, full of multifaceted amazing properties, and a self-propelled vacuum cleaner that sucks serious people time and effort.

Another unpleasant feature of all careerists is their jealousy. They have no time to watch you and no time to pay enough attention. But at the same time, he will not tolerate the presence of others whom he considers potentially dangerous. The careerist will require demonstration of modesty, good behavior and fidelity to her husband. Even simple praise addressed to other men will be regarded as offensive. It can get ridiculous: say, a husband who can’t sing at all, and is well aware of this, may be offended by you when you praise the vocal abilities of another man. But you have to be prepared for this.

With much more with gratitude to careerist men will accept your praises of him and assurances of endless faith in his own abilities, in the inevitable success of his endeavors and in the bright future of his ideas. This is what he expects from a woman, his rear, his “psychological support point.”

Careerists also usually don’t give their children enough attention. You won’t get touching displays of care from them; they often look at very young children with fear and bewilderment. In addition, they present quite high requirements to his heirs. But they will never abandon them in any trouble and will not be able to sleep peacefully until they are sure that the children are sufficiently provided for and protected, that their future is secured with financial and other opportunities. In this capacity, they reach the degree that every woman would like to see in the father of her children.

In general, of course, everything is individual, and in this article only a stereotypical image of a careerist man. But these are the main points that you need to be prepared for. If you are not a woman who dreams of becoming a quiet haven for your conquering sailor, arranging for him a nest full of peace and comfort and raising his children in it, then you better think again. Character compatibility is an important thing, so it is simply irresponsible to neglect it at the start of a relationship.

One of the highest human needs is self-realization. Some people find themselves in the family, caring for loved ones, giving birth and raising children. Other people succeed in creativity, becoming poets, actors, artists, musicians. And someone is looking for themselves in the profession.

- the concepts are quite compatible. This requires self-confidence and hard work. After all, everyone knows that only purposeful and active people make careers.

But in the process of achieving the goal, it may arise next situation: you work a lot and hard, strive to achieve results, achieve success, but there is no one to congratulate you. After all, you were so busy that you completely forgot about your friends and loved ones. Will such a victory bring you satisfaction?

Not easy, but possible. In order to avoid becoming a careerist in the process of achieving a goal, you need to know it distinctive features and notice them in time.

What traits distinguish a careerist?

  1. Absolute self-confidence and determination

    Of course, these are good traits. But moderation is good in everything. Sometimes doubt is also useful. After all, doubts help us search, analyze and move forward.

  2. Negative attitude towards criticism

    Careerists never listen to advice. And criticism is generally unacceptable to them. They always know everything and can do it better than anyone else. But some people have enormous experience and have a lot to learn from them.

  3. Careerists are usually loners

    All their efforts are aimed at their career. Busy with work all the time. Often such people have no family, no loved one, and few friends. After all, communication takes up a lot of precious time, which careerists prefer to spend on work.

  4. Careerists are most often workaholics

    To achieve high results, you need to work a lot and hard. Careerists forget about weekends and holidays; they prefer to spend their vacations at work. Sleep and rest are often sacrificed to achieve a goal.

  5. They know how to hide emotions and control themselves

    Not everything always works out easily and right away. Careerists experience failures hard, analyze and draw conclusions for a long time, but keep everything to themselves. They consider showing emotions a weakness. From the outside it seems that these are stony, calm and impenetrable people. Careerists, in fact, have an iron will and an unyielding character.

The desire for results, self-search and self-realization are the necessary needs of every person. Only in the process, we should not forget about other values: family, love, friendship, health.

How to make a career? To do this, you just need to decide and follow your decision. The advice of the old carpet rat will help you. Career growth, job promotion, how to achieve it - short, clear instructions. (10+)

Making a career - instructions. How to advance in your career. Position growth

Do you need a career?

Do you really want to make a career? Why do you want to take a higher position or position? What will promotion up the career ladder and job hierarchy give you?

Your answers to these questions are very important. Making a career is quite simple in the sense that it does not require any special talents, special character traits, or any special initial data. Making a career is very difficult because you have to devote your whole life to it, subordinating everything else to this goal.

Why do you need career growth? There are other ways to make a fortune. There is a separate article about this, “How to make a fortune?”. You can also realize yourself in another field. Do you really need a career?

However, before you accept final decision Whether you are going to climb the career ladder, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Once you make a decision, follow it. Otherwise, you will be very sorry for the energy spent on unfinished business. Build your career constantly, every working day. You shouldn’t make a career for two days, then give up for a week, then remember again and take up your career. There will be no benefit from such actions, only wasted effort.

Career Rules

I will give a few rules of a successful careerist, which I myself have actively used with consistently excellent results, and which my clients successfully use. There is nothing special about these rules, but they must be followed in order to advance in your career.

Make a career plan and follow it

The only way to do big project(and a career is a big long project) - make detailed plan with small steps and execute it. We will draw up a career plan with goals and deadlines. We will strive to implement it. What to do if your career plan does not coincide with the plans of your employer, read below.

Catch the fish where they are

Choice right place work is the most important step in a career.

There are a lot of companies where the corporate culture is not conducive to a career. All the places are occupied, all the bosses at all levels hold on to their chairs, they are afraid of new things, of any kind of development. Stability has been elevated to the main value. Such companies often function quite normally, pay decent salaries, but they are not suitable for you. If your goal is a career, immediately and without regret, look for another job. This is no place for a careerist.

By the way, when I write “look for another job,” this means that you are given two months to transition, and not two years to slowly go through interviews. In a career, as in many other things, it is very important to learn how to achieve your goals within a given time frame.

Another option is that the company is developing dynamically, but categorically underestimates its personnel. People from outside are attracted to all leadership positions. Their employees almost never get promoted. You can work in such a company for experience; it’s good to come to a management position from outside, work there, do a project, and go for a promotion to another company. Decide for yourself why and how long you will work in such a company. Work exactly as long as you decide, and not a day more.

There are a lot of companies and organizations where the career ambitions of employees are welcomed and encouraged. Go work there, you can quickly make a career there.

Build a network of contacts

The job of an operator is bad for starting a career not only because it is very difficult to prove yourself and it is easy to ruin your reputation, but also because it does not at all contribute to the development of a network of contacts. This kind of work is not suitable for us.

We need a job that doesn’t interfere, or better yet, directly requires us to build a network of contacts, meet people, and discuss professional topics. The development of a network of professional contacts is facilitated by participation in professional communities, conferences, seminars, infrastructure and commercial projects in which many people are involved. How many telephone numbers of colleagues do you have in your address book with whom you can discuss professional issues? There must be more than 150 to begin with.

Be a public person in your professional community, come up with initiatives, proposals, and participate in the training of young specialists. Create for yourself maximum quantity people's reputation as someone who solves rather than creates problems. Then you will be constantly offered participation in various projects and interesting positions. By the way, training young specialists is an excellent way to develop a network of contacts. After all, these specialists will not always be young; some of them will occupy key positions in a couple of years, and you will be a guru in their eyes. They will definitely call you if a serious project appears. And the rest who do not come forward will be your personnel reserve. you, coming to good project, you will be able to attract your best students who have not yet made enough progress and are waiting for their chance.

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“Why do you need career growth? Making a fortune is much easier and more enjoyable in other ways. Ask me which ones.” Please explain what you mean. I am very interested in this question Thank you

Some understand this phrase as making discoveries, others – as having scientific degrees. Still others - as a way to receive well-deserved recognition, that is, to receive an adequate assessment of their scientific achievements.

Probably, since these three points of view exist, then all three methods are practically implemented, and they can be considered.

Even a child understands that the first is the most altruistic and practically wrong, since the lack of recognition and reward does not allow a talented person to continue his research. In this case, the career chain looks like this: training – idea – its development – ​​discovery or research, more precisely, a product of creativity High Quality– scientific recognition, sometimes belated. The weak links in it are insufficient preparation for promoting the idea and the untimeliness and difficulty of recognition, and sometimes problems with establishing authorship. This point is a natural consequence of insufficient preparation and progress towards recognition and usually has a very painful effect on internal state scientist, burns a lot of mental strength and simply - it’s unfair.

The second method is despised by everyone, but quite widely used. In this case, the chain looks something like this: training - early promotion - preparing the ground - promoting the idea - maximum recognition - reward. She is flawless in appearance, but the most main elementown idea, adequate to the recognition received, is weak in it, and sometimes absent or belongs to another. It is promising and profitable for such a scientist, but has no value for society. Often this value can be defined as negative.

The third way is the most worthy in terms of equality of effort, value of the idea, recognition and reward. How to achieve it?

The career paths of scientists should be chosen according to the types of scientists they themselves describe, although only the last two types can be called careers in the generally accepted sense.

The remarkable scientist Hans Kelje in his book “From Dream to Discovery” more specifically defined the types of people who are found among scientists. Let us be ethical enough not to repeat them, but we will present the qualities that he considers necessary for a scientist.

He believes it is:

– Enthusiasm and perseverance

– Dedication to the goal

– Resilience to failure

– Resilience to success.

- Courage.

– Health and energy.

– Originality.

– Independence of thinking.

- Open-mindedness.

– Intelligence.

- Logic.

– Memory and experience.

– Honesty with yourself.

– Contact with nature.

- Technical skills.

– Ability to work in a group.

A lot, isn't it? And besides this, you also need to be able to achieve recognition while maintaining decency. This hard way, especially in Russia.

The scientist must begin choosing a location by choosing a leader. How your destiny as a scientist will turn out depends on how correct this choice is. Salary, location of the institute, and even its focus do not play a greater role than the person who will guide you at the beginning of your career as a scientist.

An experienced leader is one who will protect his young colleague from temptations and mistakes and will help him gain experience that cannot be gleaned from any book. His experience and your fresh, young and inquisitive mind is the combination that will give a result that you did not even expect. Besides, personal contact and mutual understanding, resonance in understanding the nature of what is being studied is surprisingly fruitful.

In addition, a young scientist needs a guide into the world of people of science, who sometimes only seem absent-minded and unadapted. Often the world of science is a place that is not much inferior in terms of the rigidity of the rules of the game to the world of business, and sometimes even surpasses it.

The best leader is the one who works in the laboratory himself and can teach his student everything he knows. If your manager did not allow himself to be “eaten” and knows how to stand up for his work, then he will teach you this too, if only you deserve it. His consultation of your works will significantly add weight to these works in the defense and your personal promotion. In addition, the experience of such a person in the field of human relationships is invaluable.

The age of the manager does not matter, much higher value has how active he is as a scientist and teacher. The leadership style itself is also not particularly important. It is better to prefer a tyrant and despot who has a lot to learn from, and who has scientific and human decency, than one who does not overload with work, but also does not give any knowledge and skills. Time spent under such leadership is often wasted. In addition, in cases where they are approached in search of human sympathy, tough leaders most often show unusual softness.

But besides your desire to work with a specific manager, you should not forget that the choice is still his, and your task is to be chosen.

Not a single professor is sure that his selection criteria are correct, but each of them tries to choose someone who will not be ballast and has the potential of a scientist. But since you always have to choose, everyone has their own system, which they develop carefully and give it great importance. Personal sympathy is not the least of these criteria. You should be like your future boss, understandable and pleasant to him. And this is not just a whim, but an indispensable condition for your future joint activities, which implies almost telepathic contact and mutual understanding.

A smart person pays attention to his eyes. Pay attention too. Visual, eye contact is the beginning of contact between minds and souls. You choose each other almost intuitively, and at this moment the very occurrence of contact is important for both of you - it either exists or not. If not, perhaps you made a mistake in your choice?

But let’s assume that all this turned out well, that the start was successful, and that we even have some of our own developments. What's next?

As experience has shown, scientific achievements cannot be given. A reasonable scientific supervisor knows how to ensure that recognition corresponds to the employee’s scientific contribution. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen. Juniors research fellows often complain that they are used as work force, and the laurels go to the luminaries. Well, sometimes it happens like that. But often a young employee overestimates his contribution. In any case, you should be critical of yourself and understand that your promotion should also cost you something. Although in some cases there are indeed disgusting cases of idea theft, today, when scientific work is done in a group, it is often difficult to determine the individual contribution of each employee. Here is a person’s opinion that can be considered objective:

“A young man, eager to see his name published, usually does not find the strength to resist the offer to co-author an article in the preparation of which he had a very indirect connection. But over time, he begins to feel uneasy and express dissatisfaction with the organization of the matter, which does not give him the opportunity to make a more adequate contribution to research work. At the same time, in connection with the publication of the names of all those who are truly involved in scientific research, arise in highest degree sensitive issues. When working collaboratively on a topic, it can be nearly impossible to determine the contribution of each member of the research team. In addition, constant preoccupation with recognition of one's merits acts in an irritating and corrupting way.

A fair solution to the issue, according to many, is as follows:

1. Each member of the group, if he so desires, should be given the opportunity to conduct certain independent observations and publish their results under his own name. This eliminates any feeling that there is any pressure to work together in a group (participation in the group’s work is simply encouraged “ natural selection", that is, by including in its composition only those scientists who in any case share the interests of the group). This rule does not apply to graduate students in the first eighteen months of study, when their activities are strictly controlled by their supervisor.

2. The researcher who first proposed the topic of work or made the most successful observation automatically becomes the first author of the article in which this work is described. He also decides which colleagues will be mentioned as co-authors and in what order.

3. With rare exceptions, the number of co-authors does not exceed three people. Practice has shown that if an article has more signatures, the reader only perceives the first one. When large group people work on a fairly broad topic, it is customary to publish several articles. In this case, the supervisor's task is to ensure that all persons involved in the work are credited, albeit in the long term, as authors, although no more than three names may still appear in any given publication.

Whether we like it or not, the decisive factor efficient work group is a fair distribution of both recognition and responsibility for the implementation scientific work. These questions cannot be passed over in silence, because all scientists are interested in their reasonable solution. From my point of view, in this regard, each group should develop its own clearly established line. Ever since we decided to strictly adhere to this line, we have not encountered serious misunderstandings. There are, of course, exceptions when, of the three members of the group who signed the article summarizing the results of their work, each is inclined to consider his contribution decisive. And although such a point of view is quite natural, it is still better to keep it to yourself.”

What we have quoted are discussions about the ideal. Life is much more complex, especially the life of a scientist. What is inherent in a real scientist to some extent does not coincide with the way our society is structured, and the qualities of a careerist are rarely inherent in them. In practice, it turns out that one whose mind is not occupied scientific activity, successfully makes his way up. The way out of this situation looks like this:

You need to overcome your natural absent-mindedness and inattention to the prose of life, and also be able to get along with people.

You should not only adhere to the ethics of a scientist, but also demand the same for yourself.

Your works should be published so that issues of copyright and patent rights can be protected.

Sometimes you have to weigh whether to compromise when scientific degree It is proposed to take someone as a co-author. You can do this, or you can refuse. It all depends on the specific situation. But the most important thing is that this is an indisputable truth - if you are a Scientist, and your work or the work of the group that you created is really needed by people, then, if desired, recognition and a career are in your hands. Look for allies among smart and honest people - they exist, and there are many of them.

Russians consider determination to be the main quality of a careerist. These are the results of a survey conducted by the Research Center of the portal among 1,000 representatives of the country’s economically active population. Answering an open-ended question about the main quality of a careerist, a third of respondents (32%) named the most important trait of a successful employee as “result-oriented” and “ability to achieve a set goal.”

It is curious that in third place it turned out negative quality- unprincipledness. The absence of principles and even conscience, the ability to go “over the top” are considered mandatory for a person seeking to build a career by 7% of respondents. The same number of respondents (7%) consider ambition to be the main driver of a careerist.

Love of work was only in fifth place. At the same time, our fellow citizens (5%) believe that in order to succeed in their career they need to work hard and hard: “Nothing but work”; “Work from morning until evening...”; "Total dedication."

Despite the fact that the majority of Russians have a positive attitude towards the concept of “careerist”, they consider such dubious qualities as impudence, the ability to please superiors and selfishness (and “boundless and unreasonable”) to be more important in the process of building a successful career (3%) than obvious virtues are non-conflict, efficiency, self-confidence and sociability (2%).

In addition, the study showed that a careerist does not necessarily have outstanding mental abilities– only 2% of respondents consider having brains and ingenuity to be important.

Other qualities required for climbing career ladder, named by 13% of respondents. They believe that a careerist cannot do without leadership skills, passion, activity and even some aggressiveness. Often, the motivating motives for successful employees are “the spirit of competition and dissatisfaction,” “the desire to earn a lot,” and the lust for power, and in relations with colleagues and management, the careerist has to demonstrate flexibility, diplomacy and the ability to compromise. Some Russians believe that career success does not depend on any qualities, but rather on luck, luck and the presence of good friends. Others, on the contrary, tend to think that successful career still lies in the hands of the person himself, but in order to achieve the desired heights, he must be brave, responsible and, of course, a true professional in his field.