How dangerous are radio waves from a radio tower? The effect of radio waves on the body and electrical appliances

Radio waves are electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies (EMF) - part of the broad electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths from a few millimeters to several kilometers. The main parameters of EMF are the oscillation frequency in hertz and wavelength.

EMF can be characterized by both vibration frequency and wavelength (for example, VHF or UHF, microwave or microwave). The higher the vibration frequency, the shorter the wavelength.

Radio waves of all ranges are found wide application in industry, science and technology - in heat treatment of metals, wood and other materials, in radio broadcasting and communications (HF), for heating and welding of dielectrics, in radio communications, television, physiotherapy (UHF). Microwave electromagnetic waves have found particularly wide application - in radar, radio meteorology, radio astronomy, radio navigation, space research, nuclear physics, medicine, etc.

Maximum permissible exposure levels: a) for the electric component of the field in the HF range - 20 V/m, UHF - 5 V/m; b) for the magnetic component in the frequency range 60 kHz-1.5 MHz - 5 A/m; c) in the microwave range: when irradiated throughout the entire working day - 10 μW/cm2, when irradiated during a working day for no more than 2 hours - 100 μW/cm2, no more than 15-20 minutes - 1000 μW/cm2 (1 mW/cm2 ) subject to the mandatory use of safety glasses.

Biological activity is inherent in radio waves of any range. Microwaves (MW), especially decimeter waves, have the greatest activity. Millimeter waves are absorbed by the skin and, acting on receptors, have a reflex effect on the body. Decimeters penetrating to a depth of 10-15 cm can directly act on internal organs. Apparently, UHF waves also have similar properties.

The mechanism of action of radio waves is complex. At high intensities they give a thermal effect. However, radio waves also have a non-thermal effect (at 10 μW/cm2 there is no visible thermal effect).

It should be emphasized that in production conditions workers are usually exposed to low-intensity radio frequency EMF. Changes in the body under the influence of different ranges of low-intensity radio waves have the same direction. Experimental data show a special sensitivity of the nervous system, then the myocardium, dystrophic changes in the testes, inhibition of reproduction processes, retardation in the development of animals, changes in the immunobiological reactions of the body. The most pronounced changes are observed under the influence of microwaves (especially in the centimeter range), then VHF and HF.

Repeated exposure to EMFs produces a cumulative effect. Microwaves exhibit a maladaptive effect - they disrupt previously acquired resistance to various unfavorable factors, distort some important adaptive reactions, for example, cause inhibition of erythropoiesis (instead of erythrocytosis) under conditions of high-altitude hypoxia.

Clinic of acute lesions of the body

Acute injuries can occur in accidents or gross violations of safety regulations. Severe autonomic-vascular disorders, diencephalic crises, attacks of tachycardia, adynamia, anxiety, repeated nosebleeds, and leukocytosis are described.

Clinic for chronic exposure to electromagnetic waves

Early signs- fatigue, irritability, headaches, sleep disturbance. Later - pain in the heart area, sometimes like angina pectoris; decreased appetite. Mildly expressed asthenovegetative syndrome with a vascular component - hypotension, bradycardia, mild dystrophic changes in the myocardium with impaired contractile function; disturbance of intracardiac conduction.

In more severe cases- increased complaints; nightmares, obsessive thoughts. Neurocirculatory dystonia - pulse lability, tendency to hypertension and angiospastic reactions - narrowing of the retinal arteries. More profound dystrophic changes in the myocardium. Coronary circulation disorders are possible. Paroxysmal states of the diencephalic type - paroxysmal headaches, chills, squeezing pain in the heart, severe weakness, often increased body temperature and high rise blood pressure. Intestinal dyskinesia, functional liver disorders.

Trophic and endocrine disorders - weight loss, hair loss, brittle nails, hyperfunction thyroid gland, more often in women. Impotence. Unstable blood counts - moderate reticulocytosis, leukocytosis or leukopenia, lymphocytosis, less often lymphopenia, monocytosis, band shift, mild thrombocytopenia. Increased histamine levels and blood sugar levels.

Disorders of mediator metabolism - a decrease in the level of cholinesterase in the blood, impaired excretion of catecholamines. These changes appear already in the early stages of the disease. There are indications that nursing mothers experience a decrease in lactation.

When exposed to microwave fields, cataracts may develop. The most dangerous are 12-centimeter waves and operation in pulse mode. There is no parallelism between the development of cataracts and other signs of exposure to microwaves on the body.

Clinical features of chronic exposure to low-intensity radiofrequency EMF are most pronounced when exposed to a microwave field.

When irradiated by meter waves of low intensity, a neurasthenic syndrome and a tendency to arterial hypertension are more characteristic. Women are more sensitive to the effects of microwaves. There are dynamic observations that have shown the possibility of further development of hypertension, and in some cases - disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation. There are indications of a higher incidence of illness among radar station workers.

In the clinical picture, the following syndromes are distinguished: vegetative, asthenovegetative, angiodystonic and diencephalic. Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, 3 stages are distinguished: initial, moderate and severe. The initial stage is compensated, characterized by mild asthenia or mild vegetative syndrome. The next stage is characterized by a more pronounced vegetative-asthenic syndrome. The severe stage is manifested by angiodystonic or diencephalic disorders.


Treatment is syndromic. The use of sedatives, hypnotics, and restoratives. Physical therapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy. Spa treatment.

Work ability examination

In the presence of early signs The disease is actively treated, sometimes without interruption from work. Outpatient treatment and adherence to individual preventive measures usually provide good effect, and the patient’s ability to work is not impaired. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide sick leave for a period of 1-2 months

With more pronounced manifestations of pathology (at stage II of the disease), it is recommended to treat the patient in inpatient conditions followed by transfer to work not related to exposure to radiofrequency EMF for 2 months.

In the absence of a therapeutic effect, as well as in more severe forms of the disease (stage III cataract), after appropriate treatment, permanent employment is a transfer to another job not related to. exposure to EMF radio frequencies and other occupational hazards. It is recommended that women be transferred to another job during pregnancy and lactation.


Systematic monitoring of the level of radio emissions. Rational distribution of equipment. Shielding radiation sources. Individual means protection - special protective clothing, safety glasses (for radiation intensity above 0.1 mW/cm2). Systematic gymnastics classes. Preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

Of course modern world fundamentally “harmful” to humans. The atmosphere is harmful, Wi-Fi is harmful and the telephone is certainly harmful. I even began to notice more often that many people only talk through headphones or speakerphone. But life is such that there is generally no escape from this. Wi-Fi is absolutely everywhere, you can’t live without a cell phone and a microwave. But still, read what the accounting officials found out about this...

Metabolic disorders caused by radiation from wireless devices can cause a number of diseases, including cancer. This is stated in a new study published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine. The authors of the material studied experimental data on the metabolic effects of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation on living cells.

The article deals with the so-called oxidative stress, which is defined by the authors of the study as “an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defense.”

According to study co-author Igor Yakimenko, exposure to electromagnetic radiation can explain not only the occurrence of cancer, but also other problems, including headaches, constant fatigue and even skin irritation.

“These data are a clear indication of the real risks of this type of radiation for human health,” says Yakimenko.

The article explains that reactive oxygen species are often produced in cells due to harsh environments, but can also be caused by "common wireless radiation."

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radio waves as a possible source of carcinogens in the human body. But the lack of a clear understanding of such impacts made it difficult to assess the real risks. The current study sheds light on the possible carcinogenic effects of radio waves.

Yakimenko and his colleagues urge caution in the use of wireless technologies such as cell phones and wireless Internet access.

Scientists especially note the negative impact of cell phones on human health. When a mobile phone is turned on, it emits an electromagnetic field that penetrates directly into the human brain, causing inadequate reactions in the body.

Thus, as a result of studies undertaken by such reputable US medical centers as the American Health Foundation and Integrated Laboratory Systems, a connection was discovered between frequent use of cell phones and the occurrence of an extremely rare type of brain tumor in people.

With large doses of such radiation, scientists from Integrated Laboratory Systems believe, a process of destruction of the DNA of blood cells occurs in people. The results obtained by American colleagues are confirmed by researchers from a number of European countries and Australia. All these materials are regularly covered by the specialized American magazine Microwave News.

What is a cellular telephone?

This is a mobile transmitting and receiving device operating at ultra-high frequency (microwave) electromagnetic wave range, which differs in its effect on humans from lower radio frequency ranges in that such radiation has the property of directly heating body tissues.

Various standards cellular communication have different abilities to heat the body. A GSM 900/1800 phone operating at 900-1800 MHz is more dangerous than an NMT 450 phone operating at 450 MHz because the former has a higher radiation frequency. However, the NMT 450 uses high power, which plays a critical role in the interaction of EMR with the human body.

Compared to other consumer electronic devices (for example, televisions and computers), cellular devices generate EMI, the maximum power of which is several orders of magnitude higher. And if we classify the radiation intensity of a TV or computer as non-thermal, i.e. not causing heating of the internal tissues of the body, then the same cannot be said about the intensity of microwave radiation from a mobile phone...

Another difference between mobile phones is the fact that they deal a “triple blow” to our body. Here we mean three radiation sources of microwave fields located in one device and generating different EMFs in different modes of its operation.

The first of these is the mobile phone antenna, which emits EMF, the power of which is determined in units of watts. This radiation is carried out in transmission mode, and a significant part of the EMR, partially attenuated by the cranium, penetrates our brain. In standby mode, a mobile phone becomes like other electronic devices and emits weak fields of non-thermal intensity, which, when accumulated in the body, can lead to negative consequences. In reception mode, microwave radiation penetrates directly into the brain through the ear canal.

Australian scientists who have studied this problem believe that it is this radiation that penetrates the brain through the auditory canal that causes particular harm to our health. In their opinion, these radiations, influencing the biochemical processes occurring in the body, lead to the formation of the so-called. "stress" proteins that are usually released in the body during high temperature, during illness. Stress proteins increase the speed of brain reactions, which is a deviation from the norm.

About the real radiated power mobile phone There is very little information, but there is a standard according to which this power is limited to 2 watts (or 2,000,000 microwatts).

For a more convenient assessment of the impact of mobile phone EMR on human health, in the USA and Europe they use the SAR (Specific absorption rates) parameter, which is the specific energy power in watts per kilogram of brain (W/kg). According to The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, the maximum permissible SAR value is 1.6 W/kg. Mark Green, academician of the International Association of Bioinformation Technologies.

Children are especially sensitive to mobile phone radiation. Children's bones, including cranial bones, are thinner and reduce the harmful effects to a lesser extent. In addition, children are lighter than adults, so the parameter value SAR for them it turns out to be more than calculated.

In 1998, British scientists and researchers first started talking about the fact that electromagnetic fields affect our health. They were the first to study the possibilities of protection from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. Today, researchers believe that at the present time, at the biological level, the frequency of microwaves from air guns is at the same frequency as modern mobile phones. According to Phillips, the microwave pulse technology used in the development of non-firearms is very similar to the signal used by mobile phones. The signals themselves are different, but they are still very similar, especially in GSM phones and second-generation PDAs, which are still widely used today. Even if you have a third generation phone with a 3G modem, most of the time it reverts to the old signal as most base stations still use the old method of handling calls.

Two years ago, the World Health Organization labeled mobile phones as potentially carcinogenic and announced that their use could increase the risk of developing certain types of brain tumors. Recently, the connection between the use of phones and the occurrence of thyroid cancer was confirmed by scientists from Tel Aviv University and the Israeli Beilinson Hospital. They tested the effect of mobile phones on thyroid cells from healthy people. They did not use the phone itself, but a device that imitated it. During the first experiment, scientists used the Ki-67 antigen for cell proliferation (reproduction), one of the factors on which the risk of cancer recurrence depends. It turned out that the cells exposed to radiation began to divide faster than cells from the control group. The results of the first experiment were supported by the second, which was carried out using a different technology and using different materials.

The head of the Department of Laryngology at the Beilinson Hospital, Professor Rafael Feinmesser, noted that during the experiments, clear example how changes occur in the cells of the thyroid gland under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. However, it is too early to draw firm conclusions about the connection between the use of mobile phones and the development of thyroid cancer.

However, many scientists have conducted a number of studies that have not found evidence of direct effects of mobile phone radiation on human tissue, leading to the destruction of DNA molecules or ionization of tissue. Since the human body is 70% water, and water molecules are able to “absorb” radiation energy in the HF range and convert it into thermal energy, research attention has been focused on this fact.

It has been experimentally proven that during life, the temperature of brain tissue can change up to 1 degree Celsius, without any consequences. An increase by a large amount can affect health.

The SAR coefficient was calculated based on these indicators. In Europe, a level of 2 W/kg for the head and 4 W/kg for other parts of the body is considered safe. With this indicator, the temperature in the tissues increases by no more than 0.3 degrees Celsius, which does not harm the body. However, already at 0.3 degrees, destruction of protein chains was detected, but scientists do not connect this fact and the impact on health.
For the USA, the SAR is 1.6 W/kg.

For comparison, SAR values ​​that can cause negative consequences are given.

In Russia, safe radiation standards are regulated by decree SaNPiN . Permissible radiation is measured in W/cm2 and is 10 μW/cm2. The SAR value cannot be transformed into Russian standards; this is done in the laboratory.

Experts admit that the Russian Federation has even more stringent requirements for radiation standards than in Europe and the USA.

Let us remind you that not everyone in the international scientific community agrees that electromagnetic radiation can provoke cancer. Opponents of the theory point out that radiation from cell phones is not radioactive and cannot cause genetic damage, therefore, cannot trigger the division of cancer cells. However, many experts recommend using headphones and intercoms when talking on a cell phone to reduce your exposure to radiation.

Is Wi-Fi really harmful?

What are the fears of those who believe that wireless networks can cause harm to human health based on? Are there objective studies of the effect of 2.4 GHz radio waves on the body of mammals? Indeed, such studies have been and are being carried out, although, of course, much more attention is paid to possible negative factors associated with the use of cellular communications.

Back in early 2003, Swedish scientists published a report describing possible damage nerve cells in the mammalian brain under the influence of microwaves emitted by GSM mobile phones. The report states that among possible consequences exposure to radiation - a decrease in the ability to absorb calcium, headaches and even the threat of dementia. Prolonged exposure to high-frequency radio waves can cause DNA strand breaks, changes in chromosomes, and damage to the blood-brain barrier, which is responsible for preventing blood circulating in the body from mixing with the fluid tissues surrounding brain cells. As a result, toxic proteins can enter the brain, leading to severe illness. With the full text of this report (at English language) can be found.

Milt Bowling, who led the Canadian special commission on the study of electromagnetic radiation, claims that there are more than 20,000 scientific works on this issue, some of which describe the effects of radiation on the body, such as DNA strand breaks, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer and other serious or fatal diseases. Even regular electricity is unsafe: back in 2002, the California Department of Public Health invested seven million dollars in a study that showed that electromagnetic radiation from household electricity is directly linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, miscarriages, Alzheimer's disease, leukemia, sudden death from heart failure and bone cancer in children and adults. Studies have shown that even a two-minute conversation on a cell phone can cause damage to the blood-brain barrier, which does not recover even an hour after the end of the call.

A study conducted at a hospital in the British city of Bristol with the participation of scientists from the University of Oxford established a connection between the use of mobile phones and memory loss: there is an obvious negative impact of radio emissions from cellular devices on a person’s cognitive function, memory and attention.

Many scientists believe that because cell phone radiation is not strong enough to break atomic bonds, it cannot damage living cells. Damage is only possible if tissues are heated by radio waves. However, British scientist David de Pomeray from the University of Nottingham found in 2002 that radio waves can have biological effects that are not related to heating. Nematode roundworms exposed to radio waves began to multiply more intensively, and when heated, the opposite effect was observed (see New Scientist, issue dated February 9, 2002).

De Pomeray insists that non-ionizing radiation can indirectly damage DNA by affecting its repair system. If the repair mechanism does not work properly, mutations can accumulate in cells, which can lead to catastrophic consequences, for example, such cells can quickly degenerate into cancer cells.

Finally, the American patent number 6,506,148 states that as a result of stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields with a certain frequency of about 0.5 or 2.4 Hz, physiological processes associated with the excitation of nerve endings are observed in the human body. Many computer monitors and CRT televisions that display images flashing at these frequencies can emit electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitude to create a similar effect. Therefore, it seems possible to influence the viewer’s nervous system in this way by displaying flashing images on the screen.

So is radiation from wireless access points and other wireless equipment harmful? Apparently, we will be able to understand this only in several decades, when enough statistical information on morbidity has accumulated to trace any indisputable patterns. In any case, no one is going to stop research in this area, although some are trying to portray overly cautious people as eccentrics or even Luddites who do not recognize any new technologies.

Let's find out whether it is possible and whether it really will come soon The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -
  1. D. a change in the vital activity of the body accompanied by a disruption in communication with the external environment without loss of ability to work
  2. D. a change in the vital activity of the body, accompanied by a disruption of communication with the external environment and a decrease in working capacity
  3. D. decreased sensitivity of insulin-dependent cells to insulin under the influence of glucocorticoids
  4. E. Increase the body’s sensitivity to the action of haptens
  5. I. Drugs that reduce the stimulating effect of adrenergic innervation on the cardiovascular system (neurotropic drugs)
  6. Iersinia enterocolitica belongs to the motile microorganisms, being a peritrichous. At what temperature does this microorganism lose its motility?
  7. III. Classification of dosage forms depending on the method of administration into the body.
  8. IV. The role of the body's reactivity in the occurrence and development of the tumor process.
  9. N The body’s protective and adaptive reactions during blood loss are divided into

The human skin, more precisely, its outer layers, absorbs (absorbs) radio waves, as a result of which heat is released, which can be absolutely accurately measured experimentally. The maximum permissible temperature increase for the human body is 4 degrees. It follows that for serious consequences a person must be exposed to prolonged exposure to fairly powerful radio waves, which is unlikely in everyday living conditions.

However, certain parts of the body (for example, eyeballs), due to a smaller blood supply, are less adapted to heat removal.

All devices positioned by manufacturers as protecting against the harmful effects of radio waves are useless in practice. Only the right way is to be at the maximum possible distance from the transmitting antenna. It has been established that approaching the radiation source by close quarters increases the radiation dose almost exponentially.

Of course, we cannot consider absolutely all man-made objects that emitter radio waves.

But those that a person encounters in the course of his life are given below:

Cell phones;
radio transmitting antennas;
network wireless devices;
Bluetooth devices;
body scanners;
household electrical appliances;
high voltage power lines.

Cell phones

A person talking on a mobile phone probably notices that his ear is heating up. The heating intensity depends on the type of phone and its antenna, as well as the radiation power. The degree of such radiation is controlled by a special SAR indicator. According to it, the maximum permissible power value is 2 W per kilogram of live weight. The eyes are most susceptible to radiation from mobile phones.

  • 1. Thermal action can be explained using the example of the human body: encountering an obstacle on the way - the human body, the waves penetrate it. In humans they are absorbed top layer skin. In this case, thermal energy is generated, which is removed by the circulatory system.
  • 2. Non-thermal effect of radio waves. Typical example- waves emanating from the antenna of a mobile phone. Here you can pay attention to the experiments conducted by scientists with rodents. They were able to prove the impact of non-thermal radio waves on them. However, they were unable to prove their harm to the human body. What both supporters and opponents use successfully mobile communications by manipulating people's minds.
  • 3. Hostages of radio waves - the effect of radio waves on the human body

Many people know that you should not overuse sunbathing. But few people have thought about the fact that a switched-on TV, an electric razor, or even an ordinary lamp emit radiation that is no less harmful to us. Until recently, it was believed that electromagnetic waves emitted by household electrical appliances and the electrical network were practically harmless to human health. However, recent research by American experts confirms that this is not at all the case. Conducting experiments on animal cells, scientists found that the electromagnetic field, under certain conditions, affects the activity of hormones that ensure the passage of nerve impulses. Such an effect on the human body can lead to a number of disorders, including jet lag, insomnia and even chronic depression. It is reassuring that so far no one has received confirmation that human cells will react to radiation in a similar way. Interestingly, during the experiment it was proven that pulsating radiation, for example, from televisions or displays, is more harmful to living cells than stable radiation high voltage lines power transmission After chicken eggs were placed in a pulsating field, the number of embryos with deviations from normal development decreased. Washington Business Journal based on data State Institute occupational diseases, reported a 90% probability that video terminal operators are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages and give birth to 2.5 times more children with birth defects than other women. The results of other American scientists after examining women working on computer displays are of serious concern. Thus, pregnant women who work more than 20 hours a week in the first 3 months of pregnancy double the risk of miscarriage. In addition, operators complain of headaches and drowsiness. All this is called computer syndrome, which is believed to be caused by exposure to radiation from electromagnetic devices. In 1996 in Russia, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of the Russian Federation approved “ Hygienic requirements to video display terminals, personal computers and work organization" (SanPin, according to which pregnant women are prohibited from working on a PC. This legal document is intended to protect PC users who have the right to demand appropriate working conditions from enterprise management. The responsibility to comply with these requirements falls on the heads of the companies.

American scientist Peter Campbell has found, in his opinion, an effective way to counter computer syndrome. It is enough, he says, to place a pot of cactus next to the computer and this will lead to a drop in the level of radiation in the operator’s workplace. The greatest effect is achieved by cacti from Peru and Mexico. It must be said that there is no specific evidence that cacti absorb electromagnetic radiation. All this information is based on the succulent plant, a type of cactus that grows in high altitudes and has adapted to constant background conditions. It is not known whether the spectrum of radiation from the computer corresponds to the wave range that affects the cactus in reality. Experts partly attribute the fatigue of PC users to the influence of the monitor screen, near which an electrostatic field is created. Apparently, the presence of needles on the cactus helps to reduce this field. Reducing the electrostatic field can be achieved without a cactus by simply grounding the screen.

Note that measuring the electromagnetic field of a PC is quite difficult and expensive. Necessary equipment costs 15 times more than any PC. These measurements are the prerogative of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, but not all of them have such expensive equipment. Therefore, when buying a PC, it is useful to inquire about the presence in its instructions of the hygienic certificate CH., which the manufacturer usually receives from the main sanitary and epidemiological inspection body.

But the director of the Japanese Institute of Disease Prevention from Kyoto found that the negative ions emitted by charcoal have a calming effect on the body. Coal can reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from computers and televisions by up to 50%. In the majority Japanese houses charcoal turned into decorative element. Pieces of coal are placed on televisions, placed in vases and corners of rooms, in this case it is of maximum benefit. And yet, it’s still too early to worry and give up electronics.

Scientists formulate their conclusions very carefully, although most experiments require careful double-checking, although they categorically deny harmful effects household appliances it is forbidden. Now no one will undertake to speak prematurely about the existence of a great risk. In each case, scientists emphasize, the negative impact of electricity magnetic field on human health cannot be compared with the harm from smoking and alcohol. Recently, the English newspaper Electromagnetics News reported that Chinese researchers from Hangzhou Medical University have found that prolonged exposure to microwave radiation and low-frequency radio frequencies affects immune system those to whom it is directed. Chinese scientists came to these conclusions after observing a group of 1,170 soldiers and students who lived near radio antennas or radar installations for 1 year. Representatives of this group had impaired phagocytosis, disorientation, slow visual response and impaired memory. At the same time, the control group of 689 people had no such symptoms.

American researchers examined people who work near various generators of electromagnetic waves and also found that many of them had a weakening of memory, in addition, they quickly get tired and suffer from loss of appetite. It was found that workers with false teeth complained of a metallic taste in their mouths during work.

Foreign research on the effect of electromagnetic waves on human health is ambiguous. In this regard, domestic scientists from the NPO Radon began research on the relationship between the place of residence of Muscovites and the incidence of illness from possible radioactive or electromagnetic radiation. As you know, there are plenty of places in Moscow with such sources of radiation. Particular emphasis is placed on susceptibility to disease and tumors. The results of the work will allow us to take a broader look at the problem, which will make it possible to predict undesirable consequences from the effects of electromagnetic waves on human genes.

Regarding the impact of electromagnetic fields from household appliances (microwave ovens, etc.), there is no reliable and consistent data that they do not pose a threat to human health. The danger comes from high-power electromagnetic radiation if the design of the device is imperfect. The test is usually carried out using the maximum value of energy flux density (EFD) at a distance of 0.5 m from the device body.

Research into the effects of radio waves on humans, along with negative sides This problem also helped to identify positive ones, which made it possible to create hospitals for treatment using high-frequency heating units. It is based on a phenomenon that causes heating of living tissues when the intensity of exposure to radio waves increases.

Radio waves of a certain frequency can have a negative effect not only on humans, but also on mosquitoes and cockroaches. This is especially true when relaxing outdoors in the summer, when mosquitoes haunt you. Some Western radio stations help tourists in this case in a very original way. The first in this business was a Parisian radio station that broadcast news and pop music around the clock. One fine day, its announcers began to read the following announcement: “By tuning the receiver to the wavelength of our radio station, you can do without mosquito repellents. Not a single mosquito will appear near you.” And this was not a publicity stunt. Along with regular broadcasts, the radio station began broadcasting signals inaudible to the human ear that repel female mosquitoes, which are the ones that annoy humans. As for cockroaches, one Japanese company has created an electronic device to combat them. We are talking about a generator the size of matchbox. It connects to the electrical network and emits pulses very close to those of female cockroaches. The device is mounted in a small cage, the grid of which is connected to high voltage. The males crawl to the cries of the “electronic female”, touch the mesh and instantly die. The invention is absolutely harmless and can be used in warehouses, restaurants, kitchens, etc.

The increasingly widespread use of radio electronics in all spheres of modern life has forced Japanese scientists to turn to the search effective methods protection of specialists who work with devices emitting electromagnetic waves. According to a representative of the Japanese company Nisshinbo, they have developed special clothing that protects against electromagnetic vibrations. The vests and skirts of these clothes are made of polyester with multi-layer lining. The lining is made of copper and nickel threads, which reflect 99.9% of electromagnetic waves coming from electronic equipment.

Sources of electromagnetic waves that negatively affect humans are fought not only with the help of technical methods, and also legal. Several years ago, a court in the American city of Houston ordered the electric company to pay $25 million for damage caused to a private school. The judges concluded that the power line running through the school grounds endangered the health of 3,000 schoolchildren and ordered it to be moved to another location.

With the constant development of high technology, an increasing number of sources of harmful rays appear, surrounding humans and nature from all sides. Issues of electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the human body are today being discussed by world-class scientists.

It is not possible to completely limit yourself from exposure to harmful radiation, but it is possible and necessary to prevent their excess, just understand what it is.

One of the proven facts of the impact of the electromagnetic field is its negative impact not only on human health, but also on his thoughts, behavior and even the psychological component. Scientists came to this conclusion after studying the long-term interaction of waves with the human body. The sources of these waves are all kinds of electronic devices, computers, WI-FI, power lines and much more.

Thus, based on research, experts have identified the theory that developing diseases and pathologies in the human body occur due to exposure to rays from the outside. Moreover, decay products can even cause poisoning of body cells. Fortunately, a person can protect himself and his loved ones from harmful waves by knowing basic ways to protect against electromagnetic radiation.

Types of electromagnetic radiation are divided into radio waves, infrared (thermal) radiation, visible (optical) radiation, ultraviolet and hard radiation. IMPORTANT: in in this case The answer to the question “does visible light belong to electromagnetic radiation” is positive.

Radio wave disease

By the beginning of the 60s, specialists managed to discover a new trend in medicine - radio wave disease. The spread of this disease is very wide - 1/3 of the population. It must be said that in most cases a person is exposed to waves against his own will. However, radio wave disease is already indicated by a number of symptoms, including:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • depression;
  • absent-mindedness.

Since such symptoms relate to many types of diseases, diagnosing the above becomes extremely problematic. But, like any disease, radio wave disease is capable of developing and progressing.

As a result of its spread throughout the body, a person risks developing cardiac arrhythmia, chronic respiratory diseases, and even fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This happens through the destruction of a person’s electromagnetic field, affecting even the cells of his body.

This disease manifests itself differently depending on the organ or system it affects:

  1. Nervous system - we're talking about about the deterioration of the conductivity of neurons - nerve cells of the brain that are susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic radiation that affects humans. Thus, deformation occurs in their work, which leads to disruption of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, deterioration in the functioning of the limbs, the appearance of hallucinations, and irritability. There are known cases of suicide attempts against the background of a developing disease.
  2. Immune system – in this case, the immune system is suppressed. And the cells responsible for its protection are themselves influenced by electromagnetic waves, thus creating additional negative influence from all sides.
  3. Blood – electric frequencies provoke adhesion of blood cells to each other, contributing to the deterioration of blood outflow and the formation of blood clots. This can result in an excess release of adrenaline into the body, which in itself is detrimental to health. There is no need to talk about disruption of the cardiovascular system - obvious arrhythmia, the development of plaques in the heart muscle and other types of heart failure, as a negative effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body.
  4. Endocrine system – Since this system is responsible for controlling the functioning of hormones in the body, the influence of electromagnetic fields speaks for itself. The result of this effect is liver destruction.
  5. Reproductive system - women are often more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation than men. Having increased sensitivity to external influences, the female body is able to literally “suck in” harmful radiation. This effect is especially dangerous during pregnancy. In the first weeks, the fetus is not firmly attached to the placenta, so there is a high probability of losing contact with the mother during a sudden release of radiation. Regarding more late dates- statistics are such that electromagnetic radiation affects changes in the child’s genetic code, DNA deformation.

Consequences of EMR

Radio wave disease takes on new forms every year, expanding and progressing, depending on the number and level of radiation sources. Experts have identified a number of consequences not only individually, but also in a large-scale sense:

  • Cancer - it is no secret that oncological diseases manifest themselves under completely different conditions. However, scientists have proven the increased negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on cancer cells. Thus, studies in Japan have confirmed the presence higher level the risk of childhood leukemia in people whose bedrooms literally “glow” from the presence of electrical appliances and their components.
  • Mental disorders - in recent years, cases of deterioration in the perception of the surrounding world in those exposed to excessive levels of electromagnetic radiation have become more frequent. We are talking not only about the so-called classic symptoms, but also about the developing fear of EMR. Such fear often develops into a phobia; a person begins to panic at the thought that any emission of radiation can provoke painful sensations in one or another organ or part of the body.
  • Stillbirth - according to official data, today the risk of fetal death increases by 15%, provided that the mother is in constant contact with sources of electromagnetic radiation. In addition to stillbirth, the likelihood of developing pathologies in the unborn child, slowdown in development, premature birth, and miscarriage increases. This is the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health and the health of future generations.

In addition to the enormous negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, these waves can poison environment. The most susceptible areas include areas with a large concentration of high-frequency power lines. They are often located away from residential buildings, however, in individual cases there is the presence of such power transmissions near populated areas.

The flora and fauna are also exposed to the negative effects of harmful rays. In turn, a person eats irradiated animals and food products and, as a result, receives an additional dose of radiation-contaminated particles into his body. Such a process is extremely difficult to control due to factors beyond human control, but it is still possible to influence it.

Video: the invisible enemy is electromagnetic radiation.


To understand what the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body is, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the following facts:

  1. Changes in the blood and urine of a 9-year-old child 15 minutes after sitting at the computer coincide with changes in the tests of a cancer patient. Teenagers are susceptible to a similar influence after half an hour of being near the computer. And an adult undergoes changes in tests after 2 hours.
  2. The signal coming from a portable radiotelephone can penetrate the brain at a distance of up to 37.5 mm.
  3. Electricians are 13 times more likely to develop brain cancer compared to other professions. The level of the magnetic field in such workers is practically destroyed.
  4. A 13-year-old child who talks on the phone for about 2 minutes undergoes a bioelectrical change in the brain, which takes place several hours after the conversation.
  5. Animals, even slightly irradiated with a dose of electromagnetic radiation, began to lag behind in development and acquired pathologies in the body, as with radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation limits have the following meanings:

  • Radio waves - ultrashort (0.1mm-1m/30MHz-300GHz), short (10-100m/3MHz-30MHz), medium (100m-1km/300kHz-3MHz), long (1km-10km/30kHz-300kHz), ultra-long (more than 10 km/less than 30 kHz).
  • Optical radiation - ultraviolet (380-10nm/7.5*10 at 14st Hz-3*10 at 16st Hz), visible radiation (780-380nm/429THz-750THz), infrared radiation (1mm-780nm/300GHz-429THz) .
  • Ionizing electromagnetic radiation - x-rays, gamma. A more detailed table for calculating EMR standards includes additional sources of propagation of harmful waves.

It is not possible to completely protect yourself from the effects of harmful waves. However, today there are a number of factors that can prevent the excessive influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body:

  1. Purchasing a special dosimeter. Such a detector will help to identify the most dangerous sources of radiation by calculating the frequency of their waves and, as a result, reduce the time spent near such sources or eliminate them completely. Instruments for measuring electromagnetic fields are available at any hardware store.
  2. Separation of radiation sources by area. It is not recommended to operate electromagnetic devices within a close radius of each other, otherwise their negative impact on the environment and the human body increases, causing maximum harm.
  3. Isolation of radiation sources. We are talking, for example, about a refrigerator. It is advisable to use it at a distance from the dining table. The situation is similar with a computer or laptop: the distance to the location (sofa, bed) should be at least one and a half meters.
  4. Exclusion of toys with EMP. The electromagnetic effects of radio-controlled and electrical accessories for a children's room pose a serious threat to the health of an adult, and are extremely destructive for children. It is recommended to rid the room of toys emitted by EMR.
  5. Radiotelephone isolation. This technique is capable of emitting harmful waves over a radius of up to 10 meters. It is extremely important to remove such electronics as far as possible. This method of protection will protect you from the main source of harmful radiation, since the radiotelephone operates 24 hours a day.
  6. Eliminate the purchase of counterfeit phones. Low price for such products is determined primarily by the harmful radiation of electromagnetic waves on humans.
  7. Careful selection of household appliances. In this case we are talking directly about devices with a steel body.

In addition to the above factors, there are well-known simple ways to protect against electromagnetic radiation, the observance of which will also allow you to protect yourself from EMR, reducing the risk of exposure to the lowest level:

  • It is not recommended to be near a working microwave oven, since its waves have an extremely negative impact on the environment, if we compare Appliances.
  • It is undesirable to be too close to the monitor.
  • Avoid being near high-frequency power lines.
  • Recommended to avoid increased amount jewelry on the body, which it is advisable to remove before going to bed.
  • The presence of electrical appliances, analogue household appliances, equipment and wiring at a distance of 2 meters from the bed is approved.
  • A minimum amount of time near operating electrical appliances and similar equipment is recommended.
  • It is undesirable for non-working devices to be switched on.

Often people do not pay much attention to the harm that electromagnetic radiation can cause from the most common household appliances and other factors surrounding them, since they are not able to see their waves. This feature makes EMR extremely dangerous for the life of all living things.

Having the ability to accumulate in the body, harmful rays affect vital systems, manifesting themselves in a variety of diseases and ailments. Humanity will be able to see the full scale of this problem a generation later - only then will the specific impact on the health of those who happen to live their lives surrounded by EMR sources be identified.