Is it possible to kill a bedbug? Bedbugs in an apartment: how to get rid of them forever

Therefore, it will be useful for everyone to know how you can kill bed bugs at home and what drugs will give you the best results.

Why do they come back

How can you solve this problem at home and completely kill the entire population of bed bugs living in the apartment in one treatment? To do this, you need to choose the right composition of the drug that will be used for pest control at home.

What insecticides should I use?

The composition of preparations created for the extermination of bed bugs at home may include the following types of insecticides:

  • preparations of the pyrethroid group (permethrin, cypermethrin, etc.) are agents that most effectively destroy larvae and adults of the bug;
  • preparations based on phosphorus organic compounds- substances that can kill bedbug egg laying; however, these agents are not as effective against adult bed bugs as pyrethroids, and are less safe for humans.

To destroy bedbugs in an apartment in one treatment, you should use a combination of the two insecticides mentioned.

Means for killing adult insects and larvae

It is impossible to list all the means that can be used to exterminate bed bugs at home, especially since manufacturers are constantly introducing new, increasingly effective drugs. Therefore, below we will give a description of means that are already quite well known and have proven themselves well.


The German drug with the self-explanatory name “Executioner” enjoys well-deserved respect among consumers. The product is insectoacaricidal, that is, it is effective against insects, including bed bugs, and against ticks.

The active substance is cypermethrin in a fairly high (25%) concentration. This is an insecticide of the pyrethroid group, which is the strongest nerve poison for insects, but is practically safe for people, so it can be used at home without fear.

Advice! Cypermethrin has a very bad smell, but it dissipates quite quickly when aired.

“Executioner” is sold in the form of a liquid, packaged in 100 ml bottles. One bottle should be diluted in 500 ml of water, that is, for complete treatment two-room apartment You will need 20-25 bottles of Executioner.


Clopoveron is sold in powder form. It can be used in the form of a dust, scattered over contaminated surfaces in the apartment, but at home it is better to use the solution, as it is more convenient, but no less effective.


The composition of this liquid, intended for the destruction of bed bugs, in addition to insecticides of the pyrethroid group, includes piperonyl butoxide. This substance by itself is ineffective against bed bugs, but it does significantly increase the activity of pyrethroids. Insecticide is sold in plastic bottles equipped with a spray device. The volume of the bottle is 300 ml, so several bottles will be required for complete treatment at home.

Means for destroying insect eggs

Bedbug eggs are protected by a special shell that is resistant to pyrethroids. In addition, female bedbugs lay eggs in the most secluded places of the house, which are difficult to get to when carrying out pest control in the apartment.

However, there are insecticides that can successfully destroy both bedbug egg laying and adult bedbugs. The active substance in them are organic phosphorus compounds; these compounds are more toxic to humans than pyrethroids. Let's consider which organophosphorus insecticides can be used at home.


Karbofos is a well-known and effective insecticide, the active substance of which is malathion. Can be used to destroy domestic bedbugs at all stages of insect development (eggs, larvae, imago - adults).

Karbofos can be used in a residential apartment, however, this drug has a very pungent odor, which persists for quite a long time in the treated premises, making the life of the inhabitants of the house uncomfortable.


This is a powdered preparation based on dimethyl phosphate. The insecticide is capable of destroying bedbug eggs, larvae at all stages of development and mature individuals. The insecticide can be used in a residential apartment in the form of a solution or dust; however, care should be taken when working with it.

Advice! Chlorophos is especially dangerous when inhaling the powder, so using a respirator when working with it is mandatory.


This effective insecticide is widely used by pest control services, but it can also be used independently at home. It is a concentrated solution of organic phosphorus compounds and is a product that effectively destroys bed bugs at any stage of development.

The drug is intended for professional use, so it is not sold in hardware stores. Diazinon can be purchased online or purchased from city sanitation departments. It is very important to follow the rules for working with the drug, since if the rules are not followed, the product can be dangerous for people and animals.

How to process

To clean your home from bedbugs in one treatment, you need not only to select effective drug, but also to carry out the processing correctly.

Security measures

When planning to destroy the bedbug population in the house, we must not forget about safety measures:

  • The treatment should be carried out when there are no people or animals in the apartment; it is necessary to send all household members and pets for a long walk or to visit for several hours;
  • if there is an aquarium in the apartment, then you don’t have to clean it, just cover the container with glass on top and turn off the compressor for the duration of treatment;
  • a person working with an insecticide must be provided with protective equipment: overalls (you can use any suit that covers the body as completely as possible), rubber gloves, a respirator (you can buy a disposable medical mask at a pharmacy);
  • before carrying out treatment, the apartment must be cleaned open places all products, dishes, personal hygiene products. If some things cannot be removed, you can simply pack them hermetically.

Carrying out processing

  • bedroom furniture and things located nearby;
  • baseboards, cracks on the floor and walls, under window sills, gaps around the perimeter of the door frame;
  • the back surfaces of furniture, carpets, paintings adjacent to the walls.

Anyone will agree that the appearance of bedbugs in the house is an unpleasant event that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. However, it can happen to anyone. But, as you know, it is not so easy to reliably and quickly remove bedbugs from an apartment.

The most likely routes for bedbugs to enter a person’s home:

  • with old furniture, things, bed linen, books;
  • with guests, strangers;
  • with pets;
  • from a neighboring apartment, basement, through windows, balcony, ventilation grilles.

There is an opinion that most often bedbugs appear in places where hygiene rules are not followed. You can also purchase an apartment on the secondary housing market with bedbugs. Moreover, at first it will seem clean, because in the absence of food, bloodsuckers hibernate for up to a year. When a new victim appears, they are activated.

Is it possible to remove bedbugs forever?

Bedbugs can and should be eliminated forever. These insects, with their bites, deprive a person of peace and normal rest. Their bite can cause not only severe itching and allergies. If you scratch too hard, the wound can become infected.

To combat bedbugs use:

  • insecticides;
  • folk remedies;
  • thermal impact.

What smells do bedbugs dislike?

Bedbugs have a highly developed sense of smell. This helps them quickly find a source of nutrition - human blood. Therefore, insects always react to odors and do not like highly concentrated aromas. This was discovered a long time ago and was used to scare blood-sucking insects. To the smells that are afraid bed bugs, include herbal aromas:

  • wormwood;
  • tansy;
  • calamus;
  • chamomile;
  • wild rosemary

The perfume aroma of perfume and cologne can also drive away uninvited guest. But only if the smell is very persistent. Among the chemical agents to repel bedbugs, you can use ammonia, vinegar, turpentine, wiping the legs of the bed and the floor around it with their solutions.

Comment! Repelling bedbugs with an unpleasant odor is only a temporary measure. A very hungry insect will still attack a person to satisfy its hunger.

How to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies

Traditional recipes are recommended to be used if bedbugs were recently discovered in the apartment and their number is relatively small. In this case, there is a chance to remove bedbugs forever, without using toxic chemicals and without resorting to the services of special services.

You need to treat furniture, carpets, and curtains by spraying them with a spray bottle. Floor, corners, door jambs, bed legs should be moistened generously. The cracks, the space behind the baseboards, and peeling wallpaper must be spilled with the treated liquid.

After treatment, the room should be tightly closed and not entered for at least a day.

How to remove bedbugs from your apartment with vinegar yourself

One of the most famous folk remedies To remove bedbugs, use vinegar at a concentration of 9%. Stronger vinegar is not used - it is dangerous for humans and animals. It is used both in a single state and in the following mixtures:

  • solution of 9% vinegar, alcohol, naphthalene;
  • vinegar, naphthalene tincture;
  • a solution of vinegar and turpentine in equal proportions.

How to permanently remove bedbugs from an apartment with turpentine

Turpentine is a product of the distillation of resins coniferous trees. It is toxic and must be handled carefully, protecting the skin of your hands. The pungent smell of turpentine causes bedbugs to avoid places where there is vapor from this product. To combat insects, mixtures with other substances that have a strong odor are used:

  • 10 ml of turpentine, 15 ml of kerosene, 40 g of green soap, 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 100 ml of turpentine, the same amount of kerosene, 25 g of ammonia;
  • 50 g ammonia, 50 g laundry soap, 150 g turpentine.

The components are mixed. This product is used to fill the habitats of bedbugs, treat the legs of the bed and the floor around it. After this, the room is tightly closed and no one enters it for 24 hours. Treatment with turpentine is carried out again after 5 days. This method is unlikely to remove bedbugs forever. But you can temporarily stop their bites.

How to remove bedbugs from an apartment with kerosene

Kerosene has an odor that bedbugs cannot tolerate, so it is widely used as a means to remove insects. Someone advises using kerosene in pure form, others recommend making a mixture of kerosene, naphthalene and ethyl alcohol.

Use this product to treat places where insects accumulate behind the baseboard, in crevices. doorways. Under no circumstances should you spray it on furniture, including the bed, sofa, and nightstands. This is a flammable substance. Its main advantage can be considered accessibility; it can be easily and cheaply purchased.

How to remove bedbugs from your home using wormwood yourself

If it is noticed that bedbugs have appeared in some specific furniture: a bed or sofa, as well as in carpets, and it is a frosty winter outside, then you can take this furniture and things out into the cold for a couple of days. Contaminated clothing should be placed in freezer also for a few hours.

How to remove bedbugs from an apartment using steam treatment

Removing bedbugs using high temperature treatment is the most safe way. They die within 5 minutes at a temperature of +500C. Exposure to boiling water leads to the death of insects, their larvae and eggs. Boiling water is poured into corners and crevices. Sofas, armchairs, mattresses, and carpets are treated with a steam generator. After this, conditions should be created for complete drying of the treated items.

Attention! It should be remembered that high temperature treatment can damage some types of furniture. Therefore, not everything can be poured with boiling water and treated with a steam generator.

How to effectively remove bedbugs from an apartment with hydrogen peroxide

To remove bedbugs, you can use hydrogen peroxide by treating the legs of a bed or sofa. Or you can water the places where insects accumulate using a mixture: combine hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol and salted water in equal proportions.

How to remove bedbugs from a room using special means

Attention! When using aerosol products, remember that they are under pressure and should not be sprayed near an open fire or a running electrical appliance.

Features of removing bedbugs from various places

You can remove bedbugs different methods. They should not all be used always and not everywhere. You need to understand when it is better to do heat treatment and when to use chemical insecticides. There are cases in which the problem can only be solved with the help of special services. In another situation, a person can cope with such a misfortune on his own. It depends on the degree of infestation, sources and the desire of the person to try to remove bedbugs for a long time and painfully or leave it to specialists.

How to get bedbugs out of a sofa

To remove sofa bugs, you can take the furniture out into the cold or treat it with a steam generator or chemical insecticide. This will require patience and hard work. It will be as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to disassemble the sofa as soon as possible.
  2. Remove the pillows, unzip and uncover them, wash the covers at the highest possible temperature.
  3. Vacuum all parts of the sofa, corners and folds.
  4. Treat with a steam generator or chemical agent All possible places sofa: ends, back, seams, corners, bottom, tray.

After using chemicals, the sofa should be ventilated and not used for several days until the smell completely disappears.

How to get bedbugs out of clothes

To remove bedbugs from clothes, you can use one of the listed methods, taking into account the type of clothing, so as not to spoil it. Outerwear should be taken out into the cold for 2 days or treated with a steam generator. This method will preserve the appearance and quality of the clothes. For other types of clothing, cold heat treatment outdoors or in the refrigerator, as well as high temperature washing in hot water, are also recommended.

Bed bugs can live in bedding, as well as in the mattress and its seams. To remove bed bugs yourself, just wash your laundry in water at a temperature of about +600C. You can also keep it in the cold for a couple of days for greater reliability. First vacuum the mattress well, especially the seams and folds, and then treat it with a steam generator or keep it in the cold for at least 48 hours.

How to get rid of the smell of bedbugs

You can tell that a room is heavily infested with bedbugs by the smell. Behind the insect's front legs, on its abdomen, there are odorous glands that produce a substance that easily evaporates in the air. The concentration of the released substance depends on the situation in which the bloodsucker is located. When in danger, or when a crushed bedbug is crushed, it releases the most smelly substance.

  • choose chemicals without smell;
  • after killing bedbugs, carry out a good general cleaning using scented cleaning products;
  • do redecorating those places where it was largest cluster insects;
  • ventilate the room well;
  • remove furniture and other items to fresh air for ventilation.

Attention! There are methods for eliminating persistent odors in an apartment by neutralizing the sources of such odors. One of the methods is dry fog treatment using a special generator. This operation is carried out by specialists whose services you should contact.

Preventive actions

Measures to prevent the appearance of bloodsuckers in the house will help avoid this scourge and all the troubles associated with it. To do this you need:


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It should be understood that in order to effectively poison bedbugs, you need to know the place where the bloodsuckers are hiding. It will be necessary to treat the following areas:

  • cushioned furniture;
  • bed;
  • back of the wall;
  • skirting boards;
  • window frames;
  • doorways;
  • cabinets;
  • pillows;
  • peeling wallpaper;
  • a gap in the floor, wall, ceiling.

Even with the correct method, treatment must be carried out repeatedly in order to exterminate individuals at all stages of the life cycle.


The use of herbs against bedbugs is a good additional method after treatment with special-action drugs. You can also use natural remedy, if no other option can be used.

To kill bedbugs use:

  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile;
  • elecampane;
  • wild rosemary

They need to be spread around the perimeter of the room or a concentrated decoction should be prepared and the surfaces treated.

Folk remedies

If the treatment cannot wait, improvised means that are available in every home will do:

  • – dilute the table solution halfway with water and thoroughly wipe all surfaces;
  • ammonia - add 20 ml of the product to 1 liter of water and wash the floors, wipe the furniture, baseboards;
  • Kerosene can kill bedbugs through contact; treat the room without dilution; do not use near open fire;
  • apply turpentine to soft cloth and process furniture, baseboards, window frames.

After using such products, be sure to ventilate the room. It should be borne in mind that these drugs are not capable of killing the bug, but only repel them.

How to destroy a bedbug egg

Destroying bedbug oviposition is much more difficult, but it is extremely necessary. The female bug is a fertile individual and can lay an average of 5 eggs per day, which, based on its short life, is at least 500 copies.

Destruction of bedbugs in this way has low efficiency, since one cannot be sure of detecting all existing nests.

The use of special insecticides has received multiple positive reviews. You can buy the drug in industrial or agricultural stores. When choosing a product, preference should be given to something that has a prolonged effect. This means that even if it does not affect the embryo, it will still destroy the insect after hatching.

The thermal method in the fight against bloodsuckers is safe, easy to use and therefore is especially popular. Optimal temperature for egg ripening is 20-27°C. When it rises above 30 degrees, the embryo matures faster, and when it drops below 10 degrees it goes into suspended animation. You can use the temperature both in the house and in the apartment. To achieve the destruction of eggs, it is necessary to warm the air to 50 degrees. This can be achieved using a steam generator or a heat gun.

Killing a bedbug by freezing is more problematic. To create the required temperature in the room, you can turn off the heating in winter and open all the windows wide. Leave the house in this condition for at least 3 days. The effectiveness of this method is quite low, since frost may not reach those hard-to-reach places where females usually lay eggs.

Safety precautions during operation

When killing bedbugs in your home, you should be very careful and strictly follow all precautions. This rule is the same for everyone existing method struggle. Particular attention should be paid if there are children and pets in the house.

Rules for safe fighting:

  1. Before starting treatment, be sure to remove children and pets. If possible, leave the house unoccupied for 2 days to allow the drug to take full effect. The animal is more sensitive to the poison and may die.
  2. Safety of aquarium inhabitants. If there is one in the house, it is not necessary to remove it. It is enough to cover the container with thick glass and turn off the compressor. This does not apply to the case of freezing.
  3. Work only in protective clothing. An old robe made from natural materials, as well as a protective mask or cotton-gauze bandage, head scarf. Hair should be collected and hidden under a headdress.
  4. Put away food, dishes, and personal hygiene products.

For maximum productivity, the neighbor behind the wall should also carry out the treatment, so that there is no opportunity to temporarily migrate to a safe territory. If this is not possible, then the adjacent wall between the apartments should be exposed to maximum impact.

Thus, there are many options for how to kill bedbugs in an apartment. But to achieve success in this matter, it is better to combine several methods at once. If the struggle is unsuccessful after 3-4 attempts, the sanitary service will always come to the rescue and deal with it.

Therefore, most the best option To quickly destroy the entire population of bedbugs, there will be a combination of funds from these two groups.

Killing adult bedbugs: a list of effective means

The list of the most effective remedies against bedbugs is constantly updated. However, the first places are invariably held by fairly old and well-proven drugs.


Insecticide is applied to the places where bedbugs are expected to live, along the path of their possible movement, as well as on back walls furniture, upholstery and frame.

All of the above drugs of the pyrethroid group effectively kill adult individuals and, however, are ineffective against their eggs. The insect egg is protected by a special shell that is resistant to most poisons. Therefore, when using such products, you will have to re-treat after 10-14 days. During this time, new larvae will have time to hatch and become sensitive to the poison. It will be possible to completely get rid of bedbugs in an apartment only in 2 stages.

Destruction of bed bug eggs

The question arises: how to kill bedbug eggs if they have such good natural protection and are immune to poisons? In fact, there is a whole group of organophosphate insecticides that affect both adult bedbugs and their eggs. Let's talk about some drugs in this group.


It is a universal insecticide widely used by professional pest control services. Is a concentrate organophosphorus compounds, which should be sprayed in places where insects accumulate.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the drug was prohibited for household use due to its danger to humans and animals and its ability to accumulate in the body.


Combining bedbug remedies

It turns out that after using pyrethroids, re-treatment is often required, and preparations based on organophosphates are often harmful and inconvenient to use. What to choose and how to kill bed bugs in one go? The solution is simple: combine drugs from both groups.

Folk remedies can also help kill bedbugs. Effective method, which will cope with adult insects, their larvae and eggs - this is temperature treatment. Moreover, both freezing out bedbugs and destroying them with steam or boiling water is practiced.

Bedbugs are fairly unpretentious creatures and can live in a wide range of temperature range. But when it’s a harsh winter outside (below 30 degrees), you can take pieces of furniture outside and leave them there for several hours. If you have the opportunity to leave for a few days, freezing the entire apartment with the windows wide open will help.

The bedbugs will most likely die after this treatment, but the operation of the plumbing systems may be disrupted. In addition, not every region can boast of such temperatures in winter.

People often try to kill bedbugs with steam as well. . Of course, when high temperatures bedbugs and their eggs die immediately. But there is also a significant disadvantage of this method - it is inconvenient to use. The steam usually does not have time to reach the crack with the bugs and condenses, and boiling water cannot be poured into all places in the apartment. Disinsection service specialists also use this method, but they have special steam generators and heat emitters.

As you can see, when choosing a product to combat bedbugs, you need to take into account many nuances, and you certainly shouldn’t buy the first product that catches your eye. This may not only be ineffective, but also simply dangerous to health.

What is important to know about exterminating bedbugs in an apartment?

By biting ordinary people, bedbugs not only disturb their owners, but also with their presence. It is unlikely that anyone will like to find traces of their presence in their bed: excrement, larval shells left after molting, or even blood stains that appear after a sleepless night. Moreover, if the bedbugs are not destroyed immediately, then soon only specialists will be able to remove them.

So, how to kill bedbugs without buying any chemicals? There are even several ways:

  1. Table vinegar. You don't even need to breed it. Use vinegar to wipe all surfaces and bedbug nesting sites. It is impossible to kill bedbugs with this product in one go. Vinegar must be used for quite a long time. But, just like bedbugs, it also causes concern to people. It's unlikely that anyone will like the characteristic acidic smell.
  2. Turpentine, kerosene, naphthalene, gas and other substances. Medicines for bedbugs , independently prepared on the basis of these substances, are quite effective. These substances are mixed in different proportions (you can find such a recipe on the Internet).

To destroy bedbugs Such solutions need to be used only once or twice a week.

  1. Plants. I can’t believe that killing bedbugs in an apartment with ordinary herbs is a reality. But this is true, although only partial. Scientists have long proven that bed bugs cannot tolerate strong odors, including the aromas of some plants.

Insecticide preparations

If this is not possible, then you can exterminate bedbugs in the apartment yourself. After all, anti-bedbug medications today are no longer a novelty or in short supply. You can even read on the packaging of the product how to kill bedbugs with their help.

Insecticidal preparations Most often they are sold in concentrated form, so they are diluted before use. And to make it more convenient, you can purchase sprayers or atomizers, with the help of which it will become much easier to treat the apartment.

It is also necessary to remember that most of these drugs are toxic, so you should not ignore basic means of protection. Make sure that bottles and packaging with medications are kept away from animals and children, and do not place them close to electrical appliances. If you cannot leave your home for a long time (2-3 days), then it is better to choose odorless insecticides or those that quickly disappear.

Chemicaldrugs anti-bed bugs are available in the form of powders, aerosols and concentrated liquids.

As an example of a modern domestic microencapsulated drug, one can name the anti-bedbug drug “GET”. Its main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos with a concentration in the liquid of 5%. Its advantages: a slight odor, which quickly disappears after airing and it does not leave a trace on any surface. The effectiveness of the drug is up to 6 months.

Killing bedbugs yourself can be carried out by other similar means: “Delta Zone”, “Xulat”, “Lambda Zone”, etc.

using powder preparations, everyone knows. But when choosing such a powder product, most rely on sellers. Remember that bedbugs will not consume the powder. Their only food is blood. That is why preparations for bedbugs in powder form must contain poison with a contact-intestinal effect. The effectiveness of powder preparations has already been proven, especially since their duration of action reaches up to six months.

The best means from bedbugs in powder form - these are “Chlorophos”, chalk “Mashenka”, “Neopin”, “Riapan” and others.

Features of choosing a drug for bedbugs.

Without knowing how to kill bedbugs, you shouldn’t run straight to the store with this question and ask the seller for advice. It’s better to find all the available information about all kinds of products yourself: read their descriptions, instructions for use, and even what effect each of them has on humans or pets.

How best to carry out the extermination of bedbugs yourself, reviews of drugs for this work, instructions for their use can be obtained at the nearest SES, if you seek advice. They probably know and will be able to tell you what anti-bedbug medications you need to purchase and how not to buy a real fake instead of a quality product. It is better to purchase insecticides from the manufacturer or from trusted suppliers.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment , you can even find out on the Internet. There you can also read all the reviews about the drug you have chosen, which is sometimes very useful. It wouldn’t hurt to leave your feedback on the work done and the effectiveness of the product you used. For many, such information will be useful.