Can pregnant women drink omega 3? What are the benefits of fish oil for pregnant women?

Currently, on the shelves of pharmacies and stores for expectant mothers there is a real “sea” of all kinds of dietary supplements, vitamin complexes And herbal infusions. Each pharmaceutical company claims that its product is the most important and irreplaceable, that without its pills or drops it is impossible to endure a full-fledged healthy child. This is not entirely true: most of the bright packaging is banal way luring out money, but among them there are also truly necessary drugs, tested by time and millions of users. Omega-3 is one of these.

Omega-3: composition and release form

Omega-3 is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid.

REFERENCE! Polyunsaturated fatty acids belong to the group of dietary fats necessary for the human body, which it cannot produce itself. They lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels; protect lipids cell membranes from oxidation; prevent the development of diabetes; have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails; prevent the penetration of aggressive foreign cells into the body. Necessary daily norm is 10-15 grams.

The most popular and optimal source of Omega-3 is fish oil. It should be stored in the refrigerator or a dark, cool place (it oxidizes in the sun and heat).

  • Prenatal + Omega-3 (this is a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids developed for pregnant and lactating women);
  • Vitrum Cardio Omega-3 (a source of not only the necessary acids, but also vitamin E);
  • Doppelhertz Omega-3 (made from Arctic salmon oil);
  • Omega-3 Trimester (includes not only Omega-3, but also folic acid, vitamins A, D, E. Created on the basis of Icelandic fish oil).

These drugs are absolutely safe, are of natural origin and their effectiveness has been proven by numerous studies. Admission - in courses of 3 months.

ATTENTION! If dosage form contains 1000 mg of Omega-3, then 1 capsule should be taken half an hour after meals (3 times a day). Be sure to drink it with water.

Products that contain a high percentage of Omega-3 should also be indicated. In the first place is sea fish: tuna, sardines, mackerel, salmon and others. These are nuts (pine and walnuts), linseed oil, sprouted wheat, kumiss, goat milk, coconut pulp, chia seeds. Nutritionists advise consuming at least 1 tablespoon per day. olive oil or 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds, a glass of kumiss, a piece of tofu cheese.

What does Omega-3 give to a pregnant woman?

Pregnant (and nursing) women should use this additive, since it is she who plays a huge role in the formation of organs and vital systems of the fetus. According to studies, children whose mothers regularly took Omega-3 have high mental abilities, well-developed motor skills and coordination, language ability and high communication skills. It is especially important to take the supplement in the first and third trimester of pregnancy (and in the first six months of the baby’s life). The supplement has a positive effect on the child’s retina and prevents digestive system disorders. Another huge plus for the expectant mother: Omega-3 prevents sad thoughts from taking over the mood and focusing on the bad. Taking Omega-3 - prevention of thromboembolic complications, early birth, miscarriages.

Why is Omega-3 deficiency dangerous in pregnant women?

Omega-3 deficiency is one of the prerequisites for the development of such troubles as postpartum depression. And during pregnancy, a woman’s mood will change dramatically: outbursts of causeless rage, depression, and self-rejection may occur. The reason is the dysfunction of brain neurons. External symptoms are also unpleasant. The sebaceous glands begin to work incorrectly, which is why the pregnant woman’s skin dries and flakes, dandruff appears on the head, muscle weakness and joint pain prevent the woman from normal life, memory deteriorates and attention wanders. Immunity drops significantly - and this is very dangerous for a pregnant woman, especially in spring and autumn, during outbreaks and epidemics of ARVI.

REFERENCE! Japanese researchers have proven: no a large number of fish oil a day helps patients even with mental disorders.

How to take Omega-3 correctly?

Both doctors and nutritionists are unanimous: you cannot get enough Omega-3 from everyday food. First of all, today's food is no different good quality, and secondly, in order to get the required dose of fatty acids, it is necessary, for example, to eat 3 kilograms of tuna every day. This is hardly possible. Therefore, it is necessary to take additional Omega-3: in liquid form or capsules. It is best to do this during meals or immediately after - this reduces the risk of gastrointestinal disorders.

Contraindications to the use of Omega-3

There is nothing unambiguous in nature: and a useful substance can turn into poison if used uncontrollably or without taking into account contraindications. Omega-3 substances also have them. A pregnant woman should not use it if she has:

  1. Hypercalcemia
  2. Hypersensitivity to Omega-3 or allergy to fish products
  3. Kidney failure
  4. Liver pathologies
  5. Endocrine system disorders, thyroid diseases
  6. Active tuberculosis
  7. Stones in the bladder or gall bladder (bile ducts)
  8. Stagnation of bile

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

Polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulate in the body very slowly, so it is difficult to achieve an excess, let alone an overdose of these compounds. But it’s quite possible - if you accept for a long time increased doses of Omega-3. And an overdose will be much more dangerous than a lack of the substance. During the period of bearing a child, a woman should not violate the dosage regimen suggested by the doctor, otherwise, in addition to such symptoms of intoxication as nausea, headache, gastrointestinal disorders and chest pain, blood thinning will gradually occur. And this is fraught with bleeding that is difficult to stop (even an ordinary cut will pose a danger).
The additive is compatible with other medicines, but taking additional vitamin complexes should be agreed with your doctor to avoid unnecessary stress on the liver. In addition, fish oil should be carefully combined with blood thinning medications.

REFERENCE! Doesn't currently exist similar drugs, which contain the same components as Omega 3.


Civilized people always take responsibility for their health. A woman takes on an additional burden when carrying a child, so taking care of her health should come first among all other matters and worries. Be prudent and attentive - and motherhood will bring you a lot of joy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

Thank you, the article is great! The doctor prescribed Omegamama to me, but I didn’t think it was so useful and important. General state it got much better. Skin and hair glow. Super!

From Guest

Thank you, the article is great! The doctor prescribed Omegamama to me, but I didn’t think it was so useful and important. Now I'll drink)

From Guest

I drank Omegamama “9 months” during pregnancy. It contains the same fish oil, but there is no unpleasant smell or taste at all. With my terrible toxicosis, this was very important. Plus the dosage is convenient - 2 tablets per day. During pregnancy you need to take so many vitamins that your head is spinning, but with these vitamins it’s easier. I am now a nursing mother of a healthy baby :) We can say that the vitamins did their job! Omegamama is also prescribed for those at risk of postpartum depression, so the benefit goes not only to the baby, but also to the mother

During pregnancy, a woman should not completely abstain from consuming fats. There are many vitamin complexes aimed at maintaining the health of her and the child. One of these drugs is Omega 3 for pregnant women. Fatty acids are necessary for young mothers for proper development nervous system future baby.


Should I take Omega 3 during pregnancy? Yes, this product is made from natural raw materials. The body easily absorbs it and tolerates it, but does not produce it on its own. Consequently, fatty acids are released in the form food additives. The capsules are easily soluble and transparent in color.

Beneficial properties of fish oil:

  1. takes part in the formation of tissues;
  2. participates in the structure of cells;
  3. strengthens the immune system;
  4. normalizes fat metabolism;
  5. monitors the appearance of inflammatory processes;
  6. prevents the formation of thrombosis;
  7. normalizes heart function.

Mothers who took this drug note that their children show high level mental development, they are sociable, have language abilities. Also in such children it is noted early development fine motor skills.

Omega 3 is a set of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the main ones of which are two: eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor during the consultation.

In some cases, drugs with Omega 3 are contraindicated:

  • there is intolerance to fish products;
  • liver activity is impaired;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome is present.

Fatty acids are not prescribed after injury, before surgical intervention. You should stop taking it immediately before giving birth.

Indications and dosage

The first place, of course, belongs to sea fish. But all its varieties contain a different number of useful elements. Most of them are found in salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna.

Next come seeds, nuts, and vegetable products. It is advisable for everyone to add them to their diet daily. During pregnancy, an additional dose of vitamin is required, so pharmaceutical dietary supplements are used. The instructions for use say that the drug can be used alone or in combination with other drugs.

Why is Omega 3 prescribed to pregnant women?

  • normalize blood clotting;
  • For correct formation fetus;
  • prevention of premature birth;
  • reduce the likelihood of late toxicosis;
  • These drugs prevent the onset of depression.

Fatty acids are also used for diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems, various allergic manifestations, and rashes on the skin.

The norm for omega 3 for pregnant women is 300 mg daily.

The daily norm of polyunsaturated acids for women expecting the birth of a baby is 4 grams. But it’s difficult to imagine that a woman in labor eats 3 grams of sardines a day, which is why special preparations have been created. It is better to start taking them at the beginning of pregnancy and not stop during pregnancy. breastfeeding. All components are absolutely safe.

Ideally, fatty acid intake should begin long before conception. If this does not happen, Omega 3 accumulates and will be in demand later. On early period During pregnancy, foods containing polyunsaturated acids should be included in the diet twice a week. In the future, their number will grow.

Until what stage of pregnancy should you take Omega 3? It is advisable to do this throughout the entire period and even after. The daily dose is regulated by the doctor. If a woman has taken Omega 3 and no side effects have been found, she can continue using this drug.

  1. solgar;
  2. multi tabs;
  3. Rouge;
  4. doppelhertz active

The above list of drugs is also useful for its effect on cholesterol metabolism, strengthening blood vessels, and increasing their elasticity. You can take supplements in combination with any other means. They prevent the occurrence of pathology in a woman’s body, promote the baby’s life support, and reduce the likelihood of placental dysfunction.

It is useful to know that babies born with a lack of vitamins in the mother’s body develop hypertension when they become adults. According to mothers, using the drug relieves fatigue, improves memory and hair condition. Price for this remedy low, accessible to any category of citizens.

Probably the most wonderful period in the life of every woman, but it is fraught with the fact that the mother’s body loses many useful substances, as it spends them on the maintenance and development of the fetus. Doctors often prescribe women to take additional omega-3 supplements during pregnancy.

We will tell you what their purpose and purpose is in this article.

Benefits of Omega-3 fats

The whole story begins with our cells. Each has its own membrane shell consisting of lipids or fats. The function of membranes is very important, since it constantly, every fraction of a second, participates in all processes of the body: transmits signals, nerve impulses, and carries out the metabolic process of microelements. All this determines not only the condition of the organs and our body, but also affects the functioning of the brain, nervous system, heart and even the health of the retina.

Omega-3 fats are a class of polyunsaturated fats and, accordingly, are important building blocks in the structure of the membrane of every cell. Hence the importance of consuming this component in food.

These lipids can be of plant origin (linseed and soybean oils), as well as animal - fatty sea fish. Moreover, the structure and properties of these fats differ from one product to another, so it is recommended to eat both plant and animal sources.

What can omega-3 acid do? The list of useful qualities is quite long:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates metabolic processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps with poor vision and other eye problems;
  • suppresses;
  • improves mucous membranes, skin, hair and nails;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • is a savior for some diseases: eczema, asthma, Alzheimer's, psoriasis, breast cancer, arthrosis, osteoporosis;
  • improves brain function and the ability to concentrate;
  • normalizes the nervous system, relieves the condition;
  • strengthens blood vessels, tones them;
  • prevents blood clotting.

Did you know? A UK study that lasted approximately 15 years and involved approximately 14,000 pregnant women found that the children of women who took an omega-3 supplement during pregnancy had better mental abilities than those whose mothers did not. such an additive.

One of the most quick ways getting your dose of omega-3 fatty acids is taking. Many will be interested in the question of whether pregnant women can drink fish oil, and whether there are any special contraindications or prohibitions.

If you look at the composition of fish oil, here, in addition to polyunsaturated fats, you can find E, A and D, the last of which is often in short supply in many women, since it can be generated in the human body only through contact with the skin ultraviolet rays sun, as well as many useful elements, such as:

  • bromine;
  • selenium.
All the substances included make fish oil an even more special product with improved properties and, of course, beneficial for the body of a pregnant woman and her.

For woman

One of the most important functions of fish oil capsules during pregnancy is these are its antioxidant properties. It saves both the mother’s body and ensures the healthy state of the placenta, preventing any inflammatory processes. Strengthening the immune system, influencing the cardiovascular and nervous systems - all this is also provided by polyunsaturated acids.
An important fact Another thing is that with the consumption of capsules, the manifestation of any other nausea is significantly reduced. Surprisingly, fish oil is able to produce the hormone of happiness in a pregnant woman’s body - serotonin, due to which the likelihood of irritability and bad mood decreases.

During pregnancy, it is important to try to preserve your beauty, since the child will actively take for himself everything useful that is in the mother’s body. This is where problems arise with nails and hair. Many people experience severe vision loss due to childbirth. In order to avoid illnesses after the birth of your baby, taking omega-3 is simply necessary.

Did you know? The body of a pregnant woman requires 25% more polyunsaturated acids and other trace elements than the body of a non-pregnant woman.

It is also important to note that many suffer after childbirth, which accumulated during gestation. The thing is that cholesterol from food is retained in a woman’s body and accumulates in the form of fat deposits. Omega-3 removes this cholesterol and prevents female body take an unaesthetic form. In addition, it helps in case of psychological problems, such as postpartum depression, weakening its manifestation.

For the fetus

An important point is the nutrition of the fetus, which determines its healthy and full development, including mental development, weight gain, formation of bones, vision organs and nerve centers before birth. Fish oil can improve blood flow in the placenta, due to which nutrients will reach the fetus better and faster.
Since these acids have the property of increasing the body’s resistance to allergic reactions, they also work not only in relation to a pregnant woman, but also to her unborn baby.

If a mother has diabetes, then by taking this nutritional supplement, the likelihood of transmitting the disease to the baby is significantly reduced. In addition, thanks to vitamin D, it not only improves the absorption of calcium by the fetus, but also prevents the development of diseases such as rickets.

Did you know? Omega-3 fat, which a responsible pregnant woman took regularly, remains and works in the central nervous system of the fetus during gestation and continues to do so from the 30th week of pregnancy until 3 months after the birth of the baby.

Daily dose

In order for an omega-3 supplement during pregnancy to be beneficial and not kill the body of the mother and fetus, it is important to know the permissible dosage, and it is better to coordinate it with your doctor. Of course, the dosage will largely depend on what the source of omega-3 is and what goals the patient is pursuing.

First, let's focus on the fact that omega-3 fats can be found in two states: EPA and DHA, or eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. They are the same omega-3, but have slightly different effects on the human body. Based on their quantity in the capsule volume, a drug is selected that should work for a specific purpose.
Here are some options:

  • to maintain fetal health and prevent the likelihood of premature birth, the composition of fish oil should contain a maximum of DHA and a minimum of EPA;
  • to reduce depression and nervous tension in the mother, EPC should have more DHA;
  • To maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails, the amount of both acids must be equal and sufficient.

Important! Preparations that do not indicate separately the amount of EPA and DHA, but only indicate the share of fish oil with a general figure, should be left on the pharmacy shelf.

But here is the minimum that will be enough for a pregnant woman for one day, and it will not harm her: EPA - 220 milligrams and DHA - 300. It is very difficult to get an overdose. To do this, you need to take more than 8 grams of fat per day. Although for some people 2 grams will be enough. It follows that the doctor's instructions and supplement instructions should not be ignored.

Foods rich in fatty acids

The thing is that our body does not produce these polyunsaturated fatty acids on its own. Therefore, we must ensure their supply ourselves. This can be done using products or individual dietary supplements in the form of capsules or liquid. It is still recommended to take omega-3 for pregnant women in the form of capsules, but we will now tell you which ones are best to choose at the pharmacy.
It is important that a pregnant woman takes polyunsaturated acid only in the form of fish oil and only in capsules. And the fat itself should be from cod liver. After all, only this option can have a positive effect on mother and child and be normally absorbed by both organisms. Usually the supplement is designed for a daily dose, but sometimes, this dose is simply not enough to achieve specific goals. In this case, the doctor prescribes a special diet, which additionally includes food.

Did you know? Depression during and after pregnancy affects approximately 20% of women.

Here is a small list of food products that contain polyunsaturated acid:

  • walnuts, not roasted, no more than 7 pieces per day;
  • fatty fish - from 70 to 150 grams (salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardine, tuna);
  • Cod liver;
  • hemp, chia, flax seeds;
  • oil - 1 tablespoon (olive, rapeseed, soybean);
  • flaxseed oil - no more than 1 teaspoon.
You should be careful with seafood, because they contain large amounts of mercury, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is better to choose canned fish vegetable oil, and not your own juice, since with this processing method there is no loss healthy fat. The same cannot be said about freezing, salting or smoking, when losses are up to 50%.

Among pharmaceutical supplements, as noted above, you can find fish oil in capsules or in liquid state. Not many people like the second option, since you have to force yourself to drink a spoonful of unpleasant oil.

The capsules will protect you from such stress, and besides, their shell additionally protects fat from oxidation in the air, which means it protects a person from being saturated with harmful radicals that are the result of oxidative processes.

In any case, in the store you should open the box and smell the contents. The smell should not be fishy or something sour. If you still want to take fat in oil solution, then purchase small volumes of packages. The drug should be stored in a dark place, protected from heat and sunlight place.

When not to use fish oil

For pregnant women who have problems with blood clotting, you should be careful with the dosage of omega-3. Acid greatly affects the ability to thin and disperse blood, which can cause hemorrhages. Also, for safety reasons, if a woman has been prescribed, it is worth stopping taking polyunsaturated acids 3 weeks before surgery.

Here is a small list of diseases and other reasons for refusing fish oil:

  • thyroid disease;
  • urolithiasis, kidney disease;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the intestines, stomach;
  • parallel intake of vitamins.
To remain a healthy and beautiful mother, to enjoy the normal development of the child, his successes and a strong body, it is important to take care of your condition before, during and after pregnancy. Taking omega-3 should always be agreed with your doctor and should not be self-medicated.

Every pregnant woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby. In order for all organs and systems of the fetus to develop properly, the mother’s nutrition must be balanced. Omega-3 during pregnancy not only helps to avoid health problems for the child, but also significantly reduces the risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

Currently, Omega-3 deficiency is observed in 80% of the population of our country. Therefore, it is important for certain groups, including pregnant and lactating women, to monitor the intake of these fatty acids in the body: adjust their diet, take dietary supplements.

Omega-3 is one of the types of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These include alpha-linoleic acid, which is not produced by the body on its own, but is necessary to support certain processes. Compounds with longer chains can be produced by body tissues using enzymes. These are two types of acids: eicosapentanoic and docosahexaenoic.

Omega-3 acids are especially important during pregnancy, at the planning stage and during breastfeeding. They help maintain the health of women and children. When these compounds enter the body, they penetrate cells and affect their functioning. As a result, the functioning of the heart, joints, brain and sensory organs improves, and cholesterol levels decrease.

When consumed in sufficient quantities, Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. As part of complex therapy, these acids are used for many diseases, including allergies, asthma, osteoporosis, arthrosis, diabetes, neuroses, breast cancer.

Why is Omega-3 deficiency dangerous in pregnant women?

Omega-3 acids during pregnancy have a positive effect on many processes. As a result of their deficiency, a woman constantly feels a loss of strength and quickly gets tired. Her mood decreases and she often develops depressive states, memory, condition of hair, nails and skin deteriorate, joint pain appears.

A lack of Omega-3 can affect the course of pregnancy. With a deficiency of these compounds, there is a high risk of developing preeclampsia, a complication that occurs during later and accompanied by edema, high blood pressure, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys and heart.

In severe cases, eclampsia occurs - a seizure with convulsions and loss of consciousness. All this affects the child’s condition. He experiences oxygen starvation and does not receive the required amount nutrients, as a result of which intrauterine development is delayed. With gestosis, there is a high risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

Omega-3 deficiency can also affect the baby's health and development after birth. These fatty acids are involved in the formation of the endocrine and nervous systems, brain, and immunity.

A lack of Omega-3 during fetal development leads to allergies, diathesis, intellectual disabilities, and difficulties in developing skills that require precise small movements (for example, writing). Such children experience difficulties in mastering speech, which later develop into problems establishing social contacts.

To avoid all the difficulties described above, it is necessary to begin to control the intake of Omega-3 when planning pregnancy and maintain their level throughout the entire 9 months, as well as during breastfeeding. Data on the positive effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids during these periods have been confirmed experimentally.

Indications and contraindications

Omega-3 drugs during pregnancy are prescribed as part of complex treatment and as an independent preventive agent. They are able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels, therefore they are indicated for cardiovascular pathologies and for restoring blood circulation in the brain. Also, fatty acids of this type are used for diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, allergies, skin rashes, and disorders of the digestive tract.

Omega-3 preparations are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergy to fish, liver dysfunction, hemorrhagic syndrome. Such drugs are not prescribed after injuries, before surgery and childbirth, as they can affect blood clotting and increase bleeding.

Sources of Omega-3: foods, dietary supplements

Among the natural sources of Omega-3, the first place is taken by sea fish, namely: tuna, trout, salmon, mackerel, halibut, herring and sardine. In addition to these products, it is worth introducing olive and rapeseed oils into the daily menu, walnuts, flax seed and sprouted oats. Chia seeds are very rich in Omega-3, Lately they are becoming more popular and accessible.

But in order to avoid a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids, a pregnant woman needs to eat about 3 kg of fish per day. Since this is unlikely, dietary supplements come to the rescue. The most common drugs are:

  1. Vitrum Cardio Omega-3 during pregnancy is prescribed as a source of polyunsaturated acids, as well as vitamin E.
  2. Prenatal + Omega-3 is a complex of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids, produced specifically for the period of pregnancy planning, childbearing and breastfeeding.
  3. Doppelhertz Omega-3 during pregnancy compensates for the lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, made from Arctic salmon fat.
  4. Omega-3 Trimester is recommended as a source of omega-3, folic acid and vitamins A, D, E during the period of planning conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding, its basis is Icelandic fish oil.

The components of all drugs are harmless and of natural origin. In pharmacies you can find products such as: fish oil, docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid - they are also sources of Omega-3. They should be taken with caution during pregnancy, after discussion with your doctor.

How to take Omega-3 correctly?

Omega-3 drugs are prescribed during pregnancy; the instructions do not contain any information about negative impact on the fetus or the course of the gestation process. More often they are produced in the form of capsules, less often - as a solution. They must be consumed orally during or after meals to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Caring for the health of mother and child is the most important basis for building a healthy society.

One of the prerequisites for the birth of healthy children is proper and balanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.

Exactly rational nutrition of a pregnant woman ensures the normal course of pregnancy and reduces the risk of abnormalities in fetal development.

An extremely important role is played during pregnancy and the formation of almost all organs and systems of the newborn. polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) type omega-3.

Omega-3 belong to essential (irreplaceable) fatty acids.

They are not synthesized in the human body and it is extremely important to receive them daily in sufficient quantities and in a balanced composition.

According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Omega-3 deficiency for the majority of children and adults in Russia is about 80%.

Published results from a 15-year study in the UK clearly showed that mothers who consumed omega-3 fatty acids in their diet during pregnancy had children are born with higher mental development.

In addition, the coordination and motor skills of these children are above average.

Even their language and communication skills are better developed.

For 15 years, Professor Jean Golding from the University of Bristol conducted research in which 14,000 pregnant women took part.

Professor Golding also observed the children of these women, and in particular their mental development.

Another study was conducted by Dr. Joseph Hiblin from the US National Institutes of Health.

Based on his research, he came to a clear conclusion:

    A mother's use of a diet enriched with omega-3 acids during pregnancy makes the child smarter.

According to him, Omega-3 improves brain function child's mental, language and motor skills.

Another important observation that Professor Golding and Dr Khiblin came to is that children whose mothers had a persistent deficiency of omega-3 in their diet during pregnancy have difficulty communicating.

Some of the children even have pathological problems in establishing and maintaining contacts.

This is of particular concern because pathological communication problems in childhood lead to communication problems in adulthood.

What is omega-3?

These are polyunsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are produced from the fat of deep-sea fish and other fish species.

Goat's milk and kumiss are rich sources of omega-3.

Their sources are also plants, mainly flaxseed, as well as nuts (walnuts, pine, etc.).

Omega-3 acids have a significant effect on the brain.

Because the our brain is 60% fat, consumption of omega-3 acids improves the mental development of children.

But not only participation in the construction structural elements nervous system cells is an important factor.

The results showed that an omega-3 dietary supplement given to piglets resulted in a doubling of the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the anterior cortex.

Serotonin- this is a substance that is a chemical transmitter of impulses between nerve cells human brain, it controls a person's mood and emotions, and appetite and sleep.

So, it is absolutely obvious that it is necessary to enrich the diet of all people, and in particular the diet of pregnant women, with products containing omega-3 acids.

Nutritionists recommend including 2 tablespoons of flaxseed or pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon of olive oil (a source of omega-6 fatty acids) in your diet daily, including fish in your diet at least 2 times a week, and drinking goat’s milk and kumiss.

But nutritionists say that this is not enough.

It is necessary to periodically use dietary supplements containing omega-3 acids.

For pregnant women, the need for micronutrients, including omega-3 (PUFAs), is 25% higher than for non-pregnant women of the same age.

This is due to the fact that the mother must provide not only for herself, but also for the child.

The results of multicenter studies provide evidence for the use of Omega-3 PUFAs for treatment And prevention obstetric complications such as

Accordingly, the above minimum will have to be multiplied several times.

NSP supplies to Russian market A dietary supplement containing omega-3 acids called

which has the following properties:

The dietary supplement is available in capsules (60 capsules per jar), each of which contains 1,400 mg of fish oil with a guaranteed content of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are of particular value.