Interior stained glass partitions. Stained glass partitions in the interior Materials for stained glass partitions

Interior partitions with stained glass windows are a way to separate two rooms and at the same time increase the aesthetic content of the interior. The variety of techniques allows you to achieve the most effective results without going beyond the existing style. Exclusive or a budget option: regardless of the price, a stained glass partition is a real find for unique design your house.

Stained glass is a multifunctional decorative tool, interior partitions, arches and screens only benefit from the inclusion of stained glass elements in their design. A convenient menu will allow you to appreciate the beauty of various stained glass techniques for interior partitions, as well as stained glass arches and screens and get more information about them:

Basic techniques for stained glass in interior partitions

Tiffany stained glass is designed to create exclusive products that have not only a decorative, but also an image function. Interior partitions with Tiffany stained glass windows are an attribute of prestige. To create a stained glass window, each piece of colored glass is processed and wrapped with metal tape. Then the fragments are soldered into a single piece.

Classic stained glass is also made from individual elements. First, the master marks the stained glass pattern using metal profile. Then glass is placed into the resulting contour, and the joints are soldered. An interior partition with classic stained glass is a combination of historical conservatism and modern fashion trends.

Another option for stained glass, made from separate fragments and held together by soldering, is beveled. The parts for it are glass fragments that have a cut or chamfer. A partition with beveled stained glass is a luxurious decoration in the true sense of the word, as it is like a precious diadem crowning a noble lady.

Fusing is a technique that allows you to give the interior of a room a bright, light mood. A special feature of fusing is the smooth boundaries of color areas, and the stained glass of the interior partition acquires a special tenderness. On a glass substrate, the master lays out an image from small fragments of glass. At high temperature in the oven they soften and fuse with the substrate, forming relief or monolithic compositions.

The renovation budget does not always allow you to treat yourself to luxury decorative decoration in the form of a stained glass window. In this case, order interior partitions with stained glass windows that imitate expensive technology.

One of the most popular is film stained glass: pieces of multi-colored film are applied to the glass, and a thin metal tape is glued along the joints. A partition with film stained glass is an elegant and inexpensive functional decoration for a room, and due to its similarity with Tiffany technology, such a product looks much more expensive than its actual cost.

Filled stained glass is an alternative to film, located in the same price category. It is performed by applying polymer contours and filling surface areas with colored varnishes. Interior partitions with stained glass will accurately imitate expensive products. English varnishes, which are used in our studio, allow us to create stained glass windows for interior partitions that are worthy of praise.

It is worth saying a few words about frosted stained glass windows. In fact, such products are not real stained glass, but conditionally belong to this category. Matting the surface is achieved in two ways: chemical etching and abrasive treatment. Often frosted stained glass is complemented with engraving. Interior partitions with frosted stained glass are a delicate and sophisticated decoration, reminiscent of appearance the exquisite fragility of an expensive crystal service. However, such partitions are quite durable.

Glass printing is a technique suitable for translating paintings of wildlife, photographs and masterpieces of world art onto glass. Safe and durable solvent dyes are applied to the glass by direct printing, penetrating deep into its structure. Interior partition with stained glass with photo printing – wonderful decoration rooms for those who appreciate realism and the rich possibilities of visual means of photography.

For connoisseurs artistic arts best choice there will be stained glass painting. Painting is done on a glass sheet using special paints with good adhesion to smooth surfaces. Our masters are professional artists, therefore, when choosing a painting technique, you get a double benefit: you decorate the interior space with a beautiful and stylish partition with stained glass and purchase a real exclusive painting, painted just for you.

Technique Price Deadlines
Stained glass weight
Durability Guarantee Complexity
Photo stained glass

The materials with which stained glass can be combined are varied: plasterboard, forging, wood. The compositional solution for interior partitions with stained glass is also variable, and they harmonize perfectly with any interior and style. Make sure of this and look at photos of finished works using the menu:

In the decorative partition in the room - information section, you will learn in more detail about how partitions with stained glass are made, how to care for them, etc.

Interior partitions with stained glass windows in our studio

Our studio has been creating stained glass windows and structures using them for many years. We have not only rich experience, deep knowledge of highly qualified specialists, professional equipment, but also best quality products, while the price of stained glass partitions is very low. Whatever technique you choose, we will produce interior partitions with stained glass of impeccable quality, and, if you wish, we will professionally install them.

There are many design methods design of living space. Stained glass partitions , made in various technologies, can not only divide the room into several zones, but also become an effective addition that emphasizes the sophistication of the decor. The main advantage of such products is the fact that, by transmitting light, they create the effect of airiness and lightness. In addition to utilitarian functions, the products effectively decorate the room, creating an elegant play of light and glass.

Stained glass partitions to order inexpensively in Moscow

By contacting the Stained Glass-Diamant art workshop in Moscow, everyone has the opportunity to order amazing external aesthetics exclusive types of stained glass. Among the current options, the most popular are stained glass partitions, which organically combine luxurious decorative effect practicality and functionality.

Types of stained glass partitions by technique:

From us you can order products obtained by processing, made using unique technology or decorated by hand. In addition to premium collections, we can offer our clients budget solutions with technology or . Stained glass partitions, regardless of your choice and price range, have the following advantages:

  1. Good service life;
  2. Resistance of decorative elements and the entire structure to mechanical stress, the influence of sunlight and moisture;
  3. Easy to care for;
  4. Acceptable noise insulation coefficient;
  5. Variety of design solutions.

Our capabilities

The modern material and technical base of the Stained Glass-Diamant company, as well as the use of advanced equipment, in combination with innovative technologies, allows you to efficiently and quickly produce any types of stained glass partitions:

  1. Stationary. Fixed structure that performs a function load-bearing wall, will become best option for small rooms;
  2. Sliding. The perfect solution for the living room or kitchen;
  3. Screen. Model with high degree mobility, will be an effective addition to a residential apartment or office space to create a special atmosphere;

You can evaluate the benefits of the services we provide in Moscow in person by visiting our representative office or placing an order on the website, by phone or e-mail

The sunlight pouring through the colorful stained glass window is, you see, a stunning sight. Stained glass windows are associated with pomp and even monumentality, since stained glass windows most often decorate the buildings of museums and churches. Therefore, many people are sure that stained glass windows have no place in the interior of a residential building. In addition, it is generally accepted that stained glass is very expensive and clearly not designed for the average interior.

However, both of these are not entirely true. It's worth saying that stained glass in the interior residential buildings were used back in the 19th century, when the Art Nouveau style came into fashion. As for the cost of stained glass, then modern technologies made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of their production, which, of course, affected the price. Stained glass is not such a luxury these days as one might think. Moreover, there are pseudo-stained glass windows available to everyone.

Types of stained glass depending on manufacturing technique

Transparent pieces of glass, cut according to a pattern, are held together with a metal broach (partition). At the joints the broach is soldered. The result is a single structure made of glass and metal, and the metal not only serves as a frame, but also forms the outline of the lines of the design. This technique little has changed since the Middle Ages.

Stained glass windows made using the Tiffany technique are also called classic. The peculiarity of this technology is that copper foil is used to hold the glass together. The stained glass pattern is lighter, more elegant, and the outline is thinner. The Tiffany technique allows you to use smaller glass, so stained glass windows turn out to be openwork.

The surface of the glass, whole (pseudo-stained glass) or assembled from fragments, is painted with transparent paints.

The glass surface is covered with special colored films with an adhesive base.

The stained glass window consists of a group of glasses that have been sandblasted.

This stained glass window usually has a geometric structure. It is assembled from modules of almost identical size, which can be pre-processed using one of the techniques.

This stained glass window is created by baking multi-colored glass fragments or by incorporating foreign elements into the glass (for example, “baking” wire into the glass).

Transparent glass is taken, a pattern is drawn on it, and colored glass fragments are laid out in several layers. The composition is then placed in an oven heated to a certain temperature. In the oven, all layers are sintered and become one.

The basis is the ability of hydrofluoric acid to destroy glass. Using special stencils that protect glass from destruction, craftsmen create deep contours of designs of any complexity.

And that’s not all the techniques for creating modern stained glass! There are other interesting and original techniques. Thus, all stained glass windows are very different, and their prices can vary significantly.

It is interesting that stained glass, originally invented by man to fill window openings, today it performs its main function less and less often. Much more popular are various decorative elements from stained glass in the interior. First of all, these are various accessories made using stained glass: for example, boxes, lamp shades, screens, etc.

Becoming increasingly popular doors with stained glass. In general, today it is very common to sell interior doors with a variety of glass inserts. Various techniques glass treatments transform ordinary interior doors into a real work of art and elegant interior decoration.

Stained glass for doors is maximally protected (for example, thanks to the triplex technology), and although they look very fragile, in fact there is no need to worry about their reliability.

Interior doors with stained glass windows create stunning effects associated with the play of light. In addition, they set the tone for the entire interior, making it gloomy on one side and ceremonial on the other.

In those interiors where stained glass windows are used, especially interior ones (whether doors or partitions), a certain mystery reigns. Still, associations with Gothic churches and ancient museums make themselves felt.

Stained glass partitions, stained glass walls and screens in the interior

Stained glass partitions are less common than interior doors with stained glass, but this design technique is also attracting increasing interest.

Like any glass wall, it is light, even airy. This is especially important when the goal is not to isolate one space from another, but only to separate them. Firstly, thanks to the transparency of the partition, the rooms seem to flow into one another. Secondly, the “two-sidedness” of such partitions introduces a common element into both spaces.

Stained glass partitions look great in spacious rooms filled with light - both natural and artificial. Stained glass partitions allow soft colored light to pass through during the day, and in the evening, when the lamps are turned on, the partition itself becomes a kind of “ lighting device”, pouring light into a darker space.

Beautiful and so unusual pieces of furniture with stained glass. For example, stained glass glass can be a display case for a living room or inserts into facades kitchen furniture. You can and even need to support the stained glass theme with stained glass accessories: lamps, decorative items (for example, vases), a chandelier, etc. You can also make stained glass glass doors sliding wardrobes. You can also order mirrored pseudo-stained glass windows for the wardrobe.

Stained glass in the interior for wall decoration

Stained glass picture or stained glass panel

These elements do not carry any practical functions, but they become bright interior decoration. Stained glass paintings are suitable for spacious hallways, living rooms, and formal dining rooms. Stained glass paintings and panels, as a rule, are made to order for a specific interior, so they fit perfectly into its theme, making the room festive and elegant.

Stained glass for niches and other complex structures

Various niches and projections are still relevant. However, volumetric wall structures made of plasterboard, plywood, etc. have become so widespread that it is difficult to surprise anyone with their design.

The shapes are repeated, but the use of unusual materials allows you to create something extraordinary. Stained glass windows will also help with this. Internal walls The niches can be covered with a stained glass screen behind which there is lighting. A stained glass niche with light pouring through can make an impression.

If a niche is mounted to create a false window, stained glass will come in handy here too. But in any case, backlighting is needed - the false window will then sparkle and become the most realistic.

Stained glass in the interior: ceiling

A few centuries ago, stained glass ceiling lamps were popular in Europe, which decorated not only the premises of theaters, museums and expensive restaurants, but also residential buildings. True, only rich people could afford such luxury.

Today this pleasure is also not the cheapest, but quite affordable, especially if we are not talking about Tiffany stained glass windows. There are reliable ceiling structures (frames) that allow you to hold sheets of almost any material on the ceiling: metal, wood, mirrors and, of course, glass.

Film or painted multilayer pseudo-stained glass windows are most often used for production. Essentially it's just glass dropped ceilings with painting, but what an effect! Of course, a completely stained-glass ceiling in an apartment will not always fit into the interior, but small ceiling structures with stained-glass windows look very original. Between the base ceiling and suspended structure Of course, it is very advisable to install lighting so that the stained glass window opens in all its glory.

Color and style of stained glass in the interior: how to choose

You can choose any ornament and any theme. Some people prefer narrative stained glass windows in the interior on a household or even religious theme. Of course, such stained glass windows are only appropriate in luxurious interiors in the Art Nouveau, Neo-Gothic style, etc.

For niches and false windows Landscape themes with realistic mountains, ocean beaches, and rainbow skies are often chosen.

Particularly popular for interiors residential buildings stained glass windows with floral theme, repeating motifs from old projects of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the Art Nouveau style. Such floral stained glass windows will look great in interiors in the art nouveau, art deco, neoclassical, and avant-garde styles.

It is also successful to use them in themed interiors- floral, English, Scottish, etc.

Classic stained glass windows in the Tiffany style suitable for interiors in almost any style, with the exception of ultra-modern, minimalist, technical ones.

IN modern interiors you can use stained glass windows made according to one of latest technologies, with geometric patterns and plot painting on a suitable theme (for example, an urban plot).

When choosing stained glass for your interior, you need to take into account not only the style of the room, but also the prevailing colors. It is worth turning to those colors that are present in furniture, decor, textiles, so that the stained glass window does not stand out too much from the overall picture.

Stained glass in the interior: in what rooms is it appropriate?

Almost all of them. - it's fashionable today. The shelves and doors of bathroom furniture are made of stained glass. You can also find stained glass and pseudo-stained glass bathroom accessories in stores. If there is a window in the bathroom, it is often made of stained glass. Well, if there is no window, then they create a stained glass false window with lighting.

According to many, they are the most appropriate. Here you can make a stained glass half-partition, install a showcase with a stained glass door, or order a stained glass screen for the fireplace. The stained glass picture will become dominant decorative item. Of course, you should not use too many stained glass elements in one room - two or three matching items will be quite enough.

Can be used: these, as already mentioned, are stained glass inserts in kitchen facades, stained glass chandelier or sconce, ceiling structure with pseudo-stained glass (for example, above work area or over the island).

Small stained glass panels can be made from small colored glass. You need to make a pattern out of the pieces of glass, then solder them with tin, using lead wire for the “frame,” that is, to connect the pieces of glass.

Easiest way to do it at home pseudo stained glass, using dark nitro paint for the contours of the picture, and special stained glass paints to fill the contours and the rest of the space. It is better to take textured glass for stained glass.

You can use special paints for painting on glass to paint windows and mirrors. To do this you will need stencils, brushes, paints and a little patience. The glass must be removed and placed on a flat horizontal surface - only in this case can a neat painting be obtained.

If you want to make a painting on already installed windows, it is better to use special self-adhesive films for stained glass (English technology). Translucent color stickers are available, so you don’t even have to cut out the ornament yourself.

Well, for activities with children there are creativity kits - plastic stencils for stained glass with clear depressed or convex contours, which are filled with safe stained glass paints. By choosing suitable stencils, you can make a stained glass (pseudo-stained glass) window in the nursery.

Real stained glass for large surfaces, which make up the interior design elements, of course, should be ordered from professionals, fortunately in our country there are now many stained glass workshops that use the most different techniques: from the classic Tiffany technique and fusing to painting on solid glass.

Tiffany partitions are beautiful design solution, which allows you to make the most of the space of your room, dividing it, but at the same time visually expanding it due to the transparency of the structure, creating the illusion of illuminated windows shining with the warm light of multi-colored glass. Using Tiffany technology will allow you to create a one-of-a-kind decorative element that will be appropriate in any room, be it a bedroom, office, home library or living room.

Tiffany stained glass windows can be used not only for decorating partitions. Windows, ceilings, doors, furniture decorated with stained glass - all this will be appropriate in any style and interior. You can get acquainted with the whole variety of stained glass windows made using the Tiffany technique using the menu:

Types of Tiffany partitions

Classification of Tiffany stained glass partitions depending on their functional purpose.

  • A stationary stained glass partition is, in fact, a fixed wall consisting of a profile or frame with a Tiffany stained glass window inserted into it. Perfectly suitable for both small and large rooms; functionally divides the space.
  • Sliding stained glass partitions allow you to dynamically change the layout of your room. Manufactured using profiles and sliding mechanisms.
  • Stained glass inserts that are built into monolithic, brick, wood and plasterboard niche partitions. In this case, the stained glass canvas is simply inserted into the frame, which is installed in a niche or mounted on special mounts.

Types of frames for Tiffany partitions

Frames for partitions can be made from various materials depending on the decorating task.

  • Wooden frames look noble; The shade of wood can be matched to the color of the rest of the furniture. Being a fairly robust structure, they can easily withstand weight stained glass. The disadvantage is the high cost.
  • Aluminum frames are more modern and can be painted powder paint in any color that suits your interior. Due to the strength of the material, such frames can be very thin. Fairly affordable.
  • Brass frames. They are patinated, obtaining a color from golden yellow to dark bronze. They are usually used in places of high humidity.
  • Forged frames. They look rich and respectable. Combination forged metal and colored glass makes the interior completely unique, cozy and luxurious at the same time. Quite expensive.

Tiffany stained glass partitions in various interiors

Stained glass partitions can be made in any style and will suit any interior. The design on the product can repeat the Gothic stained glass windows of ancient temples or be modern and abstract. The style of the stained glass window must correspond to the style of the entire interior and reflect the character and purpose of the room. Yes, for office space Stained glass in an abstract or high-tech style would be more acceptable. While for a bedroom a stained glass partition in a classic or art deco style is more suitable.

You can get acquainted with the variety of styles of stained glass partitions, as well as their use in various interiors, using the menu:

Caring for Tiffany stained glass partitions

Partitions with Tiffany stained glass windows are made of high-quality glass that does not fade and is not afraid of temperature changes. Metal veins are painted or patinated. A well-made stained glass window lasts for decades. These products are cared for in the same way as regular glass: they can be washed using household chemicals, then wipe thoroughly. More detailed information on the care, installation and fastening of partitions can be found in the section .

Pricing for Tiffany stained glass partitions

The cost of Tiffany stained glass for a partition is calculated individually and depends on the following factors.

  • Quality of material (glass). Glass for stained glass foreign manufacturers(USA) has a large palette of colors (more than 300 shades) and textures. Cheaper glasses are made in Russia and China.
  • Complexity of design. The more complex the stained glass sketch, the more glass blanks must be processed by the master.
  • Cost of partition construction. Depends on the materials used for the partition frame and the stained glass window mounting system.
  • Complexity of installation and delivery distance. Installation of the partition is included in the final cost, since this is a rather difficult job, which only professionals can handle and complete the work on a turnkey basis.

More details about pricing for Tiffany stained glass partitions can be found in the section .

Tiffany stained glass partitions from our studio: a dream come true

Our workshop carries out turnkey production of partitions with Tiffany stained glass windows, performing the entire cycle of work from sketch development to installation. We guarantee that you will receive copyright piece of art highest quality, which will be made in a single copy exclusively for you. Professional artists will select high-quality glass of the desired shades and produce stained glass of any shape and size, which will become the brightest element of your interior. For a very reasonable price you get a truly royal stained glass window made using the Tiffany technique.