Material about hot spots of the planet. The world is at war

It seems that today wars are a thing of the past: even the latest research shows that in the third millennium significantly less people dies during armed clashes. However, the unstable situation remains in many regions, and hot spots continue to appear on the map every now and then.

We have selected the ten most significant armed conflicts and military crises that threaten the world right now.

Zones of military tension are indicated in red on the maps


Government troops, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), scattered Sunni groups, autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan.

The essence of the conflict
The terrorist organization ISIS wants to build an Islamic caliphate on parts of Iraq and Syria. theocratic state, and so far the authorities have not been able to successfully resist the militants. The Iraqi Kurds took advantage of the ISIS offensive - they freely captured several large oil-producing regions and are planning to secede from Iraq.

Current situation
The ISIS caliphate already extends from the Syrian city of Aleppo to the areas bordering Baghdad. So far, government troops have managed to recapture only a few large cities - Tikrit and Uja. The autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan has freely taken control of several large oil-producing areas and is planning to hold a referendum on independence in the near future.

Gaza Strip

Israel Defense Forces, Hamas, Fatah, Gaza Strip civilians.

The essence of the conflict
Israel launched Operation Unbreakable Wall to destroy the infrastructure of the Hamas terrorist movement and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip region. The immediate cause was the increased frequency of rocket attacks on Israeli territories and the kidnapping of three Jewish teenagers.

Current situation
On July 17, the ground phase of the operation began after Hamas militants violated a five-hour truce to organize humanitarian corridors. According to the UN, by the time the temporary truce was concluded, there were already more than 200 civilian deaths. The Palestinian President's Fatah party has already stated that their people will “repel Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.”


Syrian Armed Forces, National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, Syrian Kurdistan, Al-Qaeda, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Islamic Front, Ahrar al-Sham, Al-Nusra Front and others.

The essence of the conflict
The war in Syria began after a brutal crackdown on anti-government demonstrations that began in the region in the wake of the Arab Spring. The armed confrontation between the army of Bashar al-Assad and the moderate opposition escalated into a civil war that affected the entire country - now in Syria about 1,500 different rebel groups with a total number of 75 to 115 thousand people have joined the conflict. The most powerful armed groups are radical Islamists.

Current situation
Today, most of the country is controlled by the Syrian army, but the northern regions of Syria are captured by ISIS. Assad's forces are attacking moderate opposition forces in Aleppo, near Damascus the confrontation between ISIS terrorists and militants of the Islamic Front has intensified, and in the north of the country the Kurds are also resisting ISIS.


Armed Forces of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, militias of the Donetsk People's Republic, militias of the Lugansk People's Republic, "Russian Orthodox Army", Russian volunteers and others.

The essence of the conflict
After the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the change of power in Kyiv in the South-East of Ukraine in April of this year, with the support of Moscow, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics were proclaimed by pro-Russian armed forces. The Ukrainian government and newly elected President Poroshenko launched a military operation against the separatists.

Current situation
On July 17, a Malaysian airliner crashed over separatist-controlled territories. Kyiv blamed the deaths of 223 people on the fighters of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic - the Ukrainian authorities are convinced that the separatists have air defense systems that were transferred to them by the Russian side. The DPR denies any involvement in the plane crash. OSCE representatives are currently working at the crash site. However, the separatists have already shot down planes before, although not at such a height and with the help of man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. To date, the armed forces of Ukraine have managed to recapture part of the territories from the separatists, in particular the city of Slavyansk.


Government troops, Boko Haram.

The essence of the conflict
Since 2002, the radical Islamist sect Boko Haram has been operating in Nigeria, which advocates the introduction of Sharia law throughout the country, while only part of the state is inhabited by Muslims. Over the past five years, Boko Haram followers have armed themselves and now regularly carry out terrorist attacks, kidnappings and mass executions. The victims of terrorists are Christians and secular Muslims. The country's leadership has failed negotiations with Boko Haram and is not yet able to suppress the group, which already controls entire regions.

Current situation
Some Nigerian states have been under a state of emergency for a year now. On July 17, the President of Nigeria asked for financial assistance from the international community: the country's army had too outdated and few weapons to fight terrorists. Since April this year, Boko Haram has been holding hostage over 250 schoolgirls who were kidnapped for ransom or sale into slavery.

South Sudan

Dinka Tribal Union, Nuer Tribal Union, UN Peacekeeping Forces, Uganda.

The essence of the conflict
At the height of the political crisis in December 2013, the president of South Sudan announced that his former ally and vice president had attempted to stage a military coup in the country. Mass arrests and riots began, which subsequently escalated into violent armed clashes between two tribal unions: the country’s president belongs to the Nuer, which dominates politics and the population, and the disgraced vice-president and his supporters belong to the Dinka, the second largest ethnic group in the state.

Current situation
The rebels control key oil-producing areas, the backbone of South Sudan's economy. The UN sent a peacekeeping contingent to the epicenter of the conflict to protect civilians: more than 10 thousand people were killed in the country, and 700 thousand became forced refugees. In May, the warring parties began negotiations for a truce, but the former vice president and rebel leader admitted that he could not completely control the rebels. Resolving the conflict is complicated by the presence of troops from neighboring Uganda in the country, which are on the side of the government forces of South Sudan.


More than 10 drug cartels, government troops, police, self-defense units.

The essence of the conflict
For several decades, there was hostility between drug cartels in Mexico, but the corrupt government tried not to interfere in the fight between the groups for drug traffic. That changed when newly elected President Felipe Calderon sent regular army troops into one of the states in 2006 to restore order there.
The confrontation escalated into a war between the combined police and army forces against dozens of drug cartels across the country.

Current situation
Over the years of conflict, drug cartels in Mexico have turned into real corporations - now they control and divide among themselves the market for sex services, counterfeit goods, weapons, software. In government and media, large cartels have their own lobbyists and agents who work on public opinion. The cartel war over drug traffic has become secondary; now they are fighting among themselves for control of communications: major highways, ports, border cities. Government forces are losing this war primarily due to widespread corruption and mass defections armed forces on the side of the drug cartels. In some especially crime-prone regions, the population has formed a people's militia because they do not trust the local police.

central Asia

Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan.

The essence of the conflict
The tense situation in the region is maintained by Afghanistan, which has been unstable for decades, on the one hand, and Uzbekistan, which is entering into territorial disputes, on the other. The main drug traffic in the Eastern Hemisphere also passes through these countries - a powerful source of regular armed clashes between criminal groups.

Current situation
After the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and presidential elections Another crisis has broken out in the country. The Taliban launched a large-scale attack on Kabul, while participants in the election race refused to recognize the results of the presidential election.
In January of this year, an armed conflict began between border services on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - each side is confident of violating the other’s border. There is still no agreement between the countries on clear demarcation of borders. Uzbekistan also presented its territorial claims to neighboring Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - the country's authorities are not satisfied with the borders that were formed as a result of the collapse of the USSR. A few weeks ago, the next stage of negotiations began to resolve the conflict, which since 2012 could at any time turn into an armed one.

China and countries in the region

China, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines.

The essence of the conflict
After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the situation in the region deteriorated again - China again started talking about territorial claims to Vietnam. The disputes concern the small but strategically important Paracel Islands and the Spratly Archipelago. The conflict is exacerbated by the militarization of Japan. Tokyo decided to revise its peace constitution, begin militarization and increase its military presence in the Senkaku Archipelago, which is also claimed by the PRC.

Current situation
China has completed development of oil fields near disputed islands that have sparked protests from Vietnam. The Philippines sent its military in support of Vietnam and carried out an action that angered Beijing - the troops of the two countries played an exhibition game of football in the Spratly archipelago. There are still Chinese warships a short distance from the Paracel Islands. Among other things, Hanoi claims that the Chinese have already deliberately sunk one Vietnamese fishing boat and damaged 24 others. However, at the same time, China and the Philippines oppose Japan's policy of militarization.

Sahel region

France, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea and other neighboring countries.

The essence of the conflict
In 2012, the Sahel region experienced its largest humanitarian crisis: Negative consequences crisis in Mali coincided with severe food shortages. During civil war Most Tuaregs from Libya emigrated to northern Mali. There they proclaimed the independent state of Azawad. In 2013, the Malian military accused the president of failing to deal with the separatists and staged a military coup. At the same time, France sent its troops into Mali to fight the Tuaregs and the radical Islamists who joined them from neighboring countries. The Sahel is home to the largest markets for arms, slaves, drugs on the African continent, and the main hideouts for dozens of terrorist organizations.

Current situation
The UN estimates that more than 11 million people in the Sahel region are currently hungry. And in the near future this number may increase to 18 million. Clashes between government troops and the French army continue in Mali partisan detachments Tuaregs and radical Islamists, despite the fall of the self-proclaimed state of Azawad. And this only increases the instability and humanitarian crisis in the region - in 2014, the presence of terrorist groups increased in almost all Sahel countries.

War between people has been going on since very ancient times. I suggest learning about some hot spots over the past few years.

Eastern Congo. Since the people's militia declared war on the country's ethnic minority, the situation in the country has become very unstable. Since 1994, more than a million Congolese have fled the country as a huge insurgency has formed in the country. Several million Congolese who did not leave were killed. Later in 2003, the National Congress of People's Defense was created, headed by Laurent Nkunda. In 2009, it was captured by Rwandan troops, but the unrest in the country never stopped. The photo was taken in a rebel camp in Goma. People carry their dead relative in a coffin.

Kashmir. When Great Britain renounced its rights to India in 1947, conflicts began in Kashmir that continue to this day. As a result of the collapse, two countries emerged: Pakistan and India. The photo was taken in Srinagar when tear gas was used to disperse the crowd.

China. In the photo, Chinese soldiers look outside the city of Urumqi, Xinjiang province. Uyghurs make up 45% of the population of the Northwestern Autonomous Region. Since the 90s, the Uighurs have been demanding independence, despite the fact that the region is considered autonomous. During the next Uighur uprising in Urumqi, 150 people died.

Iran. In 2009, an uprising arose in this country, which was called the Green Revolution. It is considered the most significant since 1979. It appeared after the elections, when Ahmadinejad won the presidency. Immediately after the elections, millions of local residents took to the streets in support of Mousavi. Iran has always used weapons to disperse protesters.

Chad. The civil war has been going on here since 2005. Chad has become an excellent refuge for refugees from Darfur and neighboring Central African republics. The photo shows Chadian soldiers.

Eastern Chad. About 500,000 people had to flee to the deserts of Chad and remain there as refugees, creating their own camps. Due to the fact that the two countries are in conflict, a huge number of people are dying. The photo shows women from a refugee camp carrying branches for a fire.

North Korea and South Korea, remain very tense. In the south of the country, the United States left about 20,000 of its soldiers, because a peace treaty has not yet been signed between these two countries, but this issue is constantly open. The North Korean leader continues to develop Pyongyang's nuclear program, even after the United States tried several times to stop it during negotiations. North Korea first tested its nuclear weapons in 2006, after which they were tested again in 2009. In the photo, soldiers from different sides stand opposite each other on the border that divides the territory into two Koreas.

Pakistan's North West Province. Since 2001, along the border with Afghanistan, Pakistan's North West Frontier Province has seen some of the heaviest fighting between Islamists and Pakistani forces. Many people believe that al-Qaeda leaders are hiding here, which is why American planes constantly fly over here. This place is recognized as the most tense, hot spot in the world. The photo shows a burnt oil tanker, with a Pakistani soldier in the foreground.

Pakistan. This country remains a key country in the American fight against terrorism to this day, despite the fact that the whole world is watching the actions of Iraq and Afghanistan. The photo was taken in the Shah Mansoor refugee camp, Swabi city.

Somalia. Located in southeast Africa. There has been no peace in this country since 1990, just since the government ceased to exist. The leader was Mohamed Siada, who was overthrown in 1992. Immediately after that, the rebels split into groups that obeyed different dictators. The United States intervened in the conflict in 1992, but withdrew its troops two years later due to Black Hawk Down. In 2006, the government of the Organization of Islamic Courts stabilized the situation in the country, but not for long. The country is ruled by rebels and only a small part is controlled by Sheikh Sharif from the Islamic Courts. The photo shows a woman cooking in a refugee camp.

In general, several dictators are trying to control Somalia.

Philippines. The conflict in this country has been going on for more than 40 years, and is therefore considered the longest war in all of Asia. In 1969, a communist rebel group formed and called itself the New People's Army. The group set itself a goal - to overthrow Ferdinand Marcos, who died in 1989. Even Norway tried to resolve the conflict, but was unsuccessful. The "New People's Army" even recruits children into its ranks; children make up about 40% of the entire army. Photo taken in Luzon.

Gaza. In 2007, after bloody fighting, Hamas gained full control of the country. After Israel tightened sanctions, Hamas groups fired rockets at their closest cities. After a large-scale operation carried out by Israel in 2008 to destroy the military potential of Hamas, a huge number of civilians suffered. The photo was taken after an air attack carried out by the Israeli military.

India. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the Indian Communist Party, known as the Naxalites, was "the most powerful internal force our country has ever faced." Despite the fact that the Naxalite movement was originally small organization peasant confrontation since 1967, over time grew into a revolutionary and national liberation movement. The organization's goal is to overthrow the Indian regime. Over the past 10 years, the movement has quadrupled its strength and is currently active in 223 districts of the country. In the photo, supporters of the Communist Party of India protest against paid bus tours in Andhra Pradesh.

On September 11, 2001, American troops destroyed the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces and established a regime under the leadership of President Hamid Karzai. After 8 years, stability has not yet come to the country and this has embittered the Taliban even more. In 2009, new President Obama sent 30,000 American troops into the country to join NATO. In the photo, an Afghan family looks at the soldiers.

Nigeria. An anti-government movement called the Niger Delta emerged in 1995, immediately after the execution of human rights activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and several of his colleagues. This man spoke out against poverty and pollution of the country by oil companies. In the photo, the Niger Delta Movement celebrates its victory over Niger soldiers.

South Ossetia. South Ossetia is a Georgian province that has fallen out of control, located on the border with Russia. The South Ossetian Popular Front, created in 1988, fought for Ossetia to leave the control of Georgia and for them to cooperate with Russia. Some of the largest clashes occurred in 1991,1992, 2004, 2008. In the photo, Russian soldiers overcome mountains on the way to the South Ossetian conflict.

Central African Republic. Civil war broke out in 2004 after a decade of instability. The rebels, calling themselves the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity, were the first to oppose the government of President Francois Bozizé, who came to power after a coup in 2003. Although the conflict officially ended with a peace agreement on April 13, 2007, isolated incidents of violence continue. Since 2007, the European Union has maintained a contingent of peacekeepers dedicated to protecting civilians and assisting the government. In the photo, French representative Michael Sampic speaks with the head of the village of Dakhele.

Burma. The Karen are an ethnic minority who have been fighting the Burmese government to recognize them since 1949. Autonomous Okrug Kawthoolei, located on the border with Thailand. This confrontation is considered one of the most protracted internal conflicts in the world. In June 2009, Burmese troops launched an offensive against Karen rebels on the Thailand-Burma border. They managed to destroy 7 rebel camps and drive the remaining 4,000 militants deep into the jungle. The photo shows one of the soldiers with a machine gun on his shoulder from the Karen National Union.

Peru. Since 1980, the Peruvian government has been trying to destroy the Maoist guerrilla organization Shining Path. The partisans seek to overthrow what they believe is the bourgeois government in Lima and establish a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” Although the Shining Path was quite active in the 1980s, the government's arrest of the group's leader, Abimael Guzman, in 1992 dealt a significant blow to their activities. But after a ten-year lull, the Shining Path marked its return with a bomb explosion near the American embassy in Lima in March 2002, which occurred just a few days after the visit of American President George W. Bush. In the photo is Peruvian Interior Minister Luis Alva Castro.

War between people has been going on since very ancient times. I suggest learning about some hot spots over the past few years.
Eastern Congo. Since the people's militia declared war on the country's ethnic minority, the situation in the country has become very unstable. Since 1994, more than a million Congolese have fled the country as a huge insurgency has formed in the country. Several million Congolese who did not leave were killed. Later in 2003, the National Congress of People's Defense was created, headed by Laurent Nkunda. In 2009, it was captured by Rwandan troops, but the unrest in the country never stopped. The photo was taken in a rebel camp in Goma. People carry their dead relative in a coffin.
Kashmir. When Great Britain renounced its rights to India in 1947, conflicts began in Kashmir that continue to this day. As a result of the collapse, two countries emerged: Pakistan and India. The photo was taken in Srinagar when tear gas was used to disperse the crowd. ICD-10 was also used.
China. In the photo, Chinese soldiers look outside the city of Urumqi, Xinjiang province. Uyghurs make up 45% of the population of the Northwestern Autonomous Region. Since the 90s, the Uighurs have been demanding independence, despite the fact that the region is considered autonomous. During the next Uighur uprising in Urumqi, 150 people died.
Iran. In 2009, an uprising arose in this country, which was called the Green Revolution. It is considered the most significant since 1979. It appeared after the elections, when Ahmadinejad won the presidency. Immediately after the elections, millions of local residents took to the streets in support of Mousavi. Iran has always used weapons to disperse protesters.
Chad. The civil war has been going on here since 2005. Chad has become an excellent refuge for refugees from Darfur and neighboring Central African republics. The photo shows Chadian soldiers.
Eastern Chad. About 500,000 people had to flee to the deserts of Chad and remain there as refugees, creating their own camps. Due to the fact that the two countries are in conflict, a huge number of people are dying. The photo shows women from a refugee camp carrying branches for a fire.
Korea. Even after half a century, relations between North Korea and South Korea remain very tense. In the south of the country, the United States left about 20,000 of its soldiers, because a peace treaty has not yet been signed between these two countries, but this issue is constantly open. The North Korean leader continues to develop Pyongyang's nuclear program, even after the United States tried several times to stop it during negotiations. North Korea first tested its nuclear weapons in 2006, after which they were tested again in 2009. In the photo, soldiers from different sides stand opposite each other on the border that divides the territory into two Koreas.
Pakistan's North West Province. Since 2001, along the border with Afghanistan, Pakistan's North West Frontier Province has seen some of the heaviest fighting between Islamists and Pakistani forces. Many people believe that al-Qaeda leaders are hiding here, which is why American planes constantly fly over here. This place is recognized as the most tense, hot spot in the world. The photo shows a burnt oil tanker, with a Pakistani soldier in the foreground.
Pakistan. This country remains a key country in the American fight against terrorism to this day, despite the fact that the whole world is watching the actions of Iraq and Afghanistan. The photo was taken in the Shah Mansoor refugee camp, Swabi city.
Somalia. Located in southeast Africa. There has been no peace in this country since 1990, just since the government ceased to exist. The leader was Mohamed Siada, who was overthrown in 1992. Immediately after that, the rebels split into groups that obeyed different dictators. The United States intervened in the conflict in 1992, but withdrew its troops two years later due to Black Hawk Down. In 2006, the government of the Organization of Islamic Courts stabilized the situation in the country, but not for long. The country is ruled by rebels and only a small part is controlled by Sheikh Sharif from the Islamic Courts. The photo shows a woman cooking in a refugee camp.
In general, several dictators are trying to control Somalia.
Philippines. The conflict in this country has been going on for more than 40 years, and is therefore considered the longest war in all of Asia. In 1969, a communist rebel group formed and called itself the New People's Army. The group set itself a goal - to overthrow Ferdinand Marcos, who died in 1989. Even Norway tried to resolve the conflict, but was unsuccessful. The "New People's Army" even recruits children into its ranks; children make up about 40% of the entire army. Photo taken in Luzon.
Gaza. In 2007, after bloody fighting, Hamas gained full control of the country. After Israel tightened sanctions, Hamas groups fired rockets at their closest cities. After a large-scale operation carried out by Israel in 2008 to destroy the military potential of Hamas, a huge number of civilians suffered. The photo was taken after an air attack carried out by the Israeli military.
India. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the Indian Communist Party, known as the Naxalites, was "the most powerful internal force our country has ever faced." Despite the fact that the Naxalite movement was initially a small organization of peasant opposition since 1967, over time it grew into a revolutionary and national liberation movement. The organization's goal is to overthrow the Indian regime. Over the past 10 years, the movement has quadrupled its strength and is currently active in 223 districts of the country. In the photo, supporters of the Communist Party of India protest against paid bus tours in Andhra Pradesh.
Afghanistan. Almost immediately after September 11, 2001, American troops destroyed the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces and established a regime under the leadership of President Hamid Karzai. After 8 years, stability has not yet come to the country and this has embittered the Taliban even more. In 2009, new President Obama sent 30,000 American troops into the country to join NATO. In the photo, an Afghan family looks at the soldiers.
Nigeria. An anti-government movement called the Niger Delta emerged in 1995, immediately after the execution of human rights activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and several of his colleagues. This man spoke out against poverty and pollution of the country by oil companies. In the photo, the Niger Delta Movement celebrates its victory over Niger soldiers.
South Ossetia. South Ossetia is a Georgian province that has fallen out of control, located on the border with Russia. The South Ossetian Popular Front, created in 1988, fought for Ossetia to leave the control of Georgia and for them to cooperate with Russia. Some of the largest clashes occurred in 1991,1992, 2004, 2008. In the photo, Russian soldiers overcome mountains on the way to the South Ossetian conflict.
Central African Republic. Civil war broke out in 2004 after a decade of instability. The rebels, calling themselves the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity, were the first to oppose the government of President Francois Bozizé, who came to power after a coup in 2003. Although the conflict officially ended with a peace agreement on April 13, 2007, isolated incidents of violence continue. Since 2007, the European Union has maintained a contingent of peacekeepers dedicated to protecting civilians and assisting the government. In the photo, French representative Michael Sampic speaks with the head of the village of Dakhele.
Burma. The Karen, an ethnic minority, have been fighting the Burmese government since 1949 to recognize the autonomous region of Kawthoolei, which borders Thailand. This confrontation is considered one of the most protracted internal conflicts in the world. In June 2009, Burmese troops launched an offensive against Karen rebels on the Thailand-Burma border. They managed to destroy 7 rebel camps and drive the remaining 4,000 militants deep into the jungle. The photo shows one of the soldiers with a machine gun on his shoulder from the Karen National Union.
Peru. Since 1980, the Peruvian government has been trying to destroy the Maoist guerrilla organization Shining Path. The partisans seek to overthrow what they believe is the bourgeois government in Lima and establish a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” Although the Shining Path was quite active in the 1980s, the government's arrest of the group's leader, Abimael Guzman, in 1992 dealt a significant blow to their activities. But after a ten-year lull, the Shining Path marked its return with a bomb explosion near the American embassy in Lima in March 2002, which occurred just a few days after the visit of American President George W. Bush. In the photo is Peruvian Interior Minister Luis Alva Castro. Original entry in its entirety in Ipkins' diary

The most intense events in last years occurred in the following regions of the Earth:

  • Afghanistan;
  • Iraq;
  • Africa;
  • Syria;
  • Gaza Strip;
  • Mexico;
  • Philippines;
  • Eastern Ukraine.


The Afghan government, forced to spend time and energy fighting between warring factions, after the withdrawal of NATO troops in 2014, is unable to maintain peace in the country and the safety of its citizens.

In 2012, relations between the United States and Afghanistan deteriorated sharply. The culmination of events was the mass execution of villagers in Kandahar province, which was carried out by an American soldier. Among the 17 victims of the massacre there were nine children.

These events led to widespread unrest and provoked a series of military actions by the Afghan military.

Experts believe that in the coming years the country's ruling elite will continue to be torn apart by acute contradictions. AND partisan movement The Taliban will certainly take advantage of these differences to achieve their extremist goals.


Iraq's Shiite government has increasingly come into conflict with other ethnic and religious groups within the country. The ruling elites strive to take control of all institutions of power. This leads to a disruption of the already unstable balance between Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni groups.

Iraqi government forces are fighting the Islamic State. At one time, terrorists managed to include several cities in Iraq into their “caliphate”. Tension also persists in that part of the country where the position of the Kurds is strong, and they are not giving up attempts to create Iraqi Kurdistan.

Experts note that violence in the country is becoming more pronounced. The country is likely to face a new round of civil war.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Problem areas in Africa:

  • Mali;
  • Kenya;
  • Sudan;
  • Congo;
  • Somalia.

Since 2012, tensions have begun to grow in those countries of the “dark continent” located south of the Sahara. The list of “hot spots” here is headed by Mali, where the government changed as a result of a coup.

Another alarming conflict has emerged in the Sahel region of Northern Nigeria. In recent years, radical Islamists from the odious group Boko Haram have killed thousands of civilians. The country's government is trying to take tough measures, but the violence is only expanding: new forces from among the youth are joining the ranks of extremists.

For more than two decades, lawlessness has reigned in Somalia. So far, neither the legitimate government of the country nor the UN peacekeeping forces can stop these destructive processes. And even the intervention of neighboring countries did not lead to an end to the violence, the center of which was radical Islamists.

Experts believe that only a balanced and clear government policy can change the situation in this part of Africa.


Conditions for conflict continue to exist in the country. Kenya is distinguished high level youth unemployment, appalling poverty and social inequality. Security reforms that had been started have been suspended. Experts are most concerned about the increasing ethnic disunity of the population.

The threat from militant groups that have settled in Somalia continues. The response to their attacks may be a militant reaction from the local Muslim community.


The secession of the southern part of the country in 2011 did not resolve the so-called “Sudan problem”. A small local elite continues to accumulate wealth and seeks to control power in the country. The situation in this “hot spot” is aggravated by the growing confrontation between peoples making up different ethnic groups.

The ruling party is torn apart by internal divisions. General deterioration social status and the downturn in the economy lead to increased discontent among the people. The fight against the unification of large groups in the states of Blue Nile, Darfur and South Kordofan is growing. Military actions empty the state treasury. Civilian casualties have become commonplace.

According to experts, during the so-called Darfur conflict, at least 200 thousand people died, more than two million became refugees.

The government uses humanitarian aid flowing into Sudan as one of its bargaining tools. This turns mass hunger among ordinary people into an element of the state's military and political strategy.


The conflict in this country remains at the top of international news. The number of victims is growing. Western media every day predict the fall of the Assad “regime”. Accusations continue to fall against him of deliberately using chemical weapons against the people of his country.

The country continues to struggle between supporters and opponents of the current government. The gradual radicalization of the opposition movement is rocking the situation, and the spiral of military confrontation is beginning to unwind with renewed vigor.

The ongoing violence strengthens the Islamists' position. They manage to rally around themselves those who are disappointed by the policies of the Western powers.

Members of the world community are strenuously trying to coordinate their actions in the region and transfer the conflict to the level of a political settlement.

In eastern Syria, government troops have not conducted active combat operations for a long time. The activity of the Syrian army and its allies Russian forces moved to the western regions of the country.

The southern part of Homs province is ruled by Americans, who from time to time clash with pro-government troops. Against this background, the country's population continues to suffer hardships.

Gaza Strip

The list of problem regions also includes the Middle East. It is home to Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Lebanon. The region's civilian population continues to be under the control of local terrorist organizations, the largest of which are Fatah and Hamas. From time to time, the Middle East is rocked by missile attacks and kidnappings.

The long-standing cause of the conflict is the confrontation between Israel and the Arabs. The Palestinian Islamist movement is gradually gaining strength in the Gaza Strip, against which Israel regularly conducts military operations.


Conditions for conflict exist on the other side of the planet. IN North America Mexico remains a hot spot. Here, in industrial scale produced and distributed narcotic substances. There are giant drug cartels in the country, whose history goes back decades. These structures are supported by corrupt government officials. The cartels can boast of very wide connections: they have their own people in the army, police, and in the top leadership of the country

Bloody conflicts arise every now and then between warring criminal structures, in which the civilian population inevitably gets involved. Law enforcement forces and the Mexican army are involved in this ongoing confrontation, but it is not possible to achieve success in the war against the drug mafia. In some states of the country, the population does not trust the police so much that they even began to create local self-defense units.


For several decades, the conflict has continued between the country's government and armed groups of Islamic separatists who have settled in the southern Philippines. The rebels' demand is the formation of an independent Muslim state.

When the positions of the so-called “Islamic State” in the Middle East were greatly shaken, some Islamists from this region rushed to Southeast Asia, including the Philippines. Philippine government forces conduct regular operations against rebels, who, in turn, stage periodic attacks on law enforcement forces.

Eastern Ukraine

Part of the former USSR space has also turned into a “hot spot” on the planet. The cause of the protracted conflict was the desire of certain territories of Ukraine for independence. In this cauldron, which has spread to Lugansk and Donetsk, serious passions are boiling: interethnic conflicts, acts of terror, and murders of the leaders of the rebel side are mixed in with the threat of a full-scale civil war. The number of victims of the military confrontation is growing every day.

The situation in Donbass remains one of the central topics in news feeds around the world. Kyiv and the West in every possible way accuse Russia of contributing to the expansion and deepening of the conflict by helping the self-proclaimed republics of South-East Ukraine. The Russian authorities consistently deny these accusations and continue to call for a diplomatic solution to the issue.

War has accompanied humanity throughout the history of its existence. Twice during the 20th century, bloody madness literally captured the whole world - these events were called world wars. At the end of World War II, it seemed that politicians had found a way to end armed conflicts once and for all, but this opinion turned out to be wrong. The scale has changed, the form of confrontation has undergone a transformation, but the war itself has not disappeared. To this day, pockets of tension or so-called hot spots continue to exist in the world.

The most problematic region is the Middle East. Despite regular peacekeeping operations carried out by the international community with the active support of Washington, the Middle Eastern countries not only have not forgotten the horrors of war, but, on the contrary, destruction has occurred even where there were no such prerequisites for it. The overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq had catastrophic long-term consequences. He was overthrown in 2003 by an American invasion and executed in 2006. And even after a decade, the country cannot return to pre-war levels. Some of its areas are controlled by the Islamic State terrorist group banned in Russia.

“IS” feels at ease in the Middle East thanks to the political instability reigning in the region. The best way for terrorists to gain a foothold in Syria was after Washington began helping the opposition seeking to overthrow the country’s legitimate president, Bashar al-Assad, by armed means. The fact that the American army did not directly participate in operations against government forces made it possible to preserve the state as such, however, large areas of Syria were taken under the control of the Islamic State and other terrorist groups.

The situation changed dramatically after the start of an operation by the Russian Aerospace Forces to strike militant positions. What the Western coalition could not do in several years, Russia managed in less than a year. After the terrorists began to suffer one defeat after another, and government forces began to strengthen themselves in newly occupied positions, the opposition also expressed its readiness for dialogue to resolve the situation peacefully. However, experts warn that it is too early to talk about a final victory over ISIS.

Nevertheless, the liberation of the ancient city of Palmyra became a striking symbol of the victory of civilization over barbarism, good over evil, order over chaos. The terrorists turned it into a real training ground, destroying ancient artifacts, carried out show executions and plundered thousand-year-old valuables. However, with the support of the Aerospace Forces, Syrian forces were able to drive the militants out of the city. Then Russian sappers took charge of it, taking care of the safety of both ancient monuments and people. The apotheosis of the liberation of Palmyra was the concert of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra. Where until recently militants killed people with impunity, Bach’s music began to sound.

Libya, located in North Africa, has become another victim of political instability. There, the United States directly supported the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, who had led the country since 1969. However, when armed militants executed the “bloody dictator” in 2011, the country was truly overwhelmed by a wave of violence and death. The new government was recognized only in half of the territory of Libya, but even there there is no talk of peaceful life yet. Groups of very different views, united only by an extreme degree of radicalism, are fiercely fighting for power, simultaneously turning the ruins of once relatively prosperous cities into dust.

In addition to all the troubles, the Islamic State has also chosen Libya because it can fearlessly build its bases in this country - there is simply no strength to resist armed aggression and the new government, it is busy fighting for its own survival. Even US President Barack Obama was forced to admit that invading Libya and overthrowing Gaddafi was a mistake. However, awareness of this fact did not in any way protect Washington from similar steps in other countries.

Meanwhile, terrorists, feeling their impunity, create training bases in Libya, after which they undermine the situation in other countries in the region. In particular, Tunisia suffers greatly from militants. The country's authorities have even developed a project to create a wall on the border with Libya. However, many understand that this is not a solution, and it is necessary to fight the cause of terrorism, and not isolate ourselves from it.

A country that has not known peaceful life for decades is Afghanistan. Serious problems with the terrorist threat in the country began after the United States began supporting the Taliban movement. Experts note that this is how al-Qaeda emerged, responsible for many acts of intimidation around the world, the largest of which were the September 11 terrorist attacks. The Taliban continue to wage war against the legitimate government of Afghanistan to this day. At the same time, the United States is now on the side of the legitimate government, but over the years the operation has failed to achieve significant success. Despite the fact that reports of open armed clashes or terrorist attacks are not coming from Afghanistan so often, it continues to be a hot spot on the planet.

Another source of instability is located directly in Europe. It's about about the military operation launched by Kiev against the population of Donbass. It all started with a coup d'etat in Ukraine, which was supported by European and American politicians. All promises made to Viktor Yanukovych, who then headed the country, were forgotten, and he was forced to flee to Russia, saving his life.

The new government decided to radically fight all those who disagree. And although the West expressed serious concerns about the legal actions of the police towards protesters when Yanukovych led the country, after his ouster the authorities were given carte blanche, and neither politicians nor human rights activists spoke out against it when Kyiv began shelling residential areas of Donbass. Thus began an open armed conflict. A militia appeared to protect the interests of the inhabitants of the region, which was able to stop the advance of the security forces.

As a result, the situation, in conditions where Kyiv does not have enough forces to launch a new offensive, but there is no political determination to stop the war, turned out to be frozen. The conflicting parties met in Minsk, where they signed a ceasefire agreement. Russia, Germany and France acted as international observers. Despite the fact that the Ukrainian side agreed to the conditions, it is in no hurry to fulfill its obligations. However, the international community has repeatedly emphasized that there is no way out of the Ukrainian crisis other than a political one.

The simmering conflict continues in Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia and Azerbaijan were drawn into it, and Russia acts as a restraining force, calling on the parties not to aggravate the situation, but to sit down at the negotiating table. It was her efforts that proved decisive during the latest escalation, when military clashes resumed in Nagorno-Karabakh. The sides pulled together armed forces and equipment to the borders and fired from heavy weapons. However, a large-scale war was avoided. However, the truce established in the region is still very fragile and risks collapsing at the slightest provocation.

In Asia, tensions are brewing on the India-Pakistan border. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Islamabad at one time received significant support from Washington. At that time, the policy of the Pakistani authorities supporting the Taliban was consistent with American foreign policy interests, but now relations between the countries have cooled. In particular, it became known that the United States refused to provide Pakistan with a loan for the purchase of their F-16 fighters. However, experts fear that the country has already made a serious technological leap in terms of weapons. In particular, experts are considering the possibility of a nuclear conflict between New Delhi and Islamabad. In this case, from a local conflict this hot spot risks turning into a funeral pyre for the entire civilization. However, analysts are confident that other conflicts still raging in the world have similar destructive potential, so they must be treated with extreme caution.

Today it may seem that all terrible wars are a thing of the distant past. But this is not true at all. Despite the fact that, according to research, far fewer people die as a result of military actions in the 21st century than in previous centuries, hot spots flare up in different regions of our planet. Armed conflicts, military crises - humanity will probably never lay down its arms.

The hot spots of the planet are like old wounds that still cannot heal. For some time, conflicts fade away, but then flare up again and again, bringing pain and suffering to humanity. The International Crisis Group has named hotspot regions on our planet that are threatening the world right now.


The conflict occurred between the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and government forces, as well as other religious and ethnic groups in the country. Thus, ISIS terrorists announced that they are going to create in the territories of Syria and Iraq islamic state- caliphate. Of course, the current government opposed it.

However, at the moment it is not possible to resist the militants. Military hotspots are flaring up across the country, and the ISIS caliphate is expanding its borders. Today it is a huge territory from the borders of Baghdad to the Syrian city of Aleppo. The troops of the current government were able to liberate only two major cities- Uja and Tikrit.

Autonomy took advantage of the difficult situation in the country. During the offensive operations of ISIS, the Kurds seized power over several large oil production areas. And today they announced a referendum and secession from Iraq.

Gaza Strip

The Gaza Strip has been on the list of hot spots for a long time. Conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas have flared up again and again for decades. The main reason is the reluctance of the parties to listen to each other's arguments.

Thus, Israel launched a military operation in order to destroy the infrastructure of underground tunnels and warehouses with stocks of Palestinian weapons in order to deprive terrorists of the opportunity to attack Israeli territory. Hamas demands the removal of the economic blockade of the Gaza Strip and the release of prisoners.

The immediate cause of the fighting that has now unfolded in the Gaza Strip was the death of three Israeli teenagers, and in response to this, the murder of a Palestinian. And on July 17, 2014, the next military action began: tanks drove in, missiles flew.

Several times during this time the parties were planning to conclude a truce, but all attempts to reach an agreement led nowhere. Shells are still exploding, people are dying, and journalists in hot spots are taking such pictures that it’s scary to watch...


The military conflict in Syria flared up after the authorities brutally suppressed opposition demonstrations that broke out under the auspices of the Arab Spring. Clashes between the government army under the command of Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian coalition led to a real war. It affected almost the entire country: about 1,500 groups (al-Nusra Front, ISIS and others) joined the military action, more than 100 thousand citizens took up arms. Radical Islamists have become the most powerful and dangerous.

Hot spots are scattered throughout the country today. After all, Syria is under the control of a variety of terrorist gangs. Most of the country is currently controlled by government forces. The north of the state is completely captured by ISIS fighters. Although in some places the Kurds are still trying to win back territory. Not far from the capital, militants from an organized group called the Islamic Front have become more active. And in the city of Aleppo, there are skirmishes between Assad’s military forces and the moderate opposition.

South Sudan

The country is divided into two opposing tribal unions - the Nuer and the Dinka. The Nuer are the predominant population of the state, including the current president. The Dinka are the second largest people in South Sudan.

The conflict erupted after the President of Sudan announced to the public that his assistant, the Vice President, was trying to provoke a coup in the country. Immediately after his speech, mass unrest, protests and numerous arrests began in the country. Complete devastation and disorganization resulted in a real military conflict.

Today, the oil-producing areas of the country are hot spots. They are under the rule of rebels led by a disgraced vice president. This had a negative impact on the economic component of Sudan. The civilian population of the country also suffered greatly: more than ten thousand victims, about seven hundred thousand were forced to become refugees. In order to somehow resolve this conflict, the UN sent its peacekeeping contingent to South Sudan, which was supposed to serve as protection for the civilian population.

In the spring of 2014, militant alliances tried to come to some kind of compromise. However, the rebel leader openly admitted that he had long ago lost power over the rebels. In addition, peace negotiations were prevented by Ugandan troops acting on the side of the Sudanese president.


A terrorist Islamic organization called Boko Haram has been operating in the country since 2002. the main objective, which they are pursuing is the establishment throughout Nigeria. However, both the authorities and the majority of citizens are against this “proposal”, since Muslims do not constitute the majority in the country.

Since its founding, the group has significantly expanded its influence, armed itself well and began to openly kill Christians, as well as those Muslims who are loyal to them. Terrorists carry out terrorist attacks and publicly execute people every day. In addition, they periodically take hostages. Thus, in April 2014, more than two hundred schoolgirls were captured by Islamists. They hold them for ransom, as well as prostitution and sale into slavery.

The government of the country has repeatedly tried to come to an agreement with the terrorists, but no negotiations have worked out. Today, entire regions of the country are under the control of the group. And the authorities are unable to cope with the current situation. The President of Nigeria has requested financial assistance from the international community in order to increase the combat effectiveness of the country's army, which is currently losing to extremists.

Sahel region

The crisis began back in 2012, when, due to the hostilities taking place in Libya, Tuaregs poured into Mali en masse. In the northern part of the country they formed a state called Azawad. However, less than a year later, a military coup broke out in the self-proclaimed power. Taking advantage of the situation, France sent its troops into Mali to help fight the Tuaregs and radical Islamists who control the area. In general, today the Sahel has become a stronghold of the slave trade, drug trafficking, arms sales and prostitution.

Military strife eventually led to widespread famine. According to the UN, more than eleven million people in the region are without food, and if the situation is not resolved, then by the end of 2014 this figure will increase by another seven million. However, no changes in better side not yet expected: throughout Mali, hostilities are in full swing between the government, the French, the Tuaregs and terrorists. And this despite the fact that the state of Azawad no longer exists.


In Mexico, there has been a constant confrontation between local drug cartels for decades. The authorities never touched them, as they were completely corrupt. And this was no secret to anyone. However, when Felipe Calderon was elected president of the country in 2006, everything changed. The new head of the country decided to change the existing situation once and for all and sent the army to one of the states to deal with crime and restore law and order. This didn't lead to anything good. The confrontation between government soldiers and bandits ended in a war in which the entire country eventually found itself.

In the eight years since the conflict began, drug cartels have gained power, authority and significantly expanded their borders. If previously they fought among themselves over the quantity and quality of drug products, today they argue over highways, ports and coastal cities. The markets for weapons, prostitution, and counterfeit products were under the control of the mafia. Government troops are clearly losing in this fight. And the reason for this is corruption. It gets to the point that many military personnel simply go over to the side of the drug cartels. In some regions of the country, local residents also spoke out against the mafia: they organized. By this, people want to show that they absolutely do not trust either the authorities or the local police.

Hot spots of Central Asia

Tension in the region is created by Afghanistan, where wars have not subsided for many decades, as well as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which have become involved in territorial disputes with each other. Another reason constant conflicts in the region - the main drug trafficking in the Eastern Hemisphere. Because of him, local criminal gangs constantly clash.

It seemed that after the Americans removed their military from Afghanistan, calm had finally come to the country. However, it did not last long. After the presidential election, there were a lot of people who refused to recognize the vote as legitimate. Taking advantage of the situation in the country, the terrorist organization Taliban began to capture the capital of Afghanistan.

In the winter of 2014, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan became involved in territorial disputes, which was accompanied by military operations in the border areas. Tajikistan stated that Kyrgyzstan had violated existing borders. In turn, the Kyrgyz government accused them of the same thing. Since the collapse of the USSR, conflicts have periodically arisen between these countries over the existing designation of borders, but there is still no clear division. Uzbekistan also intervened in the dispute, presenting its own claims. The question is still the same: the country’s authorities do not agree with the borders that were formed after the collapse of the USSR. The states have already tried more than once to somehow resolve the situation, but agreement and specific decision the question never came. At the moment, the atmosphere in the region is extremely tense and could result in military action at any moment.

China and countries in the region

Today the Paracel Islands are the hot spots of the planet. The conflict began with the fact that the Chinese suspended the development of oil wells near the archipelago. This did not please Vietnam and the Philippines, which sent troops to Hanoi. To show the Chinese their attitude to the current situation, the military of both countries played an exhibition football match on the territory of the Spratly archipelago. This angered Beijing: Chinese warships appeared near the disputed islands. There were no military actions on the part of Beijing. However, Vietnam claims that warships have already sunk more than one fishing boat. Mutual reproaches and accusations can at any moment lead to missiles flying.

Hot spots of Ukraine

The crisis in Ukraine began in November 2013. After the Crimean peninsula became part of the Russian Federation, it intensified. Pro-Russian activists, dissatisfied with the situation in the state, formed the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in the East of Ukraine. The government, led by new President Poroshenko, sent the army against the separatists. Fighting unfolded on the territory of Donbass (map of hot spots below).

In the summer of 2014, an airliner from Malaysia crashed over the territory of Donbass, controlled by the separatists. 298 people died. The Ukrainian government declared DPR and LPR militants guilty of this tragedy, as well as the Russian side, which allegedly supplied the rebels with weapons and air defense systems with which the airliner was shot down. However, the DPR and LPR denied involvement in the disaster. Russia also stated that it has nothing to do with the conflict within Ukraine and the death of the airliner.

On September 5, the Minsk Armistice Agreement was signed, as a result of which active hostilities in the country ceased. However, in some areas (for example, Donetsk airport), shelling and explosions continue to this day.

Hot spots in Russia

Today, there are no military operations taking place on the territory of the Russian Federation, and there are no hot spots. However, since the breakup Soviet Union Conflicts have broken out more than once on the territory of our country. Thus, the hottest spots in Russia this decade are, undoubtedly, Chechnya, the North Caucasus and South Ossetia.

Until 2009, Chechnya was permanent place military operations: first (from 1994 to 1996), then the second Chechen war (from 1999 to 2009). In August 2008, the Georgian-Ossetian conflict occurred, in which Russian troops also took part. The fighting began on August 8, and five days later ended with the signing of a peace treaty.

Today, a Russian soldier has two ways to get to hot spots: the army and contract service. According to the changes made to the Regulations governing the procedure for passing military service, conscripts can be sent to hot spots after four months of training (previously this period was six months).

Under a contract, you can get to a hot spot by concluding an appropriate agreement with the country. This agreement is drawn up only on a voluntary basis and for a specific period that the citizen is obliged to serve. Contract service attracts many people because it can make a lot of money. Amounts vary depending on regions. For example, in Kosovo they pay from 36 thousand per month, and in Tajikistan - much less. Big money could be earned for taking risks in Chechnya.

Before signing a contract, volunteers must undergo a rigorous selection process: starting with computer testing on the Ministry of Defense website and ending with a full examination of their health, psyche, personal data check, law-abidingness and loyalty.