It's better to eat before bed. What and why you shouldn’t eat before bed

The dream of a slim figure can force a person to significantly limit their diet and radically change their lifestyle. It’s not that difficult to follow some nutritionist recommendations: you can easily create a diet that includes foods with a certain calorie content, or ride a bicycle to work. However, there is a requirement that not everyone can fulfill: do not eat after 18.00. The reason is not only the feeling of hunger that arises. If a person returns from work no earlier than 20.00, he simply does not have time to have dinner at the recommended hours, and only a few can go without food from lunch until the next morning. There are also psychological factors: after a stressful working day With its complexities and stresses, there is a completely justified desire to relax. Eating delicious food is one of the the best ways calm down and take your mind off things. It is not surprising that many people get used to overeating in the evenings, ignoring all the advice of doctors.

Fortunately, the problem has a solution. There are a number of foods that can be consumed after 18.00 without the risk of gaining extra pounds. We present a list of such products to the attention of our readers.

This cute fruit is considered one of the most effective fat burners. Its calorie content is low. He contains a large number of pectin, which helps improve digestion and get rid of heaviness in the stomach.

Kiwi fruits are rich in organic acids, which can be harmful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You should use kiwi with caution even if you have allergic reactions to exotic vegetables and fruits.


Flounder is perfect for dietary nutrition. Its meat contains a lot of protein and only 3% fat, mainly in the form of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that are beneficial for the body. Energy value fish is 90 kcal per 100 g of product. Regular inclusion of flounder in the diet helps not only maintain optimal body weight, but also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.


The calorie content of cod is one of the lowest among protein products (69 kcal per 100 g). Fish pulp is rich in iodine, sulfur and vitamin PP, so its consumption has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and also improves blood composition and blood circulation in general. Cod is not recommended to be included in the diet of people who have kidney problems or suffer from cholelithiasis. Doctors have information that cod meat, when consumed in moderation, can lower blood pressure.


Red beets have a sweet taste and do contain a large amount of natural sugars. Therefore, the root vegetable for a long time was considered not suitable for those seeking to lose weight.

According to the latest data, the composition of beets is unique: when consumed regularly, it allows you to normalize digestion, fill the body with vitamins and microelements, improve blood composition and normalize the functions of many organs and systems. The calorie content of the root vegetable does not exceed 40 kcal per 100 g. Today, several diets are known that include raw or boiled beets as the main component of nutrition, providing a significant reduction in body weight.

People with chronic diseases should limit beet consumption: diabetes, oxaluria, frequent diarrhea and gastritis. To a healthy person you need to eat beets daily. Among other things, it has a calming effect. By consuming beets in the late afternoon, you can relieve the effects of daytime stress and improve the quality of your sleep.


Mushrooms are considered heavy food, and yet champignons are not prohibited from being eaten in the evening: they contain substances that quickly and effectively suppress hunger. This property is especially fully manifested when raw champignons are included in the diet (for example, as part of salads). In addition, they contain essential amino acids, vitamins and mineral compounds.

By adding just 2-3 mushrooms to your evening menu, you will quickly feel full and get a lot of vitamins and microelements without compromising your figure.


All types of cabbage (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.) contain large amounts useful substances, they are low in calories and are quite suitable for an evening snack.

When eating cabbage, you need to consider some nuances:

  • kale, raw or pickled, can cause excess gas in the intestines;
  • cabbage is not recommended for high acidity of gastric juice;
  • Cauliflower should not be eaten raw;
  • cauliflower may worsen the condition of patients with gout;
  • broccoli and cauliflower can cause allergies;
  • Eating broccoli may negatively affect the health of people with thyroid disease.


Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and fiber that is beneficial for digestion. This vegetable contains a lot of biologically active substances; it is not without reason that it has been used since ancient times to treat various pathologies.

When included in an evening meal, pumpkin has a calming effect on the body: it is rich in substances that help reduce anxiety and get rid of insomnia. The pulp of the fruit is low in calories (22 kcal per 100 g). A few orange slices baked in the oven will perfectly satisfy your hunger.

Contraindications to consuming pumpkin include low acidity of gastric juice, a tendency to flatulence, diabetes mellitus and individual intolerance.


The energy value of turnips is 30 kcal per 100 g. Moreover, unlike many other vegetables and fruits, it does not have harmful effects when diabetes mellitus. It is recommended to pay attention to the product if you are obese and have excess cholesterol in the blood.

Like some other plants of the cruciferous family, turnip has a calming effect on humans, stabilizing the state of the nervous system. Including turnips in your evening meal makes perfect sense.


There are three known varieties of celery: leaf, petiole and root. All of them are low in calories and rich in substances that promote weight loss. It has been established that in the process of digesting celery, the body spends more energy than it receives.

Each part of the plant contains large amounts of potassium, as well as manganese, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, vitamins, essential oils and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Celery stalks and roots contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal function. The vegetable can be consumed raw, boiled or baked. When used as a side dish, it speeds up and optimizes the process of protein digestion. Celery juice mixed with the juices of other vegetables or fruits is very popular.

Celery has strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, immunostimulating and vasodilating properties. Therefore, using it for food requires moderation and caution. With hypotension, urolithiasis, varicose veins, epilepsy or gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage, consuming celery (especially in the form of freshly squeezed juice) can worsen the patient’s condition. The product is not recommended for women suffering from uterine bleeding, as well as expectant mothers, since it contains substances that tonic the muscles of the uterus. When breastfeeding, the inclusion of celery in the diet may adversely affect the taste of breast milk.

Regular stressful shocks and irregular working hours lead to the fact that many people postpone dinner at night, which subsequently leads to the fact that a person can gain weight. Being at home in the evening, most people have time to look into the refrigerator every now and then in search of tasty food.

The question arises, what is allowed to be eaten at night and does it cause harm to the body?

Is it possible to eat at night?

There is a certain group of foods that are allowed to be consumed before bed.

  • Raw quail eggs;
  • Meat products - pork, beef or veal;
  • Cereals - rice, buckwheat;
  • Dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • Drinks: Protein shake 30 minutes after an intense workout.

Prohibited foods for people actively involved in sports:

  • pasta;
  • sausages;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • black and green tea, coffee, cold drinks, cocoa;
  • dried fruits;
  • sweets;
  • fruits.

Having finished training, the body is in an excited state, therefore, additional toning will harm:

  • will increase blood pressure;
  • will have a destructive effect on muscle tissue;
  • worsen the psycho-emotional state.

For a person who regularly visits the gym at least 3 times every 7 days, the calorie content of dinner should not exceed 500 Kcal, when building muscle mass- 800 Kcal, and for weight loss - 300 Kcal.

Recommendations from experts! For an effective workout and without harm to health, it is recommended to eat food high in carbohydrates - muesli, oatmeal, natural yogurt, unsweetened fruits - half an hour before class.

You shouldn’t put too much strain on your digestive system, the main thing is to have a little snack.

In order not to be tormented by the question: “What to eat at night to lose weight?”, it is important to monitor your lifestyle, quality and diet, move more and go for walks more often. fresh air. And if you feel a little hungry, use approved foods. In this case, there will be no harm to the body if the portion of food is small.

For many years, people blindly believed that they should not eat after 6 pm, otherwise their weight would increase by leaps and bounds. Or the food will become a “dead weight” in the intestines and will spoil all night, because in the dark the intestines do not work.

Such statements are nothing more than a myth. Research by modern doctors proves that eating before bed is not only not harmful, but also beneficial. However, the evening diet should depend on what stage the person is at. So, some are interested in what they can eat at night when losing weight, while others are interested in how to eat to gain weight.

Is it possible to eat before bed

Modern medicine associates the long-standing idea of ​​“not eating after 6” with outdated weight loss systems that were invented back in the last century. At that time, the theory about evening fat burning was actively spreading, which was based on the following assumptions:

  • In the evening, the body begins to experience energy hunger;
  • If this hunger is not satisfied, the body uses fat to replenish lost energy;
  • A person goes to bed hungry and starts the fat burning process in the body;
  • The scales show less weight in the morning than in the evening, supporting the idea of ​​overnight fat burning.

The choice of food when losing weight or gaining muscle mass should be approached carefully

But in practice the situation is completely different. If someone losing weight goes to bed on an empty stomach, their metabolism sharply decreases. Fat deposits become an emergency reserve, and the body makes up for the lack of energy through the destruction of muscle tissue. Therefore, morning weight loss is not the desired fat burning, but the loss of precious muscle mass. In addition, with the first meal, the body automatically stores fat so as not to starve in the future.

Nutritionists' concerns

Nutritionists who forbid their “wards” to eat before bed are understandable. After all, many find it very difficult to adhere to the norm, especially when it comes to food. Therefore, it is easier to completely ban dinners than to try to limit the portion and choice of foods for someone losing weight.

So, summing up the medical verdict, we can confidently say: eating at night is not harmful. But this does not mean that a late dinner gives you the right to overeat so much that it is then difficult to get away from the table. And such a meal cannot be called a full dinner: for the most part, it is an evening snack that helps replenish daytime energy losses.

What can you eat at night

The evening portion should not exceed 200–250 kcal, otherwise the excess will take the form of fat deposits. Less will cause the body to starve and destroy muscle cells.

The evening meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime

Meals must consist of the permitted set of foods. It will depend on what goal the person is pursuing - losing weight or gaining muscle mass.

When losing weight

The main principle of nutrition when losing weight is to eat at least 1.5–2 hours before bedtime. Extra calories will be burned during this time. In this case, neither the hungry rumbling of the stomach nor the heaviness from excess food will interfere with sound sleep.

In this case, you need to choose products that are quickly absorbed and will be beneficial for the body. There are several groups of products allowed for a late snack.

Protein food

Great for late dinners, especially for athletes. The fact is that protein helps build muscle cells. You need to choose products that can be absorbed in 1.5 hours. It can be:

  1. Cottage cheese. Contains amino acids and milk protein – casein.
  2. Kefir. To get rid of hunger, you can drink a glass of kefir at night. room temperature. Choose a product with 1% fat content.
  3. Yogurt. It is worth choosing natural low-calorie yogurt, which does not contain sweeteners or additives.
  4. Ryazhenka. A hearty drink that will help eliminate severe hunger and normalize intestinal function. However, before going to bed you can drink no more than 0.5 cups of fermented baked milk.

Kefir is useful both in pure form, and as a main component of diet drinks


For a late dinner, choose fruits that contain a minimum of sugar and a maximum of vitamins. Suitable:

  1. Grapefruit. Eliminates the feeling of hunger and promotes the breakdown of fats.
  2. Pomegranate. Scientists have not proven that pomegranate promotes weight loss. But the increase in blood sugar levels after eating fruit helps get rid of hunger.
  3. Kiwi. 1 fruit at night helps cleanse the body of toxins and reduce hunger.
  4. A pineapple. It contains bromelain, an enzyme that stabilizes digestion.
  5. Banana. You can’t call it a low-calorie fruit, but you can occasionally eat one piece at night. Bananas help you sleep because they contain the amino acid tryptophan, which has a positive effect on sleep. nervous system.

Low sugar fruits can be eaten at night


Most people who lose weight tend to eat vegetables at night. But not all vegetables can be eaten before bed. Nutritionists allow:

  1. Carrot. Ideal for those losing weight and will be beneficial, as it contains a lot of vitamin A. The latter helps fight stretch marks on the skin and improves body tone.
  2. Tomatoes. People with kidney problems should be careful when choosing this vegetable, as this vegetable has a diuretic effect. The kidneys will work actively, and the person will have to get up often at night to go to the toilet.
  3. Cucumber. It reduces hunger well. But due to its diuretic properties, it is not recommended to abuse it before bedtime.
  4. Cabbage. It contains tartronic acid, which prevents the transport of carbohydrates into fat. Thanks to this property, it is considered a leader among vegetables.
  5. Pumpkin. Contains vitamin T, which speeds up metabolism and inhibits fat deposition. It also helps remove toxins and waste.

Tomatoes and peppers are good for your figure and overall health

Nuts, cheese and seeds

Nuts and cheeses contain healthy fats that quickly fill the body and at the same time help you lose weight. Among these products allowed:

  1. Hazelnuts, almonds, Walnut. They are high in calories but contain a lot of healthy fats. A small handful of nuts at night will be an excellent support for the body.
  2. Seeds. A glass of seeds is comparable in calorie content to a hearty dinner. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat large amounts of seeds during dietary nutrition. However, a small handful of pumpkin seeds will not harm your figure, but will saturate the body.
  3. Cheese. Contains protein and calcium, but also a large amount of fat. Therefore, when losing weight, you can only buy low-fat cheese and eat a few pieces at night.

Nuts are allowed for consumption, but in limited quantities


Foods high in carbohydrates, especially simple ones, should be consumed with caution. The body will not be able to expend energy, and it will turn into fat folds. At night you can eat:

  1. Buckwheat. But in steamed form, unsalted, unsweetened and without adding oil.
  2. Bran. Bran needs to be supplemented with plenty of liquid. In this case, they will fill the stomach well and act as an adsorbent to cleanse the body.
  3. Oatmeal. Cereals cleanse the body of toxins and help you lose weight. But for a good result you need to choose the right oatmeal. For example, whole grain, rolled steamed cereal or rolled oats.
  4. Honey. It is better to combine it with natural herbal teas, which will ensure sound deep sleep.

Chocolate is considered a prohibited product when losing weight, but it comes in different forms. For example, a few pieces of high-quality dark chocolate will not harm your figure. They contain a minimum of sugar and beneficial antioxidants, which reduce blood pressure and improve mood.

A piece of dark chocolate will improve your mood and will not ruin your figure

When gaining muscle mass

Products for weight gain are low in calories. They can be eaten before bed after training. But the athlete should not forget that half an hour to an hour after training there should be another snack that will close the carbohydrate-protein window.

Below are small but filling, high-protein snacks. They prevent muscle breakdown after training and promote muscle gain. This:

  1. Casein protein with flax seeds. Fans of sports nutrition can opt for casein protein. It contains slow-digesting protein, so the amino acids will continually feed your muscle cells little by little throughout the night. Flax seeds provide the healthy fat your body needs and a feeling of fullness.
  2. Cottage cheese with added almonds. The dairy product contains casein and whey proteins, so it is rightfully considered one of the most budget-friendly sources of protein. Almonds eliminate the feeling of hunger and provide the body with healthy fats.
  3. Greek yogurt with chia seeds. The dairy product contains much more biobacteria and protein than standard yogurt. Therefore, it is ideal for a protein snack. Chia seeds are full of fiber, antioxidants and Omega-3, so their benefits for the body are difficult to overestimate.
  4. Whey protein and some peanut butter. This powder can be called sports nutrition - a leader in creating protein snacks. It contains a lot of amino acids and BCAA. Peanut butter is added to add healthy fats and lightly sweeten the protein mass.
  5. Eggs and avocado. Eggs are the undeniable and easiest source of protein. They are allowed to be used in any form. If an athlete is in the process of drying, it is better to remove the yolk, as it is high in calories. But in the process of gaining weight, they can be safely included in the diet. Avocado is responsible for the content of healthy fats in the body.

These are the most interesting options evening diet, which are suitable for nutrition of bodybuilders. They cook quickly and help you feel full after a hard workout.

Protein and flax seed are a healthy addition to your evening meal

It is important! If the muscles have stopped growing, you should add an evening protein meal with healthy fats. If the weight is going well, the last meal may consist of standard foods - eggs, cottage cheese, chicken fillet, lean fish, casein.

What foods should you not eat at night?

Under no circumstances should you consume the following foods at night:

  1. Energy drinks, coffee, tea. These products will not allow the body to fall asleep, as they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. You can drink tea, especially green tea, at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. Cakes, sweets. It’s generally better to exclude sweets from your diet, unless it’s a couple of pieces of dark chocolate. Cakes and sweets harm your figure, cause insomnia and stimulate your appetite.
  3. Fat. Fatty foods harm the body at any time of the day, but when consumed at night, they also contribute to the development of various pathologies. A person's metabolism slows down, and excess calories turn into fat deposits.
  4. Spicy. Spicy foods stimulate appetite and promote the production of gastric juice. Therefore, after snacking on something spicy, a person will soon want to eat again. In addition, at night he is guaranteed to suffer from heartburn and bloating.
  5. Beans and cereals. During the day, these products are very useful, but their consumption should be limited before bedtime. The fact is that beans contain a lot of fiber, which takes a long time to digest. The result is colic, flatulence and gastrointestinal upset.

If there is nothing but the above in the house, it is better to drink a glass of water. This will be many times more beneficial for the body. In addition, the body often confuses thirst with hunger, demanding something satisfying instead of liquid. If you don't want to drink water, you can drink ginger tea. It will boost immunity, help break down fat and allow you to fall asleep faster.

There are many recipes for healthy drinks with ginger.

Of course, you need to carefully select your diet for any meal. Late dinner is no exception. You can't go to bed with an empty stomach. But if it was not possible to eat before and eating before bed cannot be avoided, it should be as light as possible, both when losing weight and when gaining muscle mass.

It’s harmful that such a habit adds unnecessary calories, and that you can’t eat after 6 p.m.

There is an opinion that food will remain in your stomach all night, and this will lead to excess weight.

However, you should not blindly believe everything, because these are myths, and eating the right food before bed will not only not lead to weight gain, but can also speed up metabolism.

Read also:7 reasons to sleep on your left side

Snacking before bed can even bring you closer to your goal weight and wellness by keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

Therefore, there is no need to suppress the feeling of hunger and go to bed on an empty stomach, but it is better to eat something that will only benefit you.

Eating before bed

1. Eating before bed can help you lose weight.

Yes, you read that right. You've probably heard that eating before bed adds extra calories. However, this opinion is outdated, because losing weight cannot be reduced only to how many calories you took in and how many you burned. If that were the case, you'd eat low-calorie cookies, go to the gym, and lose weight.

Health and weight loss in many ways depends on what you need nutrients and maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

When you eat the right amount of the right foods, your sugar levels stabilize and the fat-burning hormone glucagon does its job.

When you don't eat before bed, your blood sugar levels drop sharply after you fall asleep, and if you don't sleep well, this can lead to extra pounds.

Eating a balanced snack can actually help you lose weight.

What can you eat before bed

2. Being full will help you sleep.

Many people have difficulty falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night. One of the most simple solutions Eating a light snack before bed can be a problem.

There is no evidence that eating a small snack before bed leads to weight gain.

However, this doesn't mean you need to eat a huge bowl of ice cream, because what you eat matters too.

15-30 minutes before bedtime, you can eat a small portion of berries with cream, carrots, apple slices with nuts, or bananas. It's best to choose a combination of a couple of tablespoons of fat and half a cup of carbohydrates, since proteins can interfere with sleep.

3. While you sleep, your body works and needs energy.

Our body uses energy 24 hours a day, constantly burning calories, which means it needs to be refueled to maintain peak performance levels.

One study found that men who drank a milkshake before bed burned more calories at rest than those who didn't eat anything before bed.

Once you start keeping your metabolism at a stable level, you will begin to lose weight and feel more energetic.

4. This will stabilize your sugar levels in the morning.

In the morning, your liver begins to produce extra glucose and gives you the energy you need to start the day.

This process causes virtually no changes in sugar levels in people who do not have diabetes. However, some people with diabetes cannot produce enough insulin to get rid of excess glucose in the blood.

Diabetics often wake up in the morning with high level blood sugar, even if you didn’t eat anything before bed. Other people may experience nocturnal hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, which prevents them from sleeping.

Some studies have shown that eating a small snack before bed can prevent such fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

5. Satiety leads to sleep soundly and a healthier life.

Sleep affects immunity, energy level, appetite,metabolism and your weight.

The better you sleep at night, the better you feel all day long.

Do yourself a favor and eat something healthy before bed to ensure your body is properly rested.

The main principle that should be followed by those who want to lose weight: female body reacts very painfully to hunger strike. Our body is designed to bear children, so it perceives a lack of nutrients and strict diets as a signal of distress. When you are fasting, your body immediately switches to energy conservation mode, and instead of expending calories, it begins to store them. You didn’t eat after 18.00, but went to bed at midnight and couldn’t sleep from hunger? Rest assured, your body will store everything you eat in the morning.

So, what should you eat at night if you want to lose weight?

1. Fermented milk products. Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, natural yogurt- all these are sources of light protein, which is easily digestible, does not overload the body and is not stored as excess fat. The main rule is that all these products must be unsweetened! The optimal portion is 200 g.

2. Milk. Warm milk before bed is a classic of the genre. It not only contains protein, but also tryptophan, this amino acid calms and induces drowsiness. And the better you sleep, the lower the risk that the next day you will want to replenish your energy reserves with sweets and fatty foods.

3 eggs. This is also a source of healthy protein. The best option- 2 hard-boiled eggs, or a two-egg omelette cooked with tomatoes and spinach.

4. Poultry meat. Skinless chicken or turkey will support your metabolism good level and it won't hurt to get a good night's sleep. It is a source of vitamins A, E, B and a whole complex of minerals. There are practically no carbohydrates in poultry meat, so you don’t have to worry about your figure. Ideal serving: 100−150 g chicken breast(steam or boil) + the same amount of fresh vegetables.

5. White fish. Fish has a very low percentage of fat, but there is a lot of healthy protein. For a late dinner, choose low-fat varieties - cod, pike, hake.

6. Stewed vegetables. After heat treatment, fiber from vegetables is more easily absorbed. Vegetables for dinner can be boiled, stewed or cooked in a slow cooker. They are perfectly digested and work as a natural sorbent - they remove toxins from the intestines. The main rule is to cook without oil and add as little salt as possible.

7. Berries. One glass of strawberries or blueberries contains no more than 70 calories, and contains a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants. And fiber and pectins will also stimulate intestinal function.