A beautiful garden area with minimal maintenance. Light garden with unpretentious plants

A favorite garden should be shady, cozy and fragrant, and not at all demanding to care for. To do this, you need to know the basic principles of “gardening for lazy people” or “ lazy garden «.

Gardens that do not require special care have been invented a long time ago. Most often this is the so-called natural garden- What has grown has grown. Or " grandma's» - artistically overgrown, with no visible layout.

They have one thing in common: such a garden requires increased attention at the creation stage, but after two or three years it pleases with its beauty and does not require special care. Of course, you still have to do a little work:

  • at least sometimes weed,
  • water the garden as needed,
  • in spring - remove last year's vegetation.

But it's not that difficult. And to avoid big problems, you just need to stay in tune with reality and not take the extraordinary garden with beautiful picture. Most often, such glossy photographs show the luxurious gardens of Greece, Spain, Turkey, where the climate is completely different, much more garden-loving and... lazy - after all, the local residents cannot imagine life without a siesta!

Hassle-free garden

So, let's start planning a garden for the lazy...


There should be a lot of trees and shrubs in our garden. They provide life-saving shade, shelter from prying eyes, bloom beautifully, and, most importantly, they are perennial, which means they require almost no trouble.

It is important not to buy capricious, moisture-loving shrubs or trees that require continuous pruning and feeding. The choice of the lazy(in the most beautiful sense of the word) -

  • barberry,
  • honeysuckle,
  • lilac,
  • Rowan.

Barberry bush in a lazy garden

Lilac blooms

If you dream of a hedge, but don’t want to bother with pruning shears, choose plants that don’t require regular trimming:

  • rhododendron,
  • mock orange,
  • hydrangeas,
  • spirea

Blooming hydrangea bush

Spiraea for the lazy garden

As a rule, the creation of a garden begins on a wave of inspiration, the desire to get results instantly. 3-4 years pass and it turns out that there is absolutely not enough time and energy. Looking at the overgrown rose gardens, alpine slides, lush greenery nettles, general desolation, hands down. The owners begin to panic. What to do?

Some people give up on the idea of ​​a garden and stop: the garden becomes a continuous green lawn, which is trimmed periodically. Others try to plant new plants, install new decorative elements: and the garden turns into a warehouse of unkempt plants and unnecessary things. Still others give up on their dreams and turn to help landscape designers. Help from specialists - good idea. But you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to make a fairy tale come true with your own hands. The spirit of the “pioneer”, the creator, the artist is lost.

Diagnosis is an ill-conceived approach. What to do? Start fixing errors. Layout and landscape design worth subduing main goal- obtaining an easy-to-maintain garden. Take into account the motto “Through thorns to the stars.” But don't overload yourself. Remember to enjoy your work.

And in order to solve the problem, you must adhere to the following rules.

Rule 1.
Outline a plan and analyze the possibility of its implementation.

A large number of different plants requires a lot of effort and time. When purchasing plants, remember that each of them should have its place and perform a specific function.

Exotic plants will help travel lovers enjoy dreams of distant lands, modest wildflowers will evoke nostalgic memories of childhood. Some plants can “revive”, for example, the space near outbuildings.

Plan small seating areas. Place benches or stumps there to sit on. Make a mini-pond from an old basin. Even one water lily planted in it will please the eye.

Rule 2.
Place garden elements that are quite difficult to care for compactly so that you don’t have to “run” around the entire garden.

For example, if you plan to come to your dacha only on weekends to relax with friends, arrange a specific corner. Here you can set up a barbecue grill and plan small pond or waterfall. Leave the rest of the area untouched.

It would be nice if the “water features” were visible from anywhere in the garden. Especially from the window of the house.

Take the location of communications seriously. If a fireplace or barbecue is planned, lighting will not be superfluous, since preparing barbecue can last until the evening.

When planning a pond or waterfall, don't forget about the drainage.

When planning a rose garden, also remember that it needs watering. Therefore, having a water tap is necessary: ​​you won’t pull watering hose through the whole garden.

Rule 3.
The main priority is still architectural details.

This does not mean that everything should be primitive: a bench and a flower bed. But a pile of various details will not decorate the garden. Everything is good in moderation.

To prevent the area from seeming “empty,” arrange single flower beds in large flowerpots. Sometimes an old lantern or a small sculpture will liven up a space better than a huge flower bed.

Fawn made from brushwood

Consider the style of garden layout. If you are a supporter of classic “park” ensembles, then the layout will naturally be more straightforward. Small alleys, flower beds, fountains are what you need. Against their background, country style details will look very inappropriate.

And vice versa, if the “rustic” style is closer to you, then “Greek” columns are of no use here. Cozy corners, winding paths, wooden benches, even an old trough will add a unique charm. Some parts can be made with your own hands from plaster, wire or wood.

Rule 4.
Use small architectural forms.

Little things also play an important role: they will add originality and will not require significant maintenance efforts. Plant around unpretentious plants. Small lanterns, arches, decorative stones will make the garden more comfortable and cozy.

Furniture should be chosen that is not bulky or formulaic. Come up with something exclusive: even in old chair or a chair can be given new life.

The highlight of the garden can be small plants, surrounded by emerald greenery. It is not necessary to plant a huge number of flowers that will be difficult to care for. Plant climbing nasturtium or ampelous petunia and it will become wonderful decoration. Old rubber boots or boots can also act as flower pots.

To illuminate paths, alpine slides Small solar-powered flashlights will do.

Rule 5.
It is worth choosing “proven” plants that do not require special care.

Give preference to your favorite plants. But remember that annual plants require care, so plant them compactly. For example, in flower boxes under windows or containers that can be transported if a new idea “visits” you.

Tall plants will hide areas that your hands cannot reach. Goldenrod (Solidago) or small-fruited Macleaia can cope with this. And the tall ones ornamental grasses will hide the flaws of the landscape.

Choose a place for indoor plants, after all Fresh air it won't hurt them. But remember that you should first carry out preventive protection against insect pests (aphids, caterpillars).

Use plants native to your area. For example, primroses dwarf irises, lungwort, and clover will contribute to decorating the garden. Just don't mix wild growing plants with garden plants. You can organize a corner of “wild” nature. Moreover, wild plants require virtually no maintenance.

By following these rules, you can always have beautiful garden without much hassle.

Beautiful, well maintained garden With early spring until late autumn - here it is, a dream! But spending all your free time digging in the garden and caring for the lawn every weekend is a dubious pleasure.

However, you can make your garden attractive and cozy without putting in too much effort. The main thing is to plan wisely garden landscape and choose plants that are ideal for each other and do not require special attention.

Editorial today "So simple!" will tell you how to plant beautiful garden with your own hands. All necessary instructions and photos included!

Garden for the lazy

It is much easier to maintain a neat, well-groomed garden english style. A little careless, as if slightly neglected, with its free layout it is much easier to maintain than an impeccable French one.

The fewer flower beds there are in the garden, the easier it is to care for the garden. There are many colorful shrubs that change foliage color with the seasons. Their colors change from early autumn until the onset of cold weather.

Such shrubs include Thunberg barberry, cotoneaster, cinquefoil, and holly mahonia. Mahonia is valued not only for its beautiful foliage, but also for its tasty small berries, which are good both in baking and in compotes.

A garden without flowers is not a garden. Lay out a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot for a lawn on which you can mix clover, daisies, tenacious - all those unpretentious flowers that cover the ground with a carpet. In addition, these flowers tolerate cutting well, so you can get rid of weeds with a lawn mower.

A front garden blooming in lush colors will create the impression of a richly landscaped area. The rest of the area can be planted with bushes and sowed lawn grass. In an atmosphere of slight negligence, mixborders with a random arrangement of plants look great.

For mixborders, select plants that are well adapted to the conditions of our climate. Combine shrubs with foliage different color and size so that the garden is good even when not in bloom.

Terraces and retaining walls diversify appearance plot with a difference in landscape. Pave part of the lawn decorative tiles- another great solution. The hassle of caring for the area will be much less.

High-quality ones will make gardening easier and faster. For example, a gas trimmer will cut grass and weeds where a regular mower would necessarily cut through low-growing bushes.

To prevent the soil from becoming clogged between plantings, cover it with decorative mulch (for example, bark). Non-woven material sprinkled with gravel will cover the ground and solve the age-old problem of weeding.

Annuals planted as seedlings are a waste of time. Pay attention to self-seeding flowers such as eschscholzia, poppy, cornflowers, toadflax, calendula and flax. These flowers bloom brightly, wildly and do not require prior germination.

The natural shapes that characterize the soil in your region will give your garden a rustic charm. The most common garden chamomile will decorate any garden and additionally bind the soil, thereby protecting it from being washed out. Chamomile blooms for a long time and is resistant to heat and drought.

Flowering shrubs will relieve you of the need to care for your garden almost completely. Bushes planted around the perimeter of the garden, near fences and buildings will create a picturesque view. Lilacs and rose hips will fit perfectly into any garden, the only thing is that lilacs require pruning of faded clusters.

This dry garden if you live in the desert or steppe, coastal garden if your site is located in a wetland; forest corner if your garden is in a wooded area; abandoned wild garden, if you got exactly this one, rockery, if your terrain is rocky or the site is located on a slope, moorland, if the site is a wasteland. It is clear that using existing resources and conditions, working “together with nature, and not contrary to it,” is much simpler and more logical than fighting windmills, trying to change the existing natural landscape. But you will have to “fight” constantly.

Unpretentious plants in the right places

Grow in a practical, easy-to-care garden unpretentious native or well-zoned plants. The unpretentiousness of a plant is primarily determined by its sufficient drought resistance and cold resistance for your area. Such a plant does not require watering even in hot summers and the construction of special labor-intensive winter shelters.

The category of practical and unpretentious plants also includes local aromatic And medicinal plants, naturalized bulbous (daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops, cold-resistant cyclamens, scillas, colchicums, hazel grouse, crocosmia and others, depending on your region). To naturalize these plants in your garden, plant the bulbs in a suitable place and just leave them alone. The plants will begin to live their usual seasonal life in your garden.

Avoid plants and elements garden design, which, on the contrary, will require constant attention and care. This plants in hanging baskets and small containers, formal flower beds and hedges, topiary, and lawns. Instead of the latter, sow the lawn with thyme, chamomile or clover; in the shade, use moss instead of grass; Place gravel, tiles, or boardwalk next to the house.

Lush greenery or structure and order

The choice of vigorously growing or, conversely, slowly growing perennials depends on whether you want lush natural greenery on the borders or, on the contrary, consistency and order. The same applies to annuals and biennials that actively reproduce by self-sowing. I like poppies sleeping pills and samoseyka so I leave the most beautiful specimens(usually black), and then I scatter the seeds from a mature capsule over the flower bed. I do the same with the forget-me-nots in the back "natural" part of my garden. If it is difficult for you to control self-seeding, it is better not to have such plants at all, because they spread throughout the garden, like weeds.

To quickly cover large areas of the garden with greenery, use ground cover flowers and plants.

Plants that are beautiful all year round

Good for lung garden care plants that look good not just one, but two or three seasons a year (ideally all year round). Compare rowan or Mahonia, which are interesting and beautiful in all four seasons, with lilac or mock orange. Yes, the latter bloom charmingly and are very fragrant, but their flowering lasts 2 weeks, and these trees spend the rest of the year looking monotonous. It is especially important to select plants that are beautiful all year round, those who have small gardens or space on the site is strictly limited.

Less is more

Don’t rush to plant every plant square meter garden or replace immediately dead plant for something new. Firstly, existing plants will certainly grow over time. Secondly, save money and labor, because we create easy care garden. Thirdly, it is good when the garden has some structure that is provided harmonious combination different elements. There is a place for fullness and emptiness, soft and hard textures, bright colors plants and the darkness of the soil or the monotony of the mulch.

Instead of plant variety, focus on quality and repeatability. Plant at least 3-5 specimens of the same perennial side by side to create consistency in the design, instead of the variegation that occurs from an abundance of different plants individually.

If you can’t do it or you just don’t want to remake the entire area into a “garden for the lazy,” then limit yourself to one unpretentious garden area and see how you like it.

Smart technologies for a beautiful and practical garden

Good soil - healthy plants

When planting and replanting plants, dig more deep hole, to the bottom of which be sure to add

Sow and plant new plants in spring or fall, when there is enough moisture in the garden and plants take root easily without additional watering.

Combine plants according to their needs. By planting plants that need periodic watering next to each other rather than in different corners of the garden, you will save time and effort in the future.