We can preserve grape compote for the winter. Compote of ranetki and grapes for the winter

It is important to brew aromatic grape compote from homemade fruits or during the season when berries are offered on the market at the most attractive prices. A properly prepared drink is perfectly stored all winter and delights guests and family with its bright taste. You can roll it into sterilized meringue jars.

Ingredients: half a three-liter jar of dark grapes, 2 liters of water, 720-740 g of granulated sugar.

  1. The proportions of the products can be slightly changed to suit your taste. For example, increasing or decreasing the amount of berries and/or sand. The more grapes there are, the brighter and richer the drink will be.
  2. The fruits are washed well and the stalks are removed. This must be done carefully so as not to crush the berries.
  3. A 3 liter glass jar is sterilized in advance. Grapes are poured into it.
  4. From above, the fruits are filled with water boiled with granulated sugar.
  5. A jar of grapes and syrup is placed in a pan with liquid heated to 60 degrees. In this case, the water in the container should only reach the shoulders of a three-liter jar.
  6. Under the lid, the compote is sterilized for 20-25 minutes.

How to cook without sterilization?

Ingredients: half a three-liter jar of dark grapes, 2 liters of water, 720-740 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of citric acid.

  1. The first step is to prepare the berry bunches. They are sorted out, spoiled or overripe parts are removed. The grapes are placed in a colander and washed very thoroughly with ice-cold running water.
  2. The fruits are left for some time to allow excess liquid to drain from them, then they are separated from the branches and laid out on the bottom of a well-washed and sterilized jar (3 liters in volume).
  3. Syrup is prepared from the amount of water and sand specified in the recipe. It is poured over the prepared berries, after which the container is tightly closed with a sterile lid and left for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Then the syrup (without grapes) is returned to the pan, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes. At the very end, add a pinch of lemon.
  5. The berries are refilled.

Compote for the winter is immediately rolled into conveniently sized jars with boiled metal lids.

The containers are turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely.

From white and blue grapes

Ingredients: 220 g each of blue and white berries, the same amount of granulated sugar, filtered water in a volume corresponding to the size of the jar.

  1. The fruits are carefully sorted. Dry and rotten berries are mercilessly thrown away - they can ruin the finished compote. The grapes are washed with running water and then placed in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  2. The berries are poured into a prepared three-liter jar.
  3. First, bring 1 liter of water to a boil. The contents of the container are filled with it. The jar is closed with a lid and left for 12-15 minutes.
  4. The water without berries is poured back into the pan. The required amount of liquid is added to it to fill the entire jar, and sand is also poured out. With constant stirring, the syrup cooks for 5-6 minutes.
  5. It is used to pour grapes into a jar, after which the container is rolled up special key. The lid used is metal.

The container is turned over, wrapped and left to cool completely.

Preparing a drink for the winter from the Isabella variety

Ingredients: 2 heaped glasses of granulated sugar, 4.5 liters of filtered water, a kilo of ripe grapes.

  1. Two three-liter glass jars washed with baking soda. After thorough rinsing with water, they are sterilized with steam. This procedure will take 20-25 minutes.
  2. The grapes are carefully removed from the branches. All spoiled or dried berries are thrown away. The sorted fruits are washed in several waters, placed in a colander and doused with boiling water.
  3. Add sand to the amount of liquid specified in the recipe. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked until the sugar grains are completely dispersed.
  4. The jars are filled approximately 1/3 with grapes. The berries are poured with boiling syrup on top. They are left under the covers for about half an hour.
  5. The syrup without the grapes is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil again and returned to the jars.

All that remains is to roll up the containers with a key, wrap them in blankets and leave them with the lids down for a day.

Compote of grapes and apples

Ingredients: 5 liters of purified water, a kilo of sour apples, 620 g of grapes, 8-9 tbsp. l. with a pile of granulated sugar.

  1. The apples are removed from all excess and coarsely chopped. The grapes are washed and picked from the branches.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, after 4-5 minutes the prepared fruits are dropped into it.
  3. After boiling, the mass is left on the stove for another 3-4 minutes under the lid.

The finished compote of grapes and apples should brew and cool, after which you can take the first sample from the drink.

With the addition of oranges

Ingredients: 220 g dark grapes, half a large orange, 170 g granulated sugar, 720 ml purified water, 2 sprigs of fresh mint, cinnamon stick.

  1. The grapes are removed from the branches, sorted and washed.
  2. Orange pulp without zest and white layers is cut into arbitrary slices.
  3. The prepared fruits are placed in a clean, sterilized jar.
  4. Water is brought to a boil, grapes and orange are poured over it. After 5-6 minutes of infusing the contents of the jar, the liquid is poured back into the pan and brought to a boil. Then the remaining components are added to it, which should boil for 2-3 minutes.
  5. The hot drink is returned to the can (no cinnamon!).

The container is hermetically sealed with a lid, turned over, wrapped in a blanket and left for a day.

Grape compote - “drink immediately” recipe

Ingredients: 720 ml purified water, 330 g grapes of any color, 160 g granulated sugar, a pinch of lemon.

  1. The grapes are removed from the branches and washed.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sand for 7-8 minutes. The berries are immersed in it.
  3. After the next boil, the mass is cooked for 6-7 minutes over low heat.

The drink is cooled to a comfortable temperature for drinking and served.

With strawberry

Ingredients: 3 liters of purified water, 4 tbsp. l. with a heap of sugar, 170 g of fresh strawberries, 220 g of white grapes. Let's look at how to cook compote from grapes and strawberries in more detail.

  1. Place washed grapes and sugar into boiling water. The mass is cooked for 5-6 minutes at medium boil.
  2. Next, prepared strawberries without sepals are poured. Cook the ingredients together for only a couple of minutes, otherwise the berries will soften excessively.
  3. The finished compote should sit for 15-17 minutes.

The drink is served with ice and fresh mint leaves.

With cloves and cinnamon

Ingredients: 260 g dark grapes, ½ tsp. ground cinnamon, cardamom and cloves, 4-5 tbsp. l. with a slide of granulated sugar, 2 liters of water.

  1. The grapes are separated from the branches, sorted, poured into a pan with sugar and filled with water.
  2. After the liquid boils, add all the seasonings to the berries.
  3. The drink is brewed for 15-17 minutes.

The finished compote is delicious served both cold and hot.

I really want to preserve the aromas of summer for the cold season, and preservation recipes provide this opportunity. Among all kinds of delicious preparations, we can highlight compotes, which are not difficult to prepare at home. But a healthy, fortified drink will be an excellent addition to both the lunch and holiday tables. At the same time, berry compotes will help maintain immunity, and grapes are almost the main crop here.

Before preserving, the grapes must be carefully sorted, removing wrinkled, cracked, wilted berries. They should be firm, fleshy and not overripe.

The bunches are placed in a colander and washed under a cool running stream. Next, the berries are either carefully picked from the brush or left on it - everything will depend on the chosen recipe.

In home canning they use it for compotes glass containers various containers: 0.5 l, 1-3 l. Select jars that are intact, without cracks or chips on the neck. In this case, the container must be perfectly clean and free of foreign odors.

Immediately before use, the jars should be washed with baking soda and then rinsed 2-3 times. clean water and place the container upside down on a towel to drain the remaining liquid.

Before packaging, the jars are steamed in a water bath or fried in the oven.

In some cases, you can do without this - if you use a double or triple filling recipe.

Grapes are so popular that housewives have a large number of various recipes for its preservation. It is not possible to cover them all in one article, so only a small sample is given here as an example of what you can do to please your loved ones in winter.

Recipe for a 3 liter jar

3 liter containers are most suitable for rolling grapes in bunches. The entire procedure includes the following steps:

  • the jars are filled with brushes to half the volume;
  • boil the syrup at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar per 2 liters of water;
  • pour syrup into jars of grapes and leave for 5 minutes;
  • then the syrup is drained and boiled again;
  • the grapes are poured a second time with hot syrup, having previously been added to the containers citric acid(0.5 tsp for each jar);
  • The compote is immediately rolled up with lids, the jars are turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket.

After a day, the capping is removed from under the shelter and transferred to storage.

Compote of grapes for the winter: video

Recipe for a liter jar

One-liter jars are perfect for concentrated compotes, which, after opening the container, are diluted with water, yielding 2-3 liters of a tasty drink. This compote is prepared as follows:

  • the berries are separated from the bunch and placed in jars 2/3 full;
  • make syrup using the following proportion– 0.75 liters of boiling water and 0.450 kg of sugar;
  • pour boiling syrup over the grapes, place the jars on water bath for sterilization within 10 minutes.

After rolling up the lids, the jars are turned over and left to air cool.

The combination of grapes and apples in compote is interesting - these fruits organically complement each other’s taste qualities. To seal such a compote for the winter, for a 3 liter jar you need to take 0.5 kg of grapes (you can use tassels) and 4 pcs. fragrant apples. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • First, apples are placed at the bottom of the container, then grapes;
  • in a saucepan you need to boil the syrup (0.4 kg of sugar per 2 liters of water) and pour it over the fruits;
  • lidded jars are placed in a saucepan with hot water(up to the neck) and sterilize, avoiding violent boiling, for half an hour.

The finished compotes are kept for another 10-12 hours upside down under a warm blanket.

Compote of grapes and apples: video

Recipe with apples No. 2

An interesting recipe using not only apples, but also oranges. The drink turns out tasty and fortified. And to make it extraordinarily beautiful, it is better to take dark bunches of grapes and red apples. Prepare compote in this way:

  • apples and oranges are peeled, cut into slices, removing the seeds;
  • grape berries are carefully removed from the brush;
  • pour boiling water over the fruits, add sugar and cook the syrup for 3 minutes;
  • After removing from the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the fruit brew for 20 minutes, then pour into jars.

To prepare this drink, 3 liters of water will require 200 g of sugar and 100 g of fruit.

Without sterilization

Grapes and apples can be sealed without sterilization. To do this, the fruits placed in jars are first poured with boiling water and left for 5-7 minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added (1 glass for each 3 liter jar) and the syrup is boiled. The hot syrup is poured back into the jars, some of which are immediately sealed with lids. The preservation is kept for a day under a blanket, and then sent to the underground or pantry.

Compotes can be made from different varieties of grapes, and even combined with each other. But the drink made from dark fruits is especially attractive. If you take the “Isabella” variety, the compote will delight you not only with its taste and ruby ​​hue, but also with its surprisingly intoxicating aroma. You can prepare compote different ways, but it’s worth trying this recipe:

  • pour 6 liters of water into the pan, add 8 tbsp. sugar and bring the syrup to a boil;
  • Dip grapes into the syrup, boil for 3 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears;
  • turn off the fire on the stove, cover the pan with a lid and a warm blanket so that the berries are steamed;
  • after 1 hour, check - if the grapes have settled to the bottom, leave the pan open and the compote is naturally cooled to room temperature;
  • The drink is filtered, removing the berries, and poured into jars.

Having rolled up the lids, the compote is stored in a cool place. It is recommended to supplement this recipe with one more ingredient - during the process of cooking the compote, you can add the juice of 1 lemon.

Grapes go well with plums. If you take bunches of white varieties and add them with dark plums, the compote will acquire an interesting shade and unusual taste. It is better to prepare this drink without sterilization so that the fruits do not burst.

  • A 3-liter jar is filled ¼ full with plums, and grapes (without tassels) are placed on top so that the container is half filled;
  • fill the jar to the brim with boiling water and leave to steep for 5-7 minutes;
  • pour the water into a saucepan, add 0.25 kg of sugar (per 1 bottle) and boil the syrup;
  • Meanwhile, the fruit is poured with another portion of boiling water;
  • Carefully drain the water from the jars, pour syrup over the fruits and seal the jars.

You need to keep the compote under a blanket for 2-3 days, then transfer it to the cellar.

Pear compotes are always very aromatic, and if you combine these fruits with grapes, you get a rather original, piquant taste. Prepare a drink better way double filling, taking into account some nuances:

  • you just need to choose pears durum varieties so that they do not crawl away from boiled water;
  • Fruits should not be placed whole in a jar - they must be divided into 4 parts, removing the testes;
  • grapes in in this case It is better to use individual berries rather than in bunches.

For 1 3 liter jar you will need 200 g of sugar for syrup and 2 pinches of citric acid, which is added directly to the container before pouring the syrup.

This drink is prepared somewhat differently from traditional recipes, but it turns out not only tasty, but also quite tonic. To prepare it, perform the following steps:

  • grapes (0.2 kg) of white varieties (preferably seedless) are separated from the bunch and each berry is cut into halves;
  • the orange is washed and also cut into slices;
  • add spices to boiling water - for 1 liter of liquid you need to take 2 buds of cloves and 1 stick of cinnamon;
  • after 5 minutes, add green tea (1 tbsp) to boiling water and set the pan aside to let the drink steep;
  • meanwhile, the grapes and orange slices are mashed, then poured into the drink;
  • adding a little honey or sugar (to taste), stir the compote and pour into jars.

Before rolling, the drink must undergo thermal sterilization in a water bath for 10-20 minutes (depending on the capacity of the glass jar).

This drink will give you energy on winter days and help avoid colds. But the recipes for grape compotes described above will fill the body with vigor and protect against many diseases.

Compote of grapes for the winter, even in a 3-liter jar, can be prepared in high concentration so that the drink will be similar to natural grape juice. The following recipe is suitable for any variety and any method of preparation. We take the following products:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • Grapes – 0.5 cans per 3 liters;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • Citric acid.

We sort the bunches of grapes and get rid of overripe or rotten berries. Then we rinse them under running water in a colander, leaving the grapes to drain. Place torn dry berries in a jar. Place a saucepan with water and sugar on the stove and prepare the syrup.

Pour the prepared syrup over the berries in the jar and leave to steep for about 15 minutes. Then you need to pour the infusion back into the pan and bring to a boil. The syrup is boiled for 2 minutes, after which we pour a pinch of citric acid into it. We again fill the jars with grapes with syrup and now seal them.

We wrap the inverted jars of compote and leave them to cool. When the compote is infused, its color will resemble cherry compote, but the taste is different - it is dessert with subtle sour notes.

Compote of grapes for the winter without sterilization

Store-bought juice or compote in winter is not cheap, so it is much easier and faster to prepare grape compote for the winter without sterilization - cheap and cheerful. Cooking will require a little time, a minimum of effort and the following amount of ingredients:

  • Blue grapes – 2 kg;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

White varieties can also be used. We wash the bunches well or even soak them in water for about 20 minutes. After that, we pick the berries and wash them again in running water. Place grapes in sterile jars, filling them one third full. We also add sugar there, which will allow you to get a concentrated drink.

Fill the jars with boiling water, if desired, also add cinnamon, mint, cloves, etc. to your taste. Immediately roll up the jars, turn them over and wrap them warmly. The next day, the compote can be put away in the cellar. Please note that the drink prepared without sterilization can be stored for no more than a year.

Compote of grapes and apples for the winter

The prepared compote of grapes and apples for the winter will be especially tasty, aromatic and doubly delicious. If you take dark varieties, the color of the drink will turn out to be an exquisite ruby. Moldova or Isabella are best suited. To prepare you need:

  • 1-2 bunches of grapes;
  • Apples – 3-4 pcs.;
  • 150 g sugar.

Shake off the washed bunches and dry them. It is also necessary to sort out the grapes, removing spoiled berries. We also wash and cut the apples, if the fruits are large, removing the seeds. Small apples can be used whole. Place apples and berries in jars washed with soda and sterilized, filling them 2/3 full.

Sprinkle sugar on top of the fruit, pour boiling water up to the neck and screw on the lids. That's it, the compote is ready! When the workpiece has cooled, you can put the compote in the cellar.

Isabella grape compote for the winter

If you want to get a sweet, fresh drink with excellent taste at any time of the year, try making compote from Isabella grapes according to the recipe below. To prepare it you need:

  • Isabella grapes – 500 g;
  • 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • Water – 1.5 l.

We separate the washed berries from the bunches and set them aside in a colander or spread them out on kitchen towel. Meanwhile, put water in a saucepan on the stove and bring it to a boil. When the water boils, throw the berries into it. When the water boils again with the grapes, add sugar to the pan.

The drink will be ready when all the sugar has dissolved. All you have to do is let it cool and you can seal it. Even when warm, the drink is very tasty, aromatic and healthy. An excellent replacement for store-bought juices, especially for children.

Grape compote for the winter, a simple recipe

Below is a simple recipe for grape compote for the winter, which is suitable for any variety and does not require special knowledge in preparing preparations. It's not at all difficult to prepare. But you will be able to enjoy the benefits of winter, even if not in the form of fresh berries. For the recipe you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 35 g sugar;
  • 1 kg of grapes.

The most important and, perhaps, the most tedious thing is to prepare the berries. They need to be washed under running water and removed from the bunches, getting rid of everything unnecessary - cuttings, tails and other things. Of course, it’s more convenient when you have large, whole grapes for compote. When the berries are washed, let them drain.

After this, dry and clean berries are scattered quite tightly into the jars just under the lid. Now you can prepare the sweet syrup. To do this, boil water and pour granulated sugar into it. Stirring constantly, bring it to sweet water again to a boil. Then immediately pour it into the jars with fruits and cover with a lid. After half an hour of sterilization, the jars can be rolled up.

The result is a rich, aromatic compote that you can simply drink as a ready-made drink, or add to cocktails. It can also be used to make excellent jelly. Thus, summer will be on the winter table, delighting households and guests with pleasant taste and healthy vitamins.

Compote of plums and grapes for the winter

Grapes go well with other fruits. Therefore, it is recommended to experiment and prepare a compote of plums and grapes for the winter, which will delight your family and friends in the cold season. It is better to take blue varieties. The recipe requires the following quantities of ingredients:

  • 500 g plums;
  • Grapes – 4-5 small clusters;
  • Sugar – 250-300 g;
  • Water.

You can prepare the containers in advance - wash them with baking soda and sterilize the jars for preparations. Then, while our jars are drying, we prepare the drink. We wash the plums and grapes, sorting through the berries and getting rid of spoiled ones. Place the prepared plums at the bottom of the prepared and dried jar. They should fill it about 1/4 full. Place the washed bunches on top.

Thus, the jar should be half full. Boil water in a saucepan on the stove, then fill the jar with it. After 25-30 minutes, pour the infusion back into the pan, leaving the berries and fruits in the jar. Add sugar to the saucepan with syrup, checking for sweetness. After boiling, boil the syrup for a couple of minutes, stirring until all the sugar dissolves.

Fill the jar with this syrup again and immediately roll up the tin lid. Turning the workpiece upside down, let it cool for half an hour, after which we transfer it to another room, wrapped in a blanket for self-sterilization of the finished drink. After a couple of days, the compote can be put away in the cellar or pantry.

Kishmish grape compote for the winter

This variety, like no other, is perfect for preparing preparations, because the berries do not contain any seeds. To prepare compote from raisin grapes you will not need many ingredients and very little of your time, but in the end you can get an unusually lot of useful things.


  • Kishmish – 0.7 kg;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 400 g sugar.

So that during the cooking process the berries do not burst upon contact with hot syrup. It is better to choose slightly unripe bunches. Place the washed berries in a jar and proceed to preparing the syrup.

Bring water in a saucepan to a boil on the stove and add sugar. Reducing the heat, cook the syrup until all the granulated sugar crystals have dissolved. Then pour the boiling syrup into the jar of grapes and immediately roll it up, turning it upside down. We leave the workpiece to cool for a day, wrapping the jars well with a blanket. The next day you can hide the compote in the basement.

Compote of pears and grapes for the winter

You can prepare an original, and most importantly very tasty and healthy compote from pears and grapes for the winter. It is recommended to take the Kishmish variety. For 1 liter of compote, we take fruits and berries to your taste - to fill the jar or not to fill a full jar, but here are the rest of the products:

  • Water – 1 l;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.

We wash the pears well under running water, peel them, cut out the core, and cut them into large pieces. Next, we wash the bunches, then removing the berries from the bunch. Bring water to a boil on the stove. Then we put the prepared grapes and pears in a jar and pour boiling water over them. After letting them sit for a while, pour the water back into the pan; when it boils, add sugar to it. Its amount may vary depending on the quantity and sweetness of the products.

We pour sweet boiling water over our fruits and berries again and seal them. The compote is ready!

Compote of ranetki and grapes for the winter

Simple reliable recipe

An excellent combination of summer flavors in the winter season can be obtained by preparing a compote of ranetki and grapes for the winter. It is better to take black varieties with a slight sourness. To prepare we take:

  • Ranetki;
  • Grape;
  • Sugar.

As for the quantity of ingredients, they take as many as there are cans and depending on how full they are. In general, take it to your taste. Remove the berries from the bunches, wash them and the fruit thoroughly in cool water. While the food is draining in a colander, we prepare containers for the ingredients.

After that, fill the jars required quantity apples and grapes (apples can be added whole), about half. Also choose the proportions yourself. Fill the jars with boiling water. Bubbles will immediately begin to appear in the container, which will disappear after 7 minutes. After this, pour the liquid back into the pan on the stove.

Pour sugar there at the rate of 1 tbsp. per jar (3 l), boil the infusion, allowing all the sugar to dissolve. Then fill the jars of fruit with sweet syrup and immediately seal them with boiled lids. We turn the pieces over, checking how tightly they are closed. Having wrapped the jars, we leave them to cool for 12 hours or a day, after which we put them in the basement.

Compote of peaches and grapes for the winter

A special aroma is obtained if you prepare a fruit compote from peaches and grapes. For the recipe you will need:

  • 350 g peeled peaches;
  • 150 g grapes;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 170 g sugar.

We wash and pit the peaches and remove the skin. If the peaches are large, then cut the fruit fillet into pieces. Small fruits can be used entirely. After placing the peaches in a jar, prepare the berries. They also need to be washed, sorted and removed from the bunch. Add berries to peaches.

Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, adding the latter when the water boils. Pour the prepared syrup over the fruit and cover with a lid. So the compote cools down for a day. The next day, drain the syrup and boil again. Pour hot syrup over the fruit again and seal this time.

Compote of grapes for the winter without sugar

This recipe allows you to save even more useful properties and vitamins.

You can make a berry drink even more healthy by preparing grape compote for the winter without sugar. In addition, sugar-free compote can perfectly quench your thirst and invigorate you. To prepare it you need to take:

  • Sweet grapes;
  • Water.

We wash the berries directly with the tassels, sort out any debris and throw away the illicit goods. When you pick the bunches, the berries can be immediately packed tightly into sterile jars up to the neck. But you shouldn’t put too much pressure on the mass, so as not to damage the berries. Pour boiling water here, doing it in small quantities so that the jars do not burst.

Now you need to sterilize the workpiece. To do this, place the jars in a pan of water to boil or in the oven to fry. Then you can roll up the compote and let it cool. Bon appetit!

Winter grape compote with lemon

A light and refreshing drink can be drunk not only in summer. We recommend preparing an invigorating grape compote with lemon for the winter. The recipe requires the following products:

  • Grapes – 100 g;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • Lemon – 30 g;
  • 1 liter of water.

We wash the fruits and berries, pick the grapes from the bunches. At the same time, we sort through the berries, removing damaged ones. Cut the lemon into the required amount of slices. Pour the prepared ingredients into a saucepan with water and put it on the fire. After bringing the water to a boil, add sugar (optional). If you like sour things, then you can do without sugar, it will last even longer.

Boil the drink over low heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. This will take no more than 5 minutes. Now turn off the heat and wait for the compote to cool, covering the pan with a lid. Or immediately pour into clean jars and seal. This drink is perfectly refreshing and quenches thirst. Bon appetit!

Compote of grapes for the winter

To prepare an original compote from bunches of grapes, you need to take small blue varieties. This method will require less effort in preparing food and preparing the drink itself. For the recipe you need:

  • Grape;
  • Water – 2 l;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.

We wash the bunches and carefully inspect them for damaged, rotten or unripe berries, removing them along the way. Then we put them in jars that have been previously washed with soda, but not yet sterilized. Fill the containers 1/3 with berries and prepare sugar syrup. When the water boils again with sugar, you can fill the jars with hot syrup.

After this, the blanks are sealed using a seaming machine. After turning the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and let them cool for a day. When the compote has completely cooled and set, it can be put away in the cellar or pantry.

A few tips for this recipe:

  • It is better to cut the bunch down to the very base, where grape branches are already beginning to grow.
  • You should not put a lot of sugar, since the berries already contain a sufficient amount of natural preservatives.
  • You need to remove the workpiece from the blanket no earlier than it has completely cooled down.

Such compote, if not drunk immediately, can remain in the cellar all winter. Happy preparations!

Compote of grapes and orange for the winter

An excellent natural energy drink can be prepared in the form of a compote of grapes with orange for the winter and the addition of green tea and spices. For this recipe you will need the following amount of ingredients:

  • 200 g grapes;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 tbsp. l. green tea;
  • 2 clove buds;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1 liter of water.

We take white grape varieties, preferably seedless. We wash the fruit, cut the orange into slices, and separate the berries from the bunches. Additionally, cut each berry in half. Place water on the stove and add spices when the water boils. Let the water simmer for 5 minutes, then add green tea to it.

While the compote is infusing, you need to lightly mash the fruit with a wooden spatula, adding a little sugar. Then add the tea infusion and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add honey. Pour the finished compote into jars and cover with varnished lids. Banks in hot water Pasteurize at low simmer in a saucepan on the stove. After heat treatment, roll up the jars with lids.

How to close grape compote for the winter: tricks of the process

Not all housewives still know how to seal grape compote for the winter. Many people don’t even realize that these berries are suitable not only for juice and wine. But there are many ways to prepare compotes exclusively from grapes or together with other fruits and berries.

This drink will not only decorate the holiday table in winter, but will also be an excellent replacement for store-bought juices and drinks that do not contain as much nutrition. Here are a few facts and secrets on how to properly cook compotes from such berries:

  • You can make a drink from individual berries, straight in bunches or berries with small branches.
  • Compote can be closed with or without sterilization.
  • Any variety is suitable for recipes, but for the best and more rich color and aroma, it is better to take dark varieties: Kishmish, Isabella, Lydia, Golubok or Moldova.
  • You can even make a tasty and healthy drink from green fruits. In this case, cherry leaves can be added to add color to the compote.
  • An additional ingredient can add piquancy and a special aroma to the compote. It could be vanilla, cinnamon, lemon zest, nutmeg, cardamom or cloves.

This compote can also be prepared with the addition of other berries and fruits: apples, plums, pears, raspberries, peaches, apricots, rowan berries and others.


Culinary Etude 08/08/2018

Grapes grown not overseas, but in our south, have already appeared in markets and stores. What a pleasure it is to eat luxurious fresh berries with a divine aroma and taste! Our housewives have long been famous for their ability to “preserve summer in jars.” Now it's time to prepare grape compote for the winter.

Of course you can buy grapes now all year round. But many have garden plots and the dachas have their own harvest that needs to be preserved. Preparing grape juice is quite troublesome. But the compote is quick and without any problems.

Do you want to close the grape compote? Then right now you will learn how to do this from a new article by Irina Rybchanskaya - our regular leading column.

Hello, dear readers of Irina Zaitseva’s blog! The hot season of winter preparations continues. Absolutely all varieties of grapes are used to prepare compote. The most aromatic compote is obtained from the simple “Isabella”. And the most delicious berries are in a compote made from the best table varieties of light and black grapes.

A couple of days ago, my husband and I were visiting a winegrower we knew. How beautiful his yard is! Shady "gazebo" from grapevine variety "Cardinal", hung with clusters of large purple berries sparkling in the sun, is mesmerizing.

The generous owner gave us almost a hundredweight of selected berries. And again my home cannery began to chug. Compote, jam, dried grapes with garlic and herbs for wine - this is an incomplete list of what I want to make. Let's start with compote. I'll give you different recipes- choose what you like best.

General remarks

  • Jars for packaging compote should be washed with soda, rinsed thoroughly, and sterilized.
  • Use sterilized lids for screwing.
  • Raw materials are checked for suitability in the most conscientious manner. A few rotten berries can spoil the finished product.
  • If the compote is not subject to sterilization, then it should be turned over on a lid, sealed, and wrapped in something warm. Leave it like this until the jars have cooled.
  • After sterilization, the compote is twisted and cooled upside down, without wrapping it. At the same time, drafts should be avoided - hot jars may burst.

Compote of grapes for the winter without sterilization with two fillings

This preparation is best made from green, white and black grapes with thick skin that is easy to bite through. The method is suitable for preparation in small volume containers - 700 - 1500 ml. Here is a recipe for grape compote with step-by-step photos.

Ingredients for a one and a half liter jar

  • 700 - 750 g of grapes per bunch;
  • 750 - 800 ml water;
  • 185 - 200 g sugar.

How to cook

For the winter, I make only a couple of jars - in case of unexpected guests. The liquid is used as a non-alcoholic soft drink, and the grounds combined with citrus fruits make a wonderful fruit and berry salad.


  • A third of a jar of grapes and pitted cherries in equal quantities;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • a couple of cherry leaves, a sprig of mint and a small cinnamon stick (optional).

How to cook

  1. Check the bunches for good quality, rinse them thoroughly, separate the berries, and place them in a prepared jar. Send there the defrosted pitted cherries along with the juice, clean cherry leaves, a sprig of mint and a cinnamon stick.
  2. Boil the syrup, pour the contents of three-liter jars, pouring over the edge.
  3. Roll up, turn over, wrap. Store cooled products in a cool place.

Dear readers of Irina Zaitseva’s blog, I tried to give you interesting and varied recipes for making compote. I will be glad if you like them and find them useful. Please contact me with any questions in the comments. I will be happy to answer everyone.

With all my heart I wish you good health, love and success! Irina Rybchanskaya, blog author Essay by a Culinary Amateur.

Dear readers, if you are interested in others culinary recipes, I invite you to our “Culinary Study” section. You can go to the category by clicking on the button

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Step-by-step recipes for preparing grape compote for the winter with and without sterilization: options for rich compote from green and dark grapes with citric acid, honey, lemon, mint

2018-07-25 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


10 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: Grape compote for the winter - a classic recipe

Technologists and chemists have been puzzling over new drink compositions for decades, but they still can’t make anything better than compotes. It almost doesn’t matter what berries you pour the syrup on, but if you look at the recipes, grape compotes get a special honor among them. Natural juices, for all their taste and benefits, cannot quench your thirst and refresh you like a mug of cold compote. And to speak even more frankly, a modest computer homemade It will almost certainly turn out to be more natural than even expensive juice from a box.


  • a large bunch of ripe dark grapes;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water - two and a half liters;
  • acid, citric.

Step-by-step recipe for dark grape compote for the winter

The number of grapes in the jar, and therefore the volume of water, depends on the type of berries and your taste preferences. The more aromatic the grapes, the less of it is needed to obtain a tasty drink; on the other hand, if you cook a more concentrated compote, the more it can be subsequently diluted with water. We will count on half the volume of a three-liter bottle, and, accordingly, on a kilogram bunch; if the drink seems cloying, just dilute it with carbonated mineral water when serving.

Without rinsing at first, we pick the berries from the bunch, simultaneously removing spoiled ones. Place those selected for compote in a colander and rinse under the tap, sorting through again and removing all suspicious grapes. Pour raw water into the jars, not reaching the rim of the neck, then collect it in a saucepan and place it on the stove. As it heats up, add and dissolve the sugar while stirring, pour the boiling syrup over the grapes placed in the jars.

After waiting fifteen minutes, return the syrup to the pan and reheat it, boil for two minutes after it boils and add citric acid to it. Stir, once the crystals have dissolved, pour the syrup into jars and immediately seal with the lids prepared by boiling. We compensate for the lack of additional pasteurization of the compote by keeping it under a blanket. Turn the bottles over and wait for the compote to cool, then be sure to check that the lids are not swollen.

Option 2: Sweet grape compote for the winter - a quick recipe without sterilization

Do not turn off the heat under boiling water until the lid on the last jar is rolled up. It’s not for nothing that the recipe is classified as a quick recipe; there is little hassle with it, but you will have to act without delay, due to the lack of sterilization in hot water. The grape variety is not important, both table and dessert grapes are suitable, and when combining berries different colors, you will achieve a different color of the drink. Moreover, it is not forbidden to do this even in different bottles; please your home with a variety of flavors and a whole palette of colors of the drink.


  • sugar, refined - five hundred grams;
  • purified water - 4 liters;
  • two kilos of grapes of any variety.

How to quickly prepare a beautiful and tasty grape compote for the winter

Without disassembling the bunches, dip them entirely into a bowl of cold, clean water, let them soak a little and place in a colander. Sort through the berries carefully, the compote will not be sterilized, so you should remove all the grapes that do not inspire confidence in you. Inspect them for debris, especially cobwebs; such unwanted “additions” will irrevocably ruin the compote.

Place the selected grapes in a colander, you can immediately put it in another bowl of water, it will not harm, the juicy berries will not absorb it. Place the colander under running water and rinse the grapes again. The jars must be absolutely sterile, for the same reasons of long-term storage of the product. Wash them with a saturated solution baking soda and heat in a microwave or oven, or keep over steam.

We put the grapes in bottles and immediately cover them with sugar; the berries can be sorted by variety or prepared assorted. There are no restrictions, be guided only by taste. We boil the water for the compote with a reserve, the amount in the recipe is indicated for reference, and pour it over the berries in the bottles to the very base of the neck. There is no need to stir anything, the sugar will dissolve perfectly. We place the jars on the lids and wrap them very tightly. If you are canning a large amount of compote at once, and the jars are tightly packed, they may need more than a day to cool.

Option 3: Refreshing grape compote for the winter (in bunches)

There are few berries that can compete with Isabella's aroma. It is so strong and unlike other varieties that even in wines, simpler grapes are often added to Isabella. For us, such berries are just a gift for compote - there will be more space in the water bottle. Mint is put into compotes in order to give a fresh note to the drink, but this time it has another role: the fresh mint taste harmoniously combines with the tartness that grape seeds give to the compote. Replacing the grape variety in a recipe is quite difficult, but if you are planning a refreshing dark-colored compote, take Cabernet or Moldova, they are also tasty and aromatic.


  • a large bunch of grapes, Isabella variety;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a spoonful of fresh mint leaves;
  • boiling water;
  • a slice of lime.

How to cook

Putting it on the tap with cold water sprayer, wash away dust and debris from the bunch, holding it under the stream by the upper tip. Pay special attention to inspecting the berries and twigs, remove debris, bad or green grapes. The size of the bunch may be too large to fit into a jar through the neck without separating it. Break off large parts, so the compote will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Sterilize the container ahead of time, tear off the mint leaves from the sprig and, after scalding them in a glass of boiling water, lower them to the bottom of the bottles. Lime, and in its absence ordinary lemon, also scald and cut into slices along with the peel, remove only the seeds from it with the tip of a knife. We put a piece of citrus in a bottle and fill it halfway with parts of grape bunches. Please note that since we did not separate the grapes into individual berries, they will externally take up a larger volume.

We fill the bottles with syrup made from water and sugar to the top of the hangers, making sure to slightly rock the container several times and release the remaining air between the berries. We immediately roll up the jars and wrap them, turning them upside down.

Option 4: Honey compote from grapes for the winter (from white muscat)

If the specified grape variety is not available, replace it with any light one, replace the sour citrus with two aromatic ones, and reduce the amount of vinegar to a spoon.


  • honey - one kilogram;
  • a quarter glass of grape vinegar;
  • five sticks of cloves;
  • small sour lemon;
  • a spoonful of grated cinnamon;
  • three liters of water;
  • 3500 grams of muscat grapes (white).

Step by step recipe

We do not separate the bunches into individual grapes, rinse them whole and place them in steamed jars. Of course, only undamaged berries should remain on the branches; remove any spoiled ones. Fill the bottles with tap water, then, measuring the volume, pour into the pan and recalculate the amount of the remaining compote ingredients.

Boil water and boil the spices and lemon peels in it, then quickly dissolve the honey and vinegar. Covering the necks of the jars with gauze, pour this mixture into the berries and let sit for half an hour. Then drain it back and boil again, this time adding the juice squeezed from the lemon.

After boiling the syrup for no longer than two minutes from the moment it boils, pour it into jars, immediately roll up the lids and put them under the blanket.

Option 5: Amber grape compote for the winter with lemon

A compote with a luxurious color and incomparable taste will come out even from nameless grape varieties; only the ripeness of the berries is important. You can change the proportions of varieties within any limits, maintaining only the total mass; this will affect not only the taste, but also the color of the drink.


  • white grapes - two hundred grams and half as much as dark grapes;
  • 800 milliliters of water;
  • 80 grams of sugar;
  • a couple of lemon slices.

How to cook

We select only ripe grapes for compote. We do not separate the bunches, but cut them with scissors into small branches - no more than a dozen berries. Scald the lemon, spread it into beautiful slices, be sure to remove the seeds!

Boil the syrup by dissolving sugar in water and boiling for a couple of minutes, pour hot into jars. Immediately after filling, place the jars in a saucepan with warm water and heat it up to maximum heat. A wire rack or thick cloth should be placed on the bottom of the pan to prevent the cans from coming into contact with the metal.

Sterilize the compote with moderate boiling water in a saucepan for up to fifteen minutes, the jars should be covered with boiled lids. We seal the compote hermetically and leave it for at least a day under a thick layer of blankets or warm clothes.