Classification of modern outdoor games. Classification of outdoor games

Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of its impact on the body and on all aspects of the child’s personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game.

Outdoor games create the most favorable conditions for the development of physical qualities. For example, in order to dodge a “trap”, you need to show dexterity, and when escaping from it, run as quickly as possible.

During the game, children act in accordance with the rules, which are mandatory for all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, and discipline.

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal.

Games help a child expand and deepen his or her understanding of the surrounding reality. Performing various roles, depicting various actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena, means of transportation, modern technology. During the games, opportunities are created for the development of speech, counting exercises, etc.

Classification of outdoor games. Outdoor games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary ones, in turn, are divided into plot and non-plot games, fun games, and attractions.

Story games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. Game actions are related to the development of the plot and the role played by the child. The rules determine the beginning and end of movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obedience to the rules is mandatory for everyone.

Games of this type are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular among younger children. preschool age.

Plotless outdoor games such as traps and dashes (“Traps”, “Dashes”) do not have a plot or images, but are similar to plot games in the presence of rules, roles, and the interdependence of the game actions of all participants. These games are related to the performance of a specific motor task and require children to have great independence, speed, dexterity, and orientation.

in space.

In preschool age, outdoor games with elements of competition are used. Plotless games also include games using objects (skittles, serso, ring throw, grandmothers, “Ball School”, etc.). Motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). The rules in such games are aimed at the order of arrangement of objects, their use, and the order of actions of the players.

In fun games and attractions, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, with several children performing motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games and attractions bring a lot of joy to the audience.

Complex games include sports games (small towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). In preschool age, elements of these games are used and children play according to simplified rules.

Outdoor games also differ in their motor content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, games of high, medium and low mobility are distinguished. Games of great mobility include those in which the entire group of children simultaneously participates and are based mainly on movements such as running and jumping. Games of medium mobility are those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups. In games of low mobility, movements are performed at a slow pace, and their intensity is insignificant.

Variation of outdoor games, methods of complicating them. There are various options for outdoor games. Variation allows them to be used more appropriately, taking into account the preparedness of children. Outdoor games can be gradually made more complex, but the sequence of actions and episodes remains constant. Changes must always be justified.

It is also possible to change the pace of movement, increase the number of “traps”, the number of children in the subgroup, and complicate the rules (for example, first everyone runs and takes any place, and then only a certain one). Another example: in one version, children help the teacher catch mice, in another, more complex version, they independently play the role of a cat. The interactions between the players also become more complicated: at first the children simply run, and then run away from the catcher (“Traps”, “Traps with ribbons”, “Squat traps”, “Don’t stay on the floor”).

Children themselves can be involved in creating new versions of the game, especially in older groups.

15) Gymnastics as a means and method F.V. The use of gymnastics in preschool. age: basic movements, general developmental exercises, drill exercises.

Gymnastics (Greek: naked) first appeared among the ancient Greeks and is currently taught by a historically established set of unique means and methods of F.V.

In the father's s/s F.V. The anthem occupies a special place and is one of the main means of promoting health and physical health. development, hardening of the body, formation of vital motor skills.

In the gym, a relatively precise dosage of physical activity is possible. If in games, sports, physical work. ex. borrowed from life and marked by forms of movement that are natural for a person, then in a gym they are specially selected and created artificially for a selective and most targeted impact on him.

With the help of the gymnastics, the ability to control one’s body, control movements, improve basic motor qualities (strength, agility, speed...) and mental properties (will, courage) of a person is most successfully developed.

A wide variety of hymns - their exercises. and scientifically developed methods and techniques for their influence on people make it possible to successfully solve physical problems. development of people of any age, gender, and physical. mobility.


Health and hygiene. Their solution involves the comprehensive harmonious development of a person’s musculoskeletal system, improvement of the physical condition, his internal organs, the formation of correct posture and improvement of physical fitness. qualities

Educational. Involves the formation of moral and volitional qualities of a person. Development of memory, attention, outlook, social culture of the teacher, cultural and hygienic behavior skills in everyday life and teaching vital motor skills.

O.D. vital movements for a person that he uses in his activities: walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing. Gradual necessary component These movements are a sense of balance. O.D. They have a dynamic character, involve a large number of muscles in the work and increase the vital activity of the whole organism.

OD are divided into:

10) Cyclic - constant execution of monotonous cycles (circles), when the whole body and its individual parts continuously return to the i/p (walking, running). Cyclic movements are quickly learned and automated.

11) Acyclic - do not have repeated cycles (throwing, jumping), such a movement contains a sequence of motor phases and has a certain rhythm in the execution of individual phases. Movements of the acyclic type require more gradual assimilation than cyclic ones. When performing them, more complex coordination of movements, concentration, and volitional effort are required.

Walking is the main, natural way of movement; it is a type of cyclic movement.

Running is a cyclic movement. Unlike walking, it has a flight phase (when both legs of the runner are off the ground), which increases the speed of movement.

Climbing is a type of cyclic movement. The process of getting on and off has some short-term repetition of elements similar to walking.

Jumping is an acyclic type movement. There is no repetition of cycles in them and the entire process of performing a jump represents one complete movement. The jump consists of 4 phases: 1. preparatory - acceptance and/p; 2. The main one is repulsion; 3. Flight; 4. Final - landing.

Throwing is an acyclic type movement. Promotes the development of all muscle groups, especially the shoulder girdle.

ORU. Special exercise Divided into groups according to anatomical feature:

* Ex. for the development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

* Ex. for the torso, development and strengthening of the back muscles.

* Ex. to develop and strengthen the muscles of the legs and abdominals.

Outdoor switchgear can be performed with or without objects. Separate groups ex. for breathing.

Drill exercises - formations, lane changes, turns in different directions, opening and closing, all movements in space. Used when performing various exercises.

Tatyana Kumilina
Summary of the outdoor game “Hunters and Animals”

Target: development of motor skills and abilities of preschool children through outdoor games.


Educational: Reinforce the exercise "target throwing"; study of Russian folklore using the example of counting rhymes.

Developmental: To develop the abilities of children of senior preschool age to independent implementation physical exercise according to verbal instructions; develop children’s ability to act collectively, strictly following the rules games; continue to develop motor skills and physical qualities necessary in later life, creative imagination; increased activity and overall performance.

Educational tasks: Cultivate interest in activities physical culture and sports; develop friendly relations between children in the group.


Warm-up: the teacher offers the children check your attention. The game is being played"Living - nonliving". Sitting still, children according to the rule games clap their hands and stomp their feet.

Educator. Now we are ready to find out if you will turn out to be real hunters. And for this we will play a game « Hunters and animals» . Rules games like this. Now we will count and determine which of us will be hunters. The rest of the children will be foxes and bunnies. Hunters must catch animals, and for this, instead of guns, hunters will have balls. If the hunter hits the animal - it is caught. The team with the fewest caught will win. little animals.

The teacher distributes soft balls « hunters» . By command teacher: « Animals went for a walk in the forest!”, "chanterelles" And "bunnies" run out to the middle of the site and run and jump. By command teacher: « The hunters went hunting! Beware! « hunters» trying to hit the balls "chanterelle" And "bunnies", they run away and dodge them. The teacher monitors the number of hits. Children who have been hit with a ball are taken out of games, sit on a bench. At the end games the teacher announces which team won and which « hunter» - the most accurate. The game can be repeated. Teachers collect balls and ensure that the rules are followed. After graduation games children with teachers sit on benches.

Note. Before the beginning games We need to explain to children that they need to aim at their feet. Ensure that children throw the ball from behind their back over their shoulder. You can run away from the playground and throw the ball only upon a signal from the teacher.

Complication options games

IN senior group The teacher initially plays the role himself. For example, in the game « Hunters and animals» he takes on the role « hunter» Gradually, as you master the content and rules games, the teacher transfers the role of driver to the child using the assignment technique. To ensure that the players adapt to the conditions, he often pretends to catch. A child with an average level of movement proficiency is initially selected for the role of driver, so that most children can escape. Assigning children to the role of driver different levels activity in performing motor actions, the teacher can regulate the load. By the end of the year, all children should be able to play the role of driver in familiar games.

In the older group, not only in the famous, but also in new game The role of driver is assigned to the child. If the teacher is confident that anyone can cope with the role of a driver, you can resort to choosing with the help of "arrows", counters. As a rule, children like the role of driver, so assignment to this role can be used as a reward for successful actions or other qualities of the players.

In older preschool age, when choosing a driver, you can ask children: “Who do we choose? The fastest? The most dexterous? Or someone who knows how to catch correctly, who has never been caught? Etc.

To show children various successful actions of the driver, the teacher takes this role for himself. It should be noted that playing the role of a driver as an adult significantly enlivens the game and enhances its emotional impact.

There are various options outdoor games. Variation allows them to be used more appropriately, taking into account the preparedness of children. Outdoor games You can gradually increase complexity, but the sequence of actions and episodes remains constant. Changes must always be justified. You can, for example, complicate motor tasks by increasing the distance (for running, jumping, throwing, or introduce new movements (walking and running between objects, along a bridge in the game "Train" and etc.). It is also possible to change the pace of movement, increase the number "traps", the number of children in the subgroup, complicating the rules (for example, first everyone runs and takes any place, and then only a certain one.) Other example: in one version, children help the teacher catch « animals» , in another, more complex one, they independently perform the role « hunter» .

To compose new options games You can involve the children themselves, especially in older groups.

Swampy complex options games« Hunters and animals»

1. One is selected « hunter» . The rest of the children-" animals».

The animals are slowly leaving« hunter» agree on which animals they will depict: hares, bears, squirrels, etc.

« Animals» And « hunter» stand opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 meters. U « hunter» holding a small rubber ball in his hands.

« Animals» They say « hunter» :

What the animals, guess?

You guessed it, shoot!

And they begin to depict the animal that they agreed on in advance. If « hunter» cannot guess for a long time, they choose another one, and the game starts all over again.

When « hunter» guesses who the others are portraying, he loudly shouts the answer. If « animals» answer "Yes!", « hunter» in them "shoots"-throws the ball. The children's task is to dodge the ball.

It happens that « hunter» doesn't hit anyone. Then they choose another one. If he hits, he is given further attempts until he misses. Who is bigger « little animals» shoots, he's the best « hunter» .

If the game is repeated many times and the children find it difficult to choose animals, everyone can pretend to be anyone.

Children walking in front of « hunter» They say:

Here the animals are walking,

And they don't know about it

What the hunter is waiting in the bushes. Bang!

Then « Hunter» without guessing anything "shoots" immediately after the word "bang!". The children run away, trying not to get hit.

This game helps develop marksmanship and throwing accuracy. Teaches children to convey the image of an animal in movement.

2. For this games a special counter is used for selection driving:

Ivan with a scythe

Don't go barefoot

And walk with shoes on,

Weave some bast shoes for yourself.

If you are shod -

Wolves and foxes won't find

The bear won't find you

Come out, you'll burn!

The rest of the players call themselves different beasts, some as a wolf, some as a bear, some as a fox, some as a hare, etc. "Ivan the Mower" picks up a stick or other object symbolizing "braid", and makes movements as if mowing.

« Animals» talking with him:

Ivan the Mower, what are you doing?

I cut the grass.

Why are you mowing?

Feed the cows.

Why cows?

Give milk.

Why milk?

Make raw materials.

Why raw materials?

- Feed the hunters.

What for feed the hunters?

In the forest catch animals!

« Animals» they quickly run away in all directions, and "Ivan the Mower" they are thrown at them by a ball. Hitting someone « animals» ball, he must guess which one it is « beast» . If he guesses correctly, the person caught is eliminated from the game. games, A "Ivan the Mower" looking for the others who were hiding « animals» .

Systematic use various options games help to develop in children the possibility of versatile use of the movement skills they acquire, improvement of physical qualities, skills in handling objects, development of attention, observation of spatial orientations.

Created, organized and led by one child. In this case, the child can himself determine the meaning and content of the game, temporary rules for himself, which he can modify during the game, for the sake of more effectively achieving the goal determined by his own meaning of the game actions. This type of game is characteristic of children mainly of early preschool age, as well as children limited in collective communication for one reason or another.

Children of primary, preschool and, less often, primary school age prefer so-called free or free games. They consist in the fact that children themselves spontaneously come up with a game, with the obligatory presence of a goal and its achievement. Such games are predominantly plot-based in nature, with the distribution of roles in accordance with the plot, and are often used by teachers to expand psychological tasks, including rehabilitation ones. In this regard, such games are called role-playing games.

Collective outdoor games are called so on the basis of the simultaneous participation of a certain number of players in the game. This type of game is most popular among children and is very diverse. Collective games are divided into team and non-team.

Not team games are carried out with a driver and without a driver. On a functional basis, non-team games without drivers are characterized by individual competition between the players for their place, determined by the rules, on the playing field or in the formation of the players, as well as individual manifestation of observance of order in collective actions. A feature of non-team games with a driver is, according to the role functions of the players, confrontation with the drivers and opposition of players of one team to the driver of the other by interacting with teammates or with their support and direct physical assistance.

Team games are divided into games during which the participants, in accordance with the content of the game and the rules, do not come into physical contact with the opponent, and into games with the presence of physical opposing contact between the opposing players during the game actions.

In games without physical contact rivals based on the functional characteristics of the players are present: display of single combat for their team; manifestation of the struggle for one’s team through mutual support and physical assistance of players of the same team.

Outdoor games with contact interaction Players of opposing teams are divided according to the functions of the players: into individual combat for their team; fighting for the interests of your team, but with the totality of all single combat actions, the support of teammates and their physical assistance.

A number of team games have a pronounced pre-sports, or semi-sports character, the content of which includes simple elements, certain techniques sports games, which do not require specially targeted technical training and preparedness of players. These games are characterized by the distribution of game functions and roles among the participants. Semi-sports games are held according to special rules and stimulate players to demonstrate basic technical and physical preparedness.

Non-team and team outdoor games are characterized by a number of games of typical motor actions generalized for these groups:

- performing rhythmic movements - demonstrating creativity, as well as imitation of animals in their specific movements;

- dashing over short distances with demonstration of speed and agility;

— high-speed action of a clearly coordinated nature with various inventory items;

— jumps associated with overcoming obstacles, force resistance;

- manifestation of previously formed motor skills based on the ability to navigate in space, capture and distinguish sounds and observation.

Outdoor games with a driver and without a driver are carried out by players of different age groups, however, it is advisable to use the version of the game with a driver in accordance with the age-related motor abilities of children, without excessively complicating the content and rules of the game.

In musical outdoor games Mainly two types of music are used. The first is based on the musical arrangement of the plot side of an outdoor game, for example, the fairy tale genre. In this case, the teacher is required to demonstrate elementary musical preparedness, and, if possible, to involve specialist musicians in the creation of a game motor composition. The second option is based on the use of music in the game as a musical background for the motor content of the game in order to increase its emotionality. Moreover, this background can either be neutral in nature, or determine the tempo-rhythm pattern of the development of the game. In all cases of using music in the process of outdoor play, the teacher is required to demonstrate professional creativity and the desire to provide children with aesthetic pleasure.

Outdoor games with physical contact with an opponent are divided into games where the contact is indirect, for example in tug-of-war, or random, which is difficult to avoid without violating the content of the game and its essence. When selecting games or spontaneously determining their content, it is recommended to avoid games with potentially traumatic content, where targeted physical contact between players can lead to unwanted and dangerous consequences for their health.

Sport games represent the highest form of outdoor games as a means and method of physical education. The universality of sports games lies in the fact that all ages of people are submissive to this form of motor activity, with the only caveat that in the age aspect, advancement towards the use of sports games is carried out through the gradual introduction of physical education of pre-sports and sports games. Sports games, according to their target setting, are divided into games of popular mass use within the framework of general physical development and improvement as a means of sports for everyone. Highest form sports games - games of high achievement sports and professional sports, which are a valuable and irreplaceable means of developing in children the ability to perceive and understand the aesthetic values ​​of physical culture using the example of sports games with a high performing level of players. At different age periods, contemplation of sports games with a high performing level has an unconditional beneficial effect on the education of children in this area, on the formation of personal body-motor culture. The use of sports games with a mass focus, as well as the contemplation of real games on television, contribute to the possible sports orientation of the child, his choice for a professional sports career.

In pedagogy, they are widely used, in which, in addition to the basic movements, others are used, for example, rhythmic clapping, stamping, etc. While conducting them, the teacher can pursue different goals depending on the stage of physical development of children. Advanced Russian scientists P.F. Lesgaft, E.A. Pokrovsky, V.V. Gorinevsky, taking into account the important role of outdoor games in the development of a child’s physical strength and in acquiring certain skills, paid a lot of attention to the collection and study of such games. They explained their importance for the physical development of children and advocated their practical implementation in the education system of the younger generation. Subsequently, these progressive ideas were reflected in the works of scientists who developed the theory and methodology of outdoor games in different parts of the physical education system.

Outdoor play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions and has great power.

Outdoor games are a traditional means of pedagogy. One of characteristic features outdoor games - the desire for results. The child experiences joy from satisfying the need for movement, from the emotional atmosphere of the game; a special emotional uplift is caused by the achievement of a real, visual positive result- winning. The variety of outdoor games has long led researchers and compilers of collections to the need to group games and classify them. The study of outdoor games for preschoolers was carried out by such teachers as L.I. Chulitskaya, E.A. Arkin, M.M. Kontorovich, N.A. Metlov, L.I. Mikhailov, and later V.M. Boguslovskaya, A.I. Bykova, A.I. Sorokina, E.G. Baturina, N.G. Kozhevnikova, N.N. Quilpio et al.

Classification of outdoor games for preschoolers

Games are classified according to complexity, motor content, degree of physical activity, use of aids and equipment, and the primary formation of physical qualities.

In the “Kindergarten Education Program” and in existing collections of outdoor games, the classification is based on the sign of the predominant type of movement (running or jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.). When selecting for each type of basic movements, continuity is observed between age groups. This helps the teacher plan games in connection with the formation of certain motor skills in children.

IN collection of M.M. Kontorovich and L.I. Mikhailova, it is customary to divide games according to the degree of muscle tension caused in children: into games of large, medium and low degrees of mobility. High mobility - the whole group participates (running, jumping, "Traps", "Tags") medium mobility - the whole group actively participates, but the nature of the movements is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) low mobility - movements are performed at a slow pace, moreover their intensity is not significant (walking game, attention games, “sea figure”, “Find and remain silent”).

Outdoor games are varied in their content and organization. Some games have a plot, roles, and rules that are closely tied to the plot; game actions in them are carried out in accordance with the requirements, given role and rules. In other games there is no plot and roles; only motor tasks are offered, regulated by rules that determine the sequence, speed and dexterity of their implementation. Thirdly, the plot, the actions of the players are determined by the text, which determines the nature of the movements and their sequence.

All games for preschool children based on movement can be divided into two large groups: outdoor games with rules and sports games.

The first group consists of games that differ in content, in the organization of children, in the complexity of the rules and in the uniqueness of motor tasks. Among them are plot and plotless games, and fun games.

The second group is: small towns, badminton, basketball, table tennis, football, hockey. When working with preschool children, they are used with simplified rules.

In younger groups kindergarten The most widely used are plot-based outdoor games, as well as simple games without a plot, such as traps and fun games. Plotless games with elements of competition, relay races, games with objects (kids, skittles, ring throws, serso, etc.) are not yet available to children. Sports games are not played at all at this age. At the same time, when working with children of primary preschool age, play exercises are widely used, occupying an intermediate place between gymnastic exercises and outdoor games.

Story-based outdoor games

Games of this type are based on the experience of children, their ideas and knowledge about the surrounding life, professions (pilot, fireman, driver, etc.), means of transport (car, train, plane), natural phenomena, lifestyle and habits animals and birds. The plot of the game and the rules determine the nature of the movement of the players. The movements are imitative in nature. Children start, stop or change movements in accordance with the rules of the game.

Plotless outdoor games

Plotless games such as traps and dashes are very close to plot ones - they just don’t have images that children imitate, all other components are the same: the presence of rules, responsible roles (traps, tags), interconnected game actions of all participants. These games, as well as the story ones, are based on simple movements, most often running in combination with catching and hiding, etc. Such games are available to both younger and older preschoolers.

Plotless games require children to be more independent, quick and dexterous in their movements, and spatially oriented. Gradually the games become more complex, with more complex tasks.

Plotless games using specific items

“Skittles”, “Serso”, “Ring Throw”, “Babki”, etc.

Players perform more complex movements in them: throwing, throwing and catching or rolling swords, balls, rings. The motor tasks in these games are quite complex and require certain conditions; small groups of children can play. These games introduce some elements of individual competition.

Game exercises

Outdoor games and exercises are interconnected, but intended purpose, pedagogical tasks, content and methodology, the game and the exercise are not identical. An outdoor game is based on a certain concept (figurative or conventional). Exercises are methodically organized motor actions, specially selected for the purpose of physical education, the essence of which is to perform specific tasks (“Crawl to the rattle”, “Hit the goal”, etc.).

Fun games

When working with preschool children, so-called fun games and attractions are also used. While not particularly important for physical development, they are, however, often held at leisure evenings and at physical education festivals.

Games with competitive elements

(“Whose line will be most likely to line up”, “Who will be most likely to go to their flag”, etc.). These games are based on performing certain motor tasks in accordance with the rules. Elements of competition encourage children to be more active, to demonstrate various volitional and motor qualities (speed, endurance, etc.); games are available to older children (5-6 years old); they are not played in younger groups.

Games with elements of sports games - are held only with children of senior preschool age according to simplified rules (small towns, badminton, hockey, basketball, etc.).

Outdoor games, like other types of games, are a form of organizing children’s lives, are of great importance in developing communication skills and developing relationships among children in a kindergarten group. This point is especially important at the present time, when most children, for safety reasons, are deprived of the opportunity to participate in yard games, which until recently were a good educational school.

Effective development of the physical qualities of children of primary preschool age is possible if a methodology is developed and used, including:

  • Purposeful use of a system of outdoor games, focused on the development of certain physical qualities (speed, agility, speed, etc.).
  • More compared to the traditional method.

Properly organized outdoor games can act as a way to correct children’s relationships and contribute to the development positive qualities, are a means that can have a positive impact on relationships with peers of children of middle preschool age.

To solve the problem it is necessary to use outdoor games in educational activities, since they can turn a lazy person into a hardworking person, and a know-nothing person into a skilled person into a skilled person.

Outdoor games were included in different shapes physical education work such as: physical development classes, outdoor and indoor exercises, morning exercises, walks, etc.

At each physical development lesson, we used outdoor games of a different nature: large, medium and low mobility. Most often, games of a plot nature were used, since the plot captures the child’s attention, and emotions are most clearly manifested in them.

To create children's interest in the game, we introduced masks into the games and turned on music. Various objects were used in relay games: jump ropes, rope, balls, skittles, etc.

The feeling of joy in children was especially pronounced when the games were accompanied by music., since music affects children’s emotions and creates a certain mood in them.

We used games to music during morning exercises and invigorating exercises.

In the game “Entertainers,” we developed the expressiveness of movements in children, so that they felt relaxed, showed movements both with humor and with different emotional states.

To do this, we used verbal image hints:

Smile like: a cat in the sun; like Pinocchio; like a sly fox; as if you had seen a miracle.

Get angry like: a child whose ice cream was taken away; like a person who has been hit.

Be scared like: a child lost in the forest; the hare who saw the wolf; a kitten at which a dog barks.

You are tired, like: dad after work; a person lifting a heavy load; an ant dragging a big fly.

Relax like: a tourist who has taken off a large backpack; a child who worked hard but helped his mother.

It was difficult for children to show these emotions at first. They didn't understand what we wanted from them. Children are very fond of outdoor games, where imitative movements are repeated simultaneously with words.

Examples of outdoor games

In Game "Homeless Hare" the children performed the movements of hares: they jumped onto the meadow, had fun, danced, waved their paws, sang songs. One student was so busy doing the moves that she forgot about the fox and was very surprised and confused when she was left without a house. When playing the game again, we reminded her about the fox. She was very pleased when she managed to occupy the house.

We developed emotions of surprise, fear, anger, pity in the game "Geese and the Wolf".

In order to unite the children's team, we use group games (especially team games) to unite players with a common goal - victory in the competition. Team members will help each other quickly complete the task you set, and after the game the children will discuss their impressions and share their emotions for a long time.

In the process of physical education of children of primary preschool age, outdoor play plays a leading role. Being one of the main means and methods of physical education, outdoor play allows you to effectively solve health-improving and educational tasks. It has a comprehensive impact on the physical development and health of the child. During the game, the physical activity of children causes an active state of the whole organism, enhances metabolic processes, and increases vitality.

In the process of play activities, children develop moral and volitional qualities, develop cognitive powers, and gain experience in behavior and orientation in a group environment.

An active game with rules is a conscious, active activity of a child, the goal of which is achieved by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. The exciting content and emotional intensity of the game encourage certain mental and physical efforts.

Play can be a means of self-knowledge, entertainment, relaxation, and a means of physical and general education. Play is a very emotional activity, so it is of great value in educational work. Among the wide variety of games in the formation of a child’s diversified personality, outdoor games are given the most important place.

The importance of outdoor games is great: they are both a means and a method of raising a child. Outdoor play as a means and as a method is characterized by a variety of effects on the child due to physical exercises included in the game in the form of motor tasks.

In outdoor games, various movements are developed and improved in accordance with all their characteristics, the characteristics of children’s behavior and the manifestation of the necessary physical and moral qualities are directed.

With the help of outdoor games, you can solve various problems of moral, mental and, of course, physical education. As Shapkova L.V. notes, “with hypokinesia (inactivity) in children, the activity of biochemical processes decreases, immunity to colds and infectious diseases, the range of capabilities of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is narrowed, the neuromuscular system is weakened, various postural defects are formed, which leads to muscle hypotonia and decreased mobility chest in all its departments, a general weakening of the body and a decrease in vitality. A characteristic consequence of these disturbances in the functioning various systems and organs is a deterioration in physical and psychomotor qualities: coordination, accuracy and speed of movements, speed of motor reaction, mobility and general performance.”

Taking into account the age characteristics and physical fitness of those involved in outdoor games, they have beneficial influence on the growth, development and strengthening of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, the muscular system, on the formation of correct posture in children, and also increase the functional activity of the body.

Active motor activity of a playful nature and the positive emotions it evokes enhance all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn has a beneficial effect on mental activity.

It has been proven that outdoor games improve the physical development of children and have a beneficial effect on nervous system and improve health, because Almost every game involves running, jumping, throwing, balance exercises, etc.

The game plays a big role in the formation of personality. During the game, memory and ideas are activated, thinking and imagination are developed. During the game, children act in accordance with the rules, which are mandatory for all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, and discipline. At the same time, the need to follow the rules, as well as overcome obstacles inevitable in the game, contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities - endurance, courage, determination, and the ability to cope with negative emotions. Children learn the meaning of the game, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively use existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades.

Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and game starters. Such games replenish vocabulary and enrich children's speech.

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. Rapid and sometimes unexpected changes in conditions force us to look for more and more new ways to solve emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, and intelligence.

Outdoor games are of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team and obey common requirements.

Outdoor play is collective in nature. The opinion of peers is known to have a great influence on the behavior of each player. In a collective outdoor game, each participant is clearly convinced of the benefits of common, friendly efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles and achieving a common goal.

The main task of outdoor games is to strengthen the health of those involved and promote their proper physical development; promote the acquisition of vital motor skills and abilities and improvement in them; development of reaction, development of dexterity, knowledge of movement and new capabilities of the body.

To implement the tasks, it is necessary to apply the following methods:

  • Analysis of theoretical and scientific-methodological literature on the research topic;
  • Pedagogical supervision;
  • Questioning.

Theoretical analysis and synthesis of literature involves a search for literary sources, which was carried out in libraries, materials from magazines, collections of scientific papers, other scientific and scientific-methodological publications were analyzed, and Internet resources were also used.

The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the proposed outdoor games for physical development with children.

Having mastered the general tasks of education, we apply them taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. To do this, we used medical examination data for all indicators in order to know which of the children had deviations from the norm of physical development.

For the first time, work days analyzed the state of children's motor skills, as well as their overall level of development.

Scheduled specific tasks towards every child. Children who are timid and unsure of their movements need help in overcoming difficulties: lower the rope lower when jumping, place the basket closer when throwing a ball, support them for balance while walking, etc. But this must be done unnoticed so that the child’s self-esteem does not suffer. Children are easily excitable, overly active and also require attention; we often involve them in games that contribute to the development of inhibitory processes.

We carefully analyze an unfamiliar game, mentally play it and only after that offer it to the children. We also think through in advance where it would be more appropriate to hold this or that game: indoors or on the site.

In order for this work to be systematic in each group, so that not a single child falls out of attention, outdoor games are provided for in the long-term plan educational work, as well as in terms of work for every day. It should be noted what outdoor games will be played with the whole group, what games he will organize with a group of children, and which he will offer to individual children.

With the help of the game, the head of physical education or teacher carries out several tasks: strengthens, heals the children’s body, develops movements, causes joyful experiences, develops moral qualities, etc. When including a particular game in the plan, the teacher must know what qualities and skills he can develop and consolidate with its help: in one game running predominates, and in another - throwing, in one - endurance is required from children, and in another - agility, etc.

When choosing a game, the teacher should keep in mind where he plans to play it: indoors or on the playground.

When selecting games, seasonality is also taken into account. In the summer, when children live among nature, you can use games such as “Catching Butterflies”, “Frogs and Heron”, etc. For winter time, you need to select games in which you can use specific winter material-- snow shafts for jumping and balance, snowballs for throwing, etc.

When planning games, the teacher should take into account the state of the group. In the case where the group is not sufficiently organized, it is better to initially conduct quieter games in a circle, games with singing, gradually moving on to games with scattered movement, or give simple games. When choosing a game, the teacher takes into account its place in the daily routine; for example, at the end of the day, when the children are already tired, he plays a quieter game.

When selecting games for classes, in addition to general educational tasks, you have to especially take into account the hygienic side of each game - the degree of its load, the impact on physiological processes.

The choice of game for a lesson depends on which part of the lesson it is included in. If the game is given in the first part of the lesson, it is introduced in order to organize a children's team, teach children to line up in a column, in pairs, in a circle, and place themselves on the playground. These are, for example, the games “Whose team will get together sooner”, “Find yourself a mate”, etc. In the second part of the lesson, a high mobility game is played. For the final part of the lesson, a game of medium or low mobility is selected, the goal of which is to bring the body to a relatively calm state. You can use the following games for this: “Who left?”, “Guess by the voice,” “Find where it’s hidden.”

Most often, one, sometimes two games are given in a lesson. For example, one game is included in the second - the main part of the lesson (required), another - in the final one.

Outdoor games, creating an atmosphere of joy, make the most effective complex solution to health, educational and educational problems. Active movements, determined by the content of the game, evoke positive emotions in children and enhance all physiological processes.

Children’s play activities objectively combine two very important factors: on the one hand, children are involved in practical activities, develop physically, and get used to acting independently; on the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity and deepen their knowledge of their environment. All this ultimately contributes to the education of the individual as a whole. Consequently, outdoor games are an effective means of diversified development.

Classification of outdoor games

Outdoor games are extremely rich and varied in content. The variety of outdoor games has long led researchers to the need to group and classify them. Games were classified according to different parameters:

· according to the principle of organizing children - single and team games;

· age principle - for junior, middle and senior preschool age;

· types of movements - games with running, jumping, balance, throwing, climbing;

· motor abilities - developing speed-strength abilities, speed, endurance, agility;

· degree of intensity of movements - high, medium and low mobility;

· features of the content - outdoor games with rules, plot and non-plot; elements of sports games (basketball, football, hockey, badminton, etc.).

The most significant for the development of a child’s motor skills is the classification, which is based on the features of the content of outdoor games. Outdoor games with rules (plot and non-plot) are widespread in kindergarten practice. A characteristic feature of this type of games is that they are built on the basis of children’s experience and knowledge of the life around them. The basis for developing the plot are familiar images (bunnies, foxes, birds, etc.), episodes from the lives of people, natural phenomena. The child imitates them in play. Plotless games contain motor-game tasks that are not related to the playing out of the plot; they lack game actions. Each child performs a specific motor task that requires independence, speed, and dexterity.

The integrated use of plot and plotless outdoor games requires their skillful management. When organizing outdoor games, it is of particular importance professional training teacher, his pedagogical foresight. By arousing a child’s interest in the game, the teacher must notice and highlight significant factors in the development of children, real changes in knowledge, skills, abilities. Much attention is paid the right choice games: the time and place of its holding, the number of players, and their motor experience are taken into account. Pedagogical observation allows the teacher to choose the necessary methods for guiding the game and adjusting the motor behavior of children.

In the first younger group games are played with a simple and accessible plot. The heroes of the games are well known to children (cat, mice, birds). Children met them in life or became acquainted with them through fairy tales and pictures. When playing, children are attracted by the process of action itself: to run, to catch up, to throw. The development of movements is controlled here through a plot, which completely depends on the creativity of the teacher. All children play the same roles, while each child acts individually, depending on his motor abilities. The same movement is performed in different situations. During the game, the adult tries to interest the children, show them a pattern of movements, teach them to act on a signal, and obey simple rules. The teacher himself plays the leading role, doing it emotionally and figuratively. Various attributes enliven the game: medallions with images of animals, hats, “fairytale” houses. With their help, children easily get into character and imitate the hero. Games with text are of great interest to children. Words reveal the content of the game and help the child follow its rules.

Game exercises (“let’s jump over the stream”, “throw the ball into the house”) give children the opportunity to master some types of movements that are difficult for them (throwing, jumping, etc.). Along with indirect techniques, direct teaching techniques are used here. The teacher shows the exercise, monitors its implementation, if necessary offers to repeat it again, and encourages the children for their efforts.

In the second junior group outdoor games have a simple plot and simple rules, but the movements they include become more diverse (climb a cube, jump and get a toy, etc.). Children need to be taught to play. A significant point that influences the course of the game is the teacher’s explanation. It is given to children emotionally and expressively; a figurative storyline is used, which contributes to a better transformation of the child into a playful image. The teacher plays with the children, fulfilling both the main and secondary roles, monitors the placement of the players, their relationships, figurative performance of motor actions, and teaches the kids to act together. It is important that the content of the game activities is understandable to children. This increases their motor activity. The same game is repeated without changes 2-3 times, then new rules and new movements are included, and the conditions are changed. The variable content of a familiar game enhances its educational value. Gradually, the teacher accustoms the children to play responsible roles in the game (when assigning a role, it is necessary to observe the order).

When children perform a game exercise, the teacher explains and shows it, focusing on those moments that cause difficulties for the majority. At this age, the child can repeat the game exercise only in general terms.

In middle preschool age Most games have detailed plots that determine the content of the movements and the nature of the relationships between the players. A significant place is occupied by games in which the actions of the characters correspond to reality. When conducting a plot-based outdoor game, the teacher tells the children its name, outlines the content, highlighting the rules of the game, emphasizes the meaning and features of the actions of each character, and shows movements that may cause difficulties for the players. It is important to make sure that children understand the terms of the game and have a good understanding of its motor content. Then the teacher distributes roles among the players. The role of driver is first assigned to an active, energetic child who can cope with it, and then in turn to the rest of the children in the group. Child's choice main role motivated by the teacher. In the game, the adult acts on an equal basis with all the players, evaluates the correctness of movements, the motor behavior of children, and regulates physical activity. When repeating a familiar game, its variants are created: the movements that the children perform change, the rules that require endurance and self-control are included, and the form of organization of the players is modified.

In game exercises, conditions are created to achieve a certain result. Game tasks (“who is faster”, “who will throw farthest”, “whose line will be built the fastest”) are given a competitive nature. Such tasks stimulate children to move quickly, teach them to take responsibility for their actions in a team, and lead to achieving a common goal.

In outdoor games for children of senior preschool age the plot is no longer entertaining of great importance, the number of games that do not have images is increasing. The rules of the games become more complex and form the child’s ability to control his behavior. Children are tasked with instantly reacting to changes in the game situation, showing courage, determination, endurance, and acting in accordance with the interests of the team. All types of outdoor games are used, including plotless and relay games. When explaining the game, the teacher reveals its content from beginning to end, then, with the help of questions, clarifies the rules, reinforces the poetic texts, if they are in the game, and invites one of the children to repeat the content. After this, the teacher indicates the location of the players and distributes the roles, appoints a driver, guided by certain pedagogical tasks (to encourage a new child, to show by the example of an active child how important it is to be brave), invites the children themselves to choose a driver, chooses a driver " with a magic wand", counting. During the game, he monitors the actions and relationships of children, their compliance with game rules, using various techniques he increases physical activity: increases the distance for running, changes the duration of intense movements in games with dodging, rationally uses the text of the game (the full text is reproduced only at the beginning of the game , later it is reduced and the children utter only words that encourage action), appoints two or three drivers at once (in this case, not only physical activity increases, but also the emotional richness of the game). When summing up the game, the teacher analyzes how the children managed to achieve success, why the “trap” quickly caught some players, while others were not caught. Children are involved in discussing the results. This teaches them to analyze their actions. When playing the game repeatedly, preschoolers learn to independently create its variants: they come up with new plots, more complex game tasks and rules, and create various combinations of movements.

In older preschool age, relay race games are widely used. To participate in them, two or three teams are formed, equal in number of participants. The teacher clearly and consistently explains the content and rules of the game, and the conditions for determining the winner. Before the competition begins, it is necessary to conduct a rehearsal so that everyone understands what is required of them and adjusts to the game. First, children are offered simple relay races with different types of movements (running, jumping on two legs), then pairs and counters (they differ from simple relay races in that children perform movements in pairs). However, team games and relay games should not be played only. Games with a fascinating plot are no less interesting for older preschoolers.