How to remove amph from the body. How long does amphetamine remain in the body after use?

Like other drugs, amphetamine poisons the body, leading to severe consequences. However, teenagers and young adults continue to use it for a short-term effect. Curing a drug addict begins with removing the substance from the body - at home and professionally.

Amphetamine in the body

Amphetamine is most often used by young girls and boys. It stimulates the central nervous system, and a person can dance all night in a club or sit behind textbooks.

Despite the myth of safety, in reality it is addictive and often pushes people to switch to harder drugs. This substance negatively affects various organs, causing serious diseases that can be life-threatening.

When administered intravenously, amphetamine deadens blood vessels, resulting in impaired blood supply. This in some cases leads to amputation of the limb. The longer a substance affects a person, the more serious the consequences will be, so it is important to remove it from the body as quickly as possible.

Experts identify traces of amphetamine use using special research blood, saliva and urine. These tests detect the presence of the drug in the body for a week after the person took the last dose. With frequent and long-term use of amphetamine, its traces in biological fluids can be detected within 2-3 weeks after the last use.

Amphetamine usually stays in hair for up to a couple of months, and if necessary, doctors can easily confirm this with the help of additional studies. Obviously, it will not be possible to remove the drug from the body in order to hide the fact of its use from doctors. However, this is necessary in order to prevent complications and begin treatment for drug addiction.

Although the presence of amphetamine in the blood is often not detected within a week, it is impossible to predict down to the minute the time it will take for it to be completely eliminated from the body. This often leads to a person taking a new dose while the old one has not yet worn off. As a result, the substance accumulates in the body, and when you stop using it, depression sets in and the desire to live disappears.

If amphetamine is taken by a nursing mother, the drug penetrates into breast milk. It becomes relatively safe for the child after at least 2 days.

To speed up the removal of amphetamine breakdown products from the body, use different methods- both home and medical. The fastest effect comes from detoxification, which is carried out by doctors in the hospital using modern equipment and drugs. However, even after complete cleansing of the blood from amphetamine residues, the body requires long time to restore normal life.

It is possible to quickly cleanse the body and blood of amphetamine residues only when a person completely stops using the drug, at least for some time. Not everyone can meet this condition, since stimulants are highly addictive, and giving them up requires willpower.

At home, diuretics, drinking plenty of fluids, and physical exercise, enemas and gastric lavage. These are emergency measures to prevent negative consequences caused by the use of stimulants. However, amphetamine is quickly absorbed into the blood, and to cleanse it you need to go to the hospital - only in a hospital setting is deep detoxification possible.

Removing a substance from the body is not a panacea for addiction. In any case, there will remain a high risk of breakdown, to prevent which the person will need the help of a psychotherapist.

At home

You can cleanse your body of amphetamines on your own using:

  • water;
  • diuretics;
  • strong green tea and decaffeinated coffee;
  • milk.

Traces are eliminated from the body by the kidneys. To speed up the process, you should drink about 3 liters of mineral or ordinary water per day, and also take diuretics. They will stimulate the kidneys, and harmful substances will be excreted naturally.

Milk is also suitable for cleansing the body of drugs. It absorbs toxins well, so doctors recommend drinking it when different types poisoning

Strong tea and coffee have a diuretic effect, but caution should be exercised with them. When taking amphetamines, the caffeine contained in these drinks can provoke arrhythmia. It is better to choose green tea as it removes toxins well.

If you have heart problems, it is better to drink only water or choose decaffeinated coffee. In case of kidney disease, diuresis cannot be forced.

If amphetamines are taken orally, in order to remove them from the body it is necessary to influence the gastrointestinal tract. It is carried out in several stages:

  • Gastric lavage.
  • Taking a sorbent (for example, activated carbon).
  • Performing a salt enema.

Gastric lavage is a simple procedure that you can do yourself. The easiest way is to drink half a liter of water at a time and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue.

If a person is in serious condition, artificially induced vomiting can provoke convulsions. In this case, a gastric tube lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate should be performed. However, this will require the help of emergency doctors, since incorrect insertion of the probe can lead to rupture of the esophagus or suffocation from choking on vomit.

The listed methods will alleviate the patient’s condition. However, they will not be able to force the elimination of amphetamines that have already been absorbed into the blood. To clean it, special devices are needed, which hospitals are equipped with.

In the hospital

If a person has the opportunity to go to a clinic, they will undergo deep detoxification there. This is a set of measures by which the body is freed from the breakdown products of toxic substances and restored.

A medical detoxification course includes a number of drugs that:

  • increase the supply of oxygen to a weakened body;
  • stimulate brain activity;
  • bind and remove toxins;
  • improve liver function.

At the same time, doctors purify the blood using hardware methods. One of them is plasmapheresis, during which the liquid part of the blood is filtered through a membrane that does not allow toxic substances. Another method is hemosorption, or blood purification through contact with a sorbent.

Traditional detoxification methods require the patient to be admitted to a hospital because they take several days. Nowadays, UBOD is increasingly used, which stands for ultra-rapid opioid detoxification of the body. Using this method, complete cleansing from amphetamines is achieved within a few hours.

Originally intended only for patients dependent on opiates. However, its effectiveness was later established for cleansing the bodies of people taking amphetamines.

UBI consists of introducing large doses of an antagonist drug into the human body. It blocks access to the nerve endings of the brain. As a result, the body becomes immune to the effects of drugs for a long time, and even in the event of a relapse, the person does not experience the effect of them.

Rapid neutralization of the drug from the body can cause severe withdrawal and pain. Therefore, UBI is carried out under anesthesia and is equated by doctors to an operation. Before the procedure, a person must undergo a medical examination, based on the results of which a medical council will decide on the possibility of such treatment.


Recovery is a long and difficult process for the body. During this period, it is necessary to exclude any nervous and physical stress. They aggravate the “amphetamine hangover”, in which there is a sharp headache, tremors in the limbs, insomnia and irritability.

Painkillers will help relieve pain during amphetamine withdrawal. Sleeping pills can help relieve discomfort during sleep.

Depression occurs after prolonged use of amphetamines. In this case, you need to visit a doctor who will select antidepressants to fully recover. In addition, if the addiction is severe, the patient is advised to make an appointment with a psychotherapist, otherwise a relapse will occur.

To cleanse the body and provide it with the necessary vitamins and minerals, a person must adjust their diet by eliminating harmful foods and diversifying their diet. healthy food. A special diet should be followed for at least a week.

For the first 2 days, a person should eat only fresh vegetables and cereals. Over the next three days, you need to add fermented milk products to your diet. Then it is recommended to eat boiled chicken and liver.

Amphetamine (or as it is called - “fen”, “ampha”, “speed”) has an instant effect. It is carried throughout the body by the bloodstream, and enters the brain. Its mechanism of action and chemical structure are very similar to stress hormones - norepinephrine, adrenaline and dopamine. However, there are some differences, and they determine how much amphetamine is excreted and the increased danger of this psychostimulant in the development of addiction.

The drug can quite easily penetrate into nerve tissue(stress hormones are incapable of this). It has increased durability, because, unlike dopamine and norepinephrine, “hair dryer” is practically not destroyed by enzymes. That is why this psychostimulant is poorly destroyed in the digestive system. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it easily enters the bloodstream, after which its action begins.

Euphoria and a charge of vivacity persists after administration for about 2-8 hours. After this, the effect decreases and the pleasure disappears; a stage of devastation begins during which the substance gradually leaves the body through the kidneys and urine.

It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how long amphetamine stays in the blood. Its presence is revealed after special tests. Home tests may give correct results in the first 2-3 days after taking it. In a laboratory setting, an amphetamine test detects the substance 1-3 weeks after use.

Period of drug detection and factors influencing it

How long amphetamine lasts depends on a number of factors, including:

  1. Dosage. When the drug was taken as prescribed by a specialist, its single dosage was no higher than 5-10 mg, and it was eliminated within a few days. But the usual dose of a drug addict (from 20-30 mg) remains in the blood for about 7 days.
  2. Input method. If the “fen” is swallowed or inhaled, almost all of it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, but it contains some additives, for example, starch and a thickener, so its effect is somewhat reduced. Most narcotic substance enters the bloodstream through subcutaneous injection. This method was used by doctors when prescribing amphetamine for medicinal purposes.
  3. Metabolism. The detoxification period also depends on the metabolism of each person. Most often, this process is faster in young people, which means they eliminate the chemical faster than in older or mature people.
  4. Expiration date. Our body is a perfectly tuned mechanism. Toxins and decomposition products of the “hairdryer” do not linger in organs and systems for more than a week when taken once. The liver is an excellent filter, but it does not always have time to cope with the work, and with regular use, an amphetamine test can detect drug residues even after several weeks.

Cleansing period

As you already understood, how much amphetamine is excreted depends on the duration of use, dosage and individual characteristics person.

Psychostimulant in urine lasts for about 4 days after a single consumption. If taken regularly, a test for amphetamine will detect the substance in the urine for about a week.

Drug in the blood determined within 7 days after a single dose. With frequent consumption, its presence in this biological fluid is almost constant, and therefore the period of natural excretion completely depends on the characteristics of the body.
In saliva analysis“hairdryer” can be found for 5 days.

The psychostimulant lasts the longest in nails and hair: approximately 3-4 months after the last use.

How to remove amphetamine

To speed up the process of cleansing organs and systems, several methods are used:

  1. Provide your body with extra fluids. To do this, drink as much water as possible, and then take a diuretic. This forced diuresis will facilitate the elimination of toxins in the urine.
  2. Induce vomiting, perform gastric lavage and/or take activated charcoal. This technique only works if you take pills and if you use it literally immediately after use, because sorbents collect the remains of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract, but cannot remove the part that has already been absorbed.
  3. Drink milk. It helps bind toxins.
  4. Contact a drug treatment clinic! This is the most effective way detoxification. To cleanse the blood, doctors use special solutions administered intravenously. In some cases, hardware techniques are indicated - hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, ILBI, intestinal lavage, etc.

Are you looking for how to remove amphetamine from your body? Contact the professionals, with their help you will do this as quickly as possible!

Hello, please tell me how much amphetamine leaves the body. And will the urine test be positive 20 days after consumption?

ANSWERED: 09/14/2016

Hello Irina! Amphetamine can be detected in tests (blood and urine) for about 48 hours with a single use, and up to 7 days with a large dose or long-term use. After 20 days the test will be negative. There are a number of points that influence the removal of substances from the body: 1. A person’s weight. The same doses of toxins have different effects on the organs of people from different weight categories. Naturally, the test results will also differ. 2. Amount of substance taken. 3. Timing of substance use and frequency of taking them. Their concentration in the blood and the time it takes for the body to free itself from the poison are directly dependent. 4. General health, features of human metabolic processes. Metabolism plays a key role in cleansing the body of poisons caused by drugs.

Clarification question

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Depends on the frequency of use and dosage of the drug. On average, the length of time amphetamine stays in the body is 3-4 months. When checking the hair of a drug addict, a special test will reveal the presence of the substance in the body two months after taking it.

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Factors that influence how long amphetamine lasts

How long amphetamine remains in the blood and urine, and therefore determined by tests, depends on the physical characteristics of the person. Weight has a big influence general state health and age. Young people have a fast metabolism, which means that drug residues leave the body faster.

Great importance on how many days amphetamine lasts - method of use. If the drug was used through the nose, it will come out quickly, and if subcutaneously, then its remains are determined within several months.

How long does amphetamine last in urine?

Common method for determining residues narcotic drug is a urine test. How long amphetamine stays in urine depends on how often the person took the drug. After a single use, traces of the poison are completely eliminated after 8-9 days.

How long does amphetimne last in the urine of an “experienced” drug addict? This figure is 3-4 months from the date of the last intake. In an overweight drug addict, traces of drug breakdown can remain in the urine for up to 6 months.

How long does amphetamine stay in the blood?

“Technically” the substance leaves the blood within a day, but due to the accumulation effect, the analysis will determine the fact of taking the drug after 10-12 days. The hair dryer is unmistakably detected within 20 days after consuming the dose. How many days amphetamine stays in the blood also depends on the duration of use and dose size.

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No. 14 990 Narcologist 09/10/2014

Hello! A young man, 30 years old, has been using methamphetamine for 2 months. He hasn’t used it for 3 weeks, we recently did a test and showed positive result. Is it possible?

Nasyrova Tatyana, Kazan

ANSWERED: 09/11/2014

Hello Tatiana! This is unlikely. Methamphetamine can be detected in urine tests for about 6 days - maximum - with a single use. (The concentration of methamphetamine in the blood decreases by half in 9–12 hours, but with repeated doses of the drug, accumulation phenomena in the tissues of various organs are possible). Taking into account the fact that the Young man used methamphetamine for 2 months, accumulation phenomena are possible. It is impossible to say exactly how many days the body will need for complete elimination; it depends on the condition of the liver, kidneys, etc. - on average, from 6 to 12 days. However, 3 weeks is enough time for it to go away completely. Sincerely, Kravtsov A.V.

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