How to grow plums from seeds at home? Care and cultivation of plums at home How to grow Chinese plums from seeds.

Sometimes, when you eat a rather tasty fruit, you want to try it. sprout a seed to get a new fruit-bearing tree. There are often questions on forums about whether it is possible to grow a plum or any other fruit-bearing crop from a seed at home. This can be done, but it is quite difficult, because before planting a plum from a seed, you need to prepare. We will tell you in detail how to germinate a plum pit in this article.

Is it possible to grow a plum from a seed and will it bear fruit?

Many gardeners who have a plum tree in their garden sometimes try to grow a new tree from a seed. Opinions are divided on which varieties are best to use for germinating plum pits: some believe that all varieties can be grown from pits, others believe that only those that are relevant for a particular area. In any case, it is possible to grow a plum from a seed, however, there are a few rules that you need to follow if you want to grow a healthy tree at home. Although many gardeners are inclined to use all varieties for growing from seed, it is still better to germinate those varieties that grow in your area, while it is better to refuse varieties from other climatic regions, otherwise the seed may freeze.

Did you know?When growing heat-loving varieties from seeds, you can best case scenario count on wild animals growing in your garden.

So, the best varieties for growing in middle lane are: Belarusian, Minsk, Vitebsk late and Volga beauty. In a sharply continental climate, it is best to grow Egg blue, Morning plum, as well as the Eurasia variety. For warm areas it is better to use the following varieties: Victoria, Kuban Comet, Kroman.

In general, the germination process is very labor-intensive and requires a lot of effort, and especially patience. Most often they say that a plum grown from a seed will not bear fruit, but experienced breeders still claim that getting a tree from a seed with good characteristics still possible. You just need to choose suitable variety and use planting material from ripe fruits. Most often, the method of growing fruit from seeds is used to breed varieties, because in reality you can get a tree that is different from the “parent”.

Important!For germination, it is better to use several seeds, then there is a high probability that the seed will grow.

How to grow a plum from a seed: seed stratification

Plum from a seed is the dream of many, which can be realized if you prepare the seeds and soil before growing. First, let's look at the process of seed stratification. This procedure is simple, but quite long and lasts for 6 months.

So, let's look at the stratification process in detail:

  • each bone must be individually wrapped in a damp cloth (it is better to use natural cloth rather than synthetic);
  • the wrapped seeds must be placed in a cool place (basement or even refrigerator): the colder it is, the greater the likelihood that the material will germinate;
  • it is necessary to constantly keep the fabric in which the seeds are wrapped moist;
  • You need to store such material for about six months (if you started the stratification process in October, it should end no earlier than March).

In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they can be treated with a stimulant; the following drugs are suitable for this: Epin, Zircon, Ecosil. The stimulator must be used to treat not only the bone, but also the tissue in which it is wrapped. If you notice the slightest sign of mold on the pits, you should immediately unwrap them and wash them thoroughly.

Did you know?Stratification can be carried out not only using a damp cloth. To prepare the seed for planting, you can use river sand or sawdust, after washing it first. To do this, place the bone in a box with a hole for water drainage; you need to pour sand or sawdust into it and deepen the bone into the box. You must remember to water the seed, as the plum needs a lot of water.

How to prepare the soil for planting plums from pits

Planting a plum with a pit can begin when the pit swells and upper layer the skin will crack. If you do not observe such changes on some seeds, it means that the preparatory process was unsuccessful, and it is better not to plant such seeds; they will not germinate. Before planting a seed, you need to prepare the soil mixture. To do this, you need to mix perlite and sand in equal parts. Perlite is a natural volcanic material that promotes better and faster seed germination.

If you decide to plant a plum in open ground, then for this it is better to choose light, loamy soil with a high calcium content. If there is too much sand in the soil, it is necessary to mix it with peat, but if the soil is clayey and heavy, then it must be mixed with sand and peat.

Important!Both when planting in open ground and when planting in a container, you should ensure that the soil is well moistened, but you should not overwater the plum.

Description of the process of planting plum pits

the material is whimsical, and many gardeners hesitate whether they can be planted in open ground or whether it is better to germinate them in pots first. The answer is simple: you can plant plum seeds both in open ground and in containers. The only factor that plays a role in this situation is climate. After all, it is more difficult to grow a tree in the northern regions, and it is unlikely that a plum from a seed will be accepted in a cold climate. Now let’s take a closer look at these two planting methods: planting in open ground and planting at home.

Planting at home

First you need to prepare the soil as described above. After preparing the soil, it is necessary to prepare the bone; to do this, you need to hit it with a hammer, however, it is important to accurately calculate the force of the blow, because the bone should crack slightly, but not disintegrate. This procedure is necessary for the seed inside the seed to “wake up”. Next, the seed must be planted in the soil, deepening it 6-9 cm. The soil in the container must be kept constantly moist, but the seed must not be overwatered. The container must be kept in a cool place, but the bone will not withstand too low a temperature. In a few weeks, the first shoots will appear, which can be planted in open ground only after a year.

Did you know?When grown at home, the plum will begin to bear fruit in 5-6 years.

Planting seeds in open ground

If you do not want to waste time on the lengthy process of growing plums from seeds, you can plant the seeds directly in open ground. To do this, add a little humus or manure to moist, slightly acidic soil and plant a seed. The planting depth is 6-10 cm, while the size of the hole should be approximately 15*20 cm. It is better to sprinkle the bone so that a small hump is formed. For additional protection, it is necessary to sprinkle poison around the pit for mice and other rodents. It is better to plant several seeds in one hole, because weather conditions are impossible to predict, and only one seed can sprout.

Important!The seeds may not sprout in the first season, and the first shoots may appear only after 1.5 years.

Planting on the site fruit tree, the gardener is counting on delicious bountiful harvests. However, expectations are not always met, because in the end a tree of a completely different variety or a completely wild species may grow. In order not to take risks when buying seedlings, you can find out how to grow a plum from a seed.

Ways to grow plum

You can propagate plums:

  • root shoots;
  • cuttings;
  • vaccination;
  • germination of seeds.

It is almost impossible to grow a varietal species from seeds. Often this option is used to later graft buds or cuttings of other varieties onto the tree.

Growing plums at home

Cuttings are a very good option for growing plums. The trees turn out healthy and the fruits are tasty. Cuttings take root quite easily and quickly.

Reproduction of plums by layering is vegetative method reproduction. This method allows you to preserve all the characteristics of the variety.

On a note! The advantage of this method is that it does not require special care behind the plant until it takes root.

Growing plums from root shoots is the easiest propagation option. It is important to consider one point here - you cannot use sprouts that are in close proximity to mother plant. It is worth choosing the most remote ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing from seed

With this method of propagation, it is often impossible to preserve the characteristics of the variety. A “wild” plant may grow, bearing sour and small fruits. But it's certainly worth a try. An important condition Success lies in choosing a tree with stable parental characteristics.

Important! It is worth choosing a zoned variety, because when planting heat-loving plant In a temperate climate, you won’t get a good plum.

For the middle zone, you should choose the following plum varieties:

  • Belorusskaya,
  • Volga beauty,
  • Vitebsk late,
  • Minsk yellow.

Plum Volga beauty

For warm climates, the best option would be:

  • Kuban comet, which is a hybrid cherry plum,
  • Victoria, Kroman.

Suitable for a sharply continental climate:

  • Morning,
  • Egg blue,
  • Eurasia.

Plum Eurasia

Frost-resistant varieties are suitable for any climate: Ussuriyskaya, Chinese Skoroplodnaya, Canadian.

When growing plums from seeds at home, the first fruits can be tasted after 5 or 6 years.

Detailed description of growing plums from seeds

A plum tree can be grown from a seed even at home. This process requires compliance with many conditions and nuances.

Selection of planting material

The final result depends on the selection of the seed. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to select a variety with high stability to crossbreed with other species.

On a note! The planting material must be fully mature. The seed of an unripe plum contains an unformed embryo, which determines the characteristics of the future plant.

Should not be placed big hopes for one single seed. It is necessary to germinate several copies at once in order to increase the chances of growing a fully developed tree.

Preparing the seed for planting

In order for the selected seeds to germinate and begin to fully develop, they will need preparation. The main stage is called stratification. The idea is to keep the planting material in cool temperatures and high humidity. Thanks to this preparation, you can safely germinate the seed at home.

For stratification you will need a substrate, which should consist of:

  • crushed moss,
  • perlite,
  • lowland peat,
  • sawdust,
  • large fraction river sand.

The prepared substrate must be moistened with a special solution: 5 g of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water.

Before sending the seed into the substrate, it is necessary to soak it in water for three days. It is important not to immerse it completely in the liquid, but only halfway. This way the embryo will be provided with oxygen. It will need to be turned over from time to time. Thanks to this procedure, components that inhibit the development of the embryo will be washed out.

Preparing for landing

Prepare a container for stratification. This can be a regular pot or any other container. Be sure to make holes at the bottom of the container that will protect the soil from fungal growths. The moistened substrate must be placed in a prepared container, and the seeds should be distributed in it, which should not touch each other. Cover the pot with polyethylene film or glass.

Now you can begin direct stratification. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Warm up For the first 2 weeks after planting the seed, the air temperature should be between +15-20˚C.
  2. Contrast cooling. Place the container with planting material in bottom part refrigeration chamber. The temperature should be within +1-5˚С. This stage lasts for 60-80 days.

Pre-sowing stage

During this period, the temperature in the room where the container with the seed is located must be reduced to 0˚C. This period must last at least 25 days and no more than a month. Often a basement is used for this period. During this stage, it is important to monitor the humidity of the substrate.

Important! Mold may form on the surface of the soil, which should be immediately sprayed with a 3% solution based on potassium permanganate.

It is very important not to miss the time when the planting material is ready for transplanting. An indicator of this will be a cracked shell of the bone. It is at this moment that it is necessary to plant the seeds in more comfortable conditions.

Planting prepared planting material

To create the most comfortable conditions required correct selection a pot in which to grow a plant. It must be at least 20 cm in diameter. Now it’s worth taking care of the composition of the soil in which the plum will be grown:

  • Place a layer of expanded clay on the bottom - height from 3 to 5 cm;
  • then a layer of coarse sand;
  • the main layer should consist of the following components mixed in equal proportions: humus, vermiculite, peat or leaf soil.

Planting plums in a pot at home

The prepared composition in the pot must be watered well, and then the seed must be deepened into it by 5 cm. It is important that it is located in the center of the container. Cover the container with film. After about 45 days, a sprout should appear. But this will require fulfilling a number of conditions.

Detailed instructions for caring for the plant:

  • It is necessary to constantly ventilate the soil by removing the film from the pot.
  • Do not place the pot with the seed in a dark place. The best option there will be a window sill located on the west or south side. At insufficient lighting It is worth installing fluorescent lamps.
  • The air temperature in the room should be within 20-25˚C. It is worth paying attention to air humidity. If the air is dry, you should additionally humidify it using a spray bottle or a special humidifier.
  • You need to water the soil no more than 2 times a week, but generously. There must be water room temperature, pre-settled.
  • After the sprout appears, you should also take care of feeding. It is advisable to use nitrogenous fertilizers, but you can also feed them with ammonium nitrate.
  • After the sprout appears, before the leaves form, you need to dive. The process involves pinching the third part of the root. Then you need to transplant the sprout into new soil, rich in nutrients.

Note! To grow a plum that will bear full-fledged tasty fruits, every 3 months it is necessary to replant the plant into a larger container. To plant in open ground conditions, you must wait at least 1 year.

Planting a plant in open ground

To plant a ready-made seedling in the country, the soil must be prepared. To do this, follow the following step-by-step guide:

  • The place should be well lit by sunlight.
  • Dig up the area and apply fertilizer: 6 kg of manure, 30 g of potassium salt, 60 g of superphosphate.
  • Make a depression with steep edges and stick a stake into it.
  • The hole must be filled with the following composition: 2 buckets of manure, 2 buckets of river sand, 20 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of superphosphate.
  • Place the seedling so that root collar was 5 cm above the soil level, since in the future it will deepen. Spread out the roots.
  • Plum in a pot

    In order for the tree to delight you with delicious fruits in the future, constant care will be required. Fertilizer is not required for the first two years after planting. You just need to remove weeds and periodically loosen the soil. During hot weather, you should not forget about moistening the soil, and also carry out protective treatment wood from aphids and rodents.

    For a novice gardener, the process of growing plums from seed may seem laborious. But in fact, everything is quite simple, because if you follow the rules described above, you can grow productive variety, delighting with tasty and healthy fruits.

Many gardeners do not buy ready-made seedlings fruit trees, but independently go all the way from the seed or seed to the harvest. You can also grow a plum from a seed, although it will not always correspond to the original variety, but grafting is much less work than getting a seedling.

Is it possible to grow a fruit-bearing plum from a seed?

To grow a seedling from a seed, you will have to work hard, but in 2 years there will already be a small tree. You can plant the seed directly on permanent place, and the tree will grow without replanting. But there is also a risk: the seed may not germinate, and time will be wasted. Therefore, the procedure is often carried out at home, growing seedlings in pots.

It is possible to grow a fruiting plum from a seed, but it is difficult to determine whether the resulting tree will bear fruits of the same variety from which the seed was taken. Therefore, a rootstock is grown from plum seeds, and after a year or two it will be more reliable to graft a plum of the desired variety onto it.

You should immediately get used to the idea that you will need to graft cuttings of the desired plum variety onto a tree grown from seed.

Plums can be grafted not only onto plums, but also onto cherry plums, sloe or damson plums, apricots, and peach.

Fruits brought from the southern regions to Central Russia, no matter how tasty they may be, are not suitable for the reproduction procedure: only seeds from local varieties of plums should be planted. And, since we must immediately assume the subsequent vaccination, there is no need to choose the most delicious varieties. The seed should be taken from a weather-resistant, unpretentious tree.

It may seem that grafting will delay the first harvest for another couple of years. But this is a misconception! On the contrary, fruits from ungrafted seedlings are often obtained even later than from grafting. Therefore, of course, you can experiment, but it’s not worth it. In the end, for the sake of scientific interest, you can leave 1-2 side branches on a tree obtained from a seed, and re-graft the rest. Although most often the grafting is performed on a one-year-old plant, in a standard, not far from the soil surface.

How to grow a plum from a seed in the garden

When planting seeds directly in the garden, you need to be prepared for the fact that they can be destroyed by mice, so you should take measures to repel them. It helps, for example, to bury rags or paper soaked in tar next to the bones. Since the seeds themselves undergo the processes of scarification and stratification in natural conditions, planting them in the garden does not present any difficulties.

Scarification is a partial violation of the seed shell to facilitate their swelling and germination, stratification is long-term keeping of seeds at a certain temperature to accelerate their germination.

If you decide to risk planting a seed immediately in a permanent place, dig it up in advance landing hole dimensions 60 x 60 x 60 cm and fill it with fertilizers as for planting a seedling (1.5–2 buckets of manure, 200 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium sulfate). But it’s safer to plant a dozen seeds in a tree, and when some of them sprout, remove the extra ones, and good seedlings After a year, plant them in permanent places. Growing plums from seeds in the garden consists of the following steps:

Video: planting plum pits in the garden

How to grow a plum in a pot

When growing plums from seeds at home, you need to work harder, but the success of the event is higher.

Preparing the seeds

In order for the seeds to germinate reliably in home conditions that differ from natural conditions, they must first be prepared. Of course, only full-fledged seeds are planted (if they do not sink in water, then they are unsuitable for planting).

Some gardeners instead damp cloth The seeds are stored in wet sand or sawdust, but in this case you need a box that is placed in the cellar and the condition of the seeds and the moisture content of the substrate are also systematically checked.

Planting seeds

By the end of winter, the seeds should swell and their hard shell should crack. For planting, ordinary flower pots with a capacity of about 2 liters are suitable.

If the bones are swollen but do not burst, you can help them by rubbing the outside with a file.

Landing is done like this:

After 2–4 weeks, shoots appear with cotyledonous leaves similar to leaves vegetable seedlings, and only then the elliptical true leaves.

Seedling care

To prevent the seedlings from stretching, they are kept in bright light, but without being exposed to direct rays that can burn the leaves. For the first 7–10 days, you need to maintain a temperature of 10–12 o C, then you need room temperature. If the window sill is north-facing, it is necessary to provide illumination with fluorescent lamps. Water moderately, not allowing the soil to dry out, with settled water at room temperature. If the room is too dry, periodically spray the air around the pot.

After a month, the plum is fed with complex mineral fertilizer(for example, azofoskaya). After another month, fertilizing is repeated. The soil is systematically loosened. By the end of spring, the tree can grow up to 0.5 m.

Already at the end of May, the seedling can be carefully planted in the garden if it is removed from the pot with a lump of earth without disturbing the root system. In warm regions, replanting can be organized in the fall, but in the middle zone they try not to plant plums before winter.

If seedlings are kept at home for a long time, they must be periodically transplanted into larger pots.

Planting in the garden is carried out according to general rules and has no special features, but shortly before this the plum must be hardened. Already established seedlings are grafted into the garden.

Growing plums from stones in different regions

The principles of growing plums from stones at home practically do not depend on the region; only the choice of variety is important. Only zoned varieties that are characterized by sufficient winter hardiness and drought resistance are suitable. In Siberia and even in the middle zone, there is no need to try to plant plums of southern varieties. In the middle zone, plum pits are traditionally planted:

  • Minsk,
  • Volga beauty,
  • Belarusian.

In arid regions, Eurasia and Morning do well. And in Siberia it is better to plant universal varieties with high frost resistance:

  • Ussuriyskaya,
  • Chinese precocious,
  • Manchurian beauty.

The same choice is also true when growing seedlings directly in the garden. Here, only the choice of site for planting seeds depends on the region. The school should be divided into warm side plot. And if in the south of our country or in most of Ukraine you don’t have to worry about the possibility of non-preservation of stratified seeds in the ground, then when planting them in autumn in cold regions, the planting site should be well mulched with a layer of peat or humus.

The features of growing plums from seeds in Siberian conditions are described in some detail in the available literature. Thus, it is recommended not only to remove plums for this purpose in conditions of full botanical ripeness, but also to let them sit until the shelf life limit and only after that remove the seeds. After washing and slightly drying them, the seeds are kept in tightly tied plastic bags until planting, where they ripen.

Sowing seeds in Siberian conditions is carried out both in the traditional way (in autumn) and in spring (and during the winter, the seeds undergo natural stratification, being buried in the ground in linen bags). Spring planting in Siberian conditions it is considered more reliable. Autumn planting carried out just before the frosts, and in the spring - after the soil dries out after the snow melts. Plant the seeds in well-fertilized beds according to a 40 x 15 cm pattern with the hatched roots down to a depth of 2–3 cm, mulch with a thin layer of humus.

Caring for plum seedlings in Siberia does not differ from the generally accepted practice. But in mid-August, all shoots must be pinched and allowed to prepare for winter. The weakest seedlings are removed because they will not survive the subsequent winter or will survive, but will be weak and will begin to bear fruit late. Plums are transplanted to a permanent location at 2 years of age.

Growing a plum from a seed is not difficult, but it is troublesome. If you do this directly in the garden, the process requires minimal costs, but is associated with a certain risk. At home, the likelihood of success is higher, but the technology requires the constant participation of the gardener in the life of the pet.

Many people think about growing plums from seeds. This is quite possible, but you will have to try hard. It is necessary to select the right planting material and prepare it. Very important are soil, watering, fertilizing, lighting, air temperature and other indicators, which also need to be paid attention to when growing plums. But in general, even for novice gardeners this task will not be difficult.


To plant a plum at home, you definitely need to choose a variety.

The most popular are:

  1. 1. President. Productivity is high. The culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness - it grows under any conditions. The plant is partially self-fertile.
  2. 2. General's. It has a delicate taste. The trees are small in stature and frost-resistant.
  3. 3. Morning. This variety has yellow fruits green tint, slightly sour, juicy.
  4. 4. Nenka. Productivity is high. The tree is of medium size, the crown is pyramidal. It is resistant to frost, so it can be grown in the countryside in the northern regions.
  5. 5. Alyonushka. The crown has the shape of a ball. The leaves look like peach. The fruits are large and sweet. The pulp is difficult to separate from the stone.
  6. 6. Romain. This is a red plum.
  7. 7. Chemalskaya. The first fruits can be collected within 3 years after planting the crop in open ground, as the tree develops quickly. The variety is not self-fertile.
  8. 8. Blue Suite. The ripening period is average. The crown is small.
  9. 9. Egg. It is frost-resistant and unpretentious. The fruits are shaped like eggs. Their color is purple.
  10. 10. Chalk white. Pollination will be required. The fruits are very sweet. The tree reaches 5 m in height.
  11. 11. Red ball. Usually up to 2.5 m in height. Plums are large, round, red.

As for the varieties that can be used when growing plums from stones, professional gardeners have divided opinions. Some believe that all varieties of plums can be propagated in this way. Others think that it is better to choose only those varieties that are suitable for a particular region. This is especially true in the northern regions. For such an area, you need to choose only those varieties that are frost-resistant. Otherwise, the seeds will simply freeze. But in any case, you can get a tree with fruits from small seeds.

If you plant a seed from the fruits of trees of heat-loving varieties, then, most likely, a wild plum (wild plum) will grow. In the middle zone it is recommended to plant Minsk, Belarusian, Vitebsk late, Volga beauty. Morning, Eurasia, Egg Blue are excellent for harsh continental climates. In warm regions you can grow the Kuban Comet, Victoria, Kroman varieties.

It is usually stated that a plum grown from a seed will not bear fruit, but experienced breeders obtain a tree in this way, and with good characteristics. You just need to choose the right planting material and follow all planting rules. Typically, fruiting of plums that have been grown from seed begins 5-6 years after planting in open ground.

How to germinate a seed?

To properly germinate a plum pit, you must follow step by step instructions.It is as follows:

  1. 1. Choose the right planting material. Be sure to pay attention to the origin of the product. Imported plums are definitely not suitable. It is best to purchase soft and ripe plums from the local market. In this case, the survival rate will be much higher. The pulp must be separated from the pit. Rinse the last one in clean water, put in dry and sunny place. In a few days the bone will dry out. From it you need to get the core, that is, the seed. You can use a nutcracker to do this. You need to act very carefully so as not to crush the seed. Next you need to check the seeds for suitability. They must be placed in a glass of water at room temperature. The dummies will remain on the surface, and suitable seeds will sink to the bottom.
  2. 2. Conduct stratification. This involves keeping the seeds in a moist and cool place. This will trigger the embryo to germinate. The shell will rupture so he will have access to light. As a substrate, you can use lowland peat, perlite, vermiculite, coarse river sand, sawdust, crushed moss. The material must be treated in a solution of potassium permanganate (you will need 5 g of the substance per 1 liter of water) and poured with water. Before placing the seeds in a pot with such a substrate, they should be kept in water for 3 days, but only filled to half the height. Change the water every day. Then you need to place the seeds in the soil and cover the container plastic film. First, you need to keep the container at a temperature of 15-20 0 C for half a month, then cool it to 1-5 0 C (2-2.5 months), and then lower the temperature even more - to 0 0 C (keep it this way for up to a month). It is necessary to water the soil periodically.
  3. 3. Prepare a container and soil for planting seeds. The pot should be up to 20 cm in diameter. You need to pour sand into it, charcoal, expanded clay or broken brick as drainage. The layer should be 2-5 cm thick. Pour the substrate into the container. It should be a mixture of vermiculite, peat or leaf soil, humus. Take all components in equal parts. You can add a little perlite to the soil. The substrate should be watered abundantly.
  4. 4. Place a seed in the center of the pot and deepen it 5 cm.
  5. 5. Cover the container with plastic wrap and place in a warm place.

Periodically you need to water and ventilate the substrate. Usually the sprout appears after 1.5 months.

Seedlings must be properly cared for:

  1. 1. Lighting. It is better to place the container on the windowsill on the southwest side. If the room is dark, then you need to use additional fluorescent lamp for additional lighting.
  2. 2. Microclimate. The room temperature should be 20-25 0 C. It is necessary to monitor the air humidity. If necessary, the space around the sprouts should be irrigated with water from a spray bottle.
  3. 3. Watering. It should be plentiful, but rare. It is enough to moisten the soil 2 times a week. The temperature of the liquid should be room temperature.
  4. 4. Feeding. From the moment the first shoots appear until the end of the growing season, this procedure must be carried out 3 times. To do this, it is necessary to use fertilizers containing a large number of nitrogen. You will need 30 g ammonium nitrate for 10 liters of water. One plant requires 100 ml of this solution.
  5. 5. Picking. Before the formation of 2 true leaves, you will need to pinch a third of the length of the roots. This will activate the growth of the root system, making it stronger and more branched. After this, the plants need to be transplanted into new soil and watered.

To prevent seedlings from going wild, they should be transplanted into a new soil mixture every 3 months.

Transplantation into open ground

A year after planting the seeds, the sprouts can be transplanted into open ground. It is first necessary to carry out hardening, that is, take the seedlings outside for several hours for a few hours.

For plums, you need to choose a well-lit place. A gentle slope facing south is recommended. In this place the soil will always warm up. If the site is located in a lowland, then it is necessary to form a hill 0.5 m high and 1 m wide. Groundwater should be located below 3 m, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.

  1. 1. Prepare the site in the fall. It is necessary to dig the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm and apply fertilizer. For each square meter 30 g of potassium salt, 6 g of superphosphate and 6 kg of compost or manure are required.
  2. 2. Prepare a planting hole in the spring. It should be 0.6 m deep and 0.8 to 1 m in diameter. Upper part The soil that was taken out of the hole must be set aside. It will be needed to form the substrate.
  3. 3. Stick a stake at a distance of 30 cm from the center of the pit. It will be needed for tying the seedling.
  4. 4. Prepare the substrate. You will need to mix 2 buckets of manure with the same amount of river sand. Add 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate. Then mix with the soil removed from the hole. If the soil is too acidic, then you need to add 300 g of limestone.
  5. 5. At the bottom of the pit, make a hill from the prepared substrate. Place a seedling on it. Spread out the roots. Sprinkle with soil, compact it and water. Make sure that the root collar is located 5 cm higher than the ground level.

Then all that remains is to tie the trunk to the stake. To do this, use only soft material. You can also additionally mulch the area around the plant. Peat or sawdust are suitable for this. The plant will need to be watered periodically.