How to grow a lily from cuttings. Growing new lily plants from flower shoots

What is the most effective method of propagating lilies? How to propagate lilies?

I will share my knowledge and my own experience in propagating lilies. Shortcuts I use in my collection garden.

Reproduction method 1. From stem bulbs

Humid, warm summers promote intensive growth. The formation of air buds begins during the budding of lilies and is completed after 2 - 2.5 months. After the bulbous lily blooms, the bulblets reach their maximum size.

Some specimens of aerial bulbs have a formed root and the first true leaf. Take special care not to damage the green leaves on the peduncle mother plant, the bulbs are separated from the stem.

Photo: stem of a bulbous lily in October. Bulbs formed in the axils of the leaves on the lily peduncle.

Some specimens of aerial bulbs have a formed root and the first true leaf. The size of the bulbs, the speed of germination and the time of the first flowering depend on the species of lily. The quality of the bulbs is also affected by the length of the growing season (from germination to the beginning of flowering).

With special care, so as not to damage the green leaves on the peduncle of the mother plant, the bulbs are separated from the stem. The collected bulbs are ready for planting in open ground - this is the easiest propagation option.

From my own experience, I know that the baby bulbs go deeper into the soil when sowing. This greatly complicates spring germination and the beginning of the growing season of new seedlings.

I use accelerated method propagation of lilies by stem children and bulbs. Some gardeners advise pre-treating them in a purple solution of potassium permanganate. I don't use pre-sowing treatment.

Place the mini bulbs in damp, washed sand or sphagnum moss.

Photo: My bulbs were collected in October 2017. I was a little late in collecting the “harvest” of aerial bulbs due to the cold weather conditions of the spring-summer 2017 season. Bad weather delayed the flowering and formation of lily flower stalks.

Reproduction by axillary lily buds in moss

Lily bulbs wrapped in moss are excellently preserved throughout the winter.

If stored incorrectly, the bulbs wake up and begin to grow. New renewal shoots grow.

Photo November 22, 2017. The first bulbs grew, the outer scales became thin and wrinkled. Over time, the depleted scales will die off. The same fate will befall the first roots of a juvenile lily bulb.

Use a very simple propagation method. Pack the moss with bulbs tightly into plastic bag and put in the refrigerator, store at a temperature not lower than +2 o Celsius.

Be sure to write the information on the package label: name of the variety or species, date of collection planting material and packing time.

In the spring, expose the bulbs to light and plant them in sowing containers.

Reproduction by lily bulbs in sand

Photo November 22, 2017. Today the baby got its first leaf, two months have passed since sowing in the sand, packaging date is September 20, 2017, Asian hybrid variety Ball of Good Luck

Photo of the first leaf and first root of a lily, a very long root. After some time, the first vaginal leaf will die, and its base will transform into a new scale of a young juvenile bulb. Do not despair - this means that the period of growing up has begun.

A bulb without leaves signals that it does not need a photoperiod and can be transplanted into the ground. We choose a standard sowing container for young bulbs, but spacious enough so that the bulbs do not touch each other and the growing roots do not get tangled with each other.

Let's cook" layered cake"The bottom layer is an earthen mixture of leaf humus, peat and sand 2:2:1: the top layer of coarse sand, on which I place the bulbs, I cover the lily seedlings with mulch with sand, perlite or stone chips of the finest fraction.

We send the lily seedlings to the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than +2 o Celsius. For one to two months until spring, lilies “overwinter” well in a regular refrigerator. In the spring we place it on a bright window sill and water it.

Young bulbs need nutrients Oh. Fertilizer irrigation should be carried out several times during the summer.


The first elongated shoot should appear no earlier than in a few months.

Lily Asian hybrid "Cherry" early date flowering, grown from a bulb “showed the first flower” in September, 8 months after planting the aerial bulb in the sand.

Reproduction method 2. Scaly propagation of lilies by bulbous scales

Scaling is another way vegetative propagation lilies. At the end of summer and autumn, when digging up and transplanting bulbs, lightly dry a large adult bulb in the open air so that the juicy scales separate entirely and do not break. Separate several outer scales and treat them in a solution of potassium permanganate.

This year I dug up the lilies too late in the fall at the end of October. I do not recommend late digging of lilies; you should not dig them in rainy, damp weather, when the soil is heavy and filled with moisture. The bulbs may crumble into separate scales. I collected the broken off scales and sent them for reproduction.

I placed the scales of the scattered onion in damp sand. The sand must be coarse and clean. To maintain moisture, sand with lily scales must be wrapped in a plastic bag. In this packaging room temperature a favorable environment is created for the reproduction and growth of lily children. I do not open the sealed packaging for 1 - 1.5 months.

The formation of new baby bulbs and roots begins within the first two months after planting. When you notice the first leaves of the new babies, wash the sand, carefully remove the scales from the plastic packaging, and plant them in a nursery for growing. Composition of the earth mixture leaf humus, peat, sand 2:2:1.

In the photo on the scales of the bulb, the babies formed a month after being packed in sand, I blurred the sand a little plain water to see and photograph the baby. Formation of the root of the new bulb on the bulbous scale Ball of Luck.

A lily scale with one baby was taken out of the sand, the first root being formed is clearly visible, photo November 22, 2017.

This popular variety can be propagated by axillary bulbs that regularly grow on the stems of the Ball of Luck lily.

The method of propagation by stem bulbs and axillary bulbs guarantees 100% identity of the variety; new lilies fully correspond to the varietal characteristics of the original cultivar; they are used to improve and renew a rare variety of lilies

This summer, the flowering of the Asian hybrid was of high quality with a harmoniously formed inflorescence, due to which the aerial bulbs were small and few in number. To obtain better quality bulbs, remove the flower buds from the lily inflorescence. Lily is "beheaded" :)

Photo of an Asian hybrid lily, Ball of Good Luck, June 19, 2017. The weather is abnormally cold and rainy with strong gusts of north wind. Flower buds froze in anticipation of warmth, stem axillary buds are not formed. The ends of the leaves are dark colored - these are the consequences of spring return frosts, peduncle height 30 - 35 cm from the soil surface.

Photo July 05, 2016, the same bulb formed full-fledged green bulbs. The 2016 season for lilies was dry and too hot, Asian hybrids different terms flowering almost simultaneously at an accelerated pace, the inflorescences opened and quickly faded. The duration of the flowering period of Asian hybrids in my collection near Moscow was 2 weeks. Even the most late variety Tornado lilies began to open their buds early and quickly completed the flowering period.

Photo July 15, 2015, a young bulb of the Ball of Luck finishes flowering. The location of the aerial bulbs is limited; on the central part of the flower shoot, baby bulbs do not form in the area of ​​the supra-bulb roots.

Reproduction method 3. Scaling a lily bulb without substrate

Scales treated with growth stimulants are placed in a damp plastic bag and stored for 3 - 2.5 months at room temperature, gradually reducing to 17 degrees. Then they are transferred to the refrigerator and kept until planting in a dark, cool place at +2 o - 4 o degrees Celsius.

Not only Asian lily hybrids are capable of forming axillary buds. The photo shows the stems of lilies of domestic selection, the bulbs formed on the cut stem some time after flowering in a vase with water.

Don’t rush to throw away bouquets of lilies, maybe you’ll be just as lucky 😉 and you’ll get new planting material for elegant Michurin tubular lilies 🙂 with a wonderful, delicate, faint aroma

Reproduction method 4. Cuttings - lily cuttings

Surprisingly easy to propagate stem cuttings and even sheet plates. Spring cuttings of a lily renewal shoot during the beginning of the bulb's growing season bring positive results!

By the end of the growing season, a lily stem cutting rooted in the soil forms several baby bulbs.

Photo: Lily of David blooming in my garden. Bright turban-shaped species wild lily of natural flora.

Reproduction method 5. Cloning, tissue culture

The industrial method of propagating lilies by tissue culture is carried out in laboratory conditions. For beginners, I recommend that you first study popular science literature and the methods of the Scientific Institute named after. Michurin on micro-clonal propagation of plants "in vitro" invitro

I proposed 5 ways to accelerate the propagation of lilies, not all lilies are bulbous, some hybrid lilies cannot be propagated by bulbous scales, due to the low coefficient of vegetative propagation.

Best regards, Nellie "Landscape workshop of Nelly Grigorieva"

Gardeners love unusual plants. To keep a rare plant in your garden, you should use subtle maintenance. Subtleties of content large groups colors are different. An exotic living creature requires individual fulfillment of conditions. In this article, the editors tried to collect some tips to avoid mistakes when breeding rare plant. It is important to understand for yourself which family the desired plant belongs to.

Lilies: propagation and care...

Lilies are propagated by dividing the “nest” of bulbs, by baby bulbs formed among the roots, in the axils of leaves, by scaling into a porous sterile material (sphagnum, perlite), by seeds. These propagation methods are easy to perform and even beginners can do it.

After sowing, a small bulb forms from a lily seed already in the first year, strengthening and growing over the course of 3-4 years, without producing a flowering stem. Only after receiving its final size does it send out an aerial stem that bears flowers; from then on, every year it sends out stronger and stronger stems.

Separation and planting of baby bulbs. Almost all lilies form bulbs with loose scales on the underground part of the stem. At the beginning of September, the resulting baby bulbs should be carefully separated without digging up the mother bulb and planted. First, it is better to plant them in a bed with light nutritious soil, and after a year or two move them to permanent place. When propagated by baby bulbs, the lily blooms in the 3rd or 4th year. More happens early flowering, but it is undesirable, since the plant has not yet gained strength. In this case, it is better to remove the buds... How to grow a large onion and more children by autumn, see care. Dividing the "nest" of bulbs. This is the most propagation. Every year, young bulbs grow at the bottom of the bulb. After 3-4 years, a real nest is formed from them, consisting of 4-6 bulbs crowding each other. In order for the lily to develop normally, they need to be separated. Then plant each bulb, preferably in a new place. It is better to do this in early September. But division and planting in spring are allowed (before sprouts appear above the ground). In the first year, lilies planted after dividing the nest must be especially carefully looked after, not forgetting to water and feed. Then they will bloom in full force in the 3rd year.

Lily propagation by scales

Lily can be propagated from scales. This method is quite simple, which will allow you to get greatest number planting material. The scales are removed throughout the season, but it is best to do this in spring or autumn when replanting. The bulb is dug out of the ground, dried, and part of the scales are separated from it, but not more than one third. After which the remaining bulb (subject to all rules of agricultural technology) is immediately planted in the ground, which can continue to grow and develop.

The same operation can be carried out without digging up the bulbs. As soon as sprouts appear on the surface of the earth, indicating the location of the bulb, the soil is carefully raked, several scales are separated from the bulb, then sprinkled with clean sand, then with earth.

IN good conditions Lilies reproduce themselves using bulbs. Moreover, this applies to propagation by both underground bulbs and aerial ones - the latter fall off the stem in the fall and subsequently can greatly thicken the plantings. Take this fact into account when caring for your lilies.

Lilies can be propagated:

Lily propagation by scales

Most types of lilies can be propagated from bulbous scales.

To do this, scales are separated from the mother bulb - no more than 1/3 of all scales can be separated without harm to the plant; it is better to break off the scales that are closer to the bottom. In this case, you can either dig up the bulb if you plan to replant the lily, or simply without removing it from the soil, expose the side of the bulb and remove a few scales.

The scales are planted in a substrate made up of a mixture of fertile soil for seedlings and sand (in a 3:1 ratio). As a container, you can use a bowl and a transparent lid (film) or plant the scales in a bag, which is then sealed tightly. The container with lily scales is placed in a warm place, maintaining humidity in the microgreenhouse.

After 1-3 months, roots and small baby bulbs will appear on the scales. After this, each scale with its daughter bulbs is planted in a separate pot in sandy soil and keep until spring in a cool place (+5-10°C). In the spring, the children are separated and planted in the ground for growing, and 1-2 years after the formation of adult bulbs, they are moved to a permanent place.

The scales are separated from the mother lily bulb.

2 - bulb after separation of the children;

3 - rooted bulbs

Lily propagation - by dividing a nest of bulbs

1. The most easy way Lily propagation - dividing a nest of bulbs. Every year, young bulbs grow at the bottom of the bulb. After 3-4 years, a real nest is formed from them, consisting of 4-6 bulbs crowding each other. In order for the lily to develop normally, they must be separated. Then plant each bulb, preferably in a new place. It is better to do this in early September. But division and planting in spring are allowed (before sprouts appear above the ground). In the first year, lilies planted after dividing the nest must be especially carefully looked after, not forgetting to water and feed. Then they will bloom in full force in the 3rd year.

Method of propagating lilies using baby bulbs

2. Separation and planting of baby bulbs. These bulbs form on the underground part of the stem. At the beginning of September, they need to be separated without digging up the mother bulb, and immediately planted to a depth of 4-5 cm. It is still too early for the children to enter the flower garden, so first it is better to plant them in a bed with light nutritious soil, and after a year or two, move them to a permanent place.

When propagated by baby bulbs, the lily blooms in the 3rd or 4th year. Earlier flowering also occurs, but it is undesirable, since the plant has not yet gained strength. In this case, it is better to remove the buds.

Reproduction by bulb scales:

1 - separation of scales;

2 - onion after separation of scales;

3 - bulbs formed on the scales

Method for obtaining lily bulbs from scales

3. Obtaining bulbs from scales. This is the fastest and most profitable method of reproduction. From one bulb you can get up to 150 new ones, since many lilies are able to form bulbs even on part of the scales. The operation of separating scales can be carried out throughout the year, but it is better either in early spring or during autumn digging and replanting.

The onion removed from the ground must be washed and the scales very carefully separated. However, keep in mind that the best ones are the large ones from the outer layer. If you want to preserve the mother bulb, do not remove more than half of the scales. Then, after they are separated, you can plant it and it will begin to develop and bloom normally.

The separated scales should be washed, kept for 15 minutes in a bright solution of potassium permanganate and slightly dried. Then place in a clean plastic bag and sprinkle with crushed charcoal. Attach a label with the name of the variety to the bag and tie it tightly. After this, you can keep it at a temperature of 22-25°C for 6 weeks, at 17-18°C for 4 weeks, and in the refrigerator at 2-4°C for the rest of the time before planting. Or store at room temperature until bulbs and roots form on the scales, then place in the refrigerator or plant in a box with nutritious soil for growing in an apartment. When planting, you need to deepen it so that the scales are in the ground two-thirds of the height. The scales with the bulbs formed on them are planted in open ground in May.

As already mentioned, you can separate the scales in the spring. Then they need to be planted immediately in open ground. When propagated by scales, lilies bloom in the 3rd year.

A method for quickly obtaining bulbs from stem bulbs

Lily - very gentle and beautiful garden plant. It attracts attention with its bright unusual colors and pleasant sweet aroma.

Flower growers love to grow lilies everywhere: in gardens and flower beds, in pots and on personal plots. This touching, sophisticated flower will take root almost anywhere, pleasing the eye and filling the air with fragrance.

Among the many varieties of lilies, you will definitely choose for yourself a few of the most pleasant and desirable ones, which you will be proud of and enjoy.

But over time, you, like every gardener, will certainly have a question: how to propagate lilies so that they decorate your vases and lawns for a long time? Our article will be devoted to this issue.

However, first I would like to briefly get acquainted with this delicate flower and find out its main features.

Description of the species

Lily is a bright and multifaceted plant, the color range of which can range from rich white to dark purple. Breeders have bred several thousand varieties of this beautiful flower. It can be spotted and matte, terry and glossy, plain and decorated with different patterns and designs.

The shape of the flowers is also complex and varied in texture. It can be stellate and flat, turban-shaped and tubular, funnel-shaped and bell-shaped.

Each type of lily differs from each other in the size of its bloom. For example, the diameter of turban-shaped lilies varies between five and ten centimeters, and flat ones - from twenty to twenty-five centimeters!

Landing conditions

What should you pay attention to before planting lilies?

First of all, it should be remembered that she is perennial flower, who loves one place and is afraid of transfers. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a site for lilies carefully, scrupulously, observing all the conditions of this demanding plant.

The very first thing that deserves attention is a place for grounding. It should be sunny and protected from drafts.

Flowers are also picky about soil; they love loose and fertile land. If we talk about the acidity of the soil, then the preferences of lilies depend on its varieties and types. In most cases, flowers grow well in soil with a neutral acid-base balance.

It is recommended to fertilize the soil immediately a few days before planting. To do this, the soil must be dug up and then mixed with ash, humus and peat. Then the area allocated for planting should be compacted and watered.


Lilies are planted using bulbs, which can be purchased at any gardening store. Planting material should be healthy and juicy, fleshy, with a well-developed root system.

It is best to plant flowers in the fall, but you can do this in the spring and even in the summer. Much depends on the variety you choose.

Where to start planting?

First of all, you need to dig small holes, the bottom of which is recommended to be sanded. The bulb is placed on top and covered with sand, and then the entire hole is filled with earth and watered abundantly with water. After this, the bed can be mulched.

Caring for a beauty

Lily petals love light very much, so they should always be in the sun. The same cannot be said about the root system of a flower.

It is best to cover the ground around the stems with mulch or plant with low-growing ornamental plants. This will help the soil not to overheat or dry out due to direct sunlight.

What else does a lily need? Of course, in regular watering. However, it is important not to overdo it; the culture does not like excessive humidity.

It is equally important to systematically feed the flowers. During the period of emergence of shoots and during the ovaries of the first buds, use complex fertilizer, and after wilting - potassium-phosphorus.

Negative Impact

So, we briefly got acquainted with the life of a lily and the basic rules for growing it. Now let's find out how to propagate lilies, when is the best time to do this and with what.

Method one: scales

There are several effective ways how to transplant a lily. When deciding which one is right for you, you should keep one thing in mind simple rule: It is recommended to engage in vegetation in the fall. How to propagate lilies at this time of year? The most common and effective way- using bulbous scales.

Thanks to this method, about one hundred to one hundred and fifty new planting elements can be obtained. Moreover, the process of separating scales can be carried out throughout the year.

So, how to propagate a lily using bulb scales?

First of all, it must be removed from the soil and washed, and then carefully divided into flakes. Sometimes the separation process can be carried out without digging up the bulb, but by slightly moving the soil near it.

How to propagate lilies by scales can be seen in the photo below.

The separated elements should be washed again and soaked in a light manganese solution for fifteen minutes. After drying a little, the scales are placed in a plastic bag, sprinkled with finely crushed charcoal, and close tightly.

You can store the sealed elements for several weeks in a dark place at room temperature, and then, after the formation of bulbs and root systems on them, put them in the refrigerator or plant them in a greenhouse.

How to propagate lilies by scales directly when planting planting material in the ground?

If the scales are separated in the spring, then in the fall they form bulbs that can be safely planted in the ground. If the division process occurred in September, then in March it is recommended to ground the scales in a planting box, and only after two months the newly formed bulbs are transplanted directly into chernozem.

Method two: bulbs

This is the most comfortable view flower breeding. The photo below will help us determine how to propagate lilies with bulblets.

As you can see, bulblets are buds formed in the axils of the leaves. However, not all lilies are able to form bulbs on their stems.

The number of buds, as well as their size, depend not only on the variety, but also on weather conditions, growing conditions, plant age and completeness of flowering. Therefore, there will be more bulbs if the summer is cool, or if fewer inflorescences form on the plant stem.

When is the best time to collect buds? The most favorable time for these events is August-September, when the lilies fade and the bulbs begin to easily separate from the green stem.

How to propagate lilies by buds? There are at least two ways. The first is that the collected planting material is placed in polyethylene, sprinkled with fine sawdust or sand and placed in a cold place. Two weeks later, when young roots appear, the bulbs should be planted either directly in open ground or in the ground of a previously prepared planting box.

The second way to plant bulbs is to immediately plant them in a flower bed. However, after this, the soil should be thoroughly insulated, covered with dry leaves, straw or sawdust.

When planting, the bulbs should be grounded two to three centimeters, keeping a distance between them of five to six centimeters.

Method three: seeds

Many varieties of lilies have in their inflorescence a certain capsule in which seeds are formed. When can I start collecting them?

It is very important to closely monitor appearance plants. When the lily box becomes completely dry and acquires Brown color, it will be possible to remove the planting material from it. It must be immediately sown in the ground or dried for further storage.

How to propagate lilies by seeds? To begin with, they should be soaked in a wet cloth until shoots appear. Then the seeds are sown in the greenhouse, deepening them no more than one centimeter.

In May, the strongest and healthiest plants can be planted in the beds, slightly shading their habitat. Frail and weak seedlings are best left in the planting box until next spring.

Method four: cuttings

This method is used when breeding very valuable and rare varieties. During cuttings, the stem is cut with pruning shears without waiting for the bud to open. The principle of operation is clearly shown in the illustration.

There are several methods for propagating lilies from cuttings. Here are some of them:

  • By using stem. The instructions on how to propagate lilies by stems are very simple: cut the cut stalk into several pieces seven to eight centimeters long, cut off the very bottom sheet and planted in the ground at a slight slope. After one to two months, bulbs will appear in the axils of the stems.
  • By using leaves. One leaf is cut from the top of the plant along with a short part of the main stem and buried in boxes specially prepared for planting. After a month, the cuttings should form root system. After this, it can be planted in open ground. In practice, it is not at all difficult to propagate a lily with leaves. How to do this is shown in the photo below.

Many people have a question: is it possible to propagate cut lilies? As you can see, the cutting method is perfectly suited for these purposes. However, it is worth considering one condition - the flower should not be left in the open air for a long time, otherwise it will dry out and lose its reproductive abilities. The same operating principle applies when it becomes necessary to propagate a lily from a bouquet. How to do this better (using cuttings of leaves or stems) is up to you to decide.

Method five

There are other ways to reproduce lilies - using baby bulbs, dividing nests, using petals, and so on. What are they?

Baby bulbs form on the top of the underground stem. At the end of August - beginning of September, they can be carefully separated from the green shoot, without digging up the main bulb and trying not to damage it. It is best to immediately ground the resulting planting material at a depth of four to five centimeters, and it is recommended to do this not in open ground, but in a greenhouse. Only after one or two years can the flowers be transplanted to their permanent habitat.

Method six: bulbous nests

What is the method of dividing bulbous nests? Every year several new, young bulbs grow near the mother bulb. Thus, after a few years, a whole nest of high-quality planting material is formed underground, crowding and interfering with each other.

In order for the flower to develop well, it is recommended to divide its bulbs and transplant them to a new place.

And finally...

As you can see, growing lilies is a very painstaking and time-consuming task, since these plants are capricious and require regular and high-quality care. They must be constantly fertilized, treated against diseases, and protected from pests.

An important matter is the propagation of lilies, which also requires a lot of effort, time and skills. However, reproducing flowers is not that difficult. At first you can experiment with different ways to choose the easiest and most convenient one for yourself. Once you get used to it and gain experience, it will no longer be too difficult to breed lilies and replant them.

So don't be afraid to take on something new. And don't be upset if something doesn't work out for you. You can definitely learn how to grow these beautiful, lovely flowers, propagate them and care for them. And then your flower garden will be decorated every summer with lilies of all kinds of colors and varieties.

Propagation of lilies by dividing nests of bulbs is the most popular and simplest vegetative method. It has been known for a long time and has proven itself well. The method of propagating lilies by dividing nests of bulbs is based on the fact that an adult mother bulb annually separates from itself daughter bulbs, which develop new roots and new stems.

A nest of bulbs is formed, which needs to be divided and replanted 3-4 years after planting the lilies, when 4-6 bulbs are formed in the nest.

The most optimal time for dividing nests and planting bulbs - a month after the end of lily flowering.

After lilies bloom, the plants are severely depleted, their bulbs lose weight, become loose, their scales become thinner, and wither. At least a month must pass after flowering for the bulb to gain strength - to become large, dense, and elastic. This process is influenced by heat, moisture, and nutrition. Within a month, plants regain their strength spent on growth and flowering.

And in the plant bulbs at this time there is an accumulation of nutrients and moisture, which will help the lily painlessly endure the division of nests and subsequent planting. Most of the main varieties of Asian lily hybrids are usually divided after 3-4 years, that is, when 4-6 full bulbs are formed in the plant’s nest, and Tubular hybrids should be propagated after 5-6 years.

How to propagate lilies by dividing nests of bulbs? Myself the process of propagating lilies by dividing nests of bulbs as follows:

The overgrown bush is carefully dug up, trying not to damage the bulbs and perennial bulbous roots: damage to the roots may be the reason that the lily may not bloom next year.

The nest of bulbs is laid on the ground, first the small children are carefully separated, then the large daughter bulbs, until a few fused together remain. large bulbs with stems. The number of bulbs should be equal to the number of stems.

The stems of green lilies, healthy plants cut off, leaving a stump, or carefully twist it out, clean the roots from the soil and carefully separate the lily nest into separate bulbs with your hands. Then, using pruning shears, the dead roots are cut out, and healthy ones are trimmed to 15-20 cm.

Each bulb is carefully inspected to ensure that they are all healthy and suitable for propagation. Healthy lily bulbs have white or pink scales, without any spots.

Lily bulbs are sorted so that the planting material is uniform in size. Lily bulbs ready for planting are placed in a dark place and covered. damp cloth, which is regularly moistened with water. Damaged bulbs, as well as bulbs with signs of rotting, are discarded.

If it’s a pity to throw away infected bulbs, then before planting you can pickle them in a 0.2-0.4% solution of the drug “Maxim” or its analogues, then dry and plant.

Separated children and small bulbs planted in a bed with fertile light soil for growing: they are used in the process. Caring for plantings involves weeding, watering and fertilizing. After 2–4 years, the plants bloom.

Many flower beds in our country are decorated with all sorts of varieties of lilies, which perfectly complement the garden landscape and look advantageous not only in group plantings, but also when planted individually. Garden lilies can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively, and in order to make a choice in favor of one method or another, you should know their technology.

Reproduction of lilies by bulblets

Usually, Lily propagation by bulbs occurs by self-sowing. This method is the most convenient and easiest in home gardening conditions. Only bulbous varieties, which are most often found in the group of Asian hybrids, can be propagated in this way.

On the so-called “babies” suitable for planting, leaves appear and an aerial root system is formed, after which the bulbs are ready to be separated from the parent plant and planted in a separate place according to the following technology:

  • for planting, you should prepare a special container with high-quality drainage holes at the bottom;
  • The planting container must be filled with nutritious soil mixture with low level acidity;
  • fully matured “babies” or bulbs are easily separated from the stem part, but they should be collected before they begin to fall off from the adult plant;
  • It is advisable to sort the collected bulbs by size and then plant them to a depth of 3 cm with a distance of at least 4 cm from each other.

Bulbs should be grown in pots until spring, when young plants are suitable for planting in a permanent place in open ground. Lilies propagated by children enter the flowering stage approximately in the third or fourth year after planting.

How to propagate lilies by scales (video)

Lily propagation by leaf

However, the method is not too complicated and shows enough high percent survival rate of planting material. The technique is optimal for tiger and snow-white lilies, as well as Thunberg and royal lilies. A good result is observed with this propagation of the Maksimovich lily, as well as the sulfur and long-flowered lilies.

The leaf propagation technology is as follows:

  • at the stage of active budding, but before flowering, you should carefully tear off the leaves from the base;
  • the landing container must have high-quality drainage holes;
  • a layer of drainage should be poured onto the bottom of the planting container, and then about 5-7 cm of nutritious soil substrate and about 4 cm of coarse sand;
  • lily leaves go deep into moist soil about ½ from total length, with a slight slope;
  • Plantings should be provided with an optimal microclimate by covering them with polyethylene.

Further care of the plantings consists of regular ventilation and ensuring sufficient soil moisture. With proper care, bulbs form fairly quickly at the base of the leaves. In spring, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place in the ground.

Propagation of lilies by cuttings

Propagating lilies from cuttings is quite simple:
  • Using a clean and sharp pruning shears, cut off the stem part without damaging the bulb;
  • treat a cut on a green cutting with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • immerse the cuttings in a growth stimulator for some time;
  • prepare planting boxes with drainage holes and fill them with vermiculite or clean sifted sand;
  • plant the prepared green lily cuttings, carry out abundant watering and cover the plantings with plastic wrap.

IN summer period It is permissible to plant cuttings directly in open ground, where the plantings also need to be protected with polyethylene. With proper care, after about three to four weeks, baby bulbs form in the soil, which are recommended to be separated and planted for the purpose of growing.

Lily propagation by bulbs

The advantage of this method is that all varieties and types of lilies are propagated by bulbs. This method is practiced in home gardening quite often, however, according to experienced amateur gardeners, the disadvantages of this type of propagation include a fairly low survival rate decorative culture.

As a rule, propagation by bulbs is carried out in the autumn, but if necessary, the event can be held in the spring, observing next technology:

  • when propagating lilies in the spring, you should choose plants whose height does not exceed 8-10 cm, which guarantees a higher percentage of crop survival;
  • It is recommended to plant the bulbs immediately after digging, until the root system of the planting material has dried out;
  • If it is not possible to plant in a timely manner, it is advisable to temporarily bury the planting material in moistened peat or sand.

Plants obtained from the largest bulbs are able to bloom directly in the year of replanting, which is due to the presence of already established flower buds. Specimens grown from too small planting material will bloom only next year. Approximately in the third or fourth year after planting, entire “nests” of several bulbs will form in the ground, suitable for division and planting. To find out the number of bulbs formed and suitable for planting, it is enough to count the formed stems.

Propagation of lilies by seeds

If methods of lily propagation, such as dividing a nest of bulbs, using baby bulbs, planting stem bulbs, rooting scales, as well as planting stem and leaf cuttings, are very simple to perform and are quite suitable even for novice amateur gardeners, then seed propagation is quite complex event and requires certain knowledge. In addition, it should be remembered that Lily seeds lose their viability very quickly, therefore, they must be sown no later than the next year after the harvest.

The technology for seed propagation of lilies is as follows:

  • before sowing, it is recommended to treat the seed material in a 1-2% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a 0.04% solution of zinc sulfate, which improves germination and minimizes the risk of bacterial infection;
  • sowing treated seeds in order to obtain the maximum strong seedlings should be carried out in the last ten days of February or early March;
  • planting containers must be filled with a disinfected mixture of sheet soil and coarse sand;
  • good results are achieved by using a soil substrate made from garden soil with the addition of peat, humus and coarse sand;
  • sowing of seeds is carried out with a depth of no more than 50 mm;
  • It is advisable to cover the crops with polyethylene, which will speed up the emergence of seedlings and make them more friendly.

After seedlings emerge, they are provided with diffused lighting and temperature regime at 16-20°C. Watering is carried out systematically to prevent the soil from drying out. After a couple of leaves appear, the seedlings should be planted into separate planting containers. Transplantation to a permanent place in flower beds open ground held in the last ten days of May or early June.

Lilies: methods of propagation (video)

When planting young plants, it is recommended to maintain a distance of 0.3-0.4 m between them. Further provision proper care allows you to grow healthy and strong plants capable of for long years delight with lush and long-lasting flowering.