How to grow anemones from tubers: a cheat sheet for beginning gardeners. Anemone tubers planting and care Anemone crown planting and care in a pot

The name of the plant anemone (Anemone), or anemone, comes from the Greek word, which means “daughter of the winds.” The fact is that even the slightest gust of wind causes the petals of such a plant to flutter. This herbaceous perennial is a representative of the Buttercup family. In nature, it can be found in regions with temperate climates of both hemispheres, while it prefers to grow in mountainous areas and on plains. There are approximately 160 species that bloom in different ways and at different times, which is why even experienced gardeners often get confused.

Exists a large number of species and varieties of anemone, while some of them are unpretentious to growing conditions, while others, on the contrary, should be provided with special care. The thing is that some species are tuberous, while others are rhizomatous. It is the rhizomatous species that are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and ease of care, while the tuberous ones can suffer greatly if they are not cared for correctly. There are several features of growing such a flower that you need to know:

  1. In dry and very hot weather, they must be watered.
  2. In autumn, flowers should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers, and before planting and during active growth or flowering, organic matter should be added to the soil.
  3. To prevent plants from freezing, winter time they should be covered with a layer of fallen leaves.
  4. The easiest way to propagate this plant is by seeds, which are sown before winter, or by root suckers in spring time.

How to prepare the soil

Before you start planting an anemone, you should find the most suitable area and prepare the soil. Suitable site should be spacious, located in partial shade and protected from drafts. Strongly growing rhizomes are very fragile; even contact can harm them. In addition, these flowers can be damaged by excessive heat, as well as drafts. The soil should be loose, nutritious and well drained. The best option is deciduous soil or loam with peat. To keep the soil loose, regular sand should be poured into it. If the soil is acidic, this can be corrected by adding wood ash or dolomite flour.

When growing anemones from seeds, you must remember that they have extremely low germination rates. About ¼ of the seeds will be able to germinate, but they must be freshly harvested. To increase the percentage of seed germination, they must be stratified; they are placed in a cold place for 4–8 weeks. To do this, combine the seeds with peat or coarse sand (1:3), the mixture must be moistened abundantly. Then it is sprayed with water every day to keep it moist all the time. After the seeds have swelled, they must be combined with a small amount of substrate, everything is thoroughly mixed and sprayed generously with water. Then the seeds are removed to a well-ventilated room, where it should not be warmer than 5 degrees. A few days after the sprouts appear, the bowl with the seeds must be transferred to the yard, where it is buried in the snow or soil, and the surface is sprinkled with straw or sawdust. At the very beginning of spring, transplant the seeds into boxes so that they germinate. If you don’t want to bother too much with growing anemones, then in the autumn, sow the seeds in containers filled with loose soil. The boxes should then be buried in the yard, with the top covered with cut branches. In winter, they will undergo natural stratification. In spring, the seeds should be removed from the soil and planted.

Before planting anemone tubers, they should be awakened from sleep. To do this, they are immersed in lukewarm water for several hours to swell. Then they are planted in pots filled with a moistened substrate consisting of sand and peat; they need to be buried only 50 mm. The substrate in pots must be provided with systematic moderate moisture. Also, before planting, the tubers can be “soaked”; for this, they are wrapped in a cloth, which is generously moistened with an epin solution and placed in a polyethylene bag, where they should remain for 6 hours. Tubers prepared in this way can be immediately planted in open soil.

Planting anemone tubers in open soil is relatively simple, but you must determine the growing point. If the tubers are pre-treated and allowed to swell, the bud tubercles will become clearly visible, thanks to this you can understand how to plant them correctly. If there is any doubt about the location of the growing point, then it should be taken into account that the top of the tuber is always flat, so they must be planted with the sharp end down. If the tuber has non-standard shape, then it needs to be planted on its side.

The depth of the hole should be about 0.15 m, and its diameter should reach 0.3–0.4 m. One handful of wood ash and humus should be poured into the hole, then the tuber should be placed in it. It is covered with soil, which is compacted a little. Planted tubers need abundant watering.

Planting Anemone Seeds

Seedlings that have at least two true leaf blades should be planted. Seedlings are planted in open soil in light shade in the second year of growth. At autumn planting The surface of the area must be covered with leaves or branches. The first flowering of an anemone that was grown from seeds will occur only after 3 years.

When planting tubers or seeds, if you take into account the timing, it is quite possible to ensure that the flowering of these plants continues from April to November. To do this, you need to purchase different varieties, then they are planted at the time recommended for each of them.

Caring for anemone is very simple. The most important thing is to ensure the correct level of humidity throughout the growing season. If the soil is over-moistened, rot may appear on the roots, which will lead to the death of the entire bush. If there is not enough moisture, especially during the formation of buds, this will negatively affect the growth and flowering of the plant. To achieve the optimal level of humidity, such a flower must be planted on a hill, and the area must have good drainage. It is recommended to cover the surface of the area with planted anemones with a layer of mulch (peat or fruit tree leaves), its thickness is about 50 mm.


In spring, such flowers need to be watered once every 7 days. If in summer time It rains regularly, so anemones do not need to be watered, with the exception of the crown anemone when it blooms. If it is dry and hot in the summer, then watering is carried out every morning and evening after the sun sets.

Top dressing

During the flowering period, such a plant should be fed with organic matter (you cannot use only fresh manure). And in the fall you need to feed them with complex mineral fertilizer. If all the ingredients were added to the soil during planting necessary fertilizers, then you don’t need to feed the anemone at all.

You should also systematically loosen the soil and pull out weeds, in this case, a hoe cannot be used for weeding, as there is a risk of injury to the fragile system of flower roots.

Diseases and pests

This plant is disease resistant. Snails or slugs can live on the bushes. They must be collected by hand, and the plants themselves are sprayed with metaldehyde. Sometimes leaf nematodes or cutworm caterpillars (winter worm) settle on the bushes. Bushes infected with nematodes must be dug up and burned, and the soil on the site must be replaced.

This flower can be propagated by dividing the rhizome, seeds, tubers, or dividing the bush. How to grow anemone from seeds and propagate by tubers is described in detail above. To divide the rhizomes in the spring, they must be removed from the soil and divided into parts, the length of which should be 50 mm. Each division should have a bud; they are planted in loose soil, placed horizontally and buried only 50 mm. Such an anemone will be fully mature only after 3 years. If the plant is 4 or 5 years old, then it can be transplanted by dividing the bush.

After flowering

When growing anemones in mid-latitudes in the fall, they need to be dug up and prepared for wintering. The above-ground part of dried tubers must be removed, then they are buried in sand or peat and stored in a cool, dark room, for example, in a non-damp basement. If it is expected that there will be no frosts in winter, then the flowers can be left in the soil. To do this, the surface of the area must be covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves or covered with spruce branches, which will protect the plants from frost.

Types of anemones with photos and names

And in natural conditions, and quite a large number of anemone species and varieties grow in culture. Below is a description of the most popular of them.

All species are divided into spring and autumn (summer) according to their flowering time. Spring views They are distinguished by their elegance and variety of colors, while they are painted in pastel colors, for example: cream, blue, snow white, pink, lilac, etc. Terry varieties are available.

Spring species are ephemeral and have a very short above-ground flowering cycle. They awaken in April, a friendly flowering is observed in May, while in July they begin a dormant period, while the foliage of most species does not fade until autumn.

Anemones are also divided according to the type of rhizome, so the tender anemone has a slow-growing tuberous rhizome, and the oak and buttercup anemone has a jointed rhizome, distinguished by its fragility.

Anemone blanda

This miniature plant reaches a height of only 5 to 10 centimeters. The most popular varieties are: Blue Shades (blue), Charmer (pink), White Splendour (white).

Oak anemone (Anemone nemorosa)

This species enjoys relatively low popularity among gardeners in mid-latitudes. The bush reaches a height of 0.2 to 0.3 m. Simple flowers have a diameter of 20–40 mm, as a rule, they are painted White color, but there are varieties whose flowers are lilac, blue and pink. There are terry varieties. Main feature This type is considered to be unpretentious.

Anemone ranunculoides

This unpretentious species also has terry varieties. The bush reaches a height of 20 to 25 centimeters. The rich yellow flowers are somewhat smaller than those of the oak anemone. This species can be grown in almost any soil.

Autumn (summer) anemones include the following types: Japanese anemone(Anemone japonica), hybrid anemone(Anemone hybrida) and crown anemone(Anemone coronaria).

Most often these are large perennial plants with a well-branched, powerful root system. Flowering occurs from the last weeks of summer until mid-autumn. Flowering of crown anemone is observed twice per season: on the first summer weeks and in autumn. Autumn views They have slender and powerful peduncles that reach a height of 0.8–1 m; they bear several dozen semi-double or single flowers of various colors. The most popular varieties of crown anemone are:

  • Anemone De Caen- simple single flowers of various colors;
  • Mr. Fokker- the color of the flowers is blue.

Double anemone has varieties such as Lord Jim with blue flowers and Don Juan with deep red flowers. Popular varieties of hybrid anemone are: Honorine Jobert - white flowers, slightly pink below; Profusion - semi double flowers dark purple color; Queen Charlotte - semi-double flowers of deep pink color. The most popular varieties of Japanese anemone are: Pamina - large double flowers painted in dark pink, almost burgundy; Hadspen Abundance - tall plant with cream-colored flowers; Prinz Heinrich - the color of semi-double flowers is deep pink.

Anemones are ornamental plants, of which there are about 150 varieties. Sometimes they are called anemones. Anemone flowers are especially valued for their early flowering, during which they look very impressive. The flowers have a variety of shades: white, pink, yellow, etc. Their shape resembles that of a chamomile and grows in Europe, Russia, America and Asia, and their homeland is the Mediterranean.

general characteristics

Anemones have gained popularity in many countries around the world and their beauty can delight many. The plant has single flowers whose diameter is 3−8 centimeters. They can be simple type, double or semi-double, and their color is very diverse.

The flower has a straight stem, the height of which can reach 80 centimeters. There is very little foliage on it. All leaves are located at the bottom of the stem and are collected in a basal rosette. It looks very beautiful and unusual.

Anemones bloom twice a season. First in the spring - in April-May, and then at the end of August, and the flowering period can last until October. From anemone varieties can be distinguished:

  • Delicate anemone (several varieties belong to this species, the most common of which is blue) - reaches only 5-10 centimeters in height and looks very miniature;
  • Oak anemone is not very common in Russia, however, it is unpretentious appearance. The height of these flowers can be between 20-30 centimeters and their color is predominantly white. There are terry specimens;
  • Buttercup anemone - the flowers resemble buttercups, are predominantly yellow in color, are unpretentious and can grow in any type of soil. The height of the bush can be 20−25 centimeters. Terry varieties may be present.

This is not the entire list of plant varieties. There are also Japanese anemone, hybrid anemone, crown anemone and many others.

Necessary conditions for a flower

Planting conditions and requirements may vary depending on the variety. However, there are a number of universal recommendations that are suitable for most plants. The anemone flower loves a fertile soil type. If it still turns out to be loose and there is drainage in it, then the flower will be quite comfortable. Loose soil provides optimal access of water and air to the root system.

For more good conditions You can add a little sand to the soil or make good drainage. For drainage system Often small stones or broken bricks are used.

When planting, it is important to consider the composition of the soil. Wood ash or wood ash is added to highly acidic soil. dolomite flour to neutralize the acid. The required area is also selected depending on varietal characteristics. Some varieties require a shaded area, others prefer a place illuminated by bright sun where there is no strong wind and drafts. On right choice places to plant a flower recalls good growth and abundant flowering.

Planting and propagation

Before you start growing these beauties, you should find out what the anemone prefers. Planting and care is carried out in a shady area under the canopy of trees. Fertile soil type is preferable for plants. They also like moderate warmth.

It is a perennial, so if it grows in its natural environment, then winter period no one digs it up. This should not be done in the garden either.

However, you should prepare for the onset of cold weather and cover them, otherwise they may freeze or die from lack of moisture.

In order for the sprouts to germinate faster, before planting them, the tubers are soaked in lukewarm water so that they swell a little. Then a small hole is dug, to the bottom of which a nutrient mixture is added (it includes humus with the addition of ash). It takes about half a glass. Next, the tubers are placed there bottom down, they are sprinkled with soil on top so that they cannot turn over. Tubers are planted to a depth of 5-10 centimeters, no more. After planting, the plant should be watered properly and the soil should be mulched on top. This procedure will allow moisture to remain longer and prevent strong growth of weeds.

Flowers are propagated in different ways. Again it depends on the variety. The following are distinguished: methods of reproduction:

  • seminal;
  • dividing the root.

If you use seed propagation, then sowing is carried out immediately after collecting the seeds or before winter. If the air temperature is 15-18 degrees, then the first shoots may begin to appear after a month. In some cases they may be slightly delayed. Plants are sown at a short distance from each other, and not all over, because it is necessary to obtain already thinned seedlings, because they should not be replanted or picked. This is done only in cases of extreme necessity and only in a darkened room. Anemones bloom after sowing in about the second or third year.

By dividing the horse, reproduction is carried out in the spring. It is better to do this before active sap flow begins. First, the roots are cut so that renewable buds are present on each piece. Then, as when planting, they should be dipped in warm water so that they swell a little. After this procedure they take root better. Now they can be planted.

Plant care

After successful planting, the flower will need care. It's not flaky, but certain rules you should still know. These rules include:

Now anemone is quite popular in central Russia, and many are already familiar with the peculiarities of its cultivation. However, to get a good result, you need to spend a certain amount of effort and time, because there are special nuances that determine whether there will be success in this matter. It is important not only to choose right place, but also provide necessary care for the plant, which must correspond to the selected variety.

Anemone - planting and care, photo, cultivation, reproduction

1.Seven secrets of success:

1. Growing temperature: very cool keeping at a temperature of 7 - 18 ° C, does not like heat.
2. Lighting: shading from direct sunlight during the day; in the evening, plants can take sunbathing.
3. Watering and air humidity: uniformly moistened soil in the warm season, slight drying of the substrate in autumn and winter, air humidity does not need to be increased.
4. Trimming: sanitary - removal of faded buds to extend flowering time, formative - after flowering.
5. Priming: must have a neutral or slightly alkaline pH and contain sufficient nutrients.
6. Top dressing: in the warm season - 2 times a month.
7. Reproduction: cuttings or division during transplantation large plants, sowing seeds in spring.

Botanical name: Anemone.

House anemones - family. Ranunculaceae.

Origin. Central China.

Anemone description. The herbaceous perennial has basal leaves, vertical or creeping. The leaves are dark green, simple or compound, lobed or undivided, softly pubescent on long petioles. The edges of the leaves are jagged or smooth. Long, vertical, graceful, branched peduncles rise significantly above the foliage at the end of summer. Cup-shaped flowers, 4 - 6 cm in diameter, are collected in inflorescences - umbrellas of 2 - 9 flowers. Each flower consists of 5 - 7 showy, round, pinkish-white to light mauve petals. Blooms from late summer to autumn, often before the first frost (late July/August to October). Many species of this genus are favorite garden plants, as they can bloom throughout the year in frost-free climates. Anemones or anemones are successfully grown as perennial garden flowers.

Height. From 15 cm to 120 cm.

2. Anemone - planting and care

2.1.Growing temperature

Prefers cool temperatures from 7 to 18° C.

2.2.When anemone blooms

Plants bloom in spring or late summer, from August to September, depending on the type and growing conditions. With proper care, repeated flowering is possible throughout the year.


Some direct sunlight, but not on a hot summer day. Some species prefer partial shade.

2.4. Reproduction of anemones

Anemone flowers are propagated by division or cuttings. Large rhizomes can be divided every two to three years, in the spring. Tuberous species are best divided during the dormant period, usually in the summer. They also reproduce by seeds sown in moist soil in the spring. Growing from seeds requires some effort. They are first stratified in the refrigerator for two to three weeks. Cover the container with glass or a plastic cap to maintain even humidity. Germination takes from two to twenty-five weeks, depending on the type and time of planting.

2.5.How to care

Can be grown in the warm season in open ground, however, the plant prefers places protected from the wind. Remove old foliage in a timely manner, shorten tall plants to half their height. It tolerates pruning well. After the aboveground part has withered, when the plants go into a dormant state, the bulbs are dug up and stored in a cool and dry place, sprinkled with sawdust.

Anemone can be used indoors as a forcing plant and get a flowering bush for any holiday; for this, the plants are dug up in the fall along with a lump of earth and transplanted into a suitable size pot. Plants are kept in a cool and relatively dry room at a temperature of 0 - 2 °C. In January, the temperature is increased to 8 - 12 ° C, and with the appearance of the first signs of new growth, watering and fertilizing are resumed.

2.6.How to transplant an anemone

Before planting anemones, soak the tubers overnight and then place them in a dry fertile soil, in light shade to a depth of about 7 - 10 cm.

2.7.Soil for indoor anemone

The potted plant is easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil. Prefers fertile, humus-rich, neutral or slightly alkaline soil.

2.8.Features of feeding

During the growing season, use complex fertilizers every 2 weeks.


A beautifully flowering, very showy plant, suitable for cutting, and has a pleasant aroma. Tuberous species can be used as forcing plants.

2.10.Air humidity

Not whimsical, tolerates dry room air.

2.11.Water anemones

Water regularly, especially during the first growing season, to ensure a deep, extensive root system. The soil should not dry out. Avoid wet, poorly drained soils, especially in winter.

2.12.Pests and diseases

There are no serious problems with insects; the flower gets sick when proper care also rare. Sometimes leaf spots may appear, powdery mildew and rust. Sunburn on leaves in hot, dry, sunny summer conditions.

Among the insects, the flower can be attacked by leaf miners, aphids, nematodes, thrips, and whiteflies. When grown in open ground, bushes can be attacked by slugs and snails.


All parts of the plant are poisonous. The skin may become inflamed and blistered upon contact with fresh plant juice.In medicine, anemone is used as a remedy for the treatment of seizures, disorders menstrual cycle and emotional distress.


3. Varieties of anemone:

3.1.Oak forest anemone - Anemone nemorosa

A very attractive small flower with erect vertical stems of burgundy or bright Brown. Each stem bears at the top a single white, pink or purple flower with 6 rounded petals and numerous, long, yellow stamens. The leaves are green, complex, intricately carved. There are terry varieties.

3.2. Crown anemone - Anemone coronaria

Perennial, very brightly colored, bulbous plants. The leaves are green, compound, pinnately separate, arranged alternately. The flowers are large, single, showy - white, red, blue or pink.

The petals of each flower can be colored in several tones. The flowering period is long - up to 4 weeks. One of the varieties of crown anemone is Anemone Bridget- the owner of very large, bright, double flowers.

3.3.Anemone hybrid, autumn - Anemone × hybrida

A beautifully flowering, tall perennial, characterized by late autumn flowering. The flowers are white or pink and have many yellow stamens.

Anemones, or anemones, belong to ornamental plants. Over 150 species of this crop grow in nature. Anemones have been valued for several centuries for their early flowering, during which they look spectacular. These flowers come in white, pink, blue, purple and yellow tones and are shaped like poppies or daisies. Anemones are flowers of beauty, tenderness and inspiration.

The homeland of these flowers is the Mediterranean. Back in the 16th century, some varieties of anemones were known to gardeners. Currently, they are common in Europe, East Asia, America and Russia. In nature, anemones grow in deciduous forests, on slopes, lawns and forest edges.

Anemone: plant description

These flowers have long won the sympathy of connoisseurs of all things beautiful. Anemone evokes admiration for its beauty. Its single flowers with a diameter of 3-8 cm and a variety of colors are simple, double and semi-double. The stem of the anemone is erect, 50-80 cm high, and has few leaves. All of them are collected in the form of a rosette at the base of the flower, which looks very impressive.

Photos of which are presented in the article for review, bloom twice: in late April - early May and from August to October. They begin to bloom when there are no leaves on the trees yet. These plants are highly decorative, which allows them to be used in arrays and plantings in groups. Anemones look good in pots, flower pots and vases, complementing the interior of any home.

How to choose a landing site?

Requirements for the growing conditions of these flowers various types- different. But there are universal conditions that are suitable for all varieties of anemone. which are carried out in fertile, loose soil with good drainage, will feel excellent. To create an ideal soil structure, you need to add sand to it or make drainage. Bulk materials loosen the soil and provide access to water and air to the roots. Small pebbles or brick fragments can be used as drainage.

The anemone flower is very responsive to the right choice of site. Planting and care are carried out taking into account the composition of the soil. If it is acidic, you should add wood ash or an area, depending on the type of anemone, you need to choose a shaded or well-lit area, sheltered from strong winds and drafts.

How to make a proper landing?

Before you start growing these beautiful plants in your garden, you need to find out what the flower prefers to be held in the shade of tree crowns. These flowers love moderate warmth and moist, fertile soil. Anemones are perennial plants; in their natural habitat, no one digs them up with the onset of the winter season. You shouldn't do this in the garden either. But it is imperative to cover anemones for the winter so that they do not die from frost and lack of moisture.

For faster germination, before planting, you should soak the tubers in warm water and allow them to swell. Next, you need to dig a hole and cover the bottom with a nutrient mixture with the addition of humus and ash. About half a glass. Place the tubers in it, bottom down, and cover with soil to prevent them from turning over. The planting depth should not exceed 5-10 cm. Then the flower is well watered. After which the soil is mulched. This will retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

Reproduction methods

Anemones reproduce in different ways. When to plant and in what way, the flowers themselves will “tell you”. It depends on their variety. When propagating by seed, seeds can be sown immediately after collection or in winter. At a germination temperature of 15-18 degrees, seedlings will appear in a month or a little later.

Seeds need to be sown not all over, but at a distance in order to get sparse seedlings right away. Since seedlings cannot be replanted or picked. If absolutely necessary, this can only be done in a shaded room. Of course, you definitely need to thin out the anemones when you decide to plant them by continuous sowing. In 2-3 years the flowers will bloom.

Propagation by dividing rhizomes is best done in the spring, when the movement of sap is slower. They need to be cut so that renewal buds are on each piece.

When propagated by tubers, the anemone flower requires preparation. Planting and care must be carried out taking into account the rules for their implementation. Tubers need to be lowered into warm water for swelling. Increased in size, they will take root better. It is recommended to plant them to a depth of 3-7 cm. Regular watering is required. It is better to immediately determine the place of permanent growth of anemones. This is especially important for varieties with a tuberous root system. These flowers do not like transplanting.

Anemone: plant care

If a flower grows in your garden and its care involves a number of measures. Firstly, it is regular watering. In addition, it is necessary to fertilize with a one percent solution every week. complex fertilizer. The plant needs constant ventilation, but not a draft.

Before the onset of cold weather, greenhouses should be covered with frames and well insulated. Such conditions the best way suitable for overwintering anemones, and they bloom early. With the onset of warm days, you need to open the greenhouses and carefully ventilate the plants, feed them and moisten the soil.

Some gardeners keep anemones in boxes, which they put in greenhouses for wintering. This makes it possible to periodically take them out to the greenhouse, where winter cutting is carried out. If anemone tubers are planted in boxes and placed in a greenhouse in August, and placed in a greenhouse in early October, they will bloom by mid-December.

The anemone flowers, photos of which you see, are moisture-loving. Therefore, they need to be watered not only during flowering, but also at rest. However, grown plants do not need watering. Anemones are fertilized during planting and during the flowering period. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers, humus, ash.

Who damages anemone and how to deal with it?

Sometimes the leaves of the plant are damaged by slugs and snails. This phenomenon needs to be fought. Damaged leaves will not add beauty to the anemone. To control pests, metaldehyde is used, it is dissolved in water and sprayed on the entire plant. It is better to collect snails and slugs by hand and burn them.

Tubers left for storage should be checked periodically. If rotten ones appear, remove them immediately. In general, anemones are not very susceptible to diseases and damage by pests. Therefore, they do not need special care.

Do you want your garden to burn? different colors and made you, your neighbors, and the bees happy? Then plant anemones, and they will pleasantly surprise you with their rare flowering, subject to any breeze (it’s not for nothing that anemone is translated from Greek as “daughter of the winds”), with its compact size and relative ease of care.

The most popular types of anemone are the following:

Anemones can also be divided into 2 large groups: tuberous and rhizomatous. Rhizomes are more related to forest varieties. In stores, as a rule, you can find tuberous ones.

Worth knowing! Rhizomatous (forest) anemones are more unpretentious in care than tuberous anemones.

Growing rhizomatous anemones or propagating them by division

It is optimal to divide the rhizomes in the spring. This is explained by the fact that during this period the movement of sap inside the plant is somewhat slower, which means the flower will be able to take root normally after division.

Note! Propagation by division of rhizomes should be performed only with anemones older than 4-5 years.

What needs to be done to divide anemone rhizomes:

  1. Dig up the rhizomes yourself.
  2. Cut into pieces 5-6 centimeters long and each with at least one, and preferably several, renewal buds.
  3. Plant horizontally in a previously prepared hole to a depth of the same 5-6 centimeters.

Planting anemone tubers for germination and subsequent planting of seedlings in open ground

Tuber planting dates

Various sources often indicate that it is already possible to plant anemone tubers starting at the end of February. However, if you are going to plant tubers so early, then you will have to supplement the seedlings with special phytolamps or more economical LED analogues. Even on the brightest southern windowsill in the apartment at this time there is still not enough natural light, which means the plant will definitely stretch out, and such delicate flowers, like anemones, when pulled, will eventually bloom very weakly and sluggishly in the first year.

Thus, it is better to postpone planting anemone tubers to a later date. late date eg do this in the second half of March or better yet, early April.

According to the lunar calendar in 2020

This can help you choose the optimal date for planting bulbs. Moon calendar.

Important! It is recommended to plant anemone tubers both in a pot (for germination at home) and in open ground in accordance with the lunar calendar.

So favorable days for spring planting of anemone tubers in 2020 according to the Lunar calendar are:

  • in March - 8-12, 26-31;
  • in April - 7, 9-15, 17-22, 27-30;
  • in May - 2-6, 9-12, 20, 21, 29-31;
  • in June - 7-9, 11-14.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2020 For planting anemone tubers in the spring, the following dates are available (Full Moon and New Moon days, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • in March - 9, 19-21 , 24;
  • in April - 8, 15-17 , 23;
  • in May - 7, 13-14 , 22;
  • in June - 5, 9-11 , 21.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

How to soak tubers

Important! If the anemone tubers are very small, then there is a high probability that the flowers will not bloom in the first year. Therefore, when purchasing planting material In the store, pay attention to the size of the nodules, choosing the largest ones.

To grow anemones, first of all, they must be properly prepared for planting, namely, soak the tubers in water.

Important! How wrong Soak: put the anemone tubers in some kind of container (glass), then fill with water along with the head and leave for 24 hours. You can’t do this - the anemones will simply die. They cannot be without air, they immediately begin to suffocate and emit a very disgusting, one might say, pharmaceutical smell mixed with ammonia.

How Right soak anemone tubers:

Video: how to properly soak and grow anemone seedlings

Planting container and soil

Anemones do not like transplanting, so it is advisable to plant them in separate containers. Moreover, very small pots (minimum 250-300 ml) are not very suitable for planting. It’s even better to use cut-off milk or juice packaging (liter) or 0.5 liter plastic glasses, in which drainage holes must be made, for example, one hole at the bottom will be enough.

The soil mixture needs to be fertile and loose. You can prepare it by taking peat and sand in equal quantities, or by purchasing a ready-made mixture for flower seedlings at a garden store.

Planting tubers

Planting anemone tubers for germination is very simple: fill the pots with soil, then water and plant (deepen) the tuber with the sprout (which, after swelling, became more noticeable) upwards, then spill water again so that the soil settles and part of the sprout appears. Place in a bright but fairly cool place where the temperature is maintained within +16-20 degrees.

Advice! Place a folded piece of paper at the bottom of the pots so that when root system grows, it did not escape through the drainage holes to the outside.

Video: planting anemone tubers for germination at home

Seedling care

It is highly desirable that anemone seedlings be grown at low temperature degrees +16. If the air is too dry and the temperature is +25 degrees, these plants will wither.

Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours, and ideally 14 hours. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, be sure to provide additional lighting to your plants.

All care for anemones that you planted in pots for germination consists of regular watering: the soil should always be moist and should not be allowed to dry out.

Planting anemones in open ground

Anemones should only be planted in open ground when the threat has passed. return frosts. As a rule, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, this moment occurs on average in the month of May.

Anemones are ideally planted in partial shade. A very large shadow does not suit them.

Flowers will not be able to develop normally if there is stagnation of water, as, in fact, most plants. In other words, they love good drainage, which can be easily made from fragments of brick, crushed stone or small river stones.

They require loose and nutritious soil, and it is desirable that the top is also mulched with some kind of organic matter. To make the soil looser, you can add sand to it.

Step-by-step instructions for planting anemones in open ground with sprouted tubers:

  1. Choose the optimal landing location.
  2. Prepare the planting hole by filling it with ash and humus.
  3. Remove the seedlings from the pot along with the earthen ball and plant them in the hole.
  4. It is better to make the distance between plantings about 15-20 cm.
  5. Water moderately and mulch the plantings to a depth of 4-5 centimeters.

By the way! You can plant pre-soaked anemone tubers directly into open ground. The planting technology is no different, except that you don’t need to deepen the tubers.

Features of planting and caring for tender anemone (Blanda)

The Blanda anemone has nothing in common with the crown anemone. It does not require digging for the winter or even shelter. In general, caring for this variety is quite simple.

Planting a cultivar better in autumn(in October-early November), but you need to get there before frost. Preparation for planting is somewhat different; the tubers need to be filled hot water(+70-80 degrees) and let it sit for 2 days (it’s better to change the water 2-3 times a day) so that they swell enough. Bland tubers should be planted to a depth of 4-5 centimeters at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other, preferably in a separate basket filled with loose substrate. After planting, the basket must be buried in any flower bed or rock garden. You should also water the plantings for a while warm water for their better rooting.

Video: planting and caring for anemone blanda (tender)

Growing anemone from seeds

Anemones can be grown from seeds, but unfortunately, most gardeners who plant from seeds have disastrous results. This is explained by the fact that the germination rate of even freshly harvested seeds is about 1/4, and they must first undergo stratification, in other words, they must be left for about 2-3 months in a cold and damp place (for example, in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf) . Thus, if you want to plant anemone seeds in the spring, they should be stratified in January. Planting seeds for seedlings (in March) and further care pretty standard. The main thing is to never bury the seeds.

Therefore, it is best to plant anemones with seeds in the fall. During the winter they will undergo natural stratification, and in the spring they will hatch, and you will get healthy shoots. But you need to be prepared for the fact that no more than 25% will rise anyway.

Caring for anemones in the open ground

Caring for anemones is quite simple, but at the same time quite labor-intensive. The main thing in care is constant maintenance soil moisture. However, it is also impossible to flood and allow stagnation of moisture, otherwise the roots of the plant may begin to rot. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, the planting site must have good drainage, or it must be located on a hill. Using mulch, which can be fallen leaves, peat, sawdust or some other organic matter, will help preserve moisture. Mulching will not only help the plant stay hydrated longer, but will also prevent weeds from growing.

Advice! It is especially important to water anemones regularly and abundantly during their budding period and in hot weather. summer days. Watering, of course, should be done in the morning and evening (after sunset).

As for fertilizing, they are not particularly required. However for better development and flowering you can use mineral and organic fertilizers during the period of budding and direct flowering. For example, a solution is perfect for this.

Important! Under no circumstances should you think of using fresh manure for feeding, only humus or compost.

Anemones should be periodically weeded and loosened after watering, but this should be done very carefully, because the root system of this flower is located very shallow.

Anemones overwinter well, but their mulch layer for the winter must be increased 2-3 times and covered with spruce branches or covered with a thick layer of leaves and spunbond.

Important! It’s worth making a clarification here: they winter normally in Middle lane(Moscow region) only rhizomatous anemones, and not tuberous. Tubers are dug up for the winter and stored in the refrigerator or other cool place until spring planting. But in the harsh conditions of the northern regions (Urals and Siberia), many gardeners also dig up rhizomes.

Video: caring for anemone in the garden - watering and fertilizing

To ensure that anemones are guaranteed to produce their flowers every year, tune in to error-free preparation for planting and skillful care of plants in the open ground.

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