How to successfully propagate a money tree at home. How to propagate a money tree

Hence, intensive watering such a plant is not only unnecessary, but also extremely harmful.

In those desert regions where succulents grow free, a lot of sun– and when keeping at home, this must be taken into account.

There is also optimal temperature regime, associated with weather conditions typical of the Crassula’s native places.

In addition, Crassula, like most plants not spoiled by nature, is highly viable and very easy to reproduce parts of the stem, individual leaves and seeds.

In general, the plant is an unpretentious pet.

Growing at home


In order to Money Tree felt at home in your apartment, he should be provided bright, but still not too intense natural light.

On southern windows, especially in summer, the plant will have to be shaded or set somewhat deeper into the room; It’s even better to put the fat plant on the balcony - however, even here you need to take care that the plant is not located in the sun.

Growing Crassula on south-eastern windows is considered optimal: there is light in the required quantity and quality, and the commandment of Feng Shui is fulfilled, because the south-east is considered the sector of wealth.


Best spring-summer temperature range for Crassula – 20-25 degrees.

In autumn the temperature drops, and in winter period it is good to place the plant where enough light, but the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees and does not drop to plus four.

Sudden temperature changes, as well as drafts, harm Crassula.


Basic soil composition requirements for successfully growing money trees: good water and air permeability, slightly acidic reaction, sufficient nutritional value. You can use several options for such soil mixtures.

Ready-made cactus soil.

A universal primer with a generous dose – up to a third of the volume – of washed river sand.

A mixture of turf and leaf soil, as well as peat and sand (all components equally) with brick chips and pieces charcoal. For older plants, the content of turf soil is doubled.

Peat mixed with sand in a 1:1 ratio is used for preliminary rooting during vegetative propagation.

At the bottom of a shallow but fairly wide container, before filling it with soil mixture, be sure to place a significant drainage layer(minimum thickness – 2 cm).


An inhabitant of semi-deserts, which stores water in fleshy stems and plump leaves, will not benefit from an abundance of moisture.

When caring for a fat woman you need moderate watering, the frequency of which varies seasonally.

In spring and summer, during the period of active growth, this succulent is watered once or twice a week, paying attention to the condition of the soil substrate: after the soil has dried on top, do not water immediately, but after 2-3 days.

IN autumn- winter period , when kept in a cool place, the fat plant is watered even less frequently, from two to once a month without allowing the leaves to wrinkle.

If the winter is warm, you will need to water more often.

In all cases it is taken well for watering settled water at room temperature.

Periodically, the leaves of the Crassula should be free from dust; at the same time, they can be sprayed and then wiped or washed in the shower, protecting the soil in the container from excess moisture.

Top dressing

Crassula needs feeding only during the period of active development of stems and foliage - from April to August inclusive.

During these spring and summer months twice a week the plant should be fed with a complex mixture for succulents and cacti.

Can also be used complex fertilizer for home floriculture, but required with reduced nitrogen content. An excess of nitrogen compounds, firstly, causes intensive growth of green mass and overdeveloped side shoots may break off from its own weight. Secondly, nitrogen compounds in combination with humidity reduce the resistance of succulents to rot.

It is better to apply fertilizers after watering, on wet soil.

In the autumn-winter period, the succulent, especially when low temperature, practically do not feed.


Crassula flowering at home is a rare occurrence.

Mature plants usually bloom starting from seven to ten years old.

In order for white, pinkish or yellowish inflorescences with a sweet smell to bloom on Crassula, you must follow optimal conditions its cultivation.

There is also an observation that there is a relationship between flowering and the time of planting the cutting from which the succulent is grown: Early spring money tree cuttings produce flowering specimens, but summer ones do not.

To stimulate budding, some gardeners use stress effects on Crassula: keep it in winter at the minimum permissible humidity and extremely low temperatures(about plus six degrees)

Diseases and pests

The money tree itself is resistant to diseases, like any tenacious succulent. The main danger is excess moisture, especially when watering cold water.
Then the leaves turn pale and droop, join fungal infections and the stems rot at the base. Particularly dangerous rotting in the root area.
If such a process has begun, then in order to save the specimen, you need to cut off the healthy top and root it in a separate container with fresh soil, get rid of everything else and strictly monitor the watering regime in the future.

Excess sun leaves burns on the leaves– brown drying spots appear on them. The succulent should be shaded or rearranged, and damaged leaves should be removed.

Of the pests that settle on the money tree mainly Mealybugs.

If there are only a few of them, you can remove the scale insects one by one using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. A radical means of exterminating these insects is systemic insecticides. Very rarely there are repeated massive attacks by scale insects, in which the last resort remains: save a healthy cutting for rooting, destroy everything else, disinfect the pot and wash the window sill well.


Hardy, viable succulent reproduces with almost anything possible ways: seeds, individual leaves, cuttings and shoots.


Crassula sowing is carried out in early spring into shallow clay bowls with drainage holes, filled with a moistened mixture of leaf soil and sand in a 2:1 ratio.

The seeded bowls are covered with glass or plastic film, kept at a temperature of 15-18 degrees, ventilated daily, slightly opened for 15-20 minutes, and the soil moisture is maintained by spraying.

Shoots usually appear in two weeks.

After the formation of the first pair of leaves, the seedlings are planted at a distance of at least a centimeter from each other, and when they reach a height of 5-7 cm, they are settled in separate “apartments”.

This method of propagating fatworts at home is quite labor intensive and is used mainly by breeders interested in obtaining hybrid forms of these succulents.


Still, how to grow a money tree? A money tree can grow from a single leaf. This is especially convenient for those who believe in miracles and secretly pinch off a thick, developed leaf from the money tree in a rich person's house.

A leaf separated from the plant is needed dry in the shade for a day, and then root.

Eat several rooting methods Crassula leaf.

First, simplest: Place on a moistened soil surface and wait until thin white hairs of roots appear on the lower, ground-facing side of the leaf, and grains of future buds appear on the outer side. The soil should not dry out; To do this, you can build a greenhouse made of plastic film, which should be ventilated daily.

You can place the bottom end of the sheet in Kornevin solution, and after the roots appear, plant it in a shallow bowl with a lightweight substrate and cover with plastic film. Ventilate the greenhouse regularly. Then, as it grows, place it in a shallow pot with a standard soil mixture for Crassula.

In addition, the leaf takes root and just in the water, to which coal powder is added to prevent rotting. Further steps - sequential planting in the soil - are described above.


The money tree easily and readily propagates by cuttings.

The part of the developed stem is optimal for such propagation. 10-12 cm long. Cuttings can also be the top of a succulent, which needs to be saved from rotting roots or pest invasion, and parts cut off during the formation of the crown.

After separation from the mother stem, the cutting with the lower leaves removed is dried for a day or two, depending on its thickness.

The main danger that can await a prepared cutting is excess moisture and rotting.

Therefore, if carried out preliminary rooting in water, Crushed coal and/or a root formation stimulator must be added to it.

Roots are formed in two weeks, after which the cuttings are planted, buried approximately halfway, in a shallow pot with a diameter of 5-7 cm with a drainage layer and appropriate soil. Cover with a plastic cup. This greenhouse is ventilated, the soil is moistened, and after the formation of new shoots the cup is removed.

To avoid problems with excess water, many gardeners Immediately place the cutting in the soil mixture, bypassing the water stage of rooting - and, as a rule, this method is also successful.

By shoots

The fat woman, focused on survival in the harsh conditions of semi-deserts by all means available to her, prepares herself for “landing” into the soil shoots equipped with aerial roots.

So, how to plant a money tree shoot? These roots, initially white, dry out after some time, but the shoots still do not lose vitality and can be, after separation from mother plant, planted in the soil both with fresh roots - then the money tree shoot will take root faster, and with dried roots - in this case, the same methods are used as when propagating by cuttings and leaves.

The money tree (crassula, crassula) demonstrates an amazing willingness to produce more and more viable specimens, which, in suitable conditions, develop into magnificent plants.

One can only hope that the feng shui masters know what they are talking about when they draw a parallel between the fat plant abundantly dotted with shiny green leaves and the never-ending stream Money on the farm of its owner.


Next you can see a photo of the Money Tree:

Useful video

In this video you can familiarize yourself with the intricacies of caring for the Money Tree:

Unlike propagation using a money tree cutting, which is essentially a ready-made plant, to grow a plant from a leaf, you need to spend a little more time, but subject to simple rules, success is guaranteed.

In order to propagate the plant, almost any healthy leaf will do; it can be cut or carefully broken off from an adult tree, or even just pick up a leaf that has just fallen. It often happens that fallen leaves take root on their own in a pot next to an adult plant and produce new shoots.

There are 2 main methods of propagating a money tree using a leaf.:

  • in water;
  • in the ground.

The first option is more preferable, since the preliminary development of new roots in water guarantees a greater chance that the seedling will take root.

Attention! Regardless of the propagation method, it is best to carry it out in spring or summer - it is during this period that the plant actively grows.

How to propagate with leaves in water at home?

Let's look at how to germinate crassula from a leaf in water. Rooting of the leaf occurs quite quickly; as a rule, the first roots begin to appear in just a week. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. You need to prepare a small container of water.
  2. Cut off the leaf.
  3. Carefully place the leaf in the container so that only the lower third is in the water.
  4. If desired, you can add root or other stimulants to the water; root formation, but this is not a prerequisite.
  5. After the roots appear, the sprout is transplanted into a pot.

How to root Crassula in the ground?

Let's figure out how to plant a leaf in a pot with soil. A leaf prepared for propagation can be immediately planted in a pot, bypassing the germination stage in water. This method may take a little longer, but is a little less labor intensive. Both a ceramic pot and a plastic one are suitable for planting. The sequence of actions for rooting Crassula is as follows::

  • it is necessary to prepare a container for planting;
  • cut a leaf;
  • fill the container with soil (it is best to use special soil for cacti and succulents) and make a small depression in it;
  • the sheet is placed about a third into the recess and sprinkled with earth;
  • if necessary, you can organize support;
  • Moistening is best done by spraying, trying not to get on the sprout itself.

If instead of special soil for cacti and succulents you used universal primer, it makes sense to dilute it with sand in a ratio of 3:1.

Also you can prepare the soil for planting a money tree yourself, for this you need to mix thoroughly:

  • 3 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part sand.

Rules for caring for a young plant after planting

In the first year, a young money tree should not be disturbed by transplantation, so you must immediately select correct soil and a pot. Regardless of what material it is made of, the pot for planting a money tree should be shallow and wide, this will ensure the correct development of the plant and the formation of a strong trunk.

In no case should we forget about drainage, since its absence contributes to the accumulation of moisture in the substrate, which in turn leads to rotting of the roots of the plant and its death. This is especially important for young plants that have not yet matured.

The rules for caring for crassula are quite simple:

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the money tree; whether to attach meaning to them or not is a personal matter for everyone. But one fact remains true regardless of point of view: care and proper care will enable the plant to grow strong and healthy, and this is precisely what is necessary in order for the house to reign warm atmosphere And positive energy.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about growing a money tree from a leaf:

To attract money to their wallets, many people keep a plant at home called... well, you guessed it? Of course, this is a “money tree”. There is a belief that when a tree blooms you need to rub the flowers so that your financial condition is as great and better as possible, unfortunately this has not been scientifically proven in any way, and many people keep plants for beauty and comfort in the house, and that if it does not give money, throw it away is it? Of course not, if you bought a “crassula” not only to increase your financial status but also for the interior, then some advice on care and reproduction will help you.

This plant is not very picky and does not require special tropical conditions, but does not like drafts and temperature changes very much. Watering can be done not very often, but you should not overdry the soil. The soil should be enriched with minerals and fertilizer, then the color of the leaves will be bright and rich. The plant should not be exposed to very bright sunlight; it may stop growing and the leaves will begin to dry out and soon fall off. Special conditions there is no cultivation, the main condition is: the tree, like most succulents, should not be over-watered; as for lighting and humidity, the plant will feel good on most city window sills.

For propagation at home, the leaves themselves are used, yes, you heard right - leaves. To grow a new plant, simply carefully cut off a large, whole (not yellow!) leaf, and plant it in a separate container with soil. Then don’t do anything, the roots will feel the soil and grow on their own, and in about 2-4 weeks the tree leaf will take root completely. You can grow them in more than a few quantities, for the health of the “parent”, i.e. Such procedures will not harm an adult plant in any way.

In more detail, it is better to first dry the cut leaves in a warm place. sunny place, so you have a better chance of getting the plant accepted. The duration of drying is one day. If the weather or conditions during drying are damp and colder, you can dry the sheet for two days. After drying, you can place the sheet in water, deepening only a third of the sheet maximum. You can immediately plant the leaf in the soil. Another option is to stick a leaf in damp moss and maintain the humidity. The plant loves warmth, so you can additionally make a greenhouse by covering the plant with cling film, a bag, a cup or a jar. Just like an adult plant, the main thing is not to overwater the leaf.

The most interesting factor for gardeners is, of course, when will the tree bloom? Cases of flowering are rare, as it is written in books once every 3-5 years, but this may not happen at all. Obviously, the presence of flowering depends on the conditions under which the fat plant is kept, because it is necessary to distinguish between the conditions of plant survival and the conditions of active growth. Even if you create ideal conditions, the Crassula can bloom for the first time at the age of 7-10 years. But don’t despair, if the plant grows quickly, then with its bright and abundant appearance it will decorate even the darkest corner of the apartment, despite the lack of flowering.

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Crassula (Crassula) is one of the most common indoor plants, also known to everyone as popular name"Money Tree". Propagation by cuttings of Crassula is a simple matter, but rooting a leaf and getting a baby is a little more difficult. I really wanted to get a variegated Crassula. And then somehow a couple of leaves of the treasured plant appeared. Before this, I had not been specifically involved in rooting leaves; they themselves took root on the ground, breaking away from the mother plant. I didn’t find any information on this issue on the Internet and... the ineptly carried out rooting process led to the fact that my variegated leaves rotted. I set myself a goal - to root a leaf! So…
Before rooting, the leaf must be dried for several days (at least 2) in a dry and warm place. After the leaf becomes limp, you can begin to root it. I did this in different ways:
1. Take a small bottle of water (you can add any drug that promotes root formation to the water), the lower part of the leaf is immersed in water by 0.5 cm. The bottle is placed in a bright and warm place.
2. The leaf is placed on the edge of the pot, and the lower part is dug into the ground to a shallow depth. The soil should be moist; overmoistening can contribute to leaf rot.
3. The soil can be replaced with clean crushed sphagnum moss. Moss is also kept wet; only the lower part of the leaf is placed in the moss.
The first and third rooting methods are good because you can notice leaf rotting in time. If it starts to rot, don’t despair and throw it away. Cut the leaf above the rotting area, dry it as you did the first time and start all over again. The roots appear after 3-4 weeks, their appearance is possible both earlier and later than these dates, everything will depend on the conditions of detention. In the case of the first rooting method, after the roots appear, the leaf must be planted in the ground. The leaf is planted in the same way as in the second rooting method, without deep penetration and minimal contact of the leaf with the ground.
With all the methods described above, none of the experimental sheets died.

These are the roots produced by a leaf of the variegated crassula in water. The leaf was picked up in a store. Crassula plants were sold in a “killed” state, with long-fallen leaves lying around them.

This leaf began to rot in water, I cut the leaf just above the rotten area, dried it for several days and placed it to root in damp moss. And then these small roots were discovered.

Such a baby grew from a rooted leaf of a fat plant.

Reproduction of Crassula is a topic that interests novice gardeners. Many people know this plant under another name - “money tree”.

They have been successfully growing it for many years, and they do this both in open ground and indoors. If we are talking about growing in the fresh air, then the fat plant can grow up to five meters in height.

Being a succulent, it takes the form of a tree or large bush. Its leaves are similar to coins, which may be why the plant got its second name. Few people know that Crassula (money tree) is capable of blooming. Its flowers can be white, pink or yellow, resembling small umbrellas.

Rules of care andReproduction methods for Crassula

People who grow this flower should know that it loves the sun very much. Throughout the year it requires sunlight for illumination. As for the temperature regime, fluctuations from twelve to eighteen degrees Celsius are ideal for the Crassula.

If we talk about the winter period, then it is enough to maintain the temperature around seven degrees. It is necessary to water the flower only if the soil in the pot has dried three centimeters deep.

In the autumn, the fat plant is watered less frequently, and in winter time and stop watering altogether. From time to time the plant needs fertilizing, which must be carried out by special means in the spring.

Reproduction of the fat plant and caring for the plant is important information for those who want to get a healthy flower at home that grows and develops properly.

Speaking about methods of reproduction, we can name three options:

  • Cherenkovy;
  • sheet;
  • seminal.

Let's look at each of them separately, since propagation of the fat woman at home has its own characteristics, and you need to carefully study all the nuances of this process.

Cutting method

Propagation of Crassula by cuttings can proceed in different ways. You can root cuttings either in water or in the ground. In order to approach this process correctly, you first need to select a well-formed process, which has a length of ten to twelve centimeters.

After you have chosen a cutting, you need to carefully separate it from the main plant and put it to rest for 24 hours. After the required time has passed, the cutting must be determined for rooting.

If you decide to use water, then do this:

  • Tear everything off lower leaves on the handle;
  • fill suitable container water;
  • add a means for rapid root development to the water;
  • place the cutting in a container so that it does not sink;
  • Place the cutting with water where it will not receive direct sunlight.

After just three weeks, the first roots will appear on the cuttings, and you can transplant it into the ground.

If you decide to root the cuttings using soil, then proceed as follows:

  • Choose a suitable pot - if these are old pots, then you need to wash them thoroughly with soapy water;
  • The bottom of the container needs to be covered with a layer of sand for drainage, and then filled with soil up to half the pot;
  • to make the perfect mixture, mix garden soil and sand in equal proportions;
  • Using a stick, you need to make a depression in the ground and place the cutting there;
  • fill the remaining space with earth so that the top layer does not reach the edge by two centimeters;
  • do not compact the soil so that air can freely penetrate to the roots;
  • you need to water carefully, only along the very edge of the pot to moisten the soil;
  • You cannot replant the cutting until it is strong and completely rooted; it is recommended to do this a year after the start of the procedure.

Leaf propagation of Crassula

Reproduction of the fat plant by leaves is also carried out in water or in soil. Each option has its own characteristics.

If you prefer to use water, then your actions boil down to the following:

  • We separate the most bottom sheet ok the plant, which is well developed, and leave it alone away from the sun for 24 hours;
  • select a small container, fill it with water and place a leaf there so that it is immersed half a centimeter;
  • It is recommended to add root to the water;
  • place the container in the room where warm air, but no direct hit sunlight;
  • when you notice the appearance of roots, move the leaf to a larger container, and then, after about 30 days, to a pot.

When using land for this type of propagation of the Crassula, you need to follow these tips:

  • Make the necessary mixture for rooting, which consists of peat and sand, irrigate it with water to moisten it;
  • place the selected leaf so that the lower part is a third of the size in the ground;
  • do not pour a large amount of water, because this will cause rotting;
  • create conditions for the leaf that are close to greenhouse conditions, this can be achieved using a glass that is placed on top;
  • if the soil begins to dry out, it is necessary to water the soil, but not much;
  • to prevent the sheet from moving, you need to make a good support for it;
  • when the leaf takes root, it can be planted in permanent place.

It is worth remembering that after you have grown a new plant, it needs to be replanted regularly. This must be done annually until the plant is four years old.

Seed method

Except two the listed methods, you can also use planting seeds. This method is rarely used because the waiting time before the flower appears is quite long. This option is mainly preferred by professional flower growers for breeding new varieties.

At home, cuttings and sheet methods. The peculiarity of this process is that first the seeds, which are very small for this flower, are sown, and then, after the sprouts appear, the picking is carried out.

It is necessary to wait up to three weeks before the first seedlings appear. Only when the sprouts reach seven centimeters in length can they be transplanted into small pots. This is followed by all the standard plant care activities.

The article discusses the main methods of vegetative propagation of Crassula by cuttings and leaves with rooting in a soil mixture or aqueous solution.

Crassula belongs to the succulents. Numerous species are found in many regions of the world as annual and perennial plants of herbaceous, bushy and tree-like forms (from 0.3 to 5.0 m). They can be grown with equal success in open ground and indoor spaces.

Biological features

Crassula or Crassula is popularly called the money tree due to the similarity of the leaves to coins. The leaves are simple, round, succulent, shiny, densely covering the stems of the bushy plant. Blooms small flowers white, pink, yellowish flowers, collected in small umbrellas. When grown in room conditions color is rare, due to lack of lighting. The root system is powerful and forms aerial roots.


Crassulas are sun lovers. All year round need bright lighting. For normal growth and development in summer, an air temperature of +12-+18*C is sufficient. In winter, during the dormant period, minimum temperature is +7*C. Watering moderately when dry top layer(up to 3 cm) soil. By autumn, watering is reduced and plants are not watered in winter. During the growing season they like to spray with warm, settled water. Fertilizing is carried out with special fertilizers for succulent plants.

Crassulas are easily propagated vegetatively by cuttings, individual leaf blades and seeds. Propagation of Crassula by seeds does not convey the properties of the plant, is quite difficult to work with and is used much less frequently than vegetative propagation.

Propagation by cuttings

To propagate Crassula from cuttings you need:

  • inspect the plant and select a fairly developed shoot measuring 10-12 cm,
  • Carefully separate from the mother plant and leave to dry for a day.

You can root cuttings in 2 ways - in water and in soil.

Rooting cuttings in water:

  • on the petiole separated from the mother plant, we tear off the lowest leaves,
  • put the prepared cuttings aside,
  • fill the container halfway with water, add root to speed up root formation,
  • we strengthen the cutting in the container so that it does not “drown”,
  • We place the container with the cuttings so that the leaves do not fall under direct sunlight.

After 2-3 weeks, roots appear on the cuttings. The plant is ready for permanent planting.

Rooting cuttings in soil:

  • prepare pots for planting. Wash the old ones with soap and disinfect, soak the new ones in boiling water,
  • Place drainage from shards and sand at the bottom of 7-8 cm of the pot, fill 0.5 volume of the pot with soil mixture,
  • the soil mixture is prepared from clean garden soil and sand in a 1:1 ratio,
  • Make a shallow hole in the pot with a pencil and place the prepared cutting there,
  • pour the soil mixture into the pot (do not compact it!), not reaching the top edge 1-2 cm,
  • Water moderately, carefully along the edge of the pot when the top layer of the soil mixture dries out. Excessive moisture causes the death of the cutting.

The following year, the cuttings are transplanted permanently. During rooting, you cannot change the location of the rooting cutting.


Reproduction of the fat plant by leaves, as well as by cuttings, can be carried out in water or soil mixture.

Rooting a leaf in water:

  • To root in water, carefully separate the lower, well-developed leaf of the crassula and leave it in the shade for a day,
  • prepare a flat container or bottle and immerse the leaf with its lower end in water with a root of 0.5 cm,
  • move to a warm, bright place without direct sunlight,
  • When the roots appear, carefully transplant into a shallow bowl for greater development of the root system, and after a month into a 5-7 cm pot.

Rooting a leaf in the soil:

  • Place peat with sand or wet moss in a bowl, moisten with a solution of water and roots and dig in bottom part sheet (about 1/3). Do not allow excess water, the leaf will rot,
  • cover the buried leaf with a glass, creating greenhouse conditions,
  • Ventilate the greenhouse several times a day (several minutes, slightly opened),
  • spray finely warm water when the top layer of artificial soil dries,
  • Provide support for the sheet.

Rooted cuttings and leaves are transplanted into large containers annually for the first 3-4 years.


Crassula propagation by seeds is carried out much less frequently. To obtain an adult plant, propagation of the fat plant by seeds takes a longer period and more time for care. Seed propagation is used mainly by breeders to obtain varieties and hybrids and is practically not used at home.

For amateurs, propagation by seeds at home is carried out as follows:

  • washed and disinfected bowls are filled with a soil mixture of leaf soil and sand, 1.0:0.5 parts, respectively,
  • Crassula seeds are very small. They are sown on the surface of the soil mixture and sprinkled with sand,
  • moisturize and cover with glass to create greenhouse conditions with high humidity air,
  • The bowls are ventilated daily.
  • the top layer of soil should remain moist (not wet),
  • after 2-3 weeks, seedlings appear,
  • for picking seedlings, prepare a soil mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand (0.5:1.0:0.5, respectively),
  • seedlings are planted in bowls with a moist soil mixture and placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight,
  • When the picks reach 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into 5 cm pots with light soil. During the engraftment period, the air temperature is maintained at 15-18*C.

Thus, fat plants can be propagated quite easily and quickly vegetatively by cuttings and leaves. Rooting of cuttings and leaves can be done in water or soil mixture. Seed propagation at home is impractical.

Crassula, which is also called the money tree, is one of the common and rather unpretentious indoor plants. But, like anything, it needs proper care And good conditions. All indoor flowers need to be replanted from time to time, which can be quite a task for certain types of flowers. Let's talk about how to properly transplant and propagate this home flower.

Every plant grows, and sooner or later it becomes cramped in the pot or vase in which it is located. Well, flower More spacious dishes for normal development. In addition, for a long and healthy life of the plant, it is necessary to enrich the soil.

cramped potty

Reproduction of the Crassula at home

Crassula or Crassula is foliage plant, belonging to the genus of succulents of the Crassulaceae family. Its leaves are arranged in pairs and rotated 90 degrees to each other. Even from one such leaf at home you can grow a whole tree. Can reproduce in two ways: cuttings or leaf rooting. Which to choose?

For the first method stalk you need to put it in water for rooting or immediately plant it in prepared soil in a small container. In both options, the cuttings take root easily.

This is best done in spring or summer. If the soil is suitable: moist and nutritious, the plant will quickly begin to grow and produce side shoots. Growth will slow down in spring or winter.

Another way is leaf rooting. With this method of propagation, a problem such as rotting often occurs. To avoid this, the leaf must first be dried for two or three days. Only after it becomes limp should it be partially buried closer to the edge of the pot so that it rests on it. As soil, you can use a mixture of peat and sand or wet moss. To prevent rotting, it is necessary to avoid waterlogging of the soil.

Rooting by cuttings

Transplanting a money tree at home - how to transplant a flower into another pot step by step

Crassula should be transplanted in the spring, the most suitable time is from April to May. It is necessary to replant Crassula no more than once every two years, because the tree grows slowly. Although, if when keeping a flower it has enough lighting, water and fertilizing, then it happens that even after a year the pot becomes too small. Once you discover this, start replanting.

How to choose the right soil - good soil composition

Of course, you can just buy ready-made soil mixture. Or cook it yourself. To do this, you need to take in a ratio of one to one, and to three: turf soil, sand and leaf soil. You also need to add a little clay, ash and humus. Can be used as drainage pebbles, ground brick or expanded clay.

The ideal pot for a money tree would be low enough, but wide.

It is necessary for two reasons.

  1. Crassula grows best in a container that is not very deep, since it root system small in volume and located in the upper ball of the soil. Therefore, if the dishes are high, moisture will accumulate at the bottom, which the roots cannot reach. Due to waterlogging of the soil, pathogenic flora can develop, and the plant will get sick. Drainage holes at the bottom will help with this problem.
  2. A fairly large width is necessary to ensure that the large crown of the Crassula is directly above the moist soil.

Crassula is a tropical plant, so it needs moisture. Don't overdo it with watering!

In addition, this shape provides stability to the dishes, which is very important due to the large and heavy crown, which will soon become a decoration of your home. That is why it is better to choose clay or ceramic pot.

After all the preparations, we begin the transplantation.

How can I replant?

What further care does the flower need?

After transplantation, the flower requires attention on your part. Follow these rules to ensure that the fat plant takes root:

Now we need take good care of your pet. We follow simple rules:

  • Don’t forget to loosen the soil to allow air to reach the roots.
  • Avoid direct sunlight so that the leaves do not get burned
  • Water only when the top layer of soil is visibly dry, so as not to over-moisten it.
  • Sometimes spray or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth
  • Maintain moderate temperature
  • From early March to October feed once a month special fertilizer for succulents.

The money tree blooms quite rarely, so careful care can speed up such a rare phenomenon as white-pink inflorescences on the crassula.

This article will focus on Crassula. I bet you haven't heard of such a plant before. But if I say fat woman or money tree, you will immediately understand who I’m talking about.

Crassula is a plant with a thick trunk and evergreen leaves. The height of an adult money tree can reach 1.5 meters. The leaves are thick, fleshy, rounded with a grayish-green coating. The money tree looks very original.

For some reason I like legends, and so, one Chinese legend says: “exists in the world unusual tree with leaves, but not simple ones, but in the form of gold coins. If you shake it well, the leaves—coins—fall to the ground like drops of rain.” According to this wonderful story, everyone came to the conclusion that the Crassula was the same magical tree that everyone, of course, dreamed of finding.

Crassula belongs to the Crassula family. Motherland money plant South Africa, Madagascar Island, Australia. The money tree blooms with flowers collected in a brush of delicate white and pink shades. Beautiful inflorescences appear in adult plants at the ends of the stems. The genus name of this plant is translated from Latin language like krassus - thick and indicates the fleshy structure of the leaves and stems.

Crassula has long been popular in post-Soviet countries. This evergreen can decorate and complement any interior; moreover, the money tree requires minimal care. Any beginner, as well as a gardener who is limited in time, can handle it. The money tree propagates and grows easily.

When choosing a place for a fat woman, give preference to a south-east window. Then the money tree will attract success and financial well-being to your home. It is believed that the larger the size of the plant, the greater its impact. Crassula is a good talisman that activates the energy of money in the wealth sector according to Feng Shui.

Crassula arborescens- a shrub or tree natural conditions grows to a height of 2 meters with stems measuring up to 15 -20 cm in diameter. The color of the leaves is gray-green with a reddish edging, about 6-7 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. Crassula arborescens blooms with small whitish or cream pink flowers. Unfortunately, it blooms very rarely at home.

Only adult crassulas (5 - 10 years) are capable of flowering. To stimulate flowering, from June to August the money tree is taken out onto the balcony or garden, and in winter it should be kept in a cool room, only occasionally moistening the soil.

Money tree care: watering, lighting, replanting

Crassula is very easy to care for. In spring - summer period loves warmth Fresh air, sunbathing, and in winter it prefers a temperature no higher than + 15 degrees, and preferably +10. In summer, it is best to take the money tree out onto the balcony or garden. Can survive short-term temperature drops of even -2 degrees. Does not like to grow near heating radiators.

The money tree's dormant period lasts from September to February. It has a beneficial effect on the fat woman’s well-being and accelerates growth. During rest, the plant is placed in conditions with a temperature of +10 - +15 degrees with good lighting, and is rarely watered.

If the money tree is not given a period of rest, it will begin to stretch out its shoots and the leaves will begin to fall off.

In spring and summer, water generously, but allow the soil to dry well (1/3 or even half the pot). It all depends on the composition than more soil contains moisture-retaining parts, the higher the drying height.

In autumn and winter, water the money tree moderately and allow the soil to dry completely. Select the watering interval by looking at the leaves. They should not fade or wrinkle. Overwatering leads to rotting of the roots - this is their weak point.

Crassulas are not demanding when it comes to air humidity; they don’t need to be sprayed at all. But still, the plant will be pleased if you wipe the leaves with a cloth and remove the accumulated dust.

The money tree is replanted as it grows. It is better to buy bowls, since the roots of Crassula are shallow. The soil for replanting consists of leaf, turf soil, sand, humus (1: 3: 1: 1). You can buy ready-made ones for cacti or succulents.

Fertilize the plant from April to September once a month. You can use an all-purpose fertilizer or one specifically for succulents or cacti.

The money tree makes good friends with those who have never grown flowers before. This happens not only because as the fat plant grows, the financial income of the beginning gardener increases. Crassula is absolutely not whimsical, responsive, and also beautiful.

To plant, you need to buy soil for cacti or any other nutritious soil, but it must be loose, light, and does not retain moisture.

Crassula is a coin tree that loves all banks and accounting departments. The classic coin tree, Crassula Ovata, grows quite large. Based on the classic green Ovata, breeders have created many colored varieties with interesting leaves.

For example, the money tree Sunset (sunset). The plant has an interesting yellowish-pink color. Moreover, the closer the plant is to good lighting, the brighter the color, and if you move it to the middle of the room, the color quickly begins to fade.

Or even very interesting variety money tree HornTree (horse). Some people think that the name has a meaning; the leaves of the crassula look like a horse’s mane. As this money tree grows, it forms more and more new branches, the plant becomes like a bonsai.

Caring for a variegated money tree

Crassulas are variegated (blue, white, yellow) and have the same requirements. Green representatives are less whimsical. In order for a colored money tree to feel good, the most important thing is not to overwater it. Crassula is afraid of water and absolutely cannot stand bays.

The fat woman loves bright sun very much. It is usually written that it should not be exposed to direct sunlight in the summer, but this does not apply to the money tree. Only, of course, everything should happen in moderation, that is, gradually. Even cacti cannot be exposed sharply. The money tree needs to be gradually accustomed to bright lighting. This also applies to the winter and spring periods. After a long cloudy winter, the sun is gradually transferred to spring.

If it happens that you overwatered the fat plant, you need to urgently remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If they are not alive (brown, black, etc.) they need to be dried and replanted. You shouldn’t water the soil right away; you should also give it time to dry out a little. When transplanting a money tree, do not skimp on expanded clay; more drainage can be used.

Money tree care: propagation

Crassula is propagated by cuttings from leaves or stems. Best time March - April, but you can do it all year round, only in winter the survival rate is worse and you need to use additional lighting. The planting material is carefully cut with a blade or knife. It is advisable to treat a fresh cut or wound with crushed activated carbon and allow it to dry for 2-3 days. After this, the cuttings are ready for planting; it is better to use a mixture of sand and leaf soil. You can put the cuttings in water to take root, but for disinfection add activated carbon. After the cuttings take root, I transplant them into 5-7 cm cups.

A longer and more labor-intensive way to propagate a money tree is by seeds. It is usually used by flower growers who like to tinker with seeds. Seedlings emerge easily. After you have scattered the seeds, cover the plantings with glass or plastic film. Spray well. Shoots will appear in 10 - 14 days. It is better to thin out the excess seedlings so that they are not crowded. Grow in good light. When the seedlings grow up, they can be planted one at a time to a permanent location. Carry on as usual.

Positive energy of the money tree

If you are unable to concentrate on work, Crassula will help you become more hardworking. In addition, it will relieve sad thoughts. Where the money tree grows it becomes good and comfortable.

Crassula is a “succulent” plant; its leaves are kind of storage vessels. Thanks to its physiology, the money tree is capable of absorbing negativity from harmful thoughts, feelings, words, in a word, everything related to the material needs of a person. This plant is recommended for people who spend a lot of time with money (cashiers, accountants) to relieve unnecessary stress.

Crassula is sensitive to the people with whom it grows. It has been noticed more than once that if someone in the family’s health deteriorates, she also drops some of the leaves. With the improvement of human health, the fat woman also begins to return to normal.

Money tree is very popular indoor plant, but not everyone is aware that it has an antiviral, antimicrobial effect and is not inferior to aloe juice. Just do not overuse it internally, since the juice of the fatty acid contains a concentration of arsenic.

Crassula leaves are useful for sore throat. And if you crush them into a paste and then apply them to a wound or cut, everything will heal instantly. For herpes, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in juice, fix it with a band-aid or lubricate the affected area every 40 minutes.

Money tree Buddha Temple (cultivar)

The Buddha's Temple Crassula variety is something with something. The plant is so unusual - beautiful with an unforgettable “appearance” that I wanted to introduce you to it.

This variety was created back in 1958 by crossing the Crassula Perfoliata with Pyramidalnaya. This miracle was created by Miron Kimnach. Therefore, sometimes when selling you can find the name Crassula or Kimnachi money tree.

In my own way appearance, the succulent resembles an architectural building - a Buddhist temple. This fat woman has an interesting physiological feature. Reaching a threshold of 15 cm in height, the plant may collapse from its own weight, as if unable to bear it.

Buddha Temple refers to the "herbaceous" Crassula, not the "sapling". In terms of care, they are more capricious and easier to refill. From the bright sun, the plant can “tan” and acquire a brownish tint.

Crassula or crassula is a plant that is popularly called the money tree for the characteristic shape of its leaves, similar to coins. The money tree is a symbol of material well-being and luxury, it is not surprising that unusual plants, reminiscent of bonsai, are grown in many homes. Propagating a money tree is a simple and very exciting process. Let's study in detail all the methods of breeding the fat woman.

Reproduction methods

There are three methods for propagating a money tree:

  • cuttings;
  • leaves;
  • seeds.

The most effective and affordable way– cuttings. In this case, the young plant quickly takes root, adapts to the growing conditions, and after a few months a full-fledged, healthy tree is formed.

The leaf method is more troublesome, since planting material often rots, the process of root formation and the appearance of children is long. Varieties with variegated leaves lose their multicolored color when propagated by leaf blades.

The method of propagation by seeds is the most complex and time consuming.

Basic principles of money tree propagation

  1. Immediately before rooting, the cuttings or leaves need to be withered - kept in the open air for a day.
  2. Planting material can be rooted in water with the addition of activated carbon or in a substrate.
  3. After the roots appear, young plants are planted in small flowerpots - no more than 7 cm in diameter.
  4. Universal composition of the substrate for cuttings and leaves: mix leaf, turf soil and sand in equal proportions.
  5. Temperature range – from +16 to +18 degrees.
  6. Watering - once a day.

Note: if you choose the right time to propagate the crassula from cuttings, you can wait until flowering. The variety Crassula spatulata blooms profusely after planting cuttings in March-April. Krassula Schmidtii will bloom if cuttings are carried out in March; if the plant is propagated later, it will not bloom. Margined Crassula (Crassula marginalis Soland) may bloom after breeding in June.


Strong, healthy shoots 10-12 cm long are suitable for rooting. Cuttings are cut from the mother plant and dried in the open air for 24 hours.

2. Rooting cuttings.
There is no consensus among experts about which method of rooting a money tree is better. In this matter, everything depends on the individual preferences of the grower. To root a shoot in water you need:

  • cut off the lower leaves;
  • add a root formation stimulator to a container of water;
  • fix the cutting in the container so that it does not drown;
  • Place the container in a place protected from direct sunlight.

The first roots appear after a few weeks. After this, the cuttings are planted in separate flowerpots in a permanent place.

The cuttings are rooted in the soil as follows:

  • prepare containers for planting - thoroughly wash and disinfect old ones, boil new ones;
  • a drainage layer of 7 cm is laid on the bottom of the flowerpot;
  • half the container is filled with a mixture of garden soil and sand (in equal proportions);
  • Using a pencil, make a hole 3-4 cm deep in the center of the flowerpot, lower the cutting into it and fill it with earthen mixture.

There should be a distance of no more than 2 cm between the edge of the flowerpot and the ground. The soil should not be compacted. Water the plant carefully - along the edge of the flowerpot as the soil dries. It is not recommended to change the location of the fat plant throughout the year. You can replant the money tree to a permanent place next year.


1. Selection of planting material.
The bottom leaf is suitable, healthy, without damage or signs of rot. It needs to be cut off and left in the fresh air for a day.

2. Rooting leaves.
To root a leaf in water, you will need a flat container or a regular bottle. The leaf is placed with the cut edge in a solution of a root formation stimulator. The leaf plate should be immersed 0.5 cm in the container. The leaves are placed in a bright room, but protected from direct sunlight. As soon as the first roots appear, the young plants are transplanted first into a shallow bowl, and then into a flowerpot with a diameter of no more than 7 cm.

You can root a money tree in the soil; this will require a mixture of peat and sand or moistened moss. I fill a bowl with this base and water it with water with the addition of a root system stimulator. The leaf is immersed in the soil mixture or moss by a third. You need to water the plant very carefully - excess moisture will provoke rotting processes.

At first, the leaf is grown in greenhouse conditions - under a glass or plastic bottle. The money tree is ventilated two or three times a day and the mini-greenhouse is opened slightly for a few minutes. Young plant need to be sprayed with warm water. If necessary, the sheet is fixed to the support.

Note: a young money tree grown from a cutting or leaf must be replanted annually in larger diameter flowerpots during the first four years.


The seed method of propagating the money tree is used mainly by breeders to develop new plant varieties. If you want to try growing a money tree with an unusual leaf color, be prepared for the fact that this process is quite long. At home, to propagate Crassula by seeds you will need:

  • planting containers must be thoroughly washed and disinfected;
  • then the containers are filled with a soil mixture - one part of leaf soil and half of sand;
  • money tree seeds are sown on the surface and sprinkled with a small layer of sand;
  • the ground is slightly moistened and covered with glass;
  • the top layer of the soil mixture should always remain moist, but not wet;
  • The seeds are ventilated daily, the duration increases as the seedlings grow;
  • the first shoots appear after a few weeks;
  • young plants dive into a substrate of one part leaf soil, half part turf soil and half part sand;
  • after diving, the bowls are placed in a bright place and protected from direct sunlight;
  • when the plants reach a height of 6-7 cm, they are transplanted into separate flowerpots with a diameter of 5 cm and grown at temperatures from +15 to +18 degrees.

Problems and features during reproduction

Reproduction of the Crassula is a fairly simple process, but it requires certain knowledge. When breeding a money tree, there are seven basic rules.

1. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging.
Fleshy leaves are a kind of reservoir for moisture. A short drought is easily tolerated by the fat plant, and frequent and excessive watering will lead to death. When water constantly stagnates in a flowerpot, the roots of the plant begin to rot, then the rot spreads to the stems and leaves. If there remains in the pan after watering excess water, it needs to be poured out.

Note: obvious signs of waterlogging are falling leaves and the appearance of brown spots on them.

2. The flowerpot is the wrong size.
Many gardeners, knowing that the money tree grows to large sizes, immediately plant it in a flowerpot large sizes. The plant stretches and grows one-sided. In this case, it is difficult to form a beautifully shaped tree.

The optimal flowerpot for Crassula is a wide, shallow flowerpot.

3. Growing a money tree in heavy soil.
The wrong choice of substrate - dense and heavy - can cause the death of the plant. For a money tree, it is better to choose an earthen mixture for growing cacti. The soil should be loose, light and nutritious.

Important for the plant good drainage. The optimal soil mixture includes:

  • turf land - one part;
  • sand - one part;
  • leaf soil - three parts.

The money tree does not react well to acidic soil; to reduce the acidity, just add clay and ash to the substrate.

4. Fertilizer must be applied with caution.
The optimal regime for feeding the plant is once every few weeks, not more often. Special mixtures for cacti are used as fertilizers. In winter, the money tree does not need feeding.

5. Do not disturb the fat woman for no reason.
The money tree undergoes transplantation very painfully. After this, she requires a long adaptation period. Plants require annual replanting in the first three years of life. Then the flowerpot is changed every three years.

6. The growth process of the fat plant needs to be controlled.
If you do not form the crown of a tree, it grows sloppy - some of the shoots are stretched due to weaker branches. As a result, the plant appears disproportionate.

Forming the crown of a money tree is reminiscent of the process of growing bonsai - a painstaking and very exciting process.

7. The fat woman does not tolerate the absence of light.
Of course, the money tree can grow in a poorly lit place, but as it grows it becomes ugly, crooked and crooked. And if you place the flowerpot on a windowsill with bright light, the tree will begin to branch and actively grow.

Possible difficulties

1. Root rot.
The base of the plant's stem becomes soft, and the leaves become dark shade. The cause of the disease is excessive watering.

Solution to the problem: carefully dig up the plant, cut off the damaged area of ​​the root and above-ground parts. Disinfect the healthy part and plant again. Sometimes you have to completely remove the root and leave only the above-ground part. In this case, it can be re-rooted and a new money tree can be grown.

2. Pale, soft leaves.
The leaves lose their characteristic shine and elasticity, become dull and soft. The reason is excessive watering.

Solution to the problem: adjust the irrigation system.

3. Black and wrinkled leaves.
The probable cause is insufficient watering and dry air.

Solution to the problem: adjust the watering schedule.

4. Brown spots on the leaves.
Appear when the plant is affected by a fungal infection.

Solution to the problem: treat the plant with a special chemical.

5. Ugly, deformed trunk.
The problem occurs mainly during periods when daylight hours are short and the fat plant does not have enough natural light.

Solution to the problem: use an additional lighting source in winter. Water the plant once every few weeks.

1. Watering mode.
IN summer time For a year, it is enough to water the plant once a week; if the weather is too hot, you can water the fat plant every five days. As the temperature drops, reduce watering. In winter, the money tree only needs one watering every few weeks.

If the soil is too wet, the plant will begin to shed its leaves. You can stop the process as follows:

  • dry the soil, checking its condition with a wooden stick;
  • after such drying, you need to water the plant well;
  • the second watering should be a week later if the weather is hot, and two weeks later in winter.

2. Formation of the crown of the money tree
Many money tree owners mistakenly believe that it does not need pruning and crown shaping. At home, the plant branches on its own very poorly, the shoots grow thin and long. The lower branches do not have time to harden and easily break under the load of leaves. Often the plant leans to the side and falls.

To ensure that the tree grows proportionately and evenly, it is regularly pinched. This procedure is completely safe for the plant and brings only benefits.

The correct crown of the Crassula resembles a tree. Plant one shoot in one flowerpot. If you plant several seedlings in a container at once, you will not be able to grow a tree - the branches of neighboring plants will interfere with each other, get confused, and as a result, bushes will grow.

The plant is pinched for the first time when 3-4 pairs of leaves appear on it, with a bud between them. It is this bud that needs to be carefully plucked out. The method is not important, the main thing is that the leaves are not damaged. After some time, several new buds will appear in the empty space that has not formed - this means that the tree is already branching. If one bud appears again, it must be plucked out again and the procedure repeated until two or three buds appear.

Why do you pinch a plant at the level of three or four pairs of leaves? This seedling size is optimal for further tree growth. If you pinch with two pairs of leaves, the new branches will not have enough space to form further. Late pinching will result in sparse and thin branches. You cannot shape the crown of a tree using wire.