How to make a trailed walk-behind tractor with your own hands. Homemade dump trailer for salute walk-behind tractor

By purchasing a trailer for a walk-behind tractor, you significantly expand the functionality of the equipment and reduce the amount of work performed manually. At the same time, the price of such structures can become burdensome for the budget, so many land owners are considering the possibility self-made designs.

Types and purpose of models

The design of a trailer for a walk-behind tractor depends on its load capacity and purpose. These parameters also affect the cost of products.

  • For light walk-behind tractors, trailers with a width of 1 m and a length of 0.85-1.15 m are used. Their carrying capacity is 300 kg, and the cost starts from $200.
  • The trailer for walk-behind tractors from 5 hp (medium category) is larger in size. With the same width (1 m), their length reaches 1.4-1.5 m. The price of such products is from $250.
  • Trailers for heavy walk-behind tractors have increased length and width. dimensions 1.2x2.0-3.0 m. Such impressive sizes require more reliable support, so such products are produced biaxial. When purchasing such models you will have to spend at least $500.
  • The simplest models are solid. Their geometry does not change; the walls and bottom are fixedly connected.
  • The body with folding sides is well suited for transportation large cargo, the weight of which does not exceed the norms established for a specific category of products.
  • A dump trailer is most convenient for unloading work. Using it, there is no need to pick up a shovel or other hand tool. Besides, tipper trailer increases work productivity.

Design nuances

When planning to purchase or make a trailer yourself, it is important to take into account the connection of some design features with the load-carrying capacity of the products.

  • Tipper trailers on two-axle trailers with a large lifting capacity, they are equipped with a hydraulic drive that ensures easy tipping.
  • In single-axis models, tipping usually occurs due to the specific location of the center of gravity; a manual device is sufficient.
  • Trailers with a load capacity of over 350 kg are equipped with a mechanical brake. When moving down a hill with a fully loaded walk-behind tractor with a trailer, stop them using only the brake vehicle it will be very difficult.


Having studied standard designs that manufacturers offer, you can think about how to make a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. You should choose a convenient design. A dump trailer is somewhat more complex in design, but more functional. However, when the technique is rarely used, a simpler solution is chosen.

Drawings and diagrams

As initial stage good sketch homemade trailer to the walk-behind tractor indicating the dimensions. This drawing can be used as a guide when choosing materials, and it can be used to identify complex components that require more careful development. Subsequently, you can make a more detailed and accurate diagram.

It is important to consider that the center of gravity of a loaded, properly balanced trailer is closer to the front side, but so that it does not extend beyond the wheel axle.

Trailer frame

The reliability of the frame determines the strength and durability that a homemade walk-behind tractor trailer will have.

  1. To make a frame grille, a pipe with a square (rectangle) cross-section and a corner are suitable.
  2. To make the front and rear crossbars, choose a 25x25 mm corner.
  3. 60x30 mm pipes act as spars.
  4. The elements are connected using five auxiliary cross members so that the result is a lattice frame.
  5. Four vertical racks.

Further actions are determined by the type of model selected.

  • A dump trailer must have a folding side at the rear end of the box.
  • A product with folding sides requires a similar design for all (three) sides, with the exception of the one facing the walk-behind tractor.
  • The frames of the folding elements are made separately from the general frame, and the most simple models– as its elements.

Frame covering

For the lining of the sides, they usually choose a material whose use will not increase the cost of the product, that is, one that is available at hand.

  • Wood (boards left over from the construction of outbuildings) is not practical due to its low resistance to moisture. The boards will have to be impregnated with special compounds, carefully painted and monitored for the integrity of the coating.
  • Plastic is moisture resistant, it is not subject to destruction under the influence of many chemical substances. Plastic is cheap, but its disadvantage is low mechanical strength.
  • Metal sheets with anti-corrosion coating are the most durable, but also quite expensive option. If the dump trailer will be used intensively, it is better to go with metal. When performing hemming, the connection of cut sheets to frames can be done by welding.

Before covering the sides, it is necessary to cover the horizontal surface of the grille (body floor). A duralumin sheet, which is secured with bolts, is well suited for this purpose.

The sheathed frames of the folding sides are connected to the main frame using hinges and are equipped with latches, bolt bolts or cap hooks for fixation in the closed state.


To ensure movement, a trailer for a walk-behind tractor can be equipped with wheel units of an old vehicle or (a simpler option) garden wheelbarrow. For their fastening it is welded additional pipe or axis.

The hub is most often attached by pressing, for which its rear part is bored and put on the axle (pipe), making sure there is no distortion. The wheels are mounted on pins and then secured with nuts. The final stage is screwing on the cap.

Installation of wheelbarrow wheels is carried out according to a simplified scheme

Connecting a trailer to a walk-behind tractor

The coupling of a walk-behind tractor with a trailer is a critical design element.

The best option for self-production is a simple and reliable “pipe-in-pipe” assembly. Another short piece of pipe is welded to the curved pipe on one side in a vertical position for connection to the walk-behind tractor using a pin. At the opposite end of the main (curved) pipe, another section is also welded and a kingpin is installed to connect to the trailer. This design provides reliable connection combined with the agility needed on turns and uneven surfaces.

Many owners of country and garden plots, country houses They use the walk-behind tractor not only as a device for plowing the garden, but also as a means of transportation. To do this, they need to make or purchase a trailer for the walk-behind tractor. Its design is quite simple and understandable, and to carry out the work you will need tools available to everyone and the ability to make seams with a welding machine.

Stores sell several varieties of ready-made cargo adapters for walk-behind tractors, which are selected based on the power of their power units. The following classification will help you choose the right trailer dimensions for making your own:

  1. If your device has power up to 4.8 horsepower, then only a trailer with a load capacity of up to 300 kilograms can be used with it. It usually has compact body dimensions - length up to 1.15 meters and width up to 100 centimeters;
  2. With an average walk-behind tractor power of 4.8 to 8 liters. With. adapters can be used with bodies of the following sizes: 1x1.5 or 1.1x1.4 meters and with a load capacity of 300 to 500 kilograms;
  3. Heavy units can be used with carts that have one or two axles. The width of their body rarely exceeds 1.2 meters, and its length can reach 3 meters. The load capacity can reach a ton and always exceeds 500 kilograms.

The body guard in most trailers for walk-behind tractors is made standard: 30-35 millimeters. For heavy devices, the height of the sides can reach 60 centimeters.

Making a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands is not so difficult, but extremely profitable. You can add to the design those elements that you need. For example, make the driver's seat with a special box for small items. In addition, the dimensions and number of axles can be adapted to suit your needs.

Important! The easiest way is to make designs for light models of autoplows with your own hands.

If the adapter's load capacity is above 350 kilograms, then it must have a special brake that helps if necessary to stop the device on a slope.

Features of different body designs

A homemade trailer for a walk-behind tractor can have one of the body types: one-piece, tipper with folding sides. It is most convenient to have an option that works on the principle of a dump truck. In finished models, they are usually equipped with a hydraulic drive, the presence of which increases the price of the device. It is difficult to assemble high-quality hydraulics on your own.

The body can tip in one of two directions: sideways or backwards. The device can be equipped with manual device for tipping the trolley. In this case, the difficulty will be that the center of gravity of the body must be shifted. If this condition is not met, then it will be impossible to overturn a fully loaded trailer alone.

If you use the equipment only for delivery seed material to the place of planting and for transporting the crop after its collection, we recommend making simple options with one or two folding sides. The tipper design will not recoup the costs if used rarely Money and strength. If you transport various loads with your walk-behind tractor almost every week, then you can consider the option with hydraulic system trolley overturning.

Preparation of the drawing

Before you make a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, make drawings. On the first one, the design should be depicted in its entirety, and devote the remaining images to separate parts: frame, wheel axle, drawbar.

The easiest way to do this work is for those owners of a walk-behind tractor who have a tractor. Trailers for these types of agricultural machinery are practically no different from each other. The only difference is that for walk-behind tractors it is more profitable to use a carrier designed on the “pipe-in-pipe” principle.

With this type of trailer arrangement, the carrier is connected at one end to the trailer module (for this, a console with a rotating unit is used), and at the other end it is inserted into the central pipe of the frame. A trailer made using this principle is safer. On uneven roads, the wheels of the trolley will move independently of those installed on the power unit. This not only reduces the possibility of an accident, but also protects your trailer from gradual deformation.

When making the drawing, pay attention to the center of gravity - it should be closer to the driver’s seat, but not located between him and the wheelbase. In this case, the structure will remain balanced even at maximum load.

Making a trailer frame

For this work you will need to have an angle grinder, welding machine, drill and bolts. The frame is assembled from pipes with a square cross-section (size 2.5x2.5 centimeters for the crossbars at the rear and front, and 6x3 for the spars) and metal corners. The frame design should resemble a lattice. In addition to the main elements, 5 crossbars and 4 vertical posts located in the corners are installed on it. The elements are best connected to each other by welding.

After completing the work, it is worth covering the structure with an anti-corrosion compound.

If you decide to use a folding side in the cart, then make a frame of a movable structure from thin pipes. Thanks to this, it will receive the necessary rigidity, and when you finally attach the trailer to the walk-behind tractor, it will be easier for you to install movable hinges - just weld them to two frames (large and small).

In a simple model, it is necessary to connect the vertical posts to each other with pipes the same size as the crossbars. In this case, the frame is simply sheathed without installing hinges and other additional elements.

Any model can be supplemented with the installation of a driver's seat. The frame for it is welded onto the main frame and most often consists of three small tubes. The simplest is a shelf-like seat. You can build a toolbox underneath it or small items. If you want to have a more convenient design, then install after final assembly The trailer has a seat on it, borrowed from an old car.

How to sheathe the frame?

To finish with the main part of the body, it is necessary to make its lining. For this you can use:

  • metal sheets;
  • tree;
  • plastic.

Most resistant to mechanical damage is metal. The floor is made of stronger metal, and a thinner one can be used for the side posts. Ideal choice is to use NS grade corrugated sheets, the same ones used for sheathing load-bearing walls. If you want to have the most durable structure possible, then use the roofing option to make the frame. The casing sits on bolts and nuts. Welding can be used if you use conventional metal plates. They must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Metal is the most expensive, but at the same time durable material. It should be used for heavy-duty trailers and tipper models.

Wood impregnated with waste oil or a special compound that prevents it from deteriorating is the most affordable option for plating. For example, you can use remnants of boards that were used to construct outbuildings. Wood paneling It is attached with bolts and nuts and can be replaced if necessary.

The plastic is corrosion resistant and does not need to be painted. Its only drawback is that it is enough brittle material, and you will not be able to use the trailer in early spring and late autumn. At low temperatures the strength of the plastic is significantly reduced.

Important! The construction of the skin always begins from the floor of the body.

If you are making folding fences, then each of them is sheathed separately, and then the finished frames are installed on the main frame using hinges.

You can fix the sides in a raised state using latches. Due to their characteristics, folding structures cannot be installed on a body lined with plastic.

Chassis design

Wheels for the chassis of a walk-behind tractor trailer are often borrowed from old motor vehicles, cars or garden wheelbarrows. In the latter case, the carrying capacity finished design won't be too big. To secure the chassis, an additional axle must be welded to the body. There are two options for attaching wheels to a trailer:

  1. The hub is bored and secured to the additional axle using the pressing method. When installing it on the pipe, be careful: there should be no distortions. The wheels are seated on the pins and finally secured in place with their nuts. To make the towbar for a walk-behind tractor look complete, the wheels are covered with caps.
  2. If you borrowed wheels from a garden wheelbarrow, then to attach them to the axle you need to use an adapter shaped like the letter “L”. At one end it is fixed to the axle using a bolted connection, and the axle passes through the other. In most cases, users use part of the axle of the finished car, cutting it off with a grinder. This is a very simple way to assemble a garden wheelbarrow, since it does not require you to mount the wheel axles yourself.

Important! The wheels should not protrude too much beyond the body. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to drive the trailer.

At the final stage of work, it is necessary to weld the device that will connect the trailer and walk-behind tractor. To do this, take a curved pipe, which, with the knee up, is welded with the short end to a section of the axle leading to the walk-behind tractor. A short pipe is connected to the power unit using a king pin. Another section with a kingpin leading to the trailer is welded onto the main section of the curved pipe (its length should be about 50 centimeters).

The second connection option is through hinges. In this case, the curved part is excluded from the design.

Making a towbar for a walk-behind tractor yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The most critical stage of the work is the manufacture of the chassis and connecting element. In the presence of necessary materials With only a minimal set of tools at hand, you can make a trailer in one day.

Greetings to readers of the Homemade site - HERE, in this article I want to tell you my version of how to make a trailer for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. The trailer was made for the Neva walk-behind tractor, and it looked massive.

Before constructing the trailer, it is necessary to remove all required sizes from a walk-behind tractor.

In my case, the height to the bottom of the hitch is 320 mm. sleeve length 71 mm.

As an axis, I used a bridge from a Muscovite, first I pulled out the gearbox from it (I needed it for) and plugged the place of the gearbox with a plug made from a 2 mm sheet. I also used wheels from a Muscovite.

To visualize the dimensions, I made a simple drawing of the trailer.

In order to reduce the load on the coupling unit, it is necessary to move the axle forward.

The trailer frame is 1900 x 1060 mm, made of corrugated pipe 40 x 60 x 2 mm. In order to prevent the trailer floor from being pressed through, it is necessary to make three jumpers across the frame.

The carrier is made of round pipe and its offset is 1300 mm from the trailer to the mounting hole. For strength, the length of the pipe must be sufficient to reach the first jumper. In my case, the length of the pipe is 1750 mm. Weld it to the frame, best through the corners, then it must be reinforced with two gussets.

The rotary unit consists of a sleeve, which is made of high-strength steel, the wall thickness is 10 mm, and a shaft. The shaft is inserted into a thick-walled pipe and locked at the back, then grabbed from the bottom to the pipe. It is best to weld pipes together through 4 mm plates.

In order for the trailer to be in a horizontal position when uncoupled, it is necessary to make a step and tighten the spring.

We weld the bridge on braces. The height of the trailer (clearance) should be such that when coupled to the walk-behind tractor, it is horizontal.

The height of the sides is 300 mm, they are made of corrugated pipe 40 x 20 x 2. There are two jumpers on the longitudinal sides, and one on the transverse ones. The jumpers are necessary so that the galvanized sheet with which they will be closed does not play. Only the tailgate opens. Loops can be made from a tube and a round rod, or purchased from a store. The locks are made like on regular sides; a rod bent at 90 degrees is inserted into the tube and locked on both sides; the tube is welded to the side that cannot be opened. A section of strip with a cutout for the rod is welded onto the openable side.

The wings are made of 2 mm sheet steel. In order to smoothly and without special effort bend them, it is necessary to make cuts in the places of bending with a grinder.

The platform for the feet is made of corrugated pipe 40 x 20 x 2 at a slight angle for convenience. The box under the seat consists of a frame that is covered with sheet steel, 1.2 - 1.5 mm. To make it lighter, you can rivet galvanized steel. The top of the box is covered with a seat, which is made on hinges.

One of the most necessary tools For every gardener, farmer or gardener who owns mechanized agricultural machinery, there is a trailer for a walk-behind tractor. Using a walk-behind tractor on the farm, you can plant, plow and cultivate. And if you attach a trailer to the walk-behind tractor, you will get an excellent assistant who can transport quite heavy loads. The dimensions of the trailer for the walk-behind tractor are calculated in such a way as to be a universal and multifunctional unit. They also make the farmer’s work easier by tilting the body and the ability to open the tailgate.

Optimal trailer sizes for a walk-behind tractor

Most trailers can be used while sitting, thanks to the installed seat. Before choosing a trailer for a walk-behind tractor, you need to check its compatibility with the walk-behind tractor itself. You also need to take into account the strength of the frame and the thickness of the steel sheet so that when operating the walk-behind tractor, the trailer does not deform.

Let's look at specific examples What sizes are trailers?
Dump trailer PM-0.6S. Trailer length 1400 mm. Trailer width 1000 mm. Load capacity 350 kg.

Motoblock trailer with 7C springs. Trailer length 2900 mm. Trailer width 1000 mm. Trailer height 1200 mm. Maximum load capacity 500 kg.

The trailer for the walk-behind tractor is homemade. Trailer length 2250 mm. Trailer width 965 mm. Trailer height 885 mm. Load capacity 400 kg.

Drawing of a trailer for a walk-behind tractor

This trailer can be used with both a walk-behind tractor and a passenger car, and is a transformed unit. Equipped with a simple sprung suspension.

One of the purposes of a trailer is the ability to transport a walk-behind tractor by car. The “Fork” unit allows one person to load and unload the walk-behind tractor without much physical effort.

With absence passenger car, the trailer is equipped with a body and connected to the walk-behind tractor. Instead of cutters, wheels are installed on the walk-behind tractor. The trailer has a good sprung suspension, resulting in excellent ride softness, good longitudinal stability and virtually no rigidity. The trailer parts can be easily separated, which allows the trailer to be stored compactly when disassembled.

The length of the body is 2320 mm, width 1590 mm, and height 500 mm. The track width is 1490 mm. Body dimensions: length 1500 mm, width 1200 mm, height 300 mm. Fork size 500x300 mm.


All parts by detail

Trailer usage options

Trailer dimensions

The main purpose of a trailer is to transport cargo. The trailer itself is an intermediate link when transporting cargo. Therefore, the primary task when creating a trailer is to achieve low weight and good load capacity. All elements of the trailer design are used rationally. Chassis weight - 25 kg. The weight of the transported cargo is 200 kg. When stored, the trailer takes up very little space and easily fits into a passenger car.

In the garden or in the garden, a walk-behind tractor is one of the most useful things. With its help, you not only easily cultivate the land, but also transport a lot of necessary things: hay, fertilizer, potato harvest, fuel... But how can this be done if a standard walk-behind tractor does not have a trailer? There is a solution - making a cart for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands (the drawings are given below) is quite simple, and it will save a lot of money.

Simple do-it-yourself trolley for a walk-behind tractor (drawings)

The trolley for a walk-behind tractor can carry a load of 400-450 kg plus the weight of the driver. It can easily carry six or seven bags of potatoes without being overloaded.

Drawing of a trolley for a walk-behind tractor


  • 1 - bracket for attachments of a walk-behind tractor;
  • 2 - console;
  • 3 - carrier;
  • 4 - board step s20;
  • 5 - driver's seat made of s20 board;
  • 6 - frame;
  • 7 - body made of s20 board;
  • 8 - support beam made of timber 50×50, 3 pcs.;
  • 9 - M8 bolt;
  • 10 - thrust ring made of pipe Art. 58×4;
  • 11 - wheel from a motorized stroller, 2 pcs.

The trolley carrier structurally contains only a few parts, fastened together by welding. The most congested part will be the interface between the drawbar and the turning part. Therefore, additional stiffeners need to be installed in this place.

Trolley frame

It is made from steel angle and pipe scraps with round and rectangular cross-sections. The whole structure looks somewhat intricate and has an excessive margin of safety. It is designed for use on rough terrain and hence difficult operating conditions for the cart.

Trolley frame for walk-behind tractor

  • 1 - brace from corner art. L21×3;
  • 2 - seat frame from corner art. L21×3;
  • 3 - riser made of pipe st. 50×25×4;
  • 4 - seat posts from corner st. L40×4;
  • 5.14 - front struts made of pipe st. 50×25;
  • 6, 15 - longitudinal spars from the corner art. L40×4;
  • 7, 8 - wheel axle supports from angle section L32×4;
  • 9.16 - rear struts made of pipe st. 50×25;
  • 10 - reinforcing cross member from the corner of Art. L40×4;
  • 11 - longitudinal hinge body made of pipe Art. 58×4;
  • 12-wheel axle made from a 30 mm circle;
  • 13.17 - transverse spars from the corner art. L40×4;
  • 18 - scarves (s4).

Those who do not expect such heavy loads can take a simpler option.

Trolley carrier

  • 1 - body of the rotary unit;
  • 2 - drawbar from pipe Art. 49×3, L1820;
  • 3 - corner footrest frame, art. L25×4;
  • 4 - stop made of pipe Art. 58×4;
  • 5 - stiffener from sheet steel s4;
  • 6 - overlay made of strip 25×4.

The blank for the wheel axle is a steel circle with a diameter of 30 mm. With an axle length of about a meter, the wheels are located under the body. The wheel axle with corner supports and gusset is welded to the side members and the body of the longitudinal hinge.


It is knocked together from 20mm boards, at the corners of which steel corners are attached. The cart body is attached to the frame through three strong support beams made of 50x50 timber.


They are taken from a motorized stroller along with the hub assembly. Both ends of the axle are sharpened to the diameter of the hub bearings.

Hitch with walk-behind tractor

The coupling of the trolley and walk-behind tractor is provided by the console. Top part it follows the contour of the hiller holder, as it is fixed in the standard bracket of the walk-behind tractor attachments. A rotating carrier assembly is fixed around the lower part in the form of an axis in two RUP bearings. The space between the RUPs is filled with lubricant and closed from the outside with anthers.
Under severe operating conditions of the trolley, the connection between it and the carrier must be hinged.

The drawbar is inserted inside the tubular body of the longitudinal hinge, it is fixed with a thrust ring. This design leads to the independence of the trolley wheels from the wheels of the walk-behind tractor, which, when driving over uneven surfaces, greatly simplifies the control of the walk-behind tractor.

Rotary unit

1 - console,
2 - anthers,
3.6 - bearings 36206,
4 - body,
5 - spacer sleeve,
7 - spacer sleeve,
8 - washer,
9 - nut M20×2.5,
10 - oiler,
11 - drawbar.
The driver sits on a semi-rigid wooden seat cushion in front of the body. The driver's hands hold the levers of the walk-behind tractor, and with his feet he rests on a wooden footrest framed from the corners of the carrier's drawbar.

Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor trolley

The simplest trolley for a walk-behind tractor can easily transport loads weighing up to 400 kg.

Structural parts of the trolley

In any trolley, the following components can be roughly distinguished: the driver’s seat mounted on a welded frame, the central frame, the trolley itself with the body and wheels.

What material is the cart frame made of?

The easiest way to cook it is from a channel and a corner, which you can buy at any store. building materials. The frame is welded with the utmost care, as it must withstand the loads of driving over bumpy, broken country roads.

Blank for wheel axle

For it, you can take a steel circle with a diameter of at least 30 mm. The axle is connected by welding to a longitudinal hinge and to corner supports. The axle length must be selected so that the wheels are under the body.

How to make a body for a trolley

The easiest way to assemble the body yourself is from boards up to 20 mm thick; steel corners are installed at its corners. The boards are bolted to the frame. It is better to make the sides folding: this will make it more convenient to unload large cargo.


You can use them from any agricultural machinery. Wheels from a regular motorcycle stroller are also quite suitable. The axle will need to be machined to match the diameter of the bearings in the wheel hubs.

Trailer hitch

It is made from any suitable piece of metal by drilling a hole in it into which the hitch can easily fit. It is advisable to make the rotating unit from a bearing with a suitable diameter, securing it as firmly as possible by welding.

Bottom of the trolley

Of course it can be made from edged boards. But a more durable bottom is better made from sheet metal with a preferred sheet thickness of two to three millimeters. Such a trolley for a walk-behind tractor, which you can make yourself in two or three days, can last for several years and practically without repair.

Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor trolley video selection