How to make a Heron fountain with your own hands from bottles. Creative work in physics "Fountains" (7th grade) Fountain from plastic bottles in physics


To build a fountain, take a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off or glass from kerosene lamp, select a plug that covers the narrow end. Do it in a traffic jam through hole. It can be drilled, pierced with a faceted awl, or burned through with a hot nail. A glass tube bent in the shape of the letter “P” or a plastic tube should fit tightly into the hole.

Pinch the opening of the tube with your finger, turn the bottle or lamp glass upside down and fill with water. When you open the exit from the tube, water will flow out of it like a fountain. It will work until the water level in the large vessel is equal to the open end of the tube. Try to explain why this is so.


Preparing the equipment

Take a bottle with a tube from the rod inserted into the cork ballpoint pen or an ordinary pharmacy pipette. Only her glass tube is too short. Therefore, it is better to leave the rubber bag, cutting off its bottom with scissors.

Burn a hole in the cork with a hot nail and insert the tube into it very tightly. If it turns out too weak, fill the gap with wax or varnish. Choose a small bottle that has a tight cap.

Fill this bottle almost up to the neck with water, slightly tinted with ink, and plug it with a stopper.
The water in the bottle is under atmospheric pressure. The pressure outside is the same.

How to make the fountain flow?

Experience 1

There are two ways to do this. The first is to reduce the pressure outside.
Place the bottle in a shallow plate. Pour some water into this plate and lay out sheets of blotting paper. Take a three-liter glass jar and hold it upside down over a burning candle, over a stove or electric stove. Let it warm up thoroughly, let it fill with hot air.

Place it upside down on a plate, the edges on a blotter. The bottle is now covered. The air in the jar will begin to cool, and water will be sucked out of the plate. Soon she will all go under the can. Hey, watch out, now the air will slip under the edges! But it was not in vain that we put in the blotter. Press firmly on the bottom of the jar, it will press the wet leaves and the air will not escape. The fountain will fill!


The fountain can be activated in another way. The air in the bottle must be compressed! Take the upper end of the tube into your mouth and blow in as much air as you can. Bubbles will come out of the lower end of the tube.

Now let go. Look how nicely our fountain flowed!
It's just a shame that it doesn't last long. This is because the stock compressed air ends quickly. To make the fountain work longer, you need to pour a little water into the bottle. All the same, it will be enough for the fountain to work, and more air will enter the bottle. And there is no need to tint the water with ink. After all, this fountain will not flow under glass jar, it will be clearly visible even without ink. And here you have to put the tube in your mouth.

Experience 3

This fountain is similar to the previous one. Increased pressure is created inside the bottle. Just not by blowing air, but in a different way.

Place a few pieces of chalk in a bottle and fill it three-quarters full with vinegar. Quickly seal it with a stopper and a straw and place it in a sink or large basin so that the vinegar doesn’t get into the wrong places. After all, it will start to stand out in the bottle carbon dioxide, and under its pressure a vinegar fountain will flow from the tube!


Take a small bottle or vial, drill a hole in the cork and insert a used long ballpoint pen into it. First you need to clean the rod from any remaining paste using a wire and a piece of cotton wool soaked in cologne. For better tightness, cover with plasticine the place on the plug where the tube is inserted. The rod should not reach the middle of the bottle a little, and let its outer end rise a few centimeters above the stopper. The hole at the end of the rod, which is located inside the bottle, must first be reduced in diameter. This can be done by inserting a cork from a piece of a match into it and piercing it with a thin needle.

Pour water into a saucepan, place the bottle in it (so it doesn't float!) and bring the water to a boil. Let the water boil for a few minutes. While the water is boiling, prepare a glass of water on the table, tinted with red watercolor paint or a grain of potassium permanganate. Place a piece of cardboard on the glass with a hole into which the neck of a bottle or bottle with a ballpoint pen refill can fit.

Now you need to act decisively and quickly: remove the bottle from the boiling water and, turning it upside down, insert it into the hole in the prepared cardboard on the glass, while the outer end of the rod drops into the colored water. A thin colored fountain stream will begin to flow from the tip of the rod in the bottle. When you boiled water, part of the hot air, which expanded from heating, came out of the bottle, a rarefied space was formed in it, and the outer Atmosphere pressure poured water from a glass into him. At the same time, a trickle cold water also helped to cool the air inside the bottle and reduce its volume.

Now that the stream has stopped rising, look how much water has filled the bottle. Exactly as much air came out of it when it was prepared for the experiment - boiled in a saucepan.


You will need a tube 30-40 cm long; the wider it is, the longer the fountain will flow. Cut out two circles that fit tightly into the tube. Cut an empty ballpoint pen refill in half diagonally. Take out the tip, push out the ball from the inside with a needle and insert the tip back.

Half of the rod with a tip is passed through one circle, the second half through the other. They cut obliquely so that the halves, even when resting against the circles, do not end up closed.

Use the lower end of the toy to scoop up water from the bath and wait for it to flow from the tip. Then we turn it over. Water remains only between the mugs. In this position, lower the toy into the bath, as shown in another picture.
Water fills the toy from below, displacing air into the compartment between the mugs. It presses on the water located there, and a stream emerges from the tip.

Now you can start making a tabletop fountain. You will need plastic cubes, a plate also made of plastic, tubes and, again, an empty rod with a tip. The third picture shows a diagram of what will come out (only the frame on which everything is attached is not shown).

When the action begins, water is in the upper cubes. Water flows from the first upper one to the second lower one. Please note that the end of the tube, cut at an angle, rests against the bottom of the cube. The air from it flows through the next tube into the second upper cube. Also note that this tube runs from ceiling to ceiling. And so on. From the last top cube a fountain shoots into the plate. From it water flows into the first lower one.

If we took only a couple of cubes, the fountain would turn out to be small. And here is a column of water from the plate down, then from the first top cube down, then from the second top down. With each column the pressure increases, and with it the height of the jet. Essentially, what we have in front of us is like a water tower, which was cut into three parts (like a sausage across) and placed in a row. You can take not three pairs of cubes, but any number of pairs.

At the end of the action, all the water ends up in the lower cubes. We turn the installation over. Recharging takes seconds, since the water is held back by the tip, and the air comes out through it quickly.

The installation will look more beautiful and work more accurately if the cubes are placed on an edge, or even better, on a corner. Then table fountain the cubes will be shaped like a diamond. The plate can be cut in the shape of a flower, the upper cubes will be “leaves”, the lower ones will be “roots”. You can also plant a butterfly for decoration!

Poptsov Egor, Maksimov Alexey

The educational project was presented at the First School Scientific and Practical Conference and aroused the delight of all listeners. because the working model of the fountain, made by the hands of children and parents, delighted everyone throughout the conference. In this work you will get acquainted with the basics of designing simple inventions with a minimum of knowledge of physics.



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Creative project “Fountains” Completed by: Poptsov Egor Maksimov Alexey, 7 “A” class Physics teacher: Bukhalova M.N.

Project goals: To get acquainted with the principle of operation of the fountain. Using the properties of communicating vessels, build a model of a fountain.

Project objectives: To study the physical basis of the fountain’s operation To construct a fountain with your own hands

The first stage of the project: informational. They say there are three things you can look at endlessly - fire, water and stars. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. And it’s not for nothing that they say that water “cleanses”, “washes” not only the body, but also the soul.

The history of fountains begins in Ancient Greece, and continues in Ancient Rome. Fountains were also used in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Proof of this is the drawings on ancient tombstones. Initially, fountains were used to water gardens and plants. According to eastern canons, the garden was supposed to reflect four substances: water, plants, flowers and music. Story

Thus, already in ancient times, people thought about how to create artificial reservoirs, and they were especially interested in the mystery of running water. The word fountain is of Latin-Italian origin, it comes from the Latin “fontis”, which translates as “source”. In meaning, this means a stream of water shooting upward or flowing out of a pipe under pressure.

Natural Naturally formed fountains are known, called geysers (Yellowstone Park) Man-made An artificially created fountain is a gushing oil well. Batteries from many water fountains hot water used for cooling in thermal power plants. Decorative In everyday life, a fountain is a specific hydraulic structure that usually performs decorative function. Types of fountains

There are water fountains of natural origin - springs gushing out in streams.

In nature, there are giant fountains of hot water and steam. They are called geysers. They can often be found near volcanoes.

From an architectural point of view, a fountain is a structure that serves as a base or fence for streams of water flowing upward and flowing down. Initially, fountains were erected as a public source drinking water. Later, the combination of green spaces, moving water from fountains and architectural compositions became one of the means of implementing unique artistic solutions in modern architecture.

A modern city cannot be imagined without a fountain. Light and music fountain in the city park of Almetyevsk. Light-dynamic fountain on the square near the Neftche cultural center in Almetyevsk (reconstruction).

Fountain in the park of Leninogorsk. The upper bowl of the fountain composition of the YAN sanatorium, Almetyevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Communicating vessels Vessels that have a connection or a common bottom with each other are usually called communicating. Such vessels are often encountered in life. Various teapots, watering cans, water measuring glasses for steam boilers, a pipe bent at the knee - all these are examples of communicating vessels.

The free surfaces of a liquid at rest in communicating vessels of any shape are at the same level. Water poured into a watering can or a kettle also fills the spout of these vessels, because columns of the same liquid of equal height produce equal pressures. If the liquid in communicating vessels is at different levels, then the so-called liquid pressure is created. Pressure is the pressure produced by the weight of a liquid column with a height equal to the difference in levels. Under the influence of this pressure, the liquid, if the clamp is removed, will flow into the vessel where its level is lower until the levels are equal. Water falling from a height, for example, in mountain rivers or near a dam, has natural pressure. The higher the dam, the greater the pressure of water raised by this dam. In technology, water pressure is often called the difference in water levels in communicating vessels.

What's the use of them? The perfect fountain is your first step to a new level of relaxation and awareness. Your goal is to achieve a higher sense of peace, calm and serenity. There are many fountains that can relieve your stress. Relaxation and stress relief.

Landscaping and decor. A fountain can become a bright focal point, attracting people's gaze and enhancing the beauty of any room. It serves as a functional decorative item, which can be enjoyed by simultaneously contemplating and listening. Fountains are often placed in gardens, hallways, offices, waiting rooms, lobbies, living rooms and bedrooms.

Design The design of the fountain is based on the principle of communicating vessels known to us from physics. Water is collected in a container located above the fountain basin. In this case, the water pressure at the outlet of the fountain will be equal to the difference in water heights H1. H1 Accordingly, the greater the difference between these heights, the stronger the pressure and the higher the fountain jet hits. The diameter of the fountain outlet also affects the height of the fountain jet. The smaller it is, the higher the fountain shoots.

In order to build a fountain model, you need a reservoir of water, for example a wide jar, a rubber or glass tube, a pool of low tin can. The higher the tank is raised and the thinner the outlet, the higher the water jet will hit. Therefore, it is better to use a pipette for the fountain tube, removing the rubber band from it. The rest of the device can be disguised, creating a model of a beautiful corner of the garden with a fountain. The second stage of the project: practical work.

Today, as at all times, our urgent task is to protect nature and respect it. Fountains will help us with this. And not only this: the use of devices from improvised means makes learning more effective and the development of creative abilities. The most important thing: physics is not scary, physics is interesting!

Resources: Internet articles “Heron’s fountain in your apartment” Ozhegov S.N. Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80 thousand words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy Sci. Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradova - 4th ed.; supplemented.-M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.-944 pp. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. –M., 1977.-t.27 Technology: Encyclopedia/ Design. Series by L. Yakovlev. – M.: LLC “ROSMEN-IZDAT”, 2000.-399 pp.-(Children’s encyclopedia). Y.I. Perelman “Entertaining Physics” book 2, TRIAD-LITERA Moscow, 1994.

Thank you for your attention!

If at the dacha or at home there is an accumulation of a large number of plastic bottles from carbonated water, do not rush to throw them in a landfill - they can still be useful in the household. For example, empty containers are suitable for making simple homemade fountains, with the help of which it is easy to organize an irrigation system for watering the lawn (in case there are no sprinklers and sprinklers for the garden at hand).

You can also usefully spend your free time with your children by making a fountain from a plastic bottle. This homemade product will be very interesting for young inventors and is quite easy to make.

A fountain that works itself from plastic bottles

The classic design of Heron's fountain is described in 7th grade physics textbooks and consists of 3 containers of water, located one above the other and connected by three tubes. For a home experiment, empty plastic bottles from mineral water or soda. The first tube comes out of the top bowl and goes down to the very bottom of the structure. The second, which is attached separately from the first, comes out of the lower container, enters the middle one and reaches almost to the very top. The third tube comes from the bottom of the middle bowl and enters the top bowl.

By default, all the liquid is in the middle container. In order for the fountain to start working, you need to add a little water to the upper bowl - then the liquid will automatically flow through the first tube into the lower container until it is completely filled. At this time, the air pressure will increase, which will be transmitted through the second tube to the middle tank. At the same time, pressure will also be applied to the water, as a result of which it will begin to rise through the third tube into the upper bowl and flow upward. By completing this standard physics assignment, you will be able to replicate the experience of the great Greek mathematician and inventor Heron of Alexandria.

Making your own Heron fountain

The site provides instructions on how to make a fountain from plastic bottles, which will help you complete the experiment without errors. For this experiment, you can use empty containers of any size. First, you will need to make a bowl for the future fountain - cut a “cone” from one bottle with a neck of the height you need. Connect all structural elements as shown in the figure below, having previously drilled holes for the tubes.

Activating Heron's fountain with your own hands from bottles is very simple: first fill it with an amount of water equal to the volume of an average container, then wait until it completely drains into bottom part fountain, and then turn the structure upside down. The liquid will begin to flow into the middle container. This process is also called “charging the fountain” because it continues until all the water flows down. Starting the fountain is also easy - add a little water to the bowl to close the system and enjoy the amazing spectacle.

The DIY bottle fountain will run until the water in the middle reservoir is used up - then it will need to be recharged. Please note that the larger the plastic bottles, the longer the fountain will function. The height of the jet will directly depend on the actual difference in water level in the middle and lower containers. The main thing is not to get confused with the tubes.

Another important point One thing you definitely need to pay attention to is the tightness of the connections. For this reason, after completing assembly, fill the entry points of the tubes in the covers with hot glue or sealant. If you don't have sealant on hand, use alternative option You can use regular plasticine, but keep in mind that in this case leakage is possible.


To make a homemade mini-fountain, scrap materials that can be found in any home are used:

  • plastic soda or yogurt bottles;
  • flexible hose, glass tubes or cocktail straws;
  • hot melt adhesive or sealant;
  • drill or nail (to make holes).

If you use a flexible hose instead of rigid tubes, then plastic lids(at the connection points) you can insert sections from a thick ballpoint pen or connectors from a dropper.

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This Fountain made from plastic bottles does not require any cash costs. After all, gravity, thanks to which it works, is still free.

The Fountain of Heron of Alexandria has been known for 2000 years. However, many are meeting him for the first time. The uniqueness of this fountain lies in the fact that its jet shoots above the level of the source water, and this in the absence of an engine!

The Fountain of Heron of Alexandria is a mystery to the unenlightened person. It seems that the law of communicating vessels is being violated. It seems that the fountain can run forever, consuming its own water.

This fountain is convenient to use at home as an air humidifier for flowers.

Instructions for using the fountain:

1. Unscrew the bottom bottle and fill it with water.

2. Screw the water bottle back on.

3. Turn the fountain upside down and wait for the water to pour into the second bottle.

(If the water does not flow immediately, you should press the bottle a little to start the process)

4. Place the fountain with the bowl up. The fountain is ready to start.

5. To start the fountain, you need to pour a little water (30-50 ml) into the bowl.

6. After gushing is finished, turn the fountain upside down to recharge. (You no longer need to spin the fountain and add water to it)

7. You can repeat steps 3 - 6 ad infinitum!

We wish you a pleasant time enjoying our fountain!


Plastic bottle (2 l) and two bottles of drinking yoghurt.

Cocktail straws, gel pen refill, dropper tube, dropper connectors (you can use pieces from a gel pen instead), nail, glue cap.


Alcohol lamp, knife, pliers, scissors, marker, sandpaper, glue gun (or any other waterproof glue).


Step 1.

Cleaning up sandpaper bottle caps and glue them together glue gun. Using a nail heated on an alcohol lamp, we make two holes in the glued corks. We insert the connectors from the dropper into the holes.

Step 2.

Glue a cork from a 2 liter bottle to the bottom of a yogurt bottle. We make two holes in it with a hot nail.

Step 3.

Insert the tube from the dropper (~40 cm) and a straw without the corrugated part into the holes. Extend the straw on the other side so that it reaches the neck of the bottle. We insert a piece of rod from a gel pen into the end of the tube from the dropper for rigidity and seal the cracks around both tubes with glue.

Step 4.

We insert the second end of the tube from the dropper to the central connector in the glued plugs. We attach a cocktail straw to the second connector. We cut the end of the tube so that it reaches the bottom of the bottle.

Step 5.

Cut from a 2 liter bottle top part and attach it to the glued cork.

Step 6.

We make a nozzle for our fountain from a piece of tube from a dropper and the connecting part of a gel rod (or a glue cap). We attach the nozzle to the yellow tube using the connector from the dropper and a piece of orange tube.

[In order for the tubes to fit into each other, one of them must first be expanded (with the end of a handle, for example).]

The main purpose of the nozzle is to produce a thin, high jet. You can also get by by cutting the tube from the dropper without a nozzle - then the water from the fountain will simply pour down like a waterfall.

Step 7

We attach a tube to the central connector to the second side of the double plug.

We cut the tube so that its end reaches the bottom of the bottle.

Step 8

Putting all the parts of the fountain together

Step 9

If necessary, we make a stand for the fountain to make it more stable.

Cut off the bottom of a 2 liter bottle.

Glue this stand to the bottom of the bottom bottle of the fountain.

Step 10

The fountain is ready. You can start testing.

Video instruction:

P. S. For lovers of clever formulations...

Heron's fountain is a single-stroke hydraulic piston gravity compressor.