How to conduct water from a pond. Water supply for a country house: design of the system and its subtleties

Do you want to ensure your water supply? country house on your own? Agree that doing this work with your own hands is quite feasible task, if you know the nuances of the water supply system.

We will help you understand the intricacies and basic rules - in this article we will talk about how to install a water supply system in a private house with your own hands. Where to start and how to carry out all the work correctly.

For a better understanding of the process, we have selected visual photos and plumbing diagrams. The article is also supplemented with useful video recommendations on the rules for installing water supply and tips on installing system input nodes in a country house.

Regardless of whether the water supply is installed in an existing building or installed during the construction of a new one, its design and installation must be approached very responsibly.

First of all, you need to decide on a source for water supply. You need to know that according to the standards, the water supply system must provide water to each person living in the house based on the calculation of 30-50 liters per day per person.

When arranging a bathroom and sewerage system, the calculated figure increases three times. For watering the garden and green spaces, a water consumption of at least 5 liters per square meter is assumed. meter.

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The main disadvantage of the first option is the susceptibility to corrosion. Copper pipes have many advantages, but their cost is very high.

An important point is the choice of the diameter of the parts. It is carried out based on the length of a specific pipeline section.

For lines longer than 30 m, parts with a diameter of 32 mm are selected; pipelines shorter than 10 m are assembled from elements with a cross-section of 20 mm. Medium-length lines are mounted from pipes with a diameter of 25 mm.

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It was already mentioned above that a pumping station or pressure tank can be used to provide the building with a sufficient amount of water. Using the second option is quite troublesome. As practice shows, most homeowners choose a pumping station.

The device pumps water from a well, or less often from a well. This equipment is sensitive to low temperatures, so it is placed in ground floor, basement or heated technical room.

True, in this case, the noise from the operating pump may disturb residents. In some cases, the equipment is placed in a specially equipped caisson that covers.

A pumping station is a set of equipment that ensures complete pumping of water from a well or a well.

Connection work pumping station are carried out in general terms in the following way. A pipe is connected from the source to the equipment, onto which a brass fitting equipped with an adapter with a diameter of 32 mm is put on.

A tee equipped with a drain valve is connected to it. This will make it possible to turn off the water supply if necessary. Connects to the tee check valve. The device will not allow water to return to the well.

It may be necessary to turn the line to direct the pipe to the pumping station. If this is the case, a special corner is used. All subsequent elements are connected using the so-called “American”.

First, a shut-off ball valve is connected, turning off the water supply if necessary. Then a coarse filter is installed, which will protect the device from impurities.

The pumping station can be installed in an insulated caisson above the well head, or can be installed in a house, in any heated room

After this, the pumping station is connected. There is a nuance here. The equipment involves the installation of a damper tank and. If the pump is located in the well and all other equipment is located in the house, then the pressure switch is installed on top of the pipe.

A damper tank is mounted below. After this, the dry running sensor is connected. It will not allow the pump to work without water and will protect it from damage.

The last connection element is an adapter for a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. After all the parts have been installed, it is recommended to check the quality of the work performed. To do this, start the pump and let it run for a while.

If the equipment pumps water properly, then everything is fine and work can continue. If not, you need to find the cause and eliminate it.

In this publication we will talk about the water supply of a private home. The systems that exist today will be reviewed, including a comparison of centralized and autonomous types. In addition, in the article we will consider the pros and cons of water supply through water intake from open sources, a well, and a well (the main aspects of drilling a well will be touched upon). To make the material as complete as possible, in each chapter we will also talk about the equipment that is necessary to ensure water supply at home.

In general, the water supply to a private home can be divided into two types:

  1. Autonomous: well (artesian, sand), well and water intake from an open source (lake, river).
  2. Centralized.

To organize the water supply at home on your own, you can use one of three options:

  • Drilling a well.
  • Digging a well.
  • Water intake from external sources.

Let's look at each of these options in more detail.

There are two types of wells:

1. Sand well. Usually its depth does not exceed forty meters. This option is something between an artesian well and a well. When drilling into sand, only the upper layers of the soil are affected, called in the language of specialists the “sandy horizon”. The positive factors of such wells include the following:

  • Low terms of arrangement.
  • Relatively low turnkey cost.
  • Drilling a sand well does not require registration and licensing, unlike an artesian well.
  • The water quality is much better than well water. Surface water is isolated by a clay layer.

However, as usual, there are some drawbacks. TO negative qualities The following points can be mentioned:

  • Low well life, which varies from three to seven years. For example, the service life of an artesian well exceeds 50 years.
  • Small supply of water compared to artesian water. In the first case, the average is 500 liters, while in the second the water supply is unlimited. In addition, this figure is lower than that of a well (well reserve is ~1200 liters).
  • Inconsistent water level (interseasonal fluctuations).

It should be noted that a sand well will cost you less (compared to an artesian well) due to its shallow depth. In addition, in this case, there is savings due to the absence of the need to install additional equipment for water supply - it is enough to equip the well with a pump, the power of which is sufficient to lift water from a depth of 20 meters.

2. Artesian well. Its depth can reach 135 meters. As a rule, this is the most reliable water supply for a private home. The water comes from the depths of limestone horizons and is of incredibly high quality. The advantages of an artesian well include the following factors:

  • Excellent quality of water and its unlimited supply (unlike a sand well and a well, where the amount of water is limited).
  • No need for additional equipment to supply water - in the well it is constantly under pressure.
  • Possibility of penetration of surface and Wastewater is excluded completely.
  • The service life of an artesian well is quite long - more than fifty years.
  • However, this option also has certain disadvantages. So, the negative factors of an artesian well include the following points:
  • It is necessary to install a special filter for iron removal and water softening. This is due to the fact that its hardness often exceeds the permissible 7 mEq/l.
  • It is mandatory to have a license to construct an artesian well (note that this condition is relevant only for Russia, while the territory of Ukraine does not need it).
  • The high cost of drilling when compared with the same construction of a well or a well for sand.

It should be noted that in addition to the drilling process, the cost of constructing an artesian well must also be added to the cost of some equipment that will be needed during its operation:

  • Hydraulic accumulator (a short list of them, cost and characteristics can be found in Table 1).
  • Caisson (cost for Russia from 15,000 rubles, for Ukraine from 425 hryvnia).
  • Pump. Its cost will directly depend on its technical qualities. On average, in Russia the price of such equipment can vary from 2,000 to 40,000 rubles, in Ukraine from 450 to 8,800 hryvnia. Let us add that you should not buy a pump in advance, because... After drilling a well, you will be provided with a document with its characteristics. In the future, based on these characteristics, you will be able to select the most suitable best option a pump that will ensure an uninterrupted and high-quality supply of water from the well.

Which home water supply system would be most optimal? If the main water consumption is planned for cooking and watering plants in the garden, you can get by with a well for sand - its supply is quite enough for these needs. If, in addition to the above, the house has a shower, bath and dishwasher, and the number of people living in it exceeds three people, then in such a situation it is better to choose an artesian well. Otherwise, you simply will not have enough water in the well for sand. In Table-2 you can see a brief comparison of both types of wells.

Today, water supply to a country house from a well does not require any licenses or permits. The owner of the plot only needs to register it by going through the formal state registration procedure (according to Article 25 “ State registration ownership rights to the real estate object under construction").

Wells can be divided into three categories by type:

  1. Consisting of small-piece materials. As a rule, the shafts of such wells are lined with red burnt bricks, stones, or concrete blocks. The work process itself is quite labor-intensive. Considering the fact that it is impossible to make a shaft in a lowering manner (as is the case with wells made of reinforced concrete rings), such structures are most often made at a shallow depth (up to three meters).
  2. Wooden wells. Their mines are mainly made of logs, whose diameter varies between 12-18 centimeters. At the same time, the type of wood for these purposes must be resistant to the aquatic environment and have a dense structure. Taking this into account, trees such as larch, pine, and oak are suitable for the role of consumable material.
  3. Wells made of reinforced concrete rings. This option is the most popular, because... it is quite effective. The rings themselves can be purchased at the company or cast yourself. It is impossible not to note the fact that water supply to a private house with your own hands through wells made of reinforced concrete rings has a number of advantages, the main of which are a long period of operation (more than 50 years), reliability and ease of arrangement, as well as a sufficient depth to which they can be used. lay (up to 20 meters).

TO common benefits wells, the following factors can be attributed:

  • Long service life.
  • There is no need to prepare documents permitting the construction of a well on the site.
  • Convenience in disinfection and cleaning of the well, which is achieved due to the sufficient diameter of the rings (90-120 cm). For example, the diameter of the wells is 80-225 mm, which complicates the process of cleaning them.
  • Pure water. It comes into the house without any aftertaste or rust, something the central water supply system cannot boast of.
  • The cost of construction is significantly lower than the cost of constructing a well.
  • No monthly fees for water use.

The disadvantages of wells include the following:

  • Frequent cleaning required. At a minimum, this should be done twice a year.
  • There is a possibility of falling into the mine surface waters. This is due to the shallow depth. As a result, water quality is noticeably reduced.
  • Wells are characterized by interseasonal fluctuations in water levels.
  • Colossal physical costs for digging - this process is performed manually.
  • The need for an additional reservoir for storing water, as well as a hydraulic accumulator. It will come in handy if the power supply is cut off or due to other factors that prevent the normal supply of water to the house.
  • The well must be located away from possible sources of pollution at a minimum distance of 50 meters. Such sources include sewerage, manure storage facilities, etc. Otherwise, if wastewater enters the well, it will become unsuitable for supplying the house with water for food purposes.

The cost of installing a well can depend on many factors. In addition, you need to consider whether you will dig it yourself or hire a team of workers for these purposes. In Table 3 you can see some prices.

Having decided to organize the water supply at home according to a given type with your own hands, you should prepare for serious difficulties in making the water suitable for cooking and drinking. In such a situation, you will have to carry out a number of works to create a protected area at the point of water intake (SanPiN “Territories for sanitary protection of drinking water pipelines and water supply sources”).

For example, on a river it is necessary to mark the boundary of the first zone of the territory of the San. security guard (ZSO) at the water intake point:

  • Downstream from the point of water intake to the boundary of the ZSO belt, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 100 meters, and upstream - at least two hundred meters.
  • The depth at the water intake point must exceed 2.5 meters.

For example, you can see what the water supply scheme for a house looks like through a water intake in Image 1.

Explanations for the designations: A - water intake, B - pumping station supplying water to the water supply system; 1 - pump, 2 - pipe, 3 - trench, 4 - walls of the water inlet, 5 - suction compartment, 6 - water inlet, 7 - lattice windows for supplying water to the receiver, 8 - area with a protective cap, 9 - movable metal walls.

As can be seen from the diagram, the volume of work on water intake from open sources is quite large. If we compare the financial costs, you will have to spend more than 80,000 rubles just to organize a water supply system and a water intake, which is comparable to the costs of developing an artillery well. Only in the second case will the water be of higher quality than in the first.

Taking into account the complexity of water purification work, water intake from an open source is mainly used for irrigation purposes. If this is enough for you, then you will need the following equipment:

  • Pump of the “Trickle” or “Baby” type (any other pump of a similar type will do).
  • A hose through which water will be transferred from the pump to the storage tank.

To avoid the pump sinking to the bottom, you can mount a limit bar on it, which will serve as a kind of float. This way you can avoid sand and silt getting into it.

Calculation of the funds required to organize water supply for irrigation at home will look like this:

  • Pump (from two thousand rubles).
  • Watering hose (from 20 rubles per linear meter).
  • Storage containers (prices vary individually).
  • Chain or cable (from 70 rubles per linear meter).

Centralized water supply for a country house

This option is the most practical and common. Everything that the site owner needs to do in this case can be divided into two stages:

  1. Obtaining a permit according to which the house can be connected to a centralized water supply. To do this, you will need to contact the organization responsible for the operation and maintenance of the central water supply system at your place of residence.
  2. Obtaining technical conditions for connecting the water supply branch leading to your home (issued by the same organization). IN technical conditions displays the location and diagram of the pipe insertion into the water supply leading to your home. In addition, they indicate required depth, in accordance with which it is necessary to install a drain pipe. The document also indicates the water pressure guaranteed by UVKH and other conditions with calculations of all the costs required for the installation of water supply.

The obvious advantages of centralized water supply at home include the following:

  • The owner of the plot does not need to drill a well or dig a well.
  • Water consumption is unlimited (however, it is charged).
  • Vodokanal or UVKH is fully responsible for maintaining the water supply system (pipeline condition, pressure and water quality).
  • Constant water supply. Even if there is a power outage in your area, the water will not stop flowing.
  • Storage tanks and other equipment (for example, a pump) are optional.

Despite all these advantages, this water supply option has some disadvantages:

  • Water disinfection at central water intake stations is carried out using chlorine. This leads to the fact that the water appears bad smell, and its quality is noticeably reduced.
  • There will be rust in the water, even if the entire pipeline up to the point of insertion into the main pipe is made of stainless steel or metal-plastic. This is due to the fact that rust is initially present in the pipes of the centralized water supply.
  • The need for a monthly fee for water use. The fee is calculated based on the meter readings.
  • Despite the independent operation of the system from the electricity supply, in the event of a water supply failure, the water supply may be interrupted.

You can see the approximate cost of connecting to the central water supply system in Table 4. Please note that prices may vary depending on your region of residence, as well as the volume of work performed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in the private sector it is not always possible to connect a house to a central system. In such a situation, you will have to use an autonomous water supply. Which option is most optimal for your purposes is up to you to choose. We tried to cover the topic of providing home water in as much detail as possible.

Water supply to a private home is the basis of all internal improvements. Laying a water supply network in a private house is a rather complex and responsible procedure. If installed incorrectly, the system will either not work at all or not work at full capacity. But, despite the great responsibility and relative complexity, you can install a water supply system yourself.

Selection of water supply source

Before you start building a water supply system in a private house with your own hands, you should carry out all the preliminary design and calculation work. Thus, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the source of water supply for housing. It must comply with the requirements of SNiP and SanPiN for water supply to residential premises.

The standards established by SNiP for one resident of a comfortable apartment regulate the average water consumption of 200 liters.

However, when choosing a source of water supply, it should be taken into account that in reality this figure can be significantly exceeded. The table below gives approximate water consumption per day for various needs for the inhabitants of a comfortable home.

Table of water consumption for household needs:

As a result we get maximum flow 300, or even 400 liters per person in a day. Of course, not every day all family members take a bath - it is often replaced with a more economical shower. But on weekends, when the whole family is gathered, the cost of the plumbing system can increase significantly compared to weekdays.

Old standards also do not take into account water consumption by new ones household appliances, which are installed in comfortable houses. This is about dishwashers, bidet, jacuzzi, massage showers.

Water connection diagram from a centralized system

A less energy-intensive option is to connect the house’s water supply to the main network.

Of course, not all suburban villages have a centralized water supply. But where it is available, it will be much easier to make an insertion into the main pipeline than to try to arrange your own autonomous water supply in the form of an artesian well.

To connect to the water supply, the homeowner will be required to send a corresponding application to the operating organization.

Employees of the resource supply company, after considering the application, either issue permission to connect or refuse it.

In case of refusal to insert, this decision must be supported by specific arguments. The owner of the property, in turn, has the right to appeal such a decision to higher authorities or to the courts.

If the operating company allows the connection, then its technical workers draw up a pipeline installation plan with recommendations for the connection procedure.

All work is carried out at the expense of the homeowner, either by employees of the resource supply company itself, or by a third-party organization licensed to carry out such work.

Decentralized method of supplying water to the house

Decentralized water supply involves supplying water to the house from some autonomous source that is not connected to the central water supply.

Such an autonomous source can be:

  • Well.
  • Well.
  • Natural sources - river, spring or pond.
  • A container filled with imported water.

Among the above options, the most preferable is drawing water from a well.

When installing a well, you should take into account the expected daily water consumption for household needs. An artesian well drilled to a sufficient depth can provide sufficient productivity.

Superficial, so-called sand wells, and wells are recommended for temporary use - for example, in summer cottages.

Ensure uninterrupted water supply at home year-round accommodation they are unlikely to be able to due to the large seasonal fluctuations in water and slow filling.

Containers with imported water can provide water to a comfortable home only if it is delivered regularly. A similar option, taking into account the average daily family expenses from three people in 900 - 1,000 l, can be very, very expensive. The optimal place for drilling is as close to home as possible. This way you can save on the costs of laying the pipeline.

SanPiN also requires that between the well (well) and the sewer storage tank be observed minimum distance at 20m.

How to create a project yourself

Installing a water supply system in a private house involves the preliminary creation of a design and drawing document, which will mark the passage of the pipeline route both outside and inside the house.

Individual people consider drawing up a diagram a waste effort and time, relying on your experience and intuition. In fact, refusal to draw up a project results in delays in work, frequent errors and rework.

When drawing up a design diagram, it indicates the main technical data of the future pipeline:

  • Type of internal wiring.
  • The route of pipes in each room.
  • Number and location of collectors, pumps, water heaters and filters.
  • Locations of water taps.
  • Types of water pipes for each water supply branch, indicating diameters.

The diagram must be carried out on a single scale, indicating the main distances. Based on the drawn up plan, it will be possible to begin purchasing all the necessary plumbing equipment, pipes and additional fittings.

Construction of a typical plumbing system

Any water supply system at home consists of 2 main parts:

  1. External.
  2. Internal.

The external part is intended to connect the source to the indoor plumbing system. Most simple design has a system connecting the house to a centralized highway.

This is a regular pipeline equipped with water shut-off valves to shut off the water supply, if necessary. When supplying a house with water from its own source, a supply pump, automated control relays, filters, etc. are included in the water supply system.

The in-house part of the system consists, in addition to the pipeline itself, of:
  • Regulating and shut-off valves.
  • Water heating boilers.
  • Water equipment - drain taps and mixers.
  • Distribution network.
Today there are two main types of domestic water supply systems:
  • Gravity flow.
  • Water pump.

In the first option, water is not supplied directly to the network, but to a tank installed in a high place - the top floor of the building, or in the attic. From there, water flows down under the influence of gravity, filling the internal pipeline system.

In the version with a pressure system, the internal network is filled using a supply pump, or additionally a pumping station equipped with a hydraulic accumulator.

House plumbing wiring diagrams

The water supply diagram provides for two methods of pipe routing:

  • Consistent.
  • Parallel.

Choosing one option or another depending on operational features intra-house network - number of residents, water points, intensity of water consumption, etc.

Serial, tee connection

A sequential water supply scheme in a private house involves dividing one common water supply branch into several “sleeves” using tees.

Therefore, such a scheme is also called a tee. Each pipeline branch goes to its own point of consumption - kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

Among the advantages of this option, we can note a lower cost due to lower pipe consumption. The disadvantage of a tee connection is the unequal pressure in each of the pipeline hoses.

With a large number of branches, the water pressure in them decreases. The sequential scheme is recommended for use in houses with a small number of water points.

Parallel, collector connection

Distinctive feature parallel circuit water supply - installed collector. This is a special water distribution unit, from which separate branches are led to each point of consumption.

The advantage of a collector connection is the ability to provide uniform pressure at each point of water consumption. The disadvantage parallel connection is an increased consumption of materials compared to the sequential version.

Pipe laying methods: hidden and open

When arranging a water supply in a house with your own hands, installing pipes is possible using two methods:

  1. Closed.
  2. Open.

A closed installation is more aesthetically pleasing, since the pipes are not visible and do not spoil the interior of the room. They are laid inside the walls, in grooves, or disguised decorative boxes. The open method involves laying pipes outside, on top of walls and floors.

The open method is used as a basic one in almost all comfortable apartment buildings standard project.

If you decide to lay pipes in closed grooves, special attention should be paid to the quality of both the pipes themselves and their joining. Because, in the event of an accident, you will have to carry out labor-intensive work to find leaks and dismantle the pipeline.

Stages of plumbing installation

Installation of a water supply system is a rather responsible and complex undertaking. Therefore, produce this work follows, adhering to a certain order and a pre-designed water supply scheme for a private home. Conventionally, the whole process can be divided into several stages.

Preparing for work

Work on installing the pipeline should begin from the point of water consumption, and not from the supply source. Initially, we attach the pipe to the plumbing fixture - faucet, toilet - using a coupling.

A shut-off valve should be installed on the pipe in this place to ensure, if necessary, that plumbing fixtures can be changed without a general shutdown of water in the house.

When installing the pipeline open method special clips are used that are attached to the wall. The distance between them is selected depending on the material of the pipe.

Metal pipes have more mass than plastic ones, so the number of clips should be increased.

When pipes pass through a wall, they must be placed in a protective cup. The recommended distance between the pipe and the wall should be about 2 cm, in internal corners - 4 cm, in external corners - 1.5 cm. This will simplify the work of repairing the pipeline if necessary.

It is also necessary to install a tap on each element of the water supply system, at the point where the branch branches off from the collector, so that it can be quickly turned off in an emergency.

Pipe selection

When purchasing pipes, you should pay special attention to their operational and technical characteristics. , are very durable, but vulnerable to corrosion.

Therefore, if you decide to use metal for laying water pipes, then it is advisable to purchase pipes made of galvanized steel or copper. This option, of course, is not cheap, but it will create a strong and, most importantly, durable pipeline.

A more profitable option is to purchase plastic pipes(). Although they are inferior to metal pipes in terms of strength, they are not subject to corrosion, are easy to install, and are several times cheaper. It is not for nothing that polymer pipes are almost universally replacing their metal counterparts when arranging in-house water supply systems.

At the time of buying polymer pipes, you should pay attention to what purposes you are going to use them for. For hot water supply, you should purchase special reinforced options that can withstand high temperatures without deformation.

Along with the purchase of pipes, you should purchase the following elements: connecting fittings, tees for wiring, shut-off valves, corners. All these elements must be calculated in advance, at the stage of drawing up a diagram of the future water supply system.

Attention should also be paid to the diameter of the pipes (). The longer the branch, and the more branches from it, the larger the diameter should be. For internal pipeline Usually pipes d from 20 to 40 mm are used.

Connecting the pumping station

The pumping station is designed to supply water to the intra-house network and to maintain the required pressure in it. Pumping stations are afraid low temperatures due to the possibility of water freezing.

Therefore, they should be installed in rooms with positive temperatures - basements, plinths, special premises. In rare cases, in regions with a mild climate, it is possible to place stations in insulated chambers directly above an artesian well.

The process of connecting a pumping station to the pipeline looks like this:
  • A pipe is connected from the well to the equipment, onto which an adapter is attached.
  • A tee with a drain valve is attached to the fitting for emergency shutdown water supply and drainage.
  • A valve is installed on the tee to prevent water from escaping into the well when the pump is turned off.
  • Then a coarse water filter is installed on the pipe leading from the well to the pumping station. It prevents the equipment from clogging with sand and other mechanical debris.

Only after this the station itself is connected to the network. Installation involves installing a pressure gauge, a dry-running relay and storage tank. A relay connected to the pressure gauge will automatically start the pump when the pressure in the system drops.

The storage tank (damper) contains a certain amount of water necessary for the pump to operate. A “dry” sensor will prevent the pump from turning on when there is no water in the system. This will protect the equipment from failure. Exact instructions for assembling the pumping station can be found in the technical documentation - it varies depending on the model.

Installing a hydraulic accumulator

The use of a hydraulic accumulator in the water supply network is not considered a prerequisite for its functioning(). It allows you to automatically maintain the required pressure in the network even when the pump is turned off.

It is installed only with the pressure version of the system, and with a gravity-flow system, using a hydraulic accumulator makes no sense.

The structure of this device is as follows:

  • An external metal tank filled with air, having inlet and outlet openings.
  • Inside metal tank a rubber membrane is installed to cover both holes. When the tank is filled with water, it stretches, creating a certain pressure.
  • A pressure switch connected to the pump on/off equipment. When the pressure inside the accumulator reaches a certain value, the relay stops the flow of water into the tank. After consumers consume water and the pressure in the network drops to a lower level, the relay turns on the pump again, filling the tank.

Installation of water purification equipment

Quality indicators of water supplied to home plumbing, often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is recommended to install in the water supply system special equipment to clean it.

A coarse filter installed in front of the pumping station protects only from large mechanical impurities. Only thin filters can protect against small elements dissolved in water.

To select the required fine filter, you need to know the composition of the water supplied to the system. This is done through laboratory analysis, after which you should purchase the necessary filter: for example, for iron removal. Thin filters are installed directly after the hydraulic accumulator, if there is one in the system.

The water supply system of a private house is quite complex, and must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiPs and sanitary standards. Therefore, before you begin installing an indoor water supply system with your own hands, you should carefully read all the recommendations and draw up a detailed plan diagram. If you are not confident in your own knowledge, then it makes sense to seek advice from specialists.

In general, it is quite possible to create a water supply system for a private home with your own hands. This makes it possible to save significant financial resources, which would otherwise have to be paid to specialist plumbers.

For normal living, a constant supply of water is required. Multi-story houses, utilities are initially connected to the central water supply. With country houses and dachas, water supply issues will have to be resolved independently.

To solve problems, a number of difficulties will have to be overcome. Both paper and technical. However, a lot depends on how water will flow into the house.

There are two methods of water supply:

  • Central (there is no need to equip a water source, a tie-in into the water main is sufficient);
  • Autonomous (both delivery and digging of wells and boreholes).

Central water supply

Available locally. Central water supply is sometimes called automatic. To use such a source of water, a number of conditions must be met step by step:

  • Contact the regional office of Vodokanal and make a written statement.
  • Employees of the enterprise that controls the central highway will determine the optimal parameters for the connection, what the water supply device will look like, and determine the connection diagram.
  • Development and preparation of an estimate, which will include the cost of materials and necessary work.
  • Carrying out work on tapping into central system water supply under the direct control of Vodokanal representatives, or directly by the enterprise itself.
  • Checking the connection to the water source for compliance technical parameters(pressure, absence of leakage, correct operation of control devices).

Despite the convenience and ease of connecting to such a water supply source, it has a number of serious disadvantages:

Uneven water pressure (when there are many consumers on the line, the pressure may be very weak or even absent).

The incoming water is of questionable quality (poorly purified at filter stations, yellowish in color, with a metallic taste - due to faulty condition of water pipes, pumping units, stagnation of water, and other reasons).

Expensive (in some regions the tariffs for services are quite expensive).

Autonomous water supply

More complex look water supply, which includes a number of activities - from searching for a source, installing a water supply system, ending with sewerage facilities. You will have to do it yourself, according to the instructions.

Autonomous water supply can be divided into:

  • Imported delivery from a specific source (for example, from an artesian well);
  • Upon delivery to the consumer.

Briefly existing subsystems of autonomous water supply can be designated as follows:

  • By gravity (use of storage tank);
  • Automatic feeding (pumps are activated).

When there is no need for constant availability of water, or it is needed from time to time, a fairly simple, fairly cheap improvement is used - they install large tanks (usually the attic floor of a country house), into which water is supplied using a pump and filled manually.

The automatic feeding subsystem is much more complex. However, you can do it yourself. First, select the version of its device:

  • Open sources (river, lake, pond);
  • Underground sources (swimming pools, aquifers).

It should be noted that water from many open sources, due to its contamination, is hazardous to health and is suitable for technical needs and irrigation. This option has not found widespread use due to the high costs of purifying water and bringing it to sanitary standards.

Mainly to supply usable water to a private house, use communication schemes in which it is taken from natural underground sources. This subsystem has found the greatest application.

The water supply process is organized as follows:

  • There is a source (well, borehole);
  • A communications system is connected to it - hoses, pipes, pumps, filter elements;
  • They make sewage drains.

When the water from the well is acceptable for consumption (you can check with your neighbors) arrangement of the well - perfect option solving water supply problems.

Regardless of the availability of electricity, water can be taken from it using a bucket. The simplicity of the device is another advantage.

However, in order to dig it up, certain conditions must be met:

  • A water sample is taken and its suitability for consumption is determined;
  • In order not to dig a well “by eye”, we find out the quality of the soil, how deep the aquifer lies;
  • Determining the location of the well
  • We select building materials for finishing the shaft (usually reinforced concrete rings).

A good option is to make it on your own summer cottage igloo well (Abyssinian well). After checking the water for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and choosing a location, the well is plugged and a pump is installed.

The disadvantage of such a water supply system is that it can be driven to a shallow depth. The composition of the soil may prevent drilling a well.

Despite all the pros and cons, everyone decides for themselves how to arrange their water supply in a country house. In one case, the presence of tanks is enough, in another - you have to do complex system communications. It all depends on many conditions and factors that must be taken into account.

Photo of water supply of a private house

When wondering how to supply water to a private house, any owner ultimate goal makes it possible to gain independence from centralized networks and other general water systems located outside the household, having equipped an autonomous source.

But often, the device of such a water intake is, and the only possible option providing water to households. One of the methods of installing an autonomous water supply source and supplying water from it to the house will be discussed below.

Offline uses water resources have priority in the design and practical implementation water supply of a private house. When choosing the most optimal solution for arranging a water intake source, it is necessary to take into account the main condition - the presence of an aquifer on the site and its depth, as well as the purposes for which the extracted water will be used.

Therefore, the first and important step in installing a water source of any type will be. To do this, one should take into account the absence in the immediate vicinity of the planned source of trees, the roots of which will interfere with the work or will threaten the condition of the water intake in the future, power lines, own or neighboring outbuildings.

You should not install a water supply source closer than 40 m from household facilities containing waste. For example, cesspools, septic tanks, settling tanks. Within a radius of 1 km it is undesirable to be adjacent to industrial enterprises and landfills

No less an important condition, which influences the choice of method of extraction and transportation of water, as well as the location of the source on the property, is the distance from the surface of the earth to the aquifers.

Instructions for constructing a well

The well is one of the most ancient water intake facilities, but has not lost its relevance to this day.

The presence of a filter is mandatory for the following types of well bottom:

  • soft clay and is eroded, which is why the water in the bottom part of the well is cloudy;
  • sandy- water slowly seeps into the mine;
  • at the bottom of the well there is a floater, in the form of muddy streams of extremely saturated groundwater sand.

There are many materials for constructing a bottom filter.

To the most effective material for the bottom filter can be classified as large quartz sand. Before putting it into the well, the sand must be washed thoroughly under running water or by periodic stirring, followed by settling and draining of water in which residual silt and clay contaminants remain suspended

To achieve a greater effect, three-layer filtration, each layer 30 cm, is used. The first layer is washed quartz sand, river pebbles laid in a second layer, and large stones are poured on top.

To protect against floaters, a bottom filter shield made of boards with holes 1 cm in diameter is installed at the bottom of the well. The shield is wrapped in geotextile, pressed to the bottom with a layer of stones and covered with a layer of small pebbles - 10-15 cm.

Step 5 – arrangement of the above-ground part

Further arrangement of the well consists of filling the gap between the walls of the shaft and the rings with crushed stone or just soil, as well as constructing a clay castle. This ensures that the well is protected from rainwater and other domestic wastewater.

To create a clay castle, wet clay is placed in a ditch around the well, up to 0.5 m deep and up to 0.4 m wide, which is then compacted well to remove voids.

A constructed waterproof castle can be lined with bricks in one row, tiled or poured concrete blind area, raising it a little higher above ground level.

The work is being completed by equipping the above-ground part of the well. Here everything depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owner, but in any case, the well must be protected from rain, snow and dirt. In addition to a regular or decorative roof, it is imperative to build a lid that directly covers the well opening itself, and better yet, with a lock.

Organization of water supply to the house

An ordinary well can also be used as a source of water in the permanent water supply system of a private home.

Therefore, if the old-fashioned method of lifting water from a well - in buckets, with its delivery to the house on a rocker, does not suit the owner of the household, and the water supply is used in winter time, then there is no need to rush into completing the work of backfilling the well shaft. The reason is that access will be needed to insert a water pipe into the well in its deepened part.

The supply of water from the well to the house is carried out according to the following algorithm.

Stage No. 1 – preparation of tools and materials

At the initial stage, it is necessary to decide on the method of automatically transporting water to the house, outbuildings or for irrigation, as well as whether it will be used for this - submersible or surface.

Depending on the choice of water supply method, it is recommended to put on paper a water supply plan, in which all the main equipment and materials used are detailed. The presented diagram will help you draw up a plan for installing a water supply system using a pumping station

The pump power is selected so that the water pressure in any section of the pipeline is within 1.5 atmospheres, and the performance exceeds the maximum water flow by 25%. In addition, the operation of the pump must be linked to the debit of the source, to prevent air from entering the unit after all the water from the well has been exhausted.

If the water level in the well does not exceed 7 - 10 m, then optimal solution There will be equipment for a pumping station with a surface pump.

Required element in the water supply scheme, a hydraulic accumulator acts from the well. This is a storage tank that also allows you to create the required pressure in the network

When choosing pipes, it should be taken into account that modern way laying water pipes involves the use pipe products made of metal-plastic. The most popular are pipes with a diameter of 32 mm.

  • fitting;
  • tees;
  • bends;
  • adapters.

Compression fittings simplify the process of working with pipes. Their use does not require additional and expensive welding equipment.

Stage No. 2 - arrangement of a trench for pipes

The practical part of arranging the transportation of water to the house begins with digging a trench for laying water pipes.

When choosing the depth of laying communications, the following factors are taken into account:

The degree of soil freezing in a particular area can be determined by specialists from the nearest construction organization.

For example, for the central part of Russia this figure ranges from 1.35 m to 2 m. This error is caused not only climatic conditions regions, but also by soil type

Stage No. 3 – connection to a water supply source

An important stage is the work on arranging the passage of the pipe through the wall of the well.

The mandatory conditions that must be met in this case are:

  1. The hole for the pipe entry is equipped at the same level at which the water supply lines will be laid.
  2. The input node should not be placed at the junction of the rings.

A hole is drilled in the concrete ring, usually for an inch cut.

To the drive from outside well, a HDPE pipe is connected through a fitting. On inner part a fitting is installed to connect a vertical intake pipe to it. In our version with a pumping station or pipe to which a submersible pump is mounted

It is also recommended to implement the option of connecting to internal fitting a tee on which, in addition to the vertical intake pipe, you can install a drain valve on the horizontal outlet. This will be useful in the case when the house is not used for living in the winter, and the water from the system needs to be drained.

The hole in the concrete ring of the well, into which the through passage is installed, is carefully sealed with a special waterproofing mastic, which contains reinforcing fibers.

Wide rubber gaskets are placed on the same composition, applied to the internal and external walls of the well, on both sides, after which the squeegee is clamped with nuts and washers.

Stage No. 4 – pipeline installation

Having completed excavation and having equipped the entrance to the well, you can backfill and compact the remaining gap between the walls of the shaft and the outer walls of the well. Waterproof it and proceed directly to the installation of the water supply system.

Work begins with preparing the intake pipe section. To calculate its length, the fact that water must be drawn from the middle part of the water level in the well is taken into account.

And in order to prevent large suspensions from penetrating into the pipes and pumping station, it would not be superfluous to install a filter on the intake pipe. Ready-made corrugated water intake pipes are available for sale, already equipped with a check valve.

Having equipped the inside of the well, you can begin laying water pipes in the prepared trench - from the well to the house. Here it should be taken into account that a prudent owner will not skimp on additional materials, the use of which will be able to protect against more costly troubles in the future.

  • mechanical protection of pipes;
  • pipeline insulation;
  • redundancy of communications.

To protect the pipe from soil pressure and other influences, you can use inexpensive technological polyethylene or corrugated pipes.

Even if the water pipes are laid below the ground freezing line, as insurance against abnormal surprises of nature, it would not be a bad idea to hide them under any insulation, for example, from polystyrene foam boards, the cost of which is not so high

Considering the relatively low cost plastic pipes, in order not to have to carry out labor-intensive work of opening the entire trench, in search of a faulty area and repairing the main line, it is recommended to lay a reserve one next to the main one water pipe.

Stage No. 5 – final work

The final stage of supplying water supply to a house from a well is the installation of a pumping station. It allows you to economically use the resource of such expensive equipment as a pump. Having used maximum power when pumping water into the pump, the pump begins to operate in economical mode, squeezing out required amount fluids into the system.

For the pumping station it is necessary to equip a closed utility room, in which even in frosty conditions the temperature will not drop below 5 degrees Celsius

A check valve is installed at the inlet of the pump to protect the house from flooding from the main pipeline in the event of system malfunctions.

To monitor the pressure of the water supply and automatically, if necessary, turn it off and on, the pump is equipped with an electric contact pressure gauge.

The hydraulic accumulator is installed no lower than 1.5-2 m from the floor level, preferably in attic, in order to ensure a gravity supply of water during a power outage.

Considering the expensive equipment used, it is advisable to entrust the installation and connection of the pumping station, without special skills, to professionals.

Do not ignore sections of the water supply system where they come to the surface, entrances to the basement of the house or unheated basement. These areas are subject to enhanced thermal insulation or are equipped with electric heating.

The best, but somewhat labor-intensive, option is to bring a water pipe into the house under the foundation, through the basement, from the level of its depth in the trench

As insulation, the water pipe can be placed in a sleeve made of sewer pipe with damping polyethylene foam insulation.

For the convenience of possible replacement of the pipe, in places where there are passages through the base or ceiling, it is recommended to insert it through a sleeve made of a larger diameter pipe.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video about the technology of laying rings when constructing a well:

Useful tips for supplying water supply from a well to a house, taking into account the use of water supply in winter:

The option of installing an autonomous source of water supply in your household, the instructions for which are given above, is the most accessible for implementation.

Following step-by-step advice on getting water from a well will help you avoid unwanted mistakes, the correction of which can result in high costs.

If you have had to arrange water supply on your site yourself, please share your experience with visitors to our site. Perhaps there are nuances that need to be paid attention to? Leave your comments in the communication block located under the article.