Politek 3000 two-layer corrugated HDPE pipes. Politek pipes for internal sewerage

Pipes for internal sewerage POLITEK company is sewerage equipment High Quality, which has been repeatedly verified and passed testing in all respects. This brand put into production new material for production - polypropylene, which is completely safe for the environment. While other manufacturers still remain faithful to polyvinyl chloride, POLITEK takes care of environment and makes pipes for internal sewerage from safe raw materials.

This equipment has a number of characteristics. Firstly, it can be used in places with aggressive drains, that is, in hospitals, dry cleaners, factories, etc. This occurs due to the use durable materials, not exposed to chemical influences, easily withstanding hydraulic shocks and other technical influences. If there is a fire, this product will go out on its own; this is due to the fire retardants added to the raw materials. Thanks to these additives, polypropylene is a difficult-to-burn substance. Secondly, POLITEK pipes are able to withstand wastewater high temperature, the maximum value is +95⁰С. Third, this product is not subject to damage in the light, that is, the pipe can be exposed to direct sunlight for up to three years and nothing will happen to it. Even when exposed to low temperatures, the pipe will not lose its presentation; the manufacturing material is so durable that even sudden changes He won't care about temperatures. Therefore, these pipes can be used in houses where either hot or cold water. The system is completely sealed due to rubber seals. These seals are part of the pipes themselves and are produced at the factory. Installation of the entire sewer system is extremely easy; it is carried out using a designer system, that is, one part is attached to another. POLITEK sewer systems are much cheaper than pipes from other manufacturers, because polypropylene is in itself cheap material, which cannot be said about PVC pipes.

There will be no difficulties during recycling either, since this material recyclable and can be reused. PVC pipes are not recycled, which is why their production is significantly reduced. This is not the only reason why POLITEK switched to another material. The fact is that PVC, when burned, emits caustic gas that is harmful to humans. That is why sewer pipes of this brand are safer and more environmentally friendly. POLITEK – largest company for the production of internal sewer pipes. The products include such characteristics as durability, quality, environmental friendliness, safety and recyclability.

Double-layer profiled pipes "Politek" intended for installation external sewerage, are manufactured according to TU 48-009-52384398-2003 by Politek-PTK.

Safe polyethylene is used for manufacturing, which allows the use of ready-made pipes for installation sewer systems stormwater, sanitary and technical general purpose with the presence of ring fluid SN8 and SN4. Among the advantages of pipes, there is excellent resistance to chemical environments, impacts and a fairly low level of friction on the inner surface. Models without socket and pipes with perforation are used during installation drainage systems. The Politek 3000 modification has a wide range of shaped parts.

Pipe features

Politek pipes meet all stated quality requirements:

Ease of installation;
- high strength;
- durability;
- resistance to aggressive environments.

Due to the two-layer construction, these pipes have maximum strength, which is sufficient important point when installing a sewer system on industrial enterprises. This also has a positive effect on maintaining the original characteristics when burying pipes into the ground to great depths.

Regular and socket pipes

If we compare bell-shaped pipes with conventional ones, the former win in everything. They provide high efficiency due to longer service life and reducing transportation costs. Sewage pipes "Politek" socketed have high degree impact resistance, which further facilitates the installation and transportation process.

Flared pipes are much easier to install due to the built-in sockets. This reduces installation time and waste, eliminating the need to cut and use additional materials for connecting parts.

Pipe prices

Bell-shaped sewer pipes from the Politek company are offered at the following prices:

Politek socket pipes are sold in 6-meter sections. Each element or individual shaped element has a socket.

Polyethylene pipes of the Politek 3000 system are products with a profiled wall. This modern design plastic sewer pipes with corrugated outer and smooth inner surfaces. The walls are connected to each other at the production stage by continuous extrusion and form a reliable cast structure.

The pipes are lightweight, so they can be installed quickly and without the use of special lifting mechanisms. The two-layer design of the Politek 3000 corrugated pipes provides high stability to the effects of static and dynamic loads (earth layer), due to the elastic structure of the pipes they are highly resistant to seismic soil movements.

Smooth inner surface with low friction coefficient provides high speed passage of water. The degree of smoothness of the inner surface of polyethylene pipes is close to that of glass, so there is practically no sediment or blockages formed in them.

Despite their low weight, the pipes have high ring stiffness (at least 8 kPa - heavy class), due to which they can be used under conditions of significant external loads. Drainage pipes"Politek 3000" are produced without sockets and are connected to each other using couplings.

Double layer polyethylene pipes"Politek 3000" are resistant to aggressive substances. - This piping system without pressure and operating with partial filling. Biogenic sulfuric acid, which is formed when flowing through pipes waste water, and acid vapors in pipe voids lead to corrosion of pipe walls and reduce their service life. In concrete pipes, as a result of such corrosion, the thickness decreases by 1 mm annually. Cast iron sewer pipes are destroyed by corrosion approximately 8 times slower than concrete pipes, but 3 times faster than plastic pipes. In two-layer pipes made of Politek 3000 plastic there is practically no chemical wear and corrosion. The high chemical resistance of polyethylene pipes allows them to be used not only for the construction of sanitary, storm and general sewerage networks, but also for non-pressure underground industrial sewer systems used to drain various liquid chemical products, including aggressive ones.

The presence of sand and other mechanical particles in sewage drains places demands on pipes for resistance to abrasion. Plastic pipes"Politek 3000" have the greatest wear resistance compared to sewer pipes from other materials.

Polyethylene pipes "Politek 3000" are:

  • high quality production using advanced technologies;
  • ability to withstand increased soil pressure;
  • weight is 45% lower compared to similar smooth-walled plastic pipes;
  • low price of pipes;
  • high chemical resistance;
  • high ring stiffness;
  • quick and reliable installation without the use of special lifting mechanisms.

  • You can get more information about the design and functional advantages of Politek 3000 pipes