How to spray garden trees. Spraying fruit trees in spring must be done on time

No matter how hard gardeners try to do without spraying, trees have to be protected from diseases and insects. Without protective treatments You could lose your entire harvest. For fruit plants, both excessive amounts of pesticides and their lack are dangerous. The gardener must know the timing of spraying the garden. This allows you to avoid unnecessary, useless work.

When to spray fruit trees

Treatments begin long before harvesting and even the formation of the crop - in early spring. Finishes in late autumn. In summer, when pests are most active, the garden should also not be left unprotected.

Spraying is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. The procedure performed in colder weather will be useless.

According to the rules of agricultural technology

There is a standard garden spraying calendar that you can consult when developing your own protective measures:

SeasonPlant conditionPurpose of processingProcessed crops
Spring treatmentsBefore the buds swellFrom overwintering harmful insects and pathogenic microorganismsAll fruits and berries
During swelling and bud breakAgainst scab and other diseasesApple tree, pear tree
After the petals fallAgainst curliness, clusterosporosis, coccomycosisCherry, sweet cherry, plum
After the excess ovary falls offAgainst codling moth, fruit rotApple pear tree
Summer treatmentsDuring the growing seasonAgainst sucking and leaf-eating pestsAll fruit trees
During the growing seasonAgainst fungal diseases, powdery mildewAll fruit trees
Autumn treatmentsBefore harvestAgainst ticksApple pear tree
10-12 days before leaf fallDisinfectionAll fruit trees

According to the lunar calendar

According to lunar calendar, you need to treat plants on the waning moon. Pests living in fruits are treated when the night luminary is in the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. From insects and microorganisms living on leaves - in the signs of Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces.

MonthThe moon is waningDates of treatments against pests and fruit diseasesDates of treatments for pests and diseases that damage leaves
April1-15 4, 5, 14, 15, 23 11, 12, 13
May1-14, 30-31 1, 2, 3 9, 11, 12, 30,
June1-12, 29-30 8, 9 5, 6, 7
July1-12, 28-31 5, 6 2, 3, 4, 12, 30, 31
August1-10, 27-31 1 , 2, 10, 28, 29 8, 9, 27
September1-8, 26-30 6, 7, 26 4, 5
October1-8, 25-31 4, 5, 31 2, 3, 29, 30
November1-6, 24-30 1, 27, 28 6, 25, 26

The pesticide must be approved for use on private farms and on summer cottages. Those who want to have an environmentally friendly harvest can use folk remedies instead of chemicals.

Most pests and plant pathogens develop immunity to the drug that is used in the area. Advantage should be given to new means. Unfortunately, common insecticides such as Intavir, Karbofos, Iskra do not help everywhere. They have been replaced by more effective pesticides.


Fungicides are drugs against plant diseases. They contain a substance that has a detrimental effect on microscopic fungi, bacteria and viruses - sulfur, copper or iron.

Copper sulfate

The fungicide is suitable for spraying any trees: pome and stone fruit. The drug will be useful after pruning, when wounds appear on the tree that require disinfection.

It is recommended to spray the garden with copper sulfate to disinfect the bark and soil twice:

  • in March-April, before the first leaves appear;
  • late autumn, after leaf fall.

A kilogram of powder contains 980 grams of the active substance - copper sulfate. The period of protective action is 1 month.


  1. Dissolve 50 g of copper sulfate in 5 liters. water.
  2. Spray the bark, leaves, and trunk circles.
  3. The consumption rate is about 10 liters. per hundred.

The copper sulfate solution has a beautiful bright blue color. Do not be alarmed if the bark and foliage turn bluish after spraying. The color change is temporary.


It is a rapidly soluble, odorless substance consisting of iron and sulfur. Iron sulfate is not as toxic as copper sulfate, so it can be used when the trees are already bearing fruit. In a bag iron sulfate contains at least 50% of the active substance.

Before swelling of the kidneys, use a 3% concentration:

  • 150 gr. vitriol;
  • 200 gr. fluffies;
  • 5 l. water.

During the growing season, use a 1% solution:

  • 50 gr. vitriol;
  • 50-75 gr. fluffies;
  • 5 l. water.

Mixing process:

  1. Pour copper sulfate into a glass, enamel or plastic dishes and fill with a liter of warmed water.
  2. After waiting for the vitriol to completely dissolve, add water to the amount specified in the instructions.
  3. In a second container, dilute the lime with water.
  4. Pour copper sulfate into the lime in a thin stream. Not the other way around!


Topaz is a systemic remedy for protecting pome and stone fruit crops from powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. The advantage of Topaz is that it is not washed away by rain. Once it hits the leaves, it is absorbed and moves into the tissues, protecting the plants from the roots to the top.

To treat the garden against coccomycosis, powdery mildew and fruit rot, spraying is carried out in the summer, during the growing season. The waiting period is 7 days; up to 4 sprayings can be done during the summer. To obtain a working solution, 2 ml of topaz is diluted in 10 liters. water.

Tiovit Jet

The active ingredient of the drug is sulfur – 800 g. per 1 kg of product. Tiovit Jet is produced in the form of granules, which quickly disperse in water, forming a homogeneous suspension. After processing, the sticky mass remains on the surface of the leaves and bark for a long time.

The drug protects plants from two troubles at once: from mites and diseases. Under the influence of sulfur, insects and microscopic fungi quickly begin to die.

Preparation of working solution: 30-80 g. Dilute the drug in 10 liters. water. During the summer you can do from 1 to 6 treatments. The drug is not toxic to fish and birds.

Soda Ash

An alkaline solution made of soda and water helps against fungal diseases, especially powdery mildew.


  • 35 gr. water;
  • 10 gr. any liquid soap;
  • 5 l. water.

Mix the components and spray the garden when spots and plaques appear on the leaves.


Preparations for the destruction of harmful insects, their eggs and larvae are necessary in every area. Without insecticides, the gardener will lose most of the crop, which will become prey to hordes of caterpillars, beetles and aphids. When choosing a poison, you need to pay attention to whether it is allowed to be used in private gardens, and how many days must pass after treatment for the crop to cease being toxic to humans.


Protects apple and plum trees from codling moths and leaf rollers. The active ingredient is fenoxycarb. It is harmless to humans and bees, as it has only a third degree of danger.

Spraying of the garden is carried out during the growing season. Waiting period:

  • on an apple tree – 40 days;
  • on plum – 30 days.

No more than three treatments can be carried out per season. To prepare a working solution 6 g. of the drug or 1 packet of powder is diluted in 8-10 liters. water.

In order for the garden to meet your expectations, to please the eye and soul with a good harvest, it is necessary to provide it with the right professional care. Landscape workshop Lenotre-Park will be happy to take care of processing and spraying fruit trees and bushes. For this we have experienced specialists, special equipment. It’s easy to order garden treatment in Moscow and the Moscow region - just one call to the phone number indicated in the right column.

Cost of work:

Spring treatment of fruit trees is a series of measures aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases of trees and shrubs, to prevent the invasion of pests or to destroy them. The qualitative and quantitative indicators of the future harvest depend on how timely, efficiently, organized and competently the work is carried out.

Spring treatment of trees is carried out in several stages:

  • Before the growing season begins
  • Along the green cone when the buds hatch
  • During flowering
  • After flowering.

Spraying is also carried out outside this schedule, as necessary.

But at the same time you need to realize that spring spraying fruit trees is not a strictly regulated event in the sense that no one will say in advance exactly when and with what preparations to treat the garden, because each tree is unique in its characteristics and condition, and, accordingly, requires an individual approach. When planning the treatment of fruit trees in the spring, it is necessary to start, first of all, from the degree of infestation of the garden with certain insects and diseases. The “just in case” principle does not apply to trees. Excessive use of chemicals can adversely affect the well-being of plants, and is also undesirable for people and environment generally.

Landscape workshop LE-PARK provides services for comprehensive spring treatment of trees and shrubs in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our specialists carry out competent event planning, correct selection drugs, timely and high-quality spraying. You can order both comprehensive garden care and seasonal garden treatment.

First treatment before the kidneys awaken

At the beginning of March, when the snow has just melted and the daytime temperature has stabilized within +5°C, you can begin preventive or health measures.

Pruning and cleaning of trees and shrubs

Garden cultivation in early spring begins with pruning trees and shrubs. Tops, dead and frozen branches should be removed, and the thickened crown should be cleared. At the same time, it is necessary to treat areas of the bark damaged by rodents. The damaged areas are cleaned down to living wood tissue and must be treated first with copper sulfate (1% solution), then with rannet (the places where branches are cut when pruning are treated in the same way, copper sulfate is not necessary).

After this, it is necessary to carefully, without damaging the bark, clean the trunks and branches of exfoliated and cracked dead bark, fungal deposits, and lichens. Removed dead bark should not be left under the tree. It is advisable to first lay cellophane film or other bedding around the trunk and under the crown. After completing the work, collect the waste and burn it. If there are stumps in the garden that are a constant source of fungal diseases, they must be uprooted.

It is imperative to process hollows, if any. Clean them, disinfect them, lubricate them and leave them to dry, covering them from rain and dirt.

Processing of trunks

Next in the spring processing of trees is whitewashing of trunks and trunk branches. Task of this event– prevent the development of the remaining larvae laid by pests in the fall, scare away adult pests, which will soon wake up and kill fungal spores.

Effective for these purposes are modern means(ready-to-use), which can be purchased in specialized stores. They come in several types: aerosol, water-dispersion, acrylic. They usually contain fungicides. It is desirable that the mixture allows air to pass through, which is especially important for young trees.

You can prepare a solution for whitewashing trees yourself. To do this, dilute 2 kilograms of slaked lime in a bucket of water, add 1 kg of clay and 250 g copper sulfate. Some people add laundry soap and glue. Mix everything well. Use this mixture to whiten the trunks and lower parts of tree branches.

It is also necessary to prepare tree trunk areas for processing. If autumn work have not been carried out, this needs to be given the closest attention. Remove and burn last year's leaves and mummified fruits.

First spraying of trees and shrubs in early spring

The very first spring spraying of trees is mandatory. Spraying is carried out before the buds awaken, and it is aimed primarily against fungal diseases - scab, coccomycosis, leaf spot, against mosses and lichens, etc., as well as against aphids, mites, apple moth caterpillars, copperheads, etc.

How to spray trees in early spring? There are many drugs on sale now. The problem is that they are often narrowly targeted. Therefore, pay attention to the description when purchasing. It is better to use broad-spectrum drugs. It is clear that it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, for a person far from gardening to quickly understand the intricacies of this matter. The right decision will seek help from professionals who know exactly what, when, how much and how.

But, if this is not possible, for one reason or another, then we advise you to use proven and reliable means. These are copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, urea, iron sulfate. Pay attention to mixtures of urea and copper sulfate. They are good because, in addition to their direct function of plant protection, they act as a nitrogen fertilizer and delay the growing season for a week and a half. Both additional factors useful. Nitrogen fertilizing is quite appropriate at the start, and late flowering reduces the risk of spring frosts.

Trees should be sprayed generously, starting from the surface of the crown and gradually moving inward, towards the trunk from top to bottom. The areas around the trunk also need to be thoroughly treated with the solution, and then the area must be closed. tree trunk circles black film (the film is removed after flowering ends). This is done in order to reduce the likelihood of harmful insect larvae emerging from the soil.

After spraying, you can put hunting belts on the trees. And although the insects have not yet awakened, very soon their hordes will rush onto the trees.

As for the bushes - currants and gooseberries, they are processed immediately after the snow melts. On gooseberries, it is necessary to cut out branches damaged by American powdery mildew; on currants, cut out branches with unnaturally swollen buds in which female currants have settled kidney mite(take the cut branches outside the garden and burn them). Shrubs are sprayed with solutions of iron sulfate or nitrafen.

Second spring treatment along the green cone

By the time the buds hatch, the life of flora and fauna will fully resume after winter and it will become a little clearer what troubles threaten the garden. In addition, an attentive gardener can already, to some approximation, predict outbreaks of diseases and the activity of certain types of pests (taking into account current and last year’s observations).

Selection of preparations for treating trees and shrubs in this spring time is not an easy task. Every year, dozens of new products are released, to which pests adapt throughout the year. No matter how good this or that drug is, it is not able to solve all problems comprehensively, in one go. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and accurately diagnose diseases, determine the type of pests and select appropriate means of protecting and treating trees.

If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region, qualified gardeners from the Lenotre Park landscape workshop are at your service. You can get professional advice at any time or use the services of specialists for spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs.

Preparations, depending on the condition of the trees, can be chemical or biological.

Chemicals are quite radical drugs with some undesirable side effects on the environment.

Biological products are harmless to the environment, animals, pollinating insects and people. Their production is based on the use of living microorganisms (bacteria, bacterial viruses, antagonist fungi). They are not so aggressive towards pests and to achieve results, spraying is carried out more often.


  • Bordeaux liquid– broad-spectrum fungicide
  • Fufanon– a broad-spectrum insecticide against ticks, weevils, leaf rollers, scale insects, raspberry beetles, aphids, thrips, moths, moths, etc.
  • Decis– insecticide of contact-intestinal action against Homoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera
  • Inta-Vir– enteric-contact insecticide to combat aphids, leaf-eating caterpillars, thrips, whiteflies
  • Akarin– a broad-spectrum insecticide for the destruction of mites, aphids, sawflies, codling moths, leaf rollers, and garden pests.
  • Bi-58– insectoaccaricide is effective against mites, scale insects, leaf rollers, codling moths, copperheads, moths, and root pests.

Biological products:

  • Lepidocide– for treatment against caterpillars, false caterpillars, sawflies on fruit and berry and forest deciduous and coniferous trees.
  • Bitoxibacillin (BTB-202) completely repeats the effect of the previous drug, and is also used against spider mites.
  • Gaupsin– used against all fungal diseases, as well as against mites, codling moths, leaf rollers, and aphids.
  • Fitoverm– recommended for the fight against mites, codling moths, many types of aphids, apple moths, sawflies, thrips, leaf rollers.

Spraying trees during flowering

During flowering, the garden is not treated with insecticides and fungicides. You can use biological products that stimulate the formation of the ovary. This is especially true when, during the flowering period of trees, the weather is not conducive to the flight of bees. Actually, the drug is called “Ovary” or “Universal Ovary”. It is classified as a growth stimulant.

Fruit trees are treated twice - during the period of active flowering, and during the period of fruit formation (7-10 days after the first spraying).

Berry bushes are also sprayed twice - in the budding phase, and during the formation of the ovary.

During flowering, the intensity of work in the garden decreases. You can take the time to fill cavities that have been cleaned and disinfected earlier.

Spraying trees and shrubs after flowering

By the time fruit formation begins, all insects have already woken up and are aimed at creating voracious offspring that will destroy all future harvest together with the foliage - a couple of trifles. Therefore, we must not lose our vigilance. At this time, fruit trees are treated against pests, guided by the principle of an individual approach.

For apricot, the main threats are clasterosporia blight and monilial blight. Regardless of previous treatments, apricot trees need to be treated with copper oxychloride or a 1% solution of copper sulfate. If aphids and leaf rollers are present, add insecticide to the spray solution.

Plum most often suffers from moniliosis, clasterosporiasis, polystigmosis, etc. Copper oxychloride with the addition of an insecticide (if necessary) is used for spraying.

Sweet cherries and cherries are susceptible to clasterosporiosis, coccomycosis, aphids appear on the foliage, leaf roller, cherry fly, etc. are activated. Trees are treated with topsin and copper oxychloride against fungal diseases. For insects - spraying with Zolon, Sumition.

On pear and apple trees after flowering, the appearance of powdery mildew, scab and other spots on the foliage is often observed. It is necessary to spray with fungicides such as Vectra, Rubigan, Strobi, Skor. Repeat spraying after 12 days, changing the drug to another.

And thus it is necessary to analyze and spray all the fruit trees and shrubs in the garden.

After the trees have finished flowering, there is a high risk of sawflies, mites, aphids, leaf rollers, and other pests. At the first signs of the presence of these “friends” of the garden, it is necessary to treat the trees with broad-spectrum insecticides - BI 58N, Rogor S, Mitak, Danadim, etc.

Price for garden treatment in spring (Moscow/Moscow region)
Package name Col. hundred square meters Service cost Note
Package “Dacha” from 6 to 20 acres. 6-20 acres from 10,000 – promotional price from 8,000 rubles
Package “Cottage”– one-time visit of a plant protection specialist for complex spraying of the garden ( All trees and shrubs up to 15 meters high are processed) from diseases/pests. This option is considered optimal for land owners from 21 to 50 acres. 21-50 acres from 14,000 – promotional price from 12,000 rubles. Promotion for spring treatments until May 30, 2019. The cost of this service depends on the distance of the object outside the Moscow Ring Road. Trees over 15 meters in height are calculated individually.
Package “Estate”– one-time visit of a plant protection specialist for complex spraying of the garden ( All trees and shrubs up to 15 meters high are processed) from diseases/pests. This option is considered optimal for land owners from 51 to 100 acres. 51-100 acres from 18,000 – promotional price from 16,000 rubles. Promotion for spring treatments until May 30, 2019. The cost of this service depends on the distance of the object outside the Moscow Ring Road. Trees over 15 meters in height are calculated individually.

There is a common misconception that the main thing is to plant a garden, after which you can calmly wait for the harvest without investing time and energy into caring for the trees. Like all myths, this one has little to do with reality.

In order for the garden to reward its owners with fruits, you will have to work hard, in particular, spray the fruit trees in a timely manner in the spring. Treatment must be carried out skillfully, using solutions with strictly defined concentrations of active substances, which will eliminate the possibility of harm to plants.

Purpose of spraying

The purpose of the procedure is to feed with nutritious minerals and to combat pests that live in abundance on trees. In addition to insects, the spraying process combats viral and fungal diseases of trees.

It is known that root system approximately equal in size to the crown of trees. Having visualized it, it becomes clear that it is almost impossible to provide nutrition to the roots with one watering.

Spraying trees allows you to add useful substances much more effectively, because the leaves have a huge total surface area and have a high absorption capacity.

In addition, a good device ensures that chemicals reach all parts of trunks, branches, cuttings and the underside of leaves, which is very useful for combating larvae and adult pests.

Spraying timing

Treatment of fruit trees must be carried out at certain times of the year according to a schedule. Spontaneous spraying is not as effective. The frequency of work largely depends on climatic conditions, amount of precipitation, age and condition of the garden. Experienced amateurs and professionals are able to determine the need of trees for this or that help based on several signs. The main spraying work is carried out in the warm season, starting from early spring and ending with the period following the fall of the leaves. For convenience, you can create an approximate calendar so as not to miss deadlines.

in spring

The first spraying can be carried out before the buds open, at the very beginning of March, when the temperature begins to rise to small positive values. Insects harmful to trees early time are still in a state of hibernation, so the chemicals act on the trunks and branches, attaching particles of the drug to them.

At the end of March, in most regions, the temperature rises so much that pests begin to wake up and become active. At the same time, the first buds appear, which obliges the gardener to very carefully select the dosage of preparations for treatment.

Note! Before you start spraying, you should shake off any old remaining foliage from the branches, carefully collect it on the ground and throw it away. It’s better to treat it with lime beforehand or burn it in a specially designated oven to prevent diseases from multiplying.

Infected areas remain on older leaves, which can become a source of infection for the tree in the coming season. If there are moldy pieces of bark with moss or lichen on the trunks, they need to be scraped off. In young gardens such problems do not occur; noticeable lichen lesions on the trunk usually take years to multiply.

Gooseberry and currant bushes are doused with boiling water from a watering can at the very beginning of March (until the buds swell). This folk method pest control (mites, powdery mildew).

The next spring spraying is done at the time of flowering, when many insects are active, therefore, you need to get rid of them immediately and try to use special chemicals to increase the trees’ resistance to pests.

The final spring spraying is carried out after the end of flowering to destroy particularly persistent insects and prevent the appearance of fungal diseases on plants.

In summer

At the end of spring and beginning of summer, an ovary appears on the branches, the development of which requires nutrients. Feeding in June is a guarantee good harvest, so you need not to be lazy, but carry it out carefully, taking into account the specific composition of the local soil and the needs of specific species of garden trees and shrubs. Processing useful substances should be repeated in several stages until the fruit ripening stage occurs, which will ensure adequate nutrition.

in autumn

Final spraying to prepare fruit trees for wintering they do it at the end of autumn after the harvest and leaves fall. Sources of infections, fungi, and rot should not be left on the trunk, which can strengthen over the winter and begin to multiply with renewed vigor in early spring. Trees and shrubs should enter the winter season in absolutely healthy condition, which will reduce the amount of necessary spring work, will increase the chances of getting a good harvest next year.

How to spray trees

  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • homemade tinctures and extracts.

Over centuries of spraying experience, traditional methods have emerged, which are often preferred by old-school gardeners. Taking into account the changing environmental situation, sometimes it is necessary to resort to new means that can stop the proliferation of specific pests.

Application of urea

Urea is a universal substance with an active multifunctional action that can help fight insects, fungi, and also feed trees.

The properties of urea, which chemists often call urea, are due to its high nitrogen content and active participation in the metabolic reactions of pests. It is important to remember that the recommendations for diluting the solution must be carefully followed. This applies to all drugs with high activity, especially urea.

In early spring, trees are treated with solutions containing a large mass fraction of urea. At this time, there are still no leaves or buds and the likelihood of causing burns is minimal.

In summer, spraying should be carried out with diluted urea solutions, the effect of which is quite sufficient for feeding plants, because the mass fraction of nitrogen in the substance reaches almost 47%.

Spraying with copper sulfate

The mechanism of action of many substances from the class of salts is almost the same; they block enzymatic metabolic reactions in the body of pests, thus ensuring neutralization. Copper sulfate poisons pests according to a similar principle; in addition, salt destroys fungal infections, helps fight the following types of tree infections:

  • scab;
  • moniliosis;
  • anthracnose;
  • other diseases that cause rot and mold.

Crystal hydrate of copper sulfate (copper sulfate) is highly soluble in water and active in low concentrations.

For spraying, use Bordeaux mixture - a solution of copper sulfate in lime milk. Copper sulfate is diluted separately (100 g per 5 liters of water, prepared only in a non-metallic container), and lime is diluted separately (the same proportion). Then pour the vitriol into the lime solution, stir and pour the liquid into the spray tank.

What is iron sulfate

A solution of copper sulfate in a hydrated state (ferrous sulfate) has specific activity, expressed in the following types of action:

  • fungicidal;
  • feeding plants with iron.

The dissolved substance has a greenish color, spreads well over the surface of the leaves when sprayed, and provides a noticeable positive antifungal effect. Feeding with iron is especially important for apple trees, which accumulate it in their fruits. If the lack of iron manifests itself noticeably in the form of white spots on the leaves, half a kilogram of crystals should be dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of water for spraying. With regular feeding, it is enough to dissolve 10 g of iron sulfate in 10 liters of water.

Treatment with home remedies

Folk methods of protecting gardens from pests combine both chemical and biological methods influences that were found intuitively and experimentally. Their effectiveness has been proven for many tens (sometimes even hundreds) of years.

Spraying the garden with infusions gives a good effect onion peel, crushed garlic cloves, dry powdered or green leaf tobacco. All these plants have a specific smell, which significantly reduces the number of pests on trees.

To enhance the effect, you can add green soap to the extracts, sold in gardening stores. In composition it is similar to ordinary laundry soap, known for its antimicrobial effect. The difference is that green soap additionally contains vegetable oils and some fats, due to which the effect on pests is enhanced.

Tobacco is good for the gardener not only in the form of a tincture; it can be used to fumigate plants to kill aphids. Shredded tobacco leaves are placed on small stacks of straw in safe places between the trees and set on fire. The enveloping smoke will drive out aphids not only from the trees in your garden, but also from your neighbors.

In addition to spraying and fumigation, timely whitewashing of the lower part of the trunk has a beneficial effect on trees. This should be done in autumn or early spring, in March-April, when the temperature does not yet exceed 5 °C. Whitewashing for May Day will give your garden a festive look, but will not save you from pests, which by this time will have already left the ground and taken up positions on the trunks and branches.

Whitening can be done with a traditional lime solution or with new products, available in abundance in specialized stores.

Biological agents

The mechanism of action of biological preparations is based on the fact that one beneficial microorganism is sprayed, which happily eats pests.

  • trichodermin is a fungus that destroys scab and rot;
  • planriz - a concentrate of microbes that eat powdery mildew, brown rust and even some insects.

“Pentophage”, “Phytodoctor”, “Fitosporin” exhibit a similar effect. With all due respect to the developers of biological products for the garden, the author has some caution about the possibility of their use, because it is very easy to shift the balance in one direction or another, but it is important not to overdo it and not to populate the “guests” in excess.

How to properly process

Spraying requires careful execution of the process in all its details, which consists of mandatory protection of the gardener’s face, hands, and body from solutions, making the right choice concentration of the active substance and ability to use the pump.

You can spray it the old fashioned way with a broom only on bushes or small trees, but for the rest of the garden you definitely need a manual or electric pump. The choice of model is determined by the size of the garden and budgetary possibilities.

For spraying manual device you need to be in good physical shape, which will allow you to carry a container of liquid on your back and constantly pump up the pump to ensure good jet power.

Electric models are much easier and more convenient to use; it is important to ensure a safe connection, after which you can work safely.

Note! For many reasons, spraying cannot be done in high humidity and windy weather.

You need to choose the weather without strong wind, precipitation on this and the next day, fortunately, current virtual sources of information allow this to be done.

During operation, the container with the solution must be shaken periodically to ensure uniform distribution. active drug in its entirety. Trees must be sprayed evenly from all sides, without leaving untreated areas, for the procedure to have the expected result. If you pay attention to your work, success will be undoubted.

Thus, spraying apple trees helps protect them from aphids, which often form nodules on the tree bark, which subsequently crack and turn into ulcers. If you do not stop the aphids in time, which in addition to apple trees often affects plums, pears, cherry plums and apricots, then the leaves of the tree will begin to curl and then fall off. The tree itself may stop growing and dry out.

And spraying a plum is primarily aimed at protecting it from chafer, eating fruit buds and leaves. The larvae of this insect are especially dangerous for a young orchard, since they severely damage the roots, which can cause the death of plants.

Spraying pear, apple, plum and cherry trees allows you to save not only leaves, but also ripened fruits from caterpillars and butterflies, thereby preserving the ripening harvest.

When to spray fruit trees?

Hearing about the benefits of treatment and knowing when to spray trees are two different things. Untimely spray application orchard, will not allow you to achieve the desired result in full best case scenario and will leave you without a harvest for the worse. Treatment of fruit trees must be carried out not only when fruits have already formed on them, but also long before that, in early spring, and even after the entire harvest has been harvested and the leaves have fallen - in late autumn, and, of course, in summer, at the height of pest activity.

Based on many years of experience of gardeners, a certain tree spraying calendar has been compiled, which indicates when and with what to spray the trees. That is, based on the collection and systematization of the experience of different gardeners, a certain sequence of actions was established that gives the best harvest result. When compiling such calendars, we take into account not only the start period of the activity, but also what is best to use at this time. For example, the gardener’s calendar will indicate not only when to spray trees in the spring, but also what to spray them with in each spring month and the same recommendations for other seasons.

Spraying trees in spring

Of course, it’s up to you to decide what to spray your fruit trees in the spring, because this is your garden. Yes, and today there is a huge variety of garden treatment products that are suitable both for early spring work before the formation of buds in apple, pear and plum trees, and during the blossoming of leaves, flowering and fruit formation.

The most commonly used products by domestic gardeners are:

  • carbamide (urea);

It is not possible to give clear preference to any drug, since their action may be more aimed at a certain type of threat than others, or its effect may be so strong that it can damage the leaves of the tree, so it is used only in early March or at the end of October. Another recommendation for garden treatment is to stop using chemicals when fruits appear, as well as the use of any spray preparations 3 weeks before harvest.

Copper sulfate

It is recommended to spray trees with copper sulfate twice during the summer season. Once - in early spring, before the first buds appear on your trees, since even a solution diluted in the recommended proportions can damage young leaves; vitriol is also used if there are wounds on the fruit tree that require disinfection. Typically, this fungicide is used to treat pear, plum and apple trees in early March and late October. Treating plums with copper sulfate helps protect the plum orchard from curl, moniliosis, coccycosis and clasterosporosis, and protects apple and pear trees from phyllosticosis, curl, scab and moniliosis.

If your orchard consists of young trees up to 6 years old, then a solution of copper sulfate will need up to 2 liters per 1 fruit seedling and up to 10 per adult fruit-bearing pear or apple tree.

It is recommended to spray fruit trees with copper sulfate in the morning or evening on a windless day at temperatures from +5°C to +30°C, but in no case higher. Since this fungicide is a very aggressive drug, it is recommended to dilute it away from animals and people and ensure that its residues do not fall into wells and other water supplies or bodies of water.

Urea (urea)

Spraying trees with urea can be done as first care for apple, plum and pear trees a week after flowering, or as a latest training trees for the winter. Of course, each such treatment will require its own special concentration and will simultaneously achieve an additional effect that will save the future harvest.

As the first treatment of fruit trees, high-concentration urea with a small addition of copper sulfate allows not only to destroy pest larvae, but also, which is especially important when spraying plums, to slow down the rate of its awakening from the winter hut by 1-2 weeks. This will protect the sensitive plum blossom from early frosts.

With a weaker concentration of urea (50 g per 10 liters of water), the orchard is sprayed a week after flowering to protect fruit plants from apple blossom beetle, copperhead, aphids, leaf roller caterpillars, etc.

Autumn spraying of trees with urea, as urea was previously called, can be carried out when about 40-50% of the foliage has fallen from the branches. In this case, the concentration of the solution should be higher than during flowering, but less than 500 g per 10 liters. Or, after waiting for the leaves to fall completely, you can use solutions of more concentrated urea - 7-10%, preparing the garden for the next season and spraying not only the trunks and branches themselves, but also the ground, using the drug for two purposes at once: as a fungicide and as a fertilizers

But if you hurry up and apply this remedy such a high concentration, the leaves may get burned and, as a result, fall off ahead of schedule, leaving the orchard with less nutrients for the winter, which can reduce their resistance to frost.


Spraying trees with iron sulfate, like its copper counterpart, is usually carried out twice a year during periods when the garden has either not yet begun to turn green or is already preparing for the winter.

Spraying fruit trees with iron sulfate has a double effect: on the one hand, the garden receives iron, which is so necessary for plants, in an accessible form, which plays an important role in the respiration of plantings, and on the other hand, it is an effective protection against pests. Particularly sensitive to iron deficiency are orchards consisting of apple, pear or plum trees, which exhibit metal deficiency in their own way - low yield or incomplete development of fruits.

If the orchard mainly consists of old apple trees, plums and pears, then spraying is carried out not only at the beginning of spring, but also at the end of autumn, which helps fight not only pests, but also destroy lichen, moss, scab, cytosporosis, black cancer , septosporosis, and cytosporosis on the bark and branches, allowing the plant to accelerate its growth rate and increase the yield of the plant next year.

Preparation 30

Preparation 30 for spraying pear, plum or apple trees is recommended for use in early spring or late autumn, at a concentration of 200 g per 10 liters of water. Treating fruit plants with this product allows you to get rid of whiteflies, false scale insects, leaf rollers, scale insects, aphids, moths, copperheads, scale insects, red and brown fruit mites that have overwintered on the bark. No less effective this drug and to combat larvae in summer period. According to the manufacturer, it is safe for the tree itself, since it combats pests without poisoning them various substances, and with the help of a thin film that forms on the bark treated with the solution, and disrupts the water balance and gas exchange of pests affected by the treatment at such stages as larvae or eggs. By creating unfavorable conditions for the existence of pests, the drug leads to their rapid death.

And although this effect seems to be achieved using a method that is harmless to fruit plantings, given the formation of a film and the decay period of some elements of the drug 30, some gardeners do not recommend its use more often than once every 3 years.

Diesel fuel

Diesel fuel, like other petroleum products, is used for spring and autumn processing garden for many decades, but it must be used with great care. The fact is that spraying trees with diesel fuel can lead to burns or death of fruit plants.

Therefore, spraying fruit trees with diesel fuel must be treated very responsibly, and most importantly, apply the mixture at the right time. If this is Vesta, then fruit plants such as apple trees, pears, plums should be processed not only before the leaves form, but preferably even before the buds form, and in the autumn it is better to wait until the leaves fall completely after the first frost.

Diesel oil for processing an orchard in pure form no one uses it, but it is mixed with plenty of water and other substances, reducing its destructive activity. But treatment with diluted diesel fuel may even be recommended if the apple or plum tree has a sharp corner that has begun to rot over the years. In this case, annual use of this substance can prevent decay processes.

Tree sprayer

Processing of the orchard is carried out using special manual or mechanical principle actions. A device for spraying trees is simply an indispensable thing for caring for an orchard, since it protects the gardener from contact with chemicals and allows the product to be evenly distributed throughout the plantings. Each such device is equipped with a pump for supplying the spraying agent. To work with powdered chemicals, there are devices with air blowers.

Mechanical models are much more convenient than manual ones, but they are several times more expensive and provided that the gardener small garden, are an unjustified luxury. At the same time, a manual apparatus requires constant pressure created for processing pears, plums, apple trees and other representatives of the orchard, which is ensured by pumping with the gardener’s hands. But the pumping principle is different for different devices: some devices operate on preliminary pumping, while others operate on constant pumping. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. The gardener must choose the most suitable model for himself.

As you can see, there are a lot of aspects, from the weather forecast for the next month and analysis of the prevalence of certain pests in the region in the current season, to analysis of the condition of your orchard, its average age, etc., which is important to consider when choosing the time and spray means. Therefore, novice gardeners, as well as those for whom it is important to get maximum yield with a minimum of effort, are better off turning to our company’s specialists for help with garden maintenance. All the people working at the Sovereign company are highly qualified specialists who will carry out competent processing of your orchard at a low cost and tell you how else you can increase productivity.

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Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Any summer resident always wants to see his garden as beautiful and healthy as possible. There are many ways to do this, but spring spraying remains the most basic. Find out how to protect trees from pests and help them to fully bear fruit in the new summer season.

When to spray trees in spring

The most important issue in spraying fruit trees in the spring is the right time for this. The first stages of preparation for summer season begin already in March, however, fruit processing should begin only when the average daily temperature stabilizes at around +5 degrees. Often such forecasts occur in the second half of March, so it is better not to rush and wait for suitable/weather conditions so as not to harm your garden.

Spring treatment of the garden against pests and diseases includes inspecting the trees for the presence of deep cracks in which pests could have entered. It is advisable to brush along the entire trunk to clear it of old bark, remove dead branches, and, in general, bring the tree into a well-groomed appearance. It is necessary to prepare a solution for spraying only on the day of the procedure, otherwise there will be no benefit from your work.

Frequently asked question: is it possible to spray trees during flowering? The answer is clear - no, otherwise you can destroy all the flowers. In general, in spring there are several types of spraying:

  1. Martovskoe– aimed at protecting plums, pears, and apple trees from harmful microorganisms formed over the winter. Produced exclusively at an average daily temperature of +5 degrees.
  2. April's– protects the buds of fruit trees from spring frosts, prolonging the hibernation stage of the tree. Blooming occurs a little later, but this does not in any way affect the further fertility of the plant.
  3. Mayskoe– after flowering it is necessary for protection against pests and diseases. This way you will protect the garden from a variety of bacteria, which during the summer can spoil not only appearance bark, but also the fertility of the tree.

How to treat a garden in spring against diseases and pests

There are several preparations for spraying fruit trees in spring. Each is aimed at combating certain harmful factors. Knowing their action and processing methods, you will be able to determine when or which drug needs to be used at the moment. Remember that they are all highly toxic substances, so it is very important to take care of your own and others' safety.

Preparations for treating fertile trees are divided into biological, chemical or combined agents. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Yes, poisonous chemical solutions They last only a few weeks and then completely lose their properties. Biological agents are not so dangerous for people or animals, but you also need to work with them carefully. Their disadvantage is that they act only on a number of specific diseases and bacteria of fruit trees and shrubs, while chemicals literally kill all pests.

If you don’t know what to spray trees in the spring before the buds open, then the most popular spraying agents among summer residents are still combination preparations, which are very effective and do not require large quantity spraying throughout the summer season. To understand which remedy is best for you, you need to know the effect of each, and only then choose perfect option for yourself and your garden.

Nitrophen for garden spraying

Very a powerful tool is Nitrophen. The substances destroy larvae or laid eggs of pests within winter period. This product should be used to treat trees that are in the wintering stage, that is, right in mid-March. You should not use Nitrofen on trees that have already woken up and are beginning to leaf out. Poisonous substance can burn buds and foliage, which leads to the death of the tree.

Treating fruit trees in the spring with Nitrofen is very effective in combating moss, lichen, and gets rid of spots, aphids, various caterpillars, mites and leaf rollers. You must use the product exactly following the instructions. Don't forget to protect yourself with gloves, clothing and waterproof shoes. Try to keep children and animals away from the tree treatment area.

Treating trees with copper sulfate in spring

Another remedy suitable for protecting trees in early spring is copper sulfate. This solution will be especially useful for fruit-bearing trees if they have cracks or wounds that require mandatory care in the form of disinfection. You can also use vitriol at the close of the season - in October after harvesting the entire harvest.

An important point in the use of this product is the temperature at which processing is possible: from +5 to +30 degrees. You cannot treat fruit trees that have buds, much less leaves. Better conditions- windless day. This will protect other plants from getting hit. chemical substance on the leaves (if they have already appeared), will not harm you or the animals. Copper sulfate, like any other protective agent for fruit trees and shrubs, should be sprayed away from bodies of water with drinking water.

Treating trees with iron sulfate in spring

Iron sulfate compensates for the lack of iron sulfate in shrubs: currants, raspberries, roses or some vegetable crops. It is necessary to spray fruit trees in the spring before the growing season, otherwise you will greatly harm the leaves, and subsequently the fruits (or rose flowers). Very important information: The dosage of iron sulfate is 50 g per 10 liters of water. For some reason, product manufacturers rarely indicate this information on the packaging, so summer residents often look for help in various sources, which are not always reliable.

Spraying with urea

An excellent protector against pests, scab, and fungal diseases is urea, or urea in other words. In addition, this product is a nitrogen fertilizer for the soil. Treating apple trees with urea in the spring prolongs the tree's hibernation, so the appearance of flowers and buds occurs much later. This protects them from death during spring frosts, which appear suddenly and rarely can any gardener predict in advance when this will happen.

Like other early spring sprayers, urea is used at temperatures not lower than +5. It should stabilize, that is, both day and night the thermometer should show no less than this indicator. Spraying fruit trees in the spring with urea protects them from pests that lay their larvae in winter: copperhead, aphids, and weevils. To dilute the drug, you will need:

  • urea – 700 g;
  • copper sulfate – 50 g;
  • water – 10 l.

Video: Spraying grapes in spring

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