How to get rid of large spiders in an apartment. Spiders in the house (apartment) - methods of extermination, store and folk remedies

Seeing a spider hardworkingly scurrying its web in the corner of the room, many of us experience conflicting feelings: on the one hand, we want to kill this vile creature, on the other hand, somewhere in the corner of our minds our grandmother’s superstitions are still alive that spiders scurry about happiness and prosperity . In fact, spiders are useful: they destroy harmful domestic insects. But in any case, neither insects nor arthropods have a place in our home. We need to get rid of such “neighbors”.

Cleanliness and order against spiders in the house. All types of spiders are very voracious: total weight insects (cockroaches, moths, flies, ants, mosquitoes) that each individual eats per day exceeds its own weight. It’s unpleasant to even think that such pests live very close to us.

Spiders appear in places where there is chaos. Another undoubted benefit of arthropods: dust sticks to the threads of the web, making the air in the room cleaner. But wouldn’t it be better if the owners deal with dust themselves rather than entrust this task to furry “helpers”?

So, before you get rid of spiders (physically destroy them), you need to deprive them of:

  • food base;
  • habitual habitat;
  • access to the home.

The first step to eliminating spiders is regular cleaning:

  • remove all carpets, hang them outside, knock out the dust;
  • Sort through wool and fur items in closets, lay out traps and poison for moths. Sticky tapes that are coated with a substance containing pheromones are very effective. You will be surprised how many moths stick to them. Moths often appear in ikebana arrangements made from dried flowers. Therefore, last year’s bouquets and wreaths of ears of corn, immortelle and thistles, with which many housewives like to decorate their kitchens, will have to be thrown away;
  • flies live in food waste - therefore, from now on you must take out the trash can every day and periodically disinfect it with chlorine-containing detergents;
  • Cobwebs, which often cover corners, the backs of sofas and cabinets, can be conveniently removed using a vacuum cleaner with the nozzle removed. The web is pulled into the hose along with the nests (they look like round white seals with a diameter of 1–1.5 cm). By removing maximum amount nests, you can be sure that young spiders will not hatch from eggs. Remove the cobwebs under the ceiling with a long pole, the end of which is wrapped in gauze. Clean the vacuum cleaner and gauze immediately;
  • make sure that dust does not accumulate on furniture, carpets and walls;
  • Wash and polish the floors thoroughly (if they are not varnished). It is better to rub the floor with mastic diluted with turpentine: cockroaches are afraid of this smell;
  • check all the pipes in the bathroom and toilet: there should be no dampness, which cockroaches and woodlice love;
  • ventilate the room regularly, as spiders do not tolerate drafts;
  • spread the plaster and carefully seal all the cracks in the floor, especially in the kitchen: spiders, ants and cockroaches enter the apartment through these holes;
  • cover with fine metal mesh ventilation holes;
  • check mosquito nets and replace broken ones;
  • cover the walls with new wallpaper - spiders in the apartment will disappear for several years, since wallpaper glue contains insecticides (dangerous poison for spiders and other insects);
  • if you live in a private house, to deal with spiders, you will have to visit perfect order in the attic and basement. Ruthlessly throw away old trash, remove cobwebs from the walls. Whitewash the walls in the basement with lime: spiders are afraid of this product like fire.

If you keep your apartment (house) perfectly clean, the spiders will simply disappear, since they will have nothing to do where there is no dust and pests for food.

Folk remedies for spiders

If after spring cleaning or repair, arthropods are still trying to regain lost positions, and you still notice cobwebs in the corners, which means it’s time to move on to a targeted fight. There are many folk remedies for spiders to kill and repel:

Mint. Spiders cannot stand the smell of peppermint. Near a private house or in a country house, be sure to plant this fragrant plant on the lawn in front of your home. In an apartment, mint can be grown on the balcony or simply in a pot on the windowsill. The spiders will rush to leave the room, where there will be mini-bouquets of mint in several vases.

Fresh mint is the best natural spider repellent

Essential oil. Works like the previous method, suitable for those who do not have time to care for plants and flowerpots. Fill a hand spray bottle with water and add a few drops of peppermint essential oil (20-30 drops per half liter of water). Spray all baseboards with the solution. Wipe areas near cracks on the floor with a cloth soaked in peppermint oil. Roll cotton balls, soak them in mint oil and plug the cracks through which spiders enter your home.

Instead of mint, you can use eucalyptus or tea tree oil.

Other natural flavors. Spiders are terrified of the smell of horse chestnut. Take several fruits, cut them into 4-6 pieces and place them near the baseboards. The same remedy will also help against moths. Crushed walnut shells will repel spiders; arthropods also cannot stand the smell of citrus peels.

Vinegar solution and lemon juice. If you want to not only repel, but destroy spiders, use vinegar. Dilute 9% table vinegar water in a 1:1 ratio, pour some into a hand spray bottle, pour the remaining liquid into saucers or small glasses, place the containers near the cracks in the baseboards. Spray the baseboards with the prepared vinegar solution. If you see spiders, try to spray them too: arthropods die from contact with acetic acid. Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice (pure, not diluted with water).

Boric acid. Apply boric acid near the cracks in the baseboards: for spiders, as well as for cockroaches, this substance is deadly. Boric acid powder is much safer for people and pets than commercially available aerosols.

Velcro. Sticky tapes are usually designed to attract flies and moths. But sometimes spiders also fall into these traps. Place some Velcro strips on the floor in the corners. After a couple of days, at least several arthropods will stick to each one. Don’t forget to change the location of the traps: spiders are smart, so they are unlikely to go to the place where their fellow died.

Pyrethrum and diatomite. A proven remedy for spiders is pyrethrum (Dalmatian chamomile powder). The main advantage of the drug is its absolute harmlessness to people and animals. The pyrethroids contained in the powder are deadly poisonous to spiders and cockroaches. Sprinkle the product near the cracks in the baseboards and immediately get rid of two types uninvited guests.

Pyrethrum is a spider poison that is safe for humans.

Diatomite, a powder obtained by crushing fossils, also helps against spiders. It is environmentally friendly, safe for people, and a deadly poison for spiders.

Cats. Kittens especially love to hunt not only mice, but also eight-legged game. If you get a cat, the pet will not calm down until it catches all the spiders remaining in the home.

Ultrasonic spider repellers

Electric ultrasonic spider repellers are currently commercially available. These devices are quite effective, but you cannot stay, much less sleep, in a room where the repeller is turned on: powerful ultrasound can harm the human body. Therefore, such devices must be used carefully, following the instructions.

Device example

Chemical repellents for spiders

If you are not in the mood for a long fight against spiders in the house, but want to get rid of the hated creatures as quickly as possible, use one of the certified aerosols available for sale.

Please note that regular insect repellents are harmless to spiders. You need to choose or specialized means, or those that contain pyrethroids (chlorpyrifos is best) and boric acid. To avoid poisoning, use all store-bought poisons strictly according to the instructions and ventilate the room well after use.

  • Bros– a specialized spray made in Poland. If even a drop of aerosol gets on a spider, it will die instantly. Spiders do not crawl or create webs on surfaces treated with this product. Valid for 3 months from the date of use;
  • Raptor– spray Russian production, designed to combat crawling insects and spiders. The drug has a minty smell, the active ingredients are cypermethrin and tetramethrin (pyrethroid). The spray is used to spray the spiders themselves and their paths of movement. The aerosol is very toxic, you need to spray the substance in a respirator, 15 minutes after spraying the product, you should ventilate the room (for at least 30 minutes);
  • Joker Bun– Turkish spray against crawling and flying insects. The product is odorless and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Suitable for use even in enterprises Catering. Upon contact with the drug, spiders die immediately. After drying, the spray repels them;
  • Raid– a spray designed to remove spiders, cockroaches and ants. The active ingredient of the drug is cypermethrin. The aerosol can only be used in enclosed spaces. The drug is very toxic; immediately after treating the surfaces, the room must be left. If splashes come into contact with skin or clothing, wash off the aerosol with running water at least 15 minutes.

Spiders are very tenacious and reproduce very quickly, so in order to get rid of them, you need to take comprehensive measures. After complete destruction, be sure to maintain order, do not allow dust to accumulate anywhere, otherwise the spiders will soon return again.

Some types of spiders happily settle in apartments and on summer cottages- they are satisfied with such conditions. For example, I don’t like this kind of neighborhood, so I decided to figure out how to get rid of spiders in the house with my own hands once and for all. And this is what I discovered.

Ways to eliminate spiders

Spiders settle where there is food. They eat others small insects, so most often they can be found in window openings, on the balcony and in the country house. Control methods can be divided into 2 categories:

  • In enclosed spaces (spiders in a greenhouse/in an apartment/in a country house);
  • In open spaces (in summer cottages).

Enclosed spaces: 7 ways

The instructions presented in the table will tell you how to remove spiders from your home and cottage:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Aerosol against crawling insects.

Spray the top and bottom baseboards generously. If you find a lot of spiders in the house, spray all the corners and their habitats.

Method 2. Chalk/gel.

Go over the top corners and baseboards with special insecticidal chalk (gel).

The price of crayons and gels is much lower than aerosols.

Method 3. Wet cleaning.

You can get rid of cobwebs in your home by deep cleaning with bleach.

Wrap a discarded rag soaked in a bleach solution around the mop and go over all areas where insects live.

Method 4. Vacuum cleaner.

Using a special dust attachment (pictured) or a clean wand, vacuum corners, ceilings and baseboards.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure regularly.

Method 5. Chlorpyrifos/boric acid:
  1. Close all windows and doors;
  2. Spray the entire room as much as possible with a chlorpyrifos/boric acid aerosol (an insecticide for ants and spiders);
  3. Leave the room for 3 hours;
  4. After a while, thoroughly ventilate the room.

Method 6. Repeller.

In large hypermarkets you can find special devices - ultrasonic repellers. The device operates on mains power and is harmless to people.

It is believed that the repeller is the best remedy from spiders in a private house.

Method 7. Repair.

Paint, whitewash, glue (any construction material) - a real poison from spiders. Therefore, if possible, make cosmetic repairs.

As a preventive measure, cover all window openings with a mosquito net during the warm season. How fewer insects, which can become food for spiders indoors, the easier it will be to get rid of them.

Open spaces: 3 ways

Now let’s look at how you can remove such insects from open spaces:

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Method 8. Country attics and basements.
  1. Clear the space of stale things and junk.
  2. Use a damp cloth to remove cobwebs.
  3. Whitewash the walls and ceiling.

Method 9. Greenhouse and vegetable garden.
  1. Pull tall weeds and collect cobwebs from fences, fences and walls in greenhouses.
  2. Collect spider eggs (white cocoons wrapped in webs) and burn them.
  3. Treat with any available insecticide.
  4. For prevention, you can plant peppermint - this is a kind of protection against spiders.

Method 10. Flower garden and garden.
  1. Whiten trees and shrubs.
  2. Spray insecticide on tree crowns and flower stems.

It is not recommended to treat trees and flowers with chemicals during their flowering period. Insects that pollinate plants may be harmed.

Folk remedies for insect control: 4 recipes

Instead of harsh chemicals, you can use products that you always have on hand:

Image Recommendations

Method 11. Orange/hazelnut/chestnut.

Grind one or more of these products and place them in arthropod habitats. The pungent smell will cause spiders to move outside.

Taking care of the comfort of their apartments, many owners pay special attention to the sudden appearance of uninvited guests, which are sometimes spiders. Often these insects prefer to settle in secluded corners, gradually weaving their living space with cobwebs. In most cases, spiders cause very unpleasant emotions, frightening them with their appearance. Small children are especially afraid of them, and some of their species can scare even an adult with strong nervous system. You can get rid of these unpleasant guests in your home with the help of proven traditional methods, as well as using means industrial production.

Spiders. What do we know about them

You can meet a spider not only in the house and on personal plot. Currently, there are more than 42,000 species of these unique insects, densely populating almost the entire Earth. As you know, the spider belongs to the order of predators, feeding not only on insects, but also small animals, as well as birds. A universal tool for catching prey for a spider is its web, the strength of which can be the envy of many modern manufacturers of natural and synthetic fibers.

Interesting facts about the web

To kill its victim, the spider uses poison, injected into the immobilized body along with digestive juices. After a certain period of time, it begins to suck out the nutrient solution, becoming saturated as it is consumed. In addition to the very harmless representatives of this family, there are spiders in the world that pose a huge danger to humans. These dangerous species are often found in southern countries. The bite of such a spider, in some cases, can cause death.

Among the spiders most often found in our apartments, the following varieties are present:

  • Harvester spider. This spider does not pose a danger to humans, living in dry and warm places. The braided spider, as it is also popularly called, prefers to weave its web near a window. The legs of this insect can reach a length of 20 mm, while the body length can range from 2 to 10 mm. In the warm season, this spider, like many of its fellow tribesmen, prefers to live outside, however, sometimes it can be found in houses.
  • Hobo Spider. This species is very rarely found in domestic premises. Its peculiarity lies in the lack of the ability to weave a web. This spider prefers to hunt while in constant motion. The prey of this small predator is mainly small insects.
  • Cross spider. This spider can be found in apartments at any time of the year. Its appearance will be indicated by a large and geometrically correct web. The body of this insect is quite massive, and the color is dark brown. If you look closely at the belly, you will notice on the kick beautiful pattern in the form of a cross. This insect prefers to settle between window frames and remains in plain sight almost all day and night, not even a little afraid of prying eyes. It is popularly believed that this spider is able to predict the weather. Before the onset of precipitation, he hides.
  • Black house spider. This spider is easy to recognize among many others by paying attention to its web. Thick, resembling a thin layer of cotton wool, it forms a tunnel in which the owner himself sits. This spider prefers to nest in basements, on balconies and in secluded corners of houses, feeding on small insects.

About the house spider

The appearance of spiders in the house is usually associated with the presence of a sufficient amount of food that attracts this type of insect. Most often they sneak into living spaces from the street, attics and basements. And sometimes we ourselves bring them into the house, along with our things. You can meet these uninvited guests anywhere. Usually, to arrange their homes, spiders choose all sorts of corners and other places where they are least bothered. It is for this reason that they can most often be found in garages, cellars, on balconies and on the facades of buildings.

Here for them there are optimal conditions, allowing for round-the-clock hunting. However, sometimes a spider can live in your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or toilet. Having found it there, you should not immediately panic, because none of the representatives of the types described above pose a danger to humans.

An alarming sign for an apartment owner can be a sudden invasion of spiders, which can be provoked by an abundant number of other types of harmful household insects. In such cases, it is necessary to use a variety of industrial means or folk methods, because many of them can pose a serious health hazard. By getting rid of the crawling and flying named guests, you will automatically get rid of spiders.
However, in some cases, the most effective and justified option may be to order a professional pest control service provided by a number of specialized companies. Using reliable and proven means that are as safe as possible for humans, specialists will be able to as soon as possible carry out a comprehensive treatment of the entire house, ridding it of various types of harmful insects.

In their work, these companies use tools that can be purchased in retail trade almost impossible. Thanks to their excellent technical equipment, they are able to process the least accessible places, which ensures excellent results. If insects reappear before the warranty period expires, such companies provide re-treatment services without charging a fee.

If necessary, you can order professional disinfestation of a separate apartment. However, a significant disadvantage will be the need to leave it for several hours. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the room.

Signs about spiders

Means and methods to get rid of spiders in the house and surrounding areas

If you want to avoid encountering spiders in your apartment, you can resort to a variety of in various ways, allowing you to effectively get rid of them. However, before using heavy artillery in the form of industrial means, which may be unsafe for humans and domestic animals, you can use traditional methods.

  • If you notice a cobweb in the house, take a broom or mop and wrap it with a rag. Then carefully sweep away the cobwebs from the walls and ceiling along with their owners. It is quite convenient to use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a narrow nozzle;
  • Don’t be lazy to look behind the furniture standing against the walls. This is where you can also find uninvited guests along with oviposition. Carefully sweep them with a broom or rag onto a dustpan, then flush them down the toilet or shake them outside in the warm season;
  • carefully check the apartment for the presence of other types of insects, because they are the ones who attract spiders into your home, being the main source of food.
  • Try to block all access to such uninvited guests, carefully sealing the cracks in the walls and along the baseboards, as well as water risers, sewers and near doors;
  • equip the ventilation openings with fine-grained grilles, and install reliable mosquito nets on the windows;
  • Carry out a thorough cleaning of the house using detergents and cleaning products. This will allow you to detect spider nests and get rid of them in a timely manner;
  • clear away the rubble of old and little-used things that can act as a refuge for this type of insect;
  • After eating, carefully clear the tables, sweep and wash the floors, and also keep the trash can clean. Leftover food could potentially attract others dangerous insects, which are tasty prey for spiders;
  • to store bulk food products, use sealed containers that can also prevent the proliferation of harmful insects;
  • When using outdoor lighting, try to turn it off more often, as light sources attract a large number of midges, which are a valuable source of food for spiders. It is for this reason that they prefer to weave their web on windows and in close proximity to streetlights. By using thick blinds or curtains, you can also effectively block interior lighting, which will also reduce the number of spiders sitting on your windows;
  • Gas-discharge sodium lamps can be used as light sources. The light they emit is less attractive to insects, and this will allow you to insure yourself against the appearance of spiders;
  • reduce the amount of vegetation adjacent to the outer part of the walls as much as possible. It is an excellent hiding place for spiders, which can easily enter your home through window cracks.

Traditional methods of cleaning an apartment from unwanted inhabitants

Spiders, like many other insects, do not tolerate strong odors, which makes it possible to use such weapons very effectively against them.

Essential oils

  1. Take a spray bottle and fill it with water, add 20 drops of peppermint oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  2. Then spray the resulting composition throughout the apartment, paying special attention to windows and entrance doors.

Having smelled the rich mint aroma, the spiders will leave your home on their own.

To enhance the effect, you can use undiluted oil. To do this, dip a cotton swab in it and wipe it with the places where spiders most often prefer to settle. Citrus fruits also have a similar effect. essential oils, tea tree oil, lavender and eucalyptus. It is recommended to carry out this treatment once a week for a month.

Attention! Tea tree essential oil is not safe for pets.


An excellent effect in the fight against spiders and other household insects can be provided by diatomaceous earth, which is universal remedy. Protecting the respiratory tract with a gauze bandage, spread the powder around the perimeter of the room in a thin layer. Thanks to individual characteristics of this substance, spiders and other insects suffer serious injuries from direct contact with it, leading to death.


You can also repel spiders using vinegar.

  1. Take several saucers and fill them with water.
  2. Add a few drops of acetic acid to each of them.
  3. Place saucers in areas where insects are most likely to appear.

Chestnuts and hazelnuts

Chestnuts and hazelnuts are famous for their very unusual effects on spiders. According to observations, their specific aroma is able to expel insects from the house in a short period of time.

  1. Take some hazelnuts or chestnuts and break them into pieces.
  2. Place the fruits on window sills and in any other places where spiders are found.
  3. Literally the next day you will not find them in their usual places.

Citrus aromas

Spiders also cannot tolerate the smell of citrus fruits, which can be used as a repellent. To provide such protection, you need citrus juice, which you can purchase in the store, giving preference to a sugar-free product. Or squeeze it yourself from fresh fruit. You can also use commercial citrus-scented air fresheners containing natural oils citrus fruits.

  1. Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few tablespoons of juice, or use any of the other products listed that have a rich aroma.
  2. Treat various surfaces in the apartment with the resulting composition (countertops, kitchen cabinets, doorways, window sills)

    Attention! Before treating painted surfaces, a preliminary test should be carried out to determine their reaction to such substances. Plastic surfaces cannot be treated with citrus juice; this will lead to their damage.

Ground cinnamon

As effective repellent against spiders, you can also use ground cinnamon, which has a rich spicy aroma. To do this, sprinkle cinnamon powder in different parts of the room.

Ground red pepper

Hot pepper will help you cope with spiders in your apartment.

  1. Take 30 g of hot red pepper, mix it with 120 ml of vinegar.
  2. Dilute the resulting mixture in 1 liter of water.
  3. Pour the odorous liquid into a spray bottle and spray it in places where spiders gather.

How to get rid of spiders living on balconies, basements and local areas

Wanting to get rid of spiders living on local area you can use the following methods.


Tobacco can provide a good effect in the fight against these insects.

  1. Measure out 4 liters of water and boil it.
  2. Add a package of chewing tobacco or tobacco intended for smoking pipes to the boiling water.
  3. The resulting solution should brew and cool completely.
  4. Using a fine strainer, strain the liquid and pour it into a clean container.
  5. Take a spray bottle and pour into it 1 cup of the resulting infusion and 0.5 cups of any lemon-flavored dishwashing liquid.
  6. Treat the balcony, open verandas and any other places in the garden with the composition.

With this product you can get rid of not only spiders, but also various types of beetles, mosquitoes and other pests. However, this remedy is radical and can also destroy beneficial insects, living near you. In addition, do not forget that spiders living in natural conditions, bring invaluable benefits to the garden, destroying many harmful insects, as well as flies and mosquitoes.

Flowerpots with lavender and mint

Some plants will help repel spiders from your balcony. Place flowerpots with mint or lavender on the windowsills and these unforgiven guests will make the tenth visit to your house.

Methods involving the use of aromatic substances can only repel spiders, but not destroy them. Typically, their validity period can be no more than 2 weeks. To prolong the effectiveness of such substances, it is recommended to renew them until the spiders completely disappear from your home.

Which industrial products are most effective in fighting spiders?

In addition to traditional methods of fighting spiders, there are many industrial means that allow you to quickly and effectively cope with such a problem. With their help, you will not only be able to protect your apartment from arachnids, but also avoid the appearance of other harmful insects.

  • Among the rich assortment of all kinds of insecticidal products best choice There will be specialized sprays and aerosols that can destroy the spider upon direct contact. With their help, you can easily treat even the most difficult to reach places in the room, while simultaneously providing long-term protection.
  • Insecticidal gels will be much less effective assistants in the fight against such insects. With their help, you can reduce the number of other crawling insects (woodlice, cockroaches, ants, silverfish), but the spiders themselves are unlikely to feel their impact, given the peculiarities of their lifestyle.
  • Using fumigators indoors may also be ineffective against spiders. However, with the help of such devices, you can reduce the number of small flying insects that act as food for these predators, which may make you look for them more suitable places for life. However, fumigators that operate based on the use of alletherine will not cause any harm to spiders.
  • Perhaps the most useless option would be to in this case purchase of ultrasonic repellers. As many years of practice have shown, these devices have no effect on spiders.

Rating of the most popular tools, based on reviews from Internet users

Thanks to the analysis of reviews from the majority of network users who are faced with the need to exterminate spiders in their apartments using industrial means, we were able to compile a rating of the most effective drugs, guaranteeing the required result.

  1. Raid from ants and cockroaches. With this spray aimed directly at the insect, you can kill the spider instantly. The active substance does not have a pungent odor, and its effectiveness lasts about four weeks. It is recommended to use the drug exclusively in enclosed spaces where children and animals are not present at the time of treatment. Using this insecticide, you can also rid your home of cockroaches and ants. Hazard class 4.
  2. Spray Joker Bun. This drug specially designed for fighting spiders. Without having a strong odor, it has a strong effect on other domestic insects, however, it is prohibited for use in catering establishments. Spraying the substance in the area of ​​windows and doorways, as well as along baseboards, pipelines and in corners, you will be able to protect your apartment from spiders entering it. Upon direct contact with the aerosol, spiders die instantly. The product is not safe for children or pets until it dries completely on surfaces. Hazard class 3.
  3. Aerosol Raptor against crawling insects. This insecticidal aerosol has a mint scent and is capable of quickly killing a large number of varieties of crawling insects, including spiders. With its help, you will be able to protect your apartment from their penetration for 3 months. And with the help of one cylinder it will be possible to treat a room whose area does not exceed 60 m2. Hazard class 3.
  4. Specialized aerosol against spiders Bros. This drug is the best option for processing not only apartments, but also utility rooms, as well as open verandas and terraces. The principle of action of the substance is based on the use of microcapsules that enter the insect’s body through direct contact. When sprayed directly onto a spider, the drug instantly kills the insect. The activity of the aerosol remains for four hours after application, and the effectiveness period is three months. Hazard class 4.

Preventing the reappearance of insects in the walls of your home

To prevent spiders from re-entering your home, you should take the following steps:

  1. Ensure the apartment is sealed by eliminating cracks and gaps in the walls.
  2. Install mosquito nets on windows and grilles on ventilation openings.
  3. If possible, avoid using outdoor lighting near your home.
  4. Get rid of vegetation adjacent directly to the outer walls of the building.
  5. Maintain cleanliness in the house, promptly getting rid of food debris, which is a favorable environment for the life of various domestic insects that attract the attention of spiders.
  6. Ensure that food is stored airtight using a variety of sealable containers and containers.

All insects, including spiders, have their place in the sun. People, of course, may be grateful to them for killing flies or mosquitoes, but this does not mean that they can make a home in your bedroom or take up residence in your closet. For some people, the sight of a multi-legged creature crawling along a wall can cause, for others, an uncontrollable desire to “creatures” and calm down.

In both cases, you should not immediately resort to insecticides or pesticides - there are many others natural remedies expelling spiders from your home. Please note that a bottle with a chemical mixture can cause much more harm than a spider.

Most are spiders, but there are also some that sneak indoors in search of food and shelter. The easiest way to avoid encountering these pests is to prevent them from entering the house, however, if the insects do crawl inside, use folk or by industrial means to repel or kill spiders.

The following tips will help you accept preventive measures from the appearance of spiders, both in the apartment and in a private house.

  1. Don't let spiders get inside. Seal all the cracks in the house or apartment; fill large gaps with putty. Replace or repair torn mosquito nets on windows and doors.
  2. Turn off outdoor lighting: Spiders are not attracted to light, but it attracts other insects that spiders feed on.. Also use curtains to dim interior lighting.
  3. Remove vegetation around the house, or move it to the other end of the site. In search of new food sources, spiders use bushes, flowers and other plants as shelters and move along them into buildings.
  4. Keep the premises clean. IN clean house the spiders will have no chance to hide, which will not make them linger. Don't leave leftover food around, which will attract other insects. Regularly sweep and vacuum the floors, wipe dust from furniture. Try to wash dishes immediately after eating.
  5. For food storage, give preference plastic containers, but not cardboard boxes, where it is easier for spiders to get through.

Proven ways to get rid of spiders

  1. Remove spider webs, visible eggs, and insects themselves using a vacuum cleaner. This method very effective if there are still few pests in the house. You can also use a broom or broom for these purposes, but the spider itself can easily escape, which is especially true for small individuals.
  2. Place glue traps in dark corners, behind furniture, in closets, and near windows and doors.
  3. Apply a long-lasting insecticidal spray into cracks and corners of the area. Follow the instructions on the product packaging to ensure own safety and not cause harm to others, including pets.
  4. If there are an excessive number of spiders in your home, call professional exterminators. Keep in mind that professional pesticides are very poisonous, so you will have to leave the premises for several days.
Important! Fumigators that spray a compound into the air are usually ineffective against spiders.

Folk remedies

  1. Plants. Can act as a natural repeller horse chestnut. Place several fruits in areas where insects are most common. It is believed that walnuts and the fruits of orange maclura (inedible orange) also have a deterrent effect. There are no scientific evidence effectiveness of this method, however, according to folk practice, these plants emit an odor that is unpleasant for spiders.
  2. Essential oils. Pour a solution of water and 15-20 drops of peppermint oil into a spray bottle. Treat all cracks and corners in the house. Spiders cannot tolerate this smell and will definitely leave your territory. You can moisten cotton balls with peppermint oil and fill the gaps through which insects enter. If you are intolerant to peppermint, use eucalyptus or tea tree oil, which have a similar effect.
  3. Vinegar. Pour a one-to-one solution of white vinegar and water into a spray bottle. Treat all the places where spiders are with the resulting spray, and also spray every insect you see. Acetic acid is destructive to spiders, and they die as a result of contact with it. As a repeller, you can place containers of vinegar in dark places. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can use lemon instead.

Anti-spider chemicals

If unpleasant neighbors in the form of spiders have settled in your apartment, or on your property, then you can fight them with more radical means, which contain: chemical substances- poisons.

In a residential area, it is better to use household products (for example, sprays) for these purposes., but you can get rid of spiders in the country, where there is more space, with the help of more potent chemicals.

It must be taken into account that spiders appear where there is food for them: flies, cockroaches, ants, midges and other insects. Therefore, first of all, you need to get rid of them, and then take on the spiders.

Raid from ants and cockroaches

Description of Raid

Kills insects instantly upon contact with the product. The effect continues on a residual basis for up to 4 weeks. Does not leave long-lasting chemical odors. Suitable for fighting ants, cockroaches, spiders.


  • imiprotrin – 0.1%
  • cypermethrin – 0.1%
  • other components – 99.8%
  • contains petroleum products

Precautionary measures: Use only indoors. Before processing, remove people and animals from the premises. After use, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. In case of contact with clothing or skin, immediately remove clothing and rinse skin for 15-20 minutes.

Mode of application: The container must be shaken well before use. Holding the can in a vertical position, spray onto the required surface until completely moistened from a distance of 30 cm. After treatment, immediately leave the room until the product dries completely. Repeat treatment if necessary.

Reviews of Raid from ants and cockroaches

Andrey, Kemerovo, 35 years old- Really like!
“I love this spray! It kills all insects: cockroaches, spiders, ants! You just need to spray it on the beetle and you're done. The only problem is that the description states that the product should prevent the appearance of new insects on a residual basis, but so far this has not helped me, and I always keep a spare can in the house!”
Aslan, Krasnoyarsk, 26 years old- Works great.
“Really kills any pest in sight. Even small midges. Virtually odorless. I recommend."
Anna, Moscow, 45 years old- No spiders!
“Spiders appeared at our dacha - very unpleasant crawling creatures! The first thing I came across was Raid against ants and cockroaches, because the description said that it also helps against spiders. It really does help. I spray it directly on them - the effect is immediate. I also sprayed it until it dried, we’ll see how it works for preventive purposes.”

Odorless spray against flying and crawling insects Joker Bun/Joker Bun

Description of Joker Bun

Purpose: an odorless insecticidal and pesticide aerosol for the quick destruction of crawling and flying insects in the home. Suitable for flies, bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, etc. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Not intended for use in food service establishments of any type.

Manufacturer: Liderkozmetik, Türkiye.

Mode of application: Spray while holding the can in a vertical position, at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be treated. Stop spraying after wetting the surface.

To control spiders, apply the spray along baseboards, in door and window openings, in corners, along pipes, in storage areas, attics and other places where insects can enter the room. For instant destruction, aim the spray directly at the pest.

Precautionary measures: Do not spray into the air, avoid over-application. Do not allow children and animals to be near the treated surfaces until the product has completely dried.

Joker Bun reviews

Angelina , Tomsk, 35 years old- Saved us from spiders!
“Our apartment is located on the first floor and, apparently, spiders were constantly crawling through the cracks in the floor. I can't stand them. I decided to poison, but there was a problem - I Small child and I didn't want to splash smelly chemicals. I read on the Internet about this Bun that it is odorless, and decided to order it. I didn’t expect much from the spray, especially since it was inexpensive. I received it and sprayed it along the baseboards and inside all the cracks in the floor. There really was no smell, which was very pleasing. If you spray it on a spider, it dies immediately. So far these bastards haven't bothered us anymore. Five points!"
Valentin, Biysk, 50 years old- Effective and does not smell.
"I recommend to everyone this remedy. Previously used other drugs, but excessively bad smell made me search for something new. That's how I found Joker Boone. For prevention, I spray it on glass on the balcony, in the country house, in the basement - wherever insects appear. Valid from everyone. When spraying, I recommend wearing a fabric mask on your face - after all, it is poison. I recommend it for the fight against all unpleasant insects.”

Description: insecticidal aerosol with mint scent. The product has a rapid effect, destroying different kinds crawling insects. One cylinder is enough to treat an area of ​​50-60m2. Provides protection against pests for several months without harming people or pets.

Compound: cypermethrin – 0.2%, tetramethrin – 0.2%, piperonyl butoxide – 0.5%, solvents, butane/propane, water. Does not contain substances that destroy the ozone layer.

Manufacturer: Russia

Mode of application: Shake the container before use. Holding the spray in a vertical position, spray onto insect habitats, including their movement areas, at a distance of 20 cm from the surface. After 15 minutes after using the aerosol, ventilate the room for half an hour.

Precautionary measures: Keep away from children and pets. Toxic and flammable. Do not spray near open fire, do not store with food. If spider repellent gets on your skin, rinse the affected area thoroughly with water.

Such a neighborhood often has its advantages, since spiders are able to provide the following benefits:

  1. Destruction of various harmful species of insects in the garden and vegetable garden, which provides additional protection to grown plants.
  2. Extermination of insects in the house. Here they become the main victim, and spiders exterminate them very effectively, which is due to their gluttony and the ability to consume up to 500 insects per day.
  3. According to ancient beliefs, spiders in the house are good sign, which attracts money and good luck to the owners of the home. This can be considered prejudice and relics of the past, but for this reason many people still try not to kill them in their homes.

However, sometimes such a neighborhood brings a certain discomfort to a person; the main harm comes down to the following factors:

  1. Danger of bites, there are many different venomous individuals, but most species found in middle lane, are harmless and absolutely safe. In addition, it is mainly domestic species that prefer to settle in human dwellings, which are interested only in insects, which form the basis of their diet.
  2. Violation of the aesthetic component of the apartment. Representatives of this family crawling along the walls, as well as a large number of cobwebs in the corners, create the atmosphere of an abandoned room in which no one cleans. This mainly happens in cases where a large number of spiders settle in the house at once.
  3. Fear on the part of young children, who are usually afraid of the neighborhood and contact with these arthropods. Although in some cases some adults are also afraid of them, despite their complete harmlessness.

Methods and methods for getting rid of spiders at home

Today, people know many ways to get rid of such unwanted neighbors; the most common and effective options will be discussed below.


Traps are not so common today, but they often show pretty good results; they can be purchased in a store or made with your own hands.

The option below is suitable for people who have a fear of these arthropods, as it is designed to kill them:

  1. Cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard, suitable dimensions are 10x7 cm.
  2. Double-sided tape or glue must be applied to one side of the cardboard. In both cases, it is important to choose options that do not dry out for a long time, otherwise no one will fall into the trap.
  3. It is recommended to add a small amount of natural honey or peanut butter to the applied glue. These components will add aromas that are likely to attract the attention of unwanted neighbors.
  4. The prepared trap will most likely catch not only spiders, but also various types of insects. After it is completely filled or dry adhesive base The device can be recycled.

There is also Alternative option, designed to catch live spiders, for example, if you need to identify a specific species or simply do not want to harm it.

Such a trap is prepared as follows:

  1. To carry out the procedure, it is recommended to wear gloves on your hands., if you want to minimize the likelihood of direct contact with the spider, especially if you are not sure that it belongs to a safe species.
  2. A sheet of thick cardboard is placed under the discovered web., and a glass jar is slowly brought towards its owner.
  3. You need to cover it like this so that it ends up inside the jar along with part of the cobweb, then quickly lean it with its hole against a sheet of cardboard.
  4. After this, you can place the container on any surface, remove the sheet from it and screw on the lid.


Various chemicals are much more popular, but before using them you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Before using any insecticide, you must carefully study the instructions that come with it. Some substances have high degree toxicity, and if used carelessly there is a risk of poisoning or harm to pets.
  2. Most insecticides only pose a lethal threat to spiders if they come into direct contact with them. If he avoids such contact, the remedy will not produce any effect.
  3. Considering what is written above, sometimes more rational option It is possible to exterminate insects that form the basis of the spider’s diet. You can understand who exactly he eats by studying the contents of his web.
  4. One of the most effective insecticides for killing arthropods is pyrethroid. It is a natural substance that is extracted from certain plants belonging to the chrysanthemum family. At its core, it is a complex chemical compound containing cyfluthrin, permethrin, tetramethrin and other components.

Folk remedies

There are also a large number of folk remedies designed to combat spiders. The most effective and popular of them are discussed below:

  1. Horse chestnut is one of the most known methods to scare away, it is enough to place it in the corners of the room, behind the furniture and in close proximity to the cobwebs, so that the uninvited guests will soon disappear. In some cases, it can be replaced with the fruits of various citrus fruits or walnuts, but their efficiency is somewhat lower.
  2. Often grown in gardens peppermint to scare away spiders from the beds, since they cannot stand its smell. To combat them inside the house, you can use essential oils with an extract of this plant. To do this, you need to dilute only 15-20 drops with water, then treat all surfaces in the house, spraying the substance with a spray bottle.
  3. White vinegar is an equally effective remedy, which is diluted with water in equal proportions, and then used in the same way as an essential oil solution. You can spray not only the room, but also any arthropods you encounter, since contact even with diluted vinegar is fatal to them. If the smell of this liquid does not cause any unpleasant sensations, then you can simply place containers with it in the apartment, especially in its dark places, this will also produce a deterrent effect. In some cases, vinegar can be replaced citric acid, which has the same characteristics.

Calling professionals

You can also get rid of spiders by seeking help from specialists working in the relevant services. Such measures are usually taken if there are too many arthropods and a person cannot cope with them on his own.

The following features of this option can be highlighted:

  1. Most services not only destroy spiders, but also provide a guarantee against their reappearance. The terms of protection from them are usually prescribed in the concluded contract.
  2. Calling a specialized service is one of the most expensive options. The cost of the service depends on many factors: the pricing policy of a particular organization, the area of ​​the premises being treated, the insecticides used and the distance of the house from the city limits, if the procedure will be carried out in the country.
  3. If there are pets or small children living in the house, then specialists can use the safest toxic substances to eliminate the risk of possible poisoning.
  4. Experts select insecticides based on the specific species they have been asked to destroy. This is important point, since some poisons that are effective against insects have no effect on spiders.

Review of effective remedies

Currently on the market there is a wide range of various means and drugs intended to combat different types insects and arthropods.

There can be many reasons why spiders settle in close proximity to humans.

In most cases, they appear in residential premises due to the following factors:

  1. Accidental introduction of individual individuals from the street, for example, on shoes or clothing.
  2. Independent entry into the house through open doors , windows or various cracks.
  3. Availability of places in the house with ideal conditions for their accommodation. Most often they are closets, attics or basements, since these are quite dark rooms in which people rarely visit.
  4. The presence in the house of a large amount of food for spiders in the form of various insects. This is usually indicated by the presence of a significant number of these arthropods in the house.

Prevention of spiders

In order to avoid having to waste time and energy on removing such unwanted neighbors, it is recommended to take certain preventive measures that can minimize the likelihood of their appearance in the house.

First of all, this process can be helped by the following activities:

  1. Installation mosquito nets on the windows.
  2. Sealing all cracks and gaps, which will not allow uninvited guests to get inside through them.
  3. Removing leftover food and dirty dishes, which can attract insects that are food for spiders.
  4. Removing rubble from unnecessary trash , since storing rarely used items creates good conditions for hiding spiders.
  5. Elimination of abundant vegetation near the house in summer cottages.
  6. Using plastic containers to store poisons, which close tightly and hermetically.
  7. Keeping the premises clean: Regular wet cleaning, dusting, and removal of detected cobwebs are required.
  8. Shutdown external lighting unless there is an urgent need for it. The light does not attract the spiders themselves, but a large number of nocturnal insects, which are their prey, can flock to it. You can also replace conventional incandescent lamps with energy-saving options, which is also an effective measure.