Why do you dream about a broken arm? Did you dream about a broken Arm, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book? Spring dream book Why do you dream about Hand according to the dream book

The dream book interprets such a dream as negative. However, you should not become discouraged; often this simply portends big changes in a person’s life, not necessarily for the worse. In order to find out exactly what a dream about a broken arm means in specific circumstances, you need to consider each situation separately.

Basic values

Anyone who dreams can talk about illness or some serious illness of the dreamer himself or someone in his environment.

Why do you dream? The dream book says that first of all it is necessary to determine what kind of fracture - closed or open - you dreamed about. The dream about is not so scary. If troubles do happen, they will not be very serious. promises a bigger failure or even serious illness. But you shouldn’t despair, because any problem can be overcome.

What does a dream mean when another person breaks his arm? IN in this case it doesn’t matter whether he is familiar to the dreamer or not. If you had such a dream, then there is a risk of finding yourself in the midst of a scandal or a major quarrel that will not lead to positive result. It is not recommended to contribute to the growth of the conflict, so as not to regret it later.

Simultaneous fracture of both arms indicates the impossibility of overcoming some severe life situation. In this case, only family and friends can help.

If you have a cast on your arm, then you may encounter people imposing their opinions, and it will be difficult to avoid conflict. Also, most likely, you will have to forget about your opinion or even give it up due to certain circumstances. This dream can also warn about the presence of gossips in your environment at the moment.

Why do you dream about a broken arm? In an intimate sense, such a dream may indicate the dreamer’s possible impotence, fading sexual desire, fatigue, or problems in relationships with a partner. This is exactly how this dream is interpreted by Sigmund Freud’s dream book.

Body warning

You dreamed that you had a broken one, which means that there is an assumption that through such dreams the body is trying to warn about the lack of necessary nutrients in the dreamer's diet. Often such a dream is associated with general condition malaise or decreased immunity. For example, a broken arm can occur due to a severe lack of calcium, which is responsible for the level of bone strength. This may be a reason to think about changing your diet or lifestyle in general. It is worth eating more foods with high levels of calcium or taking appropriate vitamins.

The body can also warn about accumulated fatigue, requiring urgent rest. If you are really overtired, try to get more rest, change your environment or take a vacation. In such cases, meditative techniques help well.

Rare and non-standard interpretations of sleep

Not all dream books interpret dreams from a negative point of view. There is an opinion that breaking an arm in a dream promises recognition from loved ones or colleagues at work. It is quite possible that in the near future the dreamer’s efforts and work will be appreciated in one way or another.

Some interpreters also claim that it foreshadows some turning point in the dreamer’s life. It won't necessarily be bad, depending on how you look at the situation. If you treat it positively and pass the test with honor, then everything will turn out successfully.

Instead of an afterword

Now you know why you dream of a broken arm. The Dream Interpretation offers us various versions. Believing in them or not is everyone's personal choice. Here, a huge role is played by the fact how you yourself feel about what you saw in your dream, how much it impressed you. Perhaps it’s not always worth paying attention to what happens in a dream and after each night, look for explanations in dream books? And perhaps this is exactly what should be done, then certain problems will be avoided. The choice is yours. Have wonderful dreams!

Why do you dream about a hand?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream beautiful hands- fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you.

Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes portend trouble.

Blood on your hands promises temporary alienation among people close to you, unfair condemnation of a friend.

If you see that your hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

Burning your hands in a dream promises you a loss in a competition with fate: having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you will miss out on something more valuable.

Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigue against those who are truly loyal to you.

If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will soon advance towards your brightest goal.

Too small hands encourage you to be more active.

Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream foretells that she will be able to conquer more than one sincere heart.

If she sees that someone takes her hand in his and kisses it, the dream warns her to be more careful in her behavior.

If you see fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers, success will take you to very great heights.

Tied hands- foreshadow future difficulties. Untying them in my sleep. In reality you will master the situation.

An amputated hand means separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Freud's Dream Book

The hand is a phallic symbol, a substitute for the phallus.

A strong and beautiful hand speaks of the dreamer’s good sexual shape.

A frail or dirty hand symbolizes problems with the health of the genital organs.

A broken arm symbolizes impotence.

Wounds, scars or ulcers on your hand symbolize your desire for sex with elements of masochism.

A hand in clothes or a glove - symbolizes your desire for safe sex, first of all, to the use of condoms.

Many hands - symbolizes an active and varied sex life.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Left hand - treason; right - faithful friend; to lose - the funeral of a good friend; wash your hands - get protection; injured or dirty - incur losses; folded - have envious people; beautiful and strong - great success in business; small ones are unfaithful friends or employees.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Family dream book

Beautiful hands - dream of fame and high position.

Ugly hands portend trouble.

Blood on your hands promises temporary alienation among people close to you.

If you dreamed that your hand was damaged, you will have to give up your most precious thing to someone.

If you burned your hands in a dream - be careful not to miss out on something more valuable in the struggle for wealth.

Hands thickly covered with hair seen in a dream foretell strong partners and competitors in work.

If you dreamed that your hands were too big, you will soon achieve your goal.

Too small hands call you to be more active.

Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream, she will be able to win the hearts of many men.

If she dreamed that someone was kissing her hand, she should be more careful in her behavior.

Tied hands - foreshadow future difficulties.

By untying them in a dream, you will master the situation in reality.

An amputated hand - dreams of separation or quarrels with your spouse. The dream also warns of possible deception or fraud.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Hands in a dream symbolize the strength and ability to carry out this or that business.

If in your dream you paid attention to your own or someone else’s hands, this indicates urgent problems, as well as the possibility or impossibility of solving them.

Seeing your arms strong and healthy is a sign that you will have to strain yourself in the near future, but you have every chance to successfully cope with current difficulties.

If in a dream you appreciated the strength of someone's hands, such a dream foreshadows an obstacle or difficulty that you most likely cannot cope with alone.

Weak hands are a sign of powerlessness. It looks like you are going to do things that are beyond your capabilities.

Seeing other people's hands weak and powerless in a dream means that there will be no help for you.

Different parts of the hand have their own meaning, described in detail in the relevant articles.

Shoulder - symbolizes help and support.

Seeing your shoulder wounded means that you will not be able to help a loved one, and this will make you suffer.

Hands and palms are a symbol of dexterity and skill.

Wounds or ulcers on them foreshadow failures in business and quarrels with partners.

A fist in a dream suggests that a difficult period awaits you, but you will be able to overcome any difficulties if you gather your will together and act together with your friends.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Spring dream book

Seeing an unfamiliar hand means receiving someone's help at the right time.

Seeing flabby arms in a dream means idleness.

Clasp your hands - you will soon experience extreme amazement.

Windy hands - to low-paid work.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Summer dream book

Hand - someone is coveting your goods, be careful.

Washing your hands in a dream means unexpected news that will upset you.

Chapped hands mean eczema.

Holding something in your hand means keeping some secret from your family.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Autumn dream book

Hand - to encroachment.

Clasping your hands in a dream means some kind of surprise.

Windy hands - you have to do house repairs.

Holding something in your hand means resisting someone.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Shaking your right hand in a dream, as usual, is a sign of true friendship and selflessness, and shaking your left hand is treason and vile betrayal.

Seeing an armless person in a dream means the loss of something dear to you.

If your arm is amputated in a dream, this portends separation for lovers due to the dissimilarity of characters and sexual temperament.

A wounded or broken arm means that you will have to yield to the pressure of brute force; bandaged or encased in plaster - promises great success in the creative field.

Burnt hands warn you to be more careful and not rush into words.

Seeing your hands stained with blood foreshadows a fatal combination of circumstances that will prevent the implementation of a brilliantly developed plan in all details.

Hands stained with chalk or white paint are a sign of disappointment in love.

Bruises on the arms are, on the contrary, a sign of complete success in everything related to love and sex.

Seeing warts on your hands means that your enemies are not asleep; touching a toad with your hands means you will become the culprit of misfortune with your friend.

Seeing a watch on your hands in a dream portends complete success in business life; a bracelet is a sign of an early and happy marriage.

If handcuffs snap on your hands, this is a dream foreshadowing dependence on creditors.

Hairy arms - portend an unexpected change in plans; large, strong and muscular - you will find a reliable patron and protector; subtle and gentle - earn universal love for your cordial attitude and goodwill.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Hand - Left - betrayal - right - true friend - to lose - funeral of a good friend

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that your hands were dirty, fate does not bode well for you in the near future.

Clean hands - you will soon get a lot of money.

You dreamed that you had old, wrinkled hands - your life will soon change for the better.

You saw that you have young hands - you will lose a large amount of money and your life may change for the worse.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Esoteric dream book

Looking at your hands means work and worries.

Wash - to rest.

Dirty - a thing that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

Shake hands - friendly relations will be established.

If you are a stranger, you will find new friends.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If your hands are beautiful in a dream, you will quickly master your profession and take a high position in your circle.

Ugly or misshapen hands portend trouble.

Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream means the emergence of strong and reliable partners and competitors at work. Perhaps such a dream warns of a more loyal attitude towards those who are truly devoted to you.

If your hands are unnaturally large, you will make significant progress towards your goal.

Too small hands encourage you to be more active. Tied hands portend difficulties and obstacles.

By untying them in a dream, you will be able to take control of the situation in reality.

If you hurt your hand in a dream, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

Burning your hands in a dream portends defeat in a competition with fate: having put all your effort into achieving a fortune, you will miss out on something more valuable for your life.

If the fire you hold in your hands does not burn them, you will have great success in all your endeavors.

Amputated hand - portends separation or dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). The dream also warns of the possibility of deception or fraud.

Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are being unfair to the people who love you.

Blood on your hands - portends temporary alienation among people close to you, undeserved condemnation of a friend.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream, she will be able to win many hearts.

If she sees someone taking her hand and kissing her, she should be more careful in her behavior.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Seeing palms is a sign of fate; beloved person (for a woman); wash - release from worries; hairy - success in business and money; right hand- liberation, left - worries; loss of a hand - personal loss, possible death of someone nearby; right hand - assistant, servant, great love pleasures; children's - happiness; in the blood - quarrel, separation from relatives.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Modern dream book

Seeing beautiful hands in a dream predicts great achievements and the quick fulfillment of your desires.

But ugly, ugly hands are a symbol of need and disappointment. Blood on your hands means alienation from your family and unfair condemnation by those close to you.

If you dream of wounded hands, some person will achieve success in the business that you have long and persistently strived for.

Seeing your hand separately from your body is a sign of a lonely life: people will not be able to understand your thoughts and feelings.

Burning your hands in a dream portends that you will go beyond the bounds of reason in the pursuit of wealth and fame and thereby achieve neither one nor the other.

Seeing your hands covered with hair means that you will not occupy a strong and prominent position in your circle.

If you dream that you are unnatural big hands- such a dream predicts rapid progress in your affairs.

Seeing them too small means that stagnation awaits you in business.

If you dream of dirty hands - in real life You will be overcome by envy and you will be unfair to other people.

Washing your hands is a harbinger of your participation in a joyful celebration.

A woman admires hers in a dream with my own hands- a sign that she will earn the sincere respect of the person she values ​​most.

Admiring the hands of other people means that she will depend on the whims of a jealous man.

If a woman dreams that a man is holding her hands, in reality she will be seduced by obscene offers.

If she allows others to kiss her hands, gossip will circulate about her reputation.

For a woman to dream that she lit a fire and did not burn her hands is a sign that she will achieve power and a high social position.

Seeing yourself in a dream with your hands tied foretells that you will find yourself in a difficult situation.

If you managed to free your hands, you will force other people to obey your power.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Eastern dream book

Shaking hands with someone means the return of an old friend; seeing your hands dirty means participating in a dubious enterprise; arms crossed on the chest - unfortunately.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

without a body - damage and danger.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Examining your left hand is a warning against a dishonest person.

The right one is a true friend.

Having clean hands means everything good, success, long life, etc.

Having dirty hands means infidelity in marriage / a warning against evil tongues / various troubles.

Hands in cold water washing is fun.

Having hairy hands is a misfortune / you are threatened by spiritual degradation.

A sore hand is evil, a warning against an accident.

Broken - misfortune.

Losing a hand means the death of a brother or close friend (quarrel).

Not having hands is a strange situation, a situation to which you don’t know how to react.

Not being able to move your hands in a dream is a serious disagreement between the will and the mind.

Have many hands - good sleep/ fruitful but hard work.

Having a wart on your hands is a nuisance.

Waving - you will be given an impossible task.

Having arms that are too long means showing powerlessness and passivity.

To have short hands is to thoughtlessly take on a task / try to implement utopian, impossible plans.

Seeing a threatening fist is a warning from a powerful enemy.

To see hands from the darkness that threaten you - to feel a dangerous threat to your authority / to feel jealous of an undefined object / someone’s unspoken irritation with you.

To shake or touch unusually pliable hands means the consciousness that you are severely suppressing someone’s will and independence.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Hands in general are a symbol of some fateful power of the sleeper; skill, assistants; state of affairs; proposal for a woman.

There is a scandal with relatives in the blood.

Dirty - vices, misconduct; infidelity; troubles.

Hairy - success, enrichment; protection.

Very large - fulfillment of desires.

Palms - close fateful events.

Wash - release or removal from business.

The right hand is the male part (father, brother, husband...), the left is the female half (mother, sister, wife...).

Having many hands means great fruitful work; for thieves - punishment, prison.

Damaged, wounded - great damage.

Loss of a hand - death of a friend, brother, spouse; misfortune.

Children's hands are happiness.

Clumsy, unclean, blotchy, missing fingers - symbols of classes black magic(according to Castaneda) within the framework of the well-known dream technique of “viewing hands in a dream.”

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Hand - sycophancy; disagreement; loss of a friend, workmate.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Hands - especially when deliberately viewed in a dream: dirty, bloody, with claws, rings, ugly, black, without fingers or with many fingers; gray, with black lines, seals, signs, prison tattoos, or instead of their hands they substitute some kind of demonic claws or paws of animals.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

Very beautiful hands with graceful, sharpened fingers or very large ones - success in love.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Psychological dream book

Hands - usually seen in some kind of gesture. For example, folded hands in prayer are a request for help or gratitude.

A handshake speaks of friendship.

A grabbing hand is the fear of the possible loss of something (or someone) very necessary and loved (many, apparently, will remember the obsessive dream with a predatory hand that haunted Mikhail Zoshchenko and described by him in the “book about the mind”).

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Hand – Healthy clean hand, even unrecognized, symbolizes someone’s help (the right hand is a symbol of a man, the left is a symbol of a woman). The brush is the personification of physical tension. A sick, broken arm is misfortune, a decline in business. Losing a hand means the death of a loved one. Dirt on hands - infidelity in marriage, deception, unclean deeds. Washing your hands means worries and troubles. (See also Fingers.)

Why do you dream about a hand?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed about your left hand, now is a favorable time for the implementation of old, well-thought-out plans. To make everything successful, put a ring on each finger and wear it for 3 days.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed about your right hand, then in the near future you will lose something valuable. To prevent this from happening, when going outside, place your right hand behind your back.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It symbolizes action, but if the hand is dreamed of separately from the body, then this image is negative and means the stability of a situation of inferiority in relation to oneself or inhibition in development, directly indicating the work of the deviation monitor.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream book for women

If you dream of someone’s hands carefully looking after you, expect warmth and care in reality from the person whose affection you were so looking for.

Seeing arms separately from the body means the death of someone close to you.

If in a dream you shake hands with someone who is upset about something, it means that you will either quarrel with your friend or he will die.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Muslim dream book

If someone sees an unfamiliar woman with bare arms in a dream, he can be at peace about property and worldly goods.

If someone sees that his hands are tied, it means that he will be idle, or will lose his faith.

If someone sees in a dream that his hands have dried up or become powerless, his loved ones will leave him.

And if he sees that he has many hands, he will do good deeds, provided that the person is righteous: if he is wicked, he will further increase his criminal and depraved acts.

If someone sees that his hand is painted with “quinna,” he will be a participant in the killing of a person, and if he sees that both his hands are painted, it means that by worrying about the affairs of everyday life, he will incur anxiety and grief.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream book of the future

Hands separated from the body - damage and danger; hands tied - poverty, powerlessness, difficulties; dirty hands mean money.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Idiomatic dream book

“Iron Fist” - strength, strong power; “hairy hand” - patronage, money; “a hand washes a hand” - support; “I wash my hands of it” - step away from business; “to warm your hands on this” - income, a winning situation; “without getting your hands dirty” - without risking anything; “to give or extend a hand” - help, friendship; “second-hand” - second-hand, gossip; “get your hands dirty” - get involved in an unseemly event; “grab by the hand” - convict, catch; “stick to your hands” or “floats into your hands” - easy enrichment; “hands are itching” - for a new business, for a fight, for money; “at hand” - very close; “your hands are covered in blood or dirt” - bad deeds; “pull yourself together or control yourself” - strict self-control; “arms are short” - difficult to achieve; “to walk with an outstretched hand” - poverty, misery; “as if taken away by hand” - quick, miraculous deliverance, cure; “the hand does not rise” - there is no desire; “give up” - inactivity; “let go of your hands” - to miss, to miss something; “wave your hand” - call, refuse an activity; “give on the paw” - bribery; “hands are tied” - inability to act; “to be the right hand of an influential person”, “dishonest” - a deceiver, a swindler; “ask for someone’s hand” - make a marriage proposal; “We have long arms” - a threat of inevitability of punishment; “giving hand”, “punishing hand” - a fateful, invisible force; “I can’t get my hands on it” - lack of time for a certain task; " light hand", "With light hand"- luck, favor, skill; “heavy hand” - difficulties, rejection; “handshake” - meeting, farewell, acquaintance, support, friendship; “to give military honor with one’s hand” - to pay tribute, a sign of honor, respect; “a bird in your hands”, “holding something in your hands” - i.e. to possess, to have what you are holding; “carry in your arms” - nurse, cherish, help, protect, revere; “feet in hand” - run from fear; “keep your arms wider” - failure to get what you want, failure.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

The image of a hand is synonymous with “doing and acting” and therefore has many meanings. It must be analyzed very carefully, taking into account the objects and characters present, as well as the circumstances.

The image of a hand without a body is always negative. This is a sign of some distorted situation or a stop in development, a sign of the creation of some inhibitory psychophysiological mechanisms.

A handshake is a symbol of friendship.

If you see hands folded as if in prayer, a person who has folded his hands in this way feels the need to solve his current problems or the need to resolve existing emotional conflicts, feels a desire for good luck, happiness in his inner being. This person needs supernatural help in solving everyday difficulties and thanks someone for positive contributions to him.

The image of a grabbing hand (or snatching something) is a symbol of the fear of death or the fear that something important may slip away from a person.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream book for the whole family

If you dream of someone’s hands carefully looking after you, expect warmth and care in reality from the person whose affection you were so looking for.

Seeing arms separately from the body means the death of someone close to you.

If in a dream you shake hands with a person who is upset about something, this means that you will either quarrel with your friend or he will die.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, well-groomed, neat hands are a sign of luck and prosperity.

If they are extremely unattractive, you will experience deprivation and grief.

Seeing them bloodied means a lack of understanding with loved ones; for them you will be guilty without guilt.

If they have wounds and damage, someone else will reap the fruits of your selfless labor.

A dream in which you saw a hand separate from the body - you will not be able to find a soul mate, you will remain somewhat aloof from society.

You have received a burn to your upper extremities - you will not disdain anything to achieve material goods, and you will pay dearly for it.

If they are dirty, you will be irritated by other people’s successes, and you will undeservedly offend someone.

If someone doesn’t have them at all, you will lose something very valuable.

In a dream, dense vegetation appeared on your hands - you will play only minor roles in your own environment.

They are disproportionately large - very soon your situation will noticeably improve.

If they are simply miniature, none of your endeavors will advance one iota.

Seeing them grow old in your home means that everything will get better for you in the near future.

Lose an upper limb - your current relationship has no prospects due to different temperaments and preferences in intimate life.

The right hand in a dream is like a symbol of a proven, noble person next to you, who you can count on in any situation.

If you dreamed of your left hand, now you can safely begin to implement your most ambitious plans, start promising projects, you will certainly be successful.

If you saw dirty hands in a dream, being guided by negative emotions and selfish interests, you can greatly offend someone, which will have a negative impact primarily on yourself.

If you dreamed of a cut off hand, it means that soon you will face unpleasant conflict situations and difficulties in communicating with others.

If you dreamed of a broken arm, be on your guard; your competitors and enemies have launched an active campaign against you, designed to upset your affairs and ruin your reputation.

Men's hands in a dream - promises you good luck in everything you are doing now, joy from communicating with people you like, the only thing that is required of you is to show strength of character and determination in actions.

If you took someone by the hand, it means that in real life, for the sake of your peace of mind and well-being, you should be extremely careful and exercise caution in everything.

If you want to shake hands, but to do this you have to raise your palm too high, you will have a competitor who will have to prove his superiority in a grueling struggle.

If she is wearing a glove

If your hands are warm and pleasant to touch, it means that you can completely trust the one to whom they belong and can safely count on his help at a critical moment.

Why do you dream about a hand?

American dream book

Open hands are a symbol of openness and trust in life. By bringing your hands together, you are cutting yourself off from life.

Hands can symbolize weapons. Do you want to protect yourself from something?

Why do you dream about a hand?

An old English dream book

Folding your arms or crossing them on your chest in a dream is a bad omen, promising difficulties from which it will be very difficult for you to extricate yourself.

If in a dream you shake hands with someone, this signifies reconciliation after a quarrel or the return of a friend after a long absence.

If in a dream you suddenly discover that your hands are dirty, the dream predicts your participation in unworthy deeds that will humiliate you and bring suffering.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream book of lovers

A girl who dreams that she is admiring her hands will charm many young people in reality.

Dreaming of an amputated hand foreshadows separation from loved ones.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Having dark hands is a sign of need.

Skinny arms mean ruin.

Thick or long arms mean success.

If they stretch out their hands to you, this portends a leadership position.

It is unlucky to have exhausted arms.

Having bandaged or washed hands means losses.

Having dirty hands means sin or loss.

Wash your hands - foretells deliverance from sins or that the heart will refrain from crimes.

Having your hands in jewelry means poverty.

Washing your hands in clear water is good.

Looking at your hands means a serious illness.

Having beautiful hands is a joy.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Russian dream book

Beautiful, well-groomed hands - to be in luxury; old, ugly - deprivation, hard work; Seeing yourself armless means losing a friend; hairy hands - an unstable position.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Russian dream book

Hands are a symbol of action and contact with the outside world. The condition of your hands indicates the health factor, and the sensations in them indicate your self-esteem when certain problems arise in your life.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The hand plays a significant semantic role in the dream space.

Seeing your healthy hand in a dream is a sign of physical and mental balance, balance between external and internal.

If you dream of someone’s strong hand, you can trust such a person.

To look closely at your own in a dream is to try to see your destiny, to predetermine the future (path). The dream is favorable or unfavorable depending on the awareness of the dream and the dreamer’s actions in reality: the initial impetus for movement in the dream has been given, all that remains is to apply your mind, talent and strength.

Seeing a crippled hand is a state of imbalance and illness. This can result in business damage and physical injury when extreme situation the realization of all abilities for perception will also be required, and some of the abilities have already been lost - loss is inevitable.

In addition, injured fingers in a dream can warn of possible physical injury not only to internal organs, but also to external parts of the body.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Wash your hands or feet - it means that an old illness is going away.

There is pus and blood appearing on the arms and legs - a sign of great luck.

If you break your arm, it portends illness.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

A severed, burned or withered hand, seen in a dream, foreshadows the death of the best and most devoted servant; but for those who do not have servants, such a dream foreshadows a great and inevitable misfortune, and for an artisan - lack of work and, therefore, poverty; if you have such a dream married woman- marks her death of her husband or eldest of children; having a hand covered with wool portends imprisonment; washing hands means labor and worry; looking at your hands - portends illness; to have swollen hands means profit and benefit, especially for ministers; to have white hands and much more beautiful than ordinary ones - foreshadows a happy and profitable end to important affairs, the love of subordinates and the friendship of equals; to have hands or fingers shorter than usual is a sign of unfaithful servants and misused power of attorney; to have white and full hands for the rich - promises the conclusion of friendly relations, pleasant company and success in love affairs, and for the poor it foreshadows poverty and sorrow; having many hands means happiness, strength and increase in wealth; but for robbers, thieves and all kinds of slackers, this dream foreshadows the discovery of their crimes and severe punishment for them.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Hands are a phallus, also the ability to do something with one hand; creation.

Two hands, each of which has different objects - a conflict between what is in one hand and what is in the other hand. Ambivalence.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If someone sees an unfamiliar woman with bare arms in a dream, he can be calm about property and worldly goods; what will soon be sent down to him in reality will be enough for the rest of his life.

When someone dreams that his hands are tied, it means that he will be idle or lose faith.

If someone sees a dream in which his hands dry up or become powerless, his loved ones will leave him.

A dream sent down about how you have a lot of hands means: in reality you will do good deeds, however, only on the condition that you already tend to lead a righteous lifestyle. Otherwise, you will only further increase your criminal and depraved acts.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Islamic dream book

Pain in the arm indicates the test that the brothers of the dreaming person will undergo. If the pain covers the fingers, then this will affect their children.

If he sees himself armless, he will be waiting for the money that he will ultimately receive.

If he sees himself as one-armed, he will become a notorious liar. Seeing yourself with your right hand cut off in front of your eyes in a dream means acquiring wealth through your own efforts.

Any imperfections in the hands indicate a lack of strength and help. It is possible that cutting off a hand indicates a refusal to do the work.

If the arm is cut off at shoulder level, he will receive news of the death of his brother.

Seeing in a dream how a government official cuts off the arms and legs of his subordinates means that he will actually rob them and disturb their peace.

If he sees himself in a dream with his left hand cut off, his brother or sister will die, or he will break off relations with them, or break family ties with his close relatives. He may also leave his companion or divorce one of his wives.

If he cuts off his hand before the ruler's door, he will lose the satisfaction of his property.

If one of his arms is shorter than the other, such a dream foreshadows his failure in some goal he is pursuing, or his sexual impotence, or betrayal by brothers and colleagues.

And, conversely, if they are long, it will be known that this is a brave, generous and skillful person.

Paralysis of the arms and their joints usually indicates that the author of the dream will commit a grave sin. with his right hand, he will offend an innocent person and commit injustice towards the weak.

If paralysis covers his left arm, he will lose his brother or sister.

If thumb his hands become hard - he learns about the death of his father, if the index one, then his sister will die, and if the middle one, then his brother will die. If it touches the ring finger, then his daughter will die, if it touches the little finger, his mother or the whole family will die.

A twisted hand speaks of avoiding committing sins. However, they also claim that such a dream foreshadows grave sin and the punishment of the Almighty.

If someone sees himself with his arms and legs cut off, he will commit violence and rebel against the authorities. However, one man, having seen a similar dream, came to the interpreter, and he predicted the disappearance of his brother, friend or companion. In fact, some time later, he was informed about the death of his friend.

Dream book for a bitch

Hand - you may be in danger, be careful.

Tied hands - you will feel powerless in the face of the current situation.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream book of the 21st century

Looking at your left hand in a dream is a warning received from a dishonest person, while looking at your right hand is a sign of meeting a faithful friend.

Having clean hands means everything good, a long life; dirty hands mean adultery in marriage, a warning against evil tongues, trouble.

Wash your hands in cold water - to have fun.

Having hairy hands means trouble, mental degradation.

A sore hand means evil, a warning against an accident.

A broken arm is a dream of misfortune.

Having no hands means a strange situation, a situation to which you do not know how to react.

Not being able to move your hands in a dream means disagreement between the will and the mind.

Having many hands is a good dream, meaning hard but fruitful work.

Having warts on your hands means trouble.

Waving your arms means that you will be given an impossible task.

Having arms that are too long means showing powerlessness, passivity; having arms that are too short is a symbol of the fact that you can thoughtlessly get down to business and try to implement utopian plans.

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (high-ranking official, ruler), it means that she will be entertained and worshiped by people she does not know, and if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends.

If you need to reach up to shake someone’s hand, it means that in life you will have to face competition; if your hand is in a glove, you will be able to overcome these obstacles.

Greeting a person shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.

Why do you dream about a hand?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Your hands express your condition.

A raised hand can indicate attention.

A hand placed on the chest expresses love, two hands clasped together symbolize unity, a hand clenched into a fist indicates anger, opportunity, determination and strength, open hand- can be a symbol of an open soul, openness in life and honesty.

Folded hands may indicate that you are closing your options.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the hand symbolizes action and manifestation.

In America during the time of Columbus, the hand meant magnetic radiant force.

In Islam, the image of a hand was used in the making of amulets.

The image of a hand can say that we must direct the energy of our intuition to creative achievements.

The right hand usually expresses the logical, rational, projective side of your nature, while the left hand symbolizes your intuitive, subjective, receptive side.

The dream is filled with empty images. It is quickly forgotten and does not carry an emotional burden on the dreamer.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

February 25

A dream may hide an ambiguous context. It’s better to forget it and don’t rack your brains over its interpretation: there’s a high probability that you won’t be able to do it correctly.

In general, a dream about any hand injury - a fracture, a cut - is considered a bad sign and promises all sorts of misfortunes. However, some dream interpreters hold a different point of view, and consider a broken arm in a dream to be a harbinger of an imminent turning point in a person’s life. And this turning point should not be perceived purely negatively; changes are steps to new achievements. It is only important to treat them correctly and pass them with honor.

Of course, for correct interpretation sleep, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances that accompanied the fracture. It is especially important to know whose arm is broken - the dreamer’s, a person close to him or a stranger, as well as the type of fracture itself: whether it was open or closed.

Key Aspects

  • A dream about a broken arm may indicate the likelihood of a serious illness in one of your close relatives. In this case, it is important which arm is broken. The right one means one of the male relatives will get sick, the left one means a woman.
  • If you dream of another person breaking his arm, be careful: they will try to drag you into a scandal. It is necessary to avoid quarrels by all means, otherwise the conflict can become fatal for you and significantly change your life, and not for the better.
  • If you dream of a closed fracture, the future troubles will be annoying, but not so big as to seriously affect your life. Seeing an open fracture in a dream - bad sign. Problems or illness will be serious and overcoming them will take a lot of strength from you, both physical and mental. However, you should not despair, you just need to concentrate and be prepared for the coming streak of failures, constantly remembering that victories and success will definitely come after them.

Important nuances

  • Seeing in a dream the actual process of breaking your arm means a sudden illness.
  • A dream that both your arms are broken indicates your state of helplessness. It will not be possible to overcome the difficulties that have arisen without the support of loved ones: friends or relatives. And how much you allow yourself to be helped and supported depends on how much the negative situation will cripple you. In addition, breaking both arms in a dream may indicate the dreamer’s indecisiveness in reality.
  • In an intimate relationship, a broken arm in a dream can be a harbinger of a feeling of fatigue, which negatively affects relationships with your significant other.
  • Seeing your arm in a cast in a dream means you will soon feel pressure. Someone from your environment will actively impose on you own opinion, and you will have to agree with him so as not to provoke a conflict situation. Also, a cast on your arm may be an indication of the intrigues that your ill-wishers are weaving against you.

In any case, negative omens should not be taken as a guarantee of life's adversity. This is the meaning of dream interpretation - to see the signs, hear the signals of fate and respond to them in a timely manner. We see dreams not in order to fall into sadness from them, but in order to act and change, thus changing our destiny.

In general, the dream book interprets any hand injuries in a dream (cuts, fractures) as an extremely unfavorable sign.

A broken arm in a dream is a sign of approaching misfortune.

If in a dream you break your arm, such a dream may foreshadow an illness, a sudden deterioration in your health in reality.

Dreams in which a broken arm appears have an even more negative interpretation.

According to the dream book, a broken arm in a dream foreshadows a serious illness or death of one of your close relatives.

If in a dream you saw your right arm broken, misfortune awaits some man, if your left arm, then a woman.


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Why do you dream about a broken hand?

A vision of injuries and serious wounds is unlikely to please anyone, because such a dream evokes thoughts about real health problems. "If in the dream it was as if my arm was broken“, this means this will happen in real life,” many inexperienced dreamers share such erroneous interpretations on forums. In fact, broken arm Rather, it foreshadows some significant event that is about to happen in life. This event will be a turning point in life and will result in global changes.

Why do you dream about a broken arm?, which does not cause pain and heals quite quickly? Usually this vision is interpreted as a sign that the coming changes will be positive. Perhaps the dreamer will change his job to a more promising one or find his true love, the very person with whom relationships will bring only joy. If the fracture turns out to be open and very painful, you should expect serious problems and negative turns in your own destiny. Often, such a vision foreshadows a crisis in your personal life, divorce and loss of your favorite job. In the coming weeks, the dreamer should refrain from making serious decisions, since each of them may have negative consequences.

Why do you dream about breaking your arm? specially? In fact, this vision has a rather simple interpretation - the dreamer, for some reason, seeks to destroy his own successes, to destroy the prospects for which he has worked for so long. Perhaps the dreamer is simply afraid of possible success that could fall on him at any moment.

What if you dream about a broken arm?

« Why do you dream that you broke your arm? to a comrade specifically?” - usually such a vision has a purely negative interpretation. A serious crisis is about to brew between the comrades, and as soon as this happens, their relationship will deteriorate sharply. It is quite possible that the dreamer will have to endure many treacherous pricks from someone he really trusted.

Seeing in a dream how someone breaks the hand of the owner of the vision is also a symbol of better character. Very soon a person will appear in his life who is able to cross the dreamer’s path and who uses the most vile and disgusting methods to achieve his goals. A collision with such a person will not lead to anything good, and most likely the dreamer will have to deal with global crises due to the dishonest actions of the enemy.

Why do you dream about a broken arm? in plaster is also a common question. Usually a vision means that a turning point in the dreamer’s life has already occurred, and now he will have to persistently move forward for the sake of barely noticeable prospects. You can console yourself with the fact that the most difficult period is already over, and very soon things will return to normal and your financial well-being will settle down. Seeing a newly broken arm in a dream and treating the wound yourself - good sign. Usually, a dream means that despite all life’s obstacles along the way, the dreamer can boast of ideal endurance. The owner of a vision is able to independently remove any obstacles in his path and achieve success, but he needs to act actively. The sooner you can begin to combat problems, the less they will affect the future.

What does a broken hand portend?

If a person dreamed of a broken arm that did not heal within several months, it means that in real life he experienced some kind of tragedy that still weighs heavily on him, affecting his personal life and career. Now the dreamer should throw all his strength into fighting this problem, otherwise there will be no need to talk about any prospects in life.

Seeing a fracture resulting from a serious fight in a dream means conflicts with colleagues and superiors. It is quite possible that the dreamer is too actively defending his position, which leads to negativity from others. If the dreamer wins this fight, it means that in real life his beliefs are absolutely fair and accurate, and one should fight hard for them in real life.

If in a dream someone breaks several bones in their hands at once, it means that in real life the person will find himself face to face with a whole bunch of problems. It will take many months to cope with it, but as a result, a person will be able to achieve success in all his endeavors.

Some dream books also pay attention to which limb was broken. For example, if a person breaks his right arm, then he should expect some shocks in his work. If the fracture occurred in the left hand, then most likely troubles will affect your personal life. Perhaps the owner of the vision will reconsider his attitude towards his partner, which will lead to inevitable separation. Seeing both arms broken in a dream is a negative sign. Usually this vision means that the dreamer will have to fight circumstances that are stronger than himself. As a result, defeat on all fronts will be inevitable, and besides, it will hurt a person’s self-esteem.


Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why do you dream about Hand in a dream?

Dream hand - if it is someone else's hand - you are looking at someone else's fate, if it is your hand - at your own

someone else's hand - if it is a child's - someone will need your help. If your hand is small in a dream, you will feel some restrictions. A long hand in a dream means you have unlimited opportunities to bring your plans to life.

A person’s hand is beautiful and strong – a sign of stability and favorable events.

Why do you dream of a person’s hand - well-groomed, strong, which you want to admire - be confident in your abilities, prosperity awaits you.

Guy's hand - be confident in your choice: your guy is ready to protect you and take care of you.

Why do you dream of a guy’s hand - just like a man’s hand, it can mean his protection over you, care and tenderness.

Holding your hand - if your significant other holds your hand in a dream, this means that you will achieve everything in life together.

Why dream of holding hands, holding hands while going somewhere - you completely trust your partner in a relationship and he reciprocates your feelings.

Blood on hands - seeing blood on hands stranger- someone will try to ruin your reputation.

Someone else's blood on your hands in a dream can mean both happiness - if it is the enemy's blood on your hands, and quarrels, illness, and conflicts.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why do you dream about the Hand? Let’s analyze the vision:

why do you dream about a Hand - The image of a hand is synonymous with doing and acting and therefore has many meanings. It must be analyzed very carefully, taking into account the objects and characters present, as well as the circumstances. The image of a hand without a body is always negative. This is a sign of some distorted situation or a stop in development, a sign of the creation of some inhibitory psychophysiological mechanisms. A handshake is a symbol of friendship. If you see hands folded as if in prayer, then the person who folded his hands in this way feels the need to solve his current problems or the need to resolve existing emotional conflicts, feels the desire for good luck, happiness in his inner being. This person needs supernatural help in solving everyday difficulties and thanks someone for positive contributions to him. The image of a grabbing hand (or snatching something) is a symbol of the fear of death or the fear that something important may slip away from a person.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about a hand in the fall?

Hand - To encroachment.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about a hand in the summer?

Hand - Someone will covet your goods, be careful.

Gypsy dream book

What does a hand mean and why do you dream:

Hand - A severed, burned or withered hand, seen in a dream, foreshadows the death of the best and most devoted servant; but for those who do not have servants, such a dream foreshadows a great and inevitable misfortune, and for the artisan, lack of work and, therefore, poverty; if such a dream occurs to a married woman, it marks the death of her husband or the eldest of her children; having a hand covered with fur foreshadows imprisonment; washing hands means labor and worry; looking at your hands portends illness; having swollen hands means profit and benefit, especially for ministers; having hands that are white and much more beautiful than ordinary ones foreshadows a happy and profitable end to important affairs, the love of subordinates and the friendship of equals; having hands or fingers shorter than usual is a sign of unfaithful servants and misused power of attorney; to have white and full hands promises the conclusion of friendly relations, pleasant company and success in love affairs to the rich, and foretells poverty and sorrow to the poor; having many hands means happiness, strength and an increase in wealth; but for robbers, thieves of all kinds, idle people, this dream foreshadows the discovery of their crimes and severe punishment for them. However, see the articles gout, fire and water.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky

Hand - Sycophancy; disagreement; the loss of a friend, a workmate, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Hand in your night dreams?

Hand - Looking at your left hand in a dream is a warning received from a dishonest person, your right hand - to a meeting with a faithful friend. Having clean hands means all good things, a long life; dirty hands mean adultery in marriage, a warning against evil tongues, trouble. Washing your hands in cold water means having fun. Having hairy hands means trouble, mental degradation. A sore hand means evil, a warning against an accident. A broken arm is a bad dream. Having no hands means a strange situation, a situation to which you do not know how to react. Not being able to move your hands in a dream means disagreement between the will and the mind. Having many hands is a good dream, meaning hard but fruitful work. Having warts on your hands means trouble. Waving your arms means that you will be given an impossible task. Having arms that are too long means showing powerlessness, passivity; having arms that are too short is a symbol of the fact that you can thoughtlessly get down to business and try to implement utopian plans. If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (high-ranking official, ruler), it means that she will be entertained and worshiped by people she does not know, and if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends. If you need to reach up to shake someone’s hand, it means that in life you will have to face competition; if your hand is in a glove, you will be able to overcome these obstacles. Greeting a person shorter than you in a dream is a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence. If in a dream it seems to you that your hands are dirty, it means that in reality you will discover that not all of your friends are true. If in a dream you are doing a manicure for yourself or someone is doing it for you, it means that you will be able to achieve a positive solution to the issue or get what you want thanks to your intelligence, charm or charm. This dream is especially favorable for women. Giving someone a manicure in a dream is a sign that in order to achieve your goal you will need to deceive someone, commit a forgery, etc.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about a hand in spring?

What does Hand mean - Seeing an unfamiliar hand means receiving someone’s help at the right moment; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming about.

French dream book

Why do you dream about it and how to interpret the Hand according to the dream book?

Hand - If you dreamed of hands, the dream means that your friends will be faithful to you in an unkind hour. A broken arm predicts the illness of your friend, adversity in the family. Swollen hands promise unexpected enrichment. Young women dream of hairy arms, whose children will be very beautiful and happy. If you dreamed that your hand was cut off, the dream predicts unlucky days.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream about Hand and how to interpret it?

Hand - A healthy, clean hand, even unrecognized, symbolizes someone’s help (the right hand is a symbol of a man, the left is a symbol of a woman). The brush is the personification of physical tension. A sick, broken arm is a misfortune, a decline in business. Losing a hand means the death of a loved one. Dirt on hands - infidelity in marriage, deception, unclean deeds. Washing your hands means worries and troubles. (See also Fingers.)

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Hand according to the dream book:

Hand - If you dream of beautiful hands, fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you. Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes portend trouble. Blood on your hands promises temporary alienation among people close to you, unfair condemnation of a friend. If you see that your hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you. Burning your hands in a dream promises you a loss in a competition with fate: having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you will miss out on something more valuable. Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigue against those who are truly loyal to you. If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will quickly advance towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active. Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you. If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream foretells that she will be able to conquer more than one sincere heart. If she sees that someone takes her hand in his and kisses it, the dream warns her of greater caution in her behavior. If you see fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers, success will take you to very great heights. Tied hands foreshadow future difficulties. Untying them in my sleep. In reality you will master the situation. An amputated hand means separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming about the Hand, why?

Hand - Left - betrayal; right - true friend; to lose - the funeral of a good friend.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Hand according to the dream book?

Hand - Left - betrayal - right - true friend - to lose - funeral of a good friend


Broken arm according to the dream book

Seeing an injury in a dream is a painful plot. No matter how hard you try to find good omens in a dream about a broken arm, it is unlikely to succeed. One consolation is that the troubles prophesied by dream books are not tragic. At the same time, having learned what such damage means in a dream, you can take a sober look at yourself from the outside and change the course of your life for the better.

Signs of creation and development

Each part of the body in a dream symbolizes some physical or spiritual sphere. For example, the hand is interpreted by dream books as creation, cooperation, the finger - indication, warning, and the foot - development, progress. Trauma means disruptive changes in some aspect of life. Why dream of seeing yourself in a cast - obstacles arising from outside.

In accordance with this, dream images are interpreted as follows:

  • A broken arm in a dream means complications in a relationship or business.
  • An injured leg means unfulfilled hopes for success in career advancement and spiritual development.
  • An arm and leg in a cast are circumstances that limit forward movement and prevent communication.
  • I dreamed of a finger in a cast - a person will be extremely limited in freedom of decision.

Miller's Dream Book - about the nature of injuries

Miller gives an interpretation of sleep based on the characteristics of the injuries. In his opinion, a closed fracture represents the destruction of what is dear - in terms of relationships with people or in the implementation of an important project.

Why do you dream about open fractures and bleeding wounds? The dreamer is ready to condemn his friend and break off relations with him without serious reasons. This also applies to relatives with whom there are blood ties. If you dream of a bone that has not fused properly, this is a harbinger of trouble.

Treason and temptation

Were you able to remember whether the broken arm was right or left? The left one symbolizes a woman, the right one symbolizes a man. So who will turn away from the dreamer - a friend or a friend?

In a man’s dream, if damaged right hand, this means loss of support from a comrade, left - your wife or girlfriend will cheat. For a lady, a broken left arm in a dream foretells that her friend will betray her, and her right arm will be betrayed by her husband or lover.

Why dream of seeing yourself injured, but without pain: a person is confident in his own irresistibility and expects that success with women (men) will come by itself, but life will disappoint the dreamer. Anyone who dreamed of seeing someone in a cast will admire someone else's success, which he will not be able to repeat.

Erotic associations

According to Freud's dream book, if you dreamed of a broken arm, the dreamer will soon be overtaken by impotence. In a woman’s dream, this image may reflect problems with her partner associated with the loss of his male viability. By the way, many dream books claim that the sight of a wound reveals a certain secret - the inability to receive pleasure in sex without pain.

It is also interesting how Freud’s dream book interprets the application of plaster in a dream. All attempts to seduce the object of desire will be in vain. A man will not be able to persuade a young lady to be intimate, although he will be ready to use any means of pressure.

Why do you dream about a broken arm? The dream book will tell you

Why do you dream about a broken arm? The dream book interprets such a dream as negative. However, you should not become discouraged; often this simply portends big changes in a person’s life, not necessarily for the worse. In order to find out exactly what a dream about a broken arm means in specific circumstances, you need to consider each situation separately.

Basic values

Any dream about a broken arm can indicate an illness or some serious illness of the dreamer himself or someone in his environment.

Why do you dream about a broken arm? The dream book says that first of all it is necessary to determine which fracture - closed or open - you dreamed about. A dream about a closed fracture is not so scary. If troubles do happen, they will not be very serious. Open fracture promises a larger failure or even a serious illness. But you shouldn’t despair, because any problem can be overcome.

What does a dream mean when another person breaks his arm? In this case, it does not matter whether he is familiar to the dreamer or not. If you had such a dream, then there is a risk of finding yourself in the midst of a scandal or a major quarrel that will not lead to a positive result. It is not recommended to contribute to the growth of the conflict, so as not to regret it later.

A simultaneous fracture of both arms indicates the impossibility of overcoming some difficult life situation. In this case, only family and friends can help.

If you have a cast on your arm, then you may encounter people imposing their opinions, and it will be difficult to avoid conflict. Also, most likely, you will have to forget about your opinion or even give it up due to certain circumstances. This dream can also warn about the presence of gossips in your environment at the moment.

Why do you dream about a broken arm? In an intimate sense, such a dream may indicate the dreamer’s possible impotence, fading sexual desire, fatigue, or problems in relationships with a partner. This is exactly how this dream is interpreted by Sigmund Freud’s dream book.

Body warning

Did you dream that you had a broken arm? The dream book says that there is an assumption that through such dreams the body is trying to warn about the lack of essential nutrients in the dreamer’s diet. Often such a dream is associated with a general state of malaise or decreased immunity. For example, a broken arm can occur due to a severe lack of calcium, which is responsible for the level of bone strength. This may be a reason to think about changing your diet or lifestyle in general. It is worth eating more foods with high levels of calcium or taking appropriate vitamins.

The body can also warn about accumulated fatigue, requiring urgent rest. If you are really overtired, try to get more rest, change your environment or take a vacation. In such cases, meditative techniques help well.

Rare and non-standard interpretations of sleep

Not all dream books interpret dreams from a negative point of view. There is an opinion that breaking an arm in a dream promises recognition from loved ones or colleagues at work. It is quite possible that in the near future the dreamer’s efforts and work will be appreciated in one way or another.

Some interpreters also claim that such a dream foreshadows some turning point in the dreamer’s life. It won't necessarily be bad, depending on how you look at the situation. If you treat it positively and pass the test with honor, then everything will turn out successfully.

Instead of an afterword

Now you know why you dream of a broken arm. The Dream Interpretation offers us various versions. Believing in them or not is everyone's personal choice. Here, a huge role is played by the fact how you yourself feel about what you saw in your dream, how much it impressed you. Perhaps it’s not always worth paying attention to what happens in a dream and after each night, look for explanations in dream books? And perhaps this is exactly what should be done, then certain problems will be avoided. The choice is yours. Have wonderful dreams!

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Why do you dream about a broken arm?

All kinds of body injuries (cuts, fractures and bruises) are interpreted by the vast majority of dream books as an unfavorable sign.

It’s not difficult to guess why you dream about a broken arm if you study the nuances of the dream in detail.

What does it mean

Despite the fact that most often a broken arm in a dream is a symbol of troubles in the future life and plans of the sleeper, the dream can be viewed from a different angle. For example, some dream books interpret this plot as the imminent arrival of a turning point in life. You should prepare for them in advance and, of course, you should not perceive everything as a manifestation of evil fate.

For conservative people, dreaming of a broken arm is undoubtedly a bad sign. To understand what such a dream portends, you should remember who the hand belonged to - the sleeping person or some stranger. This will directly determine how negatively events will affect family life the dreamer, his career and financial condition.

  • Seeing someone else's turning point means disagreements with people around you, which can lead to conflicts and scandals;
  • Closed fracture of the arm - the troubles awaiting you in reality will not be so large-scale;
  • The sleeper himself breaks his arm - a sudden illness;
  • Open fracture - difficulties in overcoming life circumstances or health problems; a lot of strength will be required;
  • Both arms are broken - the dreamer’s helplessness and indecision, which prevent him from changing the current life circumstances for the better.

A broken arm can also be a harbinger of family problems, illness of close friends and relatives. Depending on which limb is damaged (right or left), you can predict with whom a conflict will arise or who will be affected by the disease. The left hand represents close female people, and the right hand represents men. Why do you dream about a broken arm regarding intimate relationships? In this regard, an injury seen in a dream can represent fatigue from relationships; there is a high probability of quarrels and conflicts with a partner. However, there are also more negative interpretations of a dream in which a broken arm appears.

If the dreamer himself is injured, there is a high probability of illness or a sudden deterioration in health in real life. According to the interpretations of some dream books, a broken arm foreshadows a serious fatal illness and even the death of one of the close relatives. Despite such negative interpretations, a dream with a broken arm should be regarded as a sign that you should take care of yourself and take care of yourself. own health. It may be necessary to significantly reduce the amount physical activity or, conversely, increase their number, depending on what kind of life you lead in reality. In any case, radically reconsider your habits for the benefit of your own body’s health.

Broken arm in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller interprets dreams associated with a broken arm based on appearance limbs. Here are several interpretations described in the dream book:

  • Beautiful and well-groomed hands - fame and high position in your environment;
  • Seeing a broken arm means the need to give up part of what is very dear to the sleeper;
  • Hands thickly covered with hair - the acquisition of strong and courageous partners in work;
  • Hand sizes larger than natural - rapid progress towards the cherished goal;
  • Ugly, ugly hands are a harbinger of trouble;
  • Blood on the hand - temporary alienation of loved ones and friends, unfair condemnation of a friend;
  • Tied hands mean future troubles. If your hands are untied in a dream, you will take the place of the master of the situation;
  • An amputated hand means separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers or spouses, possible deception or fraud.

Freud's dream book and arm fracture

It is common knowledge that Freud interpreted dreams from the point of view of sex. The same fate befell the interpretation of dreams in which a person dreams of a broken arm:

  • A broken limb is a symbol of impotence;
  • Many hands - the personification of an active and varied sex life;
  • Scars or ulcers on the hand - a desire for sex with elements of masochism;
  • A weak or dirty hand means problems with the health of the genital organs.

The article on the topic: “dream book child broke his arm” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Signs of creation and development

Treason and temptation

Erotic associations

The meaning of dreams

Why do you dream about a broken hand?

A vision of injuries and serious wounds is unlikely to please anyone, because such a dream evokes thoughts about real health problems. "If in the dream it was as if my arm was broken“, this means this will happen in real life,” many inexperienced dreamers share such erroneous interpretations on forums. In fact, broken arm Rather, it foreshadows some significant event that is about to happen in life. This event will be a turning point in life and will result in global changes.

Why do you dream about a broken arm?, which does not cause pain and heals quite quickly? Usually this vision is interpreted as a sign that the coming changes will be positive. Perhaps the dreamer will change his job to a more promising one or find his true love, that same person with whom a relationship will bring only joy. If the fracture turns out to be open and very painful, you should expect serious problems and negative turns in your own destiny. Often, such a vision foreshadows a crisis in your personal life, divorce and loss of your favorite job. In the coming weeks, the dreamer should refrain from making serious decisions, since each of them may have negative consequences.

Why do you dream about breaking your arm? specially? In fact, this vision has a rather simple interpretation - the dreamer, for some reason, seeks to destroy his own successes, to destroy the prospects for which he has worked for so long. Perhaps the dreamer is simply afraid of possible success that could fall on him at any moment.

What if you dream about a broken arm?

Why do you dream that you broke your arm? specially for a comrade?” - usually such a vision has a purely negative interpretation. A serious crisis is about to brew between the comrades, and as soon as this happens, their relationship will deteriorate sharply. It is quite possible that the dreamer will have to endure many treacherous pricks from someone he really trusted.

Seeing in a dream how someone breaks the hand of the owner of the vision is also a symbol of not the best character. Very soon a person will appear in his life who is able to cross the dreamer’s path and who uses the most vile and disgusting methods to achieve his goals. A collision with such a person will not lead to anything good, and most likely the dreamer will have to deal with global crises due to the dishonest actions of the enemy.

Why do you dream about a broken arm? in plaster is also a common question. Usually a vision means that a turning point in the dreamer’s life has already occurred, and now he will have to persistently move forward for the sake of barely noticeable prospects. You can console yourself with the fact that the most difficult period is already over, and very soon things will return to normal and your financial well-being will settle down. Seeing a newly broken arm in a dream and treating the wound yourself is a good sign. Usually, a dream means that despite all life’s obstacles along the way, the dreamer can boast of ideal endurance. The owner of a vision is able to independently remove any obstacles in his path and achieve success, but he needs to act actively. The sooner you can begin to combat problems, the less they will affect the future.

What does a broken hand portend?

If a person dreamed of a broken arm that did not heal within several months, it means that in real life he experienced some kind of tragedy that still weighs heavily on him, affecting his personal life and career. Now the dreamer should throw all his strength into fighting this problem, otherwise there will be no need to talk about any prospects in life.

Seeing a fracture resulting from a serious fight in a dream means conflicts with colleagues and superiors. It is quite possible that the dreamer is too actively defending his position, which leads to negativity from others. If the dreamer wins this fight, it means that in real life his beliefs are absolutely fair and accurate, and one should fight hard for them in real life.

If in a dream someone breaks several bones in their hands at once, it means that in real life the person will find himself face to face with a whole bunch of problems. It will take many months to cope with it, but as a result, a person will be able to achieve success in all his endeavors.

Some dream books also pay attention to which limb was broken. For example, if a person breaks his right arm, then he should expect some shocks in his work. If the fracture occurred in the left hand, then most likely troubles will affect your personal life. Perhaps the owner of the vision will reconsider his attitude towards his partner, which will lead to inevitable separation. Seeing both arms broken in a dream is a negative sign. Usually this vision means that the dreamer will have to fight circumstances that are stronger than himself. As a result, defeat on all fronts will be inevitable, and besides, it will hurt a person’s self-esteem.

Why do you dream about a broken arm?

All kinds of body injuries (cuts, fractures and bruises) are interpreted by the vast majority of dream books as an unfavorable sign.

It’s not difficult to guess why you dream about a broken arm if you study the nuances of the dream in detail.

What does it mean

Despite the fact that most often a broken arm in a dream is a symbol of troubles in the future life and plans of the sleeper, the dream can be viewed from a different angle. For example, some dream books interpret this plot as the imminent arrival of a turning point in life. You should prepare for them in advance and, of course, you should not perceive everything as a manifestation of evil fate.

For conservative people, dreaming of a broken arm is undoubtedly a bad sign. To understand what such a dream portends, you should remember who the hand belonged to - the sleeping person or some stranger. This will directly determine how negatively events will affect the dreamer’s family life, his career and financial condition.

  • Seeing someone else's turning point means disagreements with people around you, which can lead to conflicts and scandals;
  • Closed fracture of the arm - the troubles awaiting you in reality will not be so large-scale;
  • The sleeper himself breaks his arm - a sudden illness;
  • Open fracture - difficulties in overcoming life circumstances or health problems; a lot of strength will be required;
  • Both arms are broken - the dreamer’s helplessness and indecision, which prevent him from changing the current life circumstances for the better.

A broken arm can also be a harbinger of family problems, illness of close friends and relatives. Depending on which limb is damaged (right or left), you can predict with whom a conflict will arise or who will be affected by the disease. The left hand represents close female people, and the right hand represents men. Why do you dream about a broken arm regarding intimate relationships? In this regard, an injury seen in a dream can represent fatigue from relationships; there is a high probability of quarrels and conflicts with a partner. However, there are also more negative interpretations of a dream in which a broken arm appears.

If the dreamer himself is injured, there is a high probability of illness or a sudden deterioration in health in real life. According to the interpretations of some dream books, a broken arm foreshadows a serious fatal illness and even the death of one of your close relatives. Despite such negative interpretations, a dream with a broken arm should be regarded as a sign that you should take care of yourself and take care of your own health. Perhaps you should significantly reduce the amount of physical activity or, conversely, increase their number, depending on what kind of lifestyle you lead in reality. In any case, radically reconsider your habits for the benefit of your own body’s health.

Broken arm in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller interprets dreams associated with a broken arm based on the appearance of the limb. Here are several interpretations described in the dream book:

  • Beautiful and well-groomed hands - fame and high position in your environment;
  • Seeing a broken arm means the need to give up part of what is very dear to the sleeper;
  • Hands thickly covered with hair - the acquisition of strong and courageous partners in work;
  • Hand sizes larger than natural - rapid progress towards the cherished goal;
  • Ugly, ugly hands are a harbinger of trouble;
  • Blood on the hand - temporary alienation of loved ones and friends, unfair condemnation of a friend;
  • Tied hands mean future troubles. If your hands are untied in a dream, you will take the place of the master of the situation;
  • An amputated hand means separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers or spouses, possible deception or fraud.

Freud's dream book and arm fracture

It is common knowledge that Freud interpreted dreams from the point of view of sex. The same fate befell the interpretation of dreams in which a person dreams of a broken arm:

  • A broken limb is a symbol of impotence;
  • Many hands - the personification of an active and varied sex life;
  • Scars or ulcers on the hand - a desire for sex with elements of masochism;
  • A weak or dirty hand means problems with the health of the genital organs.

Why do you dream about a broken arm?

If you dreamed of a broken arm, then in real life you should expect troubles. There is a high probability that your enemies will try to thwart your plans. However, not all dream books interpret this dream as negative. To find out why you dream about a broken arm, in each specific case, you need to read this article.

This dream is often a harbinger of illness in loved ones. If the left arm is broken, then one of the women will get sick.

If you saw a hand in a cast, it means that someone will impose their opinion on you. To avoid scandals, you will have no choice but to agree. It is also quite possible that envious people and ill-wishers will weave intrigues behind your back.

What kind of fracture was also important. If closed, then the future troubles will not be too big. An open fracture of the arm is a harbinger of danger. You will need a lot of strength to cope with all the problems.

If you clearly saw yourself breaking your arm, then such a dream foreshadows sudden illnesses and deterioration in health.

A dream in which another person's arm was broken, not yours, is a warning that you may be embroiled in a big scandal. The dream book strongly advises avoiding any conflict situations. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the upcoming quarrel will be fatal for you.

An intimate dream book states that a broken arm may indicate the dreamer’s fatigue. You need to try to solve your problems in order to improve your relationship with your other half.

The dreamer's helplessness is indicated by a dream in which two arms were broken. To get out of a difficult situation, you need to have the support of relatives or friends.

Good afternoon! In a dream I quarrel with my ex, suddenly I break him ring finger after that he shouted. what does this mean? thank you very much!

He says that you yourself do not understand him in many ways; compromises are probably needed.

Everything is the other way around with him... I’m trying to understand, but he’s on his way... he has a feeling for me from the dream, can you tell? Are examples possible?? Thank you very much in advance.

Please don’t write anything on the site, we seem to have agreed. Now you wrote http there. No need, it makes it harder to reply to the comment.

Perhaps, if he understands, and you can forgive and accept him for who he is.

In my dream I also said, “I can’t say I’ll marry you yet, but I’ll be next to you.”

I have 8 friends with whom I am connected by a common cause. I dreamed that one friend had a very bad headache, that she even cried and could not tolerate touching and the pills did not help much. Then in the dream I saw my friend, at first with a normal arm, and then it turned out to be broken, and even decreased in size, as if it had dried out. The third friend also had a headache, but much less than the first. What was all this for?

Perhaps these are the people who will have to decide something important, however, according to another version, they may turn out to be a kind of weak link. To break an arm means to participate in a common cause too little, to trouble.

Hello! In a dream, I saw my daughter’s hand torn off, without blood. She is sick now, so I am very worried about this dream. Help me understand the meaning of my dream.

Tatyana, judging by the dream, it shows that she really may have health problems for some time, also the dream about the hand shows not only physical health, but also to problems in communicating with someone.

You can argue with her.

Hello! I dreamed that in the palm of my hand through hole, which was without blood and overgrown before my eyes, after which I saw that blood began to flow on the index finger, and then the wound healed. Later, some people ask me to stick a needle into my finger and pour some blood into a bottle. Nonsense, of course, but still. Thanks in advance.

Sophie, someone may need help from you. The dream signifies loss own strength and energy for other things.

I dreamed that my second cousin (also with whom we have a bad relationship in real life) breaks my arm and pierces my back with a knife, and her mother beats my cousin (with cousin We have a great relationship.) In retaliation, my cousin and I set fire to the building near which all this happened. And in a dream it belongs to a second cousin and her mother.

What could such a dream mean?

Yana, the dream perhaps means family troubles and increased conflict on some specific issue. It is possible that in reality the participants in the events will be the people involved in the dream.

Good afternoon I dreamed that my husband was fixing something on the balcony, putting in a shutter or something like that, and something sharp fell off, the tool or the profile itself was sharp, and it cut off his entire hand. He was really screaming, like, “nooo, tell me this is a dream.” And I watch everything from the side, I also screamed loudly, realizing how much pain he was in. What do you think is a bad dream?

Tatyana, a dream can really promise trouble. Moreover, everything points to the rapid development of events, and your reaction to them will be important.

Hello, I dreamed that my husband came home and his arm was broken and in a cast. What does it mean?

Troubles and unexpected troubles are possible.

Hello!) Please tell me why I was dreaming, when a hand appears from behind from the darkness and begins to put pressure on my shoulder, I throw it off with such anger, after which curses pour out. Why the hell are you even touching? The hand is not old, but of a young girl.

It is likely that the dream speaks of pressure and instructions that you may not like. There may be difficulties in communication at work and at home.

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Why do you dream about a broken arm?

Broken arm according to the dream book

Seeing an injury in a dream is a painful plot. No matter how hard you try to find good omens in a dream about a broken arm, it is unlikely to succeed. One consolation is that the troubles prophesied by dream books are not tragic. At the same time, having learned what such damage means in a dream, you can take a sober look at yourself from the outside and change the course of your life for the better.

Signs of creation and development

Each part of the body in a dream symbolizes some physical or spiritual sphere. For example, the hand is interpreted by dream books as creation, cooperation, the finger - indication, warning, and the foot - development, progress. Trauma means disruptive changes in some aspect of life. Why dream of seeing yourself in a cast - obstacles arising from outside.

In accordance with this, dream images are interpreted as follows:

  • A broken arm in a dream means complications in a relationship or business.
  • An injured leg means unfulfilled hopes for success in career advancement and spiritual development.
  • An arm and leg in a cast are circumstances that limit forward movement and prevent communication.
  • I dreamed of a finger in a cast - a person will be extremely limited in freedom of decision.

Miller's Dream Book - about the nature of injuries

Miller gives an interpretation of sleep based on the characteristics of the injuries. In his opinion, a closed fracture represents the destruction of what is dear - in terms of relationships with people or in the implementation of an important project.

Why do you dream about open fractures and bleeding wounds? The dreamer is ready to condemn his friend and break off relations with him without serious reasons. This also applies to relatives with whom there are blood ties. If you dream of a bone that has not fused properly, this is a harbinger of trouble.

Treason and temptation

Were you able to remember whether the broken arm was right or left? The left one symbolizes a woman, the right one symbolizes a man. So who will turn away from the dreamer - a friend or a friend?

In a man’s dream, if the right hand is damaged, this means the loss of the support of a comrade, the left hand means that his wife or girlfriend will cheat. For a lady, a broken left arm in a dream foretells that her friend will betray her, and her right arm will be betrayed by her husband or lover.

Why dream of seeing yourself injured, but without pain: a person is confident in his own irresistibility and expects that success with women (men) will come by itself, but life will disappoint the dreamer. Anyone who dreamed of seeing someone in a cast will admire someone else's success, which he will not be able to repeat.

Erotic associations

According to Freud's dream book, if you dreamed of a broken arm, the dreamer will soon be overtaken by impotence. In a woman’s dream, this image may reflect problems with her partner associated with the loss of his male viability. By the way, many dream books claim that the sight of a wound reveals a certain secret - the inability to receive pleasure in sex without pain.

It is also interesting how Freud’s dream book interprets the application of plaster in a dream. All attempts to seduce the object of desire will be in vain. A man will not be able to persuade a young lady to be intimate, although he will be ready to use any means of pressure.

Dream Interpretation Fracture

Why do you dream about Fracture in a dream according to the dream book?

You have a fracture of either an arm or a leg, which means that you may soon get sick with something.

If another person was injured, you will soon be threatened with some kind of fatal strife.

Dream Interpretation Fracture of a leg or arm

Why do you dream about a broken leg or arm in a dream according to the dream book?

A broken limb in a dream warns that some unexpected incident may happen to you, which will entail a series of unpleasant events.

Violation of the integrity of the bones may indicate that you are on the threshold of a new stage in life, some important event may occur now, or you simply need to be overly careful for your own good.

Dream Interpretation Break

Why do you dream about breaking in a dream according to the dream book?

Breaking something is a sign that you will go through certain problems.

Iron - you can achieve great success.

A tree branch - this indicates that you will be lonely.

Open arm fracture

Dream Interpretation Open arm fracture dreamed of why you dream about an open arm fracture? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an open arm fracture in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Fracture (legs, arms)

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

Dream Interpretation – Openness/open

Open yourself up to life and new opportunities.

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

Dream Interpretation – Bone Fracture

To victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

Dream Interpretation – Hands

“edit with an iron fist”, “iron fist” (strength, strong power), “hairy hand” (patronage, money), “hand washes hand” (support). “I wash my hands of” stepping away from business.

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

Dream Interpretation – Hand

If you dream of beautiful hands, fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you.

Dream Interpretation – Hands

Admiring your own hands in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity. In the old days, it was believed that the right hand in a dream means the present or close male people, and the left hand means the future or close female people. Losing one hand in a dream means losing something loved one.

Dream arm fracture

Why do you dream about Fracture (legs, arms)?

Why do you dream about Fracture (legs, arms)

Breaking an arm or leg is a big problem. If the fracture is open, the bone is visible and blood flows - a sad event in the family.

Plaster fracture arm

Dream Interpretation Plaster fractured arm dreamed of why in a dream you dream about a plaster fracture of your arm? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cast fractured arm in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Plaster (on an arm or leg)

Unforeseen circumstances will interfere with your plans. However, the difficulties will be temporary.

Dream Interpretation – Fracture (legs, arms)

Breaking an arm or leg is a big problem. If the fracture is open, the bone is visible and blood flows - a sad event in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

Dealing with plaster in a dream means experiencing failure in business. However, for those who are going to get married, such a dream indicates the correctness of their decision and foreshadows love and respect from their future husband.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

Plaster - dreams of plaster - favor towards a person, sympathy; get dusty with plaster - fall in love.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

If you see plaster in a dream, then heartfelt affection awaits you. Getting dirty with plaster is a harbinger of passionate love. If you dream that some object is made of plaster and you are afraid of breaking it, then you will have to fight for the location or life of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

You dream that you are being put in a plaster cast after an injury: this means that you will soon receive news from a person with whom you communicated for a long time, but then stopped all contact.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

If you were put in a cast in a dream, then your plans will be upset and you will not be able to carry out a long-planned event.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

A dream in which you are put in a cast foretells that you will fail in trying to capture the love of a person who does not reciprocate your feelings.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

Seeing in a dream building gypsum prepared for repair - for real repair.

Dream Interpretation - Plaster

Seeing plaster in a dream means strong friendship.

Spinal fracture

Dream interpretation Spinal fracture dreamed of why you dream about a Spinal Fracture? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Spinal Fracture in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Fracture (legs, arms)

Breaking an arm or leg is a big problem. If the fracture is open, the bone is visible and blood flows - a sad event in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

Seeing a fracture in a dream means injury.

Dream Interpretation – Spine

it is the dignity and greatness of a person, and it can also indicate the birth of a child.

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

Bones - honor and glory; in life - difficulties on the path of life

Dream Interpretation – Bone Fracture

To victory over enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

To see in a dream how you broke your leg is a sign of a long journey.

Dream Interpretation - Fracture

May mark a sudden and unpleasant change in your life.

Dream Interpretation – Arm Fracture

You will make a shocking discovery for yourself regarding your inability (fracture) to act decisively (right hand) in some matter. Or you will find that a close male person (right hand) refuses to help you. But such a revelation (after sleep) will direct you to correct the situation as quickly as possible (I’m going to the hotel (there’s a first-aid post). There will be no moral or emotional damage (no blood, no pain).

Dream Interpretation - About a pig

Possible illness and trouble.

Dream Interpretation – I dreamed about my right hand

Hands in a dream symbolize strength and ability to carry out a particular task. Seeing your hands sore is a sign that in the near future you will have to be tense in order to cope with some current difficulties.

Fracture of the leg of the arm

Dream Interpretation – Another woman leads her husband by the hand

Your lover needs you. Most likely, everyday life killed the romance. Try to add some zest to your relationship.

Dream Interpretation – In a dream, carry a deceased grandmother in your arms

Feasts with deceased relatives usually dream of a funeral or news of the death of someone close or acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation – A deceased relative dies in his arms

Your deceased relatives may “inform” you that, as a result of carelessness or absurdity, some trouble may happen to someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation – A guy picked up my girlfriend in his arms while fainting

What could this dream mean for me and how can I understand it correctly? Who is she to you? The girl who dreamed. If you are female?

Reflection of the beginning of the process of harmonization of consciousness and subconscious, body and spirit, male and feminine energies etc. (Also the need and/or possibility of such a process). Take advantage of this moment, let go of all the grievances received and inflicted in your relationship with your father. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation – Riding on a bus holding hands with your loved one

Good night! I think that there is no special mysticism in this dream. Everything can be interpreted as imagined. Because, most likely, this dream is an expression of your subconscious knowledge about how the situation is developing. You are actually not together at the moment. Each of you is under the supervision of your parents. Some time will pass (definitely not 10 minutes))) and you will become even closer to your loved one. You will be together. Either your parents will be against your relationship, or you will simply live with your young man. Maybe you can even further develop the interpretation of the dream, since you live in this situation. Sorry, but I can’t say anything supernaturally insightful))) Good luck!

Dream Interpretation – Red wicker bracelet on hand

Good evening, Yana! You are under the protection of your Guardian Angel. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation – Wedding and father on the right hand

Good afternoon “My father has been dead for more than a year” - pray: “Lord Jesus Christ, remember in Your Kingdom the servant of God (name), and me, a sinner, for the sake of his prayers” “Today I had a dream that I was getting married” - a revolution in life. “Large hall, tables, many guests. My fiancé/husband is nearby” – your happiness. “True, I somehow vaguely remember him. We are going to our places, there are a lot of people around and everyone is congratulating us on the way, that’s why I probably remember him vaguely” - this is not an earthly Bridegroom. “Most of the people have taken their seats, some are still settling down and I decide to go up to my parents and see how they are doing” - your task is to help your family - because you have high genes from your dad - “I approach, they are sitting next to you . I came from my father's side. I kiss mom and dad and sit down for a minute next to them in my wedding dress. I hug my dad by the arm and cuddle up to him with a smile, kissing him on the cheek again. He looks into the audience, very collected, in a nice suit and clean-shaven.” “And then for some reason everyone decides to come up and congratulate me right next to my parents. It is customary to congratulate the bride and groom together. Moreover, they congratulate me, but also my parents. Dad sits silently, but I feel from him some kind of paternal pride and peace that a man experiences for his daughter when he arranges her fate” - your true Groom is in Heaven, and dad is proud of you, himself and his Family. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - My teeth were loose and I pulled out one tooth with my hand and then another one fell out

Hello. The fact that you first reached out with your hand to the tooth on the left side lower jaw probably means the loss of some distant relative or maybe a friend. The fact that your teeth were loose and crooked in a dream means perhaps your problems. You may turn to some person in life for help or advice, but he either will not be able to provide help or will give the wrong advice. This is how I interpreted the dream.