A ritual of healing feet with the burying of chicken feet. If you find a lining, what should you do? Powerful damage to serious illnesses - Rotten damage with poultry

A lining (poklad) is a certain object (sometimes a substance - water, salt) that is thrown into a home, office (threshold, corner) or work space (office, desk drawer, flower pot etc.) victims.

It so happened that you found powder poured under the door, spilled water or needles, wool, fluff, garbage, soil, sand, chicken feet, etc. Never touch them with your bare hand!

Take the lining through a piece of paper or a rag and throw it away along with the paper or rag.

You can sweep it away...

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A drop wears away a stone

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The intricacies of fate and the black and white stripes of life, periods of ups and downs - all this sometimes forces a person to turn to magic and supernatural rituals. Life crises force us to believe in omens and talismans. Often things like this really help.

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It is believed that it is best to have three amulets in the house. These can be either the same items or different ones. They can be placed on a specially created “altar”, at front door, on a windowsill or bookshelf. These can be figurines of angels, various pebbles, shells.

Chicken God

The chicken god, a pebble with a hole, is considered very powerful. These are found on beaches, river banks and lakes anywhere in the world. Protects the owner from negativity and protects health. The Chicken God can be placed over...

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Magic salt, often called Thursday salt, - indispensable assistant magicians and healers. First of all, such salt is a powerful purifier of a person’s aura, capable of healing from strong negative impacts. Likewise, Thursday salt has the ability to cleanse inanimate objects from the charge of dark energies.

Method one: charmed by prayer

“Thursday salt” gets its name from the day of the week on which it is created. And, as you understand, this day is Thursday.

Severe damage to a person using a bird is not uncommon in black magic. There are very old rituals that cannot be found in the public domain, and which dark sorcerers treasure like the apple of their eye. There are known varieties of black curses, in the rituals of which feathers and bird entrails are used, in addition, birds are killed directly during the ritual. In severe damage to the torment of the victim called Rotten, live birds are used.

Severe damage to a person Rotten - why is a live bird needed in the ritual?

In black witchcraft there are such black and monstrous damages that the person affected rots alive. About one of them, called Rotten.

  • To spoil a man, you need a rooster, and to spoil a woman, they take a live chicken.
  • In the ritual of severe damage to a bird, a photo of a person is used.
  • In addition, you need to have good quality threads, an ax and a large needle.

In the evening, still before dark, the birds read a spell over their heads:

“Just as a bird will endure everything, so the enemy (name) will endure everything from me, take damage upon himself, and die a cruel death. Amen".

The bird’s head is immediately cut off, after which the carcass is ripped open, a photo of the victim is placed inside, and everything is sewn up, while casting a strong curse on the bird:

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. There is a domina, a meat grave, everyone goes around it, they don’t ask to stand. Only the slave (name) will not pass by, he will find something to stay there for himself. As long as (name) has left to live, he will rot throughout his life. Amen".

Saying a spell to the powerful Rotten damage to the bird, the carcass of a rooster or chicken is buried in the ground and immediately left according to the rules. You cannot talk to anyone until the dawn of a new day. And the most important thing is not to come back to that place, otherwise it will be bad for the performer.

Powerful damage to serious illnesses - Rotten damage with poultry

This black spell of damage brings severe illness and suffering to a person. Victim tough spoiling poultry for health suffers, and medical specialists are unable to help. It is impossible to correctly diagnose the disease, and the treatment taken by the patient provides only temporary relief. And it is quite obvious that without turning to a black magician or a practicing witch, it is impossible to get rid of the spell of effective damage through a bird. A victim from such exposure may die in physical and moral suffering.

Good evening!

My name is Natalya. I am 42 years old.

Today I was cleaning the kitchen and found two chicken bones in the shape of a slingshot in the farthest corner of the cabinet. We moved into this (rented) apartment 3 years ago. A year ago, my husband left the family. I know that a year and a half ago these bones were not there. I look forward to your opinion on the current situation. Thank you in advance.

Hello, Natalia!

Unfortunately, there is nothing particularly to please you with. You found in the apartment nothing more than a “lining” - these are objects over which witchcraft is performed, magical rituals. Then these objects are thrown into the house of the person to whom they wish harm, and from then on the influence of black magic on the family begins.

They make a conspiracy on chicken bones to plague people, to cause discord in family relationships, cause harm to health. Under no circumstances should you touch these bones, but you should use a broom to wrap them in a cloth and burn them. Bury the ashes.

I assume you didn’t do any of this, so the witchcraft began to work on you, destroying your family.

There may be even more serious consequences ahead, so you urgently need to get rid of the negativity brought on you. Go to church and order yourself a magpie for your health. You can also pray for your husband who left you.

Cleaning the apartment from “black energy”

For this you will need a church candle.

Open cold water in all taps, open the doors in cabinets, mezzanines, chests of drawers - wherever they are.

Then stand in front of the front door, light a candle, read the Lord’s Prayer seven times and begin to walk around the house along the walls clockwise, drawing in the air with a candle sign of the cross. Pay special attention to the corners.

Eventually you will return to the front door, where you will pray more for cleansing. Put out the candle and bury its remains under a tree. In this way you will cleanse yourself and your home from induced evil. It is possible that after this your husband will return to you, because... the evil spell will stop working.

The sign, similar to the print of a bird's foot enclosed in a circle, is known to almost everyone. It is depicted on clothes and bags, key chains and pendants, it is painted on walls - for many years now the symbol of peace has not lost its relevance.

There are several theories why the “pacific” or “peace cross” looks the way it does. According to the first theory, during the period " cold war“Protests took place in various European countries against the development of nuclear weapons and the placement of launch silos in Europe. The pacifists who took part in these actions actively used the “pacific” sign, depicting it on T-shirts, posters and even painting it on their faces - since then the sign has been associated with the limitation of nuclear weapons, and it is believed that the “bird’s foot” means precisely the very missile that needs to be banned.

The second version, the most common, says that main element“Pacific” is nothing more than the footprint of a dove - a symbol of peace. Two associations arise here: the first is with the “dove of peace” by Pablo Picasso; second - with biblical history about the global flood and Noah, to whom a dove brought an olive branch as a sign that the flood was over.

The third theory connects the image of the “pacific” with runes. It is believed that the basis of the sign is the inverted Algiz rune. Moreover, the straight line Algiz schematically depicts a man with raised arms and symbolizes the aspiration of consciousness to the sky. In addition, it depicts the branches of the world tree, symbolizing the bright upper worlds. Inverted, Algiz is the roots of the world tree, going underground into the kingdom of the dead, into the lower worlds. In some witchcraft traditions, the inverted Algiz was called the “crow’s foot” - a raven, like an inverted rune, a symbol of death and the lower worlds. Researchers of runic signs interpret Algiz in different ways, but close in meaning, which boils down to the general “strength, power, protection, rebellion.” But we should not forget that in the practice of runic fortune-telling it is generally accepted that the meaning of a rune changes to the opposite if the rune is inverted.

Gerald Haltom, the artist who designed the sign for an anti-proliferation logo competition run by Britain's Royal College of Art, put it much more simply. The symbol does not depict a chicken foot or a flying bomber - the pacific cross consists of the semaphore alphabet symbols for "N" (nuclear) and "D" (disarmament). The circle in which the sign is enclosed symbolizes a global agreement.

The symbol was first used during the anti-war march in Trafalgar Square in April 1958. The peak of popularity of the “Pacific” came in the 60s, the time of the campaign against the Vietnam War. In 1968, during the introduction of tank Soviet troops to Prague, the symbol was seen on one of the walls of the city. The symbol could be seen on the destroyed Berlin Wall and during the war in Yugoslavia.

Sign throughout for long years since its creation has been used by different movements: defenders civil rights, rights of women and sexual minorities, defenders environment and opponents of apartheid, participants in the nuclear freeze and anti-war movements.

The symbol was also used for commercial purposes - it was used to decorate everything that could be sold. It once even became an ice cream logo, and in 1999, the American Postal Service featured the word “Pacific” on a stamp.

The popularity of the sign can also be explained by its simplicity - you do not need to have any artistic talents to depict a simple design with a few strokes. In addition, “Pacific” has never been anyone’s trademark, which means that anyone can use it completely freely.

Over the fifty years of its existence, Holtom’s creation has never gone out of fashion or lost its relevance. "Pacific" has become one of the most recognizable and replicated signs in the world.

If you find a lining in your home or workplace, you need to urgently begin removing the damage (before it begins to act) and installing protection so that no more occult attacks have a negative destructive impact on you.

It happened that you found powder poured under the door, spilled water or needles, wool, fluff, garbage, soil, sand, chicken feet, etc. Never touch them with your bare hand. Take the lining through a piece of paper or a rag and throw it away along with the paper or rag. You can sweep it with a broom onto a newspaper and throw it away along with the broom and newspaper. If a nail or needle is driven into the door frame and cannot be pulled out with your bare hands, then wrap the tip with newspaper, then pull out the lining with pliers and throw it away along with the paper. It is advisable to throw away the lining away from the house and where people rarely go, or into a garbage chute. How to properly destroy pads while casting a spell is written in separate articles.

If you have begun your actions to destroy the lining and remove the damage, but at the same time various obstacles constantly stand in your way, this indicates that you have strong damage that completely controls you (you are already a puppet of the dark forces). At the same time, the reason for hindering your efforts can be very different: a banal “forgot”, everyday household chores, work routine, problems that suddenly arise and even unexpected cash receipts. When reading, you begin to confuse the words, or if you are going to church, your period suddenly starts, or your car breaks down, etc. and so on. All these “reasons” must be circumvented in any way and not stop. Start everything from the very beginning, no matter how many times and time it takes you. The further you move towards achieving your goal of removing damage, the more obstacles will arise, this is normal.

If this happens to you, then you need to immediately put everything aside and remove the damage URGENTLY, otherwise it will be too late to do anything later. Yours will turn into a karmic problem - i.e. will negatively affect not only your life, but also the lives of your family and friends, passing on from generation to generation (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.), similarly family curse. And because of your “busyness”, innocent people will suffer - your family and friends. Think about it! If you have been damaged by the whole family and there are constant scandals and illnesses in your house, you need to remove the damage and put protection on all family members.

There is also this type of application damage like “Apples at the Doorstep”. If you find green apples (less often ripe apples) on the threshold of your house, you have been spoiled. There are methods that use a green apple to take away youth or life from one person and transfer it to another.

Therefore, if, God forbid, you accidentally come across beautiful green apples lying on the road or near your door, do not pick them up! Do not touch them with your hands or step over them with your feet.

This lining is carefully picked up with a broom, paper or rag and taken away from the house. Moreover, it is best to burn these apples in a place sprinkled with salt. Then it is necessary to urgently remove the damage and install protection, because If they put some kind of lining on you again, it will be much more difficult to remove the damage, because Your energy immunity against damage will already be negligible. Apples found under the threshold cannot be buried in the ground.

If the seeds accidentally germinate, the so-called “tree of evil” will grow, which will destroy the luck of everyone who sits under its shade.

A broom, rag or paper - what you used to pick up the witchcraft fruits - is thrown away along with the apples.

It is believed that if one day you find black feathers, needles, pieces of thread, a sewing pin under your door, at the threshold or on the door (for example, in a room, stuck right in the corner of the doorway from the inside or outside), a chicken paw, pieces of earth or salt - you have become a victim of someone’s witchcraft manipulations. Such things among people are called lining (masonry). What is lining, and what do people do in such situations? You need to install protection against damage and then not be afraid of the linings that people place to cause damage to you

Lining– it’s not just what you see at your front door. The lining can be any thing that was found in an unexpected place in your home or apartment. But the lining can also be an object that is not directly connected with a person and his home; it can also be an object found by a person on the street. In any case, for complete happy life You need protection from damage so that the pads do not have any effect on you.

First of all, they are used for linings metal objects- needles and pins, sometimes nails. Spellbound needles and pins are stuck into doors, doorways; there are cases when pins are secretly stuck into clothes. Nails can be driven into doors or simply thrown. More sophisticatedly, they wrap needles and pins with threads, slandering them. It is believed that needles and pins are the worst lining. According to esotericists, this is done by people who are especially initiated into the rituals of magic, or who act under the guidance of more strong sorcerer; Usually the effect of such linings is very strong (the lining acts through it regardless of whether you believe in magic or not). In this case, it only saves good protection from damage.

In second place in terms of frequency of use are earth from the cemetery and salt. The earth is taken from the cemetery and sprinkled on it for the quick death of the person to whom it is poured. Salt is a powerful accumulator of any energy. Usually salt is added to indicate family discord or illness. Earth and salt can be found both on the doorstep and in your apartment - behind the rug, for example. There are cases of sophisticated lining - cemetery soil is rubbed into doorways and cracks. If the victim of the lining does not install protection from damage, then (in this case) she has only one way left - to the cemetery (the cemetery land will pull with it).

Another way to damage the lining are feathers and dead midges, dead butterflies, dead flies and other insects. They are usually not placed in the apartment, they are sprinkled at the threshold, hoping that the victim will step on them. Feathers are placed on bad dream. Midges and insects - on. The most terrible lining for people is an egg, because an egg is laid for death. It is believed that anyone who touches such an egg will die in seven days. If you find it in your home (apartment) or near the front door egg(or eggs) - look for it urgently good master and put up protection, otherwise it will be too late to do anything later.

People don't touch the lining with their bare hands. If the lining is found at the door, it is not brought into the house. Usually they put on gloves, take a piece of paper and carefully sweep the “bad gift” onto a piece of paper and take it somewhere away from the house. Moreover, everything that came into contact with the lining is disposed of along with the lining. Ideally, the lining is burned.

There is another type of lining that is not aimed at anyone specifically. Such linings can be ownerless money or jewelry found on the street. By leaving their money (or even things) on the street, witches transfer their illnesses to other people. Superstitious people never pick up money they find on the street. It is believed that when a person takes a banknote, he takes with him the illnesses left with the bill. But, if you have protection against damage, then you are not afraid of any linings.

In addition to money, piles of stones are built on roads (usually intersections), shoes or bundles of thread are left. Of course, no one will pick up such things, but one step is enough to take them with you.

Be attentive to unattended items and do not step on suspicious objects! Take care of yourself!