What can you use to make a rainbow for crafts? DIY rainbow - the best ways to make a rainbow at home

Anastasia Panfilova
Lesson summary “Rainbow at home”

Rainbow at home.

Purpose of the study: define what it is rainbow how is it formed, and is it possible to obtain rainbow at home.

Research objectives:

1. Find out where it comes from rainbow.

2. Determine what they are rainbows.

3. Try to get rainbow at home.

Progress of the lesson:

1. What is rainbow?

Rainbow- modified word "raiduga", or God's arc.

(According to V. Dahl’s dictionary)

Rainbow– a multi-colored arc-shaped stripe on the firmament,

formed due to the refraction of sunlight in raindrops.

(Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ozhegova S.I.)

Both ancient people and ancient scientists tried to unravel the cause of its occurrence. 2. How is it formed? rainbow?

Sunlight appears white to us. But in fact it consists of several colors. It happens that during the rain the sun will come out, and then sunlight passes through water droplets and "disintegrates" for several colors. There are always seven of these colors, and they are arranged in strict order. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. So it turns out colorful rainbow. An object that can split a ray of light into its components is called "prism". The resulting colors create a strip of colored lines called "range". Rainbow and there is a large spectrum, or band of colored lines, resulting from the decay of a ray of light passing through raindrops. IN in this case raindrops act as a prism.

Rainbow appears, only when the sun peeked out from behind the clouds and only in the direction opposite to the sun.

Rainbow appears when the sun illuminates the curtain of rain. You need to be strictly between the sun (it should be at the back) and rain (he should be in front of you). Otherwise can't see the rainbow!

The sun, our eyes and center rainbows must be on the same line! If the sun is high in the sky, then it is impossible to draw such a straight line. That's why rainbow can only be observed early in the morning or late in the evening. Rainbow appears under condition that the angular height of the sun above the horizon does not exceed 42 degrees.

Does it happen? rainbow without rain?

It turns out that such a miracle also happens. In the air in winter "float" ice crystals. They can share too White color for seven colors rainbows, That's why rainbow can be observed even in winter.

How to do rainbow at home?

Experiment No. 1.

Target: receiving rainbows at home using a CD.

Equipment: CD, light source - sunbeam.

Description of the experiment: A computer disk caught a ray of sunlight and directed it to the wall and ceiling in the room. It turned out rainbow.

Experiment No. 2.

Target: receiving rainbows at home using napkins, water and markers.

Equipment: a plate of water, napkins and markers.

On a napkin with felt-tip pens different colors draw circles. Pour enough water into the plate to cover the bottom. Place a napkin in the water and watch the miracle!

Experiment No. 3.

Target: receiving rainbows at home with candy and water.

Equipment: plate, water, MMDEMS

Put the candies in the circle in order rainbow colors, pour into the middle of the plate plain water and enjoy the process. After a few seconds, the child clearly understands what the dye is.

Experiment No. 4.

Target: receiving rainbows at home using a mirror and a flashlight.

Equipment: a plate filled with water, white cardboard, mirror, light source – flashlight.

Description of the experiment: We took a plate, filled it with water, and lowered the mirror at an angle. Then they directed the light of the flashlight onto the part of the mirror immersed in water. When we put white cardboard in front of a mirror to catch the reflected rays, we saw a reflection on the cardboard rainbows.

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For centuries, the rainbow has amazed people with its beauty and unusualness. Many legends revolved around this phenomenon, since the mystery of the origin of the beautiful seven-color ray remained unsolved.

If you want to please yourself and your loved ones with a rainbow-shaped craft, pay attention to this article, it will tell you how to make a rainbow with your own hands.

Drawing a rainbow

Drawing is a wonderful activity that cannot leave any child indifferent. Of course, drawing on plain paper with pencils or paints will appeal to everyone, but using eye shadow, shaving foam and any other unusual tools will delight your child.


A beautiful decorative rainbow can be made using applique. To do this, prepare seven colors of paper strips, ribbons, beads or bows and glue them onto the piece of paper. The result can be given to parents as a gift. Let's tell you in more detail how to make a rainbow out of paper.

Instructions on how to make a rainbow out of paper

Cut out seven strips of paper in the desired colors. The width of the strips should be the same (about 6 mm), but the length should be different. Fasten the strips with a stapler at one edge. Fasten the edges of the other side and place the resulting craft on the table.

To make the craft look less boring, add clouds on the sides of the rainbow. Wrinkle up some cotton wool and glue them to the edges of the craft.

Since rainbows appear in the sky when it rains, make sure there are drops hanging from the clouds. Cut out three drops from blue paper.

Glue the parts of the droplets together by first folding them in half. Now you need to string the drops onto a thread with a needle, having first threaded a bead into it.

Connect the thread with the clouds. The option looks original when the length of the threads is different, for example, three threads can descend from the clouds, the middle of which is the shortest.

Rainbow using a mirror

If you don't know what a real rainbow can be made from, pay attention to next way. It will allow you to create not a craft, but a real seven-color beauty at home. To do this, you only need a container of water and a mirror.

Prepare a container and fill it halfway with water. Place the mirror in the bowl at an angle.

Place the container so that the sun's rays hit the mirror directly. Hold a sheet of plain white paper over the mirror. Adjust it until you see a rainbow.

Drawing a rainbow with a sponge

For drawing this unusual material prepare:

  • sponge;
  • Gouache;
  • Paper (preferably large format).

Apply seven stripes of paint to the sponge with correct sequence. The stripes should not be too thick. Next, hand the child a sponge so that he runs it over the paper in a certain sequence.

It is important to do this in one direction, avoiding layering paint on top of each other, otherwise all the colors will mix with each other and lose their aesthetic appearance.

Large craft using different techniques

In order to do big craft, prepare the following materials:

  • Paints;
  • Cardboard;
  • Foil;
  • Bright pieces of fabric and paper;
  • Ribbons;
  • Beautiful buttons;
  • Beads or seed beads;
  • A small piece of foam.


Here is our master class on how to make a rainbow:

Cut a semicircle out of cardboard and color it to make a rainbow. After the paint has dried, apply glue to the rainbow. Don't skimp: there should be a lot of glue.

Carefully arrange beautiful beads, pieces of paper or fabric, buttons on the rainbow. Observe color scheme: So, on the red stripe there should be fabric with a red ornament, on the purple stripe - with purple.

Hang the resulting applique on the wall. The craft will delight you every time you look at it.


Rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon associated with the beauty of nature and joy. Creation wonderful crafts will help you entertain yourself on a cloudy autumn day and add some brightness, warmth and comfort to it.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with photo instructions on how to make a rainbow on the Internet in order to enrich your understanding of these crafts and create new masterpieces yourself or to please your children.


DIY rainbow photo


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Beautiful and colorful pony Rainbow Dash can now be your toy, thanks to our tutorial: how to make voluminous pony Rainbow Dash made from paper using a ready-made template. Its main features, shape and colors remained unchanged. Therefore, it will delight all animal lovers and pony fans.

To make the pony Rainbow Dash we will need:

Stages of making the pony Rainbow Dash

From the sheet we cut out all the parts that are located on it. This is the body, and the head, and the paws, and the mane with the tail.

We select three parts that relate to the head. We bend the small white “corners” and glue them together.

Then we glue all three parts together.

Now let's move on to the neck and torso. Just two details. Glue along the white small areas. Cut a short vertical line onto the body piece.

We connect the neck part with the chest from the torso part.

We insert the neck and body into the small hole in the head.

Now we take four parts that relate to the paws. The two pieces that have rainbow designs on them are the back ones. Glue together to get three-dimensional shapes.

Glue the front legs to the body.

Then let's move on to the hind legs.

We bend three parts (wings and tail) in half and apply glue in the middle. Glue it together.

We insert the tail into the small hole. Secure with glue.

We cut the multi-colored part along the lines and glue it together.

Glue the mane to the head, covering the back.

Glue the two ear parts together. Glue it to the mane.

We glue the remaining two teardrop-shaped and multi-colored elements onto the mane.

We glue the finished wings to the body so that they stand.

Pony Rainbow Dash is ready according to the finished template!

It seems to us that the light is white. But in fact it consists of different colors. It happens that when it rains, the sun comes out, and then the sunlight is refracted in water droplets and “breaks up” into several colors. There are always seven of these colors, and they are arranged in a strict sequence: red - orange - yellow - green - blue - blue - violet. This is how a beautiful multi-colored rainbow appears in the sky.

A how to make a rainbow at home? You don't have to wait for rain to see this natural phenomenon. It can also appear in splashes of water if you water plants in the garden on a bright sunny day.

All children love to draw a rainbow, depicting it with bright, rich colors:

However, in reality, the colors of the rainbow are continuous and smoothly transition from one to another. In reality, they change thousands of shades, which means there are many more than seven of them.

To admire the play of colors and shades, you can experiment and get a rainbow at home.

Homemade rainbow experiments

I. Using sunlight

1. The easiest way

Wait for sunny weather. Take a glass of water and a piece of white paper.

The sequence of your actions should be like this:

2. Method using a mirror and a flashlight

The experiment should be carried out in sunny weather. To carry it out you need a bowl of water, a mirror, a flashlight and a sheet of white cardboard.

The actions are:

  • Place the mirror in a shallow bowl of water as shown in the picture below;
  • position the bowl so that a ray of light - from a flashlight or from the sun - is reflected from the mirror onto a sheet of white cardboard;
  • change the angle of objects if necessary.

In the water, the light should refract and break up into colors, so that a small rainbow will be reflected on the cardboard:

Thus, thanks to sunlight, it is not difficult to obtain a rainbow. But is it possible to “arrange” it with the help of objects of method 2 in the dark?

II. Without using sunlight (in the dark)

So, we decided to conduct an experiment in the bathroom, in complete darkness, using only a flashlight.

We hoped for positive result, ideally something like this:

But these are expectations :)

The reality is not particularly impressive... Although you can see a circular rainbow. A beam of light from a flashlight reflected from the mirror onto the bathtub:

This is what the plot image looks like rainbow spectrum on the bath:

Overall, the experiment was a success.

Thus, making a rainbow at home is quite possible, even without sunlight. Which is what needed to be proven :)

Magic disks

By the way, there are other ways to get a rainbow at home, even without water. Instead of a mirror, an old CD is perfect for this purpose.

You don't have to wait until the storm passes to see a rainbow. We'll tell you how to do it at home. Children will definitely like this one. In addition, using his example, you can clearly explain to your child how a rainbow appears in the sky.

Cool days - best time to spend time with your child. Children really like various experiments, and with their help it is very easy to explain physical, chemical and natural phenomena. We offer, with the help of which everyone can clearly learn the principle of the formation of a rainbow.

Children love to draw a rainbow and depict it with the brightest colors. When the sun comes out during rain, the sunlight is refracted in the water droplets and “breaks up” into several colors. Everyone knows that there are seven colors of the rainbow and they are arranged in strict sequence: redorangeyellowgreenblueblueviolet .

But to see all the colors of the rainbow, you shouldn’t look out the rain outside the window. You can make a rainbow with your own hands at home. How? Now we will tell you everything.

To make your own rainbow, you will need:

  • Small vessel (saucepan)
  • Solar light or electric
  • White surface or sheet of paper
  • Mirror

How to make a rainbow with your own hands

1. Fill a small bowl halfway with water.

2. Place a mirror in the water at an angle.

3. Direct the light from the flashlight into the water where the mirror goes under it (or, if you prefer to do the experiment with daylight, take the vessel outside and place it so that the rays hit the mirror under the water).

4. Hold it above the mirror White list paper, adjusting the angle so that a rainbow appears.

How a rainbow is formed: the principle of refraction

Of course, your mini-rainbow is different from the one that appears in the sky after rain, but they have the same basic color characteristics. Why? Your demo version of the rainbow and the original work on the same principle: refraction and reflection.

Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different environment, for example glass or water. Refraction can even cause clock hands to move in reverse side when viewed through a glass of water.

When you direct the bright beam of a flashlight (or White light emanating from the sun) into the water, the light is bent. But white light is not made up of just one color—it is a combination of all visible colors. Therefore, when white light is bent, all of its components (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo) are also bent. Each of these colors does this under different angles because each color moves at a different speed inside the water or glass.

When you reflect light from water using a mirror, you are reflecting white light that is broken down (from refraction) into a full spectrum of colors. This is how a rainbow appears!

The appearance of a rainbow after the rain

When a rainbow forms in the sky, the same principle applies. Millions of small drops of water refract sunlight. The angle at which we view these drops of water determines what color we see in them.

Experiment with your child and see where else you can see all the colors of the rainbow. Maybe in a drop of water in the garden or on a CD? Explanation natural phenomena on specific examples will help the child better assimilate scientific information that is still difficult for him.