How to obtain an electronic pass to the ATO zone. Step-by-step instruction. Application procedure for obtaining a pass for an individual

To get a pass to the ATO zone you need...

WITHJanuary 2015 was a pass system was introduced , allowing you to cross the borders of the ATO zone in both directions. According to established order border crossings, Anyone wishing to obtain a pass was required to: come to one of five checkpoints, hand over the package necessary documents, after 10 daysarrive at the same point to receive the document.

However, many who wished faced various kinds of difficulties. Due to the large influx of people wanting to obtain a pass, the processing time for documents was delayed - some had to wait more than a month for a pass. In addition, many faced corruption and various types of fraud. To avoid this, in accordance with the presidential order, it was decided to improve access system by virtualizing it, that is, in other words, enter electronic system passes.

The electronic pass system operates withMarch 25, 2015. It provides for the following: now persons wishing to obtain permission to enter/exit into/from the ATO zone have the opportunity to obtain it without going to the relevant checkpoints - by sending digitized documents via the Internet. Production time for electronic passes is 10 days. In this case, no document is issued in person. It is assumed that data on the “availability” of a pass will be placed in an electronic database, and to cross the front line it will be enough to present a passport.

So, let's figure it out in order. What documents will be required to obtain a pass, how to fill them out, where to send them.

1. We collect a package of documents

The first thing you need to do to obtain an electronic pass is to collect a package of necessary documents. These documents must be scanned and saved on your computer or electronic media for subsequent sending.

List of documents for obtaining a pass to the ATO zone:

1/ Passport(copies of pages 1 and 2, as well as the page on which the registration mark is located)

2/ Statement indicating your intended route. It must indicate

a) what checkpoints you will pass through;

b) the period during which you will stay in controlled or uncontrolled territory.

3/ Document, which indicates purpose of your entry to the ATO zone. It could be

- certificate from study/work,

- documents confirming ownership of real estate located in this territory;

- documents confirming the presence of burials of loved ones in the given territory;

- certificates of death or illness of relatives;

- other documents confirming the purpose of your entry/exit.

It should be noted that the application indicating the route must be completed in accordance with the established form. Application forms vary depending on which document collection point you are going to submit it to.

We offer you availableto download an application form for a pass to the ATO zone:

Sector “A” Starobelsk

Sector "B" Velyka Novoselka

Sector “C” Artemovsk

Sector “M” Mariupol

2.Fill in and save

Application can be fill out on the computer , however it is recommended first print the form, then fill it out by hand, and only then scan it and save it for later sending. The reason for entry/exit to/from the ATO zone, of course, must be supported by an appropriate document.

If you do not have a scanning device at your disposal, you can also use digital camera. Documents must be photographed, trying to convey maximum image clarity, and then saved on the device.

3.Send by email

So, you have a complete package of documents to obtain a pass. The next thing you need to do is send documents to the specified address.

To do this, in your email box you need create a new letter and attach existing documents to it. Documents should be sent to the addresses below:

Sector "A" Starobelsk [email protected] ([email protected])

Sector "C" Artemovsk [email protected] ([email protected])

Sector "B" Velikaya Novoselka [email protected] ([email protected])

Sector "M" Mariupol [email protected] ([email protected])

Coordination Center Kramatorsk [email protected] ([email protected])

After successful submission, the documents will be processed and the sender's information will be entered into the database.

4. We wait, pick up the pass...

Persons who issued a pass in the “old” format, no need to go through the procedure again - theirthe data will be entered into the database automatically.

The electronic pass is valid for one year.

We wish you good luck in obtaining an electronic pass and, of course, a good trip!


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Passes for entry/exit to the ATO zone -

IDP certificate - stamp of the migration service -

Key words: ATO zone, Donetsk, pass, Ukraine, sector, displaced person, Donetsk residents, departure, entry, city, territory, deadline, registration, documents, road
04/01/2015 Based on materials from the Krokha-Expert forums
Views: 18305

The electronic pass system has begun to operate. It’s still in testing mode, but the security forces promise that everything will work as expected any day now. - The system will save time on paperwork and make corruption impossible by refusing human factor, says adviser to the head of the SBU Markiyan Lubkivsky.

From now on, those wishing to cross the front line do not have to go to the cities where coordination groups are located. People just need to send a package of documents by email, similar to what was submitted to issue a paper pass.

True, so far the electronic innovation has encountered technical difficulties. - There are problems with the Internet in Donbass. Now we are urgently solving the problem of backup power supply, loading special computer programs, we install servers,” explains SBU head Valentin Nalyvaichenko.

In the meantime, Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to understand the nuances of the system and go through all the stages step by step: how to fill out the application correctly, how to scan the documents, where to send them. So:


Prepare a passport, tax identification number, photo and other documents confirming the purpose of entry into uncontrolled territories - for example, a certificate from work, study, marriage certificate or housing documents. And, of course, the main document in your package is an application for a pass. It is important to know that the forms for these applications differ depending on the sector and each item requires an application drawn up in accordance with its own sample.


This is where the Internet comes to our aid. However, in the sea of ​​information on passes, finding the right and truthful one is not so easy. Unfortunately, the state has not yet bothered to create an official website where you can download the forms. The safest thing to do is go to the websites of large volunteer organizations and download the form from them. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" found standard forms Here .


You can write the application completely by hand, you can type it on a computer, but best option- fill out the printed form manually - the form is followed, and there is a sample of your handwriting. It is recommended to fill out in Ukrainian, but it is also possible in Russian. The name of the head of the Coordination Group may not be indicated because they change frequently.

Think carefully about what to indicate in the “reason for entry/exit” column - based on this information, a decision will be made to issue you a pass or not. Each reason must be supported by an appropriate document (marriage certificate if you are visiting your spouse, a certificate from work if you are going on a business trip, etc.). Try to avoid “frivolous” motivations such as “visiting friends”, “withdrawing money from an ATM”, “getting a pension” - such reasons will most likely only cause irritation and refusal.


If you don't have a scanner, a regular one will do. digital camera. Just take a photo of each document, make sure that the photo is clear and all the inscriptions are legible, trim off the extra parts of the frame on the computer and the scanned copy is ready. Make sure that the copy sizes are not too large - creep email sends large files, ideally in a package of up to 10 megabytes. If any difficulties arise, you can contact a document center or a friend who is friendly with technology.


Now you need to attach all the documents to a letter and send it to the email address of the desired coordination center:


The SBU assures that consideration of the application will take no more than 10 days, but practice shows that, unfortunately, the wait can drag on for a much longer period. When your documents are reviewed, you will receive a notification by email or phone that your data has been entered into the electronic database or entry has been denied. At positive result A passport is sufficient to pass checkpoints.

Main difference new system from the old one in that you don’t need to go anywhere to get a ready-made pass. The notification itself (by email or phone) is either a positive or negative response. If the light comes on in front of you green light- at the checkpoint they will not require other documents besides your passport.

The electronic pass system began to operate in testing mode. The SJU promises that it will soon operate without any hitches. Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine writes about this.

The system will save time on paperwork and make corruption impossible by eliminating the human factor,” said Advisor to the head of the SBU Markiyan Lubkivsky.

Now, in order to cross the front line, you do not need to go to the cities where coordination groups are located. It is enough to send by e-mail the same package of documents that was submitted for issuing a paper pass.


You can write the application by hand or type it on the computer. The best option– fill out the printed form manually – the form is followed, and there is a sample of your handwriting. It is recommended to fill out in Ukrainian, but it is also possible in Russian. The name of the head of the Coordination Group may not be indicated because they change frequently.

Think carefully about what to write in the “reason for entry/exit” column - based on this information, the decision to issue a pass will be made. Any reason must be supported by an appropriate document (marriage certificate, certificate of employment, etc.). Avoid motivations such as “visiting friends”, “withdrawing money from an ATM”, “getting a pension”.

If you don't have a scanner, you can use a camera. Take a photo of each document, make sure that the photo is clear and all the inscriptions are legible, trim off the extra parts of the frame on the computer and the scanned copy is ready.

Now you need to attach all the documents to a letter and send it to the email address of the desired coordination center:

Sector "B" Velikaya Novoselka - [email protected]

Coordination Center Kramatorsk - [email protected]

The SBU claims that consideration of the application will take no more than 10 days, but practice shows that the wait may take longer. When department employees make a decision, a notification will be sent to your email or phone about entering data into the electronic database or refusing entry. If the answer is positive, a passport is enough to pass through checkpoints.

The main difference between the new system and the old one is that you don’t need to go anywhere to get a ready-made pass. The notification itself (by email or phone) is either a positive or negative response. If the green light turns on in front of you, at the checkpoint they will not ask for any other documents other than your passport.

Procedure for applying for a pass to an individual to the transport security zone, within the checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation and the customs control zone on the territory of OJSC "ULKT"

To visit the territory of OJSC ULKT for purposes other than the process of cargo transportation, you must fill out an electronic version of the application for obtaining passes on the ROLIS website

The electronic application submitted on the website must be printed, certified with a seal and signatures general director, chief accountant of the organization, make an electronic copy (scan) and send to the Pass Department of OJSC "ULKT" at the address Email indicating the application number in the subject line:

Attention! An application can only be submitted if you have an electronic copy (scanned) of the application, certified by the seal and signatures of the general director, chief accountant, a copy of the passport (scanned) and a covering letter addressed to the LOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at water transport, which are attached to the electronic version of the application.

Electronic copies of documents attached to the electronic version of the application :

1. Application (signed by the manager and certified by the seal).

2. Cover letter for St. Petersburg Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on water transport

3. Passport

4. Certificates of registration Vehicle

Separately, copies of the signed Consent to the processing of personal data and vehicle certificates (if a vehicle is being applied for) send to the Pass Department of ULKT OJSC to the email address indicating the application number in the subject line: for coordination with the Security Service of OJSC ULKT, the FSB of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the head of the Ust-Luga checkpoint of the FSB of Russia. In the application, indicate the date from which time it is necessary constant pass with an advance notice of 40 days from the date of registration of the application (this is the time for approval by the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the border control service of the FSB of the Russian Federation).

The administrative period for approval of the Application by the FSB of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is 30 days, and by the border control authorities of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation 10 days.

A one-time pass in the bodies of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the border control service of the PS FSB of the Russian Federation is approved by the Security Service of OJSC "ULKT" by notification procedure within 24 hours.

After approval of the application by the Security Service of OJSC ULKT, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the head of the Ust-Luga checkpoint of the FSB PS, an invoice is issued for the application. To receive a pass, it must be paid within 5 (five) working days. The procedure for issuing passes and preparing financial documentation is carried out in a uniform manner, regardless of the type of passes.