GOST reinforced concrete drainage trays. Concrete drainage trays

If the area is located in a problem area, for example, an uneven surface, then it is necessary to install special concrete trays. Such structures prevent the formation of water stagnation. A structure of concrete gutters and channels directs wastewater into the general sewer system.

The design of this system is quite simple. Base - concrete trays, drainage traysthemselves are simple and represent gutters of a simple shape, which are selected depending on the direction Wastewater.

A drainage tray is a container that can be of different shapes (rectangular, square or rounded), used to provide a level of safety for some objects from storm drains. Concrete drainage trays with gratings are sometimes equipped with valves and locks.

There are two types of trays:

  • edge;
  • telescopic.

They differ in shape and are used in different fields.

At proper installation drainage system there will be no puddles or dirt on the site, in addition, this will extend the service life of the nearby surface

You can also divide drainage products according to the load class they can withstand:

All concrete drainage trays can be divided by size. Nowadays they make concrete drainage trays with standard sizes (1 meter) and various cross-sectional levels (10-50 cm).

Manufacturers also offer water intake trays. They are very popular in the field of collection and drainage of rain and melt water. They, like drainage ones, are made of concrete. The scope of application is very wide: private construction, parking lots, sidewalks, roadsides. Concrete storm water inlets are equipped with gratings and can be equipped with a vertical overflow.

Production of concrete drainage trays according to GOST

During the manufacture of concrete drainage trays with gratings manufacturers adhere to the requirements of GOST 21509-85. According to it, there are several types of products, installation methods, types of equipment, sizes and shapes. The rules for transportation, production and installation are prescribed separately.

The scope of application of trays is quite wide, they are:

  • cable;
  • drainage;
  • heating mains.

The dimensions of the gutter determine its throughput and depend on the standard value of precipitation in the area

All products must comply with GOST requirements:

  • frost resistance;
  • strength;
  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • uniform structure without voids;
  • moisture resistance.

Nowadays two methods of making concrete trays are also used:

  • vibration pressing;
  • vibration casting.

Production methods

Vibration pressing

The process of making trays using this method is not complicated. It happens as follows:

  • the concrete mixture is poured into a special form;
  • then removed under pressure excess moisture and air bubbles.

The concrete mixture consists of cement and fine aggregate, which is subsequently secured with fibers consisting of polymer, steel or fiberglass. Previously all used hardware treated for rust. Thanks to this production technology, ready-made drainage trays have not only many advantages, but also some disadvantages.

A table where you can see a number of basic qualities:

For drainage patches the most important indicators- frost and moisture resistance


Vibratory casting is a simple, but rather slow and expensive method of producing concrete drainage trays. The products are of insufficient quality. The manufacturing process is as follows: the drainage tray in the form is placed on a special vibrating table and begins to be compacted by vibration. In this case, the greatest load is placed on the outer part of the tray, while the inner part remains insufficiently pressed. In the future, this will lead to its rather rapid destruction.

DIY installation of concrete trays

The process of installing trays in drainage systems is almost the same for both private and industrial construction.

Do-it-yourself installation of concrete drainage trays begins with preparing the necessary documentation and searching for suppliers with reasonable prices for products. If the drainage system will be installed on road surface, then the equipment must be prepared taking into account galvanized and reinforced products. It is better to install concrete plates in the arrangement of the pedestrian zone.

Main stages of installation work:

  • digging or digging a trench, which should be twice the size of the trays themselves;
  • filling the trench with concrete;
  • if there is a sand catcher, a recess is prepared in advance into which the string is pulled;
  • assembly of the drainage system structure and its installation. To connect them, it is better to use tongues or grooves;
  • if the products are installed on a slope, the joints are sealed with concrete - this prevents leakage;
  • fixing the trays with stones on both sides to reduce the risk of swinging;
  • the remaining space is filled with sand and crushed stone, if this is not possible, it is filled with concrete.

Price category

Concrete channels and drainage trays with gratings are made from inexpensive raw materials, so the finished product can be purchased at a low price.

Concrete drainage tray is sold in wide range, so the price will depend on the size of the product.

Cost depends on technical characteristics and strength

For example, a reinforced concrete drainage tray weighing 7 kg can be sold at a price of 200 rubles, and a product weighing 25 kg can cost 400 rubles.

Concrete drainage trays for blind areas can be bought in a specialized store from 300 rubles per meter.

The video shows how to install a drainage system with your own hands at your dacha:

The irrigation system, drainage of storm water and snow melting water includes a product - a reinforced concrete drainage tray. With the help of concrete trays and the corresponding infrastructure, irrigation and drainage systems transport a useful or harmful product - irrigation or waste water to fields, storm or sewer collectors.

Types and sizes of reinforced concrete trays

There are two types of products for “transporting” water: Irrigation system trays and road drainage trays equipped with protective grilles. According to the name, the first type of product is used for the construction of irrigation systems for agricultural areas, and the second type is used to ensure rapid drainage of rain and melt water from highways, highways, city roads and pedestrian sidewalks.

The main characteristics and dimensions of trays for irrigation systems are regulated by GOST 21509-76 “REINFORCED CONCRETE TRAYS FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEMS”, and the main characteristics and dimensions of products for completing drainage systems for roads and pedestrian crossings normative document GOST 32955-2014 “Road drainage gutters”.

Reinforced concrete drainage trays GOST 21509-76

Trays of this type are designed for the construction of irrigation systems designed to pump water in quantities of up to 5 cubic meters per hour. The product is a reinforced concrete parabolic trench of certain dimensions, which can be installed on supports or slabs, or laid in the soil.

Depending on the installation method, trays for irrigation systems are marked as LV or LRG. LV trays are installed on supports or slabs, and LRG products are laid directly into the soil.

An example of the designation of a reinforced concrete drainage channel of the LV series with a height of 400 mm: LV4. Precast concrete factories offer for sale the following types and dimensions of trays for the construction of irrigation systems, shown in Table 1.

Designation dimensions, mm Weight, kg
Length Height Width Wall thickness
LR4 5980 400 908 50 1080
LR6 600 1084 1420
LR8 800 1240 60 1920
LR10 1000 1804 75 3310

Reinforced concrete drainage trays GOST 21509-76 are made of heavy steel, reinforced with steel reinforcement. To allow assembly into a single system and installation on supports (plates), each product is equipped with embedded parts for welding and a parabolic recess for laying the seal.

Reinforced concrete drainage road trays GOST 32955-2014

Products of this type are used to receive surface waters for further distribution to sewerage systems. This refers to wastewater coming from the roadway, sidewalks, roadsides or soil surface.

At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory document, the design of drainage products is a set - a reinforced concrete drainage tray with a grate made of cast iron.

The regulatory document defines settling construction types road drainage trays: box-shaped, slotted, open, rectangular, U-shaped, curb, ring and other types.

At the same time, trays can be manufactured either at reinforced concrete factories and delivered to construction sites ready for installation, or they can be manufactured directly at construction sites method of pouring reinforced concrete.

GOST 32955-2014 does not regulate the rigid dimensions of reinforced concrete road drainage trays. Buyers are offered a wide selection of tray sizes depending on specific tasks and length of the drainage line:

  • Length from 400 to 4,000 mm or more.
  • Width from 500 mm or more.
  • Height from 200 mm or more.

Specific dimensions of trays and gratings may differ from GOST standards. In other words, the dimensions, configuration, types of road drainage trays and grates are specified in the designs of specific structures. As in the previous case, heavy reinforced concrete grade M300 prepared with cement grade not lower than TsEM I 32.5N PC.


Drainage trays for road or irrigation systems, despite the apparent simplicity of the design, must be manufactured by specialized factories that have the appropriate material and technical base allowing them to produce products that meet the requirements of the current regulatory documents.


Concrete drainage trays are one of the most necessary parts in the construction and organization of systems for draining rainwater from buildings and in the organization of cable systems. Let's look at what types of trays there are and how they are used.

Types and purpose

The strength and durability of concrete structures is ensured by the quality and water resistance of the brand of concrete that is used to fill the form. That is why the trays are based on a mixture of a grade no lower than M-200. In addition, the base is made of class A reinforcement rods or Bp-I grade wire base. Quality finished product regulated by the requirements of GOST 21509-85.

Here are the main parameters that are specified in GOST:

  • moisture resistance and ability to withstand frost;
  • corrosion resistance metal parts and fittings;
  • thickness and density of the concrete layer;
  • general characteristics of the concrete mixture;
  • resistance of the finished product to mechanical stress;
  • the presence of voids in the cavity of the product.

Depending on the ratio of all the above parameters, there are three directions for using concrete drainage trays:

  • drainage - function;
  • for laying cables;
  • to protect the heating main.

Let's take a closer look at drainage trays

From the name of the product it is clear that they are used to organize drainage systems and drains. Functions performed by these products:

  1. Providing drainage, that is, removing excess moisture from the surrounding soil.
  2. Moisture redistribution. Removing water from road surface and transporting it to the roadside or slopes.
  3. Organization of channels for water outflow.
  4. Ensuring the outflow of storm water.
  5. Sewage function - connections drainage systems with collectors.

Types of drainage trays

In accordance with GOST, there are three main types:

  • in the form of a trapezoid;
  • in the form of the letter P;
  • in the form of a parabola.

At the same time, the first and second types can be either with a flat, flat internal base, or in the form of a round gutter.
All the main characteristics, as well as the scope of their application, can be found out from the markings. It is especially important to study the markings during the construction or installation of pipelines in complex natural conditions. For example, when laying tracks in soil subject to seasonal fluctuations: swampy terrain, the presence of a clay layer, the presence groundwater.

This also includes work that is carried out in the far north. Here is the most important requirement- this is resistance to low temperatures.
Drainage trays are marked with the letter L, and two numbers indicate the series number and the maximum vertical load.

For ease of installation, trays come in two types: prefabricated and integral.
Common models: length ranges from 0.72 meters to 6 meters, width from 0.4 meters to 1.84 meters, edge height from 0.38 meters to 1.32 meters.

Concrete trays for the construction of heating mains

The main purpose of these trays is reliable protection pipelines from corrosion, reducing heat loss and protecting pipes from rodents. For sewerage and heating mains I use two types of trays:

  • GOST Klp - these trays are covered with removable lids;
  • GOST Kls - connection using channel fasteners.

The advantage of concrete trays over their brick counterparts:

  • saving time and effort during installation due to the simplicity and integrity of the structure;
  • significant cost reduction due to reduction of consumables;
  • significant superiority in load-bearing capacity;
  • ability to withstand sharp changes temperatures and soil fluctuations.

Groundwater resistance

For the use of sewer trays, the letter K is indicated, and for heating mains, the letter L.
Let's compare the cost of different concrete trays.
When buying a tray, you need to analyze in detail all the parameters of the product you have chosen: load, dimensions, assembly method and availability of a certificate.

The average price for one LK type tray measuring 350 mm by 350 mm and 2970 mm will be 1,700 rubles. It can be used to provide drainage systems. For example, during the construction of highways or bridges.
Product L 2-8\2 with parameters 360 mm by 570 mm and 2970 mm will cost 2450 rubles. These trays are wider and are ideal for the construction of drainage systems for walking paths and drainage of rainwater from residential buildings.

LK 300. 4 5.30-1, has the following dimensions: 280 mm by 430 mm and 2990 mm. The price of this tray will be 3315 rubles. Such products are ideal for installing heating systems and laying cables.
The most expensive option is L 10-8\2 with parameters of 550 mm by 1480 mm and 2970 mm. The cost of this product is 6600 rubles.

To protect communications from mechanical and corrosive destruction, strong and durable devices are needed. These properties have reinforced concrete trays— they are indispensable when installing cable systems and pipelines, providing free access to them in emergency situations. In addition, reinforced concrete products serve to drain rain and melt water from buildings.

Purpose, features and varieties

Trays are made of concrete grade M-200 and higher, strengthening it with steel rods from reinforcement class A-I, A-II or wire Bp-I. The technological process of vibration pressing makes it possible to obtain dense reinforced concrete that is resistant to aggressive factors external environment. According to GOST 21509-85, it is subject to requirements in the following areas:

  • frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • technical characteristics of reinforcing steel;
  • concrete layer thickness;
  • anti-corrosion qualities;
  • raw materials of concrete mixture;
  • uniform structure without voids;
  • mechanical resistance.

In terms of design, purpose of use, and method of installation, trays fall into three main types:

  • drainage;
  • cable;
  • for heating mains.

Drainage concrete trays

They serve to transport water, differ in purpose and design and perform the following functions:

  • drainage – removal of soil and rain moisture from ground floor and the foundation of the building;
  • edge - drainage of water from the road to the slopes;
  • telescopic - channel removal of moisture from bridges and slopes;
  • stormwater – collection and disposal of stormwater;
  • sewer - movement of wastewater into collectors;
  • culverts (gutters for drainage) – drainage of water by gravity.

Classification of drainage trays by shape:

  • parabolic;
  • trapezoidal;
  • U-shaped;
  • trapezoidal and U-shaped with a round gutter.

Depending on the conditions set by the drainage project, solid or with an opening for vertical drain. Trays for drainage can be solid or prefabricated, of various sizes (they are listed in the 3.006.1-2/87 series). The marking contains the letter L and two numbers: the first indicates the number in the series, the second indicates the vertical load for which the tray is designed (the larger it is, the deeper it is mounted). Manufacturers produce them in various sizes, for example, the ERBA company offers products with the following parameters: length 0.72 - 6 m; width 0.4 – 1.84 m; height 0.38 – 1.32 m.

Heat supply pipes are protected from corrosion, rodents, and heat loss by installing special channels of two types:

  • KLP - trays are covered with removable lids;
  • KLS - the structure is formed by upper and lower trays connected by channels.

Advantages modern devices in front of previously used brick structures:

  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • the possibility of installation in seismically active areas, with weak soil and groundwater - this is ensured by expansion joints and waterproofing their bitumen mastic.

The marking of the tray for heating mains indicates the letter (L or LK), its number from the series 3.006.1, and the design load. If the length differs from the standard (6 m), put a number indicating the proportion standard size(2 denotes ½). The width of the products varies from 0.57 to 2.46 m, and the height – from 0.36 to 1.32 m.

Cost of reinforced concrete trays

Before you buy reinforced concrete trays, you should select the product according to the calculated data: maximum load, size and shape. After this, the products are selected according to cost, checking whether the manufacturer has certificates for them. Average prices for trays are given in the table.