Where is the gas filter? HBO filter: replacement procedure

When installing gas reducer For a car, it is necessary to fulfill one condition: the presence of LPG filters and free access to them. Filtering devices allow you to increase the service life of the LPG system and the engine itself.

The propane-butane contained in the cylinder is in a liquefied state under a pressure of sixteen atmospheres. Manufacturers add special chemical substances to give the gas a sharp, unpleasant odor. Such actions allow a person to feel the presence of gas in the car interior during a leak, even if its concentration is small. These reagents should not contain harmful impurities, but this is all in theory. In practice, added chemicals can form condensation; they also contain oily impurities that can clog the gearbox or injector jets.

The presence of gas filters in the gas system of a car allows you to purify the incoming gas in the following phases:

  1. Liquid (before the evaporator reducer). For this purpose, coarse filter devices are used.
  2. Steam (after the gearbox). Fine filter elements are used.

Filtering devices purify gas from various types of impurities, prevent clogging of the gearbox and injectors, and indirectly affect fuel consumption.

Coarse, fine cleaning

Preliminary cleaning of the gas mixture is carried out using a mesh tip placed on the intake tube of the multivalve. It prevents the entry of debris and dust particles. The subsequent cleaning stage can be carried out in an electromagnetic gas valve or reducer (provided that there is a filter element in the reducer housing). In the first case, the operating temperature is close to air temperature. In the second option, the temperature maximum is close to the operating temperature of the motor; the filter device of the second type must be made of a material that can withstand high temperature and pressure in the line in front of the gearbox.

Fine cleaning device with reservoir

Filter devices for coarse cleaning have simple design, which includes replaceable cartridges with sealing rubber bands. Depending on the material used for filtering, we can talk about the quality of the product. Expensive filters are equipped with sedimentation tanks to collect condensate; they are recommended for use in cars equipped with premium injectors, which are very demanding on fuel quality.

Filtration elements for fine cleaning are installed between the gearbox and nozzles. It must have a durable body made of metal or high-strength plastic. Some manufacturers equip filter devices with settling tanks to collect small dust particles. If you buy low-quality filtration products, the filter will fail after 3 thousand kilometers. Untimely replacement of the specified consumables can lead to engine failure.

Filtering devices installed with gas equipment, designed for fine gas purification, can withstand temperatures from -45 0 C to +120 0 C. They cannot be harmed by severe frosts or engine overheating.

Correct choice, replacement frequency

Filter element, for coarse cleaning, installed in the gas reducer

A clogged LPG filter leads to the following negative consequences:

  • increase in fuel consumption by 2l./100 km. mileage;
  • exit gas equipment out of service;
  • deterioration of engine performance;
  • breakdown of the gearbox and injectors.

Avoid these negative consequences can be done by timely replacement of the filter element. On fourth or second generation equipment, planned replacement is carried out in the range from 8 to 10 thousand/km. mileage After changing the filter on 4th generation gas equipment, it is recommended to accurately adjust the ECU settings, because when changing the filter element, the pressure parameter in the entire system changes - this is due to a change in the throughput of the filter material. Therefore, you need to reconfigure correctly electronic system HBO for normal fuel supply.

Depending on the material used for filtration, different degrees of filtration are observed:

  1. Filter paper. It is the most common and cheapest material. May age over time and fall apart if the car is long time stand idle
  2. Polyester. Is not subject to aging when the car is idle, provides better filtration than filter paper.
  3. Fiberglass. Products made from fiberglass reduce the resistance created in the path of gas flow. But it requires more frequent replacement.
  4. Felt. Used for methane, it cleans the incoming gas from debris particles.

Please note: an incorrectly selected filter disrupts the operation of the entire gas system, leads to breakdown of expensive equipment.

The convenience of using liquefied gas has already been appreciated by many motorists, because gasoline prices are constantly rising, while gas is cheaper, and with high-quality LPG, its consumption will be optimal.

The following are used today as filter materials for gas equipment:

  • filter cardboard,
  • cellulose treated with resins (supplemented with synthetic fibers to increase moisture resistance),
  • polyester (slowly ages and deforms),
  • fiberglass,
  • bulpren ( new material, has a foam-like structure, completely fills the space of the filter housing).

What are liquid phase filters

Traditionally, the LPG filter consists of plastic or metal frame. A cardboard filtration element is placed inside. The area between the cardboard and the frame is glued together.

When heated, cardboard and plastic are deformed differently, which is why problems often arise with filters and they fail.


Gas valve filters function in the same thermal mode where there are no temperature changes.

Many manufacturers today have begun to produce cleaning devices that do not contain glue. For the manufacture of the case, plastic is used, equipped with special lock instead of glue. Thus, this design becomes more reliable, the filtration area expands, and the cost of production is lower.

Additionally, magnets are installed in the gas valve designs to eliminate metal dust.

Gas purification in the liquid phase occurs in two steps:

  1. First, cleaning is carried out in a cylinder on the intake tube. Cleaning of dirt is carried out by a mesh tip.
  2. The second cleaning stage is carried out in the gearbox or solenoid valve gas.

The task of both types of filters is the same, they only function under slightly different conditions. The gearbox operates at a temperature almost the same as the engine. The gas valve operates at a temperature close to atmospheric.

HBO fine gas filters

This type of device is installed only in front of gas injectors. Gas injectors need cleanliness, only in this case they will work like clockwork.

During the transition of propane-butane into the vapor phase from the liquid, oil components with an admixture of water are released, and gas injectors require protection from them.

The body of the device is made of aluminum or other metal, or plastic. Manufacturers produce two types of devices - with replaceable contents and disposable ones.

When and why to change the filter on HBO

Timely replacement or cleaning gas filters a very important procedure, since clogging leads to the creation of high resistance to gas flow.

The result is rapid engine overheating. Moreover, when HBO filter clogged, contaminated cardboard may tear due to dirt accumulation and enter the equipment, causing failure.

To ensure the design works properly, purchase only original and proven spare parts. Non-original devices often do not meet the requirements and standards and can lead to rapid equipment failure.


Replacing the filter on a 4th generation HBO - instructions

4th generation HBO involves the use of two filters.

The first is installed between the nozzles and the reducer, and the second is located directly in the gas reducer.

The room in which the replacement will be carried out must be well ventilated, since even a small gas leak cannot be avoided; it is important to exclude proximity to any sources of sparks or fire.

Required tools:

  • screwdriver,
  • octahedron,
  • soap solution,
  • two filters.


Procedure for replacing the gas filter:

  1. Tighten the valve of the gas cylinder tightly, preferably so that it is half empty.
  2. Reduce pressure by starting the engine. This will begin to consume the remaining gas in the system and the car will start running on gasoline. It is better, if possible, to drive a few kilometers on gasoline before replacing.
  3. Unscrew the gearbox with an octagon.
  4. Remove the cover, dismantle the old device without touching the nearby rubber tubes(by analyzing the mud accumulations, you can understand how worn out the installation is, how it worked, what are the shortcomings of its operation).
  5. Remove dust near the filter installation site with a vacuum cleaner. Treat the installation site of the new filter with a special liquid.
  6. Place a rubber ring on the bottom, then a new filter, then another O-ring.
  7. Close the cover and turn the bolts.
  8. Loosen the two clamps with a screwdriver and remove the second old filter.
  9. Place a new one in its place so that the arrow points to the injectors.
  10. Unscrew the valve on the cylinder.
  11. Then use a soap solution to check all unscrewed connections to identify possible gas leaks.

The cost of a new device starts from 1000 rubles. When purchasing it directly from the service, you can save on installation, as you may be offered free installation or a good discount.

Manufacturers of most types of fuel try to get the maximum benefit from their sale. As a result, fuel is actively diluted with third-party reagents, which help increase the volume of raw materials and sell larger quantities at lower costs. Surprisingly, even gas for gas equipment in cars often contains third-party fractions. Purification of fuel from any kind of gas equipment is carried out through the use of special filters. We will talk in more detail about their design, principles of operation and repair in the article below.

Design and principles of operation of HBO filters

Propane-butane or other gases contained in HBO cylinders are always in a semi-liquid state under a pressure of about 16 atmospheres. Manufacturers necessarily add special reagents to the composition of the fuel, which give it bad smell. The latter, by the way, is very important for detecting gas leaks and eliminating them.

Third-party substances and other impurities in gas fuel can form condensation, which clogs the reducer and LPG injectors. Such moments negatively affect the condition of the entire system, which often “breaks” gas equipment. To neutralize these circumstances, as well as the risks of their occurrence, filter elements used in modern gas equipment were invented.

Principle of operation gas filters is based on filtering the gas coming from the cylinders to the engine by sifting out all unnecessary impurities. That is, the output should be exceptionally clean gas fuel, which is not capable of harming either the elements in the LPG system or the car engine.

Modern gas equipment is always equipped with two filters, namely:

  • A fine filter element, otherwise called “steam”. This filter is located after the reducer, and ensures the delivery of the cleanest gas to the distribution nozzles. Such nodes operate in temperature conditions from minus 45 degrees Celsius to plus 120. They are made of strong materials and are designed, on average, to operate for about 10,000-30,000 kilometers;
  • A coarse filter element, otherwise called “liquid”. The second filtration element of the HBO system is located before the reducer, where the semi-liquid gas is reformed into “steam”. That is, such filters purify liquefied gas from those impurities that can be separated from the fuel of such a formation. The principles of organization and service life of coarse cleaning elements are similar to those noted above.

The importance of LPG filters in the system should not be underestimated, because thanks to them, any owner of a gas-powered car significantly saves on fuel and frequent repairs of equipment and the engine. Taking these nuances into account, it can be stated that the filter elements of gas equipment are maintained in pure form still worth it.

Principles of filter replacement

Before considering the process of replacing LPG filters, it is worth paying attention to some features of this procedure. Fortunately, it doesn’t have many nuances and changing the filter elements with your own hands will be easy for any motorist. To carry out a competent replacement of the unit, it is important:

More precise replacement dates can be found in the technical documentation for specific gas equipment.

Having competently carried out the measures presented above, any motorist will carry out a high-quality replacement of the LPG filter, so you should not forget about the basic principles of such repairs of gas equipment, especially if you want to carry out one.

Procedure for replacing filter elements

Summarizing the material presented above, it would not be amiss to consider the procedure for replacing gas equipment filters. Please note that there are no special differences during repairs. different types has no systems, so the same one is always used. Typically, replacing the LPG filter is carried out as follows:

Note! In the process of replacing HBO filters, it is strongly recommended not to deviate from the order described above and ignore wearing personal protection. Otherwise, problems may arise either with your health or with the gas equipment of the car.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in replacing gas filtration equipment. We hope that the material presented today was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck with the repairs and on the roads!

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One of the main conditions for installing a gas reducer is free access to the filters that are built in before and after it. Propane is in a liquefied state in a cylinder under a pressure of 16 atmospheres. Unfortunately, the quality of domestic gas presupposes the presence in the gas mixture not only of useful odorants, but also of other oil impurities, which, firstly, clog the gearbox and injector jets, and secondly, form carbon deposits in the cylinders.

  • Odorants are chemicals added to gas to give it a strong, specific odor to prevent leakage. A person will have time to smell the gas before its vapor reaches the appropriate concentration.
In theory, odorants should be clean and flammable. In practice, they partially condense when the gas mixture passes into the gaseous phase.

Types of gas filters

Gas filter HBO there are two types:
  • coarse cleaning (liquid phase). Serves to filter coarse particles in liquid fuel supplied to the gearbox;
  • fine cleaning (steam phase). It filters the gas as thoroughly as possible already at the outlet of the reducer towards the injectors.
Inexpensive filters for HBO fine cleaning systems resemble the fuel analogue of a gasoline engine. Coarse filters have replaceable cartridges with rubber seals. The quality of the product depends on the filter material. More expensive models are equipped with condensate sedimentation tanks, which is recommended for premium injectors that are picky about fuel quality.

Replacing the gas filter

According to the maintenance regulations, both filters are changed after 10 thousand km, but in practice everything is different:
  • If the car starts switching gas to gasoline on its own, one of the reasons is a clogged filter. The gas simply cannot enter the cylinders in full, and the HBO considers that the mixture is lean. Loss of engine power, jerking, reluctance of the car to go on gas - signs that it’s time buy a filter for LPG;
  • if the line is copper, then after 2-3 years the coarse filter will begin to become clogged with scale. In this case, it is recommended buy a filter for HBO 4 liquid phase already after 7-8 thousand km.
Experts recommend doing the following:
  • make a replacement for the first time LPG gas filter after the scheduled 10 thousand km and see what condition they are in. With a coarse filter, this will be seen better - if there is coarse dirt on the corrugation (liner), and the fine filter is normal, then next time they can be changed after 7-8 thousand and 15 thousand km, respectively;
  • for those who do not keep a service record, but come to the service station for comprehensive service, it is recommended gas filter replacement(both) simultaneously with replacing the air filter and oil.
It is very important not to delay replacement fine gas filter. If, in the case of a liquid phase filter, the worst thing is gas retention, then if you do not replace the vapor phase filter in time, there is a risk of gasoline getting into the injectors, which are then practically beyond repair. As practice shows, HBO filter Lovatto takes care of the required 10 thousand km, but experts recommend the brands PRIDE (fine cleaning), Tomasetto (coarse cleaning), which can last 20% longer.

The specialized service station KOSTA GAS is installation of 4th generation gas equipment, comprehensive services and any routine maintenance. How buy HBO 4 and install it? Call us to find out all the details and features of installing LPG on your car model.

KOSTA GAS is the exclusive representative of AEB in Ukraine, so we always have an acceptable HBO price, excellent quality components and repair kits!

In this article we will tell you what is a gas filter, why it is needed, as well as how to replace the gas filter on a car with LPG with your own hands.

Manufacturers of gas equipment are often also manufacturers, the main of which are fuel filters. There are three types of fuel filters:

  • Liquid phase gas filter directly in the cylinder;
  • Fine gas purification filter in vapor state;
  • Coarse filter in the gas line, in front of the evaporator reducer.

It is also worth mentioning the filter that is installed in the adapter of the filling device, but its use is not necessary, so we will not mention it further.

Why are filters needed?

The task of the first is to prevent foreign inclusions of a relatively large fraction from entering the gas main. This filter is a primitive mesh at the end of the fuel intake tube. Its maintenance is carried out simultaneously with maintenance or as the need arises. The service of this filter is .

Fine filter used in injection systems. Its task is to filter the gas entering the vessel in a vapor state. The filter element can be paper, fiberglass or polyester. IN Lately There is an unknown foam material called “bulprene”. Most likely, this is another hoax - that is, there is more marketing in this name than substance. However, it performs its functions, and even then well.

Designed to filter liquefied gas and is located in front of the reducer. In some cases it is located in the gearbox itself, but more often - in conjunction with an electromagnetic gas valve. The filter element is usually special paper or filter cardboard mounted in a replaceable cartridge. Actually, maintenance consists of replacing this cartridge.

Do-it-yourself gas filter replacement

If the fine filter is most often disposable, then coarse filter involves dismantling and replacing the cartridge. As a rule, the liquid phase filter is located in an accessible location under the hood. In addition to the filter, the housing uses a magnet, whose task is to catch small metal fractions.

  1. Before how to replace a gas filter with your own hands it is necessary to close the cylinder;
  2. The next step is to loosen the nuts of the incoming and outgoing gas lines and wait until the remaining gas in the system evaporates;
  3. After the remaining gas leaves the system, you need to remove the filter “bucket” from the bracket;
  4. Then you need to disassemble the filter housing. This must be done carefully so as not to lose the elastic bands and magnet;
  5. After cleaning internal space filter housing, insert a new cartridge with a magnet (small hole up);
  6. Put the filter in place and connect the gas pipeline.

Basically, DIY gas filter replacement this is complete. One caveat - it is better to change the rubber bands that have become stiff, and after installation, soap the connections and check for leaks. Yes, and don't forget to turn on the gas supply. All the best, see you again at GBOshnik.