If you hug a dead person in a dream. Mom saw that I left with my late grandmother in a dream

For a dreamer who believes in an afterlife, the details of a dream about the deceased will help him deal with pressing problems in the real world. Sometimes the dead come to a person to fulfill a certain mission - for example, to apologize to the dreamer, reveal a secret to him, or warn him against danger.

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If the sleeper does not remember the detailed plot of the dream, one should not look for the hidden meanings of the dream. The general interpretation of a dream about a dead person in this case is an upcoming change in weather. You can remember the deceased by taking food to the nearest church - then the vision will definitely not pose a danger.

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    Universal interpretations of dreams about the dead

    A deceased person who comes to life in a dream can foreshadow dramatic changes in the fate of the sleeper. It is especially important to remember the details of the conversation with the deceased: they contain those aspects that the dreamer needs to pay close attention to in everyday life.

    Sleep analysis depending on the personality of the deceased

    The meaning of a dream about the deceased largely depends on who exactly appeared to the sleeper


    Talking to a deceased parent in a dream foretells failure in business. The dreamer should be vigilant and careful in communication: there are ill-wishers in his environment.

    Hugging a deceased father in a dream is a sign that the person sleeping in real life carries too much responsibility. Seeing the late dad in a smart suit is a sign of jealousy on the part of the lover.

    Seeing a father hugging his mother is an opportunity to receive support from friends. A dream in which the father is drunk and behaves aggressively indicates a high chance of achieving his goal.


    Seeing your mother in a dream is a warning about a possible illness. The dream is also a sign that it is necessary to learn not to give free rein to negative feelings and to refrain from irritability and aggression.

    See for a long time deceased mother young, in a cheerful mood - for pleasant shopping. Mom is trying to tell something - the sleeping person should listen to her words, as they are a warning about possible danger.

    Quarreling with a long-deceased mother - a dream speaks of mistakes in real life, which the sleeper does not want to admit to himself. A mother swears in a dream - a person has made mistakes for which he will have to pay in the near future.


    The deceased appears alive - to unforeseen financial expenses. Risen from the grave - friends will not provide the dreamer with proper support.

    Other meanings:

    • The deceased is trying to communicate something - you should listen to his words: this is a warning about possible difficulties.
    • The deceased husband hands the dreamer something - in real life the dreamer has a chance to solve the problem that is bothering her.
    • Hugs with a long-dead husband dream of meeting a new admirer, a relationship with whom can develop into marriage.


    Seeing a deceased spouse means trouble. The wife gives a gift - to improve the financial situation.

    Seeing a deceased woman crying means problems that are not obvious to the dreamer at the moment. The wife laughs loudly and joyfully - success awaits the sleeper in the current relationship. If there are none, a second happy marriage is possible.

    The deceased woman saw herself with another man - to a crisis in her current love affair. Kissing your spouse means achieving success in your planned business.


    Possible plots:

    • A crying grandmother dreams about something difficult emotional state, financial waste.
    • Hugging a deceased old woman in a dream means solving problems.
    • To see a dream about a grandmother shortly before the wedding is a positive sign: having appeared to the dreamer, she blesses him for happy life with your chosen one.


    If grandfather appeared in a dream, a night dream means success in all endeavors. An old man who has long passed away lies in a coffin - he took with him a great secret.

    The deceased came to life and began to talk to the dreamer - you should listen carefully to this story, as it is the key to the family secret. An angry grandfather means that a loved one will offend the dreamer.


    Seeing a deceased brother means that soon someone around you will need the dreamer’s help. Talking to him is a sign of pleasant life changes.

    Fighting with the deceased means big profits. Saying goodbye to him means division of property.

    Hugging a dead person means health and longevity.


    Possible plots:

    • Seeing a dead woman alive means obstacles in the implementation of plans.
    • A dream in which a deceased older sister is present is a sign of a lack of close relationships in the dreamer’s life.
    • A deceased woman dressed in a wedding dress means the sleeper will live in bachelor status for a long time.
    • Talking with a deceased sister means a possible illness.
    • The deceased makes a solemn or congratulatory speech - in reality, the dreamer will have to commit a noble act that will make him a respected person in the eyes of others.

    Uncle Aunt

    Seeing a deceased uncle full of strength means strengthening financial well-being. Talking to your uncle means positive news.

    Seeing a deceased aunt standing nearby- to trouble. A resurrected aunt means receiving amazing news.

    Friend, girlfriend

    Possible stories about a close friend:

    • Seeing a dead person alive means an important announcement.
    • A deceased friend hugs - to the opportunity to receive support in business from loved ones.
    • Kisses - for luck, good luck.

    A dream in which a deceased friend appeared alive speaks of the dreamer’s attempts to hide the truth from others. A friend is in a good mood, smiling - to the onset of a white streak in life. Pregnant - to the collapse of plans. Crying - to receive good news.

    Kissing a deceased friend is a sign of anxiety.

    Dead Man's State

    Much in the interpretation of a dream also depends on how the main character behaves, what state he is in and what feelings he is overcome with:

    • merry dead man- to pleasant news from loved ones;
    • smiling- in real life, the sleeper will be able to draw strength from various sources;
    • laughing- a sign that the dreamer lives in other people’s interests;
    • crying- to disappointment in a loved one;
    • sad- bad news, troubles due to the machinations of ill-wishers;
    • wicked- the dreamer’s behavior in real life violates moral standards, and he needs to correct himself as soon as possible;
    • drunk- indicates that the dreamer is burdened by a feeling of guilt for some reason that is important to him.

    Actions of the deceased

    Interpretation of sleep depending on the actions of the deceased:

    Action Interpretation of sleep
    Rowdy, mischievousThe dream predicts troubles and worries
    Gives giftsTo receive large monetary profits
    ComplainsThe soul of the deceased is not laid to rest according to accepted religious canons. The sleeping person is recommended to order a magpie for the deceased in the church
    ScreamsTo trouble. It is considered a particularly negative sign when a dead person screams and smashes everything around - this portends several problems at the same time, layered on top of each other. But if the dreamer shows restraint and patiently works through each of the difficulties, everything will be resolved successfully

    If drops of blood appear from the bite, due to the absurd situation, relations with relatives will be greatly damaged. If only traces of teeth remain from a dead man’s bite, this means difficulties in the professional sphere

    Lies on the bed calmly and without movingTo a serene, measured life
    Lies in a coffinTo unexpected guests
    SilentThis man wishes the dreamer all the blessings that he himself had during earthly life
    Comes to lifeWhat was lost will be returned in full. For lovers, such a dream means that their feelings will become even stronger
    Sings a sad songTo loss of money
    Sings funny dittiesSoon the sleeping man will have a family celebration at which he will have a lot of fun
    Warns of possible dangerThe dreamer should listen to the words of the deceased and refrain from traveling, making decisions, important steps. Otherwise it could cost him his life
    Asks for foodThis person should be remembered by taking some food to the nearest temple
    Comes to the dreamer and speaks to himThe weather will change for the worse (it will snow or rain)
    Knocking on the window

    If the sleeper is glad to see a dead person, the dream promises him the emergence of wide possibilities for personal growth. If a knocking dead person causes alarm - to another test on the path of life

    Commits suicideTo possible betrayal loved one
    Cleans up, cleans up

    A dead man doing wet cleaning foretells the dreamer an opportunity to restore his reputation. A deceased person washes windows - a loved one will betray the sleeping person, but he will be able to forgive him

    Dreamer behavior

    Dreams in which the sleeper himself performs certain actions are interpreted as follows:

    Action Interpretation of sleep
    Beat a dead manThe dream indicates extreme exhaustion nervous system dreamer No matter what he does, his actions encounter misunderstanding on the part of those close to him, and this leads to internal torment
    Walk with him

    A walk accompanied by an intimate conversation is a sign of great success in work. Hugging a living dead person during a promenade - the dreamer will be able to brilliantly get out of a difficult life situation

    Fight with the deadThere will be a conflict with his family members
    Closing the coffin with the deceasedBehind short term the dreamer will be able to make a decent amount of money
    Having sex with a dead person

    A dream about intimacy with the deceased is a sign of strong spiritual longing for him. If the deceased is a blood relative, the dreamer is nostalgic for the times when a loved one was alive. If intimacy occurs with a deceased friend or an ordinary acquaintance, the dream can speak of sterility of the spirit, the inability to create and achieve goals, and sometimes of physical sterility. Hugging a naked dead man means overcoming your own fears and psychological complexes

    Call a dead manThe dream means the dreamer’s desire to continue the connection with the deceased that existed during his lifetime. The sleeper is advised to accept the fact of the deceased’s passing into another world and to internally let him go
    Walk with a crowd of mourners carrying the deceasedHaving fun with friends
    Avoid hugging the deceasedIn real life, the dreamer seeks to avoid inevitable changes
    Search for the dead manThe dreamer successfully gets rid of his existing shortcomings. At this stage life path he is in search of his true self
    Lying with the deadRelationships with someone alive will soon end. The dream suggests that parting with this person at this stage is necessary, otherwise in the future the dreamer will have to regret that he did not break off contact with him in time
    Lying between two dead peopleTo a possible disease
    Hugging the deceased

    Hugging and warmly kissing the deceased on the lips means irreversible changes in life. Affectionate hugs without erotic overtones mean that the sleeper will be able to successfully overcome life's difficulties

    Wash the deceasedTo a well-deserved rest and pleasure
    Dressing the deceased before burialSuccess in business will come to the dreamer thanks to the efforts of a faithful friend
    Dressing a dead personWarning to take care of your health
    Give money or clothesTo possible misfortune
    Move a deceased person or try to move him from his placeThe dreamer puts effort into things in vain, wastes time
    Hiding a Dead ManTo an unpleasant situation that can cause a deep mental wound to the sleeper
    Rejoice at the deceased, please him in every possible wayThe sleeper will be able to reach desired results if he thinks creatively
    Fight with a dead manTo family scandals that arise out of the blue
    Trim the deceased

    If the haircut turns out to be neat, in real life the dreamer will be able to avoid a serious illness, and it will not bother him again. The haircut turned out uneven - achieving success in life will be quite difficult. Cutting a dead man's nails is a positive sign for family relations, but only if after the manipulation the nails turned out smooth and well-groomed

    Drive away the deadA positive sign foretelling a long life
    Sitting over the deceasedFor a quick trip to distant lands
    Dance with a dead manA favorable sign foreshadowing the successful completion of a started project. The sleeper will receive an incentive to move forward further and will be able to overcome all the difficulties that confront him.
    Running away from a dead manThe dream suggests that the dreamer is overwhelmed by anxiety due to family problems
    Treat the dead man

    Tasty and fresh food - to make your cherished dream come true with the assistance of friends and acquaintances. Bad food - the dreamer’s conflict and irritability will play a cruel joke on him, so it is recommended to refrain from showing these emotions

    Kiss and hugThings in real life will be difficult to progress. Kissing a deceased person on the forehead is a sign of parting with a friend or loved one

    Interpretations in various dream books


    Death famous person portends the coming to power of a wise ruler. Dreaming of the death of a sick person means a collision with injustice.

    A person who is in a coma dies - someone tricks the dreamer around his finger, and he still for a long time will be in the dark about the plans of his surroundings.


    Possible values:

    • Reviving the deceased means the return of old difficulties.
    • Talking with the deceased means a change in weather conditions.


    Dream subjects:

    • Seeing a dead person as if alive means separation, a break in relationships.
    • Talking to a dead person means unexpected news.

    Maly Velesov

    Deceased parents promise troubles, changes in weather, and the need to remember them. The mother dreams of a possible serious illness.

    Meeting the deceased on the road means good luck in business. A dead man dreams of achieving a goal. Woman - to obstacles.

    Other meanings:

    • A resurrected dead person promises monetary expenses.
    • Hugging a living dead person means the dreamer should pay attention to his health; illness may occur.
    • Kissing the deceased - they are waiting for the dreamer long years happiness.
    • Giving him a gift means losses.
    • Talking to the deceased means interesting news.


    Possible interpretations:

    • Seeing a loved one dead means that in real life you will soon part with him.
    • A friend appears in the form of a deceased person - it is necessary to refrain from unseemly actions and act according to your conscience.
    • Seeing an enemy dead is a sign of victory.


    A hooligan dead man dreams of trouble. Kissing the deceased means the dreamer will be able to forgive ill-wishers.

    Sleeping next to a living dead person means separation from your lover. Dressing the deceased means exacerbation of old diseases.


    Interpretations depending on the plot:

    • A loved one dreamed of dying - a long life full of joys awaits him.
    • A famous person means turmoil in society.
    • Seeing a person who is in a coma or dying is a shock.


    Possible values:

    • Witnessing the funeral of a person who is in reality alive and well is a sign of his longevity.
    • Seeing a real dead man means changes in life.


    I dreamed of a man who in reality is a dead man - his words and actions are warnings for the dreamer.

    He appeared alive in the image of a deceased person - in reality, a relationship with him will be unpleasant.


    Interpretations of the dream book:

    • A deceased friend or relative is a messenger of fate.
    • A living person dreamed of being dead - in real life, good luck or a wedding awaits him.
    • The resurrecting dead means trouble.
    • An irritated, noisy dead person means the need to pay bills.
    • Taking the dreamer's objects or clothes means possible misfortune.
    • Seeing a relative in a dream who has long passed into another world means news concerning the family.

      A dream in which a person hugs a deceased friend promises a trusting relationship with an important person. This connection will help the sleeper achieve the desired goals in the most favorable way.

      Seeing your own death means the sleeper should be more careful in his actions and words.

      What does sleep mean for girls and women?

      For a female, a dream about a dead person can mean the following:

      • If unmarried girl sees a dead man in a dream - in reality, an imminent wedding awaits her;
      • if the deceased is much older in age, her fiancé will also be older;
      • a dream about a young dead man indicates that the girl will connect her life with someone of the same age;
      • the deceased was dressed in poor clothes - the chosen one will not be rich;
      • a dead man in an expensive suit - the future spouse will turn out to be a wealthy man.

      If the dead man appeared to be an adult, married woman, this suggests that she will soon have an admirer. Whether he will be rich or not depends on the clothes in which the deceased appeared before the sleeping woman.

      If a woman sees herself as a deceased, the dream foreshadows anxiety and troubles if the funeral is carried out quickly and modestly. If the ceremony takes place decorously and magnificently, the dream foreshadows a significant expansion of the circle of acquaintances, possibly gaining popularity.

      The meaning of sleep for men

      There are the following interpretations of a dream about a dead man for men:

      • a single person dreams of a dead woman - to meet a lady who can become a worthy wife;
      • the deceased woman was a ghost married man- to deterioration of relationships with a spouse or lover;
      • a deceased comrade comes to a man (regardless of social status) - to success in his career.

      Important features of dreams about the dead

      Whatever the plot of the dream, if the deceased calls the dreamer to follow him, you cannot follow him - such a dream foreshadows health problems. To do this, it is necessary to give the unconscious the appropriate setting, and then during a dream the sleeper will refrain from following the dangerous call.

      It is necessary to distinguish a dream in which the soul of a deceased person comes to the sleeping person from a terrible plot in which malicious spirits come under the guise of deceased relatives. It is easy to distinguish an unfriendly spirit: such a dream has a negative connotation and causes negative experiences (fear, excitement). Such dreams are not subject to generally accepted interpretation, but they also do not pose any particular danger. If you have a nightmare like this, just read a few prayers or visit a temple.

It is not very pleasant to see a dead person in a dream. They say that this foretells a change in the weather. Why kiss, hug and show mercy to a dead person in a dream? It turns out that the interpretation depends on the nuances and details of this astral contact. If you feel the touch of cold lips on your forehead, the meaning is one, but on your cheek, it means something completely different. Let's take a closer look at why kissing a dead person in a dream in order to understand what will happen in reality in the near future.

The meaning of the personality of a deceased person

Interpreters analyze the plot options in great detail. And everyone unanimously asserts that the decoding depends on the personality of the deceased. First you need to figure out whether this person was a relative, acquaintance or unknown person. This should be taken into account when trying to understand why kissing a dead person in a dream. Relatives usually predict rain. That's what grandmothers say. If a dead person appears in a dream, it means the weather will change.

In addition, older, experienced people are sure that the departed soul must be remembered. They advise buying sweets and giving them to colleagues, neighbors or children in the yard. This folk custom observed in the old days. And we should not forget traditions. A dead stranger caressing a young girl promises her good or evil, depending on where exactly his cold kiss landed. For men, such an astral plot promises complete trouble. If you dreamed of a kiss with a relative who is now in the afterlife, you should prepare for quarrels in the family. A loved one specially came from the other world to warn and protect.

Dream: kissing a dead person on the lips

Let's move on to analyzing more specific cases. Unfortunately, this vision does not promise anything positive for the dreamer. Sleep is especially unfavorable for financiers and entrepreneurs. Serious losses lie ahead, the plot says. It is necessary to count every penny, double-check documents several times, and temporarily suspend employees whose loyalty you are not sure of.

In a dream with a dead person, kissing on the lips is also not good for a woman. As a rule, this promises losses, but not as great as for business owners. A girl can be cheated in a store, have the amount for a purchase withdrawn from her bank account twice, or simply have her wallet stolen in transport. You need to be vigilant so as not to shed tears from your beautiful eyes. For students and schoolchildren, the plot foreshadows bad grades and nagging teachers. And elderly people should run to the doctor: something wrong is happening in the body, preventive measures will not hurt. Interpretation for everyone, if the deceased, met in the country of Morpheus, was a relative: a huge scandal is brewing at home. But it can be avoided if you diligently smooth out the corners, do not react to criticism, offensive words, rude shouts and the like.

The deceased kissed the neck

Interpreters associate this plot with a person’s personal life. Something does not satisfy him and causes secret dissatisfaction, sometimes unclear to him. Negativity accumulates inside and will soon burst out with a harsh action or word. There will probably be a debriefing with a loved one who will not understand what caused such strange behavior. You need to understand yourself, understand what your soul strives for. If you responded to the kiss of the deceased in a dream, fear for your health. This plot promises an illness for which you will have to run to the doctors. Hugging and kissing a dead person in a dream means pressure on the will. A certain person wants to subjugate you, to achieve unquestioning fulfillment of his desires. The dream recommends resisting. If you do not defend freedom, you will not be realized as a person. You will have to endure despotism for many years, give up your strength, and receive neither gratitude nor pleasure in return.

Dead man kisses on the cheek

Interpreters consider such a plot to be a harbinger of success for everyone. For a girl or a single woman, he promises a worthy gentleman. So rejoice if you happened to kiss a dead man in a dream in this way. Soon, faithful, mutual, calm and happy love will enter your lonely life. For those who have quarreled with friends, the plot also bodes well. He says that all differences will soon be overcome and relations will be restored. No one will want to remember past tears and grievances anymore.

For entrepreneurs, the dream foretells a successful operation, a good, profitable idea, or another chance in business. You just need to not be timid, but look around so as not to miss the moment. If in a dream you saw a deceased relative kissing you on the cheek, soon expect your cherished dream to come true. The soul of this person protects you in heaven. She will work to ensure that all obstacles to happiness are removed.

Kiss on the eyes

This story is rightfully considered the most positive. This is a sign of protection from above. The problems will soon be solved, you will feel that a certain burden has been lifted from your shoulders. In addition, the dreamer will be able to understand who his true friends are and who should not be trusted. A heavenly angel will reveal the truth to him and help him look at the situation from a different angle. This is what it means to see the touch of cold lips on your eyes in a dream. Kissing a dead man for a single woman means marriage, for a girl - for a groom, for a married lady - for an increase in the number of relatives. Those who passionately desire to continue the family will be given such a chance from above. The child will turn out to be very talented, cheerful and sociable, a real favorite of fate.

Kiss on the forehead

In the east, it is believed that such a plot speaks of forgiveness of sin if a deceased relative appears in it. This is good news from the subtle world. The evil or insult once caused will no longer weigh on your soul. The one to whom it was inflicted understood and forgave everything, the Oriental says to the deceased in a dream; responding to his tenderness means becoming more active in real life. You yourself will feel a surge of strength in a day or week. As if wings would grow behind back. This plot says that the time has come to receive a well-deserved reward and recognition. Work a little more, and others will notice and appreciate your efforts. Get from them exactly what you secretly dreamed of.

Kiss your hand

This plot is interpreted by experts in two ways. He talks about open roads, will and freedom. However, achievements will not just fall into your hands. You will have to fight obstacles, overcome enemy traps, and unravel the intricacies of fate. If a deceased relative of the opposite sex kissed your hand, feel support from above. No matter what happens around you, rest assured that you can withstand everything. Victory will sooner or later be in your pocket. For a girl, such a plot promises a strict husband. At first she will be afraid of him, even consider him a tyrant. Only after a few years will she understand that her husband loves her tenderly and devotedly and does everything for happiness.

If the dreamer is for Lately If you had to experience the loss of someone close to you, then such a dream is quite understandable. Especially if a person in a dream hugs precisely the person who recently died, and whose loss is so difficult to come to terms with.

What if you dream of hugging a dead person?

If such dreams haunt those who have recently experienced a loss, this is a sign from the subconscious that it is time to come to terms with death and begin to relate to death a little easier. After all, death, unfortunately, is inevitable for every person and living organism. Therefore, you need to think more about the future, what trace will remain on the earth after the death of the dreamer himself. There is no need to dwell on death and those it took. Sometimes the best cure for mental hardship can be communication with friends or a new hobby. If you can’t let go of the deceased, then you can read spiritual literature that helps you come to terms with and believe that better and new things are ahead. Such books help to understand the importance of life.

But why dream of hugging a dead person for those who have not recently encountered death and loss of loved ones? This may be a harbinger that in the near future the dreamer should expect a deterioration in health or the manifestation of some kind of illness.

Perhaps the onset of the disease became probable due to the fact that a person for a long time cannot let go of certain circumstances of his life. This behavior can provoke an increase in the tension of everyday life, which for most is not the easiest task. The greater the tension, the more effort is required to solve quite simple questions. In addition, you need to remember that nerve cells, wasted, is very difficult to recover. A tightly wound and shaken psyche can cause constant discord in relationships at work and at home, which makes the situation even worse. Therefore, you need to learn to let go of problems and relax, so as not to develop health problems later.

What does it portend?

If a person in a dream has to hug a deceased person who is calm and complacent, then such a meeting may promise certain changes in everyday life. Perhaps these changes will be disturbing and demanding large quantity mental and physical costs. But these efforts will be justified, because in the end the dreamer will begin to have luck. There is also a possibility that the changes will not be the most pleasant and rosy. But this is not something to be afraid of. Sometimes what seemed hopeless and hopeless brings unexpectedly good results. Any undertaking during such a period must be carefully weighed. And understand whether the time has really come for decisive action. You should always be judicious about your actions.

Particularly favorable is a dream in which you have to hug a once very loved person who has rested in peace. Such a dream may mean that outside help may come from those who knew the deceased well and loved him, just like the dreamer.

I would like to wish people to listen and be guided in life only by good predictions. And so that these predictions come true to the delight of the dreamers and their loved ones. It's so nice when good dream is coming true.

Hugging in a dream is a fairly common occurrence in women's dreams. Storylines can be very different: from friendly hugs to frank and passionate ones. Dreamers are often interested in the question of why they dream of hugging a dead person. Dream books contain many options for the interpretation of such dreams, but it is also important to familiarize yourself with the analysis of dreams with psychological point vision, since dreams are a reflection of the unconscious essence of a person.

Hugging in a dream is a fairly common occurrence in women's dreams.

Psychologists tend to pay attention to the subjective experience of the dreamer: his feelings, the emotional background of the story, his train of thoughts, conditioned reflexes. Psychologists have developed a list of questions, the answers to which provide an opportunity to understand what the dream images mean:

  1. What is your attitude towards the person you hugged?
  2. What feelings did you experience when you hugged the person you dreamed about?
  3. What sensations did you have (hot, cold) when you hugged?
  4. Do you know the person you hugged?

Psychologists tend to pay attention to the subjective experience of the dreamer: his feelings, the emotional background of the story, train of thoughts, conditioned reflexes

Hugs symbolize agreement, love, harmony, reconciliation. But is everything so harmless and transparent if you hug a deceased person in a dream? There is a belief that such dreams should alert dreamers, since hugging a dead person in a dream promises a serious illness with a fatal outcome: the dead person hugs you as a sign that your time on earth is up. But don’t panic, flipping through the dream book in horror (hugging a deceased person can mean very pleasant future events for you).

Seeing a deceased person in a dream or hugging him means that you will soon get sick
  1. Initially, it is important to write down the dream on paper: describe the deceased relative, his mood, what his behavior was, what he was talking about. It is important to track your own thoughts regarding what is happening: what worries you, what causes particularly strong tension, what inspires fear and panic.
  2. Tell me about a dream in the present tense, as if you were now standing in an embrace with your relative. Try to speak on behalf of this person. After all, it is quite possible that you yourself know why you saw the deceased in a dream (source important information, danger warning). A relative can be the personification of caring for you, when you yourself do not perceive signals from the outside about an impending threat, but are ready to listen to the words of a loved one who is no longer with you. IN in this case sleep is a resource that helps make up for the lack of self-love and attention to one's own needs.
  3. It is important that your loved ones closely monitor the slightest changes in the timbre of your voice, facial expressions and gestures, and pay attention to how you breathe.
  4. Your goal is to decipher the message addressed to you. The dream may have a negative meaning, or it may carry a positive charge. Try to feel what is hidden behind the hug.

Why do you dream about hugging (video)

The result of psychological analysis of dreams

After analyzing dreams when people saw a deceased person in their dreams, psychologists came to the following conclusions:

  1. If a woman hugged her dead husband in a dream, this often meant a feeling of guilt for not doing everything possible to keep her husband alive (if we're talking about about a life partner who died of illness). Additionally, a woman may blame herself for wanting to start a family again, because she feels that she is betraying her husband (the husband as a symbol of onerous obligations and debt). And hugging a spouse in a dream means his tacit consent to his wife’s right to be happy and live a full life.
  2. If a woman or man dreams of hugging their deceased parents, then this almost always means that it is time to take a break from work and everyday worries, otherwise there is a risk of becoming seriously ill.
  3. If a woman hugged her dead grandmother in a dream, who loved her very much, then this means that the dreamer is not paying attention to some events in her life, and that she needs to be more vigilant.

You can also refer to the information presented in dream books to understand why the dead person dreams.

Why do you dream about hugs (video)

Interpretations of dream books

Many dream books contain information that hugging a man in a dream is a harbinger of separation. It is important to familiarize yourself in more detail with the proposed interpretations of dreams:

  1. Hugging a stranger in a dream means unexpected events in your life. If the hug was pleasant to you, then good luck and success await you. Unpleasant sensations (disgust) promise you drastic negative changes in life.
  2. Hugging a guy in a dream means that you have serious conflicts and disagreements with him ahead. Rarely does such a dream foretell a harmonious family life, but you shouldn’t blindly trust dreams either.
  3. If you are hugging a person who is your enemy, then such a dream indicates that you are ready to compromise. Your wisdom and deep understanding of the essence of the conflict will help you improve your relationship with your enemy.
  4. If the guy you are hugging is an acquaintance of yours, then this means that you are drawn to try something new in life, but you suppress this desire. Even in your sleep, you do not allow your sexual potential to unfold. Or maybe you simply don’t have enough affection and warmth in your existing environment, so you tend to seek support from other people.
  5. If you have a young man, but you dream of hugging someone with whom you are secretly in love, then the dream promises an inevitable break in the old love affair and the beginning of a new, happy romance. But it’s quite possible that you just need to reconsider your current relationship in order to understand what your needs are not being met in your existing union, and what can be done to make you and your man feel happy.
  6. Cuddling with ex-lover is not a confirmation that your relationship will become the same, but an unexpected meeting is quite possible that will give you an unforgettable experience.
  7. If you look into the dream book, hugging a man whose image has disappeared in your mind in the morning means that in the near future you will meet a person who will become a reliable friend. This does not always mean official marriage, but the fact that you will receive timely help and support from a man devoted to you is an accurate prediction.
  8. Seeing a deceased person in a dream or hugging him means that you will soon get sick. But such a dream also promises changes in life (expected or sudden). It is useless to resist change, as it is inevitable. We can talk about your spiritual rebirth.

Many dream books contain information that hugging a man in a dream is a harbinger of separation

You can trust dream books, or you can independently explore your dreams. The main thing has always been and will be only what meaning you yourself put into the images you dreamed about. Guided by the dream you saw, you can protect yourself from problems. Listen to your own feelings to find out maximum benefit from what he saw in a dream.

If in a dream you hug your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration.

Warmly hugging those who have come from afar after a long absence of friends foretells a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future.

Hugging strangers means meeting your future partner.

Loving embraces with women - you will be suspected of committing a dishonorable act.

Hugging your husband - you will receive a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink away his salary.

Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house; if they wrap their arms around you and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with your loved ones, not giving free rein to tears.

Desired, affectionate hugs mean success and prosperity.

If in a dream you avoid the embraces of a hateful hanger-on or tipsy Don Juans, in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness and orphanhood.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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