Erotic quest for two. Selection: quests Erotic and For girls

Quests are a new format for games and adventures, team building or corporate events, birthdays or just fun with a group. Typically, a quest is the completion of tasks and tests over a certain period of time (usually 60 minutes). Horror quests such as “Your screams make me laugh”, “Murder in closed room", "Ice Valkyrie" and others.

Some of the best are considered quests based on movies or book universes: Harry Potter, star Wars, Alice in Wonderland. You can buy a quest as a gift on the Fur Pur website, where the most different variants gift certificates. Interesting quests can be found on historical topics: “The Scepter of Tsar John”, “The Strange Wedding of Tsar Ivan” and even the car quest “The Secret of Ivan the Terrible’s Library”.

The price of the quest may depend on the number of participants, location of the quest and time. For example, a quest in virtual reality It will take one hour, during which you will have to get out of the space station and complete all the tasks of the quest. You can also buy a quest for a date with your significant other. In the quest “From Paris with Love” you will find the romance of the capital of love, as well as 60 minutes to complete tasks.

Finding quests may seem difficult, so if you don’t know which quest to choose for gift certificate We have developed special offers - sets of quests. Such as “Top 10 quests in Moscow” or “Catch up in 60 minutes,” which contains the most exciting, diverse quests for one or a group. The quest script can vary depending on the theme, be it a historical quest, a scary quest, an adventure or action quest.

If you are looking for inexpensive quests in Moscow, a great option is a city quest adventure. You can go on such a trip at any time of the day; all you need is a phone with internet access. You will receive tasks and instructions while you walk through the most colorful places in Moscow. This quest will allow you to learn new facts about the history of Moscow and look at the capital in a new way. For big company The battle quest “Angels and Demons” will be interesting, where participants will be divided into teams to find out who is more erudite and savvy. The quest is a continuation of the book “The Da Vinci Code”, written by the famous Dan Brown. Teams will fight on the side of evil or good, take part and find out who will be the winner!

We were on this quest with friends, we really liked everything, starting from the location (5 minutes from the metro and next to the Third Transport Ring, and there is free parking on the territory), right up to the quest itself and the acting! The escape room is large, two-story, a lot different rooms and transitions... And there are riddles, unlike many perfs, and there are enough of them and they are very interesting and technologically advanced, not just a key-lock. Cool gloomy hotel surroundings, the soundtrack and the enthusiastic acting really immerse you in the atmosphere of horror))) In general, we had enough adrenaline!) We highly recommend everyone to visit, even those who have not yet been to the performances))


We were two adults and two children. Everyone was delighted that the house had actually been turned upside down! Especially children. You walk into a room and get a little lost because the sofa, refrigerator, etc. are on top, and you walk on the ceiling) Interesting idea! There are only two rooms, there are many riddles and they can be solved in any order. Also thanks to the presenters, they gave us the necessary tips on time, otherwise we would not have managed it. I definitely recommend the quest! It will be interesting.


We got together as a group. We are 6 friends, and we went on this quest. You know what's the coolest thing. The bar was really cool. There is space here. The kitchen is normal, we drank drinks. There were seven rounds in total. The questions were of varying difficulty. Initially they were easier, but then they became more difficult. In general, everything was done coolly. I recommend everyone to take this quest. You will not regret. A new idea that tickled both my nerves and my brain.


There were four of us who went on the quest; we already had about a dozen quests under our belts, but this one really made everyone tense up and stretch their brains. The rooms are of course well thought out, everything is turned upside down - even small items interior, which simply drove the brain into a stupor at first, but this makes the passage even more interesting. In general, "mind games" in Once again did a great job, the operator did a great job, when we finally got stuck, he gave excellent guiding tips. To pass, I advise you to keep your eyes peeled and not fuss. Pros: None Cons: None


I have already visited the “house upside down” more than once, but it was akin to entertainment and the photos turned out to be cool staged. Another thing is the quest. Here there was no time for posing, since there were a lot of mysteries, and time was strictly limited. What can I say - I really enjoyed the experience. I went with my husband and our friends (4 people). It was great! We rejoiced at the solved riddle like children. The impressions still haven’t gone away, all the time my thoughts go to another reality! Thanks to the organizers for our little holiday! Pros: didn’t find Cons: didn’t find


Experts from the Guild, who have saved the planet more than once and tested their strength in horror, this time visited the “Erotic Adventure”. This is one of those rare quests that does not contain the idea of ​​scaring the participant or blowing his mind with a complex chain of tasks and riddles. His main “trick” is his sense of humor and creation Have a good mood. Even the name of the street works for this idea - Klyuchiki Pond. We arrived at the location with a smile from ear to ear. By the way, the location is located near the metro, and motorists will be able to find free parking nearby.

The story begins with the participants finding themselves in a completely unfamiliar room in a very piquant position. Fragmentary memories of yesterday's fun, dancing and drinking explain some of the memory lapses. Apparently, the fun continued at the apartment of one of the new friends. However, the hostess of the house did not wake up the unidentified guests and decided to lock everything that could be locked, additionally chaining the strangers to the bed for safety. But there is no time to indulge in bliss after a night of festivities, you have to go to work, you have 60 minutes to do everything, about everything.

Once you wake up in the bedroom and free of your bonds, you can explore the rest of the rooms. A sweet and romantic place in pink tones is fraught with secrets and you will have to touch and take a good look at the piquant things and wardrobe details, as the quest begins with a search. However, it is not annoying and easily flows into solving tasks. The tasks are very logical and uncomplicated, which makes the quest an excellent option for beginners. Experienced players can enjoy the atmosphere, laugh heartily, taking a break from the usual level of difficulty of an average quest in the reality of Moscow. According to statistics, almost everyone gets out of the treacherous girl’s room, some on their own, some with the help of the operator’s prompts, the number of which is unlimited.

It is impossible to cope with some tasks alone; there are tasks for team work. Two, in our opinion, in general perfect option to complete this quest. Especially if this is a guy and a girl who have chosen an unusual date format. You can come in larger groups, for example, for a bachelor/bachelorette party. Children, of course, have no place here, even under adult supervision.

We didn’t notice any action or use of force, but in a couple of places you’ll have to show dexterity and ingenuity. You can wear any clothes and shoes to complete this quest, you won’t have to climb over obstacles, the room is clean.

Despite the fact that everything was within the bounds of decency and the organizers managed not to cross the line beyond which vulgarity would begin, reserved and shy people may be better off choosing another quest from the company: or.

Please check the exact price of the game when booking on the company’s website.

If you liked the quest review, book it on the Questomania website.

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Here they put collars on people and dance a striptease in front of them, they are offered dildos and glasses of blood. Correspondent examined the best erotic games in Moscow and found out what the most seductive vampires look like and where those who drink tequila from a dancer’s navel in a nightclub end up. Details in our selection.

Performance “On the Edge” from the companyProstoKVEST

Place: Luzhnetskaya emb. 2/4, page 59A
Number of players: 2-5 people
Age: 16+
Price: from 1375 rub. per person

Taking two strong guys, I (a correspondent) and my boss decided to test erotic quests. Why do we need wide male backs? It’s all very simple: most often at performances the erotic component is only part of the contact, and you never know what will happen in the next second: you will feel hot breath on your neck or an equally passionate blow with a stun gun in the sirloin. The choice fell on "", and the performance lived up to its name. We were always on the verge: sometimes of a nervous breakdown, because we couldn’t see anything in the pitch darkness and were waiting for a catch, and sometimes we balanced on the edge of what was permitted (when the girls danced with demonic passion, we had to keep our hands tightly clasped so that they wouldn’t reach where they weren’t necessary).

The beginning is impressive: the girl’s bewitchingly gentle voice talks about how her dad (a psychiatrist) performed cruel experiments on the poor girl. At that time I was trying not to accidentally hang myself in a panic - they put a collar on my neck, the chain from which stretched to the wall. And my boss, fastened next to me, in a state of passion, gave out 1000 words per minute. Her tirade was interrupted only by screams like “Hair! I feel hair! It’s nearby!”

We spent a magical 15 minutes like this, and then we finally realized what was expected of us. It turns out that darkness in a location is a special technique for close contact between the player and the actor. Without an assistant and his tips, you will simply never get out of this branch of Ward No. 6. We couldn't even solve most of the riddles, even though they were quite simple and uncomplicated, because in such an environment the brain simply goes offline. And at the finish line they made a mistake with their choice - they did not distinguish the villain from the victim who needed to be saved.

And all because here they know how to completely disorient the player and make him confused. Now they gently whisper something in your ear or, what our SMM manager Dima especially liked, they affectionately bite your earlobe. And the next second they rush at you with wild screams. The actresses move, work with the light and breathe angrily down the back of their heads so that I found a couple of extra gray hairs on my journalistic head after the game. By the way, they understand a lot about BDSM here. The “light” version uses handcuffs, and for those in the know, ropes with special knots.

In this atmosphere, a private erotic dance - like snowdrifts in the desert - causes extreme amazement. I turned into some kind of Pinocchio, covered myself with bark and moved very awkwardly - my body did not understand what was happening, now will they beat me or love me? We must pay tribute, the actress’s plasticity is incomparable, although you can’t touch her, but admire her as much as you like.

After the game, having caught our breath, we went on a tour of the locations with the lights on. I was pleased with the whole stand with photographs and notes about what experiments were performed on people in the old days. It was here, in the basement on the Moskva River embankment, that I learned that, for example, psychiatrists used to like to connect electrodes to the patient’s genitals and showed him porn; if he got excited, he received an electric shock. They tried to “heal” other unfortunates from various diseases by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep, beatings, and some had their personality “erased” through moral humiliation. The creators of the game were not too lazy to choose the most bright stories, and, moreover, real.

The legend of the quest is familiar to many: yesterday it was good, fun and stormy - a nightclub, tequila from a dancer’s navel and, as a logical continuation of the evening, a stormy night with an unknown but extremely hot beauty in her apartment, which is more reminiscent of a sex shop.

In the morning you are trying to get out of a strange place, bumping into pink handcuffs, a rubber woman, or dildos. You need to quickly find the key without being distracted by reading erotic literature and having fun with sex toys. And there are so many of them here that some walk around and look at them as if on an excursion.

The riddles in this quest are not difficult, logical or intuitive. The location is not large, just right for a couple, especially if this same couple has never been to a sex shop or used anything from their range - fun is guaranteed.

A sense of humor is essential in this game. For example, one girl left this review: « When they took out the rubber woman, my husband, just like a gynecologist, examined all the holes with the words: “Mademoiselle, is there anything lying around in your holes?!” From the pearls of visitors, you can already compile a multi-volume book.

And laughter and sin-even official medicine is on the side of erotic quests. German scientists recently published in the journalThe New England Journal of Medicine reported thatthose lucky ones who regularly enjoy the view of a beautiful female breast, live 4-5 years longer. So, dear game lovers, do not deny yourself anything and you will live forever!


Correspondent for ProRealGames,
Alisa Zelentsova

It would seem that the end of the working day... You put your time sheet in the safe, hang your uniform jacket in the closet, and almost one step beyond the threshold, all the languor of the evening is covered with that same copper basin. A large-scale operation is coming to an end, there are not enough hands, there are not enough cartridges... and a lot of things are missing, so we - trusted partners - were cheerfully dragged into final stage Operation "Trap". There’s nothing left to do: visit the last hideout of the leader of an almost completely liquidated criminal network, and rid the world of the Spider once and for all. It would seem that he has nowhere to go - all his accomplices have been caught, all his accounts are blocked... But it’s not for nothing that he is considered one of the most dangerous and unpredictable criminals of our time. Well, where can he go? Yes, we underestimated the spider, and even though we opened its hiding place, mother of our colleagues, and even bypassed a couple of traps... But then things started to go wrong! There was not a moment to think, it was necessary to act in order to have time to prevent all the nasty things that the Spider scattered with his generous hand over... but never mind, and not only inside, but also outside his shelter. How can one not remember the honor of the uniform and still put the scoundrel to death? long years... In fact, seconds counted! And with much greater emotions! The quest is very unique. And it fully lives up to its name. It’s Brain... you’ll have to use your brain so much! And that's great! To begin with, this is a real linear quest; it couldn’t be more linear. One thing clearly follows the other, not allowing you to relax. There is nothing superfluous here, no unnecessary details. Here is the shelter from which the Spider safely left, leaving a bunch of traps not only for uninvited guests. There is nothing to distract from the process, everything is designed minimalistically, and only what you need is at hand. And it’s all the more amazing how we managed to do this small room cram so much stuff in. And it is in this combination: crammed with riddles, minimalistic surroundings that lies the main charm of the game - the players are truly one on one with the criminal. You can't get him, but you can manage to prevent trouble and still catch him. And most importantly, there are no hints here. That's it! You are operatives, and you are in complete autonomy. The only rule worth remembering is not to destroy or break. It still won't help. So it all depends on how quickly you can get involved in the process. This is not a classic of the genre: found it - solved it - applied it - was happy - went on to solve it further - couldn’t solve it - asked for a hint and solved it. Here is a different principle: he decided - he exhaled - he swore at the restless Spider - and decided again - he didn’t decide - he had a fight, ran and went to decide again. The riddles are difficult due to the pace of the process; there will be very little time, if any, to poke everything that was found into everything that was found. Although if you weigh it and think about it, there is nothing completely sky-high complicated in the process except for one moment)) The main thing is that attentiveness and observation with memory are activated one hundred percent. Otherwise, everything will end badly... both for you and for others. And this is despite the fact that there are several endings))) One could also say about the light and sound components, but... a paradoxical picture emerges here - one can say that they complement each other, but it doesn’t matter. Light is just light, a real refuge, and that’s all... but the sounds... the sounds are what draw you into the game, especially when you hear a crash behind you and realize that you can’t keep up. As a result, we have an excellent quest, involving an almost real situation, and focusing not on the surroundings, but on the game component. And it's not for children. You will have to act too harshly. It’s difficult to recommend this, but it should be in the treasury of what you’ve completed. Perhaps someone will turn up their nose, but the game is worth the candle. Well, are you ready to take on the challenge from Spider? Then go ahead... and remember that this is a game of chance. No, he won't kill you, but living with guilt is much more difficult.

Anyone who has read, watched or otherwise touched the work of the magnificent Agatha Christie will remember that ten complete strangers, not counting one married couple, were found murdered on the island. The murder weapons and crime scenes vary beyond description, and you need to understand who did it, why and how to stop the psychopath. The police have already trampled and inspected everything here, but the chronology and the main suspect have come to a screeching halt. That’s why the players take the stage))) All the cards are in your hands)) On the issue of spoilers, those who have read, seen and remember what is there and how can calm down. The killer is unknown to you, just as a good half of everything else is unknown))) The quest is non-linear, and this is a huge plus. You can’t move forward without some action - yes, but otherwise you decide for yourself what you decide for what. Whatever clue they found, they solved it. Sometimes we stalled, sometimes we were too clever, but there was a lot of pleasure from it. We played together, and we had to run from riddle to riddle, from room to room) The location itself is simply interesting. The surroundings and decoration are designed in the style of the 30s and 40s. Everything is so prim, correct, laconic and strict! The mechanisms fit almost perfectly, some of them cause delight. And yes - original riddles. Something is familiar, but interestingly designed and the solution will not fall into your hands so easily. Something new, but the solution gives no less pleasure. And with every piece of evidence, with every clue found, we get closer to unraveling the identity of the killer. The main thing is not to turn off attentiveness and observation with logic, and not to get too clever, otherwise you can get completely stuck))) And in the finale... but feel the finale yourself, as they say. It's sudden, it's unexpected, and it's...logical, damn it)))