Export ratings. Features of obtaining MB loans on preferential terms

From the above table we can see which banks provide loans to businesses. Let's look at what entrepreneurs should pay attention to when looking for a bank. The main selection criteria are:

the bank's reputation (new banks are cautious about lending to businesses, and therefore offer inflated rates and various commissions. Why bigger bank, the more loyal the conditions for receiving funds);
branching credit programs(the more programs, the better. You can choose the target loan you are interested in on the most favorable terms);
commissions (some banks issue money with a commission, which on average takes up to 2% of the loan amount);
the possibility of early repayment (it is better to choose a bank that provides such a service. There are also credit organizations that allow you to repay the loan ahead of schedule only after a certain time - from 3 months to 2 years. During this time you will overpay a lot);
preferential lending (large banks cooperate with the state and offer loans at low rates and for a long term);
availability of a current account (if you already have an account in one of the banks, then you should apply for a loan here. You will have favorable conditions and advantages);
list of documents (by choosing a bank that offers a simple package of papers for obtaining a loan, you will receive a high interest rate. The more complete the list of documents, the higher the likelihood of interest rates being reduced to a minimum level);
collateral (some banks require full collateral for the loan, others do without it. Keep in mind that the presence of collateral or guarantors makes you a more reliable borrower, and therefore there is a chance to receive a large sum).

How to get a loan and what you need for it

Now let's find out what you need to take out a loan. Firstly, it is worth considering this nuance: loans for medium-sized businesses are issued only to registered legal entities. The same applies to individual entrepreneurs. If the opening of a business has not yet taken place, this will become an obstacle to obtaining credit funds. Moreover, many banks only finance businesses that were registered at least 3 months ago.

The procedure for obtaining bank loans for legal entities consists of the following steps:

choose a bank and decide where to get a loan;
We find out the terms of the loan (you can read them on the website or contact the branch);
We collect a package of documents (for this you need to visit the tax office, a notary, collect all the papers regarding the pledge);
submit an application (you can apply for a loan through the bank’s website or directly at its branch. In the first case, it is enough to provide some information about your company, contact information and the desired conditions for the loan. Within some time, the operator will call you and inform you of a preliminary decision. If it is positive, then you need to visit a bank branch. When submitting an application through an employee at a branch of a credit institution, you may be immediately informed of a preliminary answer);
Next, there is a procedure for assessing your collateral (a specialist will find out the value of the collateral and also evaluate the reliability of the guarantors);
decision making by the bank (the waiting period lasts from several hours to 2 weeks. It all depends on the amount you declared, the purposes of the loan and the bank’s policy. The latter will study your creditworthiness and may pay attention to your previous experience of repaying loans from another bank);
if the application is approved, the operator will call you and invite you to sign documents;
Next, you need to read the terms of the agreement, the repayment schedule, check and sign all the necessary papers;
within a few days the amount will be transferred to your account, of which you will be notified by a bank employee.

After you receive the loan amount, the bank will periodically show interest in how you spend the funds if the loan was taken for specific purposes. You will be required to provide supporting documentation throughout the term of the contract.

The bank will also monitor the value of your collateral. Employees can organize a visit to the location of the property and check its integrity, as well as compliance with the conditions stated in the contract.

What documents are needed to obtain a business loan?

Depending on the lending conditions, Russian banks may require various documents to obtain a loan. Some of them will relate to registration, which are necessary for the proper conduct of business, and some are financial reports, with the help of which the bank judges the reliability of the borrower.

The first block of documents includes the following:

taxpayer registration form with the Federal Tax Service (in the form of a certificate);
constituent documents certified by a notary;
card with samples of signatures and seals;
orders on the appointment of persons with access to operations on the credit account;
information about the company's branch network;
licenses and patents for activities.

balance sheet for the last reporting year;
balance sheet for the past quarter;
certificates of transactions on current accounts opened in other banks (for a period of up to 1 year);
certificates of no debt to the state;
statements of existing loans from other banks (not all banks provide loans if there is existing debt).

Also, the specifics of the agreement with the bank may require the following documents to obtain a loan:

papers for collateral;
agreements you have signed with business partners;
business plan (if you want to receive support for financing the project).

General requirements for borrowers

By issuing loans to small businesses, the bank risks its own funds. And taking into account the fact that considerable funds are provided, the bank may lose a significant part of its capital. To reduce the risks associated with the dishonesty of borrowers, credit institutions present a number of requirements to potential clients.

Banks issuing loans pay attention to the following conditions:

period of existence of the company (it cannot be less than 3 months, although many banks lend to legal entities registered no earlier than a year ago);
the company’s activities do not bring losses (for this purpose, financial statements are carefully checked);
availability of collateral (this may be a pledge, surety of third parties or guarantees);
absence of overdue debts in other banks and good credit history;
the company is not involved in fraud;
the legal entity regularly pays taxes and contributions to extra-budgetary funds;
if the loan is issued to an individual owner of a company, then his age at the time of completion of the agreement should not exceed 70 years (some banks deviate from this rule);
the borrower is a resident and the company is located in the region where the bank is located.

Which business is most often approved for a loan?

Commercial banks lend to both start-up businesses and those registered several years ago. Trends in the issuance of funds have not changed for a long time: there are several current areas that banks lend with great eagerness. So what kind of small business do they give loans for?

Among the areas of lending we can highlight:

production (especially if you deal with in-demand machinery and equipment);
agriculture (there are also government programs in this area, which are actively supported by many large banks);
highly liquid sales (such a business pays off with high speed, which gives the bank hope of repaying the loan. Beverages, including alcohol, tea and coffee, are sold quickly and at maximum margins. In this area it is easy to get a loan for small businesses);
real estate sector (today this area is very popular, and new housing is in particular demand among the population. The construction of inexpensive housing with subsequent resale is a fairly common type of business);
socially significant projects (services for the population, for example, small kindergartens, schools and others. Loans are issued for small businesses, mainly for individual entrepreneurs);
infrastructure development.

At the same time, there are oversaturated areas that are not suitable for starting a business from scratch, since banks are reluctant to lend to them. These include:

petty trade;
restaurants and cafes;
travel agencies and others.

In what cases is a deposit required?

Conditions for obtaining loans for legal entities are often related to collateral. It is not required in the following cases:

loan amount up to 3,000,000 rubles;
the loan is issued for any purpose;
loan term - from several months to 1 year.

If you want to get a loan on the most favorable terms and even for a large amount, then security in the form of collateral will become a prerequisite when submitting an application. A deposit will also be required in following situations:

purchasing property that you can dispose of only after repaying the loan (you buy an object, which becomes collateral);
for any types of targeted lending (for working capital, real estate, transport, equipment, etc.);
long-term lending (programs for a period of up to 20 years are not issued without collateral);
loan with government support.

If you want your application to have a high chance of approval, it is better to provide the bank with collateral. Moreover, its amount can be from 70% of the loan cost. An accurate assessment of your property is carried out by a specialist on the date of taking out the loan and periodically during the validity of the agreement with the bank.

The collateral can be:

movable and immovable property (buildings, cars, plots of land);
machinery and equipment;
company goods and supplies;
property rights and so on.

Average interest rates and what they depend on

In 2017, interest rates on loans for legal entities in different banks vary from 10 to 30%. They depend on a large number of indicators, as well as the policies pursued by the credit institution. The main criteria influencing the rate are as follows:

amount of credit;
loan terms;
payment currency;
availability of collateral;
company size;
the industry in which the legal entity is employed;
government participation in business support;
financial indicators of the borrower;
debtor's creditworthiness;
previous lending experience legal entity;
availability of a current account with a creditor bank;
the current situation in the country.

The lowest interest rates are offered to large and reliable companies with great experience repayment of loans on time. The state can allocate funds to support business, and if it cooperates with a bank, then you have the right to receive an interest rate of 9.6%. For individual entrepreneurs, the rates will be slightly higher, since this category of borrowers poses high risks for banks.

Having collateral also greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of approving a loan application for LLCs and other forms of business. In this case, you can get a loan at an attractive interest rate. The property is transferred to the custody of the bank, which means that if you are unable to repay the debt, the credit institution will sell the collateral and return its funds.

Average loan terms for small and medium-sized businesses

All types of business loans are issued for specific periods:

up to 12 months (short-term lending);
from one year to 5 years (medium term);
up to 15 years (Long-term).

The most relevant period for providing financing to small businesses is a period of up to 3 years. The bank can issue large sums to large companies for 5 years. The higher the term, the greater the bank’s risks associated with loss of funds.

Medium-term loans are targeted and issued for:

purchase of working capital;
for business development;
investment projects and so on.

You have the right to reduce the loan term if the terms of the agreement with the bank allow it. If you have the financial opportunity, you can return the funds earlier without overpaying on the loan. Some banks have developed a system of commissions and penalties for early repayment. This point should be immediately clarified when choosing a bank. The latter does not want to lose his profit, and therefore tries in every possible way to limit the client’s freedom of action in relation to borrowed funds.

What to do if you are refused a loan

A bank's refusal to obtain a business loan is not an uncommon situation. Moreover, banks often remain silent about the reasons for such actions, which is due to the regulations of their work. If your application is not approved by a credit institution, this is a reason to think about what nuances were not taken into account during the procedure for obtaining funds.

Which bank gives loans without refusal? There is no definite answer to this, since each bank has its own policies, work regulations, and human errors have not been canceled.

If you refuse, it is recommended to wait a while and start own business in order to re-apply in the future (possibly to another bank). Reviews from numerous bank clients say that you should pay more attention to the preparation process before applying for a loan.

Don't forget to consider the following points:

collect a package of documents in complete set(papers must be properly certified with the necessary signatures and seals. If the bank requires originals, then copies will not be suitable. Certificates have their own expiration date, which is better to check with the credit institution in advance. Also, do not neglect the form with a credit history, which will tell you a lot bank about you);
provide high-quality collateral for the loan (if you involve guarantors, then the bank should not doubt their solvency. These persons must also provide the maximum possible package of documents and, most importantly, confirm their own financial solvency. It will be better if the value of the collateral provided exceeds the stated amount of the loan. This way the bank will have more confidence in the return own funds);
You should not apply for a loan by proxy through third parties and specialized firms. Banks are wary of these categories of borrowers and prefer to deal with the top officials of the company;
pay special attention to the company’s financial statements (put all papers in order, the bank should not have suspicions about their reliability)

When applying for a loan, study the bank's terms and conditions in advance. Perhaps they stipulate nuances that your company does not fall under as a borrower, and this will become a 100% refusal to issue money. And remember that any refusal to issue bank loans (even through no fault of yours) is reflected in your credit history, which may cause banks to be unwilling to cooperate with you. Therefore, after a refusal, you should not immediately visit many banks; it is enough to wait for some time.

Many entrepreneurs today cannot do without small business loans from the state. 2019 will not be an exception and funds will be allocated from the budget to support individual entrepreneurs, as well as other representatives of this area of ​​business activity. The majority of businessmen who want to develop their business use government assistance.

The right to receive money on preferential terms are those enterprises in which the number of hired employees does not exceed 100 people, the turnover on accounts is up to 800 million rubles per year (previously it was 400 million rubles per year). Now it is not easy to ensure business development, since due to currency instability, rents are changing upward and the cost of purchasing goods is increasing. All this leads to the need for government support for small businesses.

Many banks offer loans for the development of entrepreneurship in the country. But their conditions are often not very favorable. In addition, there are a number of factors that slow down the issuance of money to small businesses. These include:

  • a significant tightening of the requirements that banking institutions set for clients wishing to obtain a loan;
  • general economic influences;
  • a significant increase in the cost of loans for small businesses;
  • reduction in consumer capabilities;
  • reduction in the number of borrowers with a positive credit history.

All these factors significantly stop lending to entrepreneurs, which in turn slows down their development, especially against the backdrop of fluctuations in exchange rates.

It is worth noting that often even those businessmen who agree to receive a loan on bank terms are refused to receive money as loans. This is due to various factors:

  • the entrepreneur does not have a positive credit history, which can be justified by recent registration of activities;
  • Banking specialists do not consider the client’s line of business to be profitable, that is, one that can ensure the return of the loan funds and interest for use by the entrepreneur.

But there is a way out for such entrepreneurs. In 2019, as in previous years, there will be a preferential lending program aimed at providing state support for small businesses.

A microloan for the development of entrepreneurship is considered to be financial assistance and support from the state, which is issued in an amount of up to 3 million rubles for a period of 1-5 years. Their issuance is intended for enterprises that cannot obtain a loan from commercial banks on their terms.

Money issued by the state as assistance to the development of small businesses is formalized exclusively as financial assistance for the development of activities. They cannot be used for personal purposes. Required condition issuing such a loan is the targeted direction of the money. Government authorities carefully monitor the use of money. An enterprise that has received financial assistance from the state can expect extraordinary inspections at any time.

Video about the small business fund

But at the same time, such a program financial assistance has a number of advantages:

  • low interest rate for using money;
  • minimum requirements for the borrower;
  • simplified registration system, which allows you to quickly receive it.

It is worth noting that another advantage of loans to support small businesses is the ability to apply for them in many financial institutions in the country. Of course, not all banks or credit organizations are accredited to provide such assistance through government funds. Therefore, before you start processing all the documents, you need to clarify exactly the possibility of getting a loan to support your business in a certain organization.

The main goals of the state program of assistance to enterprises were identified, namely:

  • improving the functioning of the credit guarantee agency;
  • protection of microloans through refinancing from the Central Bank;
  • activities of guarantee funds in the regions issuing loans to support small businesses;
  • maximum openness of government orders for small businesses.

But besides this, external Negative influence on the development of small enterprises, despite government funding, which is due to the following factors:

  • maximum allocation of money from commercial banks to refinancing the external debts of large companies;
  • a significant increase in the cost of bank loans;
  • deterioration of loan portfolios.

That is why the state is trying as much as possible to allocate money to support small businesses.

Where can you get a soft loan in 2019?

Ministry economic development continues to implement the program that was introduced back in 2005, which is aimed at providing the maximum possible support to entrepreneurs.

Most banking institutions consider issuing money for the development of small businesses to be a very risky and unpromising activity. But at the same time, many of them apply for preferential microloans through government support.

The leaders in issuing this type of loans in 2017 were the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • Revival;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Bank FC "Otkrytie" (at the moment this bank is undergoing reorganization).

In 2019 they continue their activities in this direction. But there are also other financial institutions where you can apply for a loan on preferential terms as part of the government program to help small businesses.

But still, the leader in this direction is Sberbank of Russia, which is one of the largest financial institutions in the country. Many programs are being implemented here to enhance the development of small businesses in different regions countries.

Among the loans that will provide an opportunity for small businesses to receive money are the following:

  • “Business Trust”: up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 3 years with a rate of 16.5% per annum;
  • “Express overdraft”: up to 2 million rubles for a period of up to 1 year at a rate of 15.5% per annum;
  • "Business-Invest": starting from 150,000 rubles, the maximum amount is determined individually, for a period of up to 10 years with a rate of 11.8% per annum.
  • “Business Turnover”: starting from 150,000 rubles, the maximum amount is determined individually, for a period of up to 3 years with a rate of 11.8% per annum.
  • Sberbank in some cases is ready to provide a loan at 11.9%.

The variety of programs allows small business representatives to choose the most suitable one for their activities and the level of its development.

Individual entrepreneurs who are planning or are already operating in the field of agriculture are best contacted by Rosselkhozbank. This financial institution has a number of programs for issuing money on credit for the development of small businesses in this direction.

Entrepreneurs are offered the following loan options:

  • “Seasonal Standard Crop Growing”: the amount varies depending on individual needs and ability to pay;
  • “Micro overdraft”: amount from 300 thousand for up to 1 year.

Each bank has its own programs with different conditions lending to small businesses. But all of them are more profitable in comparison with similar loans that are not issued as part of government assistance.

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The volume of loans to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia in 2017 increased by 15% against the backdrop of lower rates and preferential government programs, Expert RA found out. Since the 2014 crisis, lending to SMEs has been declining for three years

Photo: Kirill Kukhmar / Kommersant

Signs of life

In 2017, Russian banks issued 6.1 trillion rubles to small and medium-sized enterprises. loans - this is 15% more than in 2016, according to a study by the rating agency Expert RA (available from RBC), dedicated to lending to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The sector is showing growth for the first time since 2013, the volume of issuance is the largest in three years, however, SME lending in Russia has still not reached pre-crisis levels: at the end of 2013, 8.1 trillion rubles were issued to SMEs. loans.

Based on data from the Central Bank, the SME loan portfolio in the Russian banking sector has been declining for the fourth year in a row - minus 7% at the end of 2017 (to 4.2 billion). But Expert RA calculated that the negative dynamics were due to changes in the register of small and medium-sized businesses in August 2017. Because of this, more than 600 thousand organizations, some of them with a credit load, ceased to be considered SMEs. If not for this circumstance, the loan portfolio would also have grown for the first time since 2014 - to 4.9 trillion rubles, the authors of the study calculated. The volume of the loan portfolio is less than the volume of loans issued due to the predominance of loans for up to one year in the SME market.

The Expert RA study is based on official statistics from the Central Bank, the results of a bank survey, as well as in-depth interviews with participants in the SME lending market (representatives of 47 banks were interviewed).

Which businesses in Russia are classified as small and medium-sized?

There is a legislative definition for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. Micro-enterprises should employ up to 15 people, small enterprises - up to 100, medium enterprises - from 100 to 250 people. To be included in the SME group, there are restrictions on revenue - 120 million, 800 million and 2 billion rubles. for micro, small and medium enterprises respectively.

main reason An upward trend in the SME lending market is a reduction in interest rates on loans for this category of enterprises. The weighted average rate on long-term loans in this sector decreased over the year from 14.2 to 10.9%, for short-term (up to one year) - from 14.8 to 12.4%.

In addition, in 2017, individual entrepreneurs received access to the already existing state program for lending to SMEs (at 6.5% per annum). Finally, the government approved new program, under which loans to SMEs operating in priority industries will be subsidized from the federal budget at 6.5% per annum (currently the real rates of preferential loans are 9.6-10.6% - a preferential rate plus a bank margin of 3-4 p. .P.). Priority sectors include agriculture, manufacturing, construction, transport, communications, tourism, healthcare and waste management.

According to Expert RA, not only the volume of lending has increased, but also the number of submitted and approved applications for SME loans. The first indicator is growing by one and a half times for the second year in a row (based on a survey conducted by a rating agency among banks), and the number of actually concluded contracts at the end of 2017 also increased by one and a half times after a decrease a year earlier.

Market for state banks

Considering that government programs remain the main driver of growth in SME lending, banks that are not among the largest have fewer and fewer opportunities to compete in the market for loans to large enterprises. At the end of 2017, the share of SME loans issued by banks from the top 30 by assets reached a historical maximum of 66% (in monetary terms, the SME loan portfolio of the largest banks amounted to RUB 2.8 trillion). The total volume of loans issued by banks from the top 30 to small and medium-sized enterprises in 2017 showed explosive growth - plus 34%, up to 4 trillion rubles. (such dynamics have not happened since 2011).

The leader in SME lending in 2017 was Sberbank - the largest Russian bank virtually single-handedly ensured the growth of the sector in 2017 (without taking into account Sberbank’s indicators, the total portfolio of SME loans would have decreased by 14%). The State Bank increased its SME loan portfolio by 17%, and the volume of loans by 60%. Also in the top 5 largest creditors of small companies at the end of 2017 were VTB, Moscow Industrial Bank, Bank St. Petersburg and Alfa Bank. The fastest growing loan portfolios were Mosoblbank (four times), Russian Capital (plus 174%) and SMP Bank (plus 104%).

In the case of small banks, the situation is exactly the opposite. Over the year, the volume of loans issued to SMEs decreased by 9% (to 2.1 trillion rubles), the loan portfolio - by 24%, to 1.4 trillion rubles. (minimum since 2011).

There are several reasons for the leadership of large banks - they more often participate in government support programs and are more active than small banks, offer SME borrowers preferential terms for debt refinancing.

What do they borrow for and when will they be paid back?

In 2017, more than half (51%) of loans issued to small and medium-sized businesses were in the trade sector. Banks traditionally lend to this sector most willingly, notes Expert RA. 14% of loans each went to small enterprises in the manufacturing and construction industries, 6% to insurance and financial SMEs. Agriculture in the overall structure of SME lending looks modest (3% share), however, participants in the Expert RA survey note an increase in lending to this industry, and some banks (VTB24, Ak Bars, Raiffeisenbank) increased the share of loans in this area by 49-68% .

Mostly small companies occupy short term(up to a year) - they need money to finance working capital and eliminate cash gaps. However, as Expert RA notes, in 2017 the share of loans for investment projects to small and medium-sized businesses (that is, for a period of more than three years) exceeded pre-crisis indicators, reaching 18% of the total lending volume.

SMEs are still the most unreliable borrowers. The share of overdue debt in the SME loan portfolio is 14.9%. This is much higher than retail loans (7%) and loans to large businesses (5%). They mostly do not repay debts to banks not included in the top 30—their share of overdue debt in this group reaches 21.7% (increased by 6 percentage points over the year).

Growth will continue

“Expert RA” predicts that with stable oil prices, inflation and the continued reduction of the Central Bank key rate, the SME loan portfolio in 2018 will grow by 15%, to 4.9 trillion rubles. (the agency uses official statistics from the Central Bank as its base). At the same time, banks will not rush to ease lending conditions: only 14% of banks participating in the Expert RA survey are ready to take such a step. The rest either do not intend to change approaches to assessing borrowers (57%) or will tighten them (29%).

The main growth in SME lending in 2018 will come from large banks, which will increase credit limits for the highest quality borrowers, Alexander Saraev, managing director for banking ratings at Expert RA, told RBC. The group of SME borrowers with an average level of risk, which medium and small credit institutions traditionally work with, will continue to experience significant limitations in borrowed resources. According to Saraev, it can be expected that, against the backdrop of a decline in risk appetite among medium and small banks, the funding gap for a wide range of SMEs will increase, despite overall growth market.

The SME lending market has prospects only for companies with sufficient and stable account turnover, says Fitch senior analyst Alexander Danilov. Only in this way can the banks that service these companies more or less reliably assess their solvency, while their reporting is uninformative. “For clients on the street, getting a loan will be problematic - banks are reluctant to do this because it is difficult to assess the risks,” Danilov clarifies.

RBC interviewed representatives of Russian banks with capital of 200 billion rubles. on their assessment of the prospects for the SME lending market. The leader in lending to the sector, Sberbank, is going to increase its portfolio of SME loans in 2018 from the current 1.3 trillion rubles. by 250 billion rubles. To do this, the bank plans to develop online lending and credit analysis technologies based on the use of big data. The bank's press service noted that Sberbank launched online lending to small businesses in March. Other banks that responded to RBC's request (Promsvyazbank, Uralsib, SMP Bank) predicted that the SME lending market will grow, and they do not intend to change their approaches to assessing the quality of the borrower. “We expect that by the end of 2018, SME loan rates may fall. The reason for this will be a rate cut by the Central Bank. As a result, the growth of lending to the SME segment in 2018 will continue and reach a level of 9-10%,” predicts Kirill Tikhonov, vice president and managing director for small business development at Promsvyazbank. Lending to SMEs will grow due to “improving the situation in the Russian economy” and reducing loan rates, he believes.

In conditions of the economic crisis, small businesses are in dire need of additional capital investment. It's becoming main reason for entrepreneurs in need of obtaining loans.

Conditions for 2018

"Borrow" cash to develop your business or a startup is not so difficult today.

It will be enough for this meet certain banking requirements.

If you wish, you can ask for help from government agencies or private structures.

Moreover, it is necessary to understand that the main obstacle today remains high interest rates, which significantly exceed the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which, according to existing economic standards, is rightfully considered not a cheap pleasure.

Basic requirements for a potential borrower

Despite the fact that each lender puts forward its own personal conditions for lending to small businesses, often the so-called portrait of the borrower must meet such general requirements , How:

  • mandatory presence of Russian citizenship;
  • mandatory permanent registration;
  • age category from 21 to 65 years;
  • impeccable credit rating;
  • presence of an official source of profit.

If such criteria are not met You shouldn’t count on financial help.


First of all, from the potential borrower must have an impeccable business plan. Based on this document, creditors assess the chances of return borrowed money. A big advantage is the fact that there is any movable or immovable property in the right of ownership for its provision as collateral.

If there is no suitable collateral, it is imperative to provide guarantors, otherwise you should not count on financial support.

According to statistics, the country’s budget is formed from small businesses 30-35% . For this reason, the Russian government always talks about the need for financial support individual entrepreneurs.

For these purposes, many government programs are developed annually that allow significant savings on overpayments of interest.

Those entrepreneurs who were unable to take part in government programs they have a right choose a different support program from various banking institutions.

Where to get

Depending on what program you are trying to apply for a loan under, the lender you need to contact will also depend.

Preferential variety

For today it is provided quite a few preferential lending programs for small businesses. For individual entrepreneurs, there are subsidy services that are aimed at stimulating potential SMEs. Thanks to the use of one of the programs, can be significantly reduced credit burden, while reducing the amount of monthly mandatory payments.

Often, such programs do not operate in all regions of the Russian Federation, so you can find out more about them at your place of residence in the authorized body where such a service is provided (for example, you initially need to contact the local government authorities, and after approval, one of the banking institutions).

You can get a loan without providing collateral only if there are guarantors. Thanks to such lending programs, entrepreneurs have a chance to improve the situation in their business by obtaining financial assistance for its development at low interest rates.

A distinctive feature of obtaining this type of loan is difficulty in design.

This is largely due to the fact that such financial assistance for creditors carries a high risk of losing their borrowed funds, so the requirements are very stringent.

Similar lending programs operate in almost all banking institutions in the country.

State programs

Today there is a number of government programs, which allow small businesses to receive profitable loans for the development of their business.

In most cases, we can talk about regional programs that operate only in some regions of the Russian Federation. To be able to participate in one of them, you must contact your local government.

Entrepreneurs who need a little financial assistance should seek help from MFO that provide loans online.

Today, almost without exception, MFOs include the opportunity for an entrepreneur to receive microfinance assistance to develop his business. The only drawback is the daily interest rate.

State guarantee

Every aspiring entrepreneur who was able to stabilize the influx of profit and build a foundation for his stable entrepreneurial activity may apply for government guarantee, which is provided by the Small Business Support Fund.

Thanks to this guarantee option, you can get a loan from any bank at a low interest rate.

Tariffs and interest rates

Each banking institution has their tariff rates and amounts of financial assistance for small business representatives.

Let's look at the proposals in the table.

In fact, all financial institutions without exception have some kind of program to support small businesses. Each of these programs is aimed at providing the entrepreneur with the necessary financial support and therefore includes the most favorable conditions.

The best offers

The most advantageous offer today is the “Business Start” lending program from Sberbank. As collateral the entrepreneur's assets may be.

This program is beneficial in that it is provided exclusively to those entrepreneurs who, in the opinion of the bank, receive a stable profit and are solvent.

Sberbank has been supporting small businesses for a long time and therefore they have many offers for individual entrepreneurs. Their stability in work suggests that they are a reliable business partner who can be trusted.

Must be remembered: if you receive a refusal from one of the banking institutions, you must contact another lender and, if possible, reduce the desired loan amount.

Additional information is in this video.

When drawing up a high-quality business plan for starting or expanding activities, replenishing and modernizing fixed assets, many entrepreneurs are looking for profitable ways to attract additional funds. Loans for small businesses outperform offers from private investors with speed of processing, minimum rates and a large selection of programs:

  • Express loans - up to 200 - 300 thousand rubles. to increase working capital. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in trading activities can apply for a loan.
  • Microcredit - up to 1.5 million rubles. to replenish fixed and working capital. Preference is given to companies engaged in trading and production activities providing services.
  • Small loans - up to 5 million rubles. Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses can apply for issuance.
  • Loans under the “Agro+” program - up to 1 million rubles. entrepreneurs specializing in the agricultural sector.
  • Overdraft (expense in excess of the account balance) - up to 1.5 million rubles. to increase turnover. The program is designed for lending to legal entities.
  • Credit lines - the amount is calculated individually, depending on the account turnover. Funds are provided only to legal entities.
  • Credit cards - up to 100 thousand rubles. for small purchases and business travel expenses. Loans are issued to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in various fields.

Depending on the choice of program, the bank evaluates the documentation from 1 day to 2 months. Additional benefits are provided to customers who have a current or current account with the bank.

Who do they lend to?

As part of the programs of international financial organizations, the issuance of loans is not available to companies offering alcohol and tobacco products, gambling, real estate or food products to the public. Banks make a negative decision when applying for a loan to create an authorized capital and pay off current obligations.

They are wary of manufacturing companies. Owners of small production shops (shoemakers and tailors) can apply for a loan if they have extensive business experience, a wide range of suppliers of raw materials and a customer base.

Loyal conditions are provided:

  • Trade enterprises (to increase working capital) - shops, catering establishments or beauty salons.
  • For road carriers applying for a loan for the purchase of a vehicle.
  • To farmers (loan funds are issued within the framework of the Agro+ program).

Banks are reluctant to provide loans to start a business. There are more chances to get a loan to change activities or develop a new business area.

Lending purposes

Loans are provided to entrepreneurs for various purposes:

  • To cover additional costs.
  • For maintenance and repair of buildings and structures.
  • Equipment modernization.
  • To open a business.

Who falls under the category of borrowers?

Entrepreneurs applying for a loan from a bank are subject to a number of requirements:

  1. Legal status – individual entrepreneur or legal entity, joint-stock company or private person with equity participation.
  2. Place of registration – preferably the company is registered and carries out activities on the territory of the bank.
  3. The period of doing business is from 6 to 12 months. from the moment of registration.
  4. Maximum amount employees - up to 100 people.
  5. Confirmation of the absence of imposed arrests and bans.

Business owners, as individuals, are also subject to a number of criteria:

  • Russian citizenship.
  • No arrears on previous loans.
  • Registration in the territory of the financial institution.
  • The client must meet the status of an individual entrepreneur, or have ownership rights in the business.
  • Age limit- from 21 to 60 years.
  • Availability of a landline telephone.

Based on the choice of program or loan parameters, banks may impose additional conditions.

Overpayment amount

SME lending programs feature minimal overpayments. So, the average size overpayments range from 16 to 24% per annum. A number of companies set limits from 14.9 to 18.5%. There are also programs on the market with rates of 28% or more, which is typical for small banks.

Package of documents

Participants in the program for lending to individual entrepreneurs and SMEs without collateral or guarantors are asked to collect a standard package of documentation:

  • Application for consideration. Served in the office or on the company website.
  • Original or photocopy of passport.
  • State registration certificate (copy).
  • For legal entities - a photocopy of the Charter, extracts from shareholder registers, an order on the appointment of a chief accountant, minutes of shareholder meetings, etc.
  • For a registered business - a report on the movement of funds in the account.

The Bank reserves the right to require additional securities:

  • Constituent documentation for legal entities.
  • Confirmation of the settlement of the client’s relations with the authorities conscripting citizens for military service.
  • Confirmation of expenses associated with the acquisition of rights to a share in property.

Loan size

The average loan size is 4.5 million rubles. Some companies are ready to issue a loan in the amount of 500 thousand to 1 million rubles, others up to 7 million rubles.

For what period should the loan be issued?

The average lending period for SMEs is 36 months. Less often, banks issue contracts for 5-7 years, which is typical for large systemic organizations.

How to pay off debt?

In the Russian financial market, programs designed to repay loans using the annuity method are more common. Clients make payments in equal installments according to the loan repayment schedule. A differentiated scheme is extremely rare in practice.

Bank selection

If you have accreditation with a bank, you should contact it, this will allow you to clarify the conditions and compare them with offers from other companies:

  • VTB24 - “Negotiable” from RUB 850,000, from 11.8%, up to 3 years. Loan fee - from 0.3%.
  • Zenit - up to 30 million rubles, 13–14.5%, up to 2 years. No down payment required. It is possible to defer the repayment of the principal debt for up to 12 months.
  • Kraiinvestbank - 3 programs are provided: for business development from 500,000 to 70,000,000 rubles. for a period of up to 7 years at 13%, turnover at 13% or overdraft from 16%.
  • Levoberezhny - from 150,000 to 3,000,000 at 15% for up to 6 years (universal program “Business without borders”).
  • Promtransbank - from 150,000, from 15 to 35% per annum, up to 5 years.
  • Rosselkhozbank - from 1 million rubles, 13%, from 6 months.
  • Center-Invest - from 300,000 rub. at 12% per annum, up to 36 months.
  • Energomashbank - overdraft from RUB 300,000, from 17% per annum, up to 12 months.

Positive and negative characteristics

The advantages include:

High flexibility in determining rates and personal terms of service.

Receipt of the agreed amount without collateral or guarantors.

Loyal conditions for regular customers.

Cons include:

  • Informing the bank about doing business.
  • Lengthy documentation collection.
  • Low percentage of approval of applications to open a business.
  • Limitations in choosing a business direction.

Small Business Lending Fund

When applying for a loan from a bank, entrepreneurs cannot always provide collateral covering possible risks. An advisable solution would be to use the possibility of obtaining a guarantee from the FSKMB, which is equivalent to registering a pledge. Depending on the type of activity of the borrower, the Fund acts as a guarantor for a loan from 60 to 90% of the requested loan (up to 60% for wholesale and retail enterprises, travel agencies, up to 70% for transport and agricultural companies, etc.).

Loan processing time ranges from 3 to 60 months.

Fund partners:

  • PJSC Bank "Levoberezhny".
  • JSCIB "Education".
  • JSC "RSHB".
  • PJSC "Bank ZENIT"
  • PJSC "VTB24".
  • PJSC Promsvyazbank.
  • JSC Banca Intesa.
  • JSC "SMP-Bank".
  • PJSC Bank "FC Otkritie".

In search of the most favorable conditions for revolving lending to SMEs, many entrepreneurs will be interested in the conditions of Sberbank; in 2017, the company offers:

  • Loan amount: from 10 million rubles. up to 1 billion rubles
  • Goals: purchasing OS, modernization and reconstruction production lines, implementation of new projects and replenishment of working capital (in the areas of agriculture, food, electricity, gas and water, construction, transport and communications).
  • Rates: from 9.6%.
  • Terms of preferential funding: up to 3 years.

Applying for a loan is carried out in a number of stages:

  • Familiarization with the terms of the loan, consultation with a background employee.
  • Preparation of a documentation package.
  • Submitting an application and collected papers.
  • Familiarization of the Foundation's employees with the place of business.
  • Conclusion of an agreement.

Transferred to the entrepreneur's account.