Dragon age origins awakening walkthrough. Walkthrough of the quests of the addon "Awakening" for Dragon Age: The Beginning

Starting the walkthrough Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, you are immediately given the choice of whether to import an old hero or take a new one. I will not describe all the stages of creating a new character, since they are in the original walkthrough. Yes, and I imported my old hero, who was much better developed than the new possible character. So, having imported or created your hero, we begin the passage of Awakening...

And it all starts with you watching the screensaver, which tells the story of the last months. The Archdemon fell, but the creatures of darkness did not disappear. Let's avoid spoilers, because you can see for yourself what happened in the video. You head to the tower that used to belong to Earl Howe, but no one meets you along the way. Strange, isn't it? And then a survivor runs out to meet you, followed by the creatures of darkness. Kill them quickly, it's not difficult. After the death of three terrible creatures, talk to the survivor, asking him about everything you can. He will go for help, which should be on the road, and in the meantime you will talk to your companion Mhairi, I think information from her will also not be superfluous. Next, go inside, deal with the ogre and a couple of small dark trash and go first to the right corner of the map, save the survivor, then to the upper left corner. Two survivors will be waiting at the gate, and you go through the inner gate.

Be careful, you may suffer from the explosion of this very gate. And, having entered them, the first thing to do is kill the Genlock emissary, who will be very unpleasant to cast spells. In general, in Awakening, the passage of battles in most cases needs to begin with killing magicians, but this is so, a lyrical digression. After his death, run to the upper left corner again, saving one of the survivors. Here you will have an updated task, according to which you will need to get bandages for the guards. Quickly run to the right, where you will have to save two more survivors and get bandages according to the mark on the map. Got enough? Run back, the wounded are dying! Hand over the bandages and continue on inner part Vigil Towers. By the way, this location will be your home throughout the entire passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, so be careful with it.

And when you go inside, you will be surprised that the outpost has been destroyed. Finish the dialogue with Mhairi and go comb the building. Immediately turn right on the map. There you will see a sorcerer who has burned one of the creatures of darkness. Talk to him and accept him into your squad. Follow this corridor to the end and save the survivor, which will update the quest for you. So, we need to search the entire tower and find other survivors, which is what we will continue to do. Climb to the battlements on the walls and go forward. Exterminate everyone there who can resist, turn the ballista and fire a salvo. After killing all opponents, go inside and pull the lever. You will watch a video clip in which you will see how one very cunning gnome blew up a squad of creatures of darkness. Well, let's move on, because the passage of Dragon Age Awakening - Awakening is just beginning...

Dismantle the barricade, go down, kill the creatures of darkness and move through the opened gate. Before entering the main hall, open the door on the left and let the survivor out. Now - inside the main hall. After the death of all the creatures of darkness, go into the room on the left, and then straight ahead. Walking along the corridor, you will meet an old acquaintance, Ogren, who will have to be saved from the crowd of the Spawn of Darkness. Kill them and take an old friend to your team. By the way, it should be said that Ogren always accompanied me throughout the entire passage of Dragon Age Awakening. Great jokes, great fighter... Oh well. Collect trophies and go to the right - you haven’t killed everyone there yet either. Free the last survivor and move north, as that is the only passage accessible to you.

In the corridor you will find Rowland bleeding. He will tell you the story of the storming of the fortress. AND interesting story about the talking spawn of darkness. Well, that means there is something to do during the passage. We move forward, there is only one road, along the way I cut out the creatures of darkness who are in large quantities are present there. Have you reached the new exit to the battlements? Save! And only now keep moving.

Go forward and kill the spawn boss, who also talks a lot. The liberation of the fortress will end with the murder. You will watch an interesting video in which you can take Ogren and Anders into the Gray Guardians. Or you may not take it. The choice is yours, but I would still recommend accepting them. The company will not be superfluous. After this you will be told that this estate belongs to you. And the first thing that needs to be decided is to increase the number of gray guards. Conduct a dedication. True, not everyone will survive him... May Mhairi's faithful battle friend rest in peace. After that, continue watching the video and end the chatter. This is how you will complete the first stage of Dragon Age Awakening.

After all this, you will find yourself in the Throne Room of the Vigil Tower. There is a sorceress here, from whom you can enchant weapons, and a merchant, from whom you can buy or sell something. Talk to Mistress Wolsey, who stands to the left of the throne, and agree to her help. After it, talk to Captain Garvel. Both have the same task, which is good news. And finally Varel. After talking with him, you can already leave the throne room, since you have nothing else to do here.

Leaving the throne room and choosing your assistants, you will talk with the guard, who will tell you about a petty thief who was barely subdued by four guards. Take two more tasks from her. After this, immediately go down to the dungeons of the Vigilance Tower and talk to the Jailer. And it turns out that the thief is Earl Howe's son. What an unexpected meeting. I think another gray guard wouldn't hurt. Take him into your ranks and don’t be afraid - he will survive. After this, talk to Varel again and attend the oath taking. Then again a conversation with Varel and two conversations in a row with those whom he names. You should also take the task about the assassination attempt from Tamra. And in general, talk to everyone, I think it will not be superfluous for you. After all this, you have a difficult decision to make. Choose what is more important - protecting the city, trade routes or farms? I chose to protect farms. And don’t forget to talk about the conspiracy, after which you can safely end the appointment. In general, it should be noted that the passage of Dragon Age Awakening is simply replete with solutions. Sometimes they are small, sometimes important, but you have to make decisions yourself.

Get outside, you have a lot to do. First, go to the blacksmith and listen to his eternal whining. There you will be mentioned about good metal and armor for soldiers. Do you get the connection? After this, go to the sergeant who is standing near the door and talk about the remaining creatures of darkness. Naturally, agree to help!

So, you go to the dungeons of the fortress, where the creatures could still remain. The rubble will be cleared and it will be time for you to move forward. And the first one you meet is the mabari. Examine his body and remove the scroll with the note. A certain Adria is hiding on the lower floors. Well, we'll rescue you along the way. In the next room, the creatures of darkness await you. After they die, go into the room to the north and pick up the letter and gift. Then - into the room in the south, where screamers will jump from the ceiling. They also need to be deprived of their lives, and then pull the torch in the wall to open secret door from chests containing a lot of supplies. Try not to have any unexplored territories or unfinished quests while playing Dragon Age Awakening.

Now you can return to the hall and continue moving towards the dungeon. When you get to the prison and kill the ghosts, you will again have two ways to go. Let's go west first. Before you is a crypt with aggressive skeletons that are best put to rest. After that, search all the sarcophagi. You will find one key, and there will be four keyholes. Well, then let's continue on our way. Now from prison to the north. There you will meet the same Adria who needed to be saved. True, now she needs to be put to rest, and not saved, since she has become a ghost. May she rest in peace, but it's time to move on. And then we have a rubble, which will take about a week to clear. Well, then let's move up. At the top, all we have to do is talk to the gnome and give him a large sum of 80 gold, if, of course, you have it. And now you can leave the location.

Now let's go to the Lost Sanctuary, where the poor girl is being held captive. The passage of Awakening does not allow us to relax. When the leader of the robbers speaks to you, first demand to show you the girl, and then convince him to let her go. When he releases the captive, the robbers can be killed. Be sure to take a very good level 9 dagger from the leader of the robbers. That's it, you can leave this location.

We go to the Turnoblov estate and go immediately north. Here you will find a bunch of creatures of darkness led by the Ogre. Kill them, of course. True, you will not be able to save your family. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to rummaging through the corpses and killing all hostile entities.

Enter Amaranthine and immediately go right to the box. From there, take the discarded diary, it will still be useful to you, because in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening the passage is thought out in such a way that every little thing comes in handy. Walking straight ahead, you will come across Colbert, who you really needed. Talk to him and ask where he saw the creatures of darkness. Finish the conversation with him, thank him and go a little forward, where they will give you another letter. Well, great. Now I advise you to go back a little and turn left in order to take the task from a certain Dark Person. The task is to talk to the innkeeper. Agree and move on.

The guards will try to block your way, but his boss will immediately appear and remove the careless peace officer from conducting business. He will make an offer to you to talk to him about the smugglers. Well, we can and even need to talk! True, if you complete this task as a guard, then you will not be able to get to one location during the passage of Dragon Age Awakening. Agree to his task and go to the market (it's on the left) to the suspicious guy. As soon as you start talking, he will run away. Don't worry, just follow him, systematically destroying group after group. After destruction last group, which will already stand behind the fortress, you can return to the chief of the guard, Constable Aidan. He will also send us to the smugglers' lair. Kill the dark person near the entrance and take the key for yourself. Now you can go down to the basement.

Immediately at the entrance, take the gift in the box and move on. By the way, it should be said that in Dragon Age Beginning - Awakening the passage is replete with gifts. And gifts are useful, as they increase the hero’s attitude towards you. And in the first hall the leader of the smugglers and his comrades will be waiting for you. It’s not very smart for them to stand and wait in the middle of the room, but oh well, may they rest in peace. Exit through the SAME entrance as you entered and turn in the task. Passed it? Go to the market and ask the price of goods from the traders, they are very good there. After this, talk to Mervis, the representative of the trade guild. He will tell you that creatures of darkness are playing pranks in the forest. Well, we need to run there quickly, otherwise the trade is worth it. So, that's where we'll go.

And here we are in the Vending Forest. All we need to do here first is kill every living thing up to the bridge. Search every corner, search all the chests and kill both trees and robbers. When you're done, cross the bridge. And here will be the most interesting passage of this location in Awakening. An elf will appear and demand the return of her sister, otherwise she will continue to kill people and rob caravans. Well, move forward. Here you again have to beat and chop until you find a survivor. Its location is marked on the map, so you won't get lost. After you deal him a blow of mercy, creatures of darkness will appear... Poor creatures, they thought they could profit from us... Now we move towards the Dalish elf camp, destroying the enemies summoned by the elf along the way. At the top you will have to talk to her again. Here you will have to accept her into the squad and go to storm the mines in which the creatures of darkness are hiding.

Isn't it a little dark in the mines? Yes, the fresh air is definitely calmer and more comfortable. Go down and get used to it, the passage of Dragon Age Awakening will often throw us into such corners of the world. As you pass by the circle, you will witness your own being put to sleep by the Emissary. Okay, we'll deal with him later. In the meantime, we are waiting for the end of the video, in which Seranni, the sister of our new ally, will give us the key and run away. And we shouldn’t linger either, it’s time to run. First, run north, search everything and get a couple of diary entries, and then go down to the south. There, use a ballista that will crush the crowd of enemies, then go down and finish off the survivor. More creatures of darkness will come running from the next hall, which also need to be killed. Move down and down. Along the way, you will meet a creature of darkness who has donned Ogren’s armor. Well, isn't it a creature? Kill her and re-dress our favorite gnome. At the first fork you will see the last surviving gray guard, who will ask you to take the ring that was stolen from him to his wife. Okay, let's take it. But when we find it. In the meantime, we move on... In a large cave, we scatter another crowd of creatures of darkness with our bare hands and begin to collect trophies. A corpse will lie right there, dressed in your magician’s uniform. Let's change her clothes quickly, let two characters already be properly equipped. Now you can move on. There is only one passage for now...

And here we have autosave again and a new room with two test subjects dressed in our clothes. Take it and get equipped, there’s no point in walking around naked. Although we fought well without armor, the passage of Dragon Age Awakening is much easier if you are dressed... There will be the first fork right there. We'll go east first. At the small dead end, take the lyrium sand from the deposits and go explore the remaining hall to the east. There are two useful enemies in this room - a dragon tamer, who drops a nice hammer. The ring that we need for the quest, and the dragon from which we need to pick up the scales. There is also a fresh dragon egg here, which is better to take than to leave to rot. There is nothing else of interest here and you can go to the southern tunnel at the first fork. And again there is a hall in front of us, in which we must kill everyone. The only useful thing here is the dragon scales removed from the wearer. And we also have only one passage - to the south.

In the south, turn into the Architect's room in the east. A small piece of the codex and a small amount of 8 gold coins should brighten up the absence of your things. By the way, you don’t have to collect the codex, but the most complete walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is a walkthrough with a fully assembled codex. In the meantime, let's move down the map. And there you will find a cunning merchant with whom you can trade and who you need to invite to the Vigil tower, as well as a chest with all your things. Grab what you need from the merchant and go to the next room. And there you will see that very interesting leader of the creatures of darkness. And dragons that will try to kill you. They are quite strong, and you won't be able to kill them with a swoop. Therefore, try to combine potions and skills, slowing down your opponents. The main thing is not to let them fly up, otherwise they will come out of the fire, disrupting your skills. After their death, that mysterious creature of darkness will leave, and you will need to accept Velana as a gray guard. Great, an extra ally won't hurt. Now collect trophies from the bodies of dragons and move on to the long-awaited exit.

Now I suggest you visit the Vigil Tower, where you can talk to the blacksmith. Did you talk and get the task? Great, now give the ore to his apprentice and talk to Dworkin, who is standing right there, nearby. You should give him the lyrium sand that you found earlier. Then talk to Waldrick, who will ask you to find granite deposits to repair the tower. Agree and go talk to the private, who will give you 10 gold thanks and send you to the throne room for trial. Be sure to save before going there, in case you mess up something in the passage of Awakening...

In the throne room, talk to Varel and the trial will begin. The first case is the case of the peasant Alec, who stole two bags of grain from our treasury. What will you do with it? Will you hang it? Or will you punish with whips? I decided to invite him into the army and I was right. Everyone was happy. The next case is a civil one. There you must choose who to give the land to - the impudent girl or our ally. But the trouble is, the girl has an official document confirming her right to property. What will you choose? I chose the third option. And the last thing. Put a noble nobleman in prison and that's it, why think about making a choice? That’s great, the task is completed and you can leave.

Now talk to the sergeant who stands opposite the entrance and go to the cleared rubble. And they found a way out to the deep paths. Well, let's explore. We immediately move north, where we can profit a little and donate a gold figurine, and then we go south and explore the territory. There, after walking along the alley and killing a couple of creatures of darkness in the horns, turn to the mine with gems and profit there. Then return to the main path and move on. When you come to a fork, you will find that it is not a fork at all, and there is only one way - to the south. Before the circle of the forgotten, be careful, as skeletons run out there and need to be put to rest. Do it and move on, because the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening does not stand still.

Follow the path of bones and save in front of the door to the forbidden room. As soon as you walk, you will be attacked by a ghost, which is quite difficult to kill. And when you almost release it, it will fly away in an unknown direction. We need to find him quickly. Our path lies to the east. Run along the corridor, collecting all the goodies along the way. When you reach the corridor with the evil spirits, an autosave will occur. Kill the ogre boss and all the little things around. Then quickly take the trophies from the ogre’s body and kill the ghost that appears. So, by killing the ghost, you will complete the task and begin a video in which our gnome friend will repair the gnome mechanism to close this passage. Great, the task is completed and you can go upstairs with Sergeant Maverlis. Now you can exit from this card. I suggest heading to the Thicket Hills.

First, run north and destroy the two executioners. Then follow the path to the east, cross the bridge, listening to comments from Nathaniel and save. Next, go and go in one direction, pick up the things of the hunters along the way and save the gnomish woman who is being dragged by the creatures of darkness. She will tell you that the legion could not cope with the creatures and she was the only one left alive. Take her to you and go down to Kel Hirol.

Here you are a long time ago forgotten city gnomes Now admire the view and go down. There, talk to Yukka, the gnome near death, and move forward. There is only one way - you can't go wrong. Kill the creatures of darkness, collect trophies and cross the bridge. Afterwards, save immediately just in case. There will be nothing remarkable until the largest hall, in which you will first meet the larval children. Kill them all, there is no point in leaving any scum alive, and enter the main hall. Be careful, there are a lot of traps here. Kill everyone in the hallway and move on. You will see one enemy who has not yet attacked you. This is the master of the golems. Kill him quickly and quickly and take the golem control rod from his body. It will be useful to you for painlessly killing the above-mentioned golems. Now collect trophies from them and move on. Ahead on the stairs, revive the golem, let him fight for you. And you kill everyone, take the trophies from the chests in the north and south, and go beyond the lobby. Next you will see a sea of ​​ghosts pretending to live their lives. Go and follow one path. You won’t come across anything particularly noteworthy along the way. This way you can easily reach the entrance to the shopping district. In general, it should be noted that in Awakening the passage of locations is quite linear, so it’s easy to do...

Immediately you will see a video in which some creatures of darkness kill others. Well, let evil fight evil, good will help a little. Move forward. And from the main hall to the room in the north. There, take the belt from the sarcophagus and kill three revived golems. After this, you can move further to the east. In the next room, kill the creatures of darkness who are fighting each other and go to the room to the south, where you should pick up the dwarven tablets. They will be useful to you later. Now - to the north.

Having reached the forge and again destroyed the crowd of creatures of darkness there, go behind it, collect trophies and fix broken things with the help of a golem and an anvil. Let me remind you that throughout Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening there are no unnecessary components. The things are not very good, but they will be useful for the collection. This will take you to prison. A certain Stefan is imprisoned in a cage. Take the rune from him and release him into the wild. To the left of the cage is an anvil. Use it and talk to Ogren. After prison, a fork awaits you. First go south, where you will find an area marked as a grave. In front of you are rune stones and a sarcophagus in the center. Click the runes so that the signs on them match the signs on the walls. This is easy to do, so it's not worth worrying about. When all five signs are in place, run to the grave and pick up interesting gloves from there. Now you can go back and head southwest from the fork.

Clear the rest of the area, search the treasury, and go into the thicket hills, from there to head to the vigil tower and unload a little. I personally don’t have any space left at all, so we will continue clearing out Kal Hirol a little later. For now - to the Tower of Vigil. Here give the ore to the blacksmith, and the tablets to Dvorkin. Lyrium sand is also for him. After this, go down again into the thicket hills and from there into the shopping district. And from the shopping district - to the lower reaches. We continue cleaning...

And below you start running through the tunnel until you reach the golem and the darkspawn mage. Both of them must be killed... Which, in principle, is not so difficult to do. I immediately threw my thief at the magician, chaining him up, and while the thief was having fun, I killed the golem with the rest. And it was no longer difficult to finish off the magician. Then move along the remaining corridor, killing the tentacles that come out. When you reach the very end, cut two chains, which will kill the queens. After this, you can consider Kal Hirol cleared and leave from there. Another stage in the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is completed.

And we will go again to the Tower of Vigil. Nip the peasant rebellion in the bud, then talk to the blacksmith and give him the golem shell. He will give you a list of what he needs to get for work. Well, let's look. In the meantime, go down to the basement and go to the crypt, which you still have not opened. You should already have all three remaining keys. Have you opened it? Go inside, clear the tomb of ghosts and collect trophies. There are already very good boots there. Now you can leave the basement and go up to the throne room. And in the throne room an assassination attempt is being organized on you. Well, death to them. After that, accept those who wish to join the gray guards and finish with the equipment. Amaranthine is waiting for us!

In Amaranthine, give the lucky hoof to Mika, for which you will receive a cash reward. After that, go to the market and tell the great news to Mervis. If you convince him to pay extra, you will receive a total of 30 gold. Great. There, take all the tasks from the Trade Guild board. Go a little north and, going around the house, take a woolen pad from the chest near the locked door. Here is the element for the armor. By the way, Velana brewed the master’s lyrium potion for me, for which I thank her very much. Now let's go to the Crown and Lion Inn. First, go to the end of the inn and talk to Nida. She needs to give it back wedding ring that her husband died trying to make this world a better place. Then go to the Innkeeper and talk to him about Christophe, the gray guard. Take the key to the room, since Christophe has not appeared for a week. We need to check what it could be. Examine the map, from which it will become clear that Christophe is in the black swamps. We'll go there, but later. Take the trophies from the chests and go talk to the innkeeper. Convince him that he needs to pretend to trust the smugglers. The task will end here, since now there is simply no one to help you. Well, the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening will not be poorer for this.

Now let's go to church. If not to pray, then for a bunch of tasks. Take everything from the notice board, and also take the flower pot. Now talk to Wynn, an old friend. Agree to complete her task, you are an old friend after all. Then dive into the church. There, collect all the trophies, examine everything you can, and talk to the templar. Then go up to the girl and take on the quest to find her missing husband. Now move to the inn, where you will find a piece of note to the right of the counter. It mentions footbridges high above the city. Okay, we'll get there too. But first, go beyond the city walls and destroy all the robbers. As you return, look for the second house to the right of the path and in the compacted earth you will find the treasure you were looking for. This is a pathetic ring, but the task will be completed and you can breathe a sigh of relief about this. Next, run around the city, finding three maleficars, and kill them. After this, you will receive a quest to kill their leader, who is standing in the corner retail space. After his death we go to the preacher for a reward. Did you take it? Well, of course, you shouldn’t leave it, it’s not for nothing that in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening the passage is always trying to lure money out of us. Now go to the gate where the constable is standing and enter left door, if you stand with your back to the city. Here you will immediately see a chest with a first aid kit, and a little further - a new piece of note. Now go outside the city, to the very exit from the area. On the left is the house in which the hanged husband is located. May his ashes rest... Let's go to Alma and tell her everything. Now we have completed all the quests in the city and will go for a walk in the Vending Forest.

In the Forest we need to find nine pieces of silk that are needed for the quest, eight statues and five pieces of Sylvan bark. So run around the map, searching corpses, describing statues and killing sylvans. It is impossible to give a clear location. When you do all this, you will definitely find the corpse of a scientist, from which you need to take a stone and a diary. Next, run to the circle of stones, into which you need to put the missing stone. After that, walk around the circle, pressing all the stones. This will yield a chest that will appear with a necklace inside. True, the necklace is weak, so you don’t have to try too hard. Then, in the same part of the map, go south and talk to Ines. She will ask you to bring her the seeds of one plant, northern thorn. And after that she will go with you to the council of magicians. Well, it must be so. You can find it north of Ines, to the right of the mine. Take the seeds and return to Ines. She will thank you, give you a reward and go on her way.

Now we can return to Amaranthine and turn in all the tasks. Passed it? Go to Gunsmith Glassrick and buy pure iron from him. You can now return home to the Vigil Tower. Talk to Waldrick there, give him the granite samples and select the soldiers. He will be glad and happy, and you will receive an unlocked achievement and a completed task. Then give all the ingredients to the blacksmith and take the armor from him. The blacksmith, of course, will be crooked, but the armor will turn out to be excellent. He grumbled a lot both in the original game and in Dragon Age Beginning - Awakening... Now it’s time for us to go to the black swamps...

You are greeted by carrion eaters in the video. You will have to deal with them as soon as you walk a couple of steps forward. Well, let's do that. Now collect the trophies and follow the path. At the first fork, destroy the next batch of wolves, take the love letter from the destroyed house in the “branch” of the path in the south and move straight north from the fork. After walking a little along the path you will come across a dragon bone. Guess why you need it? Correctly, to insert into the skull lying nearby. Go a little forward to the gap in the veil and examine the veil. You won't be able to pass here, so turn around and go to the fork, from which you will go northeast, to the destroyed house and further, to the gates of the destroyed city. Here you will encounter pestilence werewolves for the first time, but they are frail opponents. In the city, you should first go to the north, where the riddle lies, which is a continuation of the quest, and search Mabari’s corpse, from which we will get the veins we need. Also, slightly to the right, there is a chest, an old letter and a pack of werewolves who behave extremely aggressively. Destroy them and go further east to pick up the city archives. You can now exit through the northern gate. There will be a rift in the veil again, giving you a new task. At the fork, go north again, where you will find the third puzzle and some werewolves. And Christophe’s temporary shelter, which is much more interesting. So in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening the passage is gradually revealed...

Well, let's take it a little further west. In the circle of stones, take the torn out page, kill the next werewolves and, going a little further west, take the dragon bone. Now follow the top edge to the east. Here, at one of the gaps in the veil, you will find a cache left by an unlucky merchant. That's it, his mission is completed, we are moving south, for another dragon bone and a pack of experience from killing the inhabitants of the swamps. When you find the third piece, go east, to Christophe's Body. There you will find the last piece of dragon bone. Then use Christophe's body and you will find yourself surrounded by creatures of Darkness. And someone First will try to throw you into the Shadow. But he will abandon himself too. What a fool...

Then he will refuse to cooperate and will set his charges against us, who can simply be killed. Well, let's act here too, since the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening allows this. Follow the path to the first skirmish. Here you will see a device for breaking the veil on the right. Use it and one of the gaps will close. I think it’s clear what they want from us. Then we go along the top edge of the map to the west. Next to the runic circle you will find another device. Destroy the demons of desire and close the device. Then go to the runic circle and start lighting the stones. They are very easy to light, so they are not worth describing. Once lit, you will be attacked by demons of wrath that will appear one by one. After the death of the latter, a stand for runes will appear, which must be activated in order to influence the real world. Continue further west, still keeping to the edge of the passage. In the corner you will come across the last device that needs to be extinguished. Put it out? Go ahead...

And then it's to the south. When you reach the close entrance to the village, save. Then go around it along the one road available to you, killing everything and everyone along the way. There will be another permanent addition to the pier. But further, in front of the entrance to the crypt, you will meet a girl who comes to visit the ashes of her father. But again “someone” is coming, and she hides in horror in the crypt. You will deal with these “someones”. Then - dive into the same crypt. There, run along the road until the first fork. A restless soul will be waiting for you there. She will run along the corridor to the west, and you run after her. It turns out she set a trap for you. Intimidate the demon and head south from the fork

There monsters will be waiting for you and a transition to a new area. That's where we need to go. Come in with confidence. Run around the village, collecting new permanent additions, and come to the center, to the Spirit of Justice. Talk to him and break into the evil baroness. Oops, surprise, the passage in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening throws up a lot. Our old acquaintance has already agreed with her. So you'll have to kill him first. And kill, since he is constantly distracted by your random allies. It's quite easy to do. Now he is a corpse and the Baroness takes his power, and you find yourself in the real world. And the same Spirit of Justice joins you, only in a human body. Recruit the squad, taking into account the impossibility of throwing the Spirit out of it. After this, quickly run, destroying the shadow portals. After all the portals are destroyed, we run to the estate. There you will have to kill the demon that was in the Baroness, which is not difficult to do. After that, go west, open the previously closed gate and search all the boxes, including the dragon bone. You will also find there a sword that one lord needed. Great, now let's move on to the dragon's head. When the last bone falls into place, you will see a flash of something that turns out to be a spectral dragon. Go upstairs and kill him. Moreover, when he jumps into a circle, do not let the lights reach him, as he will be treated. But killing him is not difficult, it’s just long and tedious, which is not typical for Awakening walkthroughs. After that, take the bones and trophies and go... to the place of Christophe's death. There you will find the fifth riddle. Then run to the circle of stones and pick up the sixth riddle. And from there, run to the right on the map, to the pond, which is the third from the left. There you will find a bottle with a ring and a note, which will complete your quest.

Head to Amaranthine. There, go to the inn and pick up the oil in the room on the right. And then - to the Tower of Vigil. Give the sword to the blacksmith for execution, collect all the necessary components and enjoy carrying the best weapon in the game. Yes, just don’t roll your lip too much. After the game ends, it will be stolen. And you won't be able to complete Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening in such a way that you still have it. But for now it belongs to you, so use it. Then, if you have completed everything else, talk to your Seneschal and go to war. And so you, at the head of a tiny detachment, set off to exterminate the creatures of darkness. Doesn't remind you of anything? And I have good associations with the original game...

Come to the city and kill those nearby. Then they will bring you news that Mother will soon storm the Tower of Vigil. And your choice is where to go and what to protect. I chose to burn Amaranthine and move to defend my tower. Perhaps the hardest choice throughout the entire passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening...

And then there was the defense of the tower. Lots of fighting and not much to tell. Four stages of defense, all related to killing enemies - that's it. Varel fell, and it was a great loss. But after the enemies retreated from the walls of the fortress, I decided to follow them to kill the queen. Leave the area and go to the Mother's lair. There you have to move in a straight line, killing the creatures of darkness. At the end of the location you will see a high dragon, which you also have to kill. When everyone is dead, go inside. As soon as you enter, your sorceress's sister will speak to you. And she will give us a message from the Architect. Okay, let's figure it out. While there is only one road, go forward, destroying opponents and collecting crystals. Under spiral staircase insert four crystals into the cells to activate the artifact. Go further and you will have a conversation with the Architect. It's up to you to choose whether to listen to him or not. I just don’t have trust in all kinds of creatures, so I rejected his offer and killed the creature of darkness. Then he activated the second tower. Are you collecting crystals? When all three artifacts are activated, dive into the Nest.

And in the nest everything is quite simple - talk to the Mother and kill her. Killing her takes a long time, but is simple. It is better to immediately throw three fighters at the tentacles, and with one, the strongest, chop down the Mother herself. This way you will maintain balance and give the hero an interesting achievement. And with the death of the Mother, the game will end... You will read a lot of interesting things about future events, but... You can read them yourself. I bow out for this, the walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is complete!

Bioware in its repertoire. The addition not only brought us a “gentleman’s set” of skills-cards-quests. It neatly corrected all the minor flaws that were still hanging around in the game. It has become not only interesting, but also incredibly convenient. But the story is

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On the one hand, it’s a pleasure to release sequels to successful projects: everything has already been done, you just need to expand it a little. But if you think about it, what can such an approach bring? Certainly not the delight of the players. Continuing great games is incredibly difficult, because the quality bar must not only be maintained, but constantly raised. Yesterday you convinced everyone that it couldn’t be better, but tomorrow you have to prove that it can happen. Dragon Age: Origins- the game is great. But there is no limit to perfection.

O brave new pestilence!

Dragon Age ended on a not entirely happy, but still positive note. The pestilence that threatened all living things has lost its leader and ideological inspirer, which means the danger has passed. Soon the creatures of darkness will scatter to their holes, and for a couple more generations everything will be quiet. Yes, very soon. It's almost there. Wait a little more...

But the creatures did not leave. They retreated, regrouped and continued their attacks. Yes, not as before - “we are a horde, save yourself who can!”, but much more subtly. Fairly judging - which, generally speaking, it was not common for them, that the main problem was the gray guards, harlocks, genlocks and other ogres attacked their fortress directly from their own basement. And if it weren’t for the inventive gnome with his explosives, the story would have ended before the appearance of the main character. But everything worked out, and we begin to restore the order.

Yes, now our hero is the head of the order and is proudly called the guard commander. Unfortunately, we can no longer choose our backstory and play it out. Either we transfer the hero, or we start with the mysterious Orlesian, without introductory missions. It's a pity.

Along with the title, we received the former estate of Howe and a bunch of problems: protecting farmers, the city, the fortress, trade routes... This is not counting a bunch of little things like rescuing hostages or uncovering a conspiracy against oneself. Let’s not forget about the Sea in all this! But along with the position, our self-esteem also grew. Now, in response to the proposal “to give this bag to the guy at the fountain,” we can reasonably say that with such trifles they usually pester the messengers, and the guard commander, generally speaking, is in charge of strategy.

While we, for example, are getting acquainted with our vassals (by decree of King Alistair, we inherited not only the Howe estate, but also all his titles), the wiser creatures of darkness will arrange new dirty tricks.

Realizing that they themselves cannot defeat us so easily, they decide to lay siege to the order. But not literally, standing under the walls, but much more gracefully: by blocking the path along which supplies came to us. And they even approached this task creatively: they pitted the people who traveled along the road against the elves who lived next to the road.

This is just the beginning of the intrigues. At the end of the game, the creatures of darkness will finally evolve and, like all civilized creatures... they will split into two warring camps and begin to fight for power! Now the enemies have found their real face, and each of them strives for something more than just making this whole world dirty. It seems that the story with the archdemon was indeed just the beginning... the beginning of the end.


At least the poor guy didn't die of boredom.

But let’s put aside gloomy thoughts about the future for now and focus on the present. A high position requires many decisions from us. Literally everything depends on us. Distribute patrols between important objects (hello, NeverwinterNights 2 )? To the commander! Find ore deposits to forge new equipment for these patrols? Same way. Find high-quality granite for new walls (hello, MassEffect!), and even pay for their repair? Back to us again. Clear the basement of rats and creatures of darkness?.. In general, you understand.

In the fortress we will receive our first tasks, meet our first fellow travelers, and fight our first battles. And at the same time, it is constantly evolving, something new is constantly happening in it: tasks are given, secrets arise, enemies sneak in. We get surprises all the time, but this is almost the calmest location!

The only quieter place is the throne room of the fortress. It is practically indistinguishable from the old camp - in it you can chat with companions, prepare for a hike, sell all sorts of junk, insert runes, and so on. Some plot events will also take place here - initiations, trials, taking the oath. Not like before - the attack of the screamers and the appearance of the naga Shmoples at Leliana's place. And the latter only with our direct participation...

But there is a major innovation that was sorely missing from the game itself: a large personal bottomless chest (BLBS). Well, okay, not completely bottomless, but enough for our lifetime. You can put something in it, and then take that “something” out. And you no longer need to pretend to be a trade caravan, transporting a year's supply of herbs, bottles, unnecessary gifts and a collection of your favorite daggers. All this will be waiting for you at home. Extraordinarily convenient!

Amaranthine and surroundings

The scale of the game has been slightly reduced. We now have at our disposal only one large city, as well as a forest, swamps, dungeon mountains and several small locations. But quantity is more than compensated by quality.

Amaranthine - that's the name of our city - is simply crammed with small tasks. An employer is waiting for us in literally every doorway. And tasks must be taken wisely, otherwise the consequences will not please you. But there are also “ambient” tasks that are completely unusual for games. You can stumble upon them in the most unexpected places.

A girl cries in church, with whomever she happens. But you can talk to her and find out that the poor woman’s husband has disappeared... You won’t get a penny for completing the task. It won't affect anything at all. Except for the attitude.

Some gnomes don't change. Our old friend drinks everywhere - even in the mouth of a dragon!

Or another example: in the tavern there is a board on which hangs the request “Asiratefshih at mora.” The poor kids have lost everything and need a small donation... Those who gave alms to the residents of the Elfinage in the original game probably already suspected something. And for good reason! The next time you visit the tavern, the coin jug will turn into a box, and the “children” will ask you to bring them the preacher’s book and moonshine “for warming up” - to rub their frozen knees! You can continue to help them by completing their fun tasks. Again, don't expect anything in return. The same can be said about other locations. Riddles await everywhere.

Separately, about choice. Previously, most situations still led to obvious consequences: they helped a person - well done, helped a demon - dupes, and so on. That is, the world was divided into two camps: to save some, to beat others. The only exception was the gnomes with their heir and the church.

Now everything is different. I’ll give just one example: a harlock messenger came to us under a white flag and told us that he had been asked. And what should we do with it now? “Hang him, of course,” the connoisseurs of the first part will immediately shout, “he’s a creature of darkness!” Don’t expect any good from them!” And we will let him go, despite the screams. And then it turns out that a mysterious character will appear in Amaranthine, who helps everyone for free and hides his face all the time. And only the gray guards and mabari react strangely to him...

In each new zone you will find not only a lot of game tasks, but also a sea of ​​graphic surprises. Even the forest and dwarven paths are no longer so monotonous! Everywhere you will find something interesting: a canyon, unusual plants, a wheelbarrow with ore, a doll, a mysterious (and working!) pentagram, a two-headed skeleton... Yes, easter eggs there's enough here too. The weather has also changed: now we can get caught in a downpour and hurricane or feel the warmth of the setting sun.

It's little things like this that make the world seem alive and very enjoyable to explore. And these studies often bring unexpected results. How do you like, for example, the opportunity to steal a pot of flowers from the window and give them to someone? In the same way we can get a pocket kitten. Searching for and solving puzzles also brings material benefits, most often in the form of excellent equipment.


- I had a cat in my tower named Fluffy. Well, he wasn't exactly mine, but we became attached to each other. And then one day he was possessed by a demon of rage... Before he was destroyed, Fluffy managed to kill three templars. I was so proud of him!

Eternal child. He escaped from his circle seven times and was caught six times. We can prevent the seventh, with the king's blessing.

Anders is a very cheerful and cheerful magician. He perceives everything that happens as a game, constantly jokes and teases everyone. It's interesting to travel with him. At the same time, he hates the church and its foundations, without hiding it at all. If he gets the chance to destroy the templar, he will do it. And probably in a humorous manner.

It is all the more surprising that he is a healer. And a little more of a battle mage.

As gifts, he likes exquisite things (he is hungry, apparently) and, as he himself admits to you, cats. And, of course, all kinds of accessories for them.

The personal quest takes place in Amaranthine. There you will meet an old friend of Anders, who will point to the basement with the magician's medallion. The basement is just south of the shopping arcades.

And again into battle!

The warhead has remained almost unchanged. With us, of course, we have new skills, things, skills... But what is interesting is new specializations. They hint unambiguously what class opportunities the majority missed in Dragon Age: Origins. Defensive skills have been added to the warriors so that we don’t forget about classic, not hit-killing “tanks.” Rogues have been given specializations designed for close combat. Mages - the same as robbers.

And this unobtrusive method works! Well, who can resist the temptation to turn a robber into a machine for cutting enemies into ribbons, which can instantly rush from one enemy to another and temporarily become invulnerable? What about a warrior who can only be penetrated by a battering ram, and even then hardly? Moreover, this warrior will, like a ghost, attract nearby enemies to himself, beat them, not caring about armor, and, like a robber, become invulnerable.

But everything pales in comparison to the new capabilities of the magician... These intellectuals who have been sitting in the towers have completely gone berserk! Now they are capable of not only becoming “tin cans” with a heavy blow, they could do that before. They were taught to drink health from their enemies, freeze them, push them, poison them, slow them down and do other obscenities. From now on, on the battlefield you can easily see how a noble old man exchanges his robe for armor and, with a two-handed weapon and a scream, rushes into the very thick of the enemies, where he begins to destroy the unfortunate ones with area skills. Which, by the way, do not affect allies. Groups of similar “elders” demolish almost everything. The hint was a success.

Even, I would say, it was too successful. Now we can easily develop in such a way that we will not be afraid of any creatures of darkness. What kind of creatures are there, we will playfully send giant golems, queens, demons, dragons, in a word, everyone who falls under the spell, to a better world! If difficulties may still arise at first, then very soon there will be no strong opponents left in the game, there will only be tiresome ones.

New things add joy. Warriors and robbers have finally learned how to restore stamina with the help of a special potion. Things with one and two slots for runes disappeared from the shelves. Or three or nothing! We can now make the runes themselves at home, albeit for a lot of money. And the stones completely pay for them, especially the new ones for armor. For example, they can increase your willpower by seven units or your armor by the same value. Each!

But the main trump card is different. In Dragon Age: Origins, battles often dragged on and turned into a routine. I still remember the endless dwarven paths and the combination of magical power-repulsion rune-blizzard-storm. Rinse, repeat. Has it developed that the above combination does not work? Well, suffer now, personally knocking on the head of each of a couple of hundred creatures of darkness. But, you see, it won’t be so boring...

Now things are a little different. For a modest amount, comparable to the price of a backpack, you can purchase a magician's book that resets all your points. That is, you can instantly retrain your hero or ally. Tired of burning with fire - try curses. If you're bored with your shield, try paired blades. I'm fed up with the always drunk Ogren and his two-handed weapon - give him a bow, he won't be able to shoot with it under pressure! Wonderful books not only diversify the process, but also help in particularly difficult battles that occur during particularly exotic developments. Can't defeat a bunch of enemy magicians? We reset the characteristics, teach our sorcerer mana collision, raise a templar from a warrior, and teach a robber to hide. Voila - the magicians are defeated, without even having time to really understand what actually happened!


- They... are... lying on the ground like ordinary pants, but only until you turn your back to them. That's when they... go! And they scratch out your eyes!

Good old Ogren hasn’t changed a bit, he’s still the same drunk and brawler. And his habits are the same: straight as rails. Although his inexperience with life on the surface often plays a cruel joke on him. It seems that only the very lazy do not want to play Ogren. The gnome answers with his characteristic directness: inconvenient questions and even more inconvenient answers.

Ogren is still a berserker, specializing in two-handed weapons and well-equipped from the very beginning. As gifts, he prefers strong drinks of all kinds. Personal task is related to family life a gnome that never worked out.

School of Masters

Much has been brought to mind here. Let's take gold for example. Now it is easier to get it - many tasks bring excellent income (up to sixty gold). It has become easier to earn money from trophies: we no longer have to run five screens to the merchant - we will either be given the opportunity to quickly return back, or the merchant will be pushed into the dungeon. And, by the way, he can easily explain how the wind brought him here. And you can invite him to trade in your castle.

By the way, there is also somewhere to spend gold. For example, you can pay for the services of a detective who will track down the conspirators. Or patch up the already mentioned walls. Finally, help “Asiratefshim”. There are so many beautiful things in the world, not just things! But even equipment can be decorated. For pennies, you can buy heraldic painting kits from many merchants and decorate your shield as you please. It’s both beautiful and in keeping with the spirit, and once again hints at warriors with shields...

If it is still extremely important to you what you wear, then I hasten to disappoint you: buy the best things it is forbidden. They can be obtained by either completing tasks or solving riddles. Both paths will require a little ingenuity and a lot of attentiveness, because most often you will have to look for something. So, for example, our old friend Wade will happily make us the best sword, bow and good armor, but first we need to bring him “special material.” The material is knocked out of particularly strong opponents. But that's not all, don't lick your lips. Having seen the material, the blacksmith will give you a whole list of the necessary ingredients, and only some of them are sold in the store, but, say, you will have to look for a dragon egg.

Speaking of old friends. Some of your companions will be familiar to you, the rest will be newbies. And all of them are worked out even better than in the first part. By the way, from now on we don’t just invite friends to our place, but initiate them into guards, leading them through a ritual. And each of them will not fail to comment on this procedure!


The comrades in arms are quite... mm... diversified. We can recruit a seven-time fugitive mage, a racist elf, the last survivor of legion of the dead, with inexhaustible optimism, and even spirit... They all have not only their own views on things, stories, preferences, but also surprises, often extremely funny. In general, my comrades have become much more fun, and traveling with them is much more pleasant!

Our team has become balanced: it has two warriors (a “tank” and a hit-breaker), two robbers (an archer and a specialist in dual blades) and two magicians (a healer-controller and a hit-breaker-curser). But you, of course, can raise them to be whoever you want.

But, unfortunately, there are much fewer intimate conversations - now we can talk with comrades only on special holidays. The love lines disappeared completely. Hope they come back soon! Although maybe main character or is the heroine simply faithful to her chosen one from the first part? If you moved it, of course...

Biowarein his repertoire. The addition not only brought us a “gentleman’s set” of skills-cards-quests. It neatly corrected all the minor flaws that were still hanging around in the game. It has become not only interesting, but also incredibly convenient. But the history of the world has just begun!


The characteristics in the add-on have not changed, so let's move straight to the skills. Here we have three new branches at once, one craft and two combat. The requirements for all three are the same: twentieth, twenty-second, twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth levels.

Making runes

It is important: In the game, not only the maximum level of heroes has increased (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the levels of things. Equipment can now be of nine levels (instead of seven), and runes can be of seven levels (instead of five).

Making runes is quite an expensive business. For example, to obtain a capacity rune (increases willpower) of the maximum level, you will need about thirty-five gold! On the other hand, by the end of the game this amount no longer seems exorbitant.



- Everyone in the Hou family was a hero! And for the sins of my father alone, they branded everyone with shame! But he simply chose the wrong side in the war.

The son of the now deceased Earl, whose domain now belongs to the Gray Wardens. Several years ago, Nathaniel was sent to study in the Free March, where he spent all the events of the original game. Therefore, when he arrived, he was indignant for a long time and wondered why everyone hated his father so much. Over time, he will understand why and begin to reproach himself. And finally decides to wash away the stain of shame from the history of the family.

Nathaniel is generally as naive as a baby and will constantly ask your companions about everything in the world and try to give compliments. Even Oghren. With predictable results.

As a fighter, he specializes in bows, but he can also engage in thieves' activities. For gifts, he likes practical things and heirlooms of the Hou family. The personal quest involves a missing sister who turns up in Amaranthine.


All class and weapon groups have acquired new skill lines. Let's start with the first ones. First comes the name of the group, then the name of the first skill in the line, then the rank requirements and a description of all the skills in the line.

These animated trees are good opponents after all! Comfortable.

Our new residence.


Heart Hunter

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 24 26
Dexterity 36 40 46 52

Finishing blow- if the target (elite rank or lower) is near death, then the technique destroys it. Otherwise it deals a critical hit. It is rarely useful, because if you have already removed most of your health, you can finish it off without it.

Next rank - ghost- makes the robber immune to all physical attacks for a short time. More than once it will help you escape from the environment.

Next they go weak spots- a very interesting supported skill. After you hit the enemy, for some time All attacks against it will be intensified. It helps a lot in battles with thick, weighty opponents.

And finally, hesitation: All enemies in a large radius are stabbed in the back in turn. The skill itself is very strong, and in combination with others (for example, with the previous one) it is generally deadly.


Second wind

Restores a good portion of your stamina bar at once. Nothing to add.

The bitter fate of the rootless knocks down normal enemies in their place, deals double critical damage to elites and single bosses. Helps out when you urgently need to kill some wolf that has bared its teeth at the magician.

Dirty curse, heard within a large radius from the warrior, insults opponents with the best feelings and forces them to switch to foul language. A strong word will more than once pull out the most hopeless battle.

Massacre fully lives up to its name. All enemies of a lower level than the warrior die immediately, the elite receive critical damage, and bosses receive normal damage. And all this within a decent radius! It greatly speeds up the exploration of all kinds of dungeons.


Shadow Shield

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28
Magic 40 44 52 61

Strengthens your magic shield, increasing your chances of dodging attacks or deflecting spells. If the shield is inactive, then the chances remain, but are scanty. Moderately useful.

Mastering the Elements requires a lot of mana to support, and in return increases damage from all elements. It also affects the attack with the staff, so it’s useful.

Settings gives serious benefits to magic, willpower and mana restoration. It will be useful to everyone without exception.

Time Spiral For an immodest fee in mana, it resets the “cooling down” of all spells. With a proper supply of this same mana, it allows you to do terrible things.

Repulsion field

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 29 22 14 16
Magic 43 49 55 58

Knocks back nearby enemies if they fail a Physical Resistance check. Each pushback consumes mana. You won’t be able to run around all the time with the field turned on, but escaping from the environment is easy!

Give strength sprays life-giving energy around the mage, reducing the fatigue of allies, but consuming the mana of the mage himself. If you decide to use it, turn it on only for a short period of active action.

Magic field every few seconds it attacks enemies within a decent radius with spirit magic and - of course! - eats up your mana. But mana is consumed not for the total damage, but for the fact of launching the wave. So, if you find yourself in a crowd of adversaries, you can safely turn it on.

Mystical denial pulsates in the same way as the magic field. Each charge dispels enemy magic. And here you are already paying for the fact of dispelling, and not for launching the wave. But the enemy still spends more mana to apply these effects, so you can safely use it.

A weapon in every hand

Double punch

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 - - -
Combat training First rank Second rank Third rank Fourth rank
Dexterity 34 40 46 50

Two critical hits in a row. Simple and effective.

Find vital points increases the chance of a critical hit and the amount of damage from it. For a snack, it enhances the previous technique.

Kick from below Reduces the movement and attack speed of all enemies in a large radius. If you hit the enemy with a double blow before this, he will simply fall.

Never-ending squall It's called that for a reason. The character begins to thresh the enemy with terrible speed. Each hit reduces your stamina a little. The streak ends in one of the following cases: you run out of stamina, the enemy has escaped, or one of you has died. If you hit the enemy with a double blow before doing this, then each attack becomes critical. And if you kick, you definitely won’t miss. It looks great, of course, but you need to choose your target wisely, otherwise, while you are hitting the enemy, his comrades will finish you off.

- Wow! I would never have thought that such a healthy tree could grow in a Shemlen settlement.

Elven chauvinist in its purest form. When she decided that people were a threat, she left the clan to destroy them. Several other elves went with her and later died. And Velanna again began to take revenge on people, this time much more successfully.

Velanna has a sister who was stolen by the creatures of darkness and who joined them. The elf has not yet decided how to live with this further.

In conversation, she is harsh and constantly “brings down and curses” people and gnomes. But towards the end he will be re-educated, if, of course, the main character helps.

In battle, she is a subjugator with a dash of battle mage. As for gifts, he loves everything related to nature or elves, as well as everything green. The personal task is related to the story of her departure from the clan.



Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 - - -
Combat training First rank Second rank Third rank Fourth rank
Dexterity 34 38 44 52

A supported skill that immediately increases (depending on agility) hit chance, damage, critical hit chance and damage from it. As soon as you take it, turn it on and never turn it off.

Arrow Time slows down all enemies around the archer (unless they are higher level or elite) and constantly eats up stamina. The usefulness is questionable.

Shot-explosion deals triple critical damage to the target and another half of it (that is, one and a half critical) to others. Excellent reliable skill.

Rain of arrows some time after activation, it affects a large area for a certain period of time - a kind of area spell. There is a minus - there is a long delay, enemies often have time to escape. But the animation is a feast for the eyes.

Weapon and shield

The juggernaut

Allows the “tank” to literally pierce the enemy formation, pushing aside everyone who is in its path. Each push removes a little stamina. A wonderful skill: we knock down enemies, make them angry, and move easily, and it looks funny.

Shield-shell For a short time, significantly reduces incoming damage (depending on physique). You can even climb a dragon under it.

Bold look Constantly provokes surrounding enemies, eating away stamina. The usefulness is average, because energy is spent on attracting unnecessary enemies.

Stronghold of centuries makes a character completely invulnerable for half the duration of the shield-shell. That is, when it is activated, we are not afraid of anything at all for the first half of the time, and we live the second half as if under an ordinary shield-shell. With this skill you can even stop an ogre on the run!

Two-handed weapon

Lunging Strike

Deals critical damage to the target and normal damage to its neighbors. In addition, if opponents fail a physical stability check, they will end up on the ground. Medium useful skill.

Two-handed attack makes all the warrior's attacks area-based, although it consumes stamina. A great way to deal with every little thing.

The battle- the warrior takes several steps forward and swings his weapon widely with each step. Helps to reach the enemy's back lines.

Crushing Storm- the fighter spins in place and, looking at the enemy’s face, swings his two-handed weapon widely. Each hit eats up stamina. Easily destroys huge crowds of the enemy.

- I was not born. I have always been.

A unique case is a spirit that has entered the body of a mortal against its will. And the corpse did not become possessed by the dead, but completely came to life. Apparently, because Justice is not a demon, but a good spirit, not subject to its passions.

At first he is very cautious about the world, but then, as in the old joke, he gets involved and begins to learn. He is interested in many things, but he himself can tell something. When will you finally have the opportunity to talk to a spirit without fear? In conversations, by the way, he reads morals to all your comrades, and they each react in their own manner...

In battle he is a typical "tank". He loves gifts that are connected with the former owner of his body and with the Shadow. A personal quest concerns the wife of a deceased guard. You can find her in the Church of Amaranthine.


Each class now has two more specializations at its disposal. But only one point was added - at the twenty-second level - so in total we can learn three specializations. However, this is more than enough.


Legionnaire Scout

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 agility, +1 damage per hit

Mark of the Legion simply adds points to strength and physique.

Power of stone makes a robber for a short time invulnerable to damage and knockdown. During this time, you can either escape or provoke a strong enemy to attack.

Endure adversity- instead of health, stamina is lost when hit. Usefulness is below average. A robber constantly needs stamina.

Blessing of the ancestors enhances the power of the stone. Now we are also immune to spells. To the friendly ones too! The usefulness is a big question.

Strange line. The first two skills are as good as the last two are bad. The specialization is suitable for any rogue, although melee adepts will benefit from it more.


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 agility, +5 attack

Ghost type- with each blow to the robber, enemies lose interest in him. The skill constantly consumes stamina. Will greatly extend your life in a crowd of opponents.

Bait- the robber distracts the enemy with a non-existent target. Allows you to both escape and stab in the back. Useful, no doubt about it.

Ghost Attack- with the ghost type activated, we get big bonuses to damage from backstabs and critical hits. A wonderful addition to an already great skill.

Pitch hell suits our ghost in a large radius: opponents will either run away or start attacking the first person who comes to hand. Combines perfectly with invisibility - sneak up on the enemy, release a hallucinogen, throw the bait and run away.

An excellent line that turns the two-bladed robber into a real combine. Add to it a killer and a duelist, and it’s not enough for anyone!


Spirit Warrior

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 Constitution, +5 Physical Resilience

On the other side of the veil- constantly consumes stamina, but allows you to dodge many physical attacks. Will help in critical situations.

Soul Brand enhances the previous ability, adding a chance to avoid spells. In addition, all of the warrior's attacks now ignore armor and deal spirit damage. Allows you to quickly chop up a bunch of armored devourers. Very useful when you encounter armored ogres.

Shadow Explosion Deals spirit magic damage to all creatures around (depending on willpower). All kinds of ghosts receive significantly more than others. Therefore, it should only be used against shadow creatures.

Blessing of the Shadow enhances the first skill, increasing the chance to resist a spell, as well as the speed of movement and attack.

The skill is suitable for everyone, but it will probably be more useful for attacking warriors. You can take two ranks for the sake of damage from spirit magic, or four for the sake of acceleration.


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 Constitution, +5 Natural Resistance

Guard's Shield Protects one of your allies, absorbing limited damage. Its quantity depends on the physique of the guard. Mages, as well as robbers, will thank you very much!

Strengthening Presence Increases the armor of the entire squad for a while. The amount of additional armor and duration depend on the guard's physique. Extra armor won't hurt anyone.

Master Guard enhances previous skills.

Aura of a Fearless Protector attracts enemies who fail a physical resistance check towards the warrior, eating away stamina. They have no choice but to attack this tin can. One of the best skills.

Oddly enough, the specialization is suitable not only for a lover of shields, but also for a fighter with a two-handed weapon. He will be able to cover the healer, strengthen his armor and attract enemies to himself so as not to run away.


The keeper

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 magic, +3 mental stability

Unity with nature chains the magician to one point, which is overgrown with bushes. The bushes hit enemies caught in them with the forces of nature and slow them down. It can be used both as insurance against unexpectedly disrupted opponents, and as a means of attack in a crowd.

Sharp thorns They very painfully scratch everyone who got tangled in the bushes from the previous skill, and scatter those who did not pass the physical stability check.

Recovery allows you to receive mana for damage caused by skills of this line. And if the enemy carelessly dies in the bushes, the magician will absorb the remnants of his life and begin to quickly regenerate.

Nature's Revenge deals massive physical damage and temporarily immobilizes those who fail the physical resistance check.

Despite the serious disadvantage - immobilization - this line is very strong both in defense and attack. Unity is quickly restored, so running across the bushes is easy.

Warrior Mage

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 magic, slow health recovery in battle

Draining Aura Every few seconds, it deals spirit damage to enemies in a large radius and transfers it to your health, consuming mana. Vampire treatment by area - what more could you ask for?

Hand of Winter freezes all enemies within a reasonable radius who fail a physical resistance check. Otherwise it will just slow down. Everyone without exception will receive cold damage. A kind of overgrown cone of cold that does not hit allies. That is simply great!

Stoic gets a little every time he gets hit on the head. On the one hand, it’s not appropriate to hit a magician over the head. On the other hand, this entire line is still designed for close contact with the enemy. So we take it without hesitation.

Elemental chaos deals damage to everyone around with various elements in turn. Each blow costs mana, so only use it when there are large crowds of people.

Effective development

Taking into account latest changes Several super-effective classes have appeared in the game that will easily pass any test. Let's look at several schemes of twenty-eight points - this is how much you will have at the end of the game, if you did not export the character, or, otherwise, in the middle.


Vityaz - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

Spirit Warrior - 1 point

Unrelenting Force - 4 points

Second wind - 3 points

Bogatyr - 4 points

Shield block - 4 points

Shield defense - 4 points

Of the characteristics, we need 26 units of agility, the rest goes with strength in approximately equal shares. The main task of the “tank” is to choose the right targets and spend stamina as efficiently as possible.


Two-handed weapon group - 16 points

Second wind - 4 points

Spirit Warrior - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

The characteristics are approximately the following: strength, agility and physique in a ratio of 2:1:1. You need so much dexterity because you will come across many evasive enemies who will gnaw you off before you hit them. And we gain health through skills. Tactics depend on the enemy - either break into the crowd and use area skills, or use small combinations on singles.

Dual Blade Rogue

Dirty fight - 2 points

Low blow - 4 points

Heart Hunter - 4 points

Killer - 4 points

Ghost - 4 points

Legionnaire Scout - 2 points

Double strike - 4 points

Weapon proficiency in each hand - 3 points

Two-handed swing with weapon - 1 point

We will need dexterity, cunning and strength. Strength is somewhere around 40-42, agility and cunning, on which the skills are based, is 2:1. In battle, our task is to effectively spend a small amount of stamina (don’t forget to stock up on bottles in case of emergency!) and not die, because if we hesitate, they will cut us instantly!

Battle Mage

Battle Mage - 4 points

Guardian - 4 points

Warrior Mage - 4 points

Mana Drain - 4 points

Damage to vulnerability - 4 points

Shadow Shield - 4 points

Magic arrow - 2 points

Flameburst or Frostbite - 2 points

We invest in magic, willpower and agility something like this: 6:3:1. Dexterity, like a fighter, is needed to hit enemies. Yes, and we fight in a similar way: we rush into the crowd with area spells at the ready, or we curse a single target and beat it for a long time, with force.

Walkthrough of the main story

Vigil Tower

It all starts with long battles: the creatures of darkness invaded the base of the gray guards. After the end of the battles, it’s time to explore your possessions, get acquainted with the inhabitants and collect tasks. As soon as you deal with small and not very important matters in the fortress, go to the city.


In the city, you will first need to find a representative of the trade guild not far from the merchants, two hunters at the entrance and an innkeeper in the inn itself. From them you will receive story missions: into the forest, underground and into the swamps, respectively. In addition to them, there are many additional tasks in the city.

Forest Vending

Trade caravans disappear here. During the investigation, it turns out that it is not the robbers who are to blame, but the elf. But before calling her to battle, you need to find a bleeding surviving soldier, who lies across the hill with the elf town from the entrance to the location. He will reveal the whole truth to you. After this, you can add the elf to your squad and go to the mines...

On a note: Bring a lockpicking expert with you. You will not be able to change the group, nor will you be able to return to the mines.

After fighting through the Architect's lair, get out.

Black swamps

There was once a settlement here, but it mysteriously disappeared. You need to find your colleague - Christophe. To do this, go to the opposite end of the swamps. There is only one road there, so don't get lost. Along the way, you will be able to get acquainted with the cute local fauna...

After you find the gray guard, you will need to get to the Baroness. She lives in the city. To get to her, you need to talk to the leader of the angry crowd - Justice. After this the battle will begin.

Returning to Christophe's body, meet your new comrade and go close the portals, after which you go to the castle where you previously fought with the baroness. Survive one more battle and you can return.

Thicket Hills

Going down, you will meet your last companion. With the glorious gnome, boldly dive underground and cut through the creatures of darkness.

On a note: when you are asked to find the secret passage, look at the wall on the left when facing the main staircase.

After some time, you will reach a huge golem with a magician, and then the queens. To kill them, you must first destroy the tentacles and then cut the chains holding the chandelier. Repeat until the chandelier falls off. That's it, you can go back.


Now you need to prepare for war. Choose your companions and run to the city. In Amaranthine they will tell you that troops are heading to the Vigil Tower. What to protect, choose for yourself.

After defense, you will be transported to the lair of the Mother - a huge intelligent womb. It's not that easy to get to. Already at the end of the upper level you will meet a dragon.

If you want to make the final battle easier for yourself, carefully look for the crystals and use them to activate the Tevinter Towers. Each of them has its own effect (fire attack, paralysis of enemies, healing), which can be used once in a battle with the Mother. You will get another effect, if you want, from the Architect. With such help, destroy Mother a lot of work will not amount to.

1 2 All

They tell about events that occur after the original story. When the Archdemon was killed, Pestilence never disappeared. Moreover, all the creatures of darkness were divided into clans warring among themselves, thereby creating a new threat.


You are the commander of the Gray Wardens, you return to the Vigil Tower with the warrior Mhairi. The Vigil Tower was recently the residence of Earl Howe. You should not expect a warm welcome, since your fortress is attacked by the adventures of darkness.

Move overcoming all enemies deep into the Vigilance Tower. On the way, clear the location from monsters. In the interior of the fortress, you meet a renegade mage named Andres. Soon he becomes your confidant. Continue into the tower. Along the way, destroy the Genlocks along with the emissaries.

Eventually, you will need to activate the lever and open the gate. Now watch the scene - a gnome who kills a group of genlocks with an explosion. Go down below and go to the opened gate. Clear the hall here and go to the doorway on the right side. Any road will lead you straight to Ogren (the gnome from the original game).

Having walked a little further, you will come across another acquaintance of Mhairi - Commander Rowland. He will have time to say that the creatures of darkness have attacked and that a talking magician is at their head. Once you get out, you will see the following picture: a talking creature of darkness. The battle will be very serious, but you will be able to cope with the enemies. This will be followed by a video with a meeting with King Alistair and the initiation of young recruits into the Gray Wardens.

In the throne part of the hall, you have the opportunity to enchant objects using runes from Ambassador Sera. You can buy everything you need from Yuriy. When you go outside, you are immediately told about a certain “capable” thief, and in addition to this, you are also given a couple of letters. You can also collect a lot in the fortress secondary tasks, which will be very interesting to perform. In addition, they will bring you experience and money, which, by the way, you will really need.

Let's go to Amaranthine

So, after you’ve picked up a lot of minor quests, let’s move on to look for a logical explanation of why the creatures of darkness suddenly started talking.

Immediately upon entering this city, talk to Colbert. A little further into the trap, one smuggler invites you to cooperate, or rather, talk with the innkeeper and continue to carry out your activities. The entrance to this smuggler's lair will be located at the site of the same conversation, in the house.

Also, near the entrance to the city, talk with Constable Aidan and receive the “Law and Order” task. In general, you already know the smugglers’ lair, or rather its location, so all you have to do is run after one of the smugglers, destroying the bad guys along the way.

In the northern part of this city, your ally Andres will meet a familiar girl named Namaia. After a short conversation, you will have the task “Free Anders”. The essence of the task is that you need to find a vessel with Anders' blood. Thus, the templars will never be able to figure out his location. In the eastern part of this city, not far from the temple, you need to talk with your old friend Wynn and receive a new task, for which you will have to find Inez in the Vending Forest. There will be a preacher board nearby, and there will be a couple of tasks there.

Kristoff is not at the hotel, so go and talk to the owner of this establishment, and then move to inspect his premises. The evidence found will tell you that you need to go explore an area called the Black Swamps.

Forest Vending

There are many interesting things in this forest. Examine the samples of sylvin wood (one of the tasks that is on the preacher's board). You can also complete the “Botanist Inez” task here, given by Wynn. Also, in addition to all this, a plot task is also performed here. We will not delve too deeply into the plot mission, everything is simple here, let’s just say one thing - the Dalish elf Velanna is behind the attacks on the caravans, in addition to this, she is also a magician. You can recruit her to your team. But first, for it you will need to bring the seeds of the northern thornfork (located a little east of the passage to the silverite mine).

In the eastern part of the forest you can talk to two stone statues. The essence of the task is that the brothers are cursed by the master, one of them wants to take revenge, and the other wants to find humility. What to do, to use persuasion or force, is up to you to decide.

So, in the end you will find yourself in a silverite underground mine, captivated by the adventures of darkness. Velanna's sister will give you a key with which you can get out. The first garlocks you meet will have to be crushed with your fists, after which you search their bodies and arm yourself. A little to the south there is a huge hall. There is a statue in the center of the hall, and in the middle of it there is a huge number of opponents. You can make your task easier with the help of a ballista.

As soon as the tunnel begins, kill the enemy who has all the clothes of one of the heroes. In one part of these tunnels you can meet a prisoner named Kenan. He will ask you to find his wedding ring, which was stolen by a big man with a huge mace, then take this ring to his wife as a message about his death. Moving further, do not forget to search all the corpses, as they will contain the things of your heroes. As you exit the tunnels, you will come across a chest containing the rest of your heroes’ belongings. Afterwards, buy provisions from Amaas.

Now you have to fight two dragons. After a short cutscene has passed, you learn from Velanna that she wants to join your ranks. Finally move to your fortress for a well-deserved rest. Once you arrive at the place, do minor things and submit the assignment.

Thicket Hills

The next thing to do is start completing the quest “Last of the Legion”. Colbert and Micah told you about the chasms that formed in the Thicket Hills. From there is the rod of the spawn of darkness. Move to this place. Once you cross the bridge, go down below and carefully rummage around in the box here, after which you will find a letter that will activate the task “The Long Past”. The following picture will follow: a bunch of enemies are dragging one of the Legion of the Dead. Sigrun will tell you that in Kal Hirol, the creatures of darkness are raising an army. Clear your path by slashing the creatures of darkness. At the very beginning of the central hall, a huge number of traps await you.

As you pass through the next large rooms, you will observe several paintings from the past, this will happen right up to the doors of the shopping district. Somewhere in the southeastern part there is a riddle. To solve it, you will have to make sure that the same symbols appear on the slab and on the obelisk. As a reward, you receive what was inside the sarcophagus. Now move to the southernmost part of this location. Straight to the Lower Reaches of Cal Herol. Soon you will need to turn to the left and walk along a long corridor.

Now watch the video with a huge golem. You will also have to defeat the lost golem, so the battle will not be easy. When you finish the battle, then move into the corridor, which is located on the right side from where you came here. Destroy the two supports here that hold the chains, and then drop the deadly load on the queens. That's all.

Black swamps

So, we arrive at the Black Swamps in search of Kristoff. The place is certainly not the most pleasant. There will be a sign at the entrance warning about ghosts. Soon you will be attacked by wolves. Well, despite the dangers, we will have to move deeper. In the place where the dragon's head is lying, you can take the quest "The Missing Dragon Bones". Doors that lead to the estate ( Right side) will be sealed, and nearby you will find a letter for the task “Burden of Guilt”.

Soon you find another shadow veil and receive the corresponding quest. In the northeastern part of this location you can find the body of the deceased Kristoff, and a little later it turns out that this is a trap.

You find yourself in the Shadow. The leader of the creatures of darkness will also be here, but he sent his henchmen to you, and in the meantime he disappeared. We need to find a way out. Here you can activate various pedestals that will block shadow curtains in the real world. Also, you can find various items here that will increase your capabilities by 1 unit.

There is a grave near the estate, there will be a girl near it - talk to her. You will immediately receive the appropriate task. After you kill all the restless carrion, go down to the crypt. Let's say right away - the girl is the most ordinary demon. As you exit the other side of this crypt, you will find yourself in the estate. It turns out that all the people were imprisoned in the Shadow because of the Baroness. So watch what happens here. The first one decides to join the Baroness, and you, in turn, help the Spirit of Justice, who portrays the templar. This is where the battle begins. When this battle is over, you will find yourself in the real world, but the problem still remains unresolved. Now you have more serious problems: the Baroness is now among you and has great power, and in addition to all this, shadow portals are opening from which hordes of demons are climbing. The Spirit of Justice takes Kristoff's body and intends to fight on your side. Select squad members and go into battle!

Once you open the gate, you will have to fight the Baroness again, or rather, what she has turned into. After victory, you will be able to replenish your ranks with the Spirit of Justice. This is where it all ends. Now go back to the Vigil Tower and talk to Seneschal Varel.

City under siege

Bad news. The nearby town of Amaranthine is besieged by creatures of darkness. And so, you are assured that if you go there, then you will make a huge mistake. Choose your companions. We recommend that you take: Sigrun, Nathaniel and Velanna.

When you arrive at your destination, you will see hordes of creatures of darkness. Due to an unexpected warning about the Mother's evil plan and her unexpected attack on the Tower of Vigil, you are forced to leave Amaranthine to its fate. It would not be a pity for you and your companions, but you will have to leave the city...

Since the Tower of Vigil is the main boundary, it cannot be allowed to fall. So, at the place of arrival, quickly talk to the military leader and get ready for battle. It all starts with protecting the central gate (don't forget to take advantage of the new tactics slots). After defending the gate, you will have to move to defend the eastern part of the wall. Next, return to the main gate again to repel the attacks of the Genlocks and ogres.

Soon you have to retreat back and fight with heretics and ogres who are nailed into the armor. Afterwards, you have to kill the Herald. But that's not all, the battle continues. The spawn of darkness are still alive and the Mother is constantly breeding new ones.

Dragonbone Wasteland

It's time to deal with the Mother in her lair. It’s impossible to get lost here, so there shouldn’t be any problems. Move along the path and along the way clear the locations from new creatures of darkness. Soon you will meet the High Dragon, and then the dragon cliff. Next you will meet Velanna’s sister, who will clearly be talking some kind of nonsense. Go down the stairs and clear your way again. Go further, go down the stairs again and talk with the Architect, who suddenly appeared.

You have a common goal and have decided to make peace on common grounds. Go to Mother's Nest to end it all. Nothing complicated should arise for you. Chop her tentacles and kill her children that appear. After destroying her minions, take on her too. As soon as her health drops, the end credits will start.

This is the end of this epic game. Watch the video and the consequences of all your previous decisions.

For centuries, the Gray Wardens - an ancient order of protectors sworn to unite and protect the lands - have battled the creatures of darkness. Legend says that destroying the Archdemon would end the centuries-old threat posed by the darkspawn, but somehow they survived. You are the captain of the Gray Wardens and you are entrusted with the responsibility of restoring the order of the Gray Wardens and revealing the secrets of the creatures of darkness and how they managed to survive. How you will recreate your order, how you will resolve the conflict with the “Architect”, and what fate you will determine for the creatures of darkness - all these are just some of the many decisions that will become part of your risky journey in the lands of Amaranthine.

Game Features: :
- Amazing world expansion: BioWare's most expansive universe gets even bigger with new territory to explore - Amaranthine
- Uncover the secrets of the creatures of darkness and their true motives
- Recreate the Order of the Gray Wardens and equip your base in the Fortress of the Watchers
- Lots of new moral dilemmas: Immerse yourself in an epic story entirely determined by your playstyle
- Influence the entire gaming experience with your choices and decisions in difficult situations
- New ways to develop your hero: Enjoy additional spells, abilities, specializations and items to further customize your hero and party
- Transfer your character from Dragon Age: Origins or start over as a Gray Warden from nearby Orlais
- Meet five all-new party members and loved ones from Dragon Age: Origins
- Even more hair-raising and brutal combat: Fight new terrifying creatures
- Test your abilities in battle with the most developed and intelligent representatives of the creatures of darkness and other formidable creatures, such as the Fire Golem and the Spectral Dragon!

ATTENTION! This post contains a walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins Awakening, so if you haven't completed it yet
Dragon Age: Origins Awakening, I do not recommend reading the information in order to avoid losing interest in the game.
When starting the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, you are immediately given a choice: import an old hero or take a new one. I will not describe all the stages of creating a new character, since they are in the original walkthrough. Yes, and I imported my old hero, who was much better developed than the new possible character. So, having imported or created your hero, we begin the passage of Awakening...

And it all starts with you watching the screensaver, which tells the story of the last months. The Archdemon fell, but the creatures of darkness did not disappear. Let's avoid spoilers, because you can see for yourself what happened in the video. You head to the tower that used to belong to Earl Howe, but no one meets you along the way. Strange, isn't it? And then a survivor runs out to meet you, followed by the creatures of darkness. Kill them quickly, it's not difficult. After the death of three terrible creatures, talk to the survivor, asking him about everything you can. He will go for help, which should be on the road, and in the meantime you will talk to your companion Mhairi, I think information from her will also not be superfluous. Next, go inside, deal with the ogre and a couple of small dark trash and go first to the right corner of the map, save the survivor, then to the upper left corner. Two survivors will be waiting at the gate, and you go through the inner gate.

Be careful, you may suffer from the explosion of this very gate. And, having entered them, the first thing to do is kill the Genlock emissary, who will be very unpleasant to cast spells. In general, in Awakening, the passage of battles in most cases needs to begin with killing magicians, but this is so, a lyrical digression. After his death, run to the upper left corner again, saving one of the survivors. Here you will have an updated task, according to which you will need to get bandages for the guards. Quickly run to the right, where you will have to save two more survivors and get bandages according to the mark on the map. Got enough? Run back, the wounded are dying! Hand over the bandages and continue to the interior of the Vigil Tower. By the way, this location will be your home throughout the entire passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, so be careful with it.

And when you go inside, you will be surprised that the outpost has been destroyed. Finish the dialogue with Mhairi and go comb the building. Immediately turn right on the map. There you will see a sorcerer who has burned one of the creatures of darkness. Talk to him and accept him into your squad. Follow this corridor to the end and save the survivor, which will update the quest for you. So, we need to search the entire tower and find other survivors, which is what we will continue to do. Climb to the battlements on the walls and go forward. Exterminate everyone there who can resist, turn the ballista and fire a salvo. After killing all opponents, go inside and pull the lever. You will watch a video clip in which you will see how one very cunning gnome blew up a squad of creatures of darkness. Well, let's move on, because the passage of Dragon Age Beginning - Awakening is just beginning...

Dismantle the barricade, go down, kill the creatures of darkness and move through the opened gate. Before entering the main hall, open the door on the left and let the survivor out. Now - inside the main hall. After the death of all the creatures of darkness, go into the room on the left, and then straight ahead. Walking along the corridor, you will meet an old acquaintance, Ogren, who will have to be saved from the crowd of the Spawn of Darkness. Kill them and take an old friend to your team. By the way, it should be said that throughout the entire passage of Awakening, Ogren always accompanied me. Great jokes, great fighter... Oh well. Collect trophies and go to the right - you haven’t killed everyone there yet either. Free the last survivor and move north, as that is the only passage accessible to you.

In the corridor you will find Rowland bleeding. He will tell you the story of the storming of the fortress. And an interesting story about a talking spawn of darkness. Well, that means there is something to do during the passage. We move forward, there is only one road, along the way I cut out the creatures of darkness that are present in large numbers there. Have you reached the new exit to the battlements? Save! And only now keep moving.

Go forward and kill the spawn boss, who also talks a lot. The liberation of the fortress will end with the murder. You will watch an interesting video in which you can take Ogren and Anders into the Gray Guardians. Or you may not take it. The choice is yours, but I would still recommend accepting them. The company will not be superfluous. After this you will be told that this estate belongs to you. And the first thing that needs to be decided is to increase the number of gray guards. Conduct a dedication. True, not everyone will survive him... May Mhairi's faithful battle friend rest in peace. After that, continue watching the video and end the chatter. This is how you will complete the first stage of Awakening.

After all this, you will find yourself in the Throne Room of the Vigil Tower. There is a sorceress here, from whom you can enchant weapons, and a merchant, from whom you can buy or sell something. Talk to Mistress Wolsey, who stands to the left of the throne, and agree to her help. After it, talk to Captain Garvel. Both have the same task, which is good news. Well, and finally Varel. After talking with him, you can already leave the throne room, since you have nothing else to do here.

Leaving the throne room and choosing your assistants, you will talk with the guard, who will tell you about a petty thief who was barely subdued by four guards. Take two more tasks from her. After this, immediately go down to the dungeons of the Vigilance Tower and talk to the Jailer. And it turns out that the thief is Earl Howe's son. What an unexpected meeting. I think another gray guard wouldn't hurt. Take him into your ranks and don’t be afraid - he will survive. After this, talk to Varel again and attend the oath taking. Then again a conversation with Varel and two conversations in a row with those whom he names. You should also take the task about the assassination attempt from Tamra. And in general, talk to everyone, I think it will not be superfluous for you. After all this, you have a difficult decision to make. Choose what is more important - protecting the city, trade routes or farms? I chose to protect farms. And don’t forget to talk about the conspiracy, after which you can safely end the appointment. In general, it should be noted that the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is simply replete with solutions. Sometimes they are small, sometimes important, but you have to make decisions yourself.

Get outside, you have a lot to do. First, go to the blacksmith and listen to his eternal whining. There you will be mentioned about good metal and armor for soldiers. Do you get the connection? After this, go to the sergeant who is standing near the door and talk about the remaining creatures of darkness. Naturally, agree to help!

So, you go to the dungeons of the fortress, where the creatures could still remain. The rubble will be cleared and it will be time for you to move forward. And the first one you meet is the mabari. Examine his body and remove the scroll with the note. A certain Adria is hiding on the lower floors. Well, we'll rescue you along the way. In the next room, the creatures of darkness await you. After they die, go into the room to the north and pick up the letter and gift. Then - into the room in the south, where screamers will jump from the ceiling. They also need to be deprived of their lives, and then pull the torch in the wall in order to open the secret door from the chests, which contains a lot of supplies. Try to ensure that during the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening you do not have unexplored territories and unfinished quests.

Now you can return to the hall and continue moving towards the dungeon. When you get to the prison and kill the ghosts, you will again have two ways to go. Let's go west first. Before you is a crypt with aggressive skeletons that are best put to rest. After that, search all the sarcophagi. You will find one key, and there will be four keyholes. Well, then let's continue on our way. Now from prison to the north. There you will meet the same Adria who needed to be saved. True, now she needs to be put to rest, and not saved, since she has become a ghost. May she rest in peace, but it's time to move on. And then we have a rubble, which will take about a week to clear. Well, then let's move up. At the top, all we have to do is talk to the gnome and give him a large sum of 80 gold, if, of course, you have it. And now you can leave the location.

Now let's go to the Lost Sanctuary, where the poor girl is being held captive. The passage of Awakening does not allow us to relax. When the leader of the robbers speaks to you, first demand to show you the girl, and then convince him to let her go. When he releases the captive, the robbers can be killed. Be sure to take a very good level 9 dagger from the leader of the robbers. That's it, you can leave this location.

We go to the Turnoblov estate and go immediately north. Here you will find a bunch of creatures of darkness led by the Ogre. Kill them, of course. True, you will not be able to save your family. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to rummaging through the corpses and killing all hostile entities.

Enter Amaranthine and immediately go right to the box. From there, take the discarded diary, it will still be useful to you, because in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening the passage is thought out in such a way that every little thing comes in handy. Walking straight ahead, you will come across Colbert, who you really needed. Talk to him and ask where he saw the creatures of darkness. Finish the conversation with him, thank him and go a little forward, where they will give you another letter. Well, great. Now I advise you to go back a little and turn left in order to take the task from a certain Dark Person. The task is to talk to the innkeeper. Agree and move on. Before entering Amaranthine, a girl will stop you and say that the Black Wolf wants to see you (provided that you talked with Varel about the conspiracy and the Black Wolf during the oath ceremony).

The guards will try to block your way, but his boss will immediately appear and remove the careless peace officer from conducting business. He will make an offer to you to talk to him about the smugglers. Well, we can and even need to talk! True, if you complete this task as a guard, then you will not be able to get to one location during the passage of Awakening. Agree to his task and go to the market (it's on the left) to the suspicious guy. As soon as you start talking, he will run away. Don't worry, just follow him, systematically destroying group after group. After destroying the last group, which will be standing behind the fortress, you can return to the head of the guard, Constable Aidan. He will also send us to the smugglers' lair. Kill the dark person near the entrance and take the key for yourself. Now you can go down to the basement.

Immediately at the entrance, take the gift in the box and move on. By the way, it should be said that in Dragon Age Beginning - Awakening the passage is replete with gifts. And gifts are useful, as they increase the hero’s attitude towards you. And in the first hall the leader of the smugglers and his comrades will be waiting for you. It’s not very smart for them to stand and wait in the middle of the room, but oh well, may they rest in peace. Exit through the SAME entrance as you entered and turn in the task. Passed it? Go to the market and ask the price of goods from the traders, they are very good there. The Black Wolf will be waiting near the other exit from the city. You will need to give him 50 gold so that he will reveal the conspirators. Therefore, check in advance that you have money. After this, talk to Mervis, the representative of the trade guild. He will tell you that creatures of darkness are playing pranks in the forest. Well, we need to run there quickly, otherwise the trade is worth it. So, that's where we'll go.

And here we are in the Vending Forest. All we need to do here first is kill every living thing up to the bridge. Search every corner, search all the chests and kill both trees and robbers. When you're done, cross the bridge. And here will be the most interesting passage of this location in Awakening. An elf will appear and demand the return of her sister, otherwise she will continue to kill people and rob caravans. Well, move forward. Here you again have to beat and chop until you find a survivor. Its location is marked on the map, so you won't get lost. After you deal him a blow of mercy, creatures of darkness will appear... Poor creatures, they thought they could profit from us... Now we move towards the Dalish elf camp, destroying the enemies summoned by the elf along the way. At the top you will have to talk to her again. Here you will have to accept her into the squad and go to storm the mines in which the creatures of darkness are hiding.

Isn't it a little dark in the mines? Yes, the fresh air is definitely calmer and more comfortable. Go down and get used to it; in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, the passage will often take us to such corners of the world. As you pass by the circle, you will witness your own being put to sleep by the Emissary (Before this, it is better to take off all your equipment, as sometimes a bug occurs due to which your things are not in the chest near the merchant, and this way you can lose your things). Okay, we'll deal with him later. In the meantime, we are waiting for the end of the video, in which Seranni, the sister of our new ally, will give us the key and run away. And we shouldn’t linger either, it’s time to run. First, run north, search everything and get a couple of diary entries, and then go down to the south. There, use a ballista that will crush the crowd of enemies, then go down and finish off the survivor. More creatures of darkness will come running from the next hall, which also need to be killed. Move down and down. Along the way, you will meet a creature of darkness who has donned Ogren’s armor. Well, isn't it a creature? Kill her and re-dress our favorite gnome. At the first fork you will see the last surviving gray guard, who will ask you to take the ring that was stolen from him to his wife. Okay, let's take it. But when we find it. In the meantime, we move on... In a large cave, we scatter another crowd of creatures of darkness with our bare hands and begin to collect trophies. A corpse will lie right there, dressed in your magician’s uniform. Let's change her clothes quickly, let two characters already be properly equipped. Now you can move on. There is only one passage for now...

And here we have autosave again and a new room with two test subjects dressed in our clothes. Take it and get equipped, there’s no point in walking around naked. Although we fought well without armor, the passage of Awakening is still much easier if you are dressed... There will be the first fork right there. We'll go east first. At the small dead end, take the lyrium sand from the deposits and go explore the remaining hall to the east. There are two useful enemies in this room - a dragon tamer, who drops a nice hammer. The ring that we need for the quest, and the dragon from which we need to pick up the scales. There is also a fresh dragon egg here, which is better to take than to leave to rot. There is nothing else of interest here and you can go to the southern tunnel at the first fork. And again there is a hall in front of us, in which we must kill everyone. The only useful thing here is the dragon scales removed from the wearer. And we also have only one passage - to the south.

In the south, turn into the Architect's room in the east. A small piece of the codex and a small amount of 8 gold coins should brighten up the absence of your things. By the way, you don’t have to collect the codex, but the most complete walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is a walkthrough with a fully assembled codex. In the meantime, let's move down the map. And there you will find a cunning merchant with whom you can trade and who you need to invite to the Vigil tower, as well as a chest with all your things. Grab what you need from the merchant and go to the next room. And there you will see that very interesting leader of the creatures of darkness. And dragons that will try to kill you. They are quite strong, and you won't be able to kill them with a swoop. Therefore, try to combine potions and skills, slowing down your opponents. The main thing is not to let them fly up, otherwise they will come out of the fire, disrupting your skills. After their death, that mysterious creature of darkness will leave, and you will need to accept Velana as a gray guard. Great, an extra ally won't hurt. Now collect trophies from the bodies of dragons and move on to the long-awaited exit.
Now I suggest you visit the Vigil Tower, where you can talk to the blacksmith. Did you talk and get the task? Great, now give the ore to his apprentice and talk to Dworkin, who is standing right there, nearby. You should give him the lyrium sand that you found earlier. Then talk to Waldrick, who will ask you to find granite deposits to repair the tower. Agree and go talk to the private, who will give you 10 gold thanks and send you to the throne room for trial. Be sure to save before going there, in case you mess up something in the passage of Awakening...

In the throne room, talk to Varel and the trial will begin. The first case is the case of the peasant Alec, who stole two bags of grain from our treasury. What will you do with it? Will you hang it? Or will you punish with whips? I decided to invite him into the army and I was right. Everyone was happy. The next case is a civil one. There you must choose who to give the land to - the impudent girl or our ally. But the trouble is, the girl has an official document confirming her right to property. What will you choose? I chose the third option. And the last thing (It will depend on the decision regarding the conspiracy, i.e. whether you asked the Black Wolf to find the conspirators or not). Put a nobleman in prison. That’s great, the task is completed and you can leave.
Now talk to the sergeant who stands opposite the entrance and go to the cleared rubble. And they found a way out to the deep paths. Well, let's explore. We immediately move north, where we can profit a little and donate a gold figurine, and then we go south and explore the territory. There, after walking along the alley and killing a couple of creatures of darkness in the horns, turn to the mine with gems and profit there. Then return to the main path and move on. When you come to a fork, you will find that it is not a fork at all, and there is only one way - to the south. Before the circle of the forgotten, be careful, as skeletons run out there and need to be put to rest. Do it and move on, because the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening does not stand still.

Follow the path of bones and save in front of the door to the forbidden room. As soon as you walk, you will be attacked by a ghost, which is quite difficult to kill. And when you almost release it, it will fly away in an unknown direction. We need to find him quickly. Our path lies to the east. Run along the corridor, collecting all the goodies along the way. When you reach the corridor with the evil spirits, an autosave will occur. Kill the ogre boss and all the little things around. Then quickly take the trophies from the ogre’s body and kill the ghost that appears. So, by killing the ghost, you will complete the task and begin a video in which our gnome friend will repair the gnome mechanism to close this passage. Great, the task is completed and you can go upstairs with Sergeant Maverlis. Now you can exit from this card. I suggest heading to the Thicket Hills. First, run north and destroy the two executioners. Then follow the path to the east, cross the bridge, listening to comments from Nathaniel and save. Next, go and go in one direction, pick up the things of the hunters along the way and save the gnomish woman who is being dragged by the creatures of darkness. She will tell you that the legion could not cope with the creatures and she was the only one left alive. Take her to you and go down to Kal Hyrol.

Here you are in a long-forgotten city of gnomes. Now admire the view and go down. There, talk to Yukka, the gnome near death, and move forward. There is only one way - you can't go wrong. Kill the creatures of darkness, collect trophies and cross the bridge. Afterwards, save immediately just in case. There will be nothing remarkable until the largest hall, in which you will first meet the larval children. Kill them all, there is no point in leaving any scum alive, and enter the main hall. If Sigrun is in your squad, you can enter the main hall from another passage, which is closed for stone wall to the left of the central passage. Be careful, there are a lot of traps here. Kill everyone in the hallway and move on. You will see one enemy who has not yet attacked you. This is the master of the golems. Kill him quickly and quickly and take the golem control rod from his body. It will be useful to you for painlessly killing the above-mentioned golems. Now collect trophies from them and move on. Ahead on the stairs, revive the golem, let him fight for you. And you kill everyone, take the trophies from the chests in the north and south, and go beyond the lobby. Next you will see a sea of ​​ghosts pretending to live their lives. Go and follow one path. You won’t come across anything particularly noteworthy along the way. This way you can easily reach the entrance to the shopping district. In general, it should be noted that in Awakening the passage of locations is quite linear, so it’s easy to do...

Immediately you will see a video in which some creatures of darkness kill others. Well, let evil fight evil, good will help a little. Move forward. And from the main hall to the room in the north. There, take the belt from the sarcophagus and kill three revived golems. After this, you can move further to the east. In the next room, kill the creatures of darkness who are fighting each other and go to the room to the south, where you should pick up the dwarven tablets. They will be useful to you later. Now - to the north.

Having reached the forge and again destroyed the crowd of creatures of darkness there, go behind it, collect trophies and fix broken things with the help of a golem and an anvil. Let me remind you that throughout Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening there are no unnecessary components. The things are not very good, but they will be useful for the collection. This will take you to prison. A certain Stefan is imprisoned in a cage. Take the rune from him and release him into the wild. To the left of the cage is an anvil. Use it and talk to Ogren. After prison, a fork awaits you. First go south, where you will find an area marked as a grave. In front of you are rune stones and a sarcophagus in the center. Click the runes so that the signs on them match the signs on the walls. This is easy to do, so it's not worth worrying about. When all five signs are in place, run to the grave and pick up interesting gloves from there. Now you can go back and head southwest from the fork.

Clear the rest of the area, search the treasury, and go into the thicket hills, from there to head to the vigil tower and unload a little. I personally don’t have any space left at all, so we will continue clearing out Kal Hirol a little later. For now - to the Tower of Vigil. Here give the ore to the blacksmith, and the tablets to Dvorkin. Lyrium sand is also for him. After this, go down again into the thicket hills and from there into the shopping district. And from the shopping district - to the lower reaches. We continue clearing...And below you start running through the tunnel until you get to the golem and the darkspawn mage. Both of them must be killed... Which, in principle, is not so difficult to do. I immediately threw my thief at the magician, chaining him up, and while the thief was having fun, I killed the golem with the rest. And it was no longer difficult to finish off the magician. Then move along the remaining corridor, killing the tentacles that come out. When you reach the very end, cut two chains, which will kill the queens. After this, you can consider Kal Hirol cleared and leave from there. Another stage in the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is completed.

And we will go again to the Tower of Vigil. Nip the peasant rebellion in the bud, then talk to the blacksmith and give him the golem shell. He will give you a list of what he needs to get for work. Well, let's look. In the meantime, go down to the basement and go to the crypt, which you still have not opened. You should already have all three remaining keys. Have you opened it? Go inside, clear the tomb of ghosts and collect trophies. There are already very good boots there. Now you can leave the basement and go up to the throne room. And in the throne room an assassination attempt is being organized on you. Well, death to them. After that, accept those who wish to join the gray guards and finish with the equipment. Amaranthine is waiting for us!

In Amaranthine, give the lucky hoof to Mika, for which you will receive a cash reward. After that, go to the market and tell the great news to Mervis. If you convince him to pay extra, you will receive a total of 30 gold. Great. There, take all the tasks from the Trade Guild board. Go a little north and, going around the house, take a woolen pad from the chest near the locked door. Here is the element for the armor. By the way, Velana brewed the master’s lyrium potion for me, for which I thank her very much. Now let's go to the Crown and Lion Inn. First, go to the end of the inn and talk to Nida. She needs to give her the wedding ring that her husband died trying to make this world a better place. Then go to the Innkeeper and talk to him about Christophe, the gray guard. Take the key to the room, since Christophe has not appeared for a week. We need to check what it could be. Examine the map, from which it will become clear that Christophe is in the black swamps. We'll go there, but later. Take the trophies from the chests and go talk to the innkeeper. Convince him that he needs to pretend to trust the smugglers. The task will end here, since now there is simply no one to help you. Well, the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening will not be poorer for this.

Now let's go to church. If not to pray, then for a bunch of tasks. Take everything from the notice board, and also take the flower pot. Now talk to Wynn, an old friend. Agree to complete her task, you are an old friend after all. Then dive into the church. There, collect all the trophies, examine everything you can, and talk to the templar. Then go up to the girl and take on the quest to find her missing husband. Now move to the inn, where you will find a piece of note to the right of the counter. It mentions footbridges high above the city. Okay, we'll get there too. But first, go beyond the city walls and destroy all the robbers. As you return, look for the second house to the right of the path and in the compacted earth you will find the treasure you were looking for. This is a pathetic ring, but the task will be completed and you can breathe a sigh of relief about this. Next, run around the city, finding three maleficars, kill them. After this, you will receive a quest to kill their leader, who stands in the corner of the shopping area. After his death we go to the preacher for a reward. Did you take it? Well, of course, you shouldn’t leave it, it’s not for nothing that in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening the passage is always trying to lure money out of us. Now go to the gate where the constable stands, and go into the left door if you stand with your back to the city. Here you will immediately see a chest with a first aid kit, and a little further - a new piece of note. Now go outside the city, to the very exit from the area. On the left is the house in which the hanged husband is located. May his ashes rest... Let's go to Alma and tell her everything. Now we have completed all the quests in the city and will go for a walk in the Vending Forest.

In the Forest we need to find nine pieces of silk that are needed for the quest, eight statues and five pieces of Sylvan bark. So run around the map, searching corpses, describing statues and killing sylvans. It is impossible to give a clear location. When you do all this, you will definitely find the corpse of a scientist, from which you need to take a stone and a diary. Next, run to the circle of stones, into which you need to put the missing stone. After that, walk around the circle, pressing all the stones. This will yield a chest that will appear with a necklace inside. True, the necklace is weak, so you don’t have to try too hard. Then, in the same part of the map, go south and talk to Ines. She will ask you to bring her the seeds of one plant, northern thorn. And after that she will go with you to the council of magicians. Well, it must be so. You can find it north of Ines, to the right of the mine. Take the seeds and return to Ines. She will thank you, give you a reward and go on her way.

Now we can return to Amaranthine and turn in all the tasks. Passed it? Go to Gunsmith Glassrick and buy pure iron from him. You can now return home to the Vigil Tower. Talk to Waldrick there, give him the granite samples and select the soldiers. He will be glad and happy, and you will receive an unlocked achievement and a completed task. Then give all the ingredients to the blacksmith and take the armor from him. The blacksmith, of course, will be crooked, but the armor will turn out to be excellent. He grumbled a lot both in the original game and in Dragon Age Beginning - Awakening... Now it’s time for us to go to the black swamps... You are greeted by carrion eaters in the video. You will have to deal with them as soon as you walk a couple of steps forward. Well, let's do that. Now collect the trophies and follow the path. At the first fork, destroy the next batch of wolves, take the love letter from the destroyed house in the “branch” of the path in the south and move straight north from the fork. After walking a little along the path you will come across a dragon bone. Guess why you need it? Correctly, to insert into the skull lying nearby. Go a little forward to the gap in the veil and examine the veil. You won't be able to pass here, so turn around and go to the fork, from which you will go northeast, to the destroyed house and further, to the gates of the destroyed city. Here you will encounter pestilence werewolves for the first time, but they are frail opponents. In the city, you should first go to the north, where the riddle lies, which is a continuation of the quest, and search Mabari’s corpse, from which we will get the veins we need. Also, slightly to the right, there is a chest, an old letter and a pack of werewolves who behave extremely aggressively. Destroy them and go further east to pick up the city archives. You can now exit through the northern gate. There will be a rift in the veil again, giving you a new task. At the fork, go north again, where you will find the third puzzle and some werewolves. And Christophe’s temporary shelter, which is much more interesting. So in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening the passage is gradually revealed...

Well, let's take it a little further west. In the circle of stones, take the torn out page, kill the next werewolves and, going a little further west, take the dragon bone. Now follow the top edge to the east. Here, at one of the gaps in the veil, you will find a cache left by an unlucky merchant. That's it, his mission is completed, we are moving south, for another dragon bone and a pack of experience from killing the inhabitants of the swamps. When you find the third piece, go east, to Christophe's Body. There you will find the last piece of dragon bone. Then use Christophe's body and you will find yourself surrounded by creatures of Darkness. And someone First will try to throw you into the Shadow. But he will abandon himself too. What a fool...

Then he will refuse to cooperate and will set his charges against us, who can simply be killed. Well, let's act here too, since the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening allows this. Follow the path to the first skirmish. Here you will see a device for breaking the veil on the right. Use it and one of the gaps will close. I think it’s clear what they want from us. Then we go along the top edge of the map to the west. Next to the runic circle you will find another device. Destroy the demons of desire and close the device. Then go to the runic circle and start lighting the stones. They are very easy to light, so they are not worth describing. Once lit, you will be attacked by demons of wrath that will appear one by one. After the death of the latter, a stand for runes will appear, which must be activated in order to influence the real world. Continue further west, still keeping to the edge of the passage. In the corner you will come across the last device that needs to be extinguished. Put it out? Go ahead...

And then it's to the south. When you reach the close entrance to the village, save. Then go around it along the one road available to you, killing everything and everyone along the way. There will be another permanent addition to the pier. But further, in front of the entrance to the crypt, you will meet a girl who comes to visit the ashes of her father. But again “someone” is coming, and she hides in horror in the crypt. You will deal with these “someones”. Then - dive into the same crypt. There, run along the road until the first fork. A restless soul will be waiting for you there. She will run along the corridor to the west, and you run after her. It turns out she set a trap for you. Intimidate the demon and head south from the fork

There monsters will be waiting for you and a transition to a new area. That's where we need to go. Come in with confidence. Run around the village, collecting new permanent additions, and come to the center, to the Spirit of Justice. Talk to him and break into the evil baroness. Oops, surprise, the passage in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening throws up a lot. Our old acquaintance has already agreed with her. So you'll have to kill him first. And kill, since he is constantly distracted by your random allies. It's quite easy to do. Now he is a corpse and the Baroness takes his power, and you find yourself in the real world. And the same Spirit of Justice joins you, only in a human body. Recruit the squad, taking into account the impossibility of throwing the Spirit out of it. After this, quickly run, destroying the shadow portals. After all the portals are destroyed, we run to the estate. There you will have to kill the demon that was in the Baroness, which is not difficult to do. After that, go west, open the previously closed gate and search all the boxes, including the dragon bone. You will also find there a sword that one lord needed. Great, now let's move on to the dragon's head. When the last bone falls into place, you will see a flash of something that turns out to be a spectral dragon. Go upstairs and kill him. Moreover, when he jumps into a circle, do not let the lights reach him, as he will be treated. It’s better to let the magicians use all possible whirlwinds (fire, ice, cloud of death, but not electric, I think you know why). And let all companions drink potions with resistance to electricity. But killing him is not difficult, it’s just long and tedious, which is not typical for completing Awakening. After that, take the bones and trophies and go... to the place of Christophe's death. There you will find the fifth riddle. Then run to the circle of stones and pick up the sixth riddle. And from there, run to the right on the map, to the pond, which is the third from the left. There you will find a bottle with a ring and a note, which will complete your quest.

Head to Amaranthine. There, go to the inn and pick up the oil in the room on the right. And then - to the Tower of Vigil. Give the sword to the blacksmith for execution, collect all the necessary components and enjoy carrying the best weapon in the game. Yes, just don’t roll your lip too much. After the game ends, it will be stolen. And you won't be able to complete Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening in such a way that you still have it. But for now it belongs to you, so use it. Then, if you have completed everything else, talk to your Seneschal and go to war. And so you, at the head of a tiny detachment, set off to exterminate the creatures of darkness. Doesn't remind you of anything? And I have good associations with the original game...

Come to the city and kill those nearby. Then they will bring you news that Mother will soon storm the Tower of Vigil. And your choice is where to go and what to protect. I chose to burn Amaranthine and move to defend my tower. Perhaps the hardest choice throughout the entire passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening...

And then there was the defense of the tower. Lots of fighting and not much to tell. Four stages of defense, all related to killing enemies - that's it. Varel fell, and it was a great loss. But after the enemies retreated from the walls of the fortress, I decided to follow them to kill the queen. Leave the area and go to the Mother's lair. There you have to move in a straight line, killing the creatures of darkness. At the end of the location you will see a high dragon, which you also have to kill. When everyone is dead, go inside. As soon as you enter, your sorceress's sister will speak to you. And she will give us a message from the Architect. Okay, let's figure it out. While there is only one road, go forward, destroying opponents and collecting crystals. Under the spiral staircase, insert four crystals into the cells, which will activate the artifact. Go further and you will have a conversation with the Architect. It's up to you to choose whether to listen to him or not. This decision will have an impact on the ending of the game. I still left him alive. Then he activated the second tower. Are you collecting crystals? When all three artifacts are activated, dive into the Nest.

And in the nest everything is quite simple - talk to the Mother and kill her. Killing her takes a long time, but is simple. It is better to immediately throw three fighters at the tentacles, and with one, the strongest, chop down the Mother herself. This way you will maintain balance and give the hero an interesting achievement. And with the death of the Mother, the game will end... You will read a lot of interesting things about future events, but... You can read them yourself. I bow out for this, the walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is complete!


I found how to solve the problem with suddenly becoming “unauthorized” addons, I found it at the office. forum. This is because the game lost its registration code. Go to the game folder on your hard drive, look for the bin_ship folder. There we run the file DAOriginsConfig.exe. Or, if you have this shortcut, in the game menu. In the left column we look at the Game. Now, in the Game - on the right, the last bottom line is Product Keys. There is most likely nothing there, and that’s the problem. Go to the DVD with the game and look for DragonAge_code.exe in the DATA folder. Click and enter the game code, not the addon. After that, when we go to the Main Menu of the game, log in, - lower left corner, after, on the right - Player Profile, - Network Profile, go for a minute to your account, we don’t do anything, “it just happens.” After this minute, we close everything and go play, the addon is already authorized.

P.S. : on some "pirates" after installation
Dragon Age: Origins Awakening
All additional content from the original game disappears without a trace, so before installing Dragon Age: Origins Awakening, copy the old files, those who are not “in the tank” will understand what I mean.... ;)

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening represents a continuation of the main story of the game, and gives you the opportunity to explore new territories as well as upgrade your hero even more, or create a new one and go through it. The victory over the Archdemon was not the end - the creatures of darkness continue to attack and you... Gray Guardian must stop this.

There are a total of 7 main quests and about 50 additional ones. We'll tell you how to get through the main ones.

You go to the Vigil Tower where the expansion will begin.


After repelling the attacks, the action moves to the main hall where you have to solve pressing problems with vassals, recruits and resolve all priority issues. The first thing you need to do is talk to your assistants. Here is their list:

- Captain Garevel - he will report that a certain hunter found a passage to the deep paths and that there are many enemies there;
- Seneschal Varel - will tell you that one of the guards was absent during the battle because he went to Amaranthine and never returned;
- Mrs. Wolsey - informs us of economic exhaustion and advises us to talk with the merchant Mervis and find out everything in more detail.

At the end of the conversations, three quests will appear in your journal:

— Shadows of the Black Swamps;
— Righteous Path;
- Last of the Legion.

You can complete them in any order as they are part of the main quest.

It is also worth knowing that you will have to complete several side quests closely related to the main one and which may affect the outcome.

The Oath of Allegiance is a quest that will appear after talking with Varel, when you leave the throne room and then return. The quest ends almost on the spot - you take the oath of new vassals. Some features and lines may change depending on whether you downloaded the character or created it from scratch.

When completing this task, you can take two more that will affect the epilogue of the game:

1) Land protection. After talking with Garvel during the oath, you will learn that the peasants are being attacked and something needs to be done. Here possible options and their consequences:
- Leave this to Captain Garvel (defense of the castle) - the peasants will be unhappy and it will be more difficult to talk to them;
- Defend the castle - here you have already chosen yourself. The result is the same;
- Protect farms - it will be much easier to come to an agreement with the peasants;
- Protect the merchants - you will be given a wider range later, but the peasants will not be happy;
- Protecting everyone is beneficial in general, but the soldiers will not be happy.

2) Web of conspiracy. Provided that you chose “Persuasion” during the oath, you can talk to Tamra who will tell you about the conspiracy. If you chose something else, talk to Andres. Further most a good option You will choose to find the “Dark Wolf”.

You will have to pay 50 gold for espionage, but it is worth it and after that you can go to the gathering place of the conspirators and kill them all.

After completing the first main quest and returning, the quest “Judgment is Coming!” will begin. There will be three cases pending:
- the trial of the peasant Alec - it is best to send him to the army;
- a deserter should be put in prison;
- the matter of lands - here you can take sides yourself or choose from several more compromise options.

After completing the second quest, "Peasant Revolt" will occur. In fact, it would be best to persuade or intimidate the peasants - the murder will not affect the epilogue, but it will not increase good nature on their part. The worst option is to simply give grain.

Also during this task, another one may begin - “And you, Esmerel?” - here you will have to kill another group of conspirators.

Now let's get started with those three main quests.

The Righteous Path

Arriving in the forest, you discover a caravan and immediately destroy the bandits near it. You start in a smaller part of the forest and move until you find a bridge that connects it to the rest. Here you will learn that the elves, for some unknown reason, revive the trees and they attack people. In the center of the map you will find a Dalish camp and after searching it you need to go to the western part of the map where the creatures of darkness are camped - we kill everyone and notice a pit with corpses.

Further, going south, you will find a man infected with poison, who will tell you that they were set up by scattering Fereldan weapons in the elf camp, after which he will ask you to end his suffering. No matter what you do, you will be attacked by creatures of darkness, from whom you can find an Elven amulet.

Now we are moving towards the camp - along the road we will meet an elf who will set the forest inhabitants on you, after which we continue to move there and find her near the graves. Having received the medallion, she will finally understand what’s what and will go with you.

Go to the mine in the north-central part where you will come across the Architect - an intelligent creature of darkness who will bewitch you and send you to prison.

Waking up in prison, you talk to the elf’s sister and receive the key to freedom, after which you deal with a couple of creatures of darkness.

Now you need to go out onto the balcony and pull certain levers to move on. Let's say that the left lever is number one, then the sequence is one-two-one-two.

The last step is to open the door and fight two dragons and then watch the video. The architect has eluded you, and you will not return to the mine if you leave completely.

Shadows of the Black Swamps

Almost immediately you will be attacked by wolves with a leader. Next there will be more wolves - you need to follow the path to the ruins of the village. Here werewolves attack you; after dealing with them, you can follow only one path.

In the old camp you will be attacked by more werewolves. Following to the north-eastern part of the map you will come across Children - that means you are moving correctly. After walking around the map a little more, you will find Kristoff and the First - another intelligent one who will send you to the Shadow.

Here you need to kill everyone and follow to the docks where, having tried to enter the crypt, you will talk to the ghost and fight off another ambush.

After passing the crypt, talk to the guard at the castle gate. Here you will find a spirit with a crowd of dissatisfied people who are storming the gate - whether you have joined or not, if you have not finished on the map yet, it is better to wait.

When you are ready, enter the battle and kill the First, then go to the castle and destroy the portals from which the enemies are climbing.

At the end, you need to kill the Baroness and accept Justice as a companion if you supported him before.

Last of the Legion

The action takes place in the Thicket Hills. At the very beginning, the path is divided into two - on one, a serious enemy awaits us in the form of a bereskarn. Having killed him, we go further, kill two bandits, remove the note from the body and go back. By choosing a different path, you will follow bridges and passages until you find a dwarf who was attacked by the Spawn of Darkness.

Having accepted her into the group, you go down to the deep paths, speak with the gnome at death and follow further across the bridge, and then follow to the entrance to the chambers. Here you can choose how to enter - through a secret door or straight through. One way or another, you find yourself inside and fight with the creatures and golems as well as their master, by killing whom you will knock out everyone else.

Now we follow the corridor to the east - we kill all the opponents ourselves or revive the golem using a rod that can be taken from the master. Having reached the northeastern room at the edge of the map, you need to destroy everyone in it and take the hammer from the corpse.

Next, our path lies to the shopping districts where you will find creatures fighting each other. We go through and methodically destroy the enemies, heading to the forge, where, by reviving the golem, you can restore all the broken things that you could collect at the location.

You need to explore all the rooms collecting the set, after which you need to go to the place where you will again find fighting creatures and three passages - go to the western one. Here you will be attacked by various enemies and at the end you will find a ditch with wombs on which you need to bring down a slab suspended on chains. Now you can safely leave this place.

Battle of Aramantine

The task will become active after completing the three previous tasks - you will convene a council, but it will be interrupted and your hero and his squad will be sent to defend against the Spawns of Darkness. Arriving in the city, you fight with a group of enemies after which a parliamentarian will come to you and on behalf of the Architect that the Mother’s army will attack the Vigil Tower.

At this point you have to choose - either set fire to the city and take care of the tower, or stay.

If you still decide to stay, you need to clear the streets and then talk to the police commander, and then go to the Church to rest.

After spending the night resting, you go to the hotel - in one of the rooms you can find a passage guarded by enemies, and there will be them in the passage itself. As a result, going out to the outskirts, we run into Ogre alpha.

Now you know where the mother is from the messenger. This is how you need to deal with him - choose the option at the discretion of the guard commander. After that we go to complete the addition.

The tower will stand if you do everything additional quests connected with it, send guards to protect the farms and also strengthen the walls.

Siege of the Tower

This task appears if you decide to abandon the city and simply set it on fire - defense consists of small battles and the purchase of various supplies during breaks. The battle ends with a battle between the ogre and the magician Geralt, after which you can follow the trail to the Mother’s lair.

The last push

Final quest. You go to the Dragon Bone Cemetery where you fight with various creatures and collect special Empire Crystals, which, when placed in circles, give a magical bonus.

Here you need to choose - kill the Architect or have mercy (in this case, he will cast a spell once in the battle with the Mother), after which you go further, speak and then enter into battle with the boss.

The tactics to defeat Mother depend on you and your preferences in the squad. The only thing worth taking into account is that it throws magic that burns mana at all magicians at once and to zero - you will need lyrium potions. We look at the epilogue and this completes our walkthrough.

If you like the game, then you will most likely want to check out the list that can extend the adventure for another couple of dozen hours.