Dragon age origins Liliana personal quest. Sheila, a companion from the additional content of Dragon Age: Origins

Lillian- one of the characters accompanying you on your journey. A bard from Orlesian who has taken to the church in Lothering and spends all his free time praying for forgiveness for his sins." past life" Joins To the gray guard at your request and can be a romantic interest for both male and female characters.

A whole separate addition, “Liliana’s Song,” is dedicated to Leliana, which sheds light on her not entirely cloudless past.

Character background

Her homeland is Orlais, although her mother came there from Ferelden and she considers herself more of a Fereldan. She lived at the court of a noblewoman as a child after the death of her mother.

Later, having become a Badr and falling into a dysfunctional company, she is accused of espionage and, beaten, ends up in prison, from where she flees to Lothering and hides there, becoming a novice of the church.

The character has many names that her companions give her. She is famous for her boundless love for her creator, as well as her unconditional gratitude and submission to the High Priestess Justinia, who saved her.

In the plot

Liliana herself, having joined the Guardian, says that she is guided by a vision sent by the Creator himself. If you refuse a girl once, she will wait for you when leaving the settlement and ask if you would like to accept her into the group again. If for the first time some of your fellow party members have doubts, then they themselves will offer to accept the girl. If you refuse, the character disappears from the game and we will not see him again in this part.

In addition to participating in the plot as well as additions, if you have a sufficient level of character trust, you will be able to receive from her an additional quest in which you will have to remove the killers who were sent after Liliana and learn a little more about her companion.

To gain her trust, you will need to chat with the character as much as possible, do not express criticism during speeches about the Creators, do good things and give gifts that will be the most meaningful. In order not to spoil the relationship, it is better not to take Liliana into the group when you know for sure that you will do bad things.

And here are a few more features:

- sometimes it happens that even with 100% approval, the novel does not start - this is a mysterious bug in the game;
- if you missed the chance for a romance, then a second attempt is given after a personal quest related to Marjolein;
- you can marry Arnon and at the same time not lose Liliana as a lover - to do this, do not talk to her until the epilogue with the coronation, and before the coronation itself, after the conversation, she will remain with the Guardian.
- if you take a character with you on a mission, there is a chance that she will attack you and will not proceed further.

Good relationships with companions mean bonuses to characteristics and additional quests, help in moments of crisis, and generally a good thing. And if on easy or medium difficulty this is easy to neglect, then on maximum difficulty it will hardly work out (every penny counts there).

Depending on the state of the relationship, you can break it down into:

Meaning Name What's happening
— 100 A crisis They may slap you in the face or simply drop out of the squad
-99 to -26 Dislike
from -25 to 25 Neutral
from 26 to 75 Warm Additional dialogues about the past of comrades appear, specializations may open, and quests may also appear
from 76 to 100 Friendship They can give something valuable or not very valuable

To start a romantic relationship, you will have to complete the personal quest of your party member (we won’t play as a girl, right?). It is worth remembering that all teammates (except Alistair) will leave the squad if their attitude indicator drops to -100. There are also certain moments of crisis - in these situations the character can rebel and attack, or leave the squad.

In each major location there is a place to start a conversation between companions. These points are located in the following places: at the entrance to Lothering (after descending from the Road and on the bridge), on the first bridge in Redcliffe, in the north of the Denerim Trade Quarter, Orzammar bridge to the arena, the first floor of the Tower of Mages, at the entrance to the Dalish camp. The point only works once; to initiate a new dialogue, you need to re-enter the location.

Your Guardian can also talk to his companions, and more conversations are available in the camp. Sometimes a comrade-in-arms may come up to you in camp and start a conversation. During it, you can open a secret quest (for example, the Orzammar Naga for Leliana), as well as increase or decrease Influence.

For all allies, there are gifts that can increase influence. Most often, gifts are preferred by one ally, and have little effect on others. Some gifts are special and will trigger a special dialogue once given. For the first gift given, the ally will increase approval by 10 points, for the second - 9, and for each subsequent gift - 1 point less than the previous one (but not less than 1). Special gifts can increase Approval by more than 10. This usually happens when a follower asks for a certain thing.

Non-specialized gifts have a primary value of +5, and for gifting an item to an ally with a negative attitude, the influence points for him are halved (but remain at least 1). The easiest way to raise Influence is through dialogue or as you progress through the game (some of your choices can cause companions to increase or decrease Approval), and a companion in whom your Guardian has a romantic interest can raise it to 100 very quickly. Gifts in such cases are worth holding on to. , in order to use them to bring the necessary influence points to the marks that initiate a new dialogue or quest, or to smooth out disapproval of your choice in a given situation.


Alistair will join you in the story in Ostagar and will be the only companion who will not leave the group even with an attitude of -100; even kicking him out will not be possible until his moment of crisis. With high Approval, Alistair will teach your Guardian how to be a Templar.

Personal quest – Alistair's Family

When you first visit Redcliffe, Alistair will tell you his biography, and with high Approval, in the next conversation he will mention a sister named Goldanna and ask to visit her in Denerim. Goldanna's house is located in the Trade Quarter next to Wade's forge and is not initially marked on the map - for the entrance to appear, get closer to it with Alistair. A short conversation with Goldanna awaits inside, and nothing depends on your answers. On the way out, Alistair will try to discuss what happened.

Moment of crisis

Alistair will leave the party if you leave Loghain alive at the Meeting of the Lands. If you toughen it up, Alistair can remain king, otherwise Anora will demand his execution. Whether you agree with her or not doesn’t matter anymore, one way or another, Alistair won’t appear again.


Morka will join the squad at the insistence of Flemeth after rescuing the Guardians from the Tower of Ishal. She can be driven away, but if she remains, this will reveal additional options for the ending of the game. She can also teach the Werewolf Mage specialization. This madam likes it when we act tough, and she doesn't like to help everyone. You can soften Morrigan after presenting the Golden Mirror, asking in return to be kinder to people. After this, she will reduce Approval less.

Personal quest – Grimoire of Flemeth

After visiting the Tower of Magicians, Morrigan will tell you that in the past some templar stole an important Black Grimmoire from her mother and will ask her to find it. The book is in a chest in Irving's office. The next time you enter the camp, Morrigan will ask you to kill Flemeth, find her real grimoire, and tell you what she learned from this book. You can now return to Flemeth's Hut. Her owner can simply give the book back and ask her to tell Morrigan that you killed her. If you do not agree, there will be a fight with Flemeth the dragon. As a bonus for the latter, you will receive a new robe for Morrigan. Returning the grimoire to the witch will complete the quest.

Morrigan as romantic interest

You need to talk to Morrigan about Flemeth, and when Influence reaches 30, you can invite her to the tent, although the witch can do the same herself. After giving the Grimmoire to Flemeth, she will confess her feelings and refuse to share a bed with you. Her gift as a sign of feelings is a magic ring. There is no happy ending with Morrigan in the game.

Moment of crisis

The first moment will happen before the final battle. Morrigan will make a tempting offer, and if you refuse, she will immediately leave you. If you agree to the ritual, Morrigan will leave immediately after defeating the Archdemon.


Leliana will be asked to join the group in the Lothering tavern after a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers. She can reveal to you the Bard's specialization. The Idle Dwarf will help you catch the lovely Naga.

Personal quest - Leliana's Past

First, you need to talk with Leliana about the Orlesian bards, and the next time you visit the Camp, talk about Marjoline, her mentor. After this, when moving across the world map, a random encounter will occur with a detachment of robbers, whose leader will tell you on the battlefield that he was hired to kill Leliana. The bard will suggest that Marjoline is behind the attack and will ask you to find her in Denerim (this will be a house in the Trade Quarter). The conversation with Marjoline can end peacefully or in battle, and then Leliana will say that she needs to think about it.

At camp, she will share her doubts about her resemblance to Marjolaine. If you want to toughen it up, affirm that the pleasure of defeating opponents is part of it, and there is no point in denying it. The tightening may affect the ending for Leliana.

Leliana as romantic interest

Leliana gives only two opportunities to start a relationship. Anyone who has reached 25 points of Influence needs to ask “what a girl like that was doing in Lothering Church” and compliment her appearance. If the romance develops correctly, Leliana will give you a ring.

If you missed the first opportunity (or broke off the relationship for the sake of flirting with another companion), then you can start dating again after completing Leliana’s personal quest - in a conversation-discussion of what happened, tell her that people change over time. When she notices that your Guardian reminds her of a former mentor, you can make sure that her relationship is back on the Roman scale. Leliana will invite you to spend the night together when the relationship with her reaches the love mark - you won’t be able to invite her to the tent yourself.

Moment of crisis

Happens in the Gauntlet (quest Urn of Sacred Ashes) - if you desecrate the Ashes and Leliana is in the group, she will attack you. If she stayed in the camp, she will try to leave when you return (if you have pumped up Persuasion, you can persuade her not to leave). The toughened Leliana will not leave the group even if the Urn is desecrated.


A group of mercenaries led by Zevran will attack when crossing the world map after completing one of the story quests. Having dealt with the attackers, you can finish off Zevran or take him into the group. He can teach you the Assassin specialization.

Moment of crisis

Zevran does not have a personal quest. The moment of crisis occurs near the end of the game when moving between Denerim mini-locations (having Zevran in the group is optional), when you stumble upon Zevran's former comrade-in-arms named Talisen, who invites him to return to the Ravens, having completed his last task. If Zevran's attitude towards you is low or negative, he will join the mercenaries and attack you. If it is more or less positive, then Zevran will step aside, leaving you to deal with Talisen on your own. If the Influence on the former assassin is high enough (and even more so in the case of a romance), Zevran will fight with you.

If your relationship with Zevran is friendly, after the battle he will try to leave the group. You can persuade him to stay for the treasures you find during your travels, or, if his attitude is higher, just as a friend. If you and Zevran are having an affair, then he will not try to leave. However, if you break off the romance at the love tag, Zevran will leave the group.


If you play as a Noble Person, then you will receive mabari in the prologue. In all other cases, the dog will join you (if you do not drive him away) after completing the Houndmaster quest in Ostagar, when moving from Flemeth's Hut to Lothering.

Mabari's approval will initially be 100, so you can give him edible gifts just like that. The dog can also bring you gifts for other companions, books with pages from the Codex, a magic staff or part of a set of armor. In almost every location there is a landmark that the mabari can mark, which will provide him with an increase in characteristics in this territory. Actually, there are no dialogues with the mabari, but the rest of your companions communicate with the dog every now and then.


Wall can be rescued from his cage in Lothering, where he sits without food or water while serving his sentence for murder. peasant family, and call to atone for your sins in the battle with the Spawn of Darkness. You can pick the lock or get the key from the Reverend Mother.

Personal quest – Sword of Beresad

Having asked Sten about the reasons for the bloody massacre, he will tell you that he was incredibly upset by the loss of his sword, without which he could not return to his homeland. To find the sword, talk first to the marauder at Lake Calenhad, then to the merchant Farin at the entrance to Orzammar, and finally to the dwarf Dwin in Redcliffe. The sword can be demanded, redeemed, or, if the dwarf died, taken from the chest in his house.

Moment of crisis

If Sten accompanies you in the village of Shelter (quest Urn of Sacred Ashes), he will express dissatisfaction with wasting time on all sorts of nonsense. If you fail to convince Stan that a visit here is necessary, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will leave the squad, and if you win, he will stay. If Stan's Approval is high, he will decide not to leave, and even if you agree to the duel, he will not raise his sword.


Winn can join the squad in the Tower of Mages, where you will go during the story quest Broken Circle. To do this, you need to take the side of the magicians or offer to sort it out on the spot. If you want to have the templars as your allies and do not want to lose Wynn, then you can let the Demon of Pride destroy Irving and the rest of the magicians or save him, and then invite Gregor to isolate the remnants of the Circle.

Personal quest – Regret Wynn

As you navigate through the world map, you will be ambushed by the Spawn of Darkness, and after the fight, Wynn will faint. Having come to her senses, she admits that for a moment she decided that it was all over. If asked what she meant by this, Wynn will promise to tell the story at the next stop. The next time you enter the camp, Wynn will talk about what recently happened to her, after which you will have the opportunity to ask if Wynn is afraid of death, and if she regrets anything in her life. As a result, Wynn will tell you another story - about his student Aneirin. Saren can tell you about Aneirin in the Dalish camp, and you will find the elf himself in Eastern Brecilian. After talking with him, the quest will end, and Winn will receive a new ability.

Moment of crisis

Winn will attack you if you, at the first meeting with her, or tell Kallen a little later that you have come to destroy the magicians. She will also attack if she suspects that your Guardian or Morrigan are blood mages and you will not be able to convince her. This usually happens in the Tower of Mages, and then you can not only use the skills of Blood Magic in her presence, but also train Wynn herself in this specialization. Wynn will also rebel if she was present at the Desecration of the Ashes, but if she remained in the camp, then the next time you return there she will announce her departure.


Ogren will be asked to join the squad at the entrance to the Deep Paths, where you will go as part of the story quest Perfect. Oghren can reveal the Berserker specialization to you.

Personal quest – Ogren’s Old Love

Having high Ogren's Approval you can hear about him ex-lover Felzi and the dwarf’s desire to make peace with her. To get more approval points, go to the Spoiled Princess tavern near Lake Calenhad without Oghren and talk to her. Then tell Ogren about this, convincing him that preliminary reconnaissance was necessary, and take him with you for another conversation. During his turn, you can help Ogren, in which case the couple will get back together, and the dwarf will greatly increase your Approval. Otherwise, Felzi will drive Ogren away, and he, in turn, will be very offended by you. Talking to Felzi will complete the quest, and its completion will affect the epilogue for Ogren. There is no moment of crisis for him.


Loghain can be added to the party after the Landsmeet if you spare him. Alistair will leave you at this point, so Loghain also specializes in a sword with a shield. For him there are no special gifts, personal quests or moments of crisis. His Approval cannot be increased to the level of Friendship - at most it will remain Respect.

Dragon Age is one of the most famous computer series role playing games, which is remembered by many gamers for its diversity in everything: from monsters and quests to the main characters with whom you can directly interact and even use their help in your adventures. Each hero in these games has his own character, his own characteristics, and you can even “have an affair” with many of them. After all, Dragon Age became one of the first role-playing games that most successfully presented the model of personal relationships in this genre. Liliana is one of the most colorful supporting characters available in the Dragon Age universe. She is found in every part of the game in different roles, and in one of the add-ons she is even assigned the main role. Therefore, you should definitely get to know this heroine more closely. After all, each character can tell a lot about the Dragon Age universe. Liliana is one of those heroes who are most remembered, and deservedly so, since they have an extremely rich biography that can be traced throughout the entire series of games.


So, what is the heroine Liliana like? Dragon Age is a game in which each character has their own special character traits, that is, here the heroes are not “cardboard”, they are really alive, with their own advantages and disadvantages. Liliana was born in Orlais, her mother was a servant of Lady Cecile, who was one of the most noble representatives of an ancient family. When Orlais was captured by the Fereldans, Lady Cecile managed to escape, but was able to take her faithful maid and her daughter with her. Soon, Liliana's mother died, and Lady Cecile took her under her wing, teaching her to be a proper lady. Thanks to her new position, Liliana met Marjoline, who, after the death of Lady Cecile, took the girl to work, teaching her the art of the bard. As a result, Liliana became one of the most famous bards in the area, and no one doubted her talents. It is in this form that the heroine appears in the games of the series. In what games and in what roles can you find a character like Liliana? Dragon Age is a series of role-playing projects containing a large number of parts, and in each of them there was a place for this character.

"Song of Liliana"

Naturally, the description of this character should begin with the addition in which she is the main character. What exactly is Liliana doing there? Dragon Age is a game where the storylines are sometimes more exciting than the most popular blockbusters, so you definitely won't be bored in Liliana's Song. The events of the add-on begin just from the moment when the girl achieves perfection while working for Marjoline. Being a recognized bard, she also plays the role of a rogue - these two classes are closely intertwined in the game. She carries out various assignments from her boss, reporting on their results and receiving rewards. But the main events of the addition begin when Liliana, along with two other bards and Marjoline herself, faces a very serious task - infiltrating Raleigh’s mansion and stealing important documents.

The mission is successful until Liliana decides to look at what is written in these documents. It turns out that this information is extremely secret and can cause serious harm to the army of Orlais, and the bards themselves can get into huge troubles. At the shelter, Liliana comes into conflict with her boss and manages to convince her to return the documents. But when this happens, the bards are noticed and the alarm is raised. They try to escape, but Marjolaine suddenly betrays them, teaming up with Raleigh. Liliana and her partners find themselves in a dungeon, from which she is rescued by a secret patron. After escaping, Liliana goes to Lothering, where she learns that her patron is the Reverend Mother Dorothea, who gives her the task of returning Raleigh's documents. The girl and her companions go in pursuit and enter into battle with her mentor, defeating her, but not killing her. When she returns the documents to Dorothea, she invites her to join the Church - this is how Liliana found her faith. Dragon Age will change many characters throughout the gameplay, but the transformation of this heroine is the most striking and memorable.

Dragon Age: Origins

As you already understand, this article describes the events in chronological order, not in order of release computer games, so now we will talk about the Dragon Age: Origins part. It is immediately worth noting that there are Dragon game Age mods that allow you to transform Liliana’s appearance, but I would like to admit that there is no point in doing this, because the appearance of this heroine is very memorable and does not require improvements. As for this part of the game, it is here that the main character’s first meeting with the priestess, and in the past with the bard, takes place. She helps him in the battle with the traitor's soldiers, and then says that she wants to join, since she had a vision from the Creator. If you agree, she becomes part of your party and you can take her with you to help you on quests and adventures. In Dragon Age, mods can add variety to the appearance of characters, so if you plan to use this heroine, you can choose new skins for her.

Return to the past

In the Dragon Age game, the passage does not depend on which companions you choose, your choice only affects the variety of fighters in your group, as well as your personal relationships in the game universe. But each of the heroes has their own personal quests, which you can only receive if you question them in detail on any topic. For example, if you talk a lot with Liliana about her past as a bard, then after a while you will be attacked by robbers sent by Marjoline to kill the girl. The Priestess asks the protagonist to help her with her past, and you can find Marjolaine, defeat her, and then choose whether to kill her or not. The character of the heroine in the future largely depends on this. passing Dragon Age. How to toughen up Liliana? Tell her to kill Marjolaine, and from now on the girl will be much more serious and pragmatic. But you can pardon her - and then Liliana will remain the same, and Marjoline will leave her alone. At least for a while.

Conflict with Liliana

In Dragon Age quest Liliana, described above, is not the only one. When you gain access to Andraste's Ashes in the story, Liliana may attack you, as she believes that your actions could desecrate the ashes of one of the holiest people. If you have not done anything before, then you will have to kill the girl, which will be quite easy to do, since faith is Liliana’s only armor. Dragon Age, however, always gives you a choice. How to avoid the death of a priestess? You can either raise your relationship with her to the maximum by the time this quest is completed, or force her to kill Marjolaine, then she will turn to faith much less, and there will be no problems with Andraste's ashes.

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening

In this part of the Dragon Age series, the walkthrough will not include contacts with Liliana. The only exception will look like a letter addressed to the main character from the priestess, but it will only come if you had an affair with her in the previous part. In the letter, Liliana will wish you good luck in the fight against evil, and after completing the game, a rumor will appear that the main character was seen with the love of his life - and it was Liliana.

Dragon Age II

In the second part of the series, Liliana rises in the ranks of the Church, now she Left hand The High Priestess, and in this position she goes to Kirkwall, where the main events of the episode take place. There she will meet the main character several times, but these will only be “episodic roles”; you will not be able to take her into the group.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

As for the last part of the game, which was published quite recently, here Liliana plays one of the most important roles. After the death of the High Priestess and the opening of a breach into the Shadow, the Left Hand decides to revive the Inquisition to fight the creatures of darkness and close the portal to other world. She will be one of the main personalities of the Inquisition, and most importantly, she will appear in the game even if you cannot save her from death in Dragon Age: Origins.

Dragon Age Characters: Leliana

Robber man. A bard, he specializes in the bow and little things like opening locks and carrying purses, which requires a developed Cunning. Not bad for a novice of the Church, isn't it?
She's the hardest one. It’s enough to say something wrong somewhere at the very beginning or not talk about the right topic, and that’s it - she’s silent until the end of the game like a partisan, doesn’t make any friendships, doesn’t give personal quests and freezes out in every possible way.
Where she joins: in Lothering, at the Dane's Refuge tavern, she will intervene in a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers and offer her help in the fight against the Blight.

ATTENTION! Along the way storyline Lothering will be destroyed and it will no longer be possible to return there! Take Liliana right away or you won’t get this opportunity again.
Personal quest: To start the quest, you need to ask Leliana about the reasons for her coming to the church, about minstrels, and have at least +25 approval. Then she will talk about Marjoline, and later, when moving between locations with Liliana in the group, the squad will be attacked by robbers, whom Liliana recognizes as having come after her soul. Interrogate the robbers, deal with Marjoline one way or another, and get an excellent bow (which only Liliana can use). During the quest, Liliana can be slightly sobered up on the subject of the Church and all sorts of religious nonsense, explaining to her that being a bard is not bad at all, you need to be yourself and not be ashamed of it, and you don’t have to turn into Marjoline. Then she admits that she was still bored in church, that she wants to live life to the fullest, and get rid of religious fanaticism.

* Strength - 18
* Dexterity - 22
* Willpower - 18
* Magic - 14
* Cunning - 19
* Constitution - 10

Romantic relationships: Liliana’s orientation is unconventional. Her previous love is a woman. If you get to know her well, you will find out that she does not have the best memories with men. But with due patience and desire, a gg-man can win her heart. Talk about what someone like her did in church (the right move is to compliment her appearance). If you have the patience to communicate about shoes, hairstyles, etc., then in the future she will conduct quite interesting dialogues, tell legends and even sing (many people really like Lilian’s song, which she performs after the quest with the Dalish elves).
Liliana initiates the conversation leading to an affair with a gg-woman herself. Says something about how glad it is to see you, etc. If you ask her whether she often enjoys female company so much, she states: “And if I say that it happens sometimes? What will you answer?” Those wishing to have a romance here should promise to giggle.
After completing a personal quest, you can resume your relationship, even if you already had an affair with Liliana that ended in a breakup.
If she has an affair with the hero, then she will stay with him until the end - “both in life and in death” (c) But if the hero (heroine) gets married, even for political reasons, she leaves.
Gifts: Symbols of Andraste, as well as jewelry. Blue shoes and the Silver Sword of Mercy (sold from the gnome, which is randomly found when moving between locations).
Special gifts:
Grace of Andraste (flowers grow in Redcliffe at the mill, in the Bressilian Forest and in Elfinage)
Tame Naga (In Orzamar with Liliana in the party, take the quest to capture the nagas from the driver, then hire the Idle Dwarf in the Dusty City to find a wild naga - clean and well-fed). If there is no love or friendship with Liliana, she will not ask for a nag.
Crisis: can turn against the main character if he desecrates the remains of the Ashes of Andraste's Sacred Urn with the blood of a dragon. If you “sober up” her during a personal quest, she will remain with the hero even after such sacrilege.

We take it with us as a lock opener and a long-range fighter. Also, the traps she has learned will diversify the battles, and the songs she sings will lift the mood and morale.

Leliana andMorriganfor Maxim.com