The neighbor below asks what to do. How to teach noisy neighbors a lesson? Own a dog that barks constantly

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what a good neighbor should be, and often they can be completely opposite. Most often there are two most preferable options:

Invisible Man

He leaves early and returns home late, or is mostly silent in his apartment. In general, you see him very rarely, you forget what he looks like, and sometimes you even suspect that he has moved to another area. There is never loud music coming from his apartment, no one is stomping around there, and besides, no noisy companies visit the “elusive” neighbor. You don’t know his name and are convinced that he has no idea about your name or the details of your life. Having met by chance, you barely say hello or completely ignore each other, and these two options suit you quite well.

Almost a relative

Of course, for any person the option to which he considers himself will be closer. If you are not interested in your neighbors' lives, then you will not want them to show any interest in you, and vice versa.

How to understand that your neighbors have gone beyond what is permitted

Noise, stomping and loud music. In most cities in the CIS countries, the law establishes a rule according to which it is not allowed to disturb the peace of neighbors from 11 pm to 7 am. There is no difference - we're talking about and a private house or apartment in a high-rise building. If you see that it is night outside, and the arrow has already crossed the threshold of the permissible limit, then you can safely call the police. Such a violation of the law threatens your neighbors with a fine. Just in case, find out during what period it is prohibited to make noise specifically in your city, so as not to get into trouble.

Repair work at night or on weekend mornings. However, a similar rule applies here and the same liability threatens. Are your neighbors making noise at inappropriate times, thereby disturbing your peace? Well, write a complaint against them!

Small dirty tricks- they don’t clean the corridor or section, they constantly litter, they smoke a lot, leaving cigarette butts everywhere, etc. First, try to influence them with a simple warning, explaining why you should not do this. If your arguments are unconvincing, you will have to take more serious measures. In almost every entrance there are activist grandmothers who are ready to deal with any lawlessness. If they still haven’t paid attention to the dirty tricks that your neighbors are doing, it’s time to discuss this issue with them and get advice on what method of influence to take. Surely, you will be able to assess their awareness of this issue and get help.

The neighbors are fed up with what to do to teach them a lesson.

Constant partying, alcohol and a sea of ​​guests

If this happens at night, then call law enforcement - they will be able to sort out the situation. If this option is excluded for some reason, then try to act more radically - unscrew the plugs, ending their fun on a high note.

Neighbor - Grandma Gossip

Feed her absurd information. If she doesn’t communicate with you, then talk to friends who can do it. Let them come to her one by one (of course, she should not know that these are your “envoys”) with incredible information: her neighbor Lyuba is a refugee who is wanted by her native state, her neighbor Vitya is conducting secret experiments, and the like. Make sure that the information is conveyed as plausibly as possible and without witnesses. Soon after her fantastic stories, no one will take her seriously, which means that her gossip will lose its previous effect.

Game on musical instruments or singing

If it is not possible to reach an amicable agreement, then you will have to respond to your neighbors “in the same coin,” and when they least expect it.

Own a dog that barks constantly

This problem can be resolved very quickly. There is a whistle that only animals respond to. Now your neighbors will have to worry about the problem of barking - start “giving signals” to the dog while its owners are sleeping sweetly. Surely, after such “tricks”, they will finally take the dog to a dog handler and he will instill in it basic standards of decency.

Floods very often

If such a situation occurs with enviable frequency, then one can only sympathize with your nerves. in the case when such a story occurs due to the fault of neighbors, and we are not talking about problems related to the operation of joint property, it is worth making an attempt to resolve this issue without outside interference - the “offenders” should compensate you for the damage caused by the accident. Did your arguments have no effect? This means that you should go to court and solve the problem in this way. And if you prove that such situations happen regularly, then the neighbors risk being evicted.

Revenge on neighbors who interfere with a peaceful life and constantly make noise

The neighbors live upstairs. You can take revenge on troublemakers without going beyond the law. First, try knocking on the battery - often this trivial method turns out to be very effective. You can also tap the mop on the ceiling. Are your neighbors ignoring you? Take the time to do this as a last resort: post advertisements in the area about your neighbors’ apartments for rent at an attractive price. Indicate their number and note that you can call at any time, and late evening is even preferable. You can also indicate the address - just to be sure.

Neighbors live downstairs. Similar revenge will be effective against the neighbors below. But it is easier for them to take revenge in other ways - by rearranging the furniture at the “allowed” time, by stomping, jumping.

Punish using a vibrating column

Do your neighbors like to listen to music loudly and do not respond to your requests to stop this torment? Buy a vibrating speaker and start turning it on at the time permitted by law. Choose a repertoire that is clearly not to the taste of your neighbors (you have undoubtedly managed to study their preferences)

Mischief the car owner by ruining his car

You can choose a lighter version - break a few eggs on the windshield of your car. If you understand that such revenge is not enough in your case, then you can puncture a tire, scratch the door, or pour cans of paint on your car.

Get revenge by breaking the lock or shitting under the door

To do this, it is enough to push needles into the keyhole and break them off so that they cannot be removed. Most likely, now the offender will have to change the lock.

This is a completely savage revenge, and, perhaps, is only suitable if the neighbor is a truly disgusting person. However, in this case too, dog excrement is enough. But do not forget that your neighbor may have a video camera, which will turn into a problem for you.

Get by telephone or doorbells (at night and early in the morning)

You can do this yourself or ask local boys to do such dirty tricks, paying them “for their troubles.” It is better to do this through a third party so that you are not exposed.

Annoy in other ways

Draw into the syringe a raw egg, after which the contents of the syringe should go into the trim of the neighbor’s door. Undoubtedly, the smells that will eventually wander near the apartment will prompt the neighbors to some thoughts.

Taking great precautions, place an ad on a dating site, creating a profile there in the name of your neighbor, and indicating that he is looking for a man for Serious relationships. Surely, this situation will infuriate your enemy. However, things may turn out in a completely unexpected way for you, and you will improve your neighbor’s personal life, which will also benefit you.

If your dacha neighbor acts dishonestly towards you, then throw saltpeter on his plantings. Such “fertilizer” will undoubtedly spoil his entire harvest.

Do you have the opportunity to sneak into your neighbor’s property unnoticed, and do you know for sure that he has a toilet on this property? It's just a matter of little things - throw a pack of yeast directly into the toilet, into the pit, without skimping (choose a kilogram pack). Soon your opponent's yard will be filled with indescribable smells.

Scatter seeds of weeds and plants that grow quickly and are difficult to remove on your neighbors' property. If the beauty of his yard is important to him, now he will have to spend more than one hour putting things in order.

Calm neighbors through dialogue and courtesy visits

Before starting “military actions” you must be completely sure that no other civilized methods have any effect on your neighbors. A long confrontation with neighbors is often quite exhausting, and if it can be avoided, then it would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity.

So, call your neighbors and ask when they have a chance to talk to you. Tell them that you can visit them yourself or that you would be happy to host them as a guest. Having agreed on a meeting, buy delicious pastries, brew tea and wait for guests (if you are expected to visit, take the pastries with you). Over a cup of tea, explain to the troublemakers what you want from them and see if they are willing to make any compromises. Tell them exactly what inconvenience you are experiencing because of their behavior and ask them to treat this with understanding. After such a polite visit, more or less adequate people significantly reconsider their attitude towards their neighbors!


There are many ways to take revenge on your neighbors, it all depends on your imagination and ingenuity, and your anger at the dirty tricks. Life is a complex thing, its basis is relationships between people. And more often than not, the most pressing issues are relationships with your significant other, at work and, of course, with your neighbors. Everyone has the latter.

Simple ways to take revenge on your neighbors

We are never left alone anywhere; the neighbors seem to be deliberately following us and disturbing us. Either they turn on music early in the morning, then they take up a parking space, then they fry stinking fish, then they flood the apartment, or they forget about changing the light bulb in the entrance.

I can think of many situations that irritate me. And so that life does not become a real torment, play minor tricks on your neighbors. Let's consider simple ways revenge that will help show neighbors their wrong behavior.

If you have a nosy granny neighbor, then cover her peephole with tape on the door and hang a sign that says “Peeking is not good.”

If your neighbors constantly disturb your sleep, walk around at night, or listen to music at full volume, then you can call the sanitary and epidemiological station or the tax office with a complaint about them. They will constantly call and come with checks. Very soon they will get tired of such attention and stop bothering you.

There is one more original way for music lovers and guests. You need to insert needles coated with superglue into the lock and break them off. The lock will have to be changed, and after several similar cases, perhaps understanding will come.

Another method is to post notices around the area with the text “A young man wants to meet a man to start a family.” Don't forget to write your neighbor's address. Revenge is quite sophisticated, but you can enjoy the reaction to the emergence of those who want to start a family.

A more humane method is to sell living space, cars, etc. The calls won't let you live in peace yet for a long time.

How to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors

If you don’t know how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors, then these methods will help you deal with the situation:

the old method of knocking on radiators has not gone away and still works;
An interesting method is to purchase a GSM signal jammer. It makes it impossible to access mobile communications within range. Let your neighbors know that in addition to communications, you can also take away their Internet. Perhaps it will work;
Another one old way– cut wires from the intercom, telephone, antenna, Internet, etc. Such actions need to be repeated more than once;
if you are constantly being flooded from above, but do not respond to your requests, then pour water over your bathroom to flood the neighbors below. Show streams from the ceiling. Perhaps redoubled pressure will help calm down the “swimmers”;
If you have enough funds, then an excellent option would be to purchase quality system sound. Even those who love music will not be able to stand the loud sound of the speaker.

As for repairs, there are many situations where a neighbor does not allow the entire house to live in peace for months. And if the noise of a rotary hammer and drill in the apartment does not subside even for a second, then the nerves quickly give way. Here are the most vindictive methods of re-education:

the method already mentioned above about selling your neighbors’ apartment at a low price;
You can invite your friends over and sing at the top of your lungs at karaoke. Mandatory during the period when your intruders are at home;
turn off the light in the panel from time to time. If people don't agree to take a break, then you can simply turn off the lights for them in those moments when you need silence.

How to take revenge on your neighbors below

For those who are looking for ways to take revenge on their neighbors below, we have prepared the most common and interesting ones:

it is easier to take revenge on such neighbors than on those above. Just move the furniture, dance, clean the apartment, jump, turn on the music;
fill them up! Then they will certainly come running, but you can pretend that everything is dry with you;
pour a raw egg into a syringe, then pour this miracle liquid into the upholstery or door frame. The egg will start to smell after a while. The neighbors will love it.

How to take revenge on neighbors for gossip

But it happens that nice and polite neighbors actually disturb the life of the whole house because they spread gossip. So, how to take revenge on them for this:

in this situation, it is better to turn to the law and punish for libel. But finding evidence of such a fact is not easy, so many choose the “tit for tat” method;
On behalf of the gossip, place an advertisement for acquaintance with an unambiguous promise. If the slanderer is a man, then you can write that he is looking for a “friend.” Such a rumor will definitely not leave him indifferent;
the most daring decision is to call for a confrontation. You need to come and demand proof of your gossip. It is better to bring a witness who heard such words. So the slanderers get scared and remain silent in the future so that this does not happen again.

Not everyone dares to defend their own rights. More often, secret methods of revenge are chosen.

How to take revenge on a neighbor who is a motorist

This topic is worthy of becoming the main issue for an article on psychiatry. Scratched car busy place in the parking lot, howling alarms, etc. But how can you take revenge on a neighbor who is a motorist who breaks the rules:

a great way to make a hint is a brick on the car (you just need to put it down). This will be enough for the first warning. You can even place a newspaper under the pebble to show your intentions. If this doesn't work, then place the brick directly on the car;
Another option is to sprinkle the car with crumbs and cereals. All the birds will gather for a treat, and unsightly scratch marks from claws and beaks will remain on the machine. The intruder will quickly understand the hints;
this method works best. Silicate glue is mixed with sand and smeared on the windshield. The glue dries and you can't wash it off, so your neighbor will have to replace the glass and you can put your mind at ease. After this, it is unlikely that anyone will not understand the hint.

How to take revenge on your dacha neighbors

Yes, even in dachas there are harmful neighbors. Either they plant a tree that casts a shadow on your garden, or they breed pests, or they throw a party. We offer the most popular ways to take revenge on your dacha neighbors:

The simplest method is to disperse the herbicide onto neighbors' gardens. The young shoots cannot withstand such persecution, and the neighbors will not know who did it. In addition, you can douse the planting with saltpeter. Plant growth is disrupted by it;
Another option is to destroy trees. To do this, simply make a hole in the trunk and pour in the herbicide;
You can make a tree die by driving in a copper nail. Just hammer it into the trunk, the nutrition will be disrupted and the tree will wither, and the neighbors won’t know real reasons. The main thing is to act quietly so as not to be caught;
if your dacha neighbors are not fans of gardening, but are disturbing you with constant gatherings, drinking and noise, then there is a special way to solve this. A packet of yeast is thrown into the toilet (which is outside). After a couple of hours they will begin to ferment, and for this there is enough substrate in the toilet. As a result, all this will begin to increase in volume, grow and flow out of the toilet with a terrible smell. It's hard to keep the party going amid this.

As you can see, there are many ways to take revenge. But still, you should always try to find a verbal solution to the problem, and resort to such measures only in extreme cases.

How to resolve conflicts with neighbors

But before you start active fighting It’s better to try to come to an agreement with your neighbors, try to resolve the conflict with words. And you need to conduct such a conversation by following some rules:

You don’t need to immediately react to loud sounds and the noise of a hammer drill; don’t immediately knock on the radiator or the ceiling. Try to talk calmly at first;
if the noise continues for a long time and greatly annoys you, then contact the offenders and try to calmly explain to them that their behavior is disturbing other residents. Sometimes people don't realize that they are making others uncomfortable. In this situation, conversation helps resolve the issue;

the question of how to repay neighbors without breaking the law is decided by law. If they make noise after 10 pm, but do not listen to calm remarks, then call the police and warn your neighbors about it. If you were flooded or suffered other damage, then feel free to file a lawsuit;
even if people are constantly making repairs, listening to music all day long, and the rest of the time they are active and loud, then it’s worth thinking not about methods of revenge, but about soundproofing the apartment.

The last method will certainly help get rid of quarrels and conflicts, and nerves, and will reduce heat loss in your nest.

January 18, 2014, 10:55

It is often said that it is worth looking at your neighbors when choosing an apartment or house. But good neighbors they can move, and others and people with problems come to their living space. What to do when everything is difficult with your neighbors, and you really want to take revenge on them for all the suffering and your sleepless nights? We read what those who have encountered harmful neighbors advise, and compiled a top 11 ways to take revenge on those who ruin your life.

Method No. 1

You will need egg, which must be shaken in a small container. After this, head to the door of the harmful neighbor, taking the enema with you. Find a hidden spot on the upholstery and cut it. All that remains is to introduce the egg inside using an enema. A few days will pass and a terrible rotten smell will appear. The neighbor will have to not only change the upholstery, but also thoroughly clean the door. You can also use iodine solution, Whiteness bleach and vinegar. The smell will still be the same.

Method No. 2

You can use a can of nitro paint and write a well-known three-letter word on the door. No, that's not what you were thinking. This is the word "Forest". Most people are gullible, so sidelong glances towards their neighbor are guaranteed. Such inscriptions look especially good on expensive doors.

Method No. 3

Let's move on to more serious actions - pour gasoline on the door and set it on fire. But this is a radical method, do not use it at night, because the consequences can be the most serious. However, if the decision is made, then it is best to build a delay system or use a Molotov cocktail.

Method number 4

Let's imagine that the neighbor you hate has acquired a brand new metal door. Now he is confident that he is completely safe. Holy naivety! Remember metal doors can create a lot of trouble for the owner himself. You will need thermite, which contains coarse aluminum shavings and iron scale. In addition, your device must be well compressed and you cannot do without a jack.
Otherwise, the thermite will not be able to display its true melting ability. By the way, a plastic syringe is suitable as a body for the thermite. When all preparations are completed, head to the door, place the thermite on the hinge and light it. Imagine your neighbor's face in the morning when he goes to work. There are cases when, after such a dirty trick, the door could not be opened for 19 hours. Today you can find welding pencils on sale that give you the opportunity to scald the door around the entire perimeter. Molecular superglue is also suitable and will work on a simple wooden door.

Method No. 5

If you don't know how to take revenge on your neighbor, you can use a firecracker by attaching it to the door late at night. If the door is metal, the effect will be more impressive. If your neighbor is completely insolent, use feces. Ideal option are human feces, but dog feces are also suitable. It is not necessary to smear the entire door; it is enough to treat only the handles or place the feces on the mat, covering it with newspaper. After this, the paper is set on fire and you, having rung the doorbell, quickly retreat.

Method number 6

Now let's turn our attention to the keyhole. All the following information applies not only to door locks, but also to any other locks, for example, a safe. Pour any superglue into the hole. Epoxy is perfect; it requires a syringe without a needle. Together with the glue, you can place metal needles in the hole, after which you break off the protruding ends. You can fill it with fine sand and fill the castle with chewing gum. Let's remember thermite, which is also suitable for solving our problem. There are quite expensive locks, so failure of their mechanism will cause serious losses to the owner.

Method No. 7

This is a minor dirty trick, but it also works. Using a lighter (matches) simply burn the bell button.

Method No. 8

If the door is equipped with a peephole, then there is an additional reason for fun. You can use silver or soot, whichever you prefer. After that, just cover the peephole.
Another option is to use glue. It is impossible to carefully clean off silicate glue and it is best to apply it to a glass display case if your neighbor has one. As a result, it is no longer possible to do without replacing it.

Method number 9

This is a nighttime dirty trick, since the risks of collision with people in the entrance are much lower. Many different communications are introduced into each apartment, for example, telephone or antenna cables. They connect to expensive devices. To bring the plan to life, you will need to make a spark gap. First of all, in the radio components market, purchase a capacitor with a capacity of at least 10 μF with a breakdown voltage of 220 V.
All this information is applied by the manufacturer to the body of the part. Also note that the capacitor must be a square capacitor with two terminals. By the way, electrolytic capacitors are not suitable for you. Take 2 pieces of thick copper wire and strip their ends to a length of one centimeter. Then the wires must be soldered to the terminals of the capacitor, and their connections must be insulated with electrical tape.
Paste homemade device into the outlet for about seven seconds, which should be enough to charge the capacitor. To check the functionality of the charger, touch the bare wires to a metal object. If the device is working, there should be a pop and a flash at the moment of contact. Let us remind you that the capacitor retains its charge for 30 to 50 minutes.
You are ready for the operation. Inspect on site switchboard, having found cables in it leading to the neighbor’s apartment. You will need an electrical cable to charge the capacitor, then quickly touch the contacts of the telephone or antenna cable with your device. Electricity ends up on a network that is not designed for such loads. As a result, the TV, PC and other electronics will fail. In the first case, they are plastic boxes equipped with a button (usually red) or levers. When a short circuit occurs, the plug is triggered and turns off the electrical circuit. You need to short-circuit the incoming and outgoing contacts. If the plug turns out to have a regular fuse, then it should be unscrewed and a metal rod should be installed instead of the fuse link (prepare in advance). As a result, all electrical appliances in the neighbor’s apartment will be disabled. Please be aware that this may cause a fire.

Housemates are very rarely good friends. As a rule, everything is exactly the opposite. The neighbors wear us out with endless repairs and loud music, don’t let our children sleep, smoke in the hallways, pour “yesterday” on us. stretched ceilings, park under our windows, etc. Persuasion, requests and demands do not work, and all that remains is to helplessly wave your fists from behind the curtain in your apartment.

Does your neighbor constantly keep a watch at the door peephole?

Is he on duty both day and night? And then he discusses with his girlfriends on the bench - who did you come with, what time and to what extent in an uncultured state?

Make a dummy CCTV camera or buy this prop equipment and hang it on staircase so that the entire neighbor’s door falls into the “field of view” of the camera. Now you will “look” at each other. Don’t forget to stick a poster - “We are watching you”, tear up your granny’s “templates”.

You can also seal her door peephole. with ordinary tape or do something even more cruel - fill the eye with silicate glue (it is impossible to wash and tear it off).

Are your neighbors annoying you so much that you want to walk your dog outside their door?

Post an advertisement (or post it on the Internet) about renting an apartment. For example, “We need tenants for six months to look after the apartment. Pay only for services." Let them be tortured with calls. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve anything, but a little dirty trick will make your soul a little warmer.

Be sure to indicate that you should call between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekends or 11 a.m. and 12 a.m. on weekdays.

If there is no phone number, write their address. It's even more interesting this way.

A young couple has moved into the next apartment and has already become quite boring for you with their nightly “sabantui” with guests and a sea of ​​alcohol?

Are they not responding to your requests to “let people sleep” and are even rude?

Buy a GSM signal jammer. Mobile phones in their apartment will stop working. However, there is one drawback - they won’t work in your apartment either.

Neighbors getting drunk, knocking over cabinets, dancing to Verka-Serduchka at 3 a.m.?

And they bang their forks on the plates so actively that your chandelier sways? And the doors don't open? And they don’t respond to knocking?

Unscrew the plugs (if the shield is on the stairs), let them sit in the dark.

If they continue, repeat the action.

A young neighbor cannot imagine his life without Radio Chanson?

To the fullest every evening? Just when you're after have a delicious dinner, wrapped in soft pajamas, are you going to lie down and read a newspaper?

Buy your child a synthesizer. Or a guitar. In general, it doesn’t matter what instrument, it is important that it is loud, and that morning training is regular.

If impudent people have settled right under you, and fighting them does not give anything...

... then, in addition to musical influence, constant transportation of sofas around the room, dancing until you drop and turning on construction equipment for 2-3 hours, can be used as revenge and flood . Drench your neighbors thoroughly and before they come running to you screaming, wipe the floor dry.

Don’t forget to make big eyes (“Oh, we have such terrible ceilings here! They haven’t changed them since the days of Tsar Gorokh!”) and offer to go up to the neighbors above or call the plumbers.

The neighbor has become completely impudent; he parks right at the exit from the yard or on the playground?

And in the evenings, right under your window, turns on the radio at full power and drinks beer with friends?

All your timid requests rest on this impudent man’s promise to break your legs if you ask for anything again.

How to punish a boor?

If the grannies and kids in your yard like to feed the pigeons, then just throw a handful of millet or bread crumbs on the hood and roof of your neighbor's car . He won't put it here again.

Have your dacha neighbors tired you with their drunken companies, barbecues and musical girls?

Is the flow of guests endless and doesn’t want to stop?

Under the cover of darkness, quietly and silently, like a ninja, make your way into the “Triss booth” ( outdoor toilet) hospitable neighbor and throw a packet of yeast into the hole . In the morning, the neighbor and his guests will be treated not only to an incomparable aroma, but also to significantly increased contents of the toilet under the influence of yeast.

In the near future, no one will disturb the silence at your dacha.

The neighbors have been making a fuss of the whole house for a month with their renovations?

They tore down, rebuilt and chiseled walls, laid floors, without turning off hammer drills, drills and jigsaws for hours on end?

Give them a housewarming gift - Have a karaoke night with friends !

And if angry new residents burst into your door at 4-5 in the morning with a demand to “shut up,” you can laugh in their face and tell them that this is your gratitude for a month of headaches, falling plaster on your head and unlooked-for things.

Is your neighbor's dog pestering you?

Buy a special whistle (or device) , to which only animals react, and start communicating with the dog at the moment when its owners go to bed.

Are your upstairs neighbors too loving?

Are you tired of smoking on the balcony at night until the groans and creaking of the bed subside?

Write a love note for your neighbor's wife in beautiful handwriting (from, for example, a certain Vasya) and throw it in the mailbox (or put it in the door). It’s great if Vasya turns out to be another nasty and disgusting neighbor of yours - you’ll kill two birds with one stone.

All. You are gorgeous. You can sleep peacefully for the next week.

Do your neighbor and his not always sober friends constantly smoke on your stairs?

Do you hate smokers and start coughing long and tediously from the smoke? There is a great method to stop your neighbor from smoking!

At the bottom of the jar, which is usually placed “under cigarette butts” on the stairs, pour sulfur cut from matches . The neighbor won't smoke here anymore.

If, in terms of physical parameters, you are 20-40 kg ahead of your neighbor (and have done karate, sambo, or at least capoeira in the past), you can suddenly jump out of the apartment the moment he finishes smoking a cigarette and extinguish a neighbor with a cigarette from a fire extinguisher . There may not be any effect, but the wife’s stormy ovation is guaranteed.

Another, completely peaceful and, oddly enough, effective way to stop neighbors from smoking in the entrance.

Throw away all their “cigarette butt jars” and put up an ad instead “Whoever smokes here again will have to deal with me personally.”

No one knows who this terrible “with me personally” is, but it will be scary to smoke.

Does your neighbor's stereo become your alarm clock every morning?

Are the walls between apartments thin? And you want to shoot him with wolf berries from a slingshot?

Sprinkle (if he lives on the 1st floor) millet and seeds on his windowsill at night. Let him also have a “favorite” alarm clock.

A very cute way to take revenge on your neighbors...

… — post notices in your area (not in your neighbor’s path!) with the following content: “My daughter’s favorite cat has gone missing. Red-haired, thin. Answers to the nickname Kysya. Please bring it to ****. The reward is guaranteed (3000 rubles).”

Any cat of red (and not only) color will react to this nickname. A stream of “suffering” (grandmothers, children and homeless townspeople) with red cats will reach your neighbors immediately and for a long time.

Fun guaranteed!

There are ways to “poison the lives” of neighbors - a carriage and a small cart. Some masters even write entire multi-page manuals on “revenge” on neighbors.

But it is worth noting that sometimes It’s much more effective to invite your neighbors to your housewarming party (or just for a visit) for barbecues and a “glass of tea”, rather than organizing battles and competitions on the topic “who will take revenge on whom more gracefully.”

Also, do not forget that private property is inviolable. Just like the silence at night. And for any “revenge” they can be “administratively” or even criminally punished.

Be kinder, and don't forget to put yourself in your neighbors' shoes!

Have there been similar situations in your life? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!