For a loan from Sberbank, a copy of the work record book. Certification of a work book for a bank: detailed instructions and sample

The work book is recognized as the official document of every working citizen. It contains information about his labor activity, confirms work experience and places of work. The document is created at the time of hiring for the first job and is filled out by the employer; subsequently the book is kept in the company in which the person works, or with the employee himself.

Today there is a question about the abolition of labor, as more and more often workers are registered on an individual basis. employment contract, and data on insurance premiums paid for them are entered into the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund, respectively. A lot of controversy arises around the unreliable management of labor and counterfeit documents of this type.

You must apply for a copy.

In many cases (for example, when applying for a loan or various subsidies), an extract from the employment record is requested when submitting documentation. Here the question arises: how to submit a document that (as prescribed in Labor Code prohibited) is prohibited from being issued to an employee until dismissal?

If necessary, at the employee’s request, the employer issues an extract/copy of the form. A prerequisite is for the employee to submit a written application to the head of the enterprise or the human resources department (HR). According to Government Decree No. 22, a copy is issued no later than 3 working days from the date of acceptance of the application.

Filing an application is a practice carried out in large companies where he works a large number of employees. In small organizations, the process is simplified to a verbal request for a copy of yours. If a citizen is unemployed and the work document is in his hands, a copy of it can be certified at any notary office.

In addition, there is no need to submit a full copy of the document - most often, a page with personal data and sheets with information about individual periods of work are sufficient.

It is also not necessary to photocopy the work document on a printer, if poor quality printed or blurred text of the form is allowed to type the necessary information on the computer.

Next stage: certification of a copy of the work

The copy has an expiration date.

A copy of the form receives legal force only if it is absolutely correctly certified. Unfortunately, an inexperienced manager may incorrectly certify a document; therefore, you need to know all the nuances yourself and carefully check the copy before submitting it to the necessary authorities.

The rules are detailed below:

  1. Thus, the corresponding stamp “Copy is correct” is applied to each page;
  2. Afterwards it is certified: a signature, full name of the performer, valid date and seal of the organization are applied;
  3. You should not adjust the scale on the printer when printing or print a scan;
  4. The spread of the book on which the last mark is recorded is confirmed with a handwritten note “Working to date”, the certification procedure is repeated;
  5. Many employers photocopy the form in 2 spreads on one sheet. Unfortunately, this can only be called correct to save paper, nothing more. This is due to the obligation of all authorities to require that all pages of the form be printed on a separate A4 (GOST R 6.30-2003);
  6. Copy those sheets of the document that are completed;
  7. Copy should be printed in portrait format for ease of reading and display. actual sizes document;
  8. The work book does not have a signature area (which must be stamped at the top), so when certifying, some managers put “True copy” at the top right, as when certifying a duplicate of such a document. However, this is not the right solution, because duplicate and copy are different types forms for completely opposite purposes; In addition, the stamp will overlap the number and series of the book. It would be most logical to put a stamp in the left bottom corner document - this rule is correlated with GOST;
  9. It is unnecessary to mark the place where the original is stored, since, according to the regulations, the work record is stored at the enterprise until the employee is dismissed;
  10. A certified copy will be valid for a month (if no changes are made to the original during this period).

The stamp trace must be applied entirely to the signature and partially to the text of the document itself, and not on an empty space in the table; if this condition is not met, the copy may be considered invalid.

Sometimes it is enough to certify only a copy of the last entry form. All pages are sewn together with thread, which is then brought to the last sheet and glued with a strip of paper with information about the number of certified forms and the signature of the performer.

This document is certified by the head of the organization or an employee of the human resources department.

When an unemployed/pensioner needs it, he can ask to make a copy of the duplicate in last place employment. If the OK is missing, the form can be filled out Chief Accountant.

Thus, today GOST R 6.30-2003 is the only regulatory document, which stipulates the standards for certifying a copy of a document, but:

  • it was introduced as a list of recommendations, and therefore it is impossible to force a person to completely follow GOST;
  • formed for organizational and administrative papers, it does not affect the work book at all, since this document is of a completely different order;
  • unfortunately, it has been little processed since the end of the last century and is therefore outdated;
  • GOST is not widely used among employees and is familiar only to specialized employees, therefore, sometimes a correctly certified copy can be regarded by a bank employee as invalid and vice versa;
  • There is no consensus on whether it is necessary to put “the copy is correct” or whether to manually enter “correct”.

Sample certified copy.

Institutions that may require such a document

If there is the slightest error, the copy becomes invalid.

They are asked to submit to confirm employment at various enterprises, official employment and length of experience. During parallel employment, a citizen cannot provide the original, because it is stored at the main place of work, so he also has to issue a certified copy of the paper.

Previously, it was required for obtaining a foreign passport, but today it was excluded from the list of documents to be submitted.

Providing such a form is the main criterion for issuing a bank loan to a citizen. Small amounts can sometimes be issued without proof of stable employment, but a document confirming officially certified employment provides Better conditions lending – more favorable payment amounts and loan interest.

Therefore, most often when applying for a copy work book The required organization is the bank.

Thus, its certification is a short but painstaking process. The slightest deviations from GOST (many still draw up in accordance with it) allow organizations to recognize the document as invalid, and everything has to be drawn up again.

However, if they know the necessary rules and regulations, the employee can independently check what they received and, in case of errors, immediately contact the organization/notary office where the document was drawn up. This way you can painlessly avoid hassles with other organizations, paperwork and wasted time.

From this video you will learn how to properly flash documents.

Form for receiving a question, write yours

During official employment, the work book is kept in the organization, but its data is often necessary to carry out certain operations. Why might a certified copy be needed? And how to get it?

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What is it for?

A copy of the work record may be needed in the following cases:

  • when applying for a visa to confirm employment and solvency;
  • when applying for a foreign passport;
  • if necessary, provide information about your place of work somewhere, for example, to the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • to restore the original work book;
  • for writing a resume;
  • to obtain a loan or other bank loan.

A copy of the document is issued by the organization’s personnel service or immediate supervisor, if the enterprise is small.

How to write an application and its sample

To receive a certified copy of the work record, the employee must write a corresponding application addressed to the employer. Once the application is submitted, a copy must be issued within three days.

The application does not have a unified form and is submitted in simple written form. The document must contain:

  • Name of the organization;
  • Full name and position of the manager;
  • Full name and position of the applicant;
  • name of the document “Application”;
  • main part;
  • date and signature.

The completed application form looks like this:

Who assures

The HR department of a large organization, as well as the immediate supervisor, have the right to make and certify a copy of the work book.

In most cases, certification occurs directly in the presence of the applicant without drawing up an application. But especially large enterprises don't bypass established order, and still require a statement.

In practice, a copy of a document can be certified by:

  • employee personnel service where the applicant works;
  • Head of the organization;
  • chief accountant, if he also deals with personnel issues;
  • a notary, if a copy is needed by a non-working citizen. In this case, certification will be a paid procedure. The average price in the Russian Federation varies from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the region of residence.


The process of making a copy is standard. You need to scan or copy and print all completed pages of the work book.

You can certify a document in one of two ways:

  1. Page by page, that is, the seal and signature of the witness must be present on each page of the copy.
  2. As a set, all pages must be stitched and sealed with the organization’s seal, and then the entire document must be certified.

Most organizations and individual entrepreneurs use the first option, since it is considered more rational from the point of view of judicial practice.

Basic rules for making copies:

  • in addition to the signature and seal of the certifier, the date of certification must be present, which allows you to calculate the validity period of the document;
  • the copy must bear the inscription “Copy is correct”;
  • on the last sheet there should be a note stating that the employee is currently working at the company in the same position;
  • the validity period of the copy is canceled when new entries are made on it;
  • the appearance of the copy, including the number of copied spreads per sheet, is not regulated by law.

Despite the fact that the requirements for appearance no, many structures accept only those copies where the number of spreads per sheet does not exceed one.

The basic filling rules are indicated on the certification diagram:

It should be borne in mind that a copy of all sheets of the document is not required unless the bank requires otherwise. In most cases, if the employee's last position is considered significant, then only this data is required. Details about registration requirements can be obtained from bank operators.

Procedure for copy certification

A certified copy is prepared according to the standard procedure:

  1. Applying to the employer with a statement.

Usually a verbal request is enough, but in large organizations they ask you to write a statement.

  1. The application is processed within 1 to 3 business days. An order is issued on the need to issue a certified copy of the work book and a responsible employee is appointed.
  2. Making a duplicate.

It is important that copies are legible. Any errors or corrections on the document itself are not acceptable.

  1. Certification of the copy according to the rules.

The seal of the organization, the signature of the authorized representative, the date of certification and the inscription “Copy is correct” must be present. If any details are missing, the duplicate may not be accepted at the place of request.

  1. Binding and numbering of sheets if necessary.
  2. Delivery of a copy to the applicant.

Sample of a copy of a work book certified by the employer for a bank:

Date of issue and validity

A certified copy must be given to the employee who requested it no later than three days from the date of application.

A single validity period for a duplicate is not established by law and is determined depending on the purposes of production. Typically, the minimum validity period of a document is 2 weeks (14 days). For the bank and courts, the data remains relevant for a month (30 days).

To determine the validity period of the copy, the date of issue is indicated on it. If there is no date, the copy cannot be accepted as genuine.

If the deadline is missed, but the data in the original document has not changed, the employer can put a new date, certifying the correction with a seal and signature, or issue a new duplicate, which will be a better solution.

In practice, the copy becomes invalid if changes have been made to the book.

Features for individual entrepreneurs

Certification of a duplicate work book from an individual entrepreneur is practically no different from the procedure for obtaining and certifying a copy from another legal organization. The only thing that may differ is the lack of individual entrepreneur corporate seal.

In this case, the copy can be certified in the presence of a notary if the bank insists on this. If not, then the copy can be certified by one signature of the individual entrepreneur with the note “Believe without seal.”

Receiving copies of employment documents is the legal right of employees of any organization. For refusal to provide copies or violation of established deadlines, enterprise managers may face administrative or even criminal liability.

In cases where an employee has already received one copy, but did not have time to use it in time, providing a new duplicate within three days is the responsibility of any organization or individual entrepreneur.

Currently, one of the leading registers in which the date of entry into work and dismissal of an employee is recorded is considered to be his labor record. This document belongs to the BSO category; it must be stored in a special protected place in the employing company. However, employees periodically request a copy. Therefore, you need to know how to certify a work book according to the new rules in 2018.

When making a copy and certifying it, you must be guided by the procedure established by the current regulations.

The basis for issuing a copy of the work permit is a written application submitted by the employee. The only exceptions are enterprises classified as small businesses.

They are given the right to issue copies of this document upon an oral application from the employee. However, to avoid problems in the future, it is still recommended to obtain a statement from the employee in advance.

You must copy all spreads that contain notes. You need to make copies from the initial sheet, where information about the employee is located, and end with the sheet on which there is a record of the current employment.

The copies are stapled and marked “Correct” on the final page. In this case, the copies taken must be bound and sealed with a signature and seal indicating the number of sheets. After that responsible person indicates his position, signs and deciphers it.

This entry must be signed by the HR department, or, in its absence, by the chief accountant or director. When using a seal, it must be present here.

Important! A copy of the employment record must be issued to the employee no later than three days from the date of receipt of the request from him. You should not hand over the work form to the employee, since for this entire period, responsibility for the safety of the form rests with the company’s management.

New rules for certification of work records from July 1, 2018

All of the above rules also existed before the entry into force of GOST R 7.0.97-2016. The new defining act established the obligation of the employer, when certifying the labor report, to make another entry on the last sheet.

The main difference between the new rules is that it is now necessary to indicate where this document is stored when certifying the labor document. You can make the following note: “The original employment document is stored in the safe of the personnel department of [name of employer].”

Attention! The absence of this record will lead to the fact that a copy of the work document will not be accepted at the place of request, and it will need to be made again, but according to the current rules.

For what purposes is it necessary to certify records in labor records?

The most common body that requests a citizen to provide a copy of his or her employment record is a bank, for example, Sberbank or another credit institution.

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They most often do this when necessary:

  • Confirm that the potential borrower has a source of income and will be able to repay the loan;
  • If loan payments are not received on time, then, by court decision, the required amount may be withdrawn from his salary;
  • To confirm the information provided in the application form;
  • Determine the degree of job consistency - clients who rarely change their employers are more trusted by banks;
  • Determine the reasons for dismissal - if the contract is terminated for “bad” reasons (absenteeism, violation of discipline, etc.), the bank may refuse to issue a loan.

The second most popular organization that requests a labor permit is the Federal Migration Service department when issuing a foreign passport. Here you must provide a certified copy of your employment record, although only places of work over the last 10 years are of primary importance.

Despite the fact that the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abolished the need to provide the document, many departments still continue to request it. The illegality of this decision can only be challenged in court.

Sometimes a copy of the work record is necessary to obtain a visa to enter the state.

Sometimes a copy of the document is requested by the personnel department of the company where the employment is being carried out. This is especially true if the job search is carried out without termination of the contract at the old place, and there is no opportunity to show the original.

Thanks to the copy, the new employer will be able to evaluate previous jobs and positions, how often there were job changes, the reason for the layoffs, etc.

Sample certification of work record

Still valid until July 1st old order upon certification of copies of these forms. Therefore, it will not be considered an error if the responsible person performs the procedure without innovations.

Entry no. date
Number Month Year
1 2 3 4
10 19 02 2018 Order No. 7-K dated February 19, 2018
11 07 03 2018



New rules for certification of work records from July 1, 2018 will require that the procedure take place in the following way:

Entry no. date Information about hiring, transfer to another job, qualifications, dismissal (indicating the reasons and with reference to the article, clause of the law) Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
Number Month Year
1 2 3 4
Limited Liability Company "Tulpan" (LLC "Tulpan")
10 14 08 2018 Hired as a Security Engineer Order No. 54-K dated August 14, 2018
11 16 10 2018 Continues to work to this day
Right. Director of Tulip LLC Tsvetkov A.A. Tsvetkov


The original document is stored in the safe of the personnel department of Tulip LLC.

Thus, the labor certification will look something like this:

Basic mistakes

When certifying labor, the following errors are often encountered:

  • The “Copy” stamp is not placed on all sheets, but only on certain ones (for example, the first and last);
  • On all sheets except the one containing last entry, the certifying inscription with a seal imprint is not affixed;
  • The last sheet of the copy does not bear the inscription “Currently in use”;
  • When certified, only a signature is affixed, without indicating the position and personal data of the responsible employee;
  • The employee who certifies the copy does not have the necessary authority to do so (does not have the right to sign);
  • From July 1, 2018, it will be an error if there is no link to the storage location of the original document;
  • The seal imprint on all sheets is affixed to the “white” part of the sheet. It needs to capture part of the copy.

Should the employee be given a work book?

Labor rules stipulate that this form cannot be given to the employee if he is not resigning, but is reading it for some personal purpose. If, after its transfer, the employee loses it or damages it, then his current employer, according to the rules, will be obliged to issue a complete duplicate of it.

In addition, during issuance there is a direct violation of the above rules. As a result, a fine of 1 to 5 thousand rubles may be imposed on an official, and from 30 to 50 thousand rubles on a company.

This rule does not apply to situations where an employee needs to present his or her employment record to receive pension payments. This is stipulated by the amendments made to the Labor Code in 2015. In this situation, the company cannot refuse the employee’s request, but the latter is obliged to bring it back to the organization within three days after returning the document from the authority.

Attention! If an employee needs a document, then he can be given a copy, which will be certified by established rules. There is no need to make a note at the notary's office.

The work book is considered one of the main legal documents. It is confirmation of official employment.

Its original is always kept by the employer throughout the entire period of employment, and is not issued until the moment of dismissal. There are cases when, when receiving a loan, banks need to provide a copy of a document to confirm employment.

Many people have a question about how to certify a work book for a bank and what pages are needed for certification.

In what cases is it necessary

Employment information may be required different organizations, including banking institutions. The work book is certified to the bank for the following purposes:

  • In case of obtaining a loan.
  • To receive subsidies.

Until recently, to provide Money clients did not need a copy of their work record from the credit department. However, with the increase in outstanding loans and customer insolvency, some institutions have tightened their requirements for issuing them and added required package

documents information about labor activity. ATTENTION!

By providing a certified copy, the client thereby confirms his financial solvency.

Certification procedure The HR department is responsible for storing and maintaining all documents of the organization, including the work book. Not only an HR employee has the right to certify this document.

The chief accountant and the employer himself have such powers. Certification of the book is a step-by-step process.

  1. It is important to know how this process works correctly. What you need to do to get a copy of the document: Contact the HR department with a written request to provide a copy of the book. The HR employee must provide a sample for completing the application. If there is no such thing, then it is compiled in free form addressed to the head of the organization. If a copy is required by the bank, then this information
  2. indicated in the appeal.
  3. A copy of this document must be certified by the manager or head of the human resources department.

The provision of certified sheets to the applying employee must be carried out within three days from the time the application was submitted, but no later. Certify a copy of all pages labor document

documents information about labor activity. not always required. For a bank, information relating to a certain period of time is sometimes sufficient.

Sometimes it is enough to certify only the last sheet.


The document has legal force for one month from the moment it is certified and issued. It will be valid for the provision of banking services. Further, the legal force is lost, but its validity period for the bank can be either increased or decreased. For this purpose, the personnel employee records specific date , from what date and until what date this document will be valid.

These entries must be completed on the last page of the photocopied book.

The relevance of the current period is lost when a new note appears in the book, for example, about the layoff of an employee.

Requirements for the procedure The copy must be executed correctly, otherwise it will not have legal force.

  • A copy of the document can be provided either by photocopying or by text typed on a computer. In this case, a copy should be made only from the original sample document.
  • The first step is to make a copy title page with the employee's initials. Blank sheets do not need to be photocopied.
  • Each page must have a special mark “Copy is correct,” which is done manually or using a stamp.
  • Under this inscription there must be the signature and surname of the employee certifying the document with a description of his position. The date of certification and the official seal of the organization are also affixed.
  • The prepared sheets must be stapled or sewn with thread.

It is also possible to certify not every page of the document. In this situation, all sheets are stitched and numbered. On the last page the entry “Stitched, numbered and number of pages” is indicated. Then a stamp and a certification mark are placed.

Design of the last sheet

A photocopy of the last page of the document is certified in a special way. On it, in addition to the inscription “Copy is correct,” the phrase “Currently working”, the record number, the position of the specialist, as well as the signature, surname of the official and the date of certification of the copy must be indicated in writing.

IMPORTANT! The organization's seal must be present. The seal imprint cannot be placed on a blank part of the page; it must affect part of the text and signature. Otherwise, the copy of the document will be considered invalid.

Unemployed citizens

How do you need to get a photocopy of a work book for a banking organization for people who do not work and have a work book in their hands?

To do this, you need to contact any notary office. For the notary, you must provide a passport and make a statement about the need to certify a copy.

The notary, having reviewed this application and agreed to provide such a service, makes a photocopy of the book with the inscription “Copy is correct,” puts the date and signs.

The validity period of photocopies of pages certified by a notary office is the same as the validity period certified by the HR department. The employee has a legal basis to receive a copy of the certified book.

It's important to remember that Failure to issue a document within the established three-day period may result in a fine for the employer. An incorrectly executed document can be a reason for refusing a loan to a client, as well as other unpleasant consequences.

For many banks, it is important that their potential borrower is employed. Employment is confirmed by a certified work book. How to certify a work book to obtain a loan? Below we will provide the rules for drawing up this document, as well as a sample application for a copy of the labor document.

Why do you need to certify a copy?

In fact, a copy of the work record, which is certified by the employer, must be provided for loans in the amount of 100 thousand rubles or more. In practice, this document may be requested for smaller loans.

It is necessary to understand that the original work book, by law, must be kept by the employer. And this continues as long as the employee is registered in a particular organization. If employees need this document, they can obtain a certified copy of it. Do not confuse with duplicate. A copy is different from a duplicate because it cannot be considered a replacement for the original.

The employer will have three working days to issue the document with signatures and seals. If he does not meet this deadline, then the employee will have a valid reason to go to court. Most likely, administrative liability will follow.

Please note that obtaining a copy of employment documentation is a free service. Therefore, the employer provides it free of charge.

Who should I contact to receive it?

Either direct management or the HR department is responsible for this. The application must indicate the following details:
  1. At the top is the full name and position of the head of the organization;
  2. Full name of the employee and his position;
  3. In the middle with new line the title of the document “Application” is indicated;
  4. The text must include a request for a copy of the work book (in this case, it is necessary to mention Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The presence of a reason for contacting is not a mandatory reason;
  5. Signature from the applicant, date of preparation.
After the application is submitted to the manager, he will have a maximum of three days. The authorities must issue a decree appointing an employee responsible for issuing a copy. Most often, this task is given to the HR inspector.

Design requirements:

  • Each sheet, starting with the spread, must be copied. If there are notes that are difficult to read, you can print them on a computer. But corrections are prohibited.
  • To certify all sheets, two acts are used - Gosstandart Rules and Decree PVS 9779-X. Under the text of each page there must be the inscription “Copy is correct”, as well as the position and full name of the person certifying the document.
  • A stamp is also affixed to the bottom of each copied sheet.
  • On the last page you must write “Working to date”, indicate the date of certification, the position and full name of the certifier, and put a stamp.
Sample certified copy of work. The books are listed below:

If you are interested in companies that are ready to issue money without such documents, then you will have to contact either regional banks. One of the reliable options is.

But if you still need more favorable conditions (less interest, more amount), then request a copy of the labor contract from the management of your company in advance.