Making bath balls. Homemade scented bath bombs

You need to prepare the raw materials in advance:

Baking soda (10 tablespoons is enough);
citric acid (measure 5 tablespoons);
sea ​​salt (2 tablespoons is enough);
food coloring (choose the color you like best);
essential oil for your aroma composition (20 drops);
glycerin, or preferably fatty oil, for example, olive (1 teaspoon);
dry cream (sprinkle 1 tablespoon);
dried herbs (chop);
plastic gloves;

DIY technology

  • Wear gloves for protection before starting work.
  • Please note that it is better to use glassware when working.
  • Mix citric acid and soda, carefully add food coloring, oils, sea salt into the resulting mixture, add cream and chopped herbs. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed.

Important! When combining acid and alkali, remember to be safe and avoid inhaling the vapors - this can be harmful to your health. Ventilate the room, wear a special protective mask.

  • In order to determine how ready the mass is for subsequent processing, you need to monitor its consistency: the finished one is easy to mold. If the mixture crumbles, add a little water.
  • Start forming balls by pressing them very tightly into the prepared ice cube trays.

Advice! If you don’t have round ice molds, don’t despair, use the means at hand: balls cut in half, silicone molds, cells of egg trays, empty cream jars, Kinder Surprise containers, etc.

  • Set the bombs aside in the molds for half an hour to dry. If you followed the recipe exactly, then after half an hour you can easily extract ready product from the form.

So, the main components responsible for the violent effervescent reaction are soda and citric acid. And there are many options for composing aromatic compositions. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Bombs for stress relief: composition

Lavender bomb will help you relax after working day, will relieve fatigue and give deep sleep.

To prepare it you need to take:

  • soda - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • citric acid - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • powdered milk (or cream) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • glycerin or grape seed oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lavender essential oil - 20 drops;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of pre-crushed lavender flowers.

The ingredients are mixed, a ball is formed, which should dry in the mold for 20-30 minutes, and then you can enjoy aromatic water treatments.

Almond bomb will give you the opportunity to remain full of strength and energy even at the end of a hard day at work. To make such a bomb, you will need the same basic ingredients, only for this composition you need to measure 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil. To color the bomb a delicate lemon color, add ¼ teaspoon of curry.

Alarm bomb. An ylang ylang bomb is the perfect way to start your day if you can find time for a bath in the morning. And for the preparation you need to mix citric acid (for proportion 2 tablespoons), soda (4 tablespoons), add 3 tablespoons. spoons of starch, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aromatic ground coffee and fine sea ​​salt, measure out 15 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

Chocolate bomb. What woman doesn't love chocolate? But what if it harms your figure? Of course, take a bath with him! For delicious bombs, you need to grate a chocolate bar on a fine grater. Mix soda and citric acid as described, add 3 tbsp. spoons of grated chocolate, form into balls. And leave them to dry, this will take about a day.

Advice! Do not take chocolate bars with nuts, raisins, fruits, etc., the chocolate must be pure.

Filling the bath warm water, drop one or two balls there at your discretion, the bomb will hiss beautifully in the water, dissolving, creating a pleasant aroma and coloring the water a light color.

If you wish and use your imagination, you can make bombs at home to suit every taste. The article describes step by step how to prepare them. Now give free rein to your imagination and create.

Chocolate bath bomb: video

Nowadays, a variety of face and body care products are very popular. One of these is water bombs. These are cute hissing capsules that bubble when they come into contact with water and saturate the room with a pleasant aroma.

It's like bubble bath - a pleasant addition to a relaxing procedure. Children and lovers of taking care of their bodies will appreciate this idea. When it gets into water, such a product begins to hiss and bubble. Moreover, if there is a dye inside, then the water is colored specific color. Oils, herbs and various extracts are also added to the balls. They allow you to moisturize the skin and maintain its youth.

How to buy bath bombs on Aliexpress: catalog with price

Aliexpress has a huge selection of household and hygiene products. Bath balls are no exception. Here you can purchase products with extracts of chamomile, mint or lavender. They all smell nice and will make your bathing experience unforgettable. Carefully study the ingredients and look at delivery times.

This cute product can be made at home. It will take a little patience and endurance.


  • 23 g milk powder
  • 20 g lemon
  • 40 g spoon of soda
  • 25 ml base oil
  • Essentials
  • Spoons
  • Molds


  • Mix water with lemon and dry milk
  • Add base oil and some essential oil
  • Average, sprinkle the mixture with water from a spray bottle
  • No need to pour a lot of water. The mixture should have a consistency similar to wet sand.
  • Fill the molds tightly with the mixture and leave to dry.
  • Usually the “pigs” dry for 2-12 days

Now on Aliexpress you can purchase special molds for making bombs. They are balls with holes. These molds are divided into two parts and filled with the mixture. After this, the halves are joined and left to dry. You can also find cute shapes in the form of shells or ribbed balls for sale on Aliexpress.

How to buy molds and a kit for making bath bombs on Aliexpress: catalog with price

For kids, when preparing sizzling balls, you need to use bright dyes and etherols. Herbs, seeds, coffee and even fruits are often used.


  • 110 g baking soda
  • 50 g lemon
  • 10 ml sunflower oil
  • Lavender herb
  • 11 drops lavender essential oil


  • Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and add butter
  • Using a spoon, mix everything and press down
  • Add essential oils and lavender herb, add dye
  • Spray a little water on the mixture and mix
  • Pour the paste into the molds and let the shells or balls dry completely

Effervescent bath bombs: recipes

Effervescent balls made from soda, lemon and etherols. They perfectly moisturize the skin and help you calm down after a hard day at work. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Effervescent bath balls

These bombs will help you relax and calm down. Contains sea salt.


  • 55 g sea salt without additives
  • 110 g soda
  • 55 g lemon
  • Green dye
  • Essentials


  • Combine all dry ingredients and add essential oils
  • Add green dye and press, sprinkle with water and average
  • Transfer the mixture into molds and compact, let dry thoroughly.

Cosmetic clay perfectly eliminates acne and fights inflammation. In addition, such products rejuvenate.


  • 50 g lemon
  • 110 g spoon baking soda
  • Spoon of dry clay powder (kaolin)
  • 20 ml of any oil
  • Etherol
  • Dye
  • Place all dry ingredients in a bowl and stir
  • Enter oil and essential oils
  • Add dye and average everything
  • Spray a little water and turn the mass into a substance similar to wet sand
  • Press the mixture into molds and after 10 minutes place on newspaper
  • Leave until completely dry

Edible bath bombs, chocolate: recipes

You can watch the video on how to make a chocolate bomb.

VIDEO: Chocolate bomb

To prevent the balls from falling apart and keeping their shape, powdered milk is added to the mixture.


  • 50 g lemon
  • 110 g soda
  • 25 g milk powder
  • Dye
  • Flavors

R recipe:

  • Mix all dry and bulk products in a bowl
  • Add a few drops of essential oil and dye
  • Using a spray bottle, turn the paste into a homogeneous substance like wet sand.
  • Grease the molds with oil and fill them tightly with the mixture.
  • Place the beads on newspaper and let them dry

These are ordinary balls that are made from soda and acid. Oil and dyes are added for the connection. To make the products smell, essential oil is added. Often such products are supplemented with dry herbs or flower petals.

The recipe for making such products is classic. The main difference is the design. Most often, sizzling balls are prepared using silicone molds of Christmas trees, balls and snowmen. The color is chosen depending on the hero or item.


  • 25 g soda
  • 10 g acid
  • 5 ml oil
  • Green dye
  • Flavoring


  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl and average
  • Sprinkle the substance with water and turn it into wet sand
  • Grease the Christmas tree shapes with oil and lay out the mixture
  • Everything needs to be compacted
  • After this, place the “paskas” on a newspaper and let dry

Soap bombs for baths to foam: recipe

For more information on how to make soap bombs, watch the video.

VIDEO: Soap bombs for the bath

Using such tools is very simple. Just fill the bath with water comfortable temperature and dive into it. After this, the ball is dipped into the water. First, a violent reaction will follow with the release of a huge amount of foam. That's how it should be. It happens chemical reaction between soda and lemon. You can swim in this solution. After the interaction of soda with acid, salts and water are formed. They are not harmful to the skin. In addition, essential and base oils moisturize the skin and help prolong the youth of the epidermis.

As you can see, you can make your own bath bombs. This product will delight both children and adults. Bombs can become a great gift for a loved one.

VIDEO: Bathing balls

You can relax, unwind, put your body and spirit in order if you take a bath with fizz. Bath bombs have come into fashion relatively recently, but those who have already tried this miracle know its extraordinary effect on the body. Today we will try to make these sizzling bath bombs with our own hands. The recipes for making them are simple and safe enough, so you can make them with your children, and then try them out in a full bath!

Homemade bath bombs

To begin with, here is the simplest recipe for a base that can be used for children's games in the bathroom. Once you've learned how to make the bomb base, you can then experiment with flavorings. So, we will need:

  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • coarse salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • any vegetable oil.

Important clarification. There should always be 2 times more soda than citric acid, only in this case we will ensure the correct chemical reaction. Also don't forget to use gloves!

Thoroughly grind and mix citric acid, soda and salt in a cup for several minutes. Make sure there are no lumps! Now gradually add the oil, rubbing the mass with your hands. The mixture should be plastic, but at the same time dry. No need to achieve the consistency of plasticine! We compact the resulting mass tightly into a previously prepared container. The easiest thing to do at home is to take baking dishes or a container from Kinder Surprise. To make our workpiece fit more tightly, you can add a little alcohol to it. This way the mixture will be moistened and compacted better. Do not use water for this under any circumstances - it will start the reaction, and alcohol will have no effect. In addition, it will quickly evaporate. Now we leave our bath bombs to harden for several hours. After that, we easily remove them from the molds and they are ready for use! It is enough to throw a bomb into the bathroom, and it begins to hiss, releasing a lot of bubbles - this is a chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide.

Bath Bomb Recipes

Now that we've understood the concept of making bath bombs (and learned how to make them), it's time to give some recipes for making them.

The general idea of ​​aromatizing bombs is this: there is a base (we made it with our own hands a little higher), to which aromatic components (for example, essential oils) and, possibly, some dyes are added.

You should not approach the choice of oil thoughtlessly, because they have different effects. For example, olive oil good for dry skin, and coconut or almond for oily skin. Lavender soothes and relaxes, while citrus oils invigorate and tone.

Essential oils should be added literally drop by drop. When adding essential oils At the base, the bomb may begin to hiss. In this case, you need to quickly stir the mixture. If it doesn't help, add a little soda.

Below you will find several recipes for sizzling bath bombs.

Soothing Bath Bomb Recipe

This soothing bath bomb is made with lavender. Add a few drops of lavender oil and purple food coloring to the base. The complete recipe for a relaxing bath bomb is:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • lavender oil - 10-15 drops,
  • purple food coloring - 5 drops.

Toning bath bomb

A bath bomb with the addition of orange and cinnamon oils is an excellent tonic and cleanser for the skin. The bomb recipe is also quite simple:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • sea ​​salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • orange essential oil - 10-15 drops,
  • cinnamon essential oil - 5-7 drops,
  • orange food coloring - 5 drops.

Do you want to turn an ordinary bath into a real spa treatment? Just add bright (and harmless) colors to the water, a pleasant rich aroma and a huge amount useful substances! How? Using bath bombs that you can make yourself at home.

The benefits of bombs

The basis for any mini bath geyser is two ingredients: soda and citric acid. They are the ones who create the hissing effect after they fall into the water. Why is soda so good? It restores the acid-base balance and helps normalize metabolism in cells. Its advantages include the fact that it perfectly softens water, and this is important in urban conditions. Citric acid, in turn, can cleanse the human body of harmful substances.

The result of taking baths with bombs also depends on what other components you added to them. Among the most popular additives is sea salt, which contains various minerals, essential and cosmetic oils. Oils nourish the skin and soften it, normalize metabolic processes. In addition, the smells of different essential oils have different effects on a person: they invigorate and tone, soothe and relax.

Preparatory stage

We invite you to talk about how to make a bath bomb. Here is a list of the basic ingredients we will need:

  • citric acid (powder);
  • baking soda;
  • water;
  • liquid food coloring;
  • essential oils;
  • sea ​​salt.

In addition, when creating bombs you will need rubber gloves, a large bowl, scales, and molds. You can't do without a spray bottle. A gauze mask may be needed. We recommend making one or two bath bombs first to get the hang of the technology. Later, when you learn how to make bombs quickly, you will be able to make several at once!

Manufacturing rules

The main rule is that baking soda and citric acid must be mixed in a 2:1 ratio. If you mess up the proportions, the bombs simply won't bubble. When creating balls, you should use gloves, because both soda and citric acid in dry form have an adverse effect on the skin. In addition, they can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, and therefore people with special sensitivity cannot do without gauze bandages.

Step one: preparing the base

First, mix the baking soda and citric acid thoroughly. There are several options that will allow you to get quality basis: You can mix these components using a coffee grinder or whisk, or you can simply grind them well with a spoon. Then you need to add essential oils to the composition. Please note: if the mixture begins to sizzle while adding oil, you need to stir it quickly. After this, you need to divide the resulting mixture into several parts, add a few drops of dye to each, and then mix until a uniform color is obtained.

Step two: shaping

Using a spray bottle, carefully spray water into the mixture. In this case, it is important to constantly stir the mass or rub it with your hands, and monitor the consistency of the composition - it should be plastic. The finished mixture must be placed in molds, pressing it against the walls. If you don't have special molds for bath bombs, don't fret - ice or baking molds will do. You can even take molds from children's sandbox sets!

Step three: drying

Finished bath bombs need to be thoroughly dried. To do this, place them on paper or parchment and leave for several hours. The finished balls, which must be very strong and hard, should be packed in bags or cling film. By the way, the fresher and drier the balls, the more they hiss when they fall into the water. Therefore, do not store them for a long time, especially without packaging.

DIY bath bombs: recipes

There are a huge number of interesting recipes for bubbling balls. By adding certain oils and plants to the base, you can enhance beneficial features products. Using various essential oils, you can obtain certain properties of bombs: for example, lavender will calm you down, orange will help you cope with stress, jasmine will refresh you, cinnamon will increase sensitivity, juniper will tone you, and neroli oil will help with insomnia.

"Chocolate delight"

This incredibly aromatic mini geyser will be a pleasant gift for all chocolate lovers. To make a bath bomb at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 60 grams of baking soda;
  • 30 grams of citric acid;
  • 35 grams of milk powder;
  • 30 grams of salt (edible sea salt is suitable);
  • two teaspoons of cocoa powder;
  • five drops of food flavoring ( perfect option- “Cherry” and “Chocolate”).

The recipe for such bombs is extremely simple: you need to mix all the components using the technology described above, give them the desired shape and dry.

"Morning coffee"

What will help you wake up and give you a boost of energy for the whole day? Of course, a coffee bath bomb. Making it with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. It requires:

  • 50 grams of soda;
  • 25 grams of citric acid;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • 30 grams of milk powder (you can replace it with dry cream);
  • 25 grams of ground coffee;
  • you can add a teaspoon of cocoa.

This composition will not only turn an ordinary bathtub into a jacuzzi. In addition, it will improve tone and give the skin a fresh and rested look.

"Good night!"

By dissolving this homemade bath bomb before bed, you will ensure sound sleep and complete recuperation. What's the secret? In lavender, which is part of the bubbling ball! For three bombs you will need:

  • 90 grams of soda;
  • 45 grams of citric acid;
  • 35 grams of sea salt;
  • 15 drops of lavender oil;
  • some lavender flowers - dried or fresh;
  • food coloring (we recommend taking turquoise and purple) - five drops each.

The mass prepared according to the instructions must be divided into two parts. In one you need to dissolve turquoise dye, in the other - purple. The colors should not merge, the main thing here is contrast.

"Spicy Orange"

This bubbling bath ball has a stimulating and warming effect. In addition, it is perfect for those with oily skin, because what it contains cleanses pores and tightens them. To make a spicy bath bomb at home you will need:

  • 70 grams of soda;
  • 35 grams of citric acid;
  • 15 grams of milk powder;
  • 5-7 drops each of cinnamon and bitter orange essential oils;
  • 5 drops of food coloring (of course, orange is ideal for this bomb).

In addition to the listed ingredients, you can add 3-4 grams of ground cinnamon to the ball. A ball made from these components will give your skin softness and hydration!

"Oriental Tale"

You can arrange an incredible aromatherapy session in your own bathroom by making your own aroma bomb from the following ingredients:

  • 60 grams of baking soda;
  • 30 grams of citric acid and edible sea salt;
  • 8 drops food coloring ( best option- Red color);
  • 7 drops jojoba oil (you can replace it almond oil or grape seed oil).

For such a bomb, you should take a mixture of the following essential oils: geranium, patchouli, rosemary, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, lemongrass. You can add mint. All oils should be added no more than three drops. They need to be added one at a time to the base oil and then carefully added to the dry mixture. At the same time, it is important to ensure that no lumps appear and that the soda and acid do not hiss.


Such a bath ball will not only improve your mood and help you relax, but also get rid of pimples. To pamper yourself, you can make your own anti-stress bomb! For this you need:

  • 80 grams of soda;
  • 40 grams each of finely ground sea salt and citric acid;
  • 30 grams of jojoba oil;
  • 3-4 drops of essential oils such as orange and eucalyptus.

Bright petals of calendula and chrysanthemum are suitable for decoration. You can add a small amount of glitter - this will make taking a bath even more enjoyable!

"Strawberry Fountain"

This recipe bath bomb is especially good for winter cold, when you miss warm days, fragrant ripe berries, delicate sand... A small home geyser made from the following components will take you into the summer:

  • 80 grams of soda;
  • 40 grams of citric acid (by the way, it can even be replaced with regular ascorbic acid in powder form);
  • 4-7 drops of food coloring (red is a good color for this bomb);
  • 20 grams of milk powder (instead, you can add cream to the composition, of course, also dry);
  • a little grape seed oil;
  • cosmetic fragrance - strawberry, of course.

As decoration for such a ball, you can use rose petals, confectionery toppings - hearts, stars. You can even add some beads and glitter. However, it is worth remembering that they can damage particularly sensitive skin.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of making geysers at home. Bath bombs can be made from items you always have in your kitchen. Moreover, it will take very little time. To make the task even easier, we bring to your attention useful tips:

  1. In order for the bomb to consist of several colors, you need to gradually add colored mixtures into the mold and compact them thoroughly.
  2. Only food coloring should be used for the balls - they do not harm the skin.
  3. If you add too much oil or water to the geyser mixture, don't worry - just dry it over a heater or add a little more baking soda and citric acid. Don't forget to maintain proportions.

Don't be afraid to experiment, mix the most different colors and ingredients, oils and decorations and celebrate in your bathroom!

The opportunity to relax in hot aromatic water is the dream of every working woman. After work, there is a desire to soak in the foam, but how to make bath bombs so that they bring true pleasure? With your own hands cosmetic product can be prepared at home following simple recipes.

DIY bath bombs - preparation rules

1. To make a sphere in several layers, place the components in rows. In addition, you can place dried flowers or coarse salt at the bottom of the cell.

2. Food coloring won't harm your skin, so you can add it to make color bombs.

3. Sometimes, due to inexperience, the mixture becomes very wet, do not be discouraged. Leave it near the heating radiators for a while or add the bulk ingredients from the recipe.

4. In order not to miscalculate the amount of water added, pour it into a spray bottle and use it when mixing the components.

5. Make sure you have molds into which the composition will be poured. You can buy them at a craft or cosmetics store. Plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise will also work.

6. Oils are often added to bombs, but you should not use apricot or peach kernels. Otherwise, the final mass will not hold its shape.

7. During the manufacturing process, adhere to the proportions of the main ingredients. Additional components (for example, oils) are introduced in quantities at your discretion.

8. Since you can quickly make your own bath bombs, they need to be stored properly. At home, keep products in an airtight container or dry, ventilated place.

Recipe No. 1. Anti-stress bomb

  • powdered milk - 60 gr.
  • table salt - 25 gr.
  • almond oil - 50 ml.
  • soda - 115 gr.
  • citric acid - 50-55 gr.
  • dry plants (green tea or chamomile) - 10 gr.
  • ether of your choice (bergamot, eucalyptus, mint) - 15 drops

1. Grind the herbs, pass a lemon with salt and soda through a coffee grinder. You need to get the powder. Combine dry ingredients into a single mixture.

2. Now add oil and ether in small portions. Stir and add these ingredients until the mixture becomes thick.

4. Grease the molds with oil and package the finished mixture. Let it dry for 5 hours. After this time, remove the bombs and voila, you're done!

Recipe No. 2. Refreshing mint bomb

  • milk powder - 40 gr.
  • soda - 115 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 30 gr.
  • lemon - 50 gr.
  • olive oil - 50 ml.
  • crushed ether - 14 drops
  • dry mint - 10 gr.

1. When deciding how to make bath bombs, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Powder your salt at home with your own hands. Mix soda and milk into it.

2. Add lemon, olive oil, mint ether. Bring the mixture to thickness, add chopped dry mint leaves.

3. Scoop the mixture into your fist and squeeze. If it does not “grab” and begins to crumble, spray a little water from a spray bottle onto this mixture. Pack into cells and dry indoors for 5 hours.

Recipe No. 3. Lavender cellulite bomb

  • citric acid - 55 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 190 gr.
  • soda - 100 gr.
  • olive or almond oil - 60 ml.
  • lavender essential oil - 7-9 drops

1. Turn to dust with any in an accessible way salt with citric acid. You can use a coffee grinder or a device for making powdered sugar.

2. Add soda, oil and ether. Gently mix the ingredients until the mixture reaches the consistency of wet sand. At this stage you can add a couple of drops of dye.

3. Press into greased molds; you can use Kinder Surprise egg halves as cells.

4. Then keep the bombs for 15 hours at room temperature. To speed up the drying process, leave cosmetics near the radiator for 3 hours.

Recipe No. 4. Bomb without citric acid

  • corn starch - 120 gr.
  • soda - 240 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 100 gr.
  • any ether - 15 ml.
  • cream of tartar - 60 gr.
  • coconut oil - 35 ml.
  • coloring (food) - 3 drops

How to make bath bombs without lemon with your own hands? The process of creating products at home is quite exciting.

1. To make a bomb, just mix the crumbly ingredients in a common cup. Combine everything else in another container.

2. After this, gradually begin to mix the components together. Carry out the procedure carefully, thoroughly kneading the mixture.

3. Distribute ready-made composition into greased molds. Wait a while, the mass will set and dry. After a few hours of drying next to the battery, you can use it.

Recipe No. 5. Honey bomb with oatmeal

  • honey - 35 gr.
  • citric acid - 60 gr.
  • apricot oil - 30 ml.
  • soda - 110 gr.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • dry cream - 25 gr.
  • ground oatmeal - 40 gr.
  • bergamot ether - 15 drops

1. Dry ingredients must be mixed separately from liquid ones. Please note that honey must be fresh and unsugared. Combine the prepared ingredients in a common cup.

2. Make the mixture homogeneous. Distribute by special forms. Press the bombs down thoroughly and wait 6 hours to dry.

Recipe No. 6. Chocolate bomb in the freezer

  • jojoba oil - 60 ml.
  • baking soda - 125 gr.
  • lemon - 65 gr.
  • cocoa butter - 45 ml.
  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.
  • powdered milk - 35 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 50 gr.
  • salt - 35 gr.

It's easy to figure out how to make your own bath bombs using available ingredients at home.

1. The process of preparing such products occurs according to classical technology. Combine all the necessary crumbly ingredients and mix thoroughly. Grind larger particles as needed.

2. Separately, mix warm cocoa butter with chocolate. Dissolve the ingredients by steaming to obtain a homogeneous composition. After cooling, add jojoba oil.

3. Gradually combine the contents of the two containers. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Distribute the composition into molds and place in the freezer. Wait until it hardens completely.

Recipe No. 7. An invigorating citrus bomb

  • lemon - 60 gr.
  • baking soda - 120 gr.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • citrus esters - 20 drops
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 65 ml.
  • citrus zest - 35 gr.

1. Use a clean container and pour all dry foods into it. Gradually add sea buckthorn oil. After stirring the ingredients, add citrus esters.

2. To give the bomb a bright color, use food coloring rich shade.

3. Compact the composition in special forms and wait for it to dry. Enjoy water treatments.

It is quite easy to understand how to make bombs from available components with your own hands. This hobby at home will bring a lot of pleasure. An undoubted advantage is that the products are completely natural and do not have harmful impurities, unlike store-bought products.