Stockings after hip surgery. How to cope with pain after knee replacement

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “compression stockings after hip surgery.”

Stage 1 of rehabilitation after endoprosthetics hip joint(in a hospital setting)

1 day after surgery:

– you can sit up in bed several times a day.

– you can turn on your healthy side with a pillow between your thighs.

Exercises for the operated leg:

1. Slide your heel along the bed, bending your knee away from you, then towards you.

2.Press your foot firmly against the bed mattress for 5 seconds, then relax your foot. Perform the exercise five times, every hour.

Exercise for the feet (vascular gymnastics)

1.Pull both feet towards you at the same time, then away from you.

2. Alternately pull one foot toward you, the other away from you, and vice versa.

3.Circular movements of the feet (twice clockwise, twice counterclockwise), repeat several times.

4. Spread your toes apart (“spread”), then bring them together.

5.Bend and straighten your toes one at a time.

2nd day after surgery:

Your doctor or nurse will sit you down with your legs dangling on the floor or a stand. A nurse will help you lie down (use the call button)

If you sit well (don’t feel dizzy), the doctor will put you on crutches on the same day.

At first we just stand and stomp around the bed. Then we walk around the ward.

You can go out into the corridor if you have walked around the ward several times and are not dizzy.

Let's go: we put the crutches forward, then we put the operated leg next to them, then we put the healthy leg.

The load on the operated leg is 15 kg, we don’t push too hard.

3rd day after surgery:

We sit, learn to lie down, get up, walk.

Doing exercises.

It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of still water daily.

Instead of elastic bandages, you can wear anti-varicose stockings on both legs.

One week after surgery you can walk up stairs.

DOWN: 1. crutches.

2. operated leg.

3. healthy leg.

UP: 1. healthy leg.

2. operated leg.

3. crutches.

(in increments of 2-4 months).

Keep a pillow between your legs for 2 months, wear elastic bandages (stockings) for 2 months, walk on crutches for 2 months, then switch to a cane, hold it in the opposite hand from the operated leg for 2 months.

It is forbidden:

Lean to the side;

Make turns to the side;

Partial or complete replacement of a diseased hip joint provides the ability to move independently and return to normal life. Endoprosthetics - installation of an artificial implant - effectively restores joint function in patients of any age. After surgery, there remains a high risk of thrombosis. Patients are prescribed medications that thin the blood and wear compression stockings.

Types of compression products

A successful operation is only the first stage of restoration of the hip joint; then comes the rehabilitation period. The patient performs physical therapy exercises according to individual program. Gymnastics improves blood circulation and prevents the development of complications. Negative consequences observed in 1-2% of patients, in order not to become one of the sad statistics, you must follow the doctor’s instructions.

One of dangerous complications after endoprosthetics is deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. During the operation, the walls of blood vessels are injured, and substances that accelerate blood clotting enter the circulatory system. Minimal physical activity also contributes to the formation of blood clots in the extremities. A blood clot, breaking away from the wall of a vessel, can disrupt the blood supply to internal organs.

To prevent the formation of blood clots and support the injured limb, compression with an elastic bandage is used. The patient's leg is bandaged from the foot to the groin. The procedure is performed by an experienced nurse. It is important to correctly distribute the pressure when applying. The timing of leg bandaging after hip replacement is determined by the doctor. This method is considered obsolete and has several disadvantages:

  • Independent use is difficult for the patient.
  • Unpresentable appearance.
  • Winding takes a lot of time and requires certain knowledge.

A complete replacement for an elastic bandage are compression products: tights, stockings and knee socks. They are made of elastic fibers with the addition of cotton and silver thread, which has antibacterial properties. Therapeutic knitwear tightly grips the limb, distributing pressure. The maximum compression rate is observed in the ankle area - 100%, in the upper part of the lower leg it decreases to 70%, and at the thigh level it is 40%. Porous knitting ensures air exchange of the skin. Seamless technology is used in production.

Different types of stockings after hip surgery allow you to choose best option, promoting a speedy recovery of health. Therapeutic knitwear does not cause allergies, is comfortable to wear, and does not slip.

Size selection

The doctor will determine the period of wearing compression stockings after an injury to the pelvic region of a person and will help you choose the right size. This requires taking measurements of the leg in several positions:

  • knee socks - circumference of the ankle and lower leg under the knee;
  • stockings - ankle circumference, calf circumference under the knee, thigh circumference.

Measurements are taken in the morning when leg swelling is minimal. In the size table, the circumference is indicated in centimeters.

Compression classes

Therapeutic knitwear is divided into four compression classes:

  • 1st class 18-21 mm Hg. Art. — intended for preventive purposes;
  • Class 2 23-32 mmHg. Art. — prescribed for varicose veins, prevents thrombophlebitis, indicated after joint replacement;
  • 3 class 34-46 mm Hg. Art. — recommended for venous insufficiency;
  • 4th class from 49 mm Hg. Art. - prescribed for lymphatic edema.

Variety of models

Compression stockings look no different from regular underwear. They are made in various colors: beige, flesh-colored, black, gray. The elastic strip holding the product can be lace. There are models with open and closed socks, monostocking on one leg, held in place by an elastic belt. Depending on the manufacturer, knitwear differs in the percentage of cotton, lycra and polyamide. The models of compression stockings for men and women do not have visual features.

Not only stockings, but also knee socks are used as compression therapy. The attending physician helps you choose the size according to the table. When choosing products, the gender of the patient is taken into account; there are male and female models.

When preparing for a long period of wearing orthopedic socks after hip surgery, it is worth buying a product with cotton. Natural fibers regulate skin moisture and prevent allergic reactions.

The benefits of wearing compression stockings during the rehabilitation period

The appearance of a blood clot in the postoperative period threatens pulmonary embolism (blockage of an artery). Compression knitwear does not allow blood to stagnate and stimulates its circulation. Pressure distribution from bottom to top ensures normal blood movement. Constantly wearing stockings reduces the risk of blood clots by 2 times. Knitwear has a massage effect and reduces swelling of the limbs.

Postoperative stockings are an integral part of rehabilitation; wearing them has many positive aspects:

  • prevention of varicose veins and the appearance of trophic ulcers;
  • prevention of blood clots;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • stimulation of blood flow;
  • optimal pressure distribution in the vessels of the extremities.

Features of putting on

Compression underwear is an expensive product, so as not to damage it, you should know the rules of wearing and dressing:

  • toenails must be cut;
  • calluses and corns are removed from the feet;
  • It is better to put on stockings with latex gloves;
  • linen is pulled on without getting out of bed;
  • before putting on, the product is turned inside out;
  • the foot is inserted into the stocking, the fabric is straightened;
  • the knitwear is carefully moved along the leg, turning it to the outside;
  • all folds are straightened out.

Do not sharply pull or yank the products, they may tear. In some cases, patients buy devices for putting on compression stockings. Linen is washed by hand, in warm water with soap. Dries in a horizontal position.

Terms of wearing

Compression hosiery intended for the postoperative period comes in two types:

  1. Anti-embolic - underwear allows you to avoid complications in the first days after endoprosthetics. The compression stockings are designed for bedridden patients. Knitwear is produced white, this simplifies monitoring the condition of the limb.
  2. Therapeutic knitwear is used by patients who have begun to move. It is designed for long-term use. If you feel normal, you can remove your underwear at night. The doctor determines the length of time to wear compression stockings after hip surgery, based on the age and condition of the patient.

Due to weak compression after endoprosthetics, preventive stockings and knee socks are not used. On average, therapeutic knitwear should be worn for 1-2 months after joint replacement. With a quick recovery, 3-4 weeks are enough. If the rehabilitation process is slow or the patient feels heaviness and pain, wearing compression stockings is extended to 8 weeks. You should not give up stockings before the appointed time.

- it's complicated surgical intervention, during which blood vessels are damaged, soft fabrics and bones. This leads to the inevitable release of procoagulants - substances that increase blood clotting and slow blood flow.

Fresh suture after endoprosthetics.

Because of this, the risk of developing thromboembolic complications sharply increases:

  • pulmonary embolism (PE);
  • deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the legs;
  • thrombosis of the inferior vena cava.

The formation of blood clots in the veins of the lower extremities is one of the most common complications of endoprosthetics. It is dangerous because the blood clot can break away from the vessel wall at any time. As a result, it will enter the pulmonary artery and block it, that is, cause thromboembolism. A person will have a pulmonary infarction, which can be fatal.

To prevent this from happening, patients are prevented from thromboembolic complications in the intra- and postoperative period.

Antithromboembolic stockings and their purpose

To prevent thrombosis and embolism, medications and mechanical methods. The first includes the introduction of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. The second is elastic compression of the lower extremities, that is, wearing compression garments.

Compression immediately after surgery.

The risk of thromboembolic complications is especially high during surgery and in the first 48 hours after it. Numerous studies have shown that 75% of deep vein thrombosis develops in the first two days after endoprosthetics. Therefore, active drug prevention is currently underway. Patients are given drugs that thin the blood, prevent it from clotting and prevent blood clots from forming in the vascular cavity.

Subsequently, the dose of anticoagulants is reduced, which may increase the risk of thrombosis. To prevent thromboembolic complications, compression garments are used. Special stockings are put on the patient's legs to prevent blood clots.

They compress the veins of the lower extremities, redistributing the pressure in them:

  • in the ankle area the stockings create 100% pressure;
  • in the middle of the lower leg – 70%;
  • in the knee area – 50%;
  • mid-thigh – 40%.

Thanks to the redistribution of pressure, venous congestion is eliminated, which is the main risk factor for thrombosis. But that is not all. Wearing compression garments stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Due to this, tissue trophism improves and swelling goes away faster. As a result, the postoperative wound heals faster.

Types of compression products

All compression garments are made from a special material - compression knitwear. It is hypoallergenic and breathable, and products made from it have no seams. Therefore, wearing them is comfortable and safe.

There are three types of compression hosiery:

  • Prophylactic. It is publicly available and you can buy it yourself. Used to prevent diseases of the veins of the lower extremities. Products made from it are used by people who have to spend a lot of time on their feet (teachers, salespeople, hairdressers).
  • Medicinal. Sold only by doctor's prescription, in specialized stores and pharmacies. It has a higher compression coefficient, that is, it compresses the limbs much more strongly. It is used to treat varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. And also for the prevention of thromboembolic complications after hip replacement.
  • Hospital (anti-embolic). Used during operations and while the patient is in intensive care. The purpose of its use is the prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Several types of compression garments have been developed for the lower extremities. These are stockings, knee socks, leg warmers and tights. There is underwear for other parts of the body: sleeves, gloves, T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, tights, etc.

Location of the thrombus.

In the postoperative period after endoprosthetics, compression stockings of the second or third compression class are used.

Compression classes

There are four classes of compression of therapeutic knitwear:

  • Class 1 (18-21 mmHg). Indicated for patients with persistent swelling and pain in the legs, telangiectasia, and reticular varicose veins.
  • Class 2 (23-32 mmHg). Used for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, etc. And also after some surgical interventions.
  • Class 3 (up to 42 mm Hg). It is used for lymphovenous insufficiency, DVT of the lower extremities, varicose veins with trophic disorders. Class 3 compression underwear is usually prescribed after endoprosthetics.
  • Class 4 (over 49 mmHg). Used for congenital vein anomalies, lymphedema.

The class of compression garments is selected by the doctor, depending on the patient’s condition and treatment goals.

Product models

There are such models of compression stockings:

  • with elastic band;
  • with a belt at the waist;
  • without fastening;
  • with open or closed toe.

Choosing the right size

Compression stockings must exactly follow the shape of your legs, because the success of their use depends on this. The size of the underwear is selected individually, taking into account anatomical features. Please note that for each model, manufacturers create a separate size chart.

When selecting linen, take into account:

  • ankle circumference;
  • volume of the middle of the shin;
  • girth under the knee;
  • thigh circumference;
  • length of the leg from heel to groin.

The model and size of compression stockings should be selected by a specialist.

How to put on stockings correctly

During the hospital stay, stockings are put on the patient by the medical staff. After discharge from the hospital, his relatives do this.

After endoprosthetics, it is forbidden to bend the leg at the hip joint less than 90 degrees. Because of this, it is difficult for the patient to independently reach his feet and put on stockings without injuring the joint. Therefore, he needs the help of his loved ones.

Terms of wearing

How long you need to wear compression garments is determined by your doctor. The period of wearing antithromboembolic stockings is usually 3-4 weeks.

How to care for compression garments

Before putting on stockings, you need to trim your toenails and remove any rough spots or hangnails. This is necessary so that the linen does not get caught on anything and does not tear.

Stockings should be washed in a warm place, but not hot water. Its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. And it is necessary to dry clothes when room temperature, away from heating devices.

Let's summarize:

  1. Antithromboembolic stockings are worn to prevent thrombosis and embolism in the postoperative period.
  2. Wearing compression garments helps eliminate venous congestion in the legs, which reduces the risk of complications and speeds up the healing of the postoperative wound.
  3. Stockings are made from compression knitwear: preventive, therapeutic, hospital. Therapeutic knitwear has four compression classes.
  4. After endoprosthetics, underwear made of medical knitwear of the second or third compression class is worn.
  5. Stockings should be selected by a doctor, and individually. And not only the compression class, but also the size. Let us remind you that manufacturers provide their own sizing chart for each model.
  6. You need to put on stockings after endoprosthetics first with the help of a doctor, and then with your loved ones. You cannot do this yourself because of the risk of bending your leg too much and injuring the operated joint.
  7. The duration of wearing stockings is determined by the doctor. As a rule, you need to wear them for three to four weeks.

Surgery is extremely stressful for the body. Behind surgical intervention always follows a long recovery period, which includes drug and physical therapy, bed rest and the use of anti-embolic garments. The latter is mandatory preventative measure blockage of arteries with blood clots and the formation of thrombosis of the cardiovascular circulatory system of the human body. Find out how and how much to wear after surgery, what their effect is, and how to choose the right post-operative underwear in the article.

Purpose of compression stockings

Anti-embolic stockings are a type of hospital compression stockings that are used after operations involving intervention in the functioning of internal organs, the functioning of the lower extremities, musculoskeletal joints, as well as during childbirth and caesarean section.

The main task of anti-embolic garments is to protect blood vessels and veins from the formation of blood clots in them. Without timely treatment of the latter, as a result of disruption of the nutritional processes of tissues and organs, tissue necrosis may develop.

Classification of compression stockings

Answer to the question: “How long should I wear compression stockings after surgery?” - hidden in existing “classes” of anti-embolic garments. Thus, the purpose of use predetermines the division of the latter into four classes:

    I degree of compression. This type of underwear is often called daily: it is acceptable to wear stockings on a daily basis for initial stages the development of venous diseases, during pregnancy, swelling or a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, is used for recovery after surgical operations.

    II degree of compression is intended for expectant mothers suffering from stage 2 varicose veins or those who have suffered severe injuries lower limbs. Prescribed during the postoperative recovery period.

    The use of compression class III anti-embolic garments is recommended for patients who want to prevent the formation of blood clots and speed up the healing process of ulcers.

    Antithrombosis knitwear of IV degree of compression is used after major operations, when the patient faces a long period of bed rest. Doctors often prescribe this class of stockings to patients with severe varicose veins and impaired lymphatic drainage.

Regardless of the type of compression stockings, consultation with your doctor is recommended: only he can prescribe the optimal therapy, determining how many days to wear compression stockings after surgery.

Key Benefits of Wearing Compression StockingsOK- this is the outflow of blood from the veins, getting rid of edema and preventing the formation of blood clots. Increased blood viscosity and its loss in large quantities, decreased blood pressure - symptoms observed during and after surgical operations, as well as characteristic of a number of diseases.

Thus, wearing anti-embolic underwear is prescribed for patients with diseases such as, for example, varicose veins, disorders of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, obesity, blood clotting pathologies. Using compression stockingsOKRecommended for pregnant women, as well as elderly people.

How long should you wear compression stockings after surgery?

TOAs noted above, compression hosiery can be divided into four categories, depending on the degree of pressure it exerts on an area of ​​the body. In addition, there are 3 types of anti-embolic underwear, which are prescribed by the doctor according to the disease developing in the patient. Thus, the deadline, determined by a medical professional.

Time to wear compression garments

The use of hospital linens is common among patients suffering from serious injuries and illnesses that require them to remain in bed. This type of chulOKshould be used in an exclusively horizontal position.How long to wear compression stockings after surgery? Of course, you should follow the instructions of your doctor. Removing hospital stockingsOKshould occur at least 24 hours after surgery. If surgical intervention on the veins has occurred, the period of wearing underwear should last at least 3 days.

It is recommended to wear therapeutic knitwear several days after the operation, when the patient will be able to perform physical activities such as getting up from a lying position, sitting, and walking. Its compression effect is designed for people with low physical activity. At the same time, clear deadlineshow long to wear compression stockings after surgery, no: in this matter you should focus on factors such as:

    degree of complexity and type of operation;

    the health status of the patient who underwent surgery;

    human lifestyle;

    presence of chronic diseases;


Prophylactic knitwear (first degree of compression) is extremely rarely used in postoperative recovery. Much more often such stockings are worn for preventive purposes.

During laparoscopic operations, the duration of wearing compression hosiery is on average from 1 to 4 weeks. How long to wear compression stockings after abdominal surgery ? From 1 to 2 months.It should be noted that patients who have undergone sclerotomy orphlebectomy, timing of wearing anti-embolic underwearnecessaryextend to four months or six months.

Compression garments and sports

Lpeople who prefer but have undergone surgery during physical activity Sports compression jersey should be used without fail.

How long to wear compression stockings after surgery, if there is a need to exercise at the same time? Answer: at least a year.

How to care for anti-embolic garments

The reliable service of compression stockings largely depends on how carefully the owner treats them. So, despite the fact that the compression effect provided by the hosiery can last from 4 to 9 months, improper care over knitwear can lead to a reduction in the life of the stockings. The product should be washed in warm water exclusively in manual mode. The drying process should be natural: unfolded on the floor. Usage heating elements to speed up the proceduredryingunacceptable!

Putting on stockings correctly

Compression stockings have their full effect on the risk area only if the underwear is worn correctly. The procedure for putting on medical knitwear is as follows: in the morning, without getting out of bed or a bed in the hospital, after removing the jewelry on your fingers and toes, gather the stocking into an accordion. Insert your hand into the hole of the product, and then put the stocking on your foot, firmly fixing it in the area of ​​​​the toes and heel. Gradually pull the stocking up to the ankle or thighs, if necessary, stretch the product higher.The procedure for pulling on compression stockings is greatly facilitated by the use of silk socks or gloves.

Also an integral device in the process of putting on underwear among obese patients is the butler, designed to simplify the procedure for placing stockings on the leg.

Doctors recommend wearing underwear made from compression knitwear as part of your daily life not only for people who have undergone various types of operations, this product will become a true friend to those whose lifestyle is distinguished by such features as wearing high heels, spending most of the day in a sitting position, severe stress on the lower limbs. By the way, compression underwear is rightfully considered a universal preventive measure for varicose veins, swelling, heaviness and pain in the legs among representatives of not only women, but men. Health has no gender boundaries!

People who are forced to use compression stockings due to health conditions speak positively about knitted products that help improve blood circulation: they note that the beneficial effect of stockings on health occurs during the first days of wearing. Comfort, slimness and endurance of the legs - that’s what they give hosiery from compression knitwear for those who use this type of therapeutic underwear.

The main thing is to give preference to products made from natural fabrics in your choice, choose an option with the optimal pressure category and required size(it is recommended to resolve this issue in consultation with the attending physician) and follow the rules for wearing anti-embolic underwear.

After joint replacement, you must wear compression stockings. To put them on you will need the help of loved ones. Watch the video.

What is joint replacement?

This is a rather complex and labor-intensive operation in which the components of the joint are partially or completely replaced with artificial ones (plastic or metal). Thanks to this, a person has the opportunity to restore lost joint functions.

The most commonly performed endoprosthetics are hip and knee joint, since they bear the main burden. Smaller joints are less commonly replaced.

Why buy stockings for joint replacement?

During this operation anesthesia is used, medications, which slow down blood flow and also inevitably damage blood vessels. Blood clotting increases and increases the likelihood of blood clots– blood clots, which can break off and lead to irreversible consequences. It is for the purpose of preventing complications that special anti-embolic stockings are put on the operated patient. They put pressure on the leg muscles and veins, stimulate blood flow and prevent blood from stagnating and forming blood clots. Also stockings after joint surgery contain postoperative swelling, therefore their use is mandatory.

How long to wear stockings after endoprosthetics?

BThe exact period of wearing will be determined by your doctor after the first examinations. In ordinary cases, compulsory wearing stocking after endoprosthetics is 3-4 weeks!
If necessary, this period the doctor can extend to 6-8 weeks after operation. In any case, you must remember. that the recovery period after joint replacement is very long, please be patient! Considering the long rehabilitation period, we recommend buying high-quality stockings after endoprosthetics so that they last for the entire recommended period of wearing (6-8 weeks). If necessary, a fixation orthosis can be worn over the stocking.

What compression class is needed?

After joint replacement surgery, grade 2 stockings are most often used. But it happens that class 1 compression is allowed, for example, when there is a need to stay in stockings almost around the clock, only lowering them slightly at night. A specialist will give you more accurate recommendations.

How to choose: review of manufacturers?

In our online store you can purchase: Stockings after endoprosthetics from the German company MEDI(1st class model Thrombexin 18 and 2nd class Struva 23)

  • These are the highest quality stockings
  • With proven medical effectiveness
  • Recommended by leading Russian experts
  • Used in operations on joints and veins all over the world
  • At first glance, the price is high, but they will last you for the entire early recovery period - 4 weeks

Anti-embolic stockings after joint replacement (Ergoforma), Italy:

  • Have affordable price and average quality
  • But..., wear out quickly, service life up to 14 days
  • Not suitable for tall people (over 180 cm)
  • We recommend them after joint replacement only as a last resort, if there are absolutely no other options.

If you have difficulties with the Choice, then contact our consultants, they will definitely help. Take care of your health!

Your VenoComfort.