Causes of visceral obesity in women. Features of visceral obesity: how to avoid life-threatening complications and achieve recovery

Exogenous-constitutional obesity is divided into two types - gynoid (gluteofemoral) and android (fat in the abdomen and upper torso). More often, endocrinologists make a second diagnosis. This disease is also called abdominal (“abdomen” in Latin - “stomach”) - the figure begins to resemble an apple due to a bloated abdomen. Fat accumulates in the abdominal cavity, under the skin. If it is localized around the internal organs, such obesity is called visceral (“viscera” - “insides”).

How serious is this pathology and is it possible to achieve a complete recovery after a course of treatment? Let's figure it out.

So, visceral obesity is excess body weight with fat deposits in the internal organs (the heart and liver primarily suffer). Moreover, external signs of excess weight may not be observed at all.

Whatever organ is attacked by fat, it is no longer able to function at full strength and in the same way. Meanwhile, the adipose tissue grows (in the absence of therapeutic measures), compressing it into a ring. At first, this leads to numerous health complications, and if you don’t catch it in time and lead to third-degree obesity, everything can end in death.

What causes of visceral obesity are currently known to medicine? Factors that provoke the development of the disease include:

  • genetic, hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders during pregnancy, lactation, menopause - in women;
  • diseases nervous system: constant stressful situations, psychosis, panic attacks;
  • beer abuse - in men (testosterone is replaced by female hormones and is no longer involved in the breakdown of fats);
  • sedentary lifestyle: lack of active rest, physical exercise, walking;
  • improper functioning of the hypothalamus;
  • nutritional imbalance, when there are more carbohydrates and fats in the diet than proteins;
  • binge eating;
  • side effect after taking certain medications: hormones, antidepressants, tranquilizers;
  • problems with the endocrine system: hypothyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • decrease in serotonin (the hormone of happiness, which is also responsible for the feeling of fullness).

If obesity is caused by poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle (it is classified as the nutritional type), the chances of recovery are quite high. Here a balanced diet comes to the fore and physical exercise.

Everything is much more complicated with genetics and congenital diseases. If the development of pathology is dictated by them, it will be chronic.

Visceral obesity can hide inside the body for a long time. You can suspect it only by weight gain, while the stomach and waist do not grow at first. Therefore, first of all, you need to monitor those extra pounds and not allow them to “exceed” the norm. To do this, BMI is calculated using a special formula: I (BMI) = M (weight in kilograms) / H2 (height in meters). If the value exceeds 30, immediate action must be taken.

But this is not the only symptom of this disease. Other signs may indicate it:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling;
  • sexual dysfunction, decreased libido, potency, frigidity;
  • heart problems: tachycardia, ischemia, bradycardia, etc.;
  • liver problems: tingling in the right corner, nausea;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent stress and depression;
  • uncontrollable appetite.

To confirm or dispel doubts about the presence of visceral obesity, you can weigh yourself on a special fat analyzer scale before going to the clinic. They are sold in pharmacies and are available in almost every fitness club. For this purpose, doctors will suggest undergoing a computed tomography scan.

Like any other obesity, visceral obesity can be of 3 degrees. In 1997, WHO presented the following table for ease of classification:

According to the nature of its course, obesity can be stable (weight does not change for a long time), progressive (excess body weight constantly increases), residual (preservation of residual effects after losing weight).

By location:

  • heart - damage to the cardiac sac by adipose tissue, which disrupts cardiac activity;
  • liver (another name for the disease is fatty hepatosis) - dangerous due to intoxication, as bile formation and detoxification are impaired;
  • kidneys - disrupts urinary function, causing stagnation of urine, the formation of stones, the development of infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • pancreas - causes disruptions in the digestive system.

It is possible to clarify the diagnosis, which organ was attacked, only in laboratory conditions - with the help of MRI and ultrasound.

It is very important to begin treatment for visceral obesity in a timely manner, before the organ clogged with fat fails to function at all. To do this, you need to make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

The therapeutic course of this disease can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. Weight loss (period duration - from 3 months to six months).
  2. Its stabilization (from 6 months to 1 year).

Only the joint work of the doctor and the patient can give a chance for recovery. Treatment should be comprehensive, and its main components are diet, sports, behavioral therapy, and in advanced cases, medication and surgery.

Based on the degree of visceral obesity and the patient’s eating habits, the doctor selects the optimal diet.

  • reduction in daily caloric intake by 30% than before;
  • reducing fats and carbohydrates in the diet;
  • all dietary changes are introduced very carefully, gradually;
  • fasting days are welcome, but without fanaticism: once a week will be enough;
  • when creating a menu, you must use lists of permitted and prohibited foods for proper nutrition;
  • usually patients with this diagnosis are prescribed dietary table No. 8 according to Pevzner;
  • meals should be small but frequent;
  • reduce salt to a minimum, replace sugar with honey, avoid fast food and trans fats (especially mayonnaise and ketchup) completely.

When following a diet, you need to remember that the diet must be balanced. Therefore, you cannot give up fats completely, which can lead to disruption of lipolysis, and all therapy will be useless. Therefore, it is better to be under constant supervision of a specialist during this period. He can adjust the menu at any time and give useful advice.

Physical activity - main enemy visceral obesity. But this point of treatment is even more difficult for many patients than the previous one. After all, there you can use your iron character and willpower to do without your favorite hamburger. And then there are the physical activities that obese people perform with great difficulty. Fat folds will put even more pressure on the organs during training, causing fatigue within the first 5 minutes of exercise. Bends, stretching, exercise equipment - everything will be accompanied by profuse sweating, shortness of breath and tachycardia.

Therefore, the regime of aerobic physical activity (frequency of exercises, their type, intensity of training) is selected individually.

Along with exercise, you will need to change your lifestyle, which in many ways has also become the culprit of visceral obesity.

  • breathe more fresh air;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • protect yourself from stress and anxiety;
  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • Constantly motivate yourself to move on and not stop there.

In fact, behavioral therapy is rarely described in detail. Nevertheless, it is of great importance for the patient’s recovery.

If, 2 months after the start of therapy for visceral obesity using the above methods, the effect is not noticeable, the patient will be offered drug treatment with the following drugs:

  1. Orlistat. The course of treatment is from 3 months to 4 years.
  2. Metformin (Glucophage) reduces the amount of absorbed fat in the intestine and is usually prescribed to patients with concomitant type II diabetes mellitus. Side effects include intestinal disorders.
  3. Analogs of glucagon-like peptide give a feeling of false satiety.

Please note that for visceral obesity, the use of herbal, diuretic drugs and all kinds of dietary supplements is not recommended. It must be treated only with “what the doctor ordered.”

The drugs Orlistat and Metformin used in the treatment of visceral obesity

The effectiveness of treatment is assessed within 1 year. During this period, a food diary is kept, the patient’s psychological state is adjusted and constantly monitored.

If the weight does not decrease by more than 10% of the initial weight, the doctor will have to reconsider the treatment tactics: choose a different diet, change the nature of training, replace one pill with another. And continue constant monitoring.

If the target body weight level is nevertheless achieved, a re-examination of risk factors for weight gain and the development of concomitant diseases is carried out.

If drug treatment for visceral obesity is ineffective, the patient is offered surgical intervention.

It can be:

  • installation of cylinders inside the stomachs, which take away part of the food;
  • small intestinal bypass;
  • restrictive operations, when the volume of the gastric reservoir is specifically reduced;
  • combined surgery (combination of biliopancreatic and gastric bypass).

After such interventions, you will have to go through all the difficulties of the rehabilitation period. Replacement therapy with iron, calcium, and multivitamins is prescribed. It is advisable to sign up for medical and cosmetic surgeries (abdominoplasty and liposuction) only after stabilizing your weight.

And finally, how dangerous is this disease if it is not treated in a timely manner. It is necessary to immediately take into account the effect of visceral obesity on blood pressure. Fatty tissue envelops the heart and puts pressure on the blood vessels. This results in severe headaches, extreme hypertension, and a high risk of ischemia and heart attack. This slows down blood flow and lymph flow, which leads to oxygen deficiency in all tissues of the body. Moreover, it is not only hypertensive patients who suffer from this.

This pathology can provoke the development of such serious complications as:

  • metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance), when the body becomes tolerant to glucose;
  • diabetes;
  • the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerotic changes;
  • stroke and myocardial infarction;
  • in women - hirsutism, menstrual irregularities;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • oncology;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • varicose veins

These diseases are very serious and life-threatening. Visceral obesity is one of the most insidious. It can hide inside the body for a long time, disrupting the functioning of organs there. It is difficult to treat, but, nevertheless, there is a chance of recovery if the doctor and patient work in close tandem.

Read also: “Obesity of internal organs.”

Fat cells accumulate the body's energy reserves and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, D), secrete hormones, protect internal organs from shocks and injuries, and maintain body temperature. If more energy is supplied than consumed, then the cells increase in volume, which leads to an increase in the thickness of adipose tissue.

Fat is distributed differently in the body: for some it is deposited in the thighs and legs, for others in the abdominal region (stomach). Visceral obesity is the most dangerous, as it leads to the development of somatic diseases.

There are primary alimentary-exogenous obesity, which is formed as a result of the intake of excess fats and carbohydrates into the body, and secondary, which occurs due to diseases of the central nervous system or endocrine system.

Primary obesity occurs in 75% of overweight people. It develops due to the fact that the body receives more energy than it expends, the diet is disrupted (the bulk of calories are consumed at night) or meals are rare but plentiful.

Obesity does not always occur in people due to excessive food consumption; sometimes the reason is insufficient physical activity. The genetic factor in the development of obesity has not been proven; the fact that the whole family suffers from the disease is explained by common habits and lifestyle.

Exogenous-constitutional obesity is divided into gynoid (gluteofemoral) and abdominal, when adipose tissue accumulates in the abdominal cavity. When fat is located around the organs and not under the skin, we speak of visceral obesity.

The risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system is associated not with the volume of fat in the body, but with the nature of its distribution. Thus, a person with upper obesity (abdominal, central, android) is more likely to get heart disease than a person with lower type of obesity (gluteofemoral, gynoid, peripheral).

There are three layers of adipose tissue: subcutaneous, visceral, and located under muscle tissue. Visceral fat differs from subcutaneous fat in the type of adipocytes, lipolytic activity, sensitivity to insulin and other hormones. All adipose tissue is 80% subcutaneous fat.

The volume of visceral adipose tissue reaches 20% in men and 5–8% in women. With age, this indicator increases in representatives of both sexes.

Obesity occurs differently in men and women. So, in men, visceral fat first accumulates, and only after that subcutaneous fat begins to be deposited. When losing weight, the fat that fills the space between the internal organs is first consumed, and only then the waist size decreases.

Obesity in women begins with an increase in the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue, since estrogen prevents the deposition of visceral fat. But still, with increasing body weight, the volume of visceral adipose tissue increases.

Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, retroperitoneum, epicardium, mesentery of the small intestine, liver hepatosis rarely occurs

Visceral adipose tissue surrounds the abdominal organs (most of all it accumulates around the intestines), stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs. Epicardial fat is a special form of visceral fat found around the heart. It produces substances that affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

A person without problems with excess weight has about 3 kg of visceral fat. If there is obesity, then this figure can increase 10 times. Fat cells surround the internal organs and, if necessary, provide them with energy. But if a lot of fat accumulates in lipocytes, then they compress organs and affect blood supply and lymph movement.

In a patient with visceral obesity, complications from the pancreas and cardiovascular system are much more common than in people with gluteofemoral obesity.

Factors provoking the development of obesity:

  • hormonal disorders that occur during pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • diseases of the central nervous system (stress, psychosis, panic attacks);
  • excessive consumption of beer (testosterone is converted into female sex hormones and ceases to participate in the breakdown of fats);
  • reduced physical activity (sedentary work, inactive rest);
  • The hypothalamus does not work properly;
  • poor nutrition (the menu is dominated by fats or carbohydrates, a hearty dinner before bedtime);
  • binge eating;
  • against the background of drug therapy (taking hormonal drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants);
  • disruption of the endocrine system (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism);
  • lack of serotonin (the hormone is responsible for a good mood and a feeling of satiety).


The volume of visceral fat can increase not only in obese people. British scientists have found that 45% of the fair sex and 60% of men with a body mass index of 20–25 units have an increased amount of visceral tissue. They explained this by saying that people maintained their weight by going on a diet; as a result, the cells accumulate fat “for a rainy day.”

Those studied who had normal levels of visceral fat led an active lifestyle and did not go on hunger strikes.

To diagnose abdominal obesity, it is enough to measure the circumference of the waist and hips. If the WC/TB ratio is greater than one in men and above 0.85 in women, then this indicates the deposition of adipose tissue between the internal organs.

If a person under 40 years of age has a waist circumference of more than a meter (and under the age of 60 years the figure is more than 90 cm), then it is considered that there is abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

In an obese person, the regulation of energy balance is altered, there is a disorder of day-to-day metabolism with increased formation of adipose tissue from fats and carbohydrates supplied with food, and there are difficulties with the mobilization of fat from cells.

With excessive food intake, lipogenesis is higher than lipolysis, so triglycerides are deposited in fat cells (lipocytes). The number of these cells in an adult does not change (precursor cells divide only during embryonic development and puberty), triglycerides increase the size of lipocytes three times.

But if fat continues to enter the body, the precursor cells begin to divide. With extreme obesity, the number of lipocytes can increase 10 times. If new cells have formed, then when you lose weight they no longer disappear, but only decrease in size.

Any type of obesity leads to atherosclerosis, chronic cholecystitis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins and many other diseases

Visceral adipose tissue disrupts the functioning of the heart, making a person practically incapable of physical activity. The functioning of the lungs also changes for the worse, causing breathing difficulties. The intestinal walls are compressed, which leads to disruption of the organ and slagging of the body.

With obesity, the pancreas suffers greatly, as a result of which insulin production is disrupted and diabetes mellitus develops. The liver accumulates fat in the cells, it ceases to cope with its protective function and toxins penetrate into the bloodstream.

Visceral adipose tissue is an endocrine organ because it produces cortisol, interleukin-6 (inflammatory hormone), and leptin. Fat cells convert testosterone into female sex hormones (estrogens), so overweight men have female-type obesity and have problems with potency.

Increased level cortisol leads to chronic stress. Due to the inflammatory hormone, even minor disturbances in the cells can cause a strong inflammatory reaction. Due to the action of hormones synthesized by visceral adipose tissue, the activity of all cells deteriorates, which contributes to the deposition of harmful substances(slags, cholesterol, fats).

It turns out that the more abdominal fat, the more hormones are produced, leading to the deposition of fat on the internal organs.

Venous blood flowing from the visceral adipose tissue enters the liver through the portal system. Because of this, a lot of free fatty acids and adipokines penetrate into the gland. Free fatty acids lead to the formation of hepatic insulin resistance, and adipokines contribute to the activation of anti-inflammatory mediators.

Thus, obesity provokes:

  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • hypertension;
  • swelling;
  • shortness of breath;
  • violation of reproductive and sexual function;
  • changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • deterioration of liver function;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • stress, depression;
  • increased appetite.

When prescribing therapy, the doctor must take into account not only the severity of obesity, but also concomitant diseases

Treatment of visceral obesity consists of compensating for developed metabolic disorders and involves reducing insulin resistance. The therapy is complex and includes measures designed to reduce the mass of abdominal-visceral fat. Patients are prescribed a low-calorie diet and regular exercise.

If there are signs of obesity, you should consult an endocrinologist. Therapy takes place in two stages: weight loss (takes from 3 to 6 months) and its stabilization (lasts up to a year). In most cases, patients also need psychological help in order to understand what problems are “stuck” and learn to avoid it.

The diet is compiled individually, taking into account the patient’s body weight, age, gender, food preferences, and physical activity. You can consume fat only 25% of the daily calorie content, and animal fat should be no more than 10% of the total amount of fat, and cholesterol up to 300 mg per day.

Limit consumption of quickly digestible carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits as they contain dietary fibre. When creating a menu, an obese person should be guided by the lists of permitted and prohibited foods (Diet No. 8 according to Pevzner is recommended).

You should completely avoid fast food and trans fats. Fats should not be completely eliminated, as this may cause disruption of lipolysis. Weight loss and blood counts should be monitored by a doctor.

Physical activity is necessary for all forms and stages of obesity. The aerobic exercise regimen is selected individually, since it depends on many factors (clinical manifestations of obesity, concomitant pathologies, age, gender, physical fitness).

The primary task is not to harm the cardiovascular system. Exercise increases energy consumption, normalizes metabolism, accelerates the breakdown of fats, improves the functions of all body systems, and increases performance.

Low to moderate intensity daily aerobic exercise required

For young and middle-aged patients without heart and vascular diseases, exercises that increase endurance are especially useful. Recommended walking, running, rowing, swimming, sport games. Speed ​​exercises are difficult to perform and do not provide the necessary energy expenditure.

The method of fractional loads is used, that is, during the day you need to do several approaches. The course of treatment is divided into two periods. During the first, the patient adapts to increasing physical activity, and in the second, when shortness of breath and palpitations disappear, the number of approaches can be increased (one session lasts from 45 minutes).

Studies show that with a loss of 10–15% of total body weight, 30% of visceral fat is burned and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

A decrease in fat volume, in most cases, leads to a decrease in hyperinsulinemia, restoration of metabolism, normalization of blood pressure, and return of insulin sensitivity. Unfortunately, not everyone's insulin resistance and abdominal obesity improve with weight loss, so medications are prescribed.

If there is no result from therapy within 2 months, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Orlistat. The active substance inhibits lipase, which leads to impaired breakdown and absorption of fats. Contraindicated in case of malabsorption syndrome, cholestasis. As a side effect, flatulence, steatorrhea, frequent bowel movements, fecal incontinence, and imperative urge to empty the bowel may occur. The likelihood of unwanted effects increases if the diet is not followed. Treatment lasts from 3 months. Analogs of Alli, Xenalten, Xelican, Orlimax, etc.
  • Metromormin (Glucophage). Indicated for type II diabetes mellitus. Reduces the absorption of glucose from the intestine, accelerates its utilization, increases sensitivity to insulin, and in addition reduces the level of triglycerides and lipoproteins in the blood.
  • Analogues of glucagon-like peptide. The peptide is produced by cells of the ileum and colon in response to food intake. Triglycerides and carbohydrates contained in chyme stimulate its secretion. In the stomach, it suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid and weakens motility, and in the pancreas, the peptide stimulates the production of insulin and inhibits the synthesis of glucagon and somatostatin. Thus, the drug suppresses the feeling of hunger.

The effectiveness of treatment is assessed within a year. During this period, the diet is adjusted and the patient’s psychological state is assessed.

Therapy is considered ineffective if 10% of weight is not lost

If weight loss needs to be achieved in short time for medical reasons, and if complex therapy does not lead to results, then surgical intervention may be prescribed. Obesity is not only a cosmetic defect, it is also the inability to lead an active lifestyle, difficulties in establishing social contacts, and health problems.

Getting rid of extra pounds requires a lot of time, willpower and self-improvement. You shouldn’t expect quick results and set a goal to lose weight at lightning speed, as the risk of causing irreparable harm to your health increases and there is a possibility that motivation will decrease. You need to start small and get used to a new way of life.

Natural deposits of visceral fat help the functioning of internal organs, acting as shock absorbers.

But as soon as there is a little more of it than necessary, it begins to pose a certain danger.

With an increase in the percentage of visceral fat, the risk of diabetes, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies, and oncology increases. How to determine the norm of visceral fat and how to deal with its excess?

You can determine whether there is excess visceral fat in the body by eye - to do this, it is enough to take a critical look at your figure. The more it resembles the notorious “apple,” the more visceral fat has accumulated on the internal organs, which means there is a greater risk of developing various pathologies of the heart and liver.

The simplest measuring device is an ordinary tailor's measuring tape: with its help, in a relaxed state, you should measure your waist circumference. You should not deceive yourself and suck in your stomach, because you are not going to make public the data that will be received; on the contrary, you will take it into account to assess the state of your health.

MRI of internal organs will provide accurate data on the amount and location of “dislocation” of harmful fat. Computed tomography will also give a comprehensive answer to the question: how much visceral fat is deposited and where, and how dangerous these deposits are.

Body mass index is also a serious indicator - if you do not engage in strength exercises and increased weight is excluded due to high muscle mass, then a BMI over 25 should give you pause, and its value over 30 is a direct guide to action.

Visceral fat, located in the abdominal cavity, forms an omentum that serves to protect and maintain internal organs, ensuring normal temperature regime. This is a kind of airbag, which, however, if it grows excessively, can put pressure on the internal organs. In addition, fat begins to accumulate on the internal organs themselves, interfering with their normal functioning.

Cinnamon, like most spices known to us, can activate fat burning. How? Read in this article.

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The level of visceral fat increases under stress, as the hormone cortisol begins to work, stimulating fat production - the body, immersed in a state of stress, decides that it needs additional reserves and begins to actively accumulate them. This is also facilitated by the everyday way of overcoming stress – overeating. Therefore, if the risk of visceral fat formation is high, then it is better to try to avoid stress or at least not to “eat” it.

The risk of increasing visceral fat levels increases if you have a family history of diabetes and hypertension.

A great way to limit the accumulation of internal fat is to constantly drink green tea and follow a diet. This will quickly reduce the level of cholesterol, sugar and visceral fat.

A diet rich in foods high in L-carnitine will help remove visceral fat. This is, first of all, lean meat and milk.

L-carnitine for the body is a stimulator of fat burning, thanks to it fat is burned in the mitochondria of muscle cells, turning into clean energy. The maximum amount of L-carnitine is found in crab meat (natural) - over 200 mg per 100 g, in young lean lamb - 190 mg, in beef and venison - about 150 mg. You can also take L-carnitine in the form of special supplements.

You should definitely adhere to a low-calorie diet consisting of 00 kcal per day. It will help you get rid of excess fat in just a month, as you will see for yourself by taking the appropriate measurements and weighing.

Eating cereals in the form of whole grains, dried fruits, low-fat fermented milk products, and fish rich in Omega-3 acids will help improve performance and significantly improve the health of the body. Such a diet leads to a decrease in insulin levels in the blood and increases the rate of burning fat, including internal fat.

The best stimulator for burning internal fat is physical activity. If the weight is heavy and it’s difficult to start running right away, regular walking will help. At the initial stage, you can simply walk around the city at a normal pace, gradually increasing it, but so as not to make your heartbeat feverishly go off scale.

After the body becomes accustomed to the load, you can move on to fast walking, then running. The most gentle and at the same time effective type of physical activity is swimming. For many, an excellent opportunity to get rid of harmful fat will be an exercise bike or cycling.

In general, the accumulation of visceral fat is a sign of our well-fed time, since every day we have less and less opportunities for spontaneous movements. We try to improve our life and move less and less. Sedentary lifestyle - main reason accumulation of internal fat, another reason is the boom in processed foods and fast food.

Change your lifestyle and diet and you may not have to put in extra effort to fight visceral fat.

Source: More people in the modern world are faced with the problem of excess weight. There are many ways to combat it, but to achieve good results you need to understand the very concept of fat and the reasons for its appearance.

The problem of excess weight arises mainly due to excess deposits of subcutaneous fat, which at first does not particularly affect the state of health, but rather causes discomfort.

However, there is another type of fat deposits that can not only ruin your mood with its appearance, but also cause many health problems - visceral fat.

Visceral (deep, abdominal, internal or torso) fat is one of the types of fat deposits that accumulates not in the subcutaneous layers of the body, but around the vital organs of the abdominal cavity. It is present in the body of every person and protects organs from possible external damage, warms them, and in fact is a reserve source of nutrition and energy that will be used in case of emergency.

Its presence in small quantities does not cause any harm to humans. This type of fat deposits becomes dangerous when there is an excess of it in the body. Blood supply to internal organs deteriorates. The likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases increases, diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases.

There are several reasons for the appearance of this type of fat:

The tendency to develop deep fat can be passed on from parent to child.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle have a higher risk of developing excess abdominal fat than people who pay attention to physical activity.

Eating fatty, high-calorie foods, sweets, flour, eating disorders - all this contributes to excessive accumulation of fat.

  • 4. Men are more prone to the appearance of deep fat than women - this is due to the work of hormones.

Alcohol consumption, which is somewhat more common among the male half of the population, can cause hormone disruption, which leads to excessive deposits of visceral fat. Women catch up with men in terms of abdominal volume; when they begin menopause, the level of estrogen (female sex hormone) drops.

Everyone knows that it is difficult to stop and not overeat when eating stress, but not everyone realizes that chronic lack of sleep and insomnia lead to the appearance of a belly fat. Although this can also be easily explained - an exhausted body begins to prepare for difficult times, putting more in reserve.

The presence of deep fat in the amount of 10-15% of the total body fat is considered normal.

You can check for excess internal fat in the body by measuring your waist circumference.

In women, the norm is considered to be the VSM indicator, in men, cm. Calculating your body mass index, where the norm is considered to be 25, can also indicate possible problems.

It is also worth remembering individual characteristics structure of a person, you can find out whether the amount of visceral fat is normal using the formula - “height - 100”; if the indicator is significantly exceeded, excess visceral fat is present.

Now there are special scales on sale that can determine the percentage of fat in the body, so indicators of 1-12 are considered the norm, from 13 to 59 excess, respectively, the higher the number, the worse for your health.

Discomfort from having visceral fat can be noticed by the fact that it becomes difficult to breathe at times, the body sweats even with little exertion, and there is a constant feeling of fatigue and weakness.

Excess internal fat can affect the functioning of vital organs and worsen the condition of the body as a whole:

  • The liver and kidneys can no longer cope with the load, which can lead to slagging.
  • Atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension occur faster.
  • Confusion of the diaphragm, which in turn puts pressure on the heart and lungs, which can cause shortness of breath.
  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Risk of fatty liver hepatosis.
  • Interruptions in the functioning of the heart. Which can subsequently lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Problems arise with the spine, which can lead to sciatica and hernia. Osteoporosis progresses.
  • Oxygen starvation of the body.
  • The emergence of cancer.
  • The risk of diabetes mellitus increases.
  • Disturbances and changes in human hormonal levels, infertility, in men there is a decrease in testosterone levels, and potency decreases.
  • Varicose veins of the pelvic organs and lower extremities develop.

Another danger is that excess internal fat is quite difficult to determine; in order to verify the existence of a problem, you will need to undergo an MRI and computed tomography scan, and you will also have to undergo a series of tests.

The next problematic point is that quickly, using liposuction and other techniques, it is possible to get rid of only subcutaneous fat, but it is impossible to remove visceral fat, which tightly envelops our intestines, liver, and kidneys.

Just like subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is burned more easily.

The first assistant in the fight against abdominal fat will be diet and normalizing your diet. Food intake should be rational and balanced: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Meals should be fractional, you need to eat often, but a little at a time. Preference should be given to baked, boiled or steamed food.

You should not starve or limit yourself in food; you should eat food at the first request of the body (the body tends to accumulate fat for future use). You shouldn't skip breakfast. Dinner should be light, preferably consisting of vegetables or fruits. It is better to replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones and combine foods correctly.

It is necessary to count calories; their number should not exceed 1200 kcal per day.

The basis of the daily diet should be fresh vegetables, their amount should be 70% of food consumed. In fermented milk products, the percentage of fat content should not exceed 2.5% (ideally, dairy products with one percent fat content should be consumed).

The diet should consist of lean meat, egg whites, fish, porridge with water, durum varieties wheat, cereals and bran. Dried fruits are ideal for snacking throughout the day. Be sure to have fiber in your diet.

L-Carnitine, an ingredient in meat and fish, stimulates fat burning; for this you should consume lamb, young veal, rabbit, venison, crab and poultry. Ginger is a good way to burn fat; it can be added to tea (in terms of getting rid of fat, green is better) or salads. Celery, apples, blueberries, oranges and other citrus fruits are useful.

Fast food, fatty meats, confectionery products, oils and margarine, carbonated drinks should be excluded from the menu. sweet water, juices in tetra packs, reduce the amount of consumption, and if possible, completely eliminate alcohol. You should not snack on sandwiches.

Drinking regime is also important; you should drink 1.5 water per day - it will help flush toxins from the body. For the diet to have the desired effect, it must be used in combination with sports.

The main remedy in the fight against excessive accumulation of visceral fat is physical exercise. The fight should begin by getting rid of subcutaneous fat, then the body begins to use trunk fat.

Particular attention should be paid to the accumulation of muscle mass, which will help increase the energy expenditure expended by the body.

When it comes to physical activity, preference should be given to running (here you should carefully monitor your pulse to avoid interruptions in heart function), swimming, and cycling.

Tennis, skating and snowboarding, race walking, active outdoor sports (football, basketball, volleyball) will help.

It is important to pay attention to proper breathing - the body should not experience oxygen starvation.

The ideal way to combat visceral fat is to exercise on cardio equipment. Minutes a day of intensive training on them will speed up the metabolic process, which will help burn the required amount of fat.

At home, fitness and aerobics will help solve the problem of excess fat deposits. Running in place will also help in the fight against excess fat; it should be given at least 20 minutes per approach 3-4 times a week.

Cardio exercises include jumping in place or jumping rope, 5-7 minutes a day are enough to achieve a good result.

Abdominal exercises can not only strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also get rid of internal fat, for better effect you should insulate the abdominal area (a warm sweater or a belt made of natural wool will help with this) - this will speed up fat burning, while abdominal exercises should be varied:

Lie on your back, bend your elbows behind your head. Bend your knees, feet pressed to the floor.

Take a lying position on your back, raise your straightened legs until a right angle is formed.

The principle is the same as with the classic press, only when lifting, the left elbow should touch the right knee and vice versa.

  • - Double press - is a more complex exercise that requires more strength.
  • - Rotate your legs while lying down.

Abdominal exercises can be done almost every day, but experienced trainers recommend doing this type of exercise 3-4 times a week.

It is worth remembering that the load should be increased gradually, alternating between strength and aerobic exercises. It is also worth gradually increasing the intensity of your training. Sports should take place 1.5-2 hours after eating. A weight loss of 0.5 kg per week is considered normal.

I hope that you have figured out what abdominal visceral fat is, how it is dangerous for the body, the reasons for its formation and methods, and learned how to remove visceral fat from the waist for men and women.

It is important to know, with all your efforts, that completely getting rid of visceral fat threatens anorexia, which will cause great harm to your health. And after 40 years, an increase in body fat is a normal process.

Who doesn't want to be healthy?

Probably, there will not be a single person who proudly shouted back: “I am.” The opposite situation is observed: everyone wants to be healthy, every holiday they make toasts with appropriate wishes, and consider health to be the main value in our age.

But nevertheless they do not take care of it, miss it, lose it...

Years flash by, education, career, family, children.. Diseases.. Sadly, over the years we almost inevitably acquire diseases. Which progress very quickly, become chronic, and lead to premature old age. Well, we can’t continue any further...

However, I’m not here to sigh on a virtual heap and read a dying epilogue to us all!

You can start fighting and change your life for the better at any stage. And at 30, and at 40, and at 60.. It’s just that the opportunities in this fight will be different.

Let everything take its course? Or systematically do something every day for your precious health. Just a little bit, half a step! But it will be a movement that actually happens.

If you do nothing for years, and then one Monday you start everything at once - do exercises, go on a diet, start leading... healthy image life, then I can upset you.. You won’t last long. 97% of all beginners quit this “disastrous” activity by the end of the week. Everything is too abrupt, too much, too scary.. Change everything..

But you and I will not be globalists doomed to failure, we will take care of our health little by little, but every day.

Let's start working on health? Not tomorrow.. Not from Monday.. But here.. And now!

On the website you will find many effective and accessible at home methods and methods of strengthening own health. We are considering treatment methods

  • with the help of massage (mostly acupressure, which allows you to help yourself independently),
  • physical exercises,
  • therapeutic fasting,
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches),
  • apitherapy (treatment with bees and bee products).
  • There are also methods of treating mumiyo, pet therapy, and herbal treatment.

Particular attention is paid to proper (rational nutrition) and personal experience author, who has tested most of the techniques described here.

Alternative medicine provides an alternative to medical officialdom, allows a person to find his own methods of treatment without drugs, to cleanse his body of waste, toxins and excessive stress (we remember the hackneyed truth that all diseases are from nerves).

Psychological tests and techniques for dealing with stress (strengthening the spirit) will help you survive in the world of speed. Lack of time should not affect your health. The techniques proposed here take very little time, but require regular implementation.

It is possible to restore your health, it all depends on you, your desire, and perseverance. And the blog will do everything to provide you with the necessary information.

Publications on the site are for informational purposes only. For a practical solution to a particular problem, you need to consult a doctor.

Source: often we (and some constantly) have to lose weight quickly for the summer, New Year, birthday, March 8, February 23, etc. (necessary or underline everything). We gain it over months or years, but we want to lose it quickly in a week or month. We are not going to dissuade you - this is completely useless, much less reprimand you - they should have taken care of this earlier. No, we have a different task ahead of us. Let me tell you, since this has happened, what all this entails and how to minimize the negative consequences of “quick weight loss.”

Designed by nature as a natural reserve for feeding a child, unexpected hunger or illness, fat gets out of control and begins to exist as an independent organ that influences many processes occurring in our body. Fat deposited in the abdominal area, for example, changes hormonal background, increasing testosterone levels in women and, on the contrary, decreasing them in men. To maintain and increase its mass, fat requires more and more calories, whetting the appetite and provoking bulimia. The load on all internal organs increases many times; a person experiences enormous physical stress and emotional pressure. All this sooner or later leads to the understanding that “you can’t live like this” and you urgently need to lose weight. And even those who do not have a large surplus, but want to quickly get rid of 5-7 kg. fall into the risk group that occurs during high-speed discharge. So what are the dangers of losing weight quickly?

We will repeat again and again that with improper rapid loss, we lose muscle mass no less, and sometimes more, than fat itself. Which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and the body’s fat-burning ability (fat burns in the muscles, and we destroy them). From an aesthetic point of view, the result is also not pleasing. "Jelly" muscles fail to impress. And after finishing a strict diet, fat is restored first and in a larger volume, and only then muscles in a smaller volume. And as a result, while maintaining or even maintaining weight at a lower value, we began to have higher percentage fat than before “losing weight”. And to maintain weight, fewer calories are now required (fat consumes less energy than muscle by 9! times), which means we must be even “stricter” with ourselves and eat even less. Clap. This is a metabolic trap slammed shut. We drove ourselves into it. But these are not the most negative consequences of “losing weight.”

First you need to understand the nature of fat. Previously, it was believed that the number of fat cells is hereditary, i.e. along with eye and hair color, it is genetically programmed and permanent (i.e. cells do not divide). But now data has appeared that refutes this. It is known that the mother’s nutrition during pregnancy can largely influence the process of laying the number of fat cells in the child. And the fat cells themselves, under certain conditions, for example, with obesity, can further divide. And the number of these cells can only be reduced surgically (liposuction, abdominoplasty).

So, fat is stored in fat cells called adipocytes. In order for it to come out, it must break down into fatty acids and glycerol. The signal for this breakdown is either a decrease in the concentration of fatty acids in the blood (diet), and the deficiency must be replenished, or an increase in the concentration of ATP breakdown products (training), which is a source of energy and for the synthesis of which fatty acids are needed. We are not interested in glycerol now and we will neglect its fate in this case.

The situation is very bad when we lose weight on diets alone without fitness, which would “burn” fatty acids circulating through the blood vessels. And the faster we lose weight, the more avalanche-like the concentration of fatty acids in the blood increases, and the more likely the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Finding no use in non-working muscles, fat goes straight to the liver, which is not able to cope with its processing, which can lead to fatty degeneration (cirrhosis) in just a few sessions of “quick weight loss”.

Based on this and the measured trait values, a predictive diet class for visceral fat can be determined. In this case, the main task comes down to identifying an algorithm that is simpler than the likelihood ratio, while at the same time giving satisfactory forecasting results. Many such heuristic algorithms have been proposed. The most widely used hyperplane algorithm is that the heuristic classification algorithm is chosen. We substitute the combination of values ​​obtained during the training experiment into the algorithm formula. If, when calculating the forecast, we obtain Yahkl.eH1 - according to the forecast, a decision on the class is applied. If Yahkl.eH1> Xg--. a decision is made about the class Kgp - If the algorithm provides high quality prediction and the signs separate the classes well, then the class estimates based on the forecast for and the training experiment will coincide. In reality, for one reason or another, discrepancies may occur and it is necessary to assess the probabilities of erroneous decisions. The important thing is that in this case, estimates of the probabilities of erroneous decisions can be obtained simply from the results of a training experiment, and class estimates based on the forecast without performing integration. The material reflecting plots similar to the Belarusian one concludes that Boy turns out to be the same god of death, accompanied by two dogs, like the Hindu Yama with visceral his both four-eyed Saramean dogs. Miller s. The name of Prince Boy Miller traces back to Lithuanian terrible, Gaura to lit. shaggy hair, animal hair, and considers Stours to be a distorted formation from lit. verb howl, howl there. 12 V.V. Magnitsky further continues. Among the Russians in the Urzhum district of the Vyatka province, funerals in silt correspond to the funerals of those strangled, missing, burned in a fire, in general, everyone who was not worthy of a funeral service. Magnitsky p. The reason for the fat of the dead was that they had not outlived their age. According to O. A. Sedakova, the etymology of slavs, cf. other Russian howl, lat. discovers the original Indo-European semantics of vital force, O. A. Sedakova. The theme of the share in the funeral rite East Slavic and South Slavic material C Research in the field of Balto-Slavic spiritual culture Funeral rite. M., p. According to this hypothesis, hostage deceased cannot leave the human world, diet for visceral fat because they have not used up

Source: the visceral fat layer is considered dangerous for your figure and health, which indicates progressive obesity and acutely raises the question of how to get rid of internal fat in the body and dissolve unpleasant deposits. In reality, it is a product (result) of a high concentration of light carbohydrates that are absorbed through food. Internal fat in humans envelops internal organs and systems, complicating their work. As a result, the development of extensive pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, prone to chronicity.

Before you fight extra pounds, you need to be diagnosed for chronic diseases. Internal body fat is a hidden threat to health. In fact, it will do the work of the endocrine gland. Problem areas are localized in the abdomen, intestines, liver and kidneys. It turns out that these abdominal organs are gradually filled with internal fat and do not work at full capacity.

This is how obesity-related diseases appear and are prone to serious complications. It will not be possible to get rid of them quickly and stabilize weight; an integrated approach to the problem is required, which includes normalizing impaired metabolism and regulating hormonal levels using conservative methods and medications. Then the internal fat will begin to dissolve before your eyes.

The external manifestations of obesity are obvious, but inside, visceral fat represents capacious deposits that stretch the skin and lead to loss of elasticity. If not treated in a timely manner, the problem will only increase, the stomach will bulge and sag. The norm of visceral fat when measuring the waist in women should not exceed 88 cm, in men - no more than 94 cm. These are critical indicators, deviation from which upward makes the patient ask the main question of how to remove visceral fat on the abdomen. To get the desired cubes back, you need to consult your doctor.

More often, problem areas are the stomach, waist, sides and hips, which become saggy and unpresentable. appearance. Excess weight is provoked by impaired metabolism and failure of hormone production, and this is already a disease. We urgently need to get rid of it. Visceral fat is dangerous to health because it can turn healthy person into a disabled person. The potential threat is as follows:

  • diagnosed infertility in girls of reproductive age;
  • violation of natural ventilation of the lungs;
  • progressive oxygen starvation;
  • sleep apnea;
  • increased fatigue, loss of energy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathologies of the digestive system are extensive.

To ensure productive weight loss, the first step is to find out the main cause of progressive obesity and get rid of it. Detailed diagnostics is the basis for external transformations that will occur if the patient follows certain rules. An ideal figure with internal fat in the body is a reality. The recommendations of modern doctors and nutritionists on how to get rid of the internal fat layer are as follows:

  1. Therapeutic diet. A complete abstinence from simple carbohydrates, sufficient consumption of proteins, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants is necessary, according to the prescribed proper nutrition scheme.
  2. Active lifestyle. Daily walks in the fresh air and morning exercises simply must become the norm. life cycle. You can choose cycling, rollerblading or dancing more. In addition, be sure to get rid of bad habits.
  3. Cleansing the intestines of toxins and slagging. To effectively get rid of visceral fat, you need to regularly arrange fasting days and cleanse the intestines with folk remedies.
  4. Exercises in the gym, at home. Select exercises according to your physical fitness and health status, evenly distributing the load on the muscles. Otherwise, you can only harm your own health.
  5. Water balance. This source of strength and energy must prevail in sufficient quantities in a person’s life. If you have excess subcutaneous fat, you should drink at least 3 liters of clean water per day.

Many patients with obesity and excess weight struggle with physical activity and sports. This is especially true for men and young girls who dream not of a slim, but of a sporty figure, and to get rid of problem areas. It is quite possible to pump up muscles and remove fat deposits; the main thing is to choose an effective training complex for medical reasons. Below are simple ways to help you permanently get rid of visceral fat through exercise:

  1. Plank. The exercise will help work out all muscle groups and has a fat-burning effect. First you need to stand in this position for 1 minute, but gradually increase the time interval.
  2. Run in place with your knees raised high. At first it will be equally difficult for women and men, but over time, 2-3 minutes of running will no longer seem like a whole hour. The main thing is to control your breathing, pace, and technique of performing approaches during training.
  3. Running in place from a plank position. For greater body relief, leaning on your hands, raise your legs to your chest, simulating running from a low distance. Gradually increase the speed and perform the exercise for 1 minute.

A strict diet is always stressful for the body, so for a reliable and quick disposal from fat deposits it is recommended to adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition. Before removing internal fat from organs, you should consult a nutritionist - the problem is internal in nature. The goal is to normalize metabolism and control hormonal levels. Here are the basic principles of nutrition for getting rid of visceral fat:

  1. Remove unhealthy foods containing fats, light carbohydrates, and cholesterol from your daily menu.
  2. Provide a supply of proteins and proteins as “builders” of muscle mass, to prevent the formation of fat in the subcutaneous layer.
  3. Consume vitamins and antioxidants to strengthen the immune system, remove free radicals, and protect against external triggers.
  4. Among the foods allowed for abdominal fat, it is worth highlighting boiled poultry and lean fish, dairy products and vegetables. Unsweetened fruits and green tea are suitable.
  5. When deciding how to get rid of internal fat in the body, remove flour, sweets, fatty foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks from the menu.

Source: How to get rid of visceral fat: before and after photos

The principles of a healthy lifestyle are becoming increasingly popular and important. These are not empty words. Indeed, people have become more attentive to their health. That is why the presence of extra pounds today is a serious reason to think not only about the cause of their occurrence, but also about possible ways to eliminate them at home. However, not all so simple. Often, excess weight does not manifest itself in the form of deposits on the arms, waist or hips. There is also visceral fat. What is it? What is dangerous about visceral fat, which is most clearly visible when a person has a large belly, and how can you get rid of it yourself? Let's find out!

Visceral fat is deposits of special tissue created by the body. Such reserves are not collected on the buttocks or waist, as is the case with subcutaneous fat. It accumulates much deeper. Visceral fat is found around the internal organs. Both women and representatives of the stronger half can face this. At the same time, the overall figure can remain normal. The first sign of a problem is the absence of a waist and formation here large quantity fatty tissues that cover both muscles and internal organs.

The peculiarity of visceral fat is that it is represented by a mass consisting of so-called brown fat cells. Since they mostly accumulate near the internal organs, such deposits are often called abdominal or internal. You can usually determine the presence of visceral fat by the presence of a protruding belly. As a rule, the remaining parts of the body remain normal and cannot be called complete.

On a note! It is impossible to say that there should be no visceral fat in the body at all. The whole point is that it is these deposits that protect internal organs from thermal and mechanical injuries. The danger arises when such reserves become larger than normal.

Excess visceral fat is often thought to be associated with age. This is a wrong opinion! There is no connection between the number in the passport, the figure and the volume of visceral fat in the body.

However, doctors were able to name the most common reasons for the formation of an excess of such deposits in the body. These include:

  • abuse of sweets;
  • love of high-calorie foods;
  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, people suffering from chronic lack of sleep are at risk.

Besides physical handicap experienced by a person suffering from excessive formation of visceral fat, one cannot fail to note other negative aspects of this phenomenon. Thus, such deposits inside the body negatively affect the entire functioning of the human body and its figure.

An excess of visceral fat is dangerous to human health because it can become a trigger for many diseases:

Often such deposits provoke disruptions in the body’s hormonal system. An excess of visceral fat directly affects metabolic processes. It simply slows down your metabolism.

In addition, such formations in excess cause snoring. The whole point is that the heart, covered with fat, begins to work incorrectly. However, snoring is only one side of the coin. In such a situation, breathing stops during sleep.

As you can see, visceral fat is a serious threat to human health. His negative impact may lead to irreversible consequences. This is why serious measures must be taken to get rid of visceral fat. This is not only beneficial for the condition of the body, but also for appearance. Before and after photos and videos clearly prove this.

Losing weight in this case is the optimal solution to the problem. The appeal of any diet is that it burns fat deposits around the internal organs to a certain extent.

However, it is worth noting that some principles should be adhered to especially strictly when losing weight. A diet aimed at burning internal or abdominal fat should be based on foods enriched with fiber. Just 10 g of this substance allows you to remove adipose tissue and block the process of accumulation of visceral fat. A glass of green peas and a couple of apples do the job perfectly.

The best way to get rid of such accumulations is low-carbohydrate diets, which are based on the recommendation to consume as much protein as possible. To burn these fats, it is worth creating a diet such that its calorie content varies from 1800 to 2000 kcal. To do this, during the diet you should give up:

However, following such diets should not be thoughtless. Otherwise, it carries health risks.

On a note! Weight loss is considered optimal if the weight is reduced by no more than 1 kg per week.

Without sufficient activity, it is not possible to get rid of visceral fat at home. You can’t stay too long in this situation, nor can you maintain a lean shape only through properly organized nutrition. It is important to force the muscles to work. Simple exercises will help your figure.

Along with diet, weight loss should be based on training. To get rid of such internal accumulations, moderate muscle loads are recommended:

Lesson duration is at least 30 minutes. Training should be carried out at least three times a week. This will stop or reduce the rate of fat accumulation around the internal organs.

Intense aerobic exercise is helpful in this situation. It is optimal to represent such loads with a set of aerobics exercises, running, and fast walking with inclines. It is necessary to devote at least 4 hours a week to such activities. This will already be enough to evaluate the results in a month or two and get rid of visceral fat.

To get rid of fat deposits around internal organs, it is very important to have the right mental attitude. A strict diet and the most intense physical activity will not allow you to achieve optimal weight loss if you constantly remain under extreme nervous tension. These recommendations are not only true for women. They also apply to men.

To remove fat accumulation, you should switch to a diet and restrict your diet gradually. Otherwise, the body perceives the refusal of habitual food as stress. If you rid yourself of negative emotions and perceive the diet as a step towards a new body and recovery, then losing weight will be more fruitful and successful.

Physical activity and proper diet are the basis for losing weight. But in order to get rid of abdominal accumulations, which are indicated by a large belly, it is worth adjusting your sleep pattern. You need to sleep 6-7 hours a day. If a person sleeps 5 hours or less, then he is at risk. In his body, visceral fat begins to accumulate quickly.

On a note! Sleeping more than 8 hours a day also cannot be called beneficial. This also causes fat to accumulate in the body, which gives off a large belly.

To eliminate subcutaneous fat, women often resort to a variety of cosmetic procedures at home. However, many of the techniques are also effective in the fight against visceral fat. By the way, men can also resort to similar methods. Many cosmetic procedures cope well with the problem, which manifests itself in the form of a reduction in abdominal volume.

So, what home treatments will help cope with the problem? The real blow to visceral fat during weight loss comes from:

All these procedures are aimed at activating metabolic processes. They burn fat well and eliminate excess weight in women and representatives of the stronger half. Men are often embarrassed to take care of themselves. In vain! Many cosmetic procedures are excellent assistants for diets and physical activity. Wraps with clay, mustard, and honey are especially effective in this regard.

It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition to the accumulation of visceral fat. This is why it is worth watching your relatives. If men or women in the family have such a problem, which is clearly expressed, as in the photo above, in the form of a big belly, you should accustom yourself to exercise and proper nutrition. It is necessary to give up unhealthy fats, sweets, and baked goods. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, nuts, grains, mushrooms and fruits.

If you decide to put your body in order and get rid of all accumulations, you should definitely watch the videos below. These tips will help you succeed:

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Source: fat that surrounds and permeates all our internal organs - heart, lungs, liver, pancreas. But most of it is around the intestines. Visceral fat even forms the anterior abdominal wall - in the form of a greater omentum.

The total weight of visceral fat even in the slenderest person is about 3 kg, and in case of obesity its weight reaches kg. Normally, this tissue envelops all our internal organs with a thin blanket, quickly providing their energy needs.

With excess body weight, visceral fat is like a thick mattress that “squeezes” the internal organs. Normal blood circulation and lymph flow are disrupted in them. As a result, visceral adipose tissue becomes an enemy, interfering with the normal functioning of internal organs.

There are two types of fat deposits: subcutaneous and visceral. And if the former accumulate on the sides, thighs, and throughout the body under the skin, then the latter directly occupy the abdominal organs. This type of fat is much more dangerous and more difficult to defeat. At the moment, there are not even surgical operations that would help fight it.

If you do not burn visceral fat in time, provided that there is too much of it, this threatens the body with the following consequences:

Hormonal disorders;

Development of varicose veins;

Violation of metabolic processes.

Ladies with a waist of more than 88 cm, and men with a waist of more than 94 cm, need to think about how to reduce visceral fat, since these are the volumes that indicate the presence of obesity.

Of course, in all details in percentage terms with your body weight and subcutaneous fat, your doctor can tell you about this, to whom I advise you to go for a full clinical examination. But there are also factors that you can identify yourself and draw your own conclusions:

1. It is necessary to determine what type of fat is deposited on your figure - “apple” or “pear” type. It has been proven that people with wide hips and a thin waist (pear-shaped figure) have much less reason to worry about this issue than those who are “apple-shaped”.

2. Measure your waist (do not pull in your stomach or tighten the measuring tape to the maximum). Stand up straight, relax and measure your waist at your navel. For women, the norm is 80 cm, for men - 94. Until recently, these norms were greatly overestimated (88 for women and 104 for men), but recent studies show that with a waist above 80 and 94 for women and men, respectively, the risk of visceral obesity increases greatly.

3. Try to gather the skin around your navel between your thumb and forefinger into a thin fold. If you can’t do this, most likely you have a large supply of visceral fat. I understand that many people will be upset now. But don’t try to give up on yourself. You can and should fight visceral fat!

First of all, you need to put your diet in order, balancing it in composition, reduce portions, eat small meals, giving up flour and sweets at least for a while (note: you ate half a kilo of sweets and accumulated 250 grams of internal fat. Well, you still want something sweet ?). You also need to burden yourself with doing physical exercises to reduce your belly, doing fitness or simple walking - here you are free to choose yourself. In a word - take care of yourself, devote time to your body, your health and you will certainly win this battle!

Visceral fat goes away along with subcutaneous fat, unless a person has endocrine diseases. To get rid of it, you need to go on a diet, exercise, drink a lot of water, take effective means for weight loss. In this case, people with visceral obesity should take into account the following:

☀ to reduce the amount of internal fat, exercise is more effective than diet; eat less, but more often, do not allow a painful feeling of hunger to appear, as this will lead to the accumulation of even more visceral fat;

☀ take vitamin C, drink more coffee, because caffeine and ascorbic acid reduce the activity of the adrenal cortex, which means they inhibit the synthesis of corticosteroids;

☀ while observing a low-calorie diet, you should first of all limit the intake of fats and fast carbohydrates; be sure to drink plenty of water; when choosing a drug for weight loss, preference should be given to drugs that accelerate metabolism; you can use drugs that limit the intake of fats, for example, Xenical;

☀ It is advisable to avoid stressful situations or take sedatives. In any case, if you watch your figure, visceral fat will not accumulate. It appears along with “regular” subcutaneous fat.

As a rule, they also leave together. The principles of losing weight have been known for a long time, and they are universal. Regardless of where the fat is deposited, you can remove it if you start eating less and moving more.

Excess calories, whether from alcohol, sugary drinks, or excessively large portions of food, can increase the amount of visceral fat. Alcohol has almost as many calories as fat.

Sweetened beverages are the #1 most digestible source of sugar. If you want to get rid of visceral fat, the first thing you should avoid is sweetened soft drinks.

It appears that alcohol has a special connection with visceral fat around the waist. This is most likely because when we drink alcohol, the liver is too busy neutralizing it to burn fat at the same time, leaving us with a beer belly. Additionally, by affecting the hormones that regulate satiety, alcohol makes us feel hungry.

Starting position: lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows, clasped behind the head. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Lying on your back to lift top part body and touch the knees. You need to start doing this exercise 10 times a day, 4 times a week.

Starting position: lying on your back. Straightened legs should be raised until a right angle is formed between them and the body. This exercise would be ideal if the toes of your feet touch the floor behind your head. This is such gymnastics! For starters, 10 times a day 3-4 times a week is enough.

Starting position: lying on your back, arms bent behind your head, and legs at your knees. Feet are on the floor. The same abdominal exercise, only at the end the left elbow touches the right knee. And in the next approach, the right elbow touches the left knee. The daily norm is about once a day. 3 times a week.

More difficult exercise. Starting position: lying on the floor, hands clasped behind your head, and legs bent at the knees. To perform the exercise, you need to tighten your legs and lift your torso, touching your elbows to your knees. Thus, the support falls only on the lower back. In this position, the abdominal muscles do not receive proper rest, and therefore get tired faster. Hence the greater effectiveness of the exercise. Once a day, 2-3 times a week will be enough.

Starting position: lying on your back with your legs raised at an angle of 90?. Alternately tilt your legs first left side, then to the right. At the same time, try to touch the floor with your feet. This exercise engages the side abdominal muscles and helps eliminate the sides. The daily norm is 20 times a day. Almost all abdominal exercises can be performed every day. But the optimal frequency is considered 3-4 times a week.

After a month of doing the exercises, you can increase the intensity of the workout by one and a half times.

All exercises should be performed gradually, gradually increasing the load. A strength exercises- such as abs - alternate with aerobic exercise.

Are there hunger pills?

This breakfast mixture will help remove a hanging belly

Eight exercises against cervical osteochondrosis

Proper nutrition according to Ayurveda

Garlic - healing properties and application

Camping bread - stored for many years

9 secrets of waking up in the morning

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To avoid health problems, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before using advice from our website.

Source: />

Visceral obesity is the deposition of excess fat in the structures of internal organs. Excess weight and increased body mass index always entail serious complications in the form of diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal and joint system, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular pathologies. The main cause of excess weight is often typical overeating, an inactive lifestyle, lack of diet, sleep and wakefulness. Treatment of fatty deposits is long-term and requires special discipline from the patient in relation to the doctor’s recommendations. Medical nutrition and a healthy lifestyle already after a few weeks give the first tangible results, significantly increasing the quality of life of a patient at any age with visceral obesity.

Visceral obesity (internal) is the formation of excess mass of subcutaneous fat tissue near vital organs, reducing their resources, up to the development of functional failure. Normally, each person has certain reserves of internal fat, which performs the following functions:

  • shock-absorbing effect when walking, falling, bruises;
  • creating an internal reserve of the body for nutrition in atypical circumstances;
  • protection of internal organs from negative factors.

Internal obesity occurs not only in people with excess body weight. Excess visceral fat is often reported in thin patients. Determining the true volume of fat in people of any body type can only be done through diagnostic measures. Frequent localization of internal fat deposits is the iliac region of the peritoneum, thighs, and middle back. The “beer bellies” of men and women, known in clinical practice, even against the backdrop of a slender constitution, are formed precisely because of the buildup of the visceral fat layer. In women, visceral fat is more often deposited in the thighs on all sides and on the abdomen.

Important! Excessive accumulation of excess fat around internal organs can cause respiratory problems. Thus, severe snoring during sleep with cessation of breathing and attacks of suffocation are often formed precisely against the background of fatty deposits.

The formation of visceral fat is directly related to all parts of metabolic processes. Metabolic obesity is accompanied by increased body weight and impaired sensitivity of the cellular structures of internal organs to the insulin hormone. In addition to the risks of developing diabetes, patients’ blood pressure increases, the volume of cholesterol deposits increases, and their overall health worsens. Clinicians believe that it is disturbances in the sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin in the absence of a high glycemic index that is the trigger for the development of diabetes mellitus, metabolic imbalance, and excess weight. Impaired insulin sensitivity depends on the following factors:

  • gender and age of the patient;
  • heredity;
  • features of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • systematic effects of negative factors on the body;
  • hormonal disorders.

Visceral fat leads to impaired carbohydrate metabolism and hormonal imbalance. With a burdened endocrinological history, complications may arise from the ratio of thyroid hormones.

The rate of development of cell sensitivity to insulin and obesity depends on the following features of visceral fat tissue:

  • multiple nerve and vascular plexuses;
  • a large number of receptors responsible for excitability;
  • low density of nerve receptors, accelerating the breakdown of fats;
  • high density of receptors in relation to adrenal hormones and estrogens;
  • many cells that make up adipose tissue.

With an intense rate of lipid breakdown in subcutaneous fatty tissue, fatty acids are released from cellular structures, penetrating into the blood and entering the liver. Hepatocytes (liver cells) reduce their ability to bind insulin.

The volume of unclaimed pancreatic hormone increases, leading to a lack of response to insulin by cells in the muscle layers. Thus, the accumulation of underoxidized fat products occurs in the blood plasma. Under the influence of these factors, the absorption of glucose by skeletal muscles and cardiac tissues is disrupted. As visceral fat increases, insulin synthesis decreases, leading to serious endocrinological disorders.

Important! In addition to reducing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, fat metabolism is disrupted, muscle cells and collagen synthesis within organs are intensively formed. All these processes lead to dystrophic deformations of the vascular walls, provoking the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Nutritionists and endocrinologists can determine the presence of visceral fat only with pronounced manifestations and with a characteristic symptomatic picture. Typically, the final diagnosis is recorded on the basis of clinical data (laboratory and instrumental research methods). There is a theory that if a person’s figure increasingly resembles a circle and an apple, then this is evidence of an increase in visceral fat. To detect excess fat, simply measure a man's or woman's relaxed waist circumference.

The following are considered safe indicators:

  • limit up to 90 cm for women;
  • limit up to 102 cm for men.

In women with a pear-shaped silhouette, deposits accumulate more on the hips, rarely immediately affecting the stomach. Subcutaneous fatty tissue on the thighs secretes a specific hormone that protects myocardial and pericardial tissue. To reliably determine the volume of visceral fat, specialists resort to MRI examination. The magnetic resonance imaging method allows you to study layer by layer all the tissues of the human body, give a reliable assessment of excess fat deposits, as well as general condition tissue, muscle and joint structures in general.

The volume of internal fat is considered normal up to 15% of a person’s body weight; the level of lipoprotein density should not decrease less than 1.5 mmol/l. The body mass index should not be higher than 25, especially in the absence of an active lifestyle or physical activity.

Visceral fat has “favorite” areas of excessive deposition in men and women, which is due to anatomical features and the physiological purpose of both sexes.

The peculiarities of the formation of excess fat in women depend not only on anatomy, but also on the influence of certain factors (pregnancy, lactation, weight loss). Fat is usually localized in the hips, breasts and pelvic organs. The impact of internal deposits on a woman’s health is enormous:

  • hormonal disorders (impossibility of full-term pregnancy and lactation);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • ovarian obesity (decreased reproductive function);
  • obesity of the calf muscles (due to the ability of visceral fat to be deposited evenly in women).

Obesity in women develops more slowly and is gradually distributed throughout the body, including spreading to internal organs. The first symptoms in women develop brighter, more intense, and are rarely latent.

The rapid development of obesity in men is due to larger muscle structures. The soft tissue fibers are located at some distance from each other and fat molecules become clogged in these unique depots. The localization of deposits in men is as follows:

  • belly (protrudes in both thin and overweight men);
  • shoulders and forearms (the result of a decrease in the level of estrogen hormones);
  • obesity of the liver structures (corticosteroid dysfunction);
  • pancreatic obesity (hormonal imbalance).

Diagnostic measures are aimed at studying the possible causes of obesity in patients of any gender and age. Usually, effective treatment is possible only after the full picture of the disease has been revealed. For idiopathic obesity (in the absence of objective reasons), treatment is prescribed according to the symptomatic picture.

Obesity in men and women in many clinical cases leads to the formation of persistent disorders in many organs and systems, up to and including disability of the patient. The main symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath even with slight exertion;
  • difficulty breathing during sleep (sometimes there is a feeling of insufficient filling of the lungs);
  • nausea, periodic vomiting (internal intoxication due to fatty liver);
  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure always accompanies excess weight, heart, lung, and liver diseases);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • infertility in men and women.

The appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, the risk of thrombosis, disorders of the epigastric organs, intestines - all these mechanisms are involved in the pathological process of obesity. Complications of atherosclerosis and cardiac diseases can even provoke death.

Regardless of the reason for the formation of excess accumulations, therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating symptomatic manifestations. With a burdened clinical history, stable remission of chronic pathologies that can accelerate excess deposits should be achieved. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to quit smoking, streamline your lifestyle, create a diet, sleep, and wakefulness. Sports or regular physical activity is important. Against the background of existing diseases, multidirectional therapeutic exercises and long walks in the fresh air are suitable. The main methods for eliminating excess weight include:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regular physical activity;
  • physiotherapy (massages, warming, thermal wraps);
  • drug correction for severe disorders;
  • plastic surgery.

Meals should be complete, balanced, divided into several small portions per day. You can’t lose weight on protein-free diets, because protein deficiency can have the opposite effect: body weight will go away, but visceral deposits will remain. same place and will become significantly stronger.

A special drug for treatment is Orlistat, which replenishes a person’s nutritional needs without affecting the patient’s mental health. In severe cases of obesity, especially in life-threatening conditions, surgical correction is carried out. Surgery is performed in two main ways:

  • gastric bypass (artificial conditions to reduce fat absorption);
  • sleeve gastrectomy (stomach volume reduction).

Metabolic disorders are the basis for the formation of visceral fat, which is why consultation with an endocrinologist, gynecologist (for women) and andrologist-urologist (for men) is so important. The treatment strategy is determined by a gastroenterologist, nutritionist and endocrinologist.

Visceral fat in the abdominal cavity forms an omentum or fat sac, which protects internal organs from damage and maintains the necessary temperature optimum. As the volume of visceral deposits grows, organs are subjected to compression and provoke the formation of persistent functional disorders. Treatment of excess weight is very important for maintaining the health of internal organs and the normal functioning of all systems.

Timely therapy allows you to quickly get rid of the pathology. The later treatment is started, the longer the process of fat removal will be. The duration of therapy depends not only on its timeliness, but also on the patient’s age, medical history and heredity. Medicine today makes it possible to achieve tangible results in a short time.

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Today, overweight for the majority of the population of our planet is problem No. 1. Most often this is due to the constitution of the body. In most cases, this problem can be solved with the help of two weapons - exercise and diet. But what to do if doctors diagnose visceral obesity? Let's discuss it in today's article.

Obesity is not a simple problem, but a real disease that requires treatment with the participation of specialized doctors. Visceral obesity is more common in women than in members of the opposite sex. Although visceral obesity in men is a real scourge of our century.

Many people jokingly call their stomach a bundle of nerves. And this has a scientific name - android obesity. The figure is shaped like an apple. If fat deposits accumulate in the femoral-gluteal region, then we're talking about about gynoid obesity.

In medical practice, there are several degrees of obesity. To determine the degree, it is necessary to calculate the coefficient using a special formula.

What is visceral obesity? You will be surprised, but a person may not even suspect the presence of this disease, since his body weight does not change. We are talking about such a pathology when internal organs become overgrown with adipose tissue. They seem to be in a ring.

On a note! The liver and heart are the first to be targeted by visceral obesity.

The appearance of adipose tissue on internal organs can cause both banal overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. If this is the only reason, the chances of success in treatment are enormous. But there are other reasons that need to be addressed. And in most cases, as practice shows, you cannot do without the help of a specialized doctor.

The reasons for the appearance of visceral fat include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • frequent drinking of beer;
  • constant experience of stressful situations;
  • psychoses;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • binge eating;
  • the presence of a large amount of fats and carbohydrates in the menu.

Please note that visceral obesity can result from taking a number of medications, including antidepressants.

As already mentioned, visceral obesity is not always accompanied by excess body weight gain, especially if the disease progresses against the background of another disease or dysfunction of the organs of the human body.

The liver, heart muscle, kidneys and pancreas are the first to be affected. As adipose tissue grows, the functioning of these organs is disrupted. Fat seems to squeeze vital organs into a ring.

Visceral obesity is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • hypertension;
  • swelling;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • frigidity;
  • impotence;
  • lethargy;
  • pathological weakness;
  • uncontrolled appetite;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • pain in the right side of the peritoneum;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • ischemia;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • depressive state.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a specialized doctor. Visceral obesity often occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Most often this happens during menopause or pregnancy.

On a note! Without obvious signs of obesity, the presence of visceral fat can be diagnosed through a CT scan.

After comprehensive examination and determining an accurate diagnosis, the doctor and patient begin to work together. The ultimate goal is weight loss and improved well-being. If visceral fat appears as a result of banal overeating, then a diet is first prescribed. With visceral obesity, the diet will be meager, but balanced.

Important! Depending on the initial fat mass, the diet can last from a couple of months to six months. After this, you should consolidate the achieved result for another 6 months so as not to gain weight in the future.

Of course, the specialist individually develops a dietary diet in each case. No favorite goodies, fast food or other foods that clog our body. From now on, only healthy and proper nutrition.

If you want to eliminate the internal fat that envelops the organs, you will have to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats you consume. In general, the daily calorie content of food should be much less than the total energy expended.

The process of losing weight is hampered by swelling. To normalize the removal of fluid from the body, you will have to minimize the amount of salt consumed. Granulated sugar is on the list of prohibited products. It is better to replace this sweetness with a natural beekeeping product - honey.

On a note! Have fasting days once a week. This way you can activate metabolic processes and fat burning with greater power.

As medical practice shows, if you follow a diet and exercise regularly, results will become noticeable after the first two weeks. In the future, excess weight will melt like snow under the spring sun.

But if conservative treatment is unsuccessful, specialist doctors prescribe medications, the action of which is aimed at blocking the absorption of fats. These include:

  • "Glucophage";
  • Orlistat.

Important! Take dietary supplements or alternative medicines that cause false feeling satiation or appetite suppressants are highly undesirable. This must be agreed with the treating specialist.

It is extremely rare that visceral fat is treated through surgery. The patient may be indicated for surgery to reduce the stomach and install balloons that accumulate fat.

Visceral obesity characterized by excess body weight with fat deposition in internal organs without external signs of excess weight. The disease is characterized by obesity of many internal organs, including the heart and liver. This leads to the development of various complications from the cardiovascular system and in many cases becomes the cause of diabetes mellitus.

Causes and mechanism of development of visceral obesity

Visceral obesity is a key element of the metabolic syndrome, which is widespread among the population of the entire planet. We speak of metabolic obesity when there is excess body weight, the sensitivity of internal organ cells to insulin is impaired, which leads to an increase in blood glucose, increased blood pressure, and “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which is produced due to improper metabolism of fats.

Many scientists believe that a violation of the sensitivity of body cells to insulin, with its normal content in the blood, is the starting point from which problems with metabolic disorders and excess weight begin. This condition develops under the influence of a group of factors:

  • age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • conditions of fetal development in the prenatal period;
  • exposure to adverse environmental factors.

In visceral obesity, the leading role in the development of carbohydrate metabolism disorders belongs to adipose tissue, which produces special hormones.

Visceral adipose tissue has a number of features that determine the rate of development of impaired insulin sensitivity and the development of obesity:

  • a greater number of cells that make up adipose tissue per unit of its mass;
  • abundant blood supply and the presence of many nerve endings;
  • high density of receptors for adrenal hormones and male sex hormones;
  • abundance of receptors that respond to stress;
  • low density of receptors that improve fat breakdown.

Due to the intensive breakdown of lipids, fatty acids are released from the cells and enter the liver through the veins. This leads to the fact that liver cells bind insulin less well and begin to respond to it more slowly. The concentration of unclaimed insulin in the blood increases all the time, which leads to the fact that muscle cells begin to react to it worse.

Products formed due to underoxidation of fats accumulate in the blood. They contribute to disrupting the processes of glucose consumption by heart tissue and skeletal muscles. These substances also have a toxic effect on the pancreas, which produces insulin. Sooner or later, insulin synthesis decreases.

Under these conditions, fat metabolism is disrupted and increased formation of muscle cells and collagen in internal organs begins. This leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and vascular damage.

Hormonal effects and visceral obesity

The balance within fat cells is regulated by the hormone leptin. Its concentration in the blood depends on the number of fat cells in the internal organs. It protects cells from the toxic effects of fat breakdown products and affects their sensitivity to insulin. Visceral obesity leads to calcium deposits in blood vessels, cholesterol accumulation, and an increase in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system and blood pressure. These processes accelerate the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

The cells of white adipose tissue, located in the internal organs, also produce another hormone - adiponectin. It helps reduce glucose synthesis in the liver, improves the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, and inhibits the process of adhesion of blood clots (thrombi) to the inner lining of blood vessels. It slows down the proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the aorta.
With visceral obesity, all these defense mechanisms are lost. Adipose tissue, located in excess in the internal organs, produces a number of substances that suppress the action of protective hormones. Thus, with visceral obesity, atherosclerotic plaques quickly form in the vessels.

In visceral obesity, adipose tissue located in the abdominal cavity begins to produce special substances in increased quantities that affect the formation of fibrin. Their high level leads to the development of myocardial infarction, which is a complication of obesity. A direct relationship has been established between these substances, metabolic syndrome, internal adipose tissue mass, glucose levels and body mass index.

Visceral adipose tissue also produces a hormone that causes vasoconstriction. It leads to increased blood pressure, increased development of atherosclerosis and disruption of the integrity of the vascular wall. Thus, the adipose tissue of the internal organs itself ensures that a huge amount of substances harmful to the body enters the blood. It contributes to the development of manifestations of metabolic syndrome.

Treatment of visceral obesity

All measures for the treatment of metabolic syndrome should be aimed at correcting visceral obesity - reducing the amount of fat in the body. You need to start with changing your lifestyle. The patient should stop smoking, drinking alcohol, move more, and play sports.

Special diets have been created for weight loss. Their main principle should be a balanced diet: in no case should you lose weight if you are deficient in protein products. This will lead to a decrease in body weight due to protein, and the amount of visceral fat will remain at the same level.

It is not always possible to overcome visceral obesity without medication. Doctors prescribe the drug orlistat for visceral obesity. It reduces the body's need for food, but does not affect the human psyche. In many cases, to treat visceral obesity, surgical interventions, aimed at reducing the volume of the stomach () or creating conditions under which the absorption of fats from the digestive tract is reduced ().
Without a doubt, visceral obesity is a key element of metabolic syndrome. Its treatment requires normalization of metabolic processes in the patient's body.

A problem that is more typical for residents developed countries, but did not bypass ours - overweight. This disease affects people of all age groups: both adult men and women, and children. But in representatives of different sexes it does not proceed in the same way. Women are more likely to have gluteal-femoral fat deposition, while men even have grade 1 obesity ( initial stage) is determined mainly by an increase in waist size. What is the reason for the appearance of male excess weight of the first degree, how does the pathology proceed, what influences it, let’s look at it so that we can better understand what tactics to develop to combat this disease.

Common causes of the disease

The vast majority of men usually experience intense physical activity, work more and harder, but at the same time eat less flour and sweets. And yet they suffer from obesity on a par with the female sex. Why is this happening? The causes of male obesity lie in the hormonal sphere; to be more precise, there is a direct connection with the lack of the male hormone - testosterone. If the male body has enough testosterone, then the body weight of men is considered satisfactory, they feel fit, slim, they have muscles of impressive size, etc. When testosterone levels begin to fall, metabolic processes begin to fall more strongly under the influence of female sex hormones - estrogens, which men also have, but not in such significant quantities.

Estrogens in the body of men cause such an effect in metabolic processes as fat deposition. Gradually, the circle closes: in the abdominal cavity, androgen is converted into estrogen, and here the substance leptin is still produced, which blocks the formation of testicular androgen. And the process of fat deposition accelerates more and more. Without a doubt, ill-conceived nutrition, problems with the functions of the digestive tract, and physical inactivity help to accumulate excess weight. Such a common male habit as drinking beer invariably causes irreversible changes in weight. Nevertheless, disturbances in the hormonal system in men are considered to be the impetus for the development of the disease.

Diagnosis and types of disease

Measuring a man's waist circumference is sufficient reason to make a diagnosis. If the waist circumference exceeds 94 cm, then there is evidence of excess weight. A parameter of 102 cm is equal to the 2nd degree of obesity in males and is 100% proof that a man’s testosterone level is reduced. The stage of obesity in men is also determined by simple arithmetic: by calculating the body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing body weight by its height, which is first squared. Normal body weight is considered when the BMI corresponds to a value of 18.5-25.0. With a BMI of 25.0-29.9, weight is considered overweight. Grade 1 characterizes a BMI in the range from 30.0 to 35.0. 35.0-39.0 - 2nd degree, 40 and above - 3rd degree (morbid obesity). Outwardly it looks a little different than that of the fair sex. The fat of the stronger sex chooses its location to be the waist area, thus forming a “beer belly”, sometimes making a man’s figure look like the shape of an apple.

You can compare the type of figures of different sexes by comparing 2 photographs. It is this feature of the male figure that causes the greatest harm to health. Excess fat in the body is distributed and stored in different ways. Based on the individual characteristics of the constitution and body, there are 2 types of obesity - peripheral and central. With peripheral distribution, fat accumulation occurs mainly in the tissue under the skin, and in central distribution, its accumulation occurs on the surface of internal organs.

Pitfalls of excess body weight

Since men are more likely to accumulate fat in the abdominal area, they are more likely to develop visceral obesity. Often, a predisposition to it is caused by congenital or genetic factors, nutritional disorders, and a love of consuming foods high in calories and containing sugar. What is this type of obesity and what dangers does it pose?

The visceral type forms an excess layer of fat around the heart, which puts pressure on the vital organ. As a result, the heart refuses to work as usual. As a result, arrhythmia, hypertension, shortness of breath, and increased fatigue appear. Fatty deposits surrounding the lungs prevent them from expanding fully. The patient begins to have difficulty breathing. The brain does not receive oxygen in the required volume and oxygen starvation occurs. The result is shortness of breath all the time, increased fatigue, and regular weakness. The spread of a layer of fat around the abdominal organs prevents them from functioning according to a similar principle.

In the body, metabolic processes are disrupted, diabetes mellitus, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, and biliary dyskinesia develop. The prognosis for visceral obesity is not the most comforting - infertility and impotence. Obesity makes no exception for anyone: the consequences are unpleasant for everyone - both men and women.

Diagnosis of visceral type

There are different ways to conduct an examination in men of the visceral type. First option: measure your waist circumference. If a man's waist circumference is less than 94 cm, this is still normal. If the indicator is more than 94 and less than 101 cm, all the symptoms of excess weight are present and you should be especially careful about your health. An indicator above 102 cm gives every reason to immediately seek advice from a clinic.

Indices have been developed to calculate the degree of accumulation of fat mass around internal organs.

  1. WHR - the norm is less than 1. It is the ratio of waist and hips.
  2. WTR is the norm less than 1.7. The ratio of waist measurements to hip measurements. The thigh circumference is measured in the upper third part of it.
  3. WAR is less than 2.4 (normal). The ratio of waist circumference to arm circumference in the middle part of the shoulder, where the biceps is at its maximum volume.
  4. WhtR—the norm is less than 0.5. The ratio of waist size and height.

How to cope with such a difficult situation?

Of course, coping with stage 1 excess body weight in men is much easier than doing it in subsequent stages. But being alone is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, the advice received at an appointment with a specialist will be very valuable. After a conversation with the doctor, it will become much clearer how far the situation has gone and what the treatment tactics will be.

In any case, a man will have to change his diet. In this case, the nutritionist analyzes the food diary. The word “diet” does not sound very correct in this case, since a diet always involves a selected nutrition option for a certain period of time in order to obtain the desired result in weight and then it ends.

The entire diet of the day should be changed. Food products, indicating their quantities, must undergo a thorough analysis, after which fried foods, alcoholic drinks (especially beer), fatty foods, and sweets are removed from the list. Instead of excluded dishes, more liquid food (soups), fruits and vegetables, mainly fresh, and dietary poultry are introduced.

It is important to provide for an increase in physical activity. If shortness of breath is too severe and it is impossible to visit gym, you should get into the habit of daily walks, which need to be increased from time to time both in time and in distance.

Walking should take from half an hour to 40 minutes a day, then it will give a positive result. If the patient decides to train in the gym, then, together with the trainer, he should select a proportionate load for the body with the possibility of its subsequent increase. In this case, the muscles will have time to grow, and the least amount of overload will be placed on the body.

As the patient’s body weight increases, the heart and vascular system, as well as the respiratory system, begin to take on loads above normal. And it takes time to reduce the layer of fat around them. To achieve significant weight loss, weight loss medications are sometimes prescribed. Group 1 of drugs (appetite suppressants): denfluramine, sibutramine, fluoxetine. They are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician due to the presence of side effects and a list of contraindications and are prescribed in life-threatening cases. Group 2 medications are substances that are designed to slow down the absorption of nutrients in the intestinal space. Xenical counteracts the absorption of fats. Acarbose eliminates the production of enzymes to break down starch, resulting in a small amount of carbohydrates entering the bloodstream.

Traditional methods for reducing appetite can also be successfully used to reduce food cravings. Teas from various plants are good for reducing appetite.

You can use the following preparation method: chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort and immortelle in the same ratio are poured with boiling water and drunk 2-3 times a day. If a person has thought deeply and decided to get rid of excess weight once and for all, then the main commandment in such a situation is a long-term and complex combination of various techniques and techniques for weight loss with proper nutrition and leading an active lifestyle. The process may not be as fast as we would like.

However, all the efforts made will return many times over in the form of good physical shape and increased performance for many years.

Health and success!

Fat cells accumulate the body's energy reserves and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, D), secrete hormones, protect internal organs from shocks and injuries, and maintain body temperature. If more energy is supplied than consumed, then the cells increase in volume, which leads to an increase in the thickness of adipose tissue.

Fat is distributed differently in the body: for some it is deposited in the thighs and legs, for others in the abdominal region (stomach). Visceral obesity is the most dangerous, as it leads to the development of somatic diseases.

The essence of the problem

There are primary alimentary-exogenous obesity, which is formed as a result of the intake of excess fats and carbohydrates into the body, and secondary, which occurs due to diseases of the central nervous system or endocrine system.

Primary obesity occurs in 75% of overweight people. It develops due to the fact that the body receives more energy than it expends, the diet is disrupted (the bulk of calories are consumed at night) or meals are rare but plentiful.

Obesity does not always occur in people due to excessive food consumption; sometimes the reason is insufficient physical activity. The genetic factor in the development of obesity has not been proven; the fact that the whole family suffers from the disease is explained by common habits and lifestyle.

Exogenous-constitutional obesity is divided into gynoid (gluteofemoral) and abdominal, when adipose tissue accumulates in the abdominal cavity. When fat is located around the organs and not under the skin, we speak of visceral obesity.

The risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system is associated not with the volume of fat in the body, but with the nature of its distribution. Thus, a person with upper obesity (abdominal, central, android) is more likely to get heart disease than a person with lower type of obesity (gluteofemoral, gynoid, peripheral).

There are three layers of adipose tissue: subcutaneous, visceral, and located under muscle tissue. Visceral fat differs from subcutaneous fat in the type of adipocytes, lipolytic activity, sensitivity to insulin and other hormones. All adipose tissue is 80% subcutaneous fat.

The volume of visceral adipose tissue reaches 20% in men and 5–8% in women. With age, this indicator increases in representatives of both sexes.

Obesity occurs differently in men and women. So, in men, visceral fat first accumulates, and only after that subcutaneous fat begins to be deposited. When losing weight, the fat that fills the space between the internal organs is first consumed, and only then the waist size decreases.

Obesity in women begins with an increase in the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue, since estrogen prevents the deposition of visceral fat. But still, with increasing body weight, the volume of visceral adipose tissue increases.

Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, retroperitoneum, epicardium, mesentery of the small intestine, liver hepatosis rarely occurs

Visceral adipose tissue surrounds the abdominal organs (most of all it accumulates around the intestines), stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs. Epicardial fat is a special form of visceral fat found around the heart. It produces substances that affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

A person without problems with excess weight has about 3 kg of visceral fat. If there is obesity, then this figure can increase 10 times. Fat cells surround the internal organs and, if necessary, provide them with energy. But if a lot of fat accumulates in lipocytes, then they compress organs and affect blood supply and lymph movement.

In a patient with visceral obesity, complications from the pancreas and cardiovascular system are much more common than in people with gluteofemoral obesity.


Factors provoking the development of obesity:

  • hormonal disorders that occur during pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • diseases of the central nervous system (stress, psychosis, panic attacks);
  • excessive consumption of beer (testosterone is converted into female sex hormones and ceases to participate in the breakdown of fats);
  • reduced physical activity (sedentary work, inactive rest);
  • The hypothalamus does not work properly;
  • poor nutrition (the menu is dominated by fats or carbohydrates, a hearty dinner before bedtime);
  • binge eating;
  • against the background of drug therapy (taking hormonal drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants);
  • disruption of the endocrine system (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism);
  • lack of serotonin (the hormone is responsible for a good mood and a feeling of satiety).

Waist circumference may also be considered a marker of excess visceral fat


The volume of visceral fat can increase not only in obese people. British scientists have found that 45% of the fair sex and 60% of men with a body mass index of 20–25 units have an increased amount of visceral tissue. They explained this by saying that people maintained their weight by going on a diet; as a result, the cells accumulate fat “for a rainy day.”

Those studied who had normal levels of visceral fat led an active lifestyle and did not go on hunger strikes.

To diagnose abdominal obesity, it is enough to measure the circumference of the waist and hips. If the WC/TB ratio is greater than one in men and above 0.85 in women, then this indicates the deposition of adipose tissue between the internal organs.

If a person under 40 years of age has a waist circumference of more than a meter (and under 60 years of age the figure is more than 90 cm), then it is considered that there is abdominal obesity, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.


In an obese person, the regulation of energy balance is altered, there is a disorder of day-to-day metabolism with increased formation of adipose tissue from fats and carbohydrates supplied with food, and there are difficulties with the mobilization of fat from cells.

With excessive food intake, lipogenesis is higher than lipolysis, so triglycerides are deposited in fat cells (lipocytes). The number of these cells in an adult does not change (precursor cells divide only during embryonic development and puberty), triglycerides increase the size of lipocytes three times.

But if fat continues to enter the body, the precursor cells begin to divide. With extreme obesity, the number of lipocytes can increase 10 times. If new cells have formed, then when you lose weight they no longer disappear, but only decrease in size.

Any type of obesity leads to atherosclerosis, chronic cholecystitis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins and many other diseases

Visceral adipose tissue disrupts the functioning of the heart, making a person practically incapable of physical activity. The functioning of the lungs also changes for the worse, causing breathing difficulties. The intestinal walls are compressed, which leads to disruption of the organ and slagging of the body.

With obesity, the pancreas suffers greatly, as a result of which insulin production is disrupted and diabetes mellitus develops. The liver accumulates fat in the cells, it ceases to cope with its protective function and toxins penetrate into the bloodstream.

Visceral adipose tissue is an endocrine organ because it produces cortisol, interleukin-6 (inflammatory hormone), and leptin. Fat cells convert testosterone into female sex hormones (estrogens), so overweight men have female-type obesity and have problems with potency.

Elevated cortisol levels lead to chronic stress. Due to the inflammatory hormone, even minor disturbances in the cells can cause a strong inflammatory reaction. Due to the action of hormones synthesized by visceral adipose tissue, the activity of all cells deteriorates, which contributes to the deposition of harmful substances (toxins, cholesterol, fats) in them.

It turns out that the more abdominal fat, the more hormones are produced, leading to the deposition of fat on the internal organs.

Venous blood flowing from the visceral adipose tissue enters the liver through the portal system. Because of this, a lot of free fatty acids and adipokines penetrate into the gland. Free fatty acids lead to the formation of hepatic insulin resistance, and adipokines contribute to the activation of anti-inflammatory mediators.

Thus, obesity provokes:

  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • hypertension;
  • swelling;
  • shortness of breath;
  • violation of reproductive and sexual function;
  • changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • deterioration of liver function;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • stress, depression;
  • increased appetite.

When prescribing therapy, the doctor must take into account not only the severity of obesity, but also concomitant diseases


Treatment of visceral obesity consists of compensating for developed metabolic disorders and involves reducing insulin resistance. The therapy is complex and includes measures designed to reduce the mass of abdominal-visceral fat. Patients are prescribed a low-calorie diet and regular exercise.

If there are signs of obesity, you should consult an endocrinologist. Therapy takes place in two stages: weight loss (takes from 3 to 6 months) and its stabilization (lasts up to a year). In most cases, patients also need psychological help in order to understand what problems are “stuck” and learn to avoid it.

Principles of nutrition for obesity

The diet is compiled individually, taking into account the patient’s body weight, age, gender, food preferences, and physical activity. You can consume fat only 25% of the daily calorie content, and animal fat should be no more than 10% of the total amount of fat, and cholesterol up to 300 mg per day.

Limit consumption of quickly digestible carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits as they contain dietary fibre. When creating a menu, an obese person should be guided by the lists of permitted and prohibited foods (Diet No. 8 according to Pevzner is recommended).

You should completely avoid fast food and trans fats. Fats should not be completely eliminated, as this may cause disruption of lipolysis. Weight loss and blood counts should be monitored by a doctor.

Physical activity is necessary for all forms and stages of obesity. The aerobic exercise regimen is selected individually, since it depends on many factors (clinical manifestations of obesity, concomitant pathologies, age, gender, physical fitness).

The primary task is not to harm the cardiovascular system. Exercise increases energy consumption, normalizes metabolism, accelerates the breakdown of fats, improves the functions of all body systems, and increases performance.

Low to moderate intensity daily aerobic exercise required

For young and middle-aged patients without heart and vascular diseases, exercises that increase endurance are especially useful. Walking, running, rowing, swimming, and sports games are recommended. Speed ​​exercises are difficult to perform and do not provide the necessary energy expenditure.

The method of fractional loads is used, that is, during the day you need to do several approaches. The course of treatment is divided into two periods. During the first, the patient adapts to increasing physical activity, and in the second, when shortness of breath and palpitations disappear, the number of approaches can be increased (one session lasts from 45 minutes).

Studies show that with a loss of 10–15% of total body weight, 30% of visceral fat is burned and significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

Taking medications

A decrease in fat volume, in most cases, leads to a decrease in hyperinsulinemia, restoration of metabolism, normalization of blood pressure, and return of insulin sensitivity. Unfortunately, not everyone's insulin resistance and abdominal obesity improve with weight loss, so medications are prescribed.

If there is no result from therapy within 2 months, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Orlistat. The active substance inhibits lipase, which leads to impaired breakdown and absorption of fats. Contraindicated in case of malabsorption syndrome, cholestasis. As a side effect, flatulence, steatorrhea, frequent bowel movements, fecal incontinence, and imperative urge to empty the bowel may occur. The likelihood of unwanted effects increases if the diet is not followed. Treatment lasts from 3 months. Analogs of Alli, Xenalten, Xelican, Orlimax, etc.
  • Metromormin (Glucophage). Indicated for type II diabetes mellitus. Reduces the absorption of glucose from the intestine, accelerates its utilization, increases sensitivity to insulin, and in addition reduces the level of triglycerides and lipoproteins in the blood.
  • Glucagon-like peptide analogues. The peptide is produced by cells of the ileum and colon in response to food intake. Triglycerides and carbohydrates contained in chyme stimulate its secretion. In the stomach, it suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid and weakens motility, and in the pancreas, the peptide stimulates the production of insulin and inhibits the synthesis of glucagon and somatostatin. Thus, the drug suppresses the feeling of hunger.

The effectiveness of treatment is assessed within a year. During this period, the diet is adjusted and the patient’s psychological state is assessed.

Therapy is considered ineffective if 10% of weight is not lost

If weight loss needs to be achieved in a short time for medical reasons, and if complex therapy does not lead to results, then surgical intervention may be prescribed. Obesity is not only a cosmetic defect, it is also the inability to lead an active lifestyle, difficulties in establishing social contacts, and health problems.

Getting rid of extra pounds requires a lot of time, willpower and self-improvement. You shouldn’t expect quick results and set a goal to lose weight at lightning speed, as the risk of causing irreparable harm to your health increases and there is a possibility that motivation will decrease. You need to start small and get used to a new way of life.

Visceral obesity is the deposition of excess fat in the structures of internal organs. Excess weight and increased body mass index always entail serious complications in the form of diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal and joint system, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular pathologies. The main reason is often typical overeating, an inactive lifestyle, lack of diet, sleep and wakefulness. Treatment of fatty deposits is long-term and requires special discipline from the patient in relation to the doctor’s recommendations. Therapeutic nutrition and a healthy lifestyle give the first tangible results within a few weeks, significantly increasing the quality of life of a patient at any age with visceral obesity.

Nature of the disease

Visceral obesity (internal) is the formation of excess mass of subcutaneous fat tissue near vital organs, reducing their resources, up to the development of functional failure. Normally, each person has certain reserves of internal fat, which performs the following functions:

  • shock-absorbing effect when walking, falling, bruises;
  • creating an internal reserve of the body for nutrition in atypical circumstances;
  • protection of internal organs from negative factors.

Internal obesity occurs not only in people with excess body weight. Excess visceral fat is often reported in thin patients. Determining the true volume of fat in people of any body type can only be done through diagnostic measures. Frequent localization of internal fat deposits is the iliac region of the peritoneum, thighs, and middle back. The “beer bellies” of men and women, known in clinical practice, even against the backdrop of a slender constitution, are formed precisely because of the buildup of the visceral fat layer. In women, visceral fat is more often deposited in the thighs on all sides and on the abdomen.

Important! Excessive accumulation of excess fat around internal organs can cause respiratory problems. Thus, severe snoring during sleep with cessation of breathing and attacks of suffocation are often formed precisely against the background of fatty deposits.

Development mechanisms and causes

The formation of visceral fat is directly related to all parts of metabolic processes. Metabolic obesity is accompanied by increased body weight and impaired sensitivity of the cellular structures of internal organs to the insulin hormone. In addition to the risks of developing diabetes, patients’ blood pressure increases, the volume of cholesterol deposits increases, and their overall health worsens. Clinicians believe that it is disturbances in the sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin in the absence of a high glycemic index that is the trigger for the development of diabetes mellitus, metabolic imbalance, and excess weight. Impaired insulin sensitivity depends on the following factors:

  • gender and age of the patient;
  • heredity;
  • features of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • systematic effects of negative factors on the body;
  • hormonal disorders.

Visceral fat leads to impaired carbohydrate metabolism and hormonal imbalance. With a burdened endocrinological history, complications may arise from the ratio of thyroid hormones.

Features of internal fat

The rate of development of cell sensitivity to insulin and obesity depends on the following features of visceral fat tissue:

  • multiple nerve and vascular plexuses;
  • a large number of receptors responsible for excitability;
  • low density of nerve receptors, accelerating the breakdown of fats;
  • high density of receptors in relation to adrenal hormones and estrogens;
  • many cells that make up adipose tissue.

With an intense rate of lipid breakdown in subcutaneous fatty tissue, fatty acids are released from cellular structures, penetrating into the blood and entering the liver. Hepatocytes (liver cells) reduce their ability to bind insulin.

The volume of unclaimed pancreatic hormone increases, leading to a lack of response to insulin by cells in the muscle layers. Thus, the accumulation of underoxidized fat products occurs in the blood plasma. Under the influence of these factors, the absorption of glucose by skeletal muscles and cardiac tissues is disrupted. As visceral fat increases, insulin synthesis decreases, leading to serious endocrinological disorders.

Important! In addition to reducing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, fat metabolism is disrupted, muscle cells and collagen synthesis within organs are intensively formed. All these processes lead to dystrophic deformations of the vascular walls, provoking the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Norm and pathology

Nutritionists and endocrinologists can determine the presence of visceral fat only with pronounced manifestations and with a characteristic symptomatic picture. Typically, the final diagnosis is recorded on the basis of clinical data (laboratory and instrumental research methods). There is a theory that if a person’s figure increasingly resembles a circle and an apple, then this is evidence of an increase in visceral fat. To detect excess fat, simply measure a man's or woman's relaxed waist circumference.

The following are considered safe indicators:

  • limit up to 90 cm for women;
  • limit up to 102 cm for men.

In women with a pear-shaped silhouette, deposits accumulate more on the hips, rarely immediately affecting the stomach. Subcutaneous fatty tissue on the thighs secretes a specific hormone that protects myocardial and pericardial tissue. To reliably determine the volume of visceral fat, specialists resort to MRI examination. The magnetic resonance imaging method allows you to study all the tissues of the human body layer by layer, to give a reliable assessment of excess fat deposits, as well as the general condition of tissue, muscle and joint structures in general.

The volume of internal fat is considered normal up to 15% of a person’s body weight; the level of lipoprotein density should not decrease less than 1.5 mmol/l. The body mass index should not be higher than 25, especially in the absence of an active lifestyle or physical activity.

Localization of deposits

Visceral fat has “favorite” areas of excessive deposition in men and women, which is due to the anatomical features and physiological purpose of both sexes.

Deposits in women

The peculiarities of the formation of excess fat in women depend not only on anatomy, but also on the influence of certain factors (pregnancy, lactation, weight loss). Fat is usually localized in the hips, breasts and pelvic organs. The impact of internal deposits on a woman’s health is enormous:

  • hormonal disorders (impossibility of full-term pregnancy and lactation);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • ovarian obesity (decreased reproductive function);
  • obesity of the calf muscles (due to the ability of visceral fat to be deposited evenly in women).

It develops more slowly and is gradually distributed throughout the body, including spread to internal organs. The first symptoms in women develop brighter, more intense, and are rarely latent.

Features in men

The rapid development of obesity in men is due to larger muscle structures. The soft tissue fibers are located at some distance from each other and fat molecules become clogged in these unique depots. The localization of deposits in men is as follows:

  • belly (protrudes in both thin and overweight men);
  • shoulders and forearms (the result of a decrease in the level of estrogen hormones);
  • obesity of the liver structures (corticosteroid dysfunction);
  • (hormonal imbalance).

Diagnostic measures are aimed at studying the possible causes of obesity in patients of any gender and age. Usually, effective treatment is possible only after the full picture of the disease has been revealed. For idiopathic obesity (in the absence of objective reasons), treatment is prescribed according to the symptomatic picture.

Symptoms and complications

Obesity in men and women in many clinical cases leads to the formation of persistent disorders in many organs and systems, up to and including disability of the patient. The main symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath even with slight exertion;
  • difficulty breathing during sleep (sometimes there is a feeling of insufficient filling of the lungs);
  • nausea, periodic vomiting (internal intoxication due to fatty liver);
  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure always accompanies excess weight, heart, lung, and liver diseases);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • infertility in men and women.

The appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, the risk of thrombosis, disorders of the epigastric organs, intestines - all these mechanisms are involved in the pathological process of obesity. Complications of atherosclerosis and cardiac diseases can even provoke death.

Treatment tactics

Regardless of the reason for the formation of excess accumulations, therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating symptomatic manifestations. With a burdened clinical history, stable remission of chronic pathologies that can accelerate excess deposits should be achieved. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to quit smoking, streamline your lifestyle, create a diet, sleep, and wakefulness. Sports or regular physical activity is important. Against the background of existing diseases, multidirectional therapeutic exercises and long walks in the fresh air are suitable. The main methods for eliminating excess weight include:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regular physical activity;
  • physiotherapy (massages, warming, thermal wraps);
  • drug correction for severe disorders;
  • plastic surgery.

Meals should be complete, balanced, divided into several small portions per day. You can’t lose weight on protein-free diets, because protein deficiency can have the opposite effect: body weight will go away, but visceral deposits will remain in the same place and become significantly stronger.

A special drug for treatment is Orlistat, which replenishes a person’s nutritional needs without affecting the patient’s mental health. In severe cases of obesity, especially in life-threatening conditions, surgical correction is carried out. Surgery is performed in two main ways:

  • gastric bypass (artificial conditions to reduce fat absorption);
  • sleeve gastrectomy (stomach volume reduction).

Metabolic disorders are the basis for the formation of visceral fat, which is why consultation with an endocrinologist, gynecologist (for women) and andrologist-urologist (for men) is so important. The treatment strategy is determined by a gastroenterologist, nutritionist and endocrinologist.

Visceral fat in the abdominal cavity forms an omentum or fat sac, which protects internal organs from damage and maintains the necessary temperature optimum. As the volume of visceral deposits grows, organs are subjected to compression and provoke the formation of persistent functional disorders. Treatment of excess weight is very important for maintaining the health of internal organs and the normal functioning of all systems.

Timely therapy allows you to quickly get rid of the pathology. The later treatment is started, the longer the process of fat removal will be. The duration of therapy depends not only on its timeliness, but also on the patient’s age, medical history and heredity. Medicine today makes it possible to achieve tangible results in a short time.