What is an oath? Varieties and meaning. The military oath is the basic law of military life

Military oath- this is an oath, a solemn promise that a citizen makes upon joining the ranks. The text of the military oath is filled with deep meaning, which forms the basis of military service. It was approved by the Federal Law of 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service” No. 53 Federal Law of February 11, 1993.

Before taking the military oath, a serviceman cannot be involved in:

  • performing combat missions, as well as tasks during the introduction of a state of emergency and in armed conflicts;
  • Weapons and military equipment cannot be assigned to military personnel;
  • A disciplinary sanction in the form of arrest cannot be imposed on a military serviceman.

Text of the military oath

I, (last name, first name, patronymic) solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - Russian Federation. I swear to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors. I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of Russia, the people and the Fatherland.

Preparing for the military oath

The day of the military oath has always been a holiday in the military unit. As a rule, military personnel find out the date of this solemn day in advance. This is very convenient for timely notification of your family and friends so that they can organize a meeting.

Within just a couple of weeks, military personnel begin to conduct drill training sessions with training in drill techniques with weapons. They are taught how to approach the boss correctly and in which hand to take the folder with the text of the military oath.

It is necessary to know the text of the military oath by heart, so that under the happy gaze of parents and flashes of photos, their child does not stutter and look for the text. I personally observed such moments when a soldier stumbled and his hands trembled.

The feeling of insecurity and lack of drill training and desire to be in shape is noticeable from the outside, even to parents. Of course, these minor shortcomings do not at all overshadow the ritual of taking the oath, but it is still worth preparing for it. Military oath

Next, a few days before the dismissal lists are formed. As a rule, unit commanders are more loyal to military personnel on this day, and try to give soldiers and their parents the opportunity to rest as much as possible.

Although, if there is a compelling argument for a particular serviceman to leave him at the company’s location, then most likely he will be located on the territory of the military unit. This can be caused by a gross violation of military discipline or personal indiscipline.

Therefore, I recommend contacting your company commander or platoon commander a week in advance and inquiring about your son's service. When talking with commanders, it would be a good idea to ask about dismissal and the possibility of seeing each other on the day of taking the military oath.

Military oath ritual

On the day of the military oath, military personnel study separately. After getting up in the morning, the whole unit goes to breakfast.

Afterwards, the soldiers go to receive the AK-74 combat weapon and then, as a rule, the commanders conduct a drill review of clothing, weapons and instructions.

The location of the military oath is approved by the commander of the military unit. It can be carried out both on the parade ground and in a company unit, or in an officer’s house, if one exists. This depends on the number of personnel taking the oath and also on the weather.

Military oath

Taking the military oath on the parade ground

Before the ritual itself military unit They begin to launch parents, relatives and acquaintances. Typically this is the day open doors, and they do not issue any passes to the unit’s territory. Next, parents are designated a place from where they can watch and take photos and videos. However, no direct communication with military personnel during the ritual of the military oath itself is allowed.

All participants in taking the military oath are lined up by platoon on the parade ground. Next, the military banner of the military unit is brought out, which is its official symbol and relic.

Military banner of a military unit

After opening remarks The commander of the military unit is given the command “To begin the military oath.” Next, the serviceman takes a military oath and reads out the text of the military oath in front of National flag Russia and the battle flag of the military unit. After taking the oath, a note is made in the military ID and service record card of the serviceman: “Took the military oath (day, month, year).”

Organization of dismissal and leisure

At the end, parents will be invited to go to the company location and see the life and everyday life of the soldiers. Of course, many are interested in what conditions their children live in, so I strongly recommend not to miss this opportunity.

Next, instructions are given before leaving for dismissal. Servicemen who remain at the company location are provided with a festive lunch and the opportunity to relax at their own discretion. In the army, this concept includes watching films, working out in the sports room, or reading literature.

I would like to add that only those whose parents have come to see them will be released! Not a girl, not an acquaintance or classmate, but parents. This is connected, of course, with the responsibility that officers take on.

No one needs to look for problems for themselves on this day, neither soldier nor officer. There are many known cases when soldiers ran away without permission, drank alcohol and, to celebrate, started fights in the city in a state of alcohol intoxication. Therefore, now soldiers are released on overnight leave only with a receipt, which is written exclusively by the parents.

See oath to take an oath, take an oath, confirm with an oath, take an oath... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. oath oath, oath, vow, promise Dictionary... ... Synonym dictionary

Big encyclopedic Dictionary

OATH, oaths, wives. A solemn promise to be faithful, to do what is right, according to the law. “He swore his regiments to him.” Pushkin. Speak under oath. Red oath. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

A formal and solemn promise (oath) of fidelity. The oath is usually taken upon taking office by the person elected president countries. Oath is the military oath of a citizen upon joining the ranks of the armed forces to fulfill the duty... ... Political science. Dictionary.

Oath- see Military oath... Encyclopedia of Law

A formal and solemn promise (oath) of fidelity. P. is usually brought by the person elected president of the country upon taking office. The Russian Federation also provides for P. of a notary, a police officer, a prosecutor, a bailiff, a judge,... ... Legal dictionary

OATH, and, wives. A formal and solemn promise. Military paragraph. Take the oath. Take the oath. | adj. juror, oh, oh (old). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

English oath; German Eid. A formal, solemn promise of fidelity. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

OATH- an official and solemn promise (oath) of fidelity. P. is usually brought by the person elected president of the country upon taking office. Military P. oath of a citizen upon joining the ranks of the armed forces to fulfill the duty of protection... ... Legal encyclopedia

AND; and. An official solemn promise, an oath of fidelity, which l. obligations to act in accordance with the law. Military paragraph. Solemn paragraph. P. witnesses. Accept, give, take an oath. Take the oath. * * * oath official and ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , Kashkarov. Oath under the banner: The basics of soldiers. knowledge: oath, appointment of a soldier, discipline and banner / D. Kashkarov E 101/260: St. Petersburg: N. V. Vasiliev, 1900: D. Kashkarov Reproduced in…
  • Oath under the banner of the Basic Soldiers. knowledge oath, appointment of a soldier, discipline and banner, Kashkarov. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology.

Oath under the banner: The basics of soldiers. knowledge: oath, appointment of a soldier, discipline and banner / D.…

a formal and solemn promise (oath) of fidelity. P. is usually brought by the person elected president of the country upon taking office. The Russian Federation also provides for the P. of a notary, a police officer, a prosecutor, a bailiff, a judge, a customs officer, and a human rights ombudsman.

Great definition

Incomplete definition

OATH a solemn promise (oath) given by a citizen who first entered the military service or who have not completed military service and were called up for military training for the first time. The text of the military law was approved by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service." The following are included in military P.: soldiers and sailors who arrived for replenishment - after completing the appropriate program and mastering their main responsibilities, the meaning of military P., the Battle Banner of the military unit and military discipline (but no later than 2 months from the date arrival at the military unit); cadets and military students educational institution, not previously brought to military P. - after the same period. Referral to P. is carried out under the leadership of the commander of the military unit, the head of the military educational institution of vocational education. The time of bringing to P. is announced in the order of the commander of the military unit. The day of bringing to P. is a holiday for this military unit. Citizens called up for military training for the first time and not previously brought to P. are brought to her no later than 5 days from the date of arrival at the military unit. With the announcement of general or partial mobilization, citizens who were not brought to P. in peacetime are brought to her upon arrival at the military unit. Female military personnel accepted for military service are brought to P. at the unit headquarters under the leadership of the commander of the military unit. Before bringing the P.: a serviceman cannot be appointed to military positions or involved in combat missions (participation in hostilities, combat duty, combat service, guard duty); weapons and military equipment cannot be assigned to a serviceman; cannot be imposed on a military personnel disciplinary action in the form of arrest.

The military oath of Russia implies the giving of an oath, a promise by a citizen upon his entry into military service. Its acceptance is one of the most important and solemn moments when serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Connection to the Constitution

From a legal and moral point of view, the military oath of the Russian Federation is an important and integral part of military service. In different historical periods it was called differently, the only thing that remained unchanged was its essence, which consisted in the promise to defend one’s Motherland and Fatherland even at the cost of one’s life. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the most important law of the country, stipulates that the duty and duty of every citizen of Russia is to defend the Motherland. Therefore, the military oath contains the requirements of this law.

Oath during Kievan Rus

It is believed that the military promise began to be given back in the ninth century in Kievan Rus. The main army of that time was princely squads. We can say that these squads served as the basis for the formation of today's army, and at that time they were specialized military formations. Of course, when recruiting young soldiers, it was necessary to carry out a certain ritual that would symbolize their joining the circle of defenders of the country. This rite was supposed to be solemn and revered, and therefore had a special meaning.

In those distant times, a recruit was required to perform several actions that would confirm both his suitability for service and his love for the state and his native land. Young warriors had to show their strength and agility, as well as physical endurance, in trials. If they passed these tests, then they were allowed to promise allegiance to the military oath and the prince. At that time, the promise was not yet called the word “oath”; most likely, it was an oath.

The procedure for taking an oath in Kievan Rus

When performing this action, the soldiers kissed the cross; some historians claim that this custom was passed down from the Byzantine Empire. A church representative was to be present at the ceremony. It is no coincidence that the cross was chosen as an integral object of the oath of that time; after the soldier took it, the church considered him a “high Christian ascetic.” In addition, she promised such a young defender that not only eternal memory would await him, but also the “kingdom of heaven” if he fulfilled his duty with dignity.

The text of the oath, according to which it was given to the servicemen, was called the cross-kissing or cross-kissing. From the moment the warrior uttered this text, the church guaranteed his fulfillment of his obligations.

There was also another type of oath - this was a written entry. It consisted in the fact that his relatives or other soldiers provided guarantees for the recruit. These guarantees were made in writing. All of the above served as an incentive for the warrior to properly perform his military duties under pain of excommunication, and was also based on the moral responsibility of the recruit to his guarantors.

Peter's oath

Under Peter I, taking the military oath was an exciting and at the same time heartfelt ritual. By order of Peter, the recruits, making such a promise, were to pronounce it in front of the entire military unit; the banner of the state was to fly at this solemn moment.

A young warrior, taking a sacred oath, left hand He placed it on the Gospel and lifted the right one up. On right hand at the same time, two fingers were straightened, the rest were bent. After taking the oath, the Gospel was kissed by the warrior.

The text of that oath contained the warrior's promises to be honest, brave, faithful and obedient. At the end of the ceremony, the recruits signed the oath form. This document contained individual oath promises.

Changes in Peter's oath

The sacred oath of allegiance and devotion to the Motherland, approved by Peter I, existed in Russia for more than two hundred years and was rewritten only after October revolution. Before this, Peter's oath was changed several times. More precisely, its text was transformed taking into account temporary changes in the Russian language, but all the provisions established by the sovereign remained in it. The recruit swore, reading the military oath, that he would serve the Emperor and carry out his service faithfully. He also pledged to defend the Motherland and the emperor’s heir.

After the events of October 1917, the oath was taken differently everywhere. The soldiers of the Red Army could come up with the text of the oath themselves, or their commanders did it. The Navy also had a different text from the others. Thus, in connection with the coup, the Red Army did not want to use the text of the oath of the system it hated, and it did not yet have its only text. But in 1918, such a text was approved by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, and from then on all parts of the Red Army, including the navy, had to use it. The name of this oath was also given - “Formula of a solemn promise.”

The Soviet government approved the text of the oath on April 25, 1918. The leader of the proletariat, Vladimir Lenin, gave the order to print its text on the military ID of the Red Army soldiers. It was with this oath that the soldiers of the Red Army fought in the Civil War, but only after its end was the oath-taking ceremony itself approved. In March 1922, the Soviet government issued an order that all soldiers and sailors, as well as commanding personnel, must undergo this ceremony.

At that time, the day of the Red Oath was determined to be the first day of May. The government order indicated how this event should be carried out. Required terms there were weapons, a ceremonial parade, and military formation. The text of the oath was then read out by a representative of the executive branch, having previously explained to the soldiers its meaning, essence and necessity. While reading the text of the oath, all Red Army soldiers repeated the oath to the representative of the authorities word by word. Only the next day, the unit commander collected signatures from young soldiers under the text of a promise to defend the Fatherland. Afterwards these documents were sent to headquarters.

“The Motherland is calling!”

Everyone remembers and knows the poster of the times Soviet Union, which depicts a woman in the image of the Motherland. This poster was drawn Soviet artist I. Toidze. The woman in it in one hand holds a sheet on which the text of the oath is written, while the other hand seems to call on every person to stand up for the defense of the Fatherland. This poster was created in 1941, it was then that the Motherland was in dire need of defenders, and this explains the decisive and stern expression on this woman’s face.

The first change to the military oath of the USSR occurred in 1923. This was connected with the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The corresponding name of the country was included in the text of the oath, where before that the country was called Russia and the Soviet Republic.

After 16 years, the text was slightly corrected, the ritual of the military oath itself was changed. From that time on, military personnel began to take a solemn oath individually, and not all together. They signed the oath immediately, and not the next day.

The next change in the Soviet oath occurred in 1947. Then a Regulation was adopted that regulated the procedure for its adoption. The day of the oath was established as a holiday. This provision also established the texts of the promises of civilian employees working in the Armed Forces.

In 1960, the last Soviet change to the oath was carried out. No special changes were made to the text, only the obligation to comply with the Constitution and other laws of the USSR was added. The text approved that year existed until the collapse of the Soviet Union, that is, longer than the others established by the Soviet government.

Oath now

Today's ritual of taking the military oath, those actions when the military oath of the Russian Federation is taken, looks like in the following way. At a certain time, the military formation organizes a formation, while all soldiers dress in full dress uniform. The flag of the Russian Federation and the Battle Banner are brought out. There is an orchestra. The military personnel taking the oath have weapons in their hands and line up in front ranks. The commander of the military formation addresses the recruits, explains to them the meaning of this ritual, all the responsibility that will fall on them after this, and also talks about the honor awarded to the soldiers. Throughout the commander’s speech, the soldiers must stand at attention, and after its completion they are given the command “At ease.”

Then the commanders of the relevant units of the military unit begin the solemn event. To do this, they call up military personnel from a list. The latter, in turn, break ranks, approach the commander who called them, and read out the text of the oath. Then the recruit signs the corresponding document and returns to duty.

At the end of the ceremony, the military orchestra plays the Russian anthem, and then the commander of the military unit congratulates all the young soldiers on this event. All units perform a ceremonial march to the music of the orchestra.

Some features of the ceremony

The solemn ritual of taking the military oath can be carried out not only at the location of the military unit, but also outside it. So, it can be organized in various places associated with any great event in the history of the country, at the graves of heroes who gave their lives for their Motherland.

The day of this ceremony in a military formation is a holiday, a non-working day. Later, a record will appear in the soldier's military document that the military oath was administered, indicating the date of this event.

Why is the oath of allegiance needed?

Before taking the oath, a young warrior is somewhat limited in his rights. Thus, he cannot be issued weapons or provided with military equipment. If a state of emergency occurs, then such a warrior cannot be involved in any combat mission. The same limitation arises in armed conflicts. Also, a recruit who has not taken the oath cannot be placed under arrest as a disciplinary punishment.

The oath gives soldiers inspiration in defending their homeland and adds strength to perform military feats. Of course, fulfilling this sacred oath is a matter of honor for every warrior; he fulfills this oath in accordance with the requirements of not only the military regulations, the laws of the country, but also his conscience. And this has been proven more than once by the heroic facts of the times of the Great Patriotic War, Civil War and other armed conflicts. A sacred duty and a noble deed - this is how the military fulfills this promise. The most terrible and shameful thing for a soldier, officer and any other person who has taken the military oath is its violation, the violation of his promises and obligations to the Fatherland.

On the legislative side, breaking this oath is a crime and is severely punished by the state. It has always been so, and it is so now.

An additional advantage of taking the oath is the subsequent formation of a young warrior as a patriot. She develops in him not only love for the Motherland, dedication, conscientiousness, but also the moral qualities of a defender.

Now the text of the military oath sounds laconic, short, but at the same time succinct. It was approved by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service.”

A solemn formal promise or oath of allegiance. IN modern world the oath is often taken upon entering a responsible position. It can also be military or medical (better known as the Hippocratic oath). It is accepted in front of witnesses in a solemn and purely official atmosphere. What does an oath mean? This is the assurance of others that what is said is true and that these words will come true. As mentioned at the beginning, oaths or oaths can differ significantly from each other.

Oath for doctors - Hippocratic oath

Almost half a century ago, the famous ancient Greek doctor, who is also called the father of medicine, wrote the well-known oath. It was a kind of noble ethical code that doctors still recognize today. Many people adhere to this interesting, but, alas, erroneous opinion. How reliable is this information? The facts show that Hippocrates was not at all the author of the well-known oath, which, among other things, bears his name. There is also reason to believe that the famous oath is not entirely consistent with its original version.

Who actually wrote it and what significance does it have today?

Why is there reason to doubt that Hippocrates wrote the oath? The oath traditionally began with an appeal to various deities, and he, as is known, became the first to introduce medicine to scientific level, completely separating it from religion and rituals. His contemporaries knew that he preferred to look for a problem in physiological causes rather than in supernatural ones. We must not lose sight of the fact that certain actions prohibited by the Hippocratic Oath were not at all contrary to the medical standards of the time.

For example, at that time abortion and suicide were not at all condemned by law or even by religion, but surgical intervention was prohibited. And as you know, the description of many surgical techniques is included in the collection of certain medical works, which are often attributed to Hippocrates. From this we can draw a rather interesting logical conclusion: the oath, or oath, most likely, was not written by Hippocrates.

Most of the thoughts and philosophy that take place in this document are more in line with Pythagorean ideas, which preach the sanctity of life and vehemently oppose surgical intervention. Unfortunately, the true author of this world-famous oath remains unknown. All this time, namely twenty-five centuries, the oath had a huge impact on people's lives and served as a guiding principle in medicine. Today, this oath is taken in many medical educational institutions. This often happens at graduation and when receiving a medical degree.

Military oath

It is generally accepted that the first mentions of it date back to the sixteenth century. It was at this time in Kievan Rus that the main armed force was the squad. What does oath mean? In order for a volunteer to join the ranks of brave warriors, he had to pass various tests of courage and dexterity. After successful completion, the newly minted warrior was asked to take such an oath. What is an oath for a soldier? It was a kind of ritual that included the custom of kissing the cross. Such an oath, as today, was taken in the presence of a priest.

Over time, the ritual, and the military oath itself, underwent some changes. Today, the procedure for conducting such a ceremony is determined by the general rules. In the army, the day of the oath is officially considered a holiday. Every soldier understands the importance of this ritual. An oath (the meaning of the word is given above) means a solemn vow. The related word “oath” has the same meaning.

Oath in court

Today, the oath in court in some countries is carried out with the help of the Bible. More precisely, they just put their hand on it. This tradition was widespread back in the Middle Ages. The Bible, as a holy book, apparently served as an authority and did not allow lying in court. How? In case of deception or failure to fulfill a promise, the one who swore an oath was subject to serious punishment.

Since today fewer and fewer people consider themselves to be sincerely religious, many European courts are thinking about removing this short ritual from the judicial process. Some consider such a decision justified, because a person who does not know what an oath is cannot fully understand the essence of the responsibility that falls on him.

It's important to know the meaning

No one will deny that the ancient custom of swearing is still relevant in modern society. Whether it is the Hippocratic Oath, a military oath, or an oath in court, it should be taken seriously. Everyone must find out for himself what an oath is and how it will affect his life. Having reliable and high-quality information, you can make a reasonable, informed decision.