What are clonic and tonic seizures? Why are clonic and tonic seizures dangerous? What causes clonic seizures? How to treat them

Almost every person has encountered a cramp - a phenomenon of spontaneous muscle contraction, accompanied by quite noticeable pain. Spasms of this kind are usually classified into two equivalent classes - tonic and clonic spasms.

Causes of clonic convulsions

The development of seizures, as a rule, begins in the presence of dysfunction of the central nervous system. The occurrence of clonic seizures can be expected in the following patient conditions:

  • worsened or experienced hysteria;
  • ailments of a neurological nature in the form of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, acute/chronic neuroinfections, epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries, the presence of space-occupying processes in the brain, hypertensive crisis;
  • diseases of an infectious nature in the form of tetanus, childhood infections accompanied by high fever, rabies;
  • in case of impaired water-salt metabolism as a result of eclampsia, heat stroke;
  • in processes of toxic etiology in the form of renal failure, hypoglycemic coma, adrenal insufficiency, uremia, intoxication.

What is the difference between clonic and tonic?

Involuntary muscle contraction occurs when the body reacts to any influence that harms it. However, such spasms do not always occur in the same way. When muscle contraction is slow and does not bother you for long, this phenomenon is called a tonic spasm, but a clonic spasm will change quite quickly during its development, either relaxing the muscle or straining it.

The development of clonic convulsions is smooth and rhythmic in the nature of muscle spasmodic contractions in many cases, localized in the extremities. Also, clonic contractions can be of a general nature. When the contracted muscles of the respiratory tract are involved in the process, there is a high probability of stuttering.

Symptoms of the phenomenon

When the seizure is left behind and the patient comes to his senses, he should be shown to a specialist for diagnostic clarification and selection individual program treatment.

What causes clonic seizures? How to treat them?

Almost every person has encountered a cramp - a phenomenon of spontaneous muscle contraction, accompanied by quite noticeable pain. Spasms of this kind are usually classified into two equivalent classes - tonic and clonic spasms.

Causes of clonic convulsions

The development of seizures, as a rule, begins in the presence of dysfunction of the central nervous system. The occurrence of clonic seizures can be expected in the following patient conditions:

  • worsened or experienced hysteria;
  • ailments of a neurological nature in the form of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, acute/chronic neuroinfections, epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries, the presence of space-occupying processes in the brain, hypertensive crisis;
  • diseases of an infectious nature in the form of tetanus, childhood infections accompanied by high fever, rabies;
  • in case of impaired water-salt metabolism as a result of eclampsia, heat stroke;
  • during processes of toxic etiology in the form renal failure, hypoglycemic coma, adrenal insufficiency, uremia, intoxication.

What is the difference between clonic and tonic?

Involuntary muscle contraction occurs when the body reacts to any influence that harms it. However, such spasms do not always occur in the same way.

When muscle contraction is slow and does not bother you for long, this phenomenon is called a tonic spasm, but a clonic spasm will change quite quickly during its development, either relaxing the muscle or straining it.

With a tonic spasm, the facial and cervical area can be affected, as well as the entire body, including the upper and lower limbs. During such a spasm, the patient may clench his teeth and stretch out, as well as lose consciousness.

The development of clonic convulsions is smooth and rhythmic in the nature of muscle spasmodic contractions in many cases, localized in the extremities. Also, clonic contractions can be of a general nature. When the contracted muscles of the respiratory tract are involved in the process, there is a high probability of stuttering.

Symptoms of the phenomenon

Symptoms of convulsive syndrome are rapidly alternating muscle contractions and relaxations. Such an attack is usually provoked by a pathology in the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system, less often in the muscle tissue itself.

When a spasm occurs from the “center”, it is able to involve the muscles of a large area of ​​the body in the process of contraction.

A disease involving tonic-clonic convulsive spasms begins to manifest itself from childhood, gradually increasing and forcing the patient to suffer from seizures more often and more painfully.

At first, the development of epileptic seizures bothers the patient no more than twice a year, with a gradual increase in adulthood up to two times in one week.

A convulsive attack develops progressively. At first, these are twitchings of small amplitude, mainly in the area of ​​​​the extremities. Then the seizure syndrome develops into a general epileptic seizure.

With the appearance of foam with bloody inclusions from the patient's mouth, the frequency of convulsive spasms decreases, the muscles become relaxed.

At this stage, the patient may completely stop responding to any stimulus.

The development of a clonic seizure undergoes several symptomatic phases:

  • the patient involuntarily inhales deeply;
  • the upper and lower extremities are subject to trembling;
  • the frequency of convulsions increases sharply;
  • a generalized clonic convulsion develops, followed by repetition between long pauses;
  • the clonic phase is accompanied by a copious flow of saliva, during which the patient can often bite the mucous membrane of his cheeks/tongue;
  • it is possible that the tongue will sink, interfering with the functionality of the respiratory tract;
  • sweating increases;
  • clonic spasm, after a minute of activity, begins to decline, muscle twitching fades away;
  • the muscles come into a state of atony, which in turn relaxes the sphincter and forces the patient to urinate involuntarily;
  • the duration of the seizure is no more than 180 seconds.

The consciousness of the patient suffering from a seizure gradually returns from the stupor. However, for a long time he is not left with a feeling of weakness and deep weakness, and is also overcome by drowsiness. The patient’s memory of the seizure he just experienced is not recorded. He falls into a deep sleep for a long time.

TO possible consequences This condition may include:

  • the occurrence of paresis/paralysis;
  • mental disorder;
  • psychomotor agitation.

First aid

Rendering emergency care in such cases must be immediate. Before paramedics arrive, you must complete the following steps:

  • try to place the patient on the floor and remove all surrounding objects;
  • provide a flow of fresh air;
  • if you lose consciousness, fix the position, lying on your side;
  • free from excess clothing and other wardrobe items;
  • check the oral cavity and, if necessary, remove food waste and vomit;
  • control the condition of the tongue, preventing it from sinking;
  • gently but firmly hold the patient’s limbs without allowing sudden movements to avoid unconscious injury;
  • Avoid giving the patient medications or drinks directly during the course of a convulsive syndrome.

The danger of a convulsive phenomenon should not be discounted, so immediate assistance is necessary for the victim.

Delay in eliminating a cramp is fraught with:

  • traumatic and even fatal for those who drive a car, work at heights or involve heavy lifting, and others dangerous species activities;
  • stopping the blood supply in the area of ​​convulsions, with prolonged oxygen starvation of the tissue, up to its death.

For those who are susceptible to seizures, it would be a good idea to always have options for resolving the situation ready when conducting their activities.

First aid for seizures

When the seizure is over and the patient comes to his senses, he should be shown to a specialist for diagnostic clarification and selection of an individual treatment program.

Febrile seizures

Sudden seizures

Myoclonic spasms

Death throes

Frequent seizures

Source: http://krampf.ru/sudorogi/220-klonicheskie-sudorogi

Why are clonic and tonic seizures dangerous?

Cramps are involuntary and sudden acts of muscle contraction that are accompanied by painful sensations. Occur as a result of exposure to adverse external factors or against the background of disruption of internal organs. Muscle spasms are usually classified according to their characteristic features.

Clonic convulsions manifest themselves in the form of alternating acts of muscle tension and relaxation. The main reason for their occurrence is organic damage to the nervous system. All types of seizures are characterized by paroxysmal states. The spasms come and go suddenly, and the duration of the seizures varies from a few seconds to several minutes.

Seizure differences

If a person often suffers from convulsions, this may indicate the presence of some pathologies that are dangerous to health and require medical attention. To carry out the most correct treatment course, you need to know about the characteristics of different types of seizures and the differences between them. Classification of muscle spasms:

  • clonic (rhythmic muscle tension and relaxation);
  • tonic cramps (short-term and severe muscle spasms);
  • with clonic-tonic convulsions, which are of a mixed nature and usually occur against the background of epilepsy, the patient loses consciousness.

The difference between tonic and clonic convulsions lies not only in the nature of their manifestation, but also in the causes of their occurrence.

In the first case, muscle contractions appear due to excessive physical activity, overexertion, and they usually affect the lower extremities, as well as the arms, respiratory system or face (less often).

As for clonic spasms, their main causes are disruption of the cerebral cortex and disruptions in the transmission of nerve impulses in muscle tissue.

Other causes of seizures:

  • severe disorders of the nervous system, such as epilepsy;
  • infectious lesions of the body;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • nervous tension;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • traumatic brain injuries.

Characteristic symptoms

Tonic seizures usually occur in the upper and lower extremities, but in more rare cases they affect the face, back, neck or other parts of the body.

The development of airway spasm cannot be ruled out. With such cramps, the affected muscle becomes tense and hard, prominent.

A striking example of a tonic cramp is a spasm of the calf muscle, accompanied by severe pain.

With epilepsy and other disorders of the nervous system, generalized tonic seizures are observed, which are characterized by simultaneous tension of all muscles of the body.

During a seizure, the victim’s body stretches out or takes an arched position, the person begins to clasp his face with his hands, as if trying to protect himself from external influences. Breathing quickens, blood pressure rises, and loss of consciousness is possible.

Then relaxation occurs, after which many patients experience involuntary acts of urination or defecation.

As for clonic convulsions, they involve rhythmic muscle contraction, alternating with interruptions, the spine bends, and the limbs become bent. Symptomatic phases for clonic seizures:

  1. Involuntary and deep breath.
  2. Increasing tremors in the limbs.
  3. Lack of protective reflexes and reactions to external stimuli.
  4. Convulsions.
  5. Copious flow of saliva and foam from the mouth.
  6. Recession of the tongue and impaired respiratory function.
  7. Profuse sweating.
  8. Reduction of cramps, extinction of muscle twitching.
  9. Relaxation of all muscles, unconscious urination.

After such an attack, the patient, as a rule, does not remember it, but feels weak, tired and drowsy, and becomes disoriented.

First aid

Generalized seizures can be life-threatening, so it is extremely important to know how to relieve a seizure and provide first aid before the ambulance arrives. You need to do the following:

  1. Place the patient on a soft surface to prevent injury from involuntary movements.
  2. If a person is unconscious, he should lie on his side to prevent suffocation, since vomiting is possible.
  3. Open the windows and release chest the victim wears tight clothing for fresh air.
  4. Monitor the patient’s oral cavity, if necessary, free it from vomit, and ensure that the tongue does not become stuck.
  5. Hold a person’s limbs during convulsions to prevent injury.
  6. Do not leave the patient until the doctors arrive.

You cannot provide medication to a patient yourself. The exception is cases when the seizure has already passed, and the patient himself knows what medications he needs to take and in what dosage.

If you have a local spasm, you can help yourself. If a spasm of the calf muscle occurs, it is recommended to prick the tense area with a needle so that the pain relaxes and subsides. You can also do self-massage and rub the limb with warming ointment.

Treatment measures

Tonic and clonic seizures are not an independent disease, but they usually indicate the presence of some other pathology.

Therefore, the treatment regimen for each specific patient is selected individually depending on the provoking factors. A preliminary diagnosis is carried out to identify the causes of the convulsive syndrome.

To relieve attacks, basic medications are used:

  1. Sedatives, tranquilizers (Andaksin, Phenazepam, Trioxazin, Diazepam).
  2. Phenobarbital, Thiopental and other barbiturates.
  3. Anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine.

Considering that a lack of trace elements and minerals often causes seizures, the patient is prescribed a special proper diet, with the help of which it is possible to restore the balance of vitamins and nutrients.

Possible complications

The consequences of a seizure can be very different. It all depends on which muscles were affected. There is a high probability of death due to muscle spasms of the lungs or heart. Other complications:

  • impaired respiratory function can cause the development of stuttering or pulmonary edema;
  • if during a seizure the patient sharply arches his back, the risk of spinal fracture increases;
  • when the heart muscles spasm, cardiac arrest is possible;
  • mental disorders are likely;
  • sudden movements of the arms and legs often result in serious injuries to the limbs;
  • other consequences of sudden body movements are tearing of muscle tissue, traumatic brain injuries;
  • the development of paralysis or paresis is possible;
  • stopping the blood supply to the spasmodic area, which can lead to tissue death;
  • If there is a disruption in the circulatory system, a cerebral hemorrhage is possible.

It is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner for clonic and tonic seizures. Compliance with all medical recommendations will help prevent recurrence of attacks and complications after them.

Source: https://OrtoCure.ru/svyazki-i-myshtsy/klonicheskie-sudorogi.html

Clonic, tonic and myoclonic seizures: characteristics and differences

Cramps - uncontrolled contraction of muscle tissue due to overexertion; the nature of the seizures is paroxysmal.
Typically, cramps are not constant. Their appearance and disappearance are sudden, but last no more than a minute.

Depending on the cause, seizures can be frequent or infrequent, short or long. Pain is usually not typical, but children and older people can quite clearly feel muscle contractions, which manifest as pain syndromes.

Most frequent time appearance of convulsions - night. This is due to the fact that during sleep all muscles are in a relaxed state. Also, cramps are not uncommon in healthy people after active muscle activity.

Convulsions are not clearly localized. Muscle contraction can affect one muscle or an entire group. The most common muscle groups are: calves, thighs, abdomen, back and neck.

Convulsive attack

A convulsive attack (syndrome), or in other words an attack of violent movements, which is manifested by a fairly strong uncontrolled muscle contraction.

The cause of seizures in most cases is a calcium metabolism disorder. Important feature a convulsive attack is that the patient is constantly conscious, even though spastic pain can reach high levels.

The development of an attack can be wave-like or sporadic. The duration can also vary greatly. The pain syndrome depends on the disease and individual characteristics person.

With mild cramps, a slight tingling sensation is usually felt in the muscles - muscle cramps that are located near the spine and large arteries are very dangerous. Pain will be felt not only at the site of the spasm, but throughout the entire length of the nerve or vessel.

In the chronic course of convulsive attacks, brittle nails and bones and hair loss are observed. This is due to calcium leaching. This pathological process worsens the condition of tooth enamel, contributes to the development of conjunctivitis and the progression of cataracts.

All seizures are characterized by involuntary contraction muscle fibers and unpleasant pain. However, despite the similarity of symptoms, there is a difference.

Any convulsions and seizures occur due to negative action certain factors, most often the internal environment. Despite the fact that the movement itself during cramps is generalized, only a small part of the muscle groups spasm.

Tonic convulsions

Tonic seizures are characterized by:

  • the reduction process is short-term;
  • the peak of spasm increases gradually;
  • muscle tension is provoked.

The most common location is the arms and legs. The areas of the abdomen, face and neck may also be affected by spasms. A rarer location includes the muscles of the respiratory tract.

Extension processes predominate, so the lower and upper limbs are in an open state. The head is thrown back, the teeth are closed, the whole body is stretched due to muscle tension. Possible loss of consciousness.

Clonic seizures

Characteristic signs of clonic seizures:

  • periods of contraction are followed by periods of muscle relaxation;
  • characteristic twitching of body parts appears;
  • Self-determination of this type of seizure is not difficult.

The location is the same as for tonic convulsions.

Characteristic position during an attack

The upper and lower limbs are bent, the spine is arched. A calm twitching of spasmodic muscles is noticeable to the naked eye. Features include stuttering, which occurs due to spasms of the muscles of the respiratory system.

Tonic-clonic spasms

They combine both the mechanisms of tonic and clonic seizures. There are three stages of development, which end in fainting or coma.

The first stage is tonic spasms, which are characterized by:

  • dilated pupils;
  • rolling your eyes;
  • tension of all muscles.

The second stage is clonic convulsions, alternating periods of contraction and relaxation.

The third stage is twilight disorder of consciousness. There may be foaming at the mouth due to biting the tongue and a large amount of saliva.

Atonic attacks

These attacks are classified as epileptic attacks. Main feature is a drop in muscle tone and/or loss of consciousness. Spasm can be either regional (local) or generalized. They are very rare.

There are two types of attacks.

Short atonic

The period of decreased muscle tone is very short and affects either the muscles of the neck and head or the muscles of the lower extremities.


Sudden loss of consciousness and loss of muscle tone lasts several minutes. After falling to the ground, the patient is unable to say anything or move. Due to a sudden fall, severe bruises and fractures often occur.

Partial atonic seizures:

  1. Drop attacks, or in other words, attacks of falling. Occur due to epileptic seizures, or due to symmetrical or asymmetrical rigidity.
  2. Focal atonic seizures. Characterized by paresis or paralysis of one or more parts of the body.
  3. Negative myoclonus.

Focal and generalized seizures

Focal (partial) seizures are those in which the focus is localized in one part of the brain (focal seizure of the frontal lobe).

During this seizure, the patient remains conscious. However, if the situation is complex, then clouding of consciousness, frequent blinking, and constant performance of the same type of actions are possible. Before the attack itself, unusual sensations may occur.

Generalized seizures are most often a pathology of neural activity. Provokes loss of consciousness, sudden muscle atony or generalized spasm.

Possible following manifestations:

  • twitching of muscles of symmetrical and asymmetrical limbs;
  • looking at one point;
  • tension in the muscles of the back and limbs;
  • uncoordinated lowering of the head.

Myoclonic convulsions - seizures

their peculiarity is that they are painless. One or more muscles spasm. Externally, you may notice slight twitching.

Most often they appear at night or during daytime sleep. Lasting more than a minute. Myelonal fright may occur, which is provoked by a flash of light, a loud knock, or a scream.

The manifestation of myoclonal seizures depends on their type: benign and negative.

In a benign course, the following is observed:

  • numbness of the head muscles;
  • eye tic;
  • involuntary contraction of the muscles of the neck, limbs, and back.

If negative, there is a slight tremor of the arms in an extended position.

Causes of convulsive manifestations

The causes depend on the type of seizure.

Epileptic convulsions and seizures

These seizures are very short-lived and rarely exceed 10 seconds. Their appearance is provoked by external irritating factors, such as flashes of light, shock, eating, and internal ones - the process of memorization, reading.

Focal seizures

They differ from generalized ones in that their approach can be felt by a person. This could be the appearance of some kind of smell, visual images, music.

Focal seizures are divided into:

  • sensitive;
  • motor;
  • bouts of laughing or crying;
  • reflex;
  • secondary generalized.


Appear due to symmetrical discharges in the cerebral cortex. Appear suddenly.

Seizures are divided into:

  • tonic-clonic;
  • tonic;
  • clonic;
  • atypical;
  • myoclonus;
  • reflex generalized.

Seizures in other neurological diseases

Neurological diseases that provoke the development of convulsive syndrome:

Seizures in other diseases and conditions

Diseases that provoke the development of seizures:

  • calcium or magnesium deficiency;
  • insufficient brain maturity (in children);
  • psychophysiological disorders;
  • varicose veins;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • poisoning by nitrogenous decomposition products;
  • cirrhosis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • atherosclerotic vascular damage;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Provoking conditions:

  • insufficient blood supply to the muscles (during physical activity);
  • overwork (insufficient blood supply or stress factors);
  • pregnancy;
  • increased sweating, diarrhea and salt loss;
  • monotonous, frequently repeated movements of the hand (typing text on a computer);
  • pregnancy;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • insufficient supply of micro and macroelements during fasting and improper diets.

First aid for convulsions and seizures

In case of seizures, you must:

  • put the patient on a flat but soft surface, if necessary, use outer clothing, pillows, blankets;
  • free a person from restraining clothing and accessories;
  • if a person loses consciousness, place him on his side so that the tongue does not roll back and inhale saliva and vomit;
  • limbs should be carefully held, as excessive force can cause a fracture or dislocation;
  • It is prohibited to give medications or water to the patient during an attack.

What to do if your legs have cramps:

  • use self-massage or ask another person to stretch the cramped muscle;
  • stretch muscles;
  • raise the limb for a rush of blood;
  • use warming ointments and compresses;
  • take a warm bath.

Help concept

Any treatment should begin with a diagnosis, only after that a diagnosis is made and a plan for further treatment actions is selected.
If seizures are caused by diseases of organs and systems not related to neurology, then treatment will be aimed specifically at this organ.

If the cause is a specific neurological condition, then it is important to implement measures aimed at eliminating or compensating for this condition.

So cramps when infectious diseases or febrile conditions resolve on their own, but only after treatment of the underlying disease and without the development of complications.

General concepts for the treatment of seizures:

  1. Purpose sedatives and muscle relaxants, which will help relax muscles and reduce the activity of the nervous system. Examples of such drugs are Seduxen and Andaxin.
  2. Intravenous administration of Droperidol or sodium oxybutyrate with severe convulsions or seizures.
  3. Nootropics to inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses.
  4. Proper nutrition. It is prescribed by a doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s characteristics and concomitant diseases. It is important to replenish the deficiency of missing substances (lack of calcium, magnesium, salts, macroelements).
  5. Surgery(for tumors and epilepsy with an identified focus of epileptic excitation).

Read more

Source: http://NeuroDoc.ru/diagnostika/simptomy/klonicheskie-tonicheskie-sudorogi.html

What is the difference between clonic spasms and other types of muscle spasms?

The difference lies in the duration of the contraction: with tonic contractions, the spasmed muscle remains in this state for some time, while clonic ones look like twitching of an individual muscle, limb, or like convulsions of the whole body.

With the second type of seizures, movements are a consequence of alternate relaxation and contraction of muscle fibers.

The combined clonic-tonic variant is often observed during epileptic seizures, when different types spasms are combined or successively replace each other.

general characteristics

Clonic or tonic convulsions are a consequence of involuntary pathological contractions of muscle fibers. The reasons may vary, in most cases we're talking about about neurological diseases. Regardless of the etiology, an attack always develops according to the same pattern:

  • Due to a violation of neurohumoral regulation or other reasons, excitation processes in the activity of the central nervous system begin to prevail over inhibition.
  • In a certain area of ​​the brain, a focus is formed that captures a group of neurons and puts them in a state of so-called epileptic readiness.
  • Some factor (brain injury, illness, hyperthermia) acts as a “trigger” and seizures occur.

Disruption skeletal muscles a tonic spasm is accompanied by their rigidity, limitation or complete inability to move. For example, spasm of the muscles of the trunk and neck during an epileptic attack leads to arching of the body.

Clonic contractions, depending on the location, look like trembling (of the eyelids, masticatory muscles), chaotic movements of the limbs, and convulsions. Spasm of the speech muscles is expressed in stuttering.

If smooth muscles are affected, dysfunction of internal organs is observed.

Regardless of the type of spasm, it is accompanied by pain sensations of varying intensity. Pain in in this case- This is a consequence of the infringement of nerve fibers by muscle fibers. The blood supply to the affected area is also disrupted, so after a seizure, paresthesia - numbness or tingling - may be observed for some time. Painful sensations also persist.


Clonic and tonic seizures, as well as their combined option most often manifested in neurological disorders. Up to 80% of diseases of the nervous system are accompanied by muscle spasms; somatic, infectious, and endocrine diseases account for no more than 20%. Main reasons:

  • organic brain damage, tumors, epilepsy;
  • disturbance of calcium metabolism associated with dysfunction of the kidneys, thyroid gland or insufficient absorption of the microelement;
  • intoxication due to poisoning, late gestosis (eclampsia);
  • arterial hypertension with convulsive crises or renal pathologies;
  • some somatic diseases - heart or liver failure, blood diseases, uremia and others;
  • infections (tetanus, cholera);
  • hysteria;
  • magnesium deficiency, water-electrolyte imbalance;
  • increased physical activity.

Modern diagnostic methods, including instrumental and laboratory ones, make it possible to accurately determine the cause of the seizure syndrome in order to prescribe appropriate treatment.


Tonic and clonic spasms can involve one or more muscle groups.

Localized muscle spasm always has its own name: trismus - pathological contraction of the masticatory muscles, blepharospasm - the circular muscles of the eye.

Changes in the tone of smooth muscle fibers responsible for the functioning of internal organs are called similarly: cardiospasm, pylorospasm, and others.

If convulsions cover the torso and limbs, we are talking about a generalized attack. Spasms can be either one type or combined, tonic-clonic.

The latter type is characteristic of an epileptic seizure that occurs simultaneously with convulsions of the limbs and tonic tension of the muscles of the trunk.

This type of seizure syndrome is observed not only in epilepsy: febrile seizures in children younger age have the same symptoms.


This type of spasm occurs suddenly, gradually increases, and then goes away on its own within a few minutes. A tense muscle has a characteristic convex appearance and is hard to the touch.

Tonic convulsions are always accompanied by intense pain, since at this time nerve fibers are pinched. Any group of muscles or some of them individually can be affected.

Most often, the calf and arm muscles are affected, and the main causes are micronutrient deficiency, hypothermia, and excessive physical activity. These localized attacks usually occur at night.

Pathological prolonged contractions of individual muscles can also be observed in the body and head. If several groups are covered, we are talking about generalized seizures.

For example, during epileptic seizures, the back arches, the arms tense, and the jaw clenches.

Spasms of smooth muscle fibers of a tonic nature pose a great danger: attacks bronchial asthma or angina pectoris can lead to respiratory arrest and heart attack.

First aid for localized contraction is self-massage and taking a relaxing position. For example, a cramp in the calf muscle can be relieved by pulling your toes toward you, and a spasm in your hands can be relieved by clenching your fist or shaking it.

You can simply hit or prick the spasmed muscle with a needle. A generalized seizure requires the patient to be restrained in the lateral position until symptoms resolve.

Frequent attacks require consultation with a neurologist and other specialized specialists, as they may indicate serious illness.


The main difference between this type of muscle spasm is the rapid alternation of periods of contraction and relaxation. Clonic seizures occur for two main reasons: direct damage to the motor neurons of the brain or a disorder in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers.

As with tonic contractions, one or more muscles may be involved during an attack. Externally, the pathology is manifested by tremors, chaotic movements or intense tremors of the whole body (convulsions).

The severity depends on the size of the muscle and the affected area.

When one small muscle spasms, so-called tics occur - winking, head tilting, hand tremors. Often a nervous tic is of psychogenic origin.

Stuttering is another one classic example clonic contractions of the speech muscles. Unlike tonic and tonic-clonic seizures, this type is not accompanied by pain.

But the attack is usually longer in duration and can be repeated several times in a row, in series.

A type of clonic myospasm is the so-called hyperkinesis. Hyperkinesia can be expressed in small twitching of individual muscle groups, which is observed when motor neurons of the brain are damaged.

Such symptoms in the form of tremors of the head or limbs are characteristic of parkinsonism, neuroses and hysteria. More pronounced movement disorders in the form of intense movements are another type of hyperkinesis.


Combined spasms in neurology are considered the most severe. Attacks of tonic-clonic seizures are characteristic of epilepsy and can last several minutes.

The classic picture of a generalized epileptic seizure consists of several stages. Initially, a tonic spasm is observed, often accompanied by loss of consciousness.

The patient's body is arched due to the rigidity of the neck muscles and contraction of the back muscles. The jaw usually clenches tightly and the eyes roll back.

At the next stage, clonic trembling of the upper and lower extremities occurs; the facial muscles may be involved in the process. Gradually, a convulsive seizure covers the entire body, the skin turns pale. With spasm of the respiratory muscles, cyanosis is observed, and foam at the mouth may appear.

At the next stage, the attack gradually stops. The intensity of movements decreases, giving way to small tremors, and the rhythm of clonic contractions slows down. Comes on pretty quickly complete relaxation muscles, which may be accompanied by involuntary emptying of the bladder.

The person regains consciousness, but usually remains disoriented, lethargic, or simply falls asleep. First aid is similar to that for tonic spasms: keep the patient on his side or turn his head to prevent aspiration of vomit by placing an object between the teeth.


Episodic tonic convulsions do not pose a particular health hazard. Rare spasms of the arms or legs are most often caused by active muscle work, static or monotonous loads.

Another common cause is a lack of calcium, magnesium and iron due to an unbalanced diet or pregnancy. In this case, establishing a work and rest schedule, reviewing the diet, and taking multivitamin complexes will help get rid of painful attacks.

However, frequently recurring spasms that cannot be corrected by diet and restriction physical activity, is a reason to see a doctor.

Clonic and tonic-clonic seizures usually indicate neurological disorders of varying severity. Therefore, in this case, a full examination and treatment are mandatory.

Many people have experienced seizures. They often appear unexpectedly and also disappear unexpectedly. For some people, muscle spasms occur rarely, but for others they occur frequently and can last from three to fifteen minutes. If convulsive syndrome recurs several times a week, then consultation with a doctor is mandatory. Perhaps this is just a lack of vitamins, or maybe the spasms indicate the development of some serious illness. A doctor will help you understand this problem.

Muscle spasms are divided into several types. But most often, tonic, clonic and complicated clonic-tonic convulsions are diagnosed. Despite the fact that these varieties are characterized by involuntary muscle contractions and algia, they still have a number of significant differences.

They can occur under the influence of a variety of unfavorable factors, which mainly indicate some kind of disturbance in the body. Despite the fact that muscle contractions are quite common, they most often affect only a few muscle groups.

Tonic cramps are characterized by short-term contractions of muscle areas with the occurrence of slow spasms, provoking severe overstrain of muscle fibers.

Only the attending physician can tell you everything else, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment, which, if followed, can make seizures a thing of the past. And do not forget that your life and health depend on timely access to a doctor.

In this article we will look at tonic-clonic seizures. Any seizures cause panic and horror in those who see them. A person is often lost and does not even know how to provide first aid. The situation gets worse if loved ones or children are victims of the disease. We will talk below about what can cause seizures, how to get rid of them and what treatment methods exist.

What it is?

Tonic-clonic seizures are a type that is accompanied by loss of consciousness. Epilepsy is often the cause of such a seizure.

In fact, this type of seizure indicates a nonspecific reaction of the brain to some kind of stimulus.

The seizures themselves are not so dangerous and are a symptom of some more serious disease. However, during a seizure, a person can be seriously injured - hit, burn, cut, or choke if the convulsive contractions begin while eating.


Tonic-clonic seizures have several stages that the patient goes through during a seizure. They must be known not only to doctors, but also to the patient’s relatives, since it is on their shoulders to provide first aid medical care. So, let's look at each stage of a seizure in detail.


Tonic-clonic seizures begin with the appearance of warning signs. Some time before the onset of the attack, certain omens appear. Typically the patient becomes withdrawn, irritable and lethargic. An unreasonable feeling of anxiety may appear. The aura can have a specific individual character. For example, in some patients, rainbow circles appear before the eyes a few minutes before the onset of an attack.

There are several types of acres:

  • Auditory (auditory hallucinations appear).
  • Visual.
  • Motor (the appearance of obsessive movements).
  • Mental (anger, depression).
  • Gustatory (appearance of taste sensations).
  • Abdominal (stool disorders, abdominal pain).
  • Vegetative (excessive sweating, pallor or redness of the face).
  • Deja vu.
  • Nonspecific (no pronounced signs, feeling of general discomfort).

This diversity is due to the fact that irritation occurs in different parts of the cerebral cortex, which is clearly visible on the EEG.

One way or another, all patients feel the approach of a seizure. This period is called "aura". During this phase, you can try to prevent an attack, for example, avoid overwork and stress, and take special medications. If a seizure is inevitable, then at least prepare the place, remove all dangerous objects, lie down on a wide bed, turning your head to the side.

Complex seizure

The second phase that appears after the aura. Tonic-clonic seizures are very long-lasting seizures that can exhaust not only the patient, but also his family.

During the onset of this phase, the patient loses consciousness. A person, if he was standing, falls, which can cause various injuries. Often a fall is accompanied by various sounds that arise due to spasm of the muscles of the chest and glottis. A grimace appears on the face, expressing an absent look. The eyes are open, but looking into nowhere.

A complex seizure is divided into two stages: tonic and clonic.

During the tonic phase, which lasts literally seconds, the patient's body tenses greatly and then arches as the tone of the extensor muscles increases. Smooth muscles begin to contract, which leads to difficulty breathing, involuntary urination and even defecation.

During the clonic phase, the flexor muscles contract convulsively. In this case, patients often hit their heads on the floor. Foam begins to come out of the mouth. At this point, the patient may damage the oral mucosa, break a tooth, or swallow the tongue. To prevent the tongue from sinking, the head is turned to the side, and a spoon or spatula wrapped in cloth is inserted between the teeth. This phase lasts up to two minutes.

After the cramps end, the sleep phase will begin, which can last from a couple of minutes to two hours. There are cases when the patient does not fall asleep, but immediately moves on to the next stage.

Post-seizure disorder

Generalized tonic-clonic seizures do not end at the previous stage. Having regained consciousness, the patient begins to perform unconscious actions, so-called motor stereotypes, for example, trying to go somewhere, take something, get dressed. In this case, the patient does not remember his seizure and what happens to him immediately after it. During this period, the patient must be reassured.

Seizures caused by hysteria

Hysteria may be the cause of such convulsions. The patient himself calls them in order to attract attention. Such attacks only go away when large cluster people. The patient never receives serious injuries when falling. The harbingers will only exist if the patient with hysteria knows about their existence.

During convulsions, consciousness is not lost, there are no normal reactions to various kinds of stimuli. Many patients can describe what happens to them during such seizures.

Another distinctive feature is that the EEG shows no characteristic changes in brain activity. There is no involuntary urination or defecation. There is no pathological sleep. The attack itself lasts much longer.

Tonic-clonic seizures: causes

The main causes of this type of seizure are epilepsy and hysteria. But this is the list possible reasons is not exhausted. Let's list them:

  • Various barbiturates, drugs, carbon monoxide, psychotropic substances, convulsive poisons (corazol, strychnine).
  • Overdose medicines(for example, "Ceftazidine", "Aminazine", "Isoniazid").
  • Serious traumatic brain injuries.
  • Brain diseases leading to the appearance of tumors.
  • Liver or kidney failure.
  • Rabies.
  • Tetanus.
  • Hypo-, hyperglycemia.
  • Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypo-, hypercalcemia.
  • Coma and precoma.
  • The harmful effects of ionizing radiation.
  • Severe cases of hypothermia and hyperthermia. Often children experience convulsions when their temperature rises above 38.6.
  • Very severe toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Dehydration in severe forms.
  • Psychological trauma.
  • Injuries caused by electrical discharges.

All these reasons can trigger the onset of an attack in epileptics, which is very dangerous for the patient. The fact is that these factors can worsen your health condition. There is a high risk of developing so-called status epilepticus. This pathology is characterized by the fact that against the background of what has already begun, a second one can occur, without stopping the first. This condition is extremely dangerous to health.

Seizures in epilepsy

One main symptom of epilepsy is tonic-clonic seizures. This disease is hereditary. In this case, neuralgic examinations do not reveal any abnormalities.

In the case of inheritance, the disease begins to manifest itself at puberty. The first tonic-clonic seizures in children are slightly different from those described above. Their description is as follows:

  • No aura.
  • The seizure begins with a short tonic phase.
  • The patient's legs are straightened and his arms are slightly bent.
  • Then comes diffuse tremors.
  • At the end of the tonic phase, autonomic changes often appear, arterial pressure increases almost twice, the heart begins to beat faster.
  • The clonic stage begins.

Seizures in epilepsy are incurable. You can only try to stop them with the help of medications and preventing any unrest and shock.

Diagnosis of the disease

Generalized tonic-clonic seizures in themselves are an excellent diagnosis, but additional examinations are necessary to determine the exact cause of their occurrence. In this case, it is necessary to exclude hereditary transmission of the disease. Also, the patient’s relatives will definitely need to describe the details of the attack to the attending physician - the patient himself, of course, will not remember them.

Here are the main research methods:

  • allows you to see pathological manifestations of activity in certain areas of the brain.
  • A CT scan can help determine whether the attacks are caused by various tumors or hemorrhages.
  • X-rays of the cranial bones are performed only in case of traumatic brain injuries or suspicions of them. Allows you to verify the presence or absence of fractures and other damage.

Tonic-clonic seizures: treatment in adults and children

What to do if an attack occurs? First of all, it is necessary to comply with certain preventive measures traumatize the patient, then try to stop the seizures. After the seizure ends, you need to contact your doctor so that he can conduct a diagnosis and identify the cause of the illness.

Treatment of tonic-clonic seizures, if they were caused by epilepsy or another chronic disease, is impossible. The only thing that can be done in such a situation is to protect the patient as much as possible from injury. We have already described above how to provide first aid. Now let's list what needs to be done after.

So, first, wait until the patient regains consciousness. If the attack is not the first and they occur infrequently, then hospitalization is not required. If seizures become more frequent, be sure to consult a doctor. Such changes can have very serious consequences.

There are also a number of medications that can relieve seizures. This:

  • "Magnesia".
  • "Sodium osibbutyrate" (GABA).
  • "Diazepam" (benzodiazepines).

There is also differentiated therapy depending on what caused the disease:

  • Patients with epilepsy are often prescribed a course of Phenobarbital and Carbamazepine for preventive purposes. At the time of an attack, it is recommended to administer Magnesia and Relanium.
  • Seizures during prolonged drinking bouts are caused by water and electrolyte imbalance. Therefore, measures are being taken to normalize it.
  • The pregnancy period is the most dangerous. Firstly, a woman can cause physical injury to her child during an attack, and secondly, the range of medications is extremely limited. In this case, the doctor must find out the cause of their appearance and try to eliminate it. If this is not possible, then take all measures to preserve the health of mother and baby.
  • For convulsions in children caused by high temperature, it is urgently necessary to reduce it.

In addition to medications, special massages, physiotherapy, and herbal medicine are prescribed to relieve and prevent attacks (decoctions of valerian and motherwort have proven themselves well).

People prone to attacks need to strictly adhere to a daily routine. There should be no scandals or screams around. Sleep should be complete, always at night. Watching films and programs that may excite a person is kept to a minimum. Be sure to take a daily walk in the fresh air in quiet areas.

Seizures in children

Tonic-clonic seizures in a newborn, especially in premature infants, are very common occurrence. The pathology is caused by the process of formation of the nervous system. Seizures usually stop completely by age five. In only 5% of children they remain and develop into epilepsy. However, only the attending physician can make a final diagnosis and prognosis, based on the frequency and duration of seizures, as well as their nature.

Generalized tonic-clonic seizures in children are of two types:

  • Simple - last no more than 15 minutes, episodes are usually single (minimum break - 24 hours).
  • Complex - lasting longer than 15 minutes, with the seizure repeating several times a day.

Complex seizures are the most dangerous for children, because they are the ones that can develop into epilepsy. Also at risk are children with long-term, frequently recurring seizures, in whom the first seizures appeared before the age of one year, and the EEG shows pathological brain activity.

Children belonging to this category are required to be registered with a neurologist. Parents should also be extra careful. The risk of an attack increases with diseases accompanied by fever. And this must be avoided at all costs. Also, such children should not be overtired, placed in stressful situations, listen to loud music in front of them, or be allowed to watch any kind of films and cartoons indefinitely.

How to help a child with seizures?

Tonic-clonic seizures in children develop in much the same way as in adults. The only significant difference is that they often occur suddenly, without any warning signs. Therefore, parents should always be ready to provide first aid to their child.

Do not try to revive the child under any circumstances; the seizure cannot be stopped. It is better not to let it fall in time and remove all sharp objects. If cramps occur frequently, be sure to carry a spoon that can be placed between the teeth to prevent your child from swallowing his tongue.

Most likely, there is no person who would not experience a convulsive muscle contraction, which appears unexpectedly, like an attack, and, as a rule, lasts a short time. However, there are people for whom this condition is regular, lasts a long time and causes a lot of trouble, affecting both their ability to work and, in some cases, their personal life. What are seizures, what causes them, how are they classified and how to deal with them?

Classification of seizures

Taking into account the nature of involuntary convulsive contractions, they divided into tonic and clonic seizures, as well as clonic-tonic. Tonic spasms are contractions that force the limb to freeze in a position of extension and flexion. Clonic - characterized by a rapid change in contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue, which leads to twitching or stereotypical movements with different amplitudes. Clonic-tonic are phase changes in tonic and clonic seizures.

Given the prevalence of seizures they are divided into:

  • generalized (contractions of the whole body) - these convulsions involve all muscles at the same time and are most often accompanied by loss of consciousness, and can also be the final stage of convulsive activity of any type;
  • localized (a specific group or one muscle) - these spasms appear with focal damage to the motor areas of the cerebral cortex that innervate the face, some limb, etc.

Taking into account the etiology of attacks, muscle contractions can vary in frequency, course and form. The characteristics of the condition after seizures and the data of laboratory examinations are also different.

Reasons for abbreviations

In some cases, it is quite difficult to determine why seizures occur, since the cause of their occurrence is may be poisoning, metabolic disorders, nervous system, endocrine glands, brain or cardiovascular system. And in some people, involuntary muscle contractions appear or intensify from the influence of external factors, for example, from a flashing bright light, a needle prick, an unexpected loud sound, etc. or when in a stuffy room, breathing deeply.

Identical contractions in form can appear in various diseases and are signs of serious diseases. Therefore, when they appear, you need to urgently seek medical help.

Causes of seizures in children

The described muscle contractions appear more often in children, unlike adults. This can be explained undeveloped nervous system children and the specific structure of the brain: brain tissue is easily excited, while the processes of inhibition are still immature and unstable.

Convulsive symptoms in children can be provoked by birth trauma, asphyxia of the newborn, encephalopathy, infectious diseases nervous system, as well as the presence of diabetes mellitus in a nursing mother.

However, the reasons that caused contractions in a child are not necessarily pathologies of the brain or nervous system. This could be muscle problems or a lack of calcium in the body. Often in children, these symptoms are caused by emotional and mental disorders, a reaction to a vaccine (usually DPT) or fever.

Features of seizures in epilepsy

But the main disease that is first remembered when considering a convulsive symptom is epilepsy. The cause of any form of attacks in this disease turns out to be abnormally increased activity electrical impulses in the neurons of the head brain.

As a rule, epilepsy is accompanied by clonic-tonic generalized convulsive contractions. A sick person, as a rule, anticipates their onset thanks to the so-called aura - a special state before a seizure, which is characterized by a feeling of an unusual taste in the mouth, a heightened perception of smells, sounds, a feeling of anxiety, fear.

Most often, after this, the person loses consciousness, in some cases managing to make a sound similar to a howl or a rather loud scream. Then a strong tonic overstrain forms in all his muscles, his face turns blue, breathing becomes very difficult, his jaw clenches and convulsive seizures begin. Moreover, foam comes out of a person’s mouth, and it can happen involuntary urination.

After a certain time, the face takes on a natural color, breathing is restored, convulsive movements appear less and less and disappear over time. This attack lasts no more than a few minutes. After the attack is over, a clouded state of consciousness is likely. Then, most often, sleep comes. Waking up from sleep, a person does not remember anything that happened to him.

Convulsions due to metabolic disorders

However, other factors can also provoke tonic muscle contractions when there is a toxic effect on the functioning of the brain. For example, a decrease in the amount of calcium ions in the blood, an increase in temperature, insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, a drop in sugar levels in the body.

Convulsive contractions at elevated temperatures caused by loss of electrolytes(in the form of sodium chloride) and fluids due to insufficient drinking and significant sweating. And the level of calcium in the blood may decrease after removal of the parathyroid gland, and this is expressed by cramps in the muscles of the arms and legs (in the calves). By the way, its amount also decreases as a result of impaired absorption of this substance in the intestines, which is caused by kidney disease.

A common cause of seizures is intoxication resulting from poisoning with oxalic acid salts, caffeine, cocaine, morphine, mushrooms, atropine, and fluorine.

What to do when your leg muscles contract?

Naturally, when you have constant tonic contractions, you should definitely consult a doctor to determine their causes and conduct a full examination. Short-term convulsions you can try to remove it yourself.

Thus, when this unpleasant manifestation bothers your lower limbs, you must:

  • place your feet on the cold floor and walk barefoot;
  • pull the toe of the straightened leg towards you;
  • if there are no contraindications, then you can take Aspirin (these tablets increase blood microcirculation in the vessels of the legs);
  • perform self-massage of the foot - from the toes to the calf, or heel - up from the heel, to the knee;
  • Apply warming ointment to this area.

Can help in this case and homemade ointment for muscle contractions. It is made from 1 tsp. olive oil and 2 tsp. mustard. This ointment is rubbed on the suffering muscles, and relief comes almost instantly.

Hand cramps

Convulsive contractions in the hands can be classified as an occupational disease, since they most often affect office workers who spend a lot of time at the computer, athletes, tailors, musicians, etc. However, doctors also name other reasons that can cause them:

Most often hand cramps appear in one brush, therefore, if they occur, use your healthy hand to massage the spasmodic one. Clench and unclench your fist, rub your fingers from the base, tense and relax your fingers, and vigorously rotate your brush.

For those people who experience muscle spasms periodically, doctors recommend drinking linden or chamomile tea, it can relax the muscles, or rubbing the areas prone to cramps with lemon juice twice a day for 2 weeks. If convulsions begin to appear very often, then you need to contact a specialist to determine true reasons spasm and choice of medications.

What is the danger of seizures?

As is clear from all of the above, both tonic and clonic convulsive contractions can be associated with serious endocrine pathologies or problems in the functioning of the brain. In addition, during seizures, a large lack of oxygen appears in the brain, which, naturally, cannot but affect metabolic processes. This causes children retardation in physical development, personal changes occur, intelligence suffers. This condition is no less critical for adults.

In severe situations, convulsive spasms can cause respiratory arrest, and in some cases lead to death. Therefore, you should not ignore them or try to get rid of them yourself; this condition requires accurate diagnosis and adequate therapy.

Treatment of muscle cramps

Treatment of convulsive contractions involves treatment of the underlying disease that causes them. Thus, for their neurogenic etiology, drugs are used that accelerate autonomic dysfunction – vegetotropic, tranquilizing and sedative effects (“Sibazon”, “Bellataminal”, “Mezapam”, etc.). In case of hysterical etiology of a convulsive attack, psychotherapy sessions are performed and drugs that relieve anxiety are used (Phenazepam, Frenolon, etc.) or depressive state(“Azafen”, “Aminotriptyline”, etc.).

During epilepsy, the patient is prescribed drugs for continuous use against seizures, which increase the amount of inhibitory mediators: Benzonal, Carbamazepine, Finlepsin, etc., as well as dehydration agents (Furasemide).

Local spasmodic attacks are also treated by influencing the disease that is at the root of their problem - by stopping areas of muscle hypertonicity with the help of physiotherapy and novocaine blockades.

Preventing seizures

Incorrect daily menu and unhealthy foods consumed every day contribute to the occurrence of cramps. The content of required microelements in the blood decreases, and over time their deficiency occurs (including magnesium). With a lack of magnesium, forgetfulness, severe hair loss, gastrointestinal disturbances and constant irritability may occur. Every day you need to include foods that contain potassium, magnesium and calcium in your diet. Suitable foods include milk, cottage cheese, bananas, and greens (fresh).

Hypothermia also negatively affects a person’s condition and can provoke convulsive symptoms.

Surprisingly, the lack of complete and healthy sleep can also lead to the manifestation of convulsive muscle contractions. Normalizing sleep will help restore health, and cramps will stop bothering you.

When taking a bath, you must first enter it add a little sea salt, it will help strengthen the bone skeleton and generally improve the health of the body.

Which doctor should I contact?

Periodically occurring tonic convulsive spasms are a symptom that requires immediate consultation with a doctor, and which one specifically? try to determine for yourself:

Any seizure attack should be a reason to consult a doctor. Examinations and treatment will be individual, subject to your objective state . Your doctor will provide you with all the necessary prescriptions and recommendations. If you follow them, you can very quickly get rid of convulsive seizures.