What to do in March in the garden. Country and garden work in March

Winter is about to end, and we will return to gardening chores again. As you know, this work involves not only planting fruit and vegetable crops, but also carefully caring for the soil, shrubs and trees. And you should start working on them as soon as the cold weather subsides, so as not to waste time. Each month of spring has its own characteristics in garden care.

What to pay attention to as March approaches

In March, the main concern for the garden is quality pruning perennial plants– trees and shrubs. It can be started after frosts below 10 degrees cease.

In March, after the snow melts, trees and shrubs should be pruned.

  1. Systematic pruning helps regulate the processes of plant growth and fruiting, and increase the period of productivity. For example, by pruning the branches of apple trees in winter and spring, you will ensure best design buds, friendly flowering and high yield.
  2. In currant and gooseberry bushes, old branches should be sawed off to the base. Usually they are unproductive and produce underdeveloped shoots that do not bear fruit. In raspberries, it is better to remove such shoots in the fall, but also during early spring also suitable for this type of work.
  3. Be sure to do some whitewashing garden trees, if you didn’t do this in the fall. It is better to do this at the very beginning of March, before the snow completely melts, to avoid bark burns, and only on a sunny day.
  4. Before the movement of tree sap occurs (in the first half of March), plant the cuttings. Later vaccinations will not be successful.
  5. If damage appears on tree trunks during the winter, they need to be “healed.” Clean the damaged area down to healthy tissue, disinfect the wound with a solution of vitriol and lubricate it with garden varnish or mullein and clay putty. Wrap the stained areas with burlap.
  6. In the last days of March, you can remove the strapping from tree trunks. Loosen the remaining snow around the trees. If the spring turned out to be cold and protracted, then this work can be carried out in April.

What to do in the garden in March

How to avoid mistakes when pruning trees and shrubs

Like any gardening work in March, pruning fruit and berry plants requires some knowledge and has its secrets.

The order of pruning trees is as follows:

  • First of all, prune old fruit-bearing trees;
  • after 1-2 weeks, younger trees that do not bear fruit;
  • the apple tree begins to bloom earlier than everyone else, so it is pruned first;
  • pears, plums and cherry trees Can be pruned before flowering.

When you cut down large branches, try to make a ring cut without leaving stumps. Such a wound will heal faster and have less impact on the trunk. Clean cuts from branches with a diameter of more than one and a half centimeters with a knife and paint over them oil paint based on drying oil.

Please note: to avoid infection of the tree due to pruning damaged areas, be sure to treat the tools you use with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Branches of bushes - raspberries, currants, gooseberries - need to be cut down to soil level. Pay special attention to the tops of productive shoots: it is enough to shorten them by 15 cm if they have not been damaged by frost and mechanical damage. Otherwise, pruning should be done to 1-2 healthy buds so that the cut exposes green bark and white wood.

When pruning branches, check the location of pest nests and destroy them. It would be best to burn the nests along with the cut branches.

April worries

This month will require a lot of hard work from us. It is in April that the snow finally melts, but cold snaps are frequent. Therefore, we will have to eliminate the shortcomings of March and take care of the soil.

In April, you need to dig up the trees and fertilize them.

  1. If you haven't finished trimming your trees and shrubs in the past month, it's time to get started. And after that you can start planting and replanting plants.
  2. Shoots of shrubs laid on the ground before winter need to be freed and straightened.
  3. Be sure to fertilize the plants with fertilizers - organic and nitrogen. If your garden is still young or consists only of berries, use this recipe: a mixture of 30 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of humus and 0.5 kg of wood ash per 1 sq. m. area. A fruit-bearing garden will require an increase in the dose of fertilizer by 30%.
  4. Be sure to dig up the soil around the tree trunks. It is very important not to miss the most opportune moment. To do this, check the soil: take a little earth, squeeze it in your palm and unclench it. The soil should be slightly moist and break up into large pieces. If it has retained the shape of a clenched palm, then it is too early to start digging, but if it has crumbled, then the earth has already dried out and it is too late to cultivate it.
  5. You need to dig around the trunk areas along a radius, starting from the tree trunk, so as not to damage the root system. When processing bushes, it will be more convenient to use a garden fork. Carefully break up lumps and level the surface with a rake. While working, try to select the roots of the weeds.

Planting new plants and care features

When the snow has melted and the ground has completely thawed and warmed up, you can begin planting young trees. Plan the location of the holes in advance and prepare them so that by the time of use the soil in them will subside to the desired level. The size of the hole should be approximately 2 times larger than the earthen clod wrapping the rhizome.

Pour the mixture into the bottom fertile soil and organic fertilizers. Form a mound in the center of the hole and strengthen the seedling by straightening the roots. Compact the soil, water and secure the plant on a pre-driven stake. After a couple of days, mulch the tree trunk circle.

Advice: be sure to check the quality of the seedlings! Root system must be strong, healthy and sufficiently developed. Avoid diseased or broken branches on the plant.

When planting shrub seedlings, adhere to the following rules:

  • currants are planted with a slope of 45 degrees to the soil surface;
  • Gooseberry bushes are planted vertically;
  • after planting these crops, the branches are pruned to three buds above the ground;
  • Raspberries should be trimmed to a height of 40 cm.

If you have prepared cuttings for grafting, then April is the time to use them. Before the sap begins to actively move along the trunks, it is most convenient to apply methods of improved copulation into clefts.

To ensure that sudden spring cold snaps do not take you by surprise and the flowers are not damaged, try to warm the soil yourself. Smoke piles will help you with this. And to protect strawberries and strawberries, cover them with old newspapers or film.

During gardening, the first spraying is carried out in April. It needs to be done when the buds on pear and apple trees are just beginning to bloom and look like a green cone. Use Azophos or Bordeaux mixture for this.

There is a very good alternative to chemical spraying. In April, you can use drugs based on this petroleum oil. They are very helpful in protecting the garden from pests such as copperhead, scale insects, moths, aphids, and leaf rollers.

Garden care in May

This month brings us closer to summer, and everything you plan to do in the garden is focused on flowering fruit trees and bushes.

There is still an opportunity to get vaccinated in May if you missed the opportunity in April. Pay attention to the condition of the kidneys. If they are swollen and are about to open, then it has begun active movement juices The cuttings grafted at this time will receive the necessary nutrition. In this case, the buds on the cuttings should be at rest, that is, not open.

If you did not provide your garden with smoke heaps in April, then in May you will have to hurry up. For an area of ​​6 acres you will need to make about 10 such piles, distributing them evenly throughout the garden. Otherwise, you risk losing flowers at the first light frost.

Tip: to avoid wasting time on such piles, in May you can use smoke bombs instead. They can be purchased at a hardware store.

Remember that even light frosts can damage flowers and deprive you of your harvest. For example, flower buds Apple trees can withstand temperatures down to -4 degrees, and already opened flowers will die at 0: -1 degrees.

Trees and shrubs begin to bloom in May; it is especially important to protect them from frost during this period.

Now May gardening work will consist of regular, proper feeding and protection from pests and disease.

As soon as ovaries begin to form on the branches, fertilize the soil around the plants organic fertilizers, for example, infusion of bird droppings or mullein. Sometimes they can be replaced with mineral fertilizers. Be sure to water the plants well after fertilizing so that the water reaches them faster. nutrients to the root system.

How to avoid pests affecting plants

It is in May that the invasion of insects begins, which can harm trees and shrubs, and even destroy the entire crop. First, the roseate leaf roller and moth caterpillars emerge from the wintering quarters. After flowering ends, codling moth butterflies appear. You need to not miss this moment and carefully treat the trees with special preparations.

The most common pests of berry bushes are:

  • fire;
  • weevil;
  • sawyer

These insects become active in May and infect raspberries, currants, and gooseberries. To combat each of them there is a drug. Pay special attention to the choice of products: substances must be permitted for use and approved by the relevant authorities.

A garden protected from pests will delight you with lush blooms

Regular loosening of the soil can be very useful. tree trunk circles. This way you will disturb the pests and destroy their nesting sites. It is especially important to do this after rains to remove any remaining weed roots.

Review the vaccinations you received in April. If they have taken root, you can remove the protective film.

By the end of May, the trees fade and an ovary forms on them. Stone fruits - plums and cherries - finish flowering first, then pears, and apple trees are the last to bloom. At this time, complex treatment of trees will be required, which includes exposure to the following drugs:

  • acaricide will prevent the occurrence of ticks;
  • insecticides will repel pests - insects and rodents;
  • fungicides will stop the development of diseases.

Timely and correctly carried out work will save your garden, make it healthy, beautiful and productive.

Pests threatening the harvest of fruit and berry plants

Beautiful, well maintained garden- it's not only good harvest, capable of providing you with supplies for next winter. It is also a cozy place where you can relax in both spring and summer. Therefore, summer care becomes an integral part of the life of any owner. summer cottage plot. We hope our article will help you learn something new. Tell us your secrets in the comments spring work in the garden. Comfort to your home!

Both summer residents and their gardens are looking forward to spring days to give a start to the new season. But most often, the first month of spring only demonstrates the change of season on the calendar. In reality, the frost continues, there are snowdrifts, and there seems to be nothing to do in the garden yet. In fact, already in March you can feel the approaching warmth, the days are lengthening, and the trees are slowly beginning to emerge from the hibernation period. Therefore, some work is still carried out in the garden in March. There are not as many of them as there will be in May, but the yield of fruit trees and abundant flowering ornamental shrubs largely depend on the March departure.

In temperate climates, there is snow in the gardens until almost half of March. But due to daytime thaws, it becomes loose, wet and heavy. If the branches of trees and bushes (especially young ones!) are covered with luxurious caps, arm yourself with a long, pointed stick and shake them off. The heavy weight of stuck snow can easily break the branches, because they have not yet acquired elasticity and remain fragile and frozen.

Snow on the lawn and under trees should not be trampled, otherwise it will compact the wet soil too much and block the access of oxygen to the roots

The wounds are cleaned with a knife until healthy wood appears, coated copper sulfate(10 grams per liter of water) and cover with garden varnish. If you find a solution on sale succinic acid, then it speeds up healing. The cut areas of the trunk are lubricated with this composition, and then the rest of the processing is carried out.

To check which branches have frozen over the winter, just cut off the tops and look at the wood. If it is light, it means it is alive, if it has turned brown, cut more.

March is the time to do spring pruning to remove frostbitten or improperly growing branches. In this case, you definitely need to wait for stable temperatures above zero.

Which branches are pruned:

  • twisted;
  • broken;
  • underdeveloped;
  • frostbitten and blackened in appearance;
  • growing inside the crown;
  • which cross and catch others.

Try to cut so that there is no stump left. Coat the cut area with garden varnish.

Fruiting bushes usually form in the fall, so in March they only correct what went unnoticed. Fruit-bearing raspberry branches, old currant and gooseberry trunks are cut off. The tops of young raspberry branches are shortened by 10 cm to make the berries larger.

They also prune taking into account the branches that have frozen over the winter. If in the fall you did not have time to trim forsythia, lilac, jasmine and other plants that begin to bloom early, then it is better not to touch them. Otherwise, the bush will bloom poorly. If they are slightly frozen, then shorten them exactly to the place where the living tissue begins. When pruning any plants, the waste is immediately burned or crushed and placed in a compost pit.

Pest control - prepare in advance

As soon as the snow begins to melt, mice leave their holes and move into cellars and basements. To destroy rodents, lay out pickled grain in secluded places in the garden or use other baits.

All kinds small pests, overwintering in the bark of trees, are destroyed by chemical and by physical means. To do this, a special hunting belt is put on each trunk.

If for the winter the trunks of large trees were covered with roofing felt to protect them from frost, then in March they are removed and replaced with hunting belts

After stable temperatures have been restored outside (more than 5°), the entire garden is sprayed with insecticides. At the same time, you can add drugs to the solution to prevent tree diseases, for example, Bordeaux mixture.

For low-growing shrubs, not chemicals are used, but processing hot water. Gooseberries and currants are poured from a watering can, trying to get on every branch. Liquid temperature – 70°. For strawberry beds, a 60-degree shower is sufficient.

Work in the second half of March

After the snow finally melts, some perennials and bushes may become bare top part root system. It will simply be pushed out of the ground when moisture moves. To keep the plant healthy, all protruding roots must be mulched with peat or humus. But first the plant is “planted”, i.e. trying to return to former place in the ground, gently pressing down on the soil so that the roots settle lower.

A thawed lawn also requires care. It is necessary to rake away the debris that has accumulated over the winter. Just use your lungs for this. fan rake that are not buried in the ground. Otherwise you can pull out wet soil quite a few blades of grass. If bald spots appear, reseed these areas. An unexpected frost will only harden the seeds, and they will sprout more quickly.

By mid-March, it is advisable to hang it if you want to attract birds to protect your property from pests. Two birdhouses are enough to maintain a garden of 10 acres.

A pair of starlings will rid the area of ​​most caterpillars and tree pests, so don’t be too lazy in winter to knock down the birdhouse so that you can hang it in the garden in early March

At the end of the month, after the soil has thawed, fertilize with nitrogen. They stimulate the rapid growth of young shoots and foliage.

At the end of March, grapes and roses can be freed from winter shelter, provided that the frost has completely left your property.

As soon as the snow finally leaves the garden and it gets slightly warmer, you can raise grapes, roses, raspberries, and blackberries to the trellises

As you can see, gardeners don’t have to get bored in March. And if you consider that this month they begin to sow seeds and plant seedlings, then the owners will have their mouth full of trouble.

With the first spring sun, not only nature begins to wake up, but also the hardworking nature of summer residents, because during the long winter days everyone has already had time to relax, and their hands are really missing gardening chores. Of course, it’s still too early to grab a hoe and run to the garden beds, but even without that, in the month of March, summer residents have a lot of trouble in their garden beds. What should we do first to prepare for the summer season?

We check greenhouses and greenhouses

If there is a lot of snow, we arm ourselves with a shovel and begin to make grooves around the greenhouse. It would be a good idea to immediately walk around the cellar, as well as clean the aisles and paths. Having cleared the approaches, we begin to prepare ourselves:

  1. We carefully check the frame and replace everything that is leaky.
  2. We inspect the coating, replace the broken glass, seal it with tape or completely replace the film material.
  3. We remove plant debris from the beds, throw away the supporting pegs and twine that were used to tie up the plants - it is better to take new ones.
  4. To provide our plants with maximum illumination, we wash the walls well, freeing them from accumulated dirt and dust.
  5. We disinfect the greenhouse. This can be done in one of the ways of the summer resident’s choice: fumigation with a sulfur bomb, spraying with bleach, or using biological products, for example, Fitop-Flora-S.
  6. We replace the top layer of soil or spill the soil with a solution of copper sulfate.
  7. We warm the soil by covering it with black film.

Some gardeners cover greenhouse beds with snow at the beginning of spring - it helps to saturate the dry soil with moisture.

What about our seedlings?

The end of February and the beginning of March is a busy time for those gardeners who grow seedlings on their own. If you haven’t yet sowed seedlings or prepared seeds in February, run to the store, buy at least those crops that need to be sown now, and start sowing. Don’t forget to prepare the seeds first, namely:

  • We germinate the seeds and peppers before sowing, placing them in a fabric bag;
  • soak the onion overnight in a growth stimulator;
  • But we sow cabbage straight from the bag, without any preparation.

We try to provide the seedlings with good lighting so that they do not stretch out, especially if the window sill in the apartment acts as a greenhouse. Of course, it is quite possible to grow seedlings at home, but it would still be better to install additional lighting.

In regions with a warm climate, where at the end of April it is already quite cold warm weather for planting crops in the ground, in March you can sow tomatoes and strawberries for seedlings.

Growing the first vegetables

Particularly nimble summer residents manage to work in the garden beds even in March, because if the greenhouse is ready to start the summer season, you can Easter holidays pamper yourself with a salad of fresh radishes with green onions grown with your own hands. The first vegetables on the market always cost a lot, so if possible, we boldly start sowing cold-resistant crops such as:

  • spinach;
  • watercress;
  • greenery.

And so that those who spend the winter in the garden beds open ground parsley and sorrel woke up faster, we install frames over them.

Preparing potatoes for planting

At the end of March, we look into the basement and take out the seed potatoes (at the same time we check the rest of the vegetable reserves and eat, first of all, what can no longer be there, but has not yet completely disappeared - do not throw away the good stuff). We sort through the tubers and put any diseased or damaged ones in a separate box. They can be used for cooking dinner, but definitely not for planting. If the potatoes are “different sizes”, it is advisable to immediately sort them by size: large - to large, small - to small.

Selected high-quality potatoes are entered into warm room for germination. It is worth considering that on average the duration of natural vernalization of unsprouted potatoes (whose tubers have not yet had time to form sprouts) is about 6 weeks, and it should take place under the following conditions:

  • temperature from 12 to 15 degrees Celsius;
  • good lighting;
  • sufficient level of air humidity.

Potato planting dates vary depending on climatic conditions, so if you still don’t smell spring, it makes sense to wait until April for vernalization.

Well, that’s probably all the summer resident’s March troubles related to garden beds. Although, when planning a trip to the store to buy seeds, do not forget to check at the same time whether there are any in stock at home necessary fertilizers for feeding seedlings and the first cold-resistant crops and whether all the equipment is intact. It’s better to prepare everything in advance than to waste precious time searching. Have a successful start to the season, dear summer residents!

Work in the garden bed in March - video

List of works at the dacha in March

March is the last month of the so-called “dead season”. It’s time to decide what and when to plant on the site, and purchase the necessary equipment.

Signs of March

If the water does not flow in March, then in April the grass does not grow.

Dry March means harvest in the gardens.

Thunder in March means a grain harvest, but a cold year.

Rare frosts - for a fruitful year.

Work according to the lunar calendar for March

New moon. Unfavorable time for work in the garden and vegetable garden.

You can sow the seeds of marigolds, godetia, petunias, sweet pea, nasturtium and other flowers for seedlings. good time for picking seedlings. At this time, plants can be pruned and treated against pests.

Full moon. Unfavorable period for gardening work.

Waning moon. Spring pruning trees and bushes in the garden. You can start dividing flowers and planting cuttings. Stratification of seeds and pits of trees.

List of garden work for March

At the end of the month, the area is put in order, trees are pruned sanitarily, ditches are prepared to drain melt water, and the trees are sprayed with products against pests that winter under them.

For spraying, 700 g of urea is dissolved in cold water, filter and spray the entire garden and the soil under the trees with this solution. High concentration mineral fertilizer will disrupt the salt metabolism of pests and destroy them. For trees, as long as they are at rest, spraying is harmless.

In March, you need to check tree trunks for the presence of lichens. If they exist, they must be destroyed before sap flow begins. For this purpose, use a 7-10% solution iron sulfate(1 tsp per 100 ml of water), which is used to spray or coat the trunks. The lichens should fall off after 3 days. If sap flow has begun, the trees cannot be processed - the bark and buds can be damaged, and this often leads to the death of the plant.

What seeds are sown in March. Caring for seedlings in March

At the beginning of the month, they begin to sow seeds for seedlings (peppers, eggplants, tall tomatoes), if they did not have time to do this at the end of February.

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, increase the soil temperature. In this case, peppers will sprout within 8-10 days if the soil temperature is +28-32 °C, eggplants - after 6-7 days, tomatoes - after 4-5 days. If the soil temperature is lower than specified, seedlings will appear several days later.

Too much heat soil (more than +40 °C) leads to the death of seeds. At soil temperatures below +20 °C, peppers and eggplants will not sprout, and tomatoes will sprout only after 15-17 days.

When the first loop of seedlings appears, the seedlings should be immediately placed on the window and the temperature should be checked. Daytime should not exceed +16-18 degrees, night -+12-14 °C.

After 7 days, day and night temperatures are reduced by 4-6 °C. A temporary decrease in temperature stops the growth of the subcotyledon and does not allow the seedlings to stretch. If you lower the temperature by 8 °C or more, this will lead to late blight damage to tomatoes and the appearance of faceted flowers that need to be picked off at the bud stage - ugly fruits appear from such flowers. You should not take their seeds: they will produce plants with faceted flowers.

If seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants have appeared and their cotyledon leaves have already unfurled, fertilizing is necessary. Don't wait until the real leaves appear.

Feeding seedlings is combined with watering. It is best to use special fertilizers for seedlings of eggplants, tomatoes and peppers (1 tsp per 5 liters of water). Water the seedlings moderately so that the soil is slightly moist.

In order for leaves (buds) to form at the growth point, the seedlings need good lighting, otherwise this process will begin later, and therefore fruiting will be delayed.

For better lighting, fluorescent lamps are used. They are placed above the plants at a height of 5-7 cm. As the plants grow, the lamps are raised, while maintaining the same distance. It is important to remember that long days are bad for peppers—they are short-day plants. Peppers are illuminated for 7-8 hours. Long-day plants are eggplants and tomatoes. They are illuminated for 11-12 hours. If the seedlings of both plants are nearby, then the peppers are shaded with a dark cloth after 8 hours of illumination.

❧ The most common mistake gardeners make is overwatering seedlings: it leads to the death of roots, acidification of the soil and the appearance of Drosophila fruit fly. If this happens, the soil is dried and the plants are not watered for 5 days.

As soon as the tomatoes produce their first true leaf, the soil should be watered with a weak copper solution. This is done before the first transplant. For irrigation, copper oxychloride is used, which can be diluted in cold water. To obtain a 0.05% solution, dilute 1 tsp in 10 liters of water. HOMa. The storage time of the solution is unlimited. Tomato seedlings need to be watered regularly with this solution (once every 2 weeks), which will increase the crop’s resistance to late blight; phytosporin is also suitable for these purposes. It is enough to dissolve the grain to obtain a slightly cloudy solution. You should not dilute too much of the substance, as the solution is not stored for a long time. The remaining solution can be used for watering indoor plants. This feeding is no less useful for eggplants, since they are also susceptible to late blight. Peppers are not affected by this disease, but feeding them with copper will benefit them.

In addition to the main garden crops, seedlings are planted in March with root and petiole celery. Take yogurt cups and fill them 1/3 with soil, add snow, compact them and sow 3 celery seeds. Celery seeds are clearly visible in the snow. They are small, so they are not covered with soil on top.

After sowing, the cups are covered with film and placed on the windowsill near the glass. Celery is a cold-resistant crop, so the seeds can hatch at a temperature of +2-4 °C and sprout at +6-7 °C. But since the seeds do not germinate well, they maintain a temperature of +20 °C. After the seedlings emerge, the seedlings are placed on the windowsill in a cooler place, and the film is removed.

After 1-2 true leaves appear in each cup, the strongest plant is left, the rest are cut off. The remaining plants are lightly hilled up so that they do not fall, and a match is placed.

Shrub care in March

In March, it is recommended to inspect blackcurrant bushes. At this time, swollen buds are clearly visible on the branches, populated kidney mite. Pests must be collected and destroyed (burned), otherwise they will spread throughout the entire bush. If there are many buds on the branches that are infested with mites, it is necessary to destroy the entire branch.

Work in the flower garden in March

At the end of the month, you can sow asters and marigolds, covering them with soil. The soil is compacted with a spoon. The sown flowers are covered with film and placed in a warm place. The soil for asters is pre-steamed or well watered with a solution to destroy the blackleg pathogen. Later, when picking flower seedlings, the soil is also watered with phytosporin or HOM. In mid-March, it is recommended to sow seeds of nemesia, crystal chamomile, petunia and snapdragon for seedlings. In order to stimulate the growth of seeds, a zircon solution is dripped from a pipette onto them (4 drops per 100 ml of water). During planting, small seeds are not covered with soil. Containers with seedlings are placed in a bag and placed in a warm place. Watering is carried out through a syringe, the needle of which is stuck into the ground. You cannot water from above.

Pruning grapes in March

Before the onset of March or in the first week of the month, uncovered varieties should be pruned to avoid the spring “crying” of the vine.

It is recommended to inspect the trellises for malfunctions, purchase seedlings of the desired varieties, and the missing means of protection against pests and diseases. In March, you need to determine the location for planting the grapes (preferably, it should be a well-lit area) and prepare supports.

Other works in March

At the end of the month, winter seeding can be done, and the beds must be prepared in the fall. In the fall, a bag of dry soil is also prepared.

In March, snow is removed from the prepared bed and watered with hot water. The furrows are sprinkled with ash, except for those where carrots will grow.

To prevent the crops from thickening, prepare a mixture of seeds (1 tsp), powder fraction of AVA fertilizer (1 tsp), fine sifted sand (0.5 cup). The mixture is sown and sprinkled with a 2 cm layer of soil on top. The crops are compacted with a board and covered with snow.

In March, in addition to basic work, it is recommended to feed the birds. Bait for rodents is laid out in the house (1 part cement, sugar and 2 parts flour). The bait should be placed in saucers and a few drops of unrefined sunflower oil. Saucers are placed along the baseboards.

Check the bow for damage. If the onion is sick, it is thrown away. The bulbs that have produced arrows are placed in a shallow container with moistened soil or sand close to each other. After 14 days, the onion will produce fresh greens for consumption. You can sprout garlic in the same way.

Start in March gardening work. Unless, of course, the snow has melted in your region. But even if your site is still completely covered with snow, there will always be work if you have the desire. In this case, your main task is to continue caring for the seedlings.

Planting calendar for March

  • March 3–4 They are starting to plant ordinary (and even early ripening) varieties of eggplants, sweet peppers and tomatoes, various cabbages: broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi (pay attention to kale, this plant is still very rare in our areas), annual flowers.
  • March 7–12 perennial flowers and not yet planted annuals are planted as seedlings: asters, marigolds, godetias, zinnias, violas, annual dahlias and others. You can plant leeks, stalked and root celery (it’s good to plant them in yogurt cups ¾ filled with soil, on top of which snow is poured), and determinate tomatoes.
  • March 15–20– tomatoes for growing under film.
  • March 28–30 they begin to plant beets (of course, for seedlings).


Greenhouse preparation

Clear greenhouses of ice and snow, repair greenhouses, use a 10% solution of caustic soda or a sulfur bomb for disinfection.

Place biofuel on the beds in the greenhouse. Manure can be replaced with compost from tree leaves and forest litter.

To warm up the ridge, it is better to pour hot water and spread quicklime or hot stones, then immediately cover with plant debris and straw mats.

After the biofuel has started working, the beds are sprinkled with ash, covered with a layer of old sawdust, and a layer of soil (about 20 centimeters).

Then, after 4–5 days, you can sow the seeds of radishes, green crops, and plant onions on the feather. Ventilate the greenhouse, do not allow it to rise above +18°C.

You can plant plants in a greenhouse or display containers with seedlings. Seedlings will grow faster under polyamide film. On fresh manure Seedlings cannot be exposed - they may burn.