The branches of the pear tree are turning black, what should I do? Prevention is easier than cure: pear diseases

Due to diseases of the leaves, roots or bark, the pear may completely stop bearing fruit. The causative agents are various fungi, viruses, and bacteria.

Various pear diseases can very quickly destroy even mature tree, leaving the gardener not only without a harvest, but sometimes without a plant at all.

It is best to plant varieties of pears that are resistant to various diseases and pests. In addition, you need to know how and with what you can save a tree from diseases.

Fungal and viral diseases can affect not only the leaves and fruits of the plant, but also the trunk and root system.

The main ways to combat diseases are to choose the right method of care with regular spraying for preventive purposes. Correct and timely treatment for detected symptoms of the disease will help prevent the death of the fetus.

And in order to correctly diagnose the disease, you need to know the symptoms - this will help in treating the plant and saving the harvest.

Most often, one infected tree in the garden becomes a breeding ground for the disease for other trees. If a disease pathogen is discovered on any tree, all trees will have to be treated for preventive purposes.

Scab, or the fungus Fusicladium pirinum, can affect pears and other fruit plants to the same extent.

When affected by scab, the leaf plate on the reverse side becomes covered with spots. They are dark green in color and covered with a coating on top.

This plaque is a colony of fungi. As the disease develops, it spreads to ripening fruits. Pears affected by scab are dotted with black spots. Over time, the peel begins to crack, and the flesh in the affected areas becomes hard.

The best prevention is treatment with Bordeaux mixture. For this purpose, the pear is processed three times. The first time - with the appearance of the first greenery on the tree. Next time - as soon as the buds turn pink, and the third time - spray the plant after flowering.

Fresh air reaching the trunk also prevents this disease in trees. Too thick a pear tree's crown prevents the flow of air. It is necessary to regularly thin out the crown, cutting off excess branches. After thinning, the cutting areas must be treated with garden varnish.

Roots also need air supply. To do this, carefully loosen the soil near trunk circle. Do not neglect sanitary cleaning and regularly collect fallen fruits and leaves.

At the end of the season, it is better to burn all collected garbage away from the trees. With the arrival of autumn, trees infected with scab should be treated with Nitrafen or Dnokom paste.

Scab-resistant pear varieties: “Muratovskaya”, “Yanvarskaya”.

If the leaves of a pear have turned black, then this is most likely a sooty fungus attack on the plant. The black coating that may appear on the leaves in midsummer looks like soot.

The sooty fungus waits out the winter under the bark of a plant or among fallen leaves, and with the arrival of spring it begins to look for new victims.

The leaves on the pear are turning black, video:

Control and prevention:

Insecticide "Calypso" - used to prevent blackening of pear leaves, it destroys insects and vectors. To curb the spread of the fungus, the fungicide “Fitover” is used in the complex.

Resistant variety: “Cathedral”.

Powdery mildew is spread by marsupial fungi. The manifestations of the disease are very characteristic, unlike other diseases. The appearance of powdery mildew in the form of a white powdery coating can be seen with the appearance of young leaves on the trees.

Then the white coating begins to take on a reddish color, and soon the diseased leaves and inflorescences dry out and fall off.

For young shoots this is a real disaster; they are attacked by entire colonies of these fungi.

Prevention and control methods:

Dried and diseased branches and leaves are immediately removed and then burned so as not to spread the infection. It is very effective to periodically use the drugs “Fundazol” and “Sulfite”.

There are also folk ways to combat powdery mildew on pears.

To treat trees against powdery mildew, a special solution is prepared. For 10 liters of water add 50 grams of soda ash and 10 grams liquid soap.

It is also possible to use a weak, 1% solution of potassium permanganate, which is sprayed on trees.

The varieties of pears “Moskvichka” and “Duhmyanaya” are considered resistant to powdery mildew. The “Yanvarskaya” variety is also good.

Leaf rust is a disease so serious that it can even destroy a pear. Rust is caused by the fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae.

It is very interesting that this fungus uses two plants to live and reproduce: pear and juniper. The mushrooms wait out the winter in the juniper bush, and with the arrival of spring they colonize the pear tree.

Colonies of these fungi can easily destroy the entire pear crop. You need to start fighting rust right away.

Symptoms of the disease:

Settling on juniper, rust affects literally all parts of the plant. Most often, this disease for juniper is chronic. Lesions on the bush appear in the form of wounds and swellings. And the large jelly-like orange shoots are mycelium that has settled on the plant.

With the arrival of spring warmth, in humid weather, the spores of this fungus move to the pear. The infection spreads quite quickly and infects foliage and fruits.

On pear leaves, rust appears as round, red spots. The spots appear soon after the pear blossoms, usually in late April.

Gradually spreading, by mid-summer the disease can affect almost all the foliage. Then black dots appear on the spots themselves. The disease reaches its greatest development in the fall, when the red spots swell and shoots emerge from them.

It is in these shoots that fungal spores live, which then look for another juniper bush for themselves, so that at the beginning of spring they repeat the whole circle again.


The main way to prevent this disease on pear is to eliminate the source of infection. To do this, you need to trim and destroy the diseased parts of the juniper.

How to fight rust

First, you need to remove all infected parts of the plant. The branches must be cut straight to the point, 10 centimeters below the sore spot.

The affected areas must be cleaned with a knife until they reach healthy wood.

Wounds are carefully treated with a 5% solution copper sulfate for disinfection.

After this, the cut site is treated with garden varnish.

Secondly, with the beginning of spring, they spray with Bordeaux mixture, a 1% solution. Copper oxychloride can be used instead.

The second spraying is carried out at the beginning of flowering, and after a week the spraying is repeated. Ten days later, the last, fourth spraying is carried out.

You can also spray with a solution of copper sulfate instead of Bordeaux mixture. Calculate 50 milliliters of the drug per 10 liters of water.

Pear varieties resistant to rust: “Nanaziri”, “Suniani”, “Chizhovka”.

Bacterial blight of pear

The most common cause of the formation of black leaves on pears is bacterial blight of the pome fruit. The disease is very dangerous for such trees.

You can get rid of the disease only with an integrated approach. The pathogenic bacterium is carried by insects and spreads through the air with gusts of wind and rain.

Symptoms of the disease:

The first signs of the disease can be seen when the pear tree begins to bloom. Flowers wither, change color, and leaves turn black and curl.

Then the inflorescences quickly lose their appearance, become brown and wrinkled. The tree's bark begins to peel off and die.

The bacterial burn spreads rapidly. Weakened and young trees can quickly die. Stronger and healthier

plants will not be able to bear fruit for several years, and only then their functions will be restored.

How to treat

Diseased branches must be amputated immediately. You will have to cut it off alive, taking about another 20 centimeters of living tissue.

Folk recipes

Some gardeners use next way Treatment: lubricate the wounds on the pear with an antibiotic solution. To do this, 2.5 tablets of rifampicin or gentamicin are diluted in a liter of water and the wounds are thoroughly treated.

The remaining medicine is used to spray the entire plant. In the spring, all trees in the garden are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

During the entire growing season, 8-9 sprayings should be carried out.

Cuts on the tree can be treated with fungicides. For this, 1% copper sulfate and 0.7% iron sulfate are suitable.

Diseases and pests of pears are capable of short term destroy the plant and leave the gardener without a harvest. To prevent this from happening, you need to give preference resistant varieties. It’s also useful to know how to treat pears against diseases.
Both the trunk and leaves, as well as ripening fruits, can suffer from fungi and viruses. For the most part, the diseases of pear and apple trees are identical. And the fight against them comes down to proper care, regular preventive spraying and timely treatment when the first signs of the disease are detected.

To know what and how to save a tree from, you need to correctly identify the disease by its symptoms. In our material we will describe the most dangerous diseases pears and their treatment.

Pear scab
The causative agent - the fungus Fusicladium pirinum - affects many garden and garden crops. This is the most common disease of pear fruits, but the leaves of the tree are often affected.

On initial stage disease, olive and yellowish spots with a velvety coating appear on the underside of the leaf blade (this is an accumulation of fungal spores). After which the disease spreads to the fruits: they become covered with dark putrefactive spots, and the peel cracks in these places. The fruits become deformed and become tasteless.

Control measures and prevention
To prevent scab, trees are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture 3 times per season: in the spring when the leaves bloom, along the buds and after flowering. In addition, the crown of trees is thinned out in a timely manner so that the plants are well ventilated. Carrion is regularly removed, and fallen leaves are burned. If the trees are heavily infected, they are sprayed with the fungicide Skor (according to the instructions).
Scab - signs of the disease and methods of treatment
Why is scab, although it does not destroy entire plants and fruits, considered one of the most unpleasant diseases of garden crops?
Such pear varieties as Muratovskaya, Rusanovskaya, and Yanvarskaya are relatively resistant to scab.

Fruit rot, or moniliosis, of pears
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Monilia fructigena, which infects fruits. Brown spots appear on them, and over time, grayish growths form in these places. These are fungal spores that are carried by the wind and infect the fruits of other garden crops.

Infected fruits have rotting flesh. As a result, the pears crumble or dry out on the branches. Moniliosis spreads very quickly in the second half of summer during fruit ripening and in hot and humid weather.

Control measures and prevention
All diseased fruits are immediately collected and destroyed. In spring and autumn, for preventive purposes, trees are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture; it is also useful to walk on the leaves lime milk(1 kg of lime per 10 liters of water).
Fruit rot - photo, description and control measures
If the fruits of your favorite crops begin to become covered with brown spots, and strange whitish circles appear on them, it means that the fruit has been affected by fruit rot.
Enough high resistance The pear varieties Honey, Autumn Dream, and Cheremshina are susceptible to fruit rot.

Sooty pear fungus
Many new gardeners wonder why the pear turns black. The most common pear disease, in which leaves and fruits turn black, is called sooty fungus. First of all, trees with weakened immune systems and young specimens damaged by insects (in particular, aphids) are affected.

Control measures and prevention
To protect the pear from pests, use the Calypso insecticide (according to the instructions). And to suppress the proliferation of fungal spores, Fitoverm is used.

Cathedral pear has good immunity to this disease.

Powdery mildew of pear
Powdery mildew is also caused by a fungus – Podosphaera leucotricha. A powdery white coating appears on the leaves and inflorescences. The affected parts of the plant soon dry out and die, the leaves curl into a tube. This pear disease is especially dangerous in spring. Young shoots suffer the most.

Control measures and prevention
All affected parts of the plant are removed and burned; for prevention, trees are sprayed with Fundazol or a solution soda ash(50 g per 10 liters of water) with the addition of liquid soap (10 g).
Powdery mildew: signs, prevention and treatment of a dangerous disease
Effective measures to combat powdery mildew in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden.
High resistance to powdery mildew The varieties Moskvichka, Dukhmyanaya, and Yanvarskaya are different.

Pear rust
The causative agent of rust is the pathogenic fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae. This pear leaf disease is characterized by yellow, orange and rusty-brown raised spots that most often appear in the second half of April - early May. Damaged leaves lose their ability to photosynthesize. With severe infection, rust spreads to the fruits of the plant.

Control measures and prevention
In early spring, treat the tree with 1% Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride. At the beginning of flowering, a second spraying is carried out with the same preparation, after the end of flowering - a third, and 10 days later - a fourth. You can also use Kuproxat (50 ml per 10 liters of water).
If the pear is attacked by rust...
Rust on a pear is one of the unpleasant diseases, the development of which also involves juniper. Is it possible to avoid it?
The varieties Gordzala, Gulabi, Nanaziri, Saharnaya, and Suniani are relatively resistant to rust.

Cytosporosis, or stem rot, of pears
The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Cytospora leucostoma, which damages the bark of the tree. Cytosporosis most often appears in places sunburn or frostbite. As a result, the bark dries out, peels off, and becomes red-brown.

Control measures and prevention
All damaged areas of the bark are cut off and the wounds are covered with clay or garden pitch. Dry and damaged branches are regularly removed, and tree trunks are whitened in the fall.

Varieties such as Moskvichka and Yanvarskaya are resistant to cytosporosis.

Black pear cancer, or Antonov fire
Cancer affects the bark of the trunk and skeletal branches. Small cracks appear on them, which gradually increase in size, and the bark bursts. The edges of the cracks become covered with brown wet spots. Fungal spores and bacteria easily penetrate these wounds, so the pear often “catches” other diseases.

Control measures and prevention
The affected bark is cut off with a sharp knife, capturing part of the healthy tissue. The wound is treated with copper sulfate and covered with garden pitch. In autumn, the leaves that have fallen from the tree are collected and burned.

The pear varieties Augustow Rosa and Samaryanka have good immunity to cancer.
Don't forget that many insect pests contribute to the spread of garden diseases. Therefore, carry out preventive spraying not only with fungicides, but also with insecticides. Try folk remedies too.

Pear diseases can cause a lot of trouble and trouble to the garden owner. There is a lot to consider when dealing with them. It is important for fruit lovers to carefully select drugs and chemicals when fighting diseases.

The most important thing when dealing with pests is prevention, which consists of many things. The most important thing is to thoroughly clean the garden area.

Fruit diseases are always unpleasant, since not only the harvest spoils, but also the aesthetic qualities of the garden. We need to fight them in a timely manner. Otherwise, you can lose the entire harvest and lose the tree completely. Moreover, other plants that are in close contact with the diseased tree may also be susceptible to the disease. We list the diseases along with photographs and descriptions of symptoms.


The cause of the disease is the fungus Venturia pirina. A pear cannot become infected from an apple tree, since they have different types pathogen.

Fungus loves high humidity and poor wind flow of the area, as well as weak plants (cracks, exhaustion with abundant fruiting).

The spread of the disease occurs during the flowering period of trees. Fungal spores come out of the bags and when favorable conditions spread over long distances.

Fruits affected by scab are covered with brown round spots. They can merge on the fruit and become one large necrosis. when examined, the lesions resemble warts. The skin in affected areas may crack.

If the tree is damaged early, the fruit may grow small and have cracks.


  1. The fungus can overwinter along with fallen leaves, so the key point in preventing the disease is timely cleaning of the garden plot.
  2. When planting pears, you need to choose an elevated place that is well blown by winds. It is worth considering the size of the trees and not planting them too close to each other.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the trees. use mineral supplements. The trunk should be protected from the pest, as this can weaken the tree.
  4. It is important to place supports under branches that may break or tie them up.
  5. Periodically it is necessary to thin out the crown and remove excess branches, while treating the cuts with garden varnish. You also need to take care of the cracks.
  6. During the fruiting period, immediately remove fruits that have fallen.

You can spray the soil with a 10% urea solution or ammonium nitrate. You can also spray the trunk and leaves with it.

Treatment methods

Trees are treated with copper preparations, in early spring before the leaf buds open.

  1. Bordeaux mixture. The protective effect of the drug lasts up to 2 weeks. Dilution: in case of severe damage, make a 3% liquid - 300 g of copper sulfate, 400 g of calcium hydroxide, mixed with 10 liters of water. When the leaves bloom, prepare a 1% solution: 100 g of copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide per 10 liters of water. It is recommended to process 4 times per season.
  2. Abiga Peak. Dilute 50 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. Spray the plants 4 times per season.
  3. Skor and Rayok. 2 ml of the drug per 10 l warm water. The effect lasts for 20 days. The first spraying is before flowering - the pink bud phase. Further, twice with breaks of up to 14 days. It is possible to perform up to 4 sprays.
  4. Horus. Dilute it in 10 liters of water with 2 grams of the substance. Protects the plant for up to 28 days. Spray the pear twice: at the time the green buds ripen and 10 days later at the time of flowering.

You can also spray young trees in late autumn and early spring with a 5% urea solution.

Fruit rot

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Monilla fructigena Pers ex Fr. Can spread with the wind, on the wings of insects. Fruits with existing damage are most susceptible

The fruits begin to rot, but remain on the branch. Round growths appear on them, which contain fungal spores; you can also find brown spots that slowly cover the entire fruit. The pulp becomes loose and tasteless.


  1. Preventing fruit from damage.
  2. Collection of fallen and hanging diseased fruits.
  3. Protecting the tree from pests.
  4. Periodically it is necessary to thin out the crown and remove dry branches.
  5. Do periodically mineral supplements trees.

Treatment methods

Treatment of trees with copper preparations:

  • "Bordeaux mixture";
  • "Horus"
  • "Abiga Peak".

In the same concentrations and with the same sequence as for scab.

At the beginning and end of the season, you can treat with lime powder at the rate of 1 kg of lime per 10 liters of water.

Sooty fungus

A black coating appears on the fruits, which resembles soot. It appears on the secretions of the pear honeydew.


The whole struggle comes down to the destruction of the pear lungwort.

Can be sprayed 1% Bordeaux mixture, 1% solution of copper sulfate or copper oxychloride

Leaf diseases

Powdery mildew

This fungal infection. Spores spread quickly, especially in wet weather. Can be transported by gusts of wind, water, gardening tools, insects.

The white coating on the leaves is the mycelium of the fungus. When damaged, the leaves wither and fall off. Leads to the death of the entire plant if not dealt with.

The plaque is easy to erase, but it appears again.


The drug "Topaz". 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water and the foliage is treated in dry, windless weather. The pear is processed twice: before flowering and after flowering. Processing up to 4 times is allowed.

Leaf rust

The causative agent is a rust fungus that can be carried by wind currents in wet weather.

The leaves become covered with orange spots, back side a build-up is formed. With significant damage, the leaf curls and crumbles.

The causative agent is the fungus Entomosporium maculatum, which can wait out the winter on fallen leaves.

Small ones appear on the leaves brown dots. Sometimes it turns completely black. Further, the leaf weakens and falls off.

Bordeaux mixture, Abiga-Peak and others used to treat scab will help. In the same dilutions.

Mosaic disease

A characteristic mosaic pattern appears on the leaves with areas of clearing of leaf color.

No treatment has been developed.

Stem diseases

Black cancer

A fungus of the genus Shaeropsis malorum, the favorable time is hot, humid summer, and weak trees contribute to the development of the disease.

Black spots on the bark. The bark gradually falls off, which leads to the death of the tree.

Prevention measures

  1. Maintaining cleanliness in the area.
  2. Thinning the tree crown.
  3. Destruction of dry branches and fallen leaves.
  4. Pest protection.


Clean the affected bark and treat the area with an antiseptic, such as copper sulfate. Spraying with fungicides, as for scab, in the same dilutions.


The cause is the fungus Cytospora leucostoma, which spreads in spring and autumn with high humidity.

At first, reddish or brown spots can be found on the bark; cracks also form at the border with healthy bark. As a result, the tree gradually dries out and dies.


  1. Application of mineral fertilizers.
  2. Thinning branches.
  3. Destruction of fallen leaves.
  4. Pest control.
  5. Caring for cracks in the bark.


Pruning and destroying affected branches. Treatment with Bordeaux mixture, as for scab.

Bacterial burn

This is a bacterial infection. Affects trees of any age.

Leaves may turn black and fall off, the bark becomes soft and may crack. The disease spreads from the tops of trees, moving down the trunk.

The affected bark must be cut off and the area treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

Treatment with a solution of 5% Azophos.

Antibiotics: streptomycin, gentomycin, kanamycin, rifampicin, nalidixic acid. Calculation: Dissolve 1-2 tablets or ampoules in 5 liters of water. Treat trees in May-June.

Can be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

If the tree is completely damaged, it must be destroyed.

Root cancer

What it looks like: growths and papillomas on the roots.

It is possible to disinfect the roots before planting with a solution of copper sulfate, 100 g per 10 liters of water, for 5 minutes.


Dig up the diseased tree and burn it. The place where the tree grew must be disinfected and nothing should be planted for 2 years.

Now it’s time to get acquainted with the pest dossier with their photos.

Gall mite

Can be spread by windy weather, by animals and humans.

Ticks feed on leaf sap. First appear on their surface brown spots, then they turn black and fall off. This affects the size of the crop and the ripening of the fruit. They are lagging behind in size.


  • Keep the garden clean.
  • Thin out the branches of the tree, while processing the cut points.
  • Periodically give mineral supplements.
  • Cut off affected branches.


Sulfur-containing and phosphorus-containing drugs will help. Treat 3 times: At the beginning of the warm period, after flowering, after harvesting.

Hawthorn, butterfly

Caterpillars infect foliage, devouring it. The tree weakens and may die. Preventive and therapeutic measures include only the destruction of affected branches.

Trees are processed:

  • Karbofos: 60 grams per bucket of water, treat the pear at the beginning of flowering.
  • Chlorophos: 20 grams per bucket of water.
  • Nitrafen treat the tree until buds appear. Calculate 200 grams per 10 liters of water.


The larvae infect pear fruits, destroying 60-80% of the crop.


  • Keeping the garden clean.
  • Cleaning up fallen leaves.
  • Mineral fertilizing of trees.
  • Destruction of branches affected by larvae.


Organophosphorus compounds are treated 5 days before and after flowering.

Pear sucker

The stems become deformed and the tree slowly dies. This is the cause of sooty mold.


  • Burning fallen leaves.
  • Mineral fertilizing of plants.


Spray with organophosphate preparations 1-2 weeks before flowering.

Diseases and pests of fruit trees can greatly ruin a gardener’s mood. But if you use the proper means and follow the advice, victory in the fight against them will be on the side of the fruit lover.

A bountiful fruit harvest is the merit of an attentive gardener who carefully grows varietal trees for several years. But what to do if the pear leaves turn black? Full review See our short article for common pathogens and pests.

Black spots on a pear can appear for various reasons

reference Information

Pear is popular fruit tree from the Rosaceae family, which has been cultivated by humans for more than 2 thousand years. A strong plant with a pyramidal or rounded crown under suitable conditions reaches 25 m in height. Wide oval leaves grow up to 10 cm long.

The elongated juicy fruit is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals beneficial to humans. Scientists have noticed: the stronger the aroma of a pear, the more microelements it contains. Its low calorie content has made it a favorite on the menu for those wanting to lose weight.

Vidnaya pear variety is disease resistant

Breeders have bred more than 65 varieties of the popular fruit tree, which are divided into three groups.

  1. Early. Rapid ripening does not at all affect the quality and taste characteristics of the fruits that are enjoyed in the summer (“Duchess”, “Clapp’s Favorite”, “Rosie”).
  2. Average. Autumn pears are stored much longer than early ones (“Rogneda”, “Larinskaya”, “Michurinskaya Krasavitsa”).
  3. Late. Long-term ripening has a positive effect on the overall taste and keeping quality (“Saratovka”, “Bere Ardanpon”, “Pass-Krassan”).

Pears are undemanding to care, so they are suitable even for novice gardeners. Violation minimum rules cultivation will cause problems.

Inexperienced farmers often do not know why the tree is acting up, which leads to disastrous consequences.

Causes of the disease

Beginning gardeners are faced with a situation where healthy plant suddenly the foliage begins to darken. There are many culprits of the disease, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to correctly diagnose it.

Care errors

An inexperienced gardener will not immediately determine by eye what caused the blackening of the green mass. Shortage useful substances provokes deformation of shoots and young foliage, which negatively affects appearance pear and its further development.

A change in color from the edge of the leaf blade with a gradual transition to blackness at the tops is a lack of calcium. Adding calcium nitrate every second watering will gradually make up for the loss.

Calcium deficiency is manifested by blackening of leaves

Boron deficiency manifests itself in blackening of green mass with gradual deformation of young shoots and inhibition of seedling growth. Spraying and watering boric acid will help get rid of the missing microelement. Remember: regular feeding complex fertilizers will help strengthen the pear’s immunity and become the key to an excellent harvest. Recommended treatments:

  • in spring;
  • before flowering;
  • during the period of appearance of the first ovary.

Insufficient air humidity causes the leaves of popular fruit trees to turn black and dry. It is difficult for southern varieties to endure the sizzling heat of the domestic summer and copious amounts of dust. Only the system will help correct the situation drip irrigation. If it is impossible to install the structure, we recommend sprinkling the garden in the morning and evening.


The pear worm gives a black sticky coating

Pear gall mite leads a secretive lifestyle, so you won’t immediately find it in the garden. small insect hides inside the buds and with the first warm days pounces on the young leaves of the trees. The result of the activity is the appearance of black marks.

Pear gall mite on leaves

Do not use during the growing season or during flowering chemical substances, therefore they give preference to folk remedies:

Onion peel decoction - disease prevention


Common fungal disease affects not only leaves, but also flowers, shoots and fruits. Why does the pear get sick?

  • Weather. Humidity and abundance of precipitation provoke the appearance of the disease and also increase its distribution area.
  • Unresistant varieties. When choosing seedlings, always pay attention to the characteristics of the tree. The most prone to defeat are “Forest Beauty”, “Marianna”, “Yakovlev’s Favorite”, “Phelps”.
  • Age. Young plants and old-timers in the garden are at risk.

Scab on a pear - black spots on the leaves

Disease spores overwinter in fallen leaves and cut branches, so experienced farmers do not recommend leaving plant debris for the winter. As a last resort, in early spring all garbage is removed before the onset of the growing season. The disease penetrates through cracks in the bark of trees and actively grows under favorable conditions. In a neglected state, it is very difficult to get rid of scab.

“When the disease is advanced, part of the harvest is lost altogether; the surviving fruits have poor taste, are hard and have spots on the skin.”

Preventive plant treatments are the key to pear health.

The procedures are carried out repeatedly. In regions with high humidity Spring spraying with Bordeaux mixture is recommended, and before flowering and fruit setting, less aggressive preparations are used - “Chorus”, “Topaz”.

One of the most dangerous diseases of fruit trees is infection. The disease was first recorded at the end of the 18th century in the USA, from where it moved to Europe in the mid-20th century. The bacteria infect the vascular system of the pear and gradually spread throughout the plant. As a result, signs appear:

  • leaves and shoots turn black (spots similar to fire burns);
  • tissues die;
  • trees shed green mass, flowers, fruits.

Fire blight can completely destroy a tree

Infection occurs in places of cracks and wounds and is transmitted through the stomata of foliage. The disease affects healthy vegetation through an infected tool that a careless gardener did not first disinfect.

Often diseased seedlings become the reason for the destruction of adult pears, since in a neglected state there is no point in saving the garden.

The first signs of the disease appear in June in the form of slight browning of the edges of the leaf blades. Why does infection occur? Scientists have not yet established main reason illness, but they noticed that pears overfed with fertilizers or overloaded with fruits late varieties are at risk. The peak of activation occurs during the humid, hot period, when the leaves and shoots turn black.

The sooner the fight against the disease begins, the more effective the outcome. To confirm the presence of bacterial infection, laboratory tests must be performed. For analysis use:

  • dead shoots;
  • infected bark;
  • fluid at the site of the disease.
  • agrimycin;
  • penicillin;
  • Thiomycin.

To prevent the spread of fire blight in the garden, you need to disinfect all tools. Regular spring treatments with copper and iron sulfate are recommended before the start of vegetative development.

Remember: if the therapy does not help, the tree is destroyed.

“To improve the microbiological situation around the tree, it is useful to spread rotting organic matter (grass, tops, etc.) under the crown, without rolling it against the trunk, and until late autumn monitor the thickness of the layer and, if necessary, add more.”

Lack of attention or irrational care of the pear orchard is the reason why the foliage turns black. Diseases are a signal to the owner to change the cultivation rules and take immediate measures to rid the trees of diseases or pests.

The main symptom of this disease is brown spots on the fruits of the tree. This disease is caused by a fungus that affects almost the entire pear crop within a week after its appearance. After brown spots are clearly visible on the fruits, white growths form on top of them. The pulp of affected pears becomes tasteless and crumbly. Rotten fruits fall to the ground, but some of them dry out and remain hanging on the tree for several more months. If treatment is not started in time, the fungus will begin to infect the branches and trunk of the tree. As a result, growths will appear on the bark.

Moniliosis of pear

Basically, the fungus begins to act in July-August, but the period of spread may vary depending on the climate of the region.

To cure a diseased tree, you first need to quickly cut off the affected fruits and branches. Don't forget to carry out regularly. This way you will remove unhealthy branches on which fungus is developing. To protect the tree, spray it with fungicides. It will be possible to increase the plant’s immunity with the help of root dressings and bio-cocktails. Among the latter, the most effective are considered Ecoberine, Baikal And Aktofit.

Rust on pear leaves

To combat rust from a tree, you need to cut off the affected fruits, leaves and branches. For treatment experienced gardeners spray the trees with concentrated solutions of urea, infusion of ash, and copper sulfate. You can also get rid of this pear disease with the help of infusions of horsetail and marigold. Another method of therapy is spring treatment diseased tree with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Many gardeners are faced with such a problem as the formation of cracks in the bark of pears. At first, small cracks appear on the trunks, but after a couple of weeks they grow into wide grooves running along the entire trunk. There may be several reasons for this problem:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • sunburn;
  • planting seedlings too deep in the ground;
  • lack of timely pruning;
  • excessive use of fertilizers.

Cracks in the bark

The symptoms of the disease do not end with the appearance of large cracks alone. In addition, a diseased tree slows down its growth, and leaves and fruits fall prematurely from its crown. Moreover, with the appearance of cracks, the wounds formed on the trunk become vulnerable to various viruses and pests.

Like other pear diseases, cracks should never be ignored. For treatment, you will need to strip the dried bark to healthy tissue using wire brush. Then the crack area must be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture or solution iron sulfate. Immediately after treatment, cover the cracks with clay or mullein. To prevent the disease, do not forget to add a small amount of fertilizer and plant seedlings in a partially shaded area.

This disease most often affects young pear trees. Its appearance is caused by the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The main symptoms of the disease include hard, woody growths of varying sizes on the roots, trunks and branches of trees. If you buy an infected tree and plant it in the soil, the bacterium begins to spread to other trees in the garden and beyond.

Pear root canker

When treating pear root cancer, treat the purchased seedling with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. Cut off the detected growths along with the roots, the same applies to the branches of the plant. If the bacterium has infected an already mature tree, it needs to be dug up and watered with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. After a couple of days, we repeat watering. Treat the branches with fungicides, first cutting off the cancerous growths.

Why is black pear cancer dangerous?

This dangerous disease quickly affects the bark, fruits and skeletal branches of pears and apple trees. First, small wounds or cracks appear on the bark, which, growing larger, tear the tree bark. Bright brown spots appear on the affected areas. To treat this disease of apple trees and many varieties of pears, it is necessary to remove the affected fruits and branches.

Use pruning shears to trim away any torn pieces of bark. Treat the remaining wounds with a solution of copper sulfate, special lubricant or mullein. Burning prematurely fallen leaves will help prevent the disease.

To prevent black cancer, you need to trim the dried branches of pear and apple trees in a timely manner. As you know, the pear is very vulnerable to harmful bacteria; its diseases and pests spread very quickly throughout the tree. After this, they move on to other plants. Therefore, when treating trees, you need to spray other trees growing nearby. fruit trees. Not all varieties of pears are afraid of black cancer. Thus, varieties have increased immunity to the pathogenic bacterium Cathedral, January And Spiritual.