Fast weight loss after 55 years. How to eat healthy: basic principles

Nowadays, life expectancy is increasing every year. In many ways we can say thank you to medicine, but also healthy image life plays a big role here. It is for this reason that calling a woman’s fiftieth birthday “old age” simply boggles the mind. A logical question arises: how can a woman maintain her health after 50 years? This is exactly what we will talk about today. To maintain a woman’s health after 50 years, advice from a nutritionist and cosmetologist. This information will help you draw up a specific plan of actions and activities, determine what is possible and what is not.


After 50-55 years the bones are female body become more fragile and porous. This happens due to hormonal changes. To strengthen bone tissue, there are special medications. But this method has several disadvantages:

  • The drugs are not suitable for every woman
  • There are a lot of contraindications
  • Side effects.

How to strengthen bones without harm to the body? A reliable and beneficial way for the whole body comes to the rescue - build muscle. The presence of a strong muscle frame ensures that not only the bones, but also the joints are maintained in proper tone. And problems with joints are a problem not only for women, but also for girls. In addition, exercises provide improvement and stabilization of blood circulation, as a result, a person receives prevention of brain aging. Here is one of the answers to the question of how to maintain health after 50 years - no one has canceled sports.

The main thing when practicing is not to overdo it. Power training For women, it is better to choose with a trainer, and conduct the classes themselves under his guidance. When exercising at home, you should choose exercises with your body and weight - these are squats, pull-ups and push-ups, which even girls can do. If a woman has a joint disease, then it is worth holding off on strength-type loads and not trying to engage in amateur activities. It is better not to deplete a woman’s health after 50 years - expert advice will help you choose exactly those loads that will help maintain shape, and not destroy it.

✔ Walking – renewing the heart

Unfortunately, over the years the body does not get younger, and this is reflected in the condition of the skin and blood vessels. How to keep the heart and blood vessels normal? The answer is simple: walks!

A 50-year-old woman often already has a reduced amount female hormones, which causes the blood to thicken. “Bad” cholesterol begins to be produced - these are linoproteins of lower density than the body requires, and now you need to not only think about how not to gain weight, but also about how to restore it. Because of this, people develop weakness, fatigue, and an increased risk of contracting heart disease. To reduce the harm from restructuring the body, you need proper nutrition, which we will talk about a little later, and special loads that will help keep blood vessels in good shape.

The option recommended by cardiologists is a quick step - for women this is perfect option. There should be no shortness of breath, but the pace should be as fast as possible. Regularly going for a walk before bed, walking for half an hour - an hour - this will rejuvenate the heart, blood vessels and improve the condition of the skin. Here is another answer to the question of how to keep a woman healthy at 50 years old. Cheap and effective – and it’s no secret!

✔ Nutrition: “-” calorie content

By the age of fifty, metabolism slows down. Therefore, gaining weight becomes easy, but losing it is very problematic.

There are certain secrets that allow a woman to maintain her figure at this age.

  • Reduce calories. Less fat, especially animal fat. Leave sweets for dessert and eat less often. Avoid red meat if possible, especially lamb.
  • Emphasis on vegetables. Unsweetened fruits and a large amount of vegetables slow down the aging of the body, which means they allow you to maintain youth longer. If you stick to these simple recommendations, the health of a 55-year-old woman will be fine.
  • Anti-aging products. You need to add seafood to your food list, different types cabbage (kohlrabi and cauliflower, for example), tomatoes, grapes (dark), blueberries and cranberries, as well as sesame and linseed oil. By the way, if you regularly consume these foods, you won’t have to think about how to improve your vision. A sufficient amount of vitamins is the key to health.

✔ Remove stress

Changes hormonal levels A 50-year-old woman is somewhat reminiscent of puberty: mood swings, irritability, nervousness - and this is just a small part of all the “charm” of hormone changes. In order not to lose heart and stay cheerful and beautiful, there are a couple of secrets. The first and most important rule: make yourself happy. Whether a girl of about fifteen or a woman of fifty, a shopping trip will please any female representative! Fashion for women over 50 is very interesting and diverse. For those who don’t like to leave the house, there is an option to visit friends or cook something delicious (don’t forget about proper nutrition!). Relationships after 50 are also an excellent way to combat stress. In the end, as an alternative, experts advise paying attention to your hobby - now is the time to take it up.

In addition, the above methods help combat tension and “nerves”: walking to your favorite places and physical activity. When playing sports, endorphin is produced, the main hormone of joy - and it doesn’t matter what age you are. And on fresh air The production of serotonin increases, which helps keep emotions under control. Moreover, after fifty years the concentration of this hormone increases, so there is no need to fear that in a moment of “emotional storm” the behavior will resemble a girl, and not a mature woman.

Of course, we must not forget about nutrition. To reduce negative effect stress, you can use the “Tryptophan Diet”, which consists of cottage cheese, bananas, cheese and almonds. According to experts, serotonin is produced from tryptophan, so such nutrition will significantly improve not only physical, but also emotional condition. And you no longer have to think about how to save your nervous system– just eat sweet cottage cheese and the desire to be nervous will slowly fade away.

✔ We sleep correctly

As you know, the average sleep norm is 7-8 hours. But at the same time, everyone’s sleep norm is individual - for some, six is ​​enough, and some people cannot get enough sleep even for ten.

At the time of restructuring the body, in order to make your life easier, it is better to try to go to bed around 23.00-00.00, when the amount of melatonin is the highest. If the question arises about how to restore your sleep pattern, then it’s time to do it. After changing your hormonal levels, developing habits becomes much easier.

✔ Strengthen the body

Since the health of a woman at the age of 55 rarely remains ideal, hardening should be approached with caution.

So that beauty does not leave yet long years, you can visit the bathhouse or carry out hardening with dousing. But remember that there should be no contraindications or heart disease.


The aging process is a complex of changes that occur as a result of time. These changes manifest themselves at the cellular, molecular and tissue level. Changes, of course, also appear in the digestive system. The gastric mucosa becomes thinner and the cells become less differentiated. All this leads to the fact that the secretory and motor functions of the stomach are reduced. In addition to these functions, the acidity level of gastric juice also decreases, which affects the state of the intestinal microflora. Therefore, due to the low acidity of gastric juice, putrefactive microbes predominate in the microflora. The number of active enzymes in the human pancreas decreases significantly. Excess weight also affects the development of processes leading to aging.

In old age to maintain normal condition and the performance of the body, it is necessary to eat properly. If nutrition is balanced, it significantly affects the development of the aging process of the body. And therefore, it is necessary to properly organize nutrition and be sure to take into account the capabilities of the digestive system, the functions of which decrease over time. Elderly people need to eat in moderation - this is the first rule. The second rule of nutrition for older people is that nutrition should be biologically complete and balanced. And third, you need to add foods that contain anti-sclerotic substances to your diet.


Gerodietetics – scientifically based rational nutrition in old age.

Basically, the amount of carbohydrates that the body receives exceeds the amount of proteins. But in old age with a small physical activity The amount of carbohydrates consumed must be reduced. This is very necessary for the body, since excessive amounts of sugar negatively affect the activity of beneficial intestinal microflora. IN in this case You need to consume more complex carbohydrates, but the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates needs to be reduced.

Elderly people especially need vitamins, as they help slow down the aging process. The vitamin complex normalizes the state of the nervous and vascular systems, and also inhibits the development of many “senile” diseases, including atherosclerotic ones.

Vitamin C is one of the most useful and necessary vitamins for the body of people in their prime. It is this vitamin that establishes the balance between cholesterol synthesis and its processing. Vitamin C also increases the reactivity of the human body. However, you should not overuse vitamin C - it has a bad effect on the functioning of the pancreas. The body also needs vitamin P, which helps reduce blood pressure with increased hypertension, and vitamins that inhibit the development of atherosclerosis: folic and pantothenic acid, choline, B6, B12, F.

In the diet of people over 55 years of age, the amount of minerals should be less than in the diet of middle-aged people. In old age, mineral accumulation occurs in the body. This could be, for example, the accumulation of salts in joints or in the walls of blood vessels. But there are also cases where the cause of osteoporosis was salt deficiency. This is why you should be very careful in consuming minerals.

Microelements such as calcium, potassium, iodine, and magnesium should predominate in foods consumed by older people. The daily intake of calcium after the age of 55 is 800 mg. The magnesium intake rate should be 400 mg per day. If this microelement is not enough, then the calcium content in the walls of blood vessels increases in the body. Potassium is very important for the body as it increases heart contractions and also helps remove excess water and sodium chloride from the body. Iodine is necessary for the body, namely for the implementation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which is very important for people in the prime of life.

Basic principles of nutrition

1. It is necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats, namely: butter, cream, fatty meats, fish caviar, offal. You need to eat foods that are prepared without adding fat: stewed, baked, boiled, or steamed.

2. It is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and sugar. The norm of sugar per day is up to 50 grams (in drinks, confectionery), and the norm of salt in the body is up to 5 grams (in fish and meat dishes).

3. It is advisable to consume fermented milk drinks with low fat content, which are enriched with probiotics.

4. The diet should contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids are part of vegetable oils and are found in fatty fish.

5. You need to eat more foods containing vitamin C: orange, currants, gooseberries, grapefruit, blueberries, lemon, rosehip decoction.

6. You also need to add to your diet foods that contain large amounts of potassium and magnesium salts, namely: carrots, milk, nuts, dried apricots, millet, potatoes, beets, rice, cabbage, prunes.

7. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods that are rich in dietary fiber: vegetables, fruits, berries, bran bread, whole grain bread.

8. It is necessary to consume foods with a significant content of B vitamins: bran, bread, legumes, dairy products, cereals, fish.

9. You need to stick to small and frequent meals.

In order for the body to function normally, you need to regularly eat the following foods:

1. Low-fat fermented milk drinks: fermented baked milk, kefir, yoghurts. These drinks are a necessary source of protein, vitamin B2, and calcium.

2. All kinds of cereals. Oatmeal and other various cereals contain dietary, natural, soluble fiber. In order to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, you need to regularly eat oatmeal. Of course, other cereals are also very beneficial for the body. It is best to use them several times a day.

3. You should eat legumes at least 3 times a week: peas, beans, lentils. They are an excellent source of protein, and in addition, they contain phytoestrogens, which significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. However, if you suffer from kidney and joint diseases, gout, then these products are strictly contraindicated.

4. You also need to eat fatty fish at least 3 times a week, namely: herring, mackerel, sardines. The fat contained in fish ensures the proper, smooth functioning of the heart, and also helps strengthen the immune system and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. Fish contains protein, zinc, iron, vitamin A and D.

5. It is imperative to include various greens (dill, cilantro, parsley) in your diet, which are a source of vitamin C and folic acid. The best time to eat greens is when fresh and no less than 2 times a day.

6. Also, older people need a variety of fruits and berries, which contain many biologically active compounds and natural dietary fiber. They help protect the body from malignant neoplasms, and blood vessels from cholesterol.

7. Every day you need to eat seeds and nuts, as they are rich in protein, polyunsaturated acids and vitamins.

8. Of course, you need to eat all kinds of vegetables, both raw and stewed or boiled.

Indicative menu for people over 55 years of age

tea with milk, or just herbal or green tea.

fresh fruits or berries;
baked apple.

cabbage soup;
boiled fish with mashed potatoes;
carrot salad dressed with sour cream;
compote or jelly.

Afternoon snack:
rosehip decoction or herbal infusion.

cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables;
curd pudding;
tea with honey.

For the night:

In addition, throughout the day you can:
10 g butter;
300 g bread;
30 g sugar.


At the moment, experts have proven that if you reduce the consumption of sweets and fatty foods in your diet, and if you increase the consumption of various fermented milk products, whole grain bread, fish, and a variety of cereals, you can prolong your life. You just need to adjust your diet to avoid many diseases. You also need to remember about minimal physical activity.

Nutrition advice for people over 55 includes recommendations that are needed for people of any age, as well as specific tips that are needed specifically for people in old age. Be sure to remember that with age, the body's need for calories decreases, and therefore it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of food, reducing the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats.

Psychologists say that loneliness is contrary to the nature of women. The desire to take care of loved ones reigns in her soul. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately start looking for a man “as long as there is someone and not wake up alone.” The issue of finding a life partner must be approached very responsibly.

We must admit that the first thing men pay attention to is a woman’s appearance. To attract worthy man, you need to look the part. This suggests that a woman needs to take care of herself. It is recommended to visit beauty salons, a massage therapist's office, a gym, and a swimming pool. These places will not only transform a woman externally, but also internally. They charge you with special energy and help you feel young.

If you don’t get hung up on your own loneliness, regularly go to the theater, cinema, cafes, restaurants, you will find a reliable life partner. Psychologists recommend that women live after 50 life to the fullest, don’t stay at home, actively visit interesting places. She will regain self-confidence and love for life. This will attract an interesting, serious man.

Psychology of men and women after 50

The psychology of men and women after fifty years is very different. Representatives of both sexes have to make every effort to understand each other.

Men of this age have the following characteristics:

  • Able to make choices and take responsibility for them.
  • Spend more time with family rather than friends.
  • They have quite a large life experience Therefore, they act consciously in every situation.
  • When building new relationships, they pay more attention to communication rather than sexual contact. A man begins to appreciate psycho-emotional intimacy.
  • New hobbies and interests appear that the man did not previously pay due attention to. He can buy a fishing rod, books, a tent for outings.
  • A complex about age may arise, which is why a man begins to pay attention to young girls.

Women have other characteristics at this age:

  • Caring for loved ones: children, grandchildren.
  • Decreased interest in one's own appearance and sexuality. A woman devotes herself to home life.
  • Fear of being alone.
  • Diffidence. A woman begins to feel complex about her appearance if there are young girls in the company.

Both men and women in their fifties approach new relationships and choosing a companion with special caution. Psychologists recommend getting to know each other well and accepting not only their strengths, but also their weaknesses. At this age, it will not be possible to change anything in a person. To build and develop relationships, you need to be patient and caring. You need to be understanding of the actions of your chosen one. Then the couple will have a truly strong relationship.

Physiology and menopause

At the age of fifty, men and women face certain physical challenges. Special processes occur in the body that negatively affect a person’s well-being.

If we talk about women, then at the age of 50 menopause occurs, which is characterized by the following phenomena:

  • Depression.
  • Lack of menstruation.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Periodic abdominal pain.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.

Menopause is a very unpleasant phenomenon, due to which a woman can feel the aging of her body. She is susceptible to stress and neuroses, so it is very important at this moment to be there and support her beloved. A man should be prepared for the fact that his significant other has gained a little weight due to hormonal imbalance, her mood often changes, weakness, and moodiness are observed. She really needs care and tenderness from her beloved at this moment.

Men do not experience menopause, but this does not mean that their body does not change. Physiological changes also occur in his body. Experts identify several phenomena:

  • Testosterone production decreases.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Fatigue.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Irritability.
  • Weight gain.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Decreased sexual desire.

It is equally important to show love towards a man at this age. The beloved should be nearby, provide attention and care. You need to visit interesting places together, surprise your man with delicious food and new dishes. We must not forget about sex life. This is very important for a man’s body. If a woman at this age stops paying attention, the man finds a younger lover. Love in all its manifestations will help preserve and develop long and strong relationships.

Thus, each age period is characterized by certain difficulties. At age fifty, changes occur at the physical level that can lead to mental problems. It is possible to build a relationship at this age, but you will have to make a lot of effort. Both men and women must be prepared for difficulties. Understanding, care, and patience will help you overcome difficulties. This is the key to building and nurturing strong relationships in your fifties.


Why should older women lose weight? In most cases, not at all in order to defeat grandfathers on the spot with your 90-60-90 shapes, but for... yourself, your well-being. After all, extra pounds are significant risk factors for diseases such as hypertension, osteoarthritis, type II diabetes, vascular atherosclerosis (the cause of strokes and heart attacks), sleep apnea syndrome (breathing stops during sleep), tumors, heart disease, etc.

In addition, excess weight complicates the course of ailments that are already occurring. Losing weight by just 5-10 percent significantly improves your well-being and allows you to reduce the dose of medications you take.

Getting rid of extra pounds after 55-60 years is difficult, but it is possible. The main thing is to do it correctly, without chasing newfangled diets, which are mostly intended for girls and young women. For “Lady Autumn” they can be simply disastrous. It is most reasonable to carry out the weight loss process under the supervision of a doctor.

Before moving on practical advice doctors, check out the useful and extremely interesting information...

Scientists have noticed that already 2.5-3 hours after eating, changes occur in a person’s fat layer. If lunch contains 30 g of pure fat, then after this period of time about half will be deposited in the waist area. When you eat too much, fat spreads to your thighs, abdomen and buttocks.

Some researchers refute the commonly held opinion regarding a large morning meal (eat breakfast yourself, share lunch, dinner for the enemy). A high-calorie breakfast will affect your figure within 2.5-3 hours, while a breakfast broken up over several hours will not spoil your slim figure at all. Scientists also say that “breakfast must be earned,” i.e. Before sitting down to your morning meal, it is useful to do a little work, and not stuff your barely awakened body with food. Something to think about...

Further. Dear 55-60 year old plump people who dream of losing weight, remember - your waist is a temporary warehouse for fat, it is much easier to remove it from there than when it moves to your hips. Fat stored around the waist is broken down during the day with reasonable exercise. But if you had a hearty breakfast, then a hearty lunch, and in the evening you ate your fill to the point of sweating from overzealousness, then the body will require additional stress, otherwise fat begins to accumulate and “flow” from the waist to other places for reliable long-term storage.

The risk of overeating will be significantly reduced if you chew your food thoroughly or eat hard foods that are difficult to chew. Experts say that the process of chewing weakens appetite, and a person will eat less, feeling full earlier.

How can grandmothers lose weight without risk to their health? After all, it is clear that by this age they have already accumulated a certain “baggage” of sores. Doctors advise getting rid of extra pounds with... food. Yes Yes! They claim that 85-90% of people over 55 years of age can easily improve the course of chronic diseases (or at least one of them) simply by switching to a balanced diet. Let's consider dietary features for specific diseases.

Arthritis and arthrosis

For these diseases, you should limit your consumption of meat products and introduce more dairy, fish and vegetable products into your diet. The fact is that meat is rich in arachidonic acids, which, when entering the body of an elderly person already suffering from arthrosis or arthritis, can cause inflammation of the joints.

Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in marine fish and vegetable oils tend to prevent the accumulation of this harmful acid in older people. Omega 3 and vegetable oils contribute to the process of synthesis in the elderly body of prostaglandins - substances that reduce inflammation and pain.


With this disease, you should categorically exclude alcohol, coffee, chocolate, as well as rich broths, spicy snacks and seasonings, mushrooms, pickles, and legumes from your diet. But dairy products, bread, honey, vegetables and fruits are given the green light. And also - drink plenty of fluids, especially clean water.


Hypertensive patients should consume a minimum of salt and limit themselves in drinking. Doctors advise them to consume more foods rich in potassium - potatoes, milk, legumes, broccoli, citrus fruits, kiwi, bananas, dried fruits.


This disease is familiar first hand to many elderly people. Especially women. With this disease, you should simply include in your daily diet dairy products and greens containing large quantities calcium. But that is not all. It is necessary to consume vitamin D ( fish fat) and foods with enough protein - they will help calcium to be absorbed.

Chronic gastrointestinal diseases

It is imperative to avoid the use raw vegetables and fruits, fried fish and fried meat. Just boil or steam. You will also have to give up rye bread in favor of wheat bread.

Lung problems

It is better to refrain from easily digestible carbohydrates - white bread, sweets. Increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables - asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, horseradish, rutabaga. These foods help protect your lungs.


Flour, fatty, sweet foods are strictly contraindicated, and cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and eggplants are highly recommended.