Zamioculcas is a dollar tree. Caring for Zamioculcas at home: the magical properties of the dollar tree

Shoots and leaves that retain color all year round. Life cycle– 5-10 years. Originally from the dry regions of Africa, this succulent capable of storing water in fleshy roots, stems and leaves.

Due to its similarity with Crassula, which we usually call the “money tree,” Zamioculcas, which is fleshier and larger, therefore looking more impressive, is called the “dollar tree.” It is believed that its cultivation as an evergreen plant guarantees the constant presence of evergreen currency.

Another sign is related to the fact that at home the plant hardly blooms - so the girl who gets it to bloom is guaranteed woman's happiness. But since the appearance of flowers is an extremely rare phenomenon, another name “zamioculcas - the flower of celibacy” has taken root. And in China it is also used as a New Year tree.

  • Advice! Since zamioculcas juice contains toxic substances, which can cause allergies or intestinal disorders, you need to wear gloves when caring for it (trimming, replanting). Also make sure that pets and small children do not try the plant, otherwise the risk of poisoning is very high.

Due to the fact that the plant has been introduced into cultivation relatively recently (since the early 2000s), its “pure” botanical species, Zamioculcas zamiaefolia, is mainly found on sale. However, in 2007, the first hybrid appeared - low-growing variety Zamicro, which differs from the original type in its miniature size (it grows no more than 60 cm in height) and smaller, more graceful leaves.

Zamioculcas: care at home

Thanks to its unpretentiousness and plasticity, in a fairly short time Zamioculcas has become a fairly frequent indoor guest and a favorite of phytodesigners. To grow it successfully, you need to follow a little simple rules:

  • temperature– the plant feels quite comfortable in a wide temperature range - from 12 to 30 C, but for the summer period the optimal temperature will be in the range of 18 - 26 C, and in winter - 14-16 C. At the same time, the plant is very sensitive to temperature changes - they can cause yellowing and falling leaves

Advice! When choosing a place for zamioculcas, it is worth remembering that the plant does not tolerate drafts - this is one of the main causes of diseases.

  • lighting– Zamioculcas adapts quite well to any light conditions. It grows well in bright light (although prolonged exposure to the scorching sun can cause burns to the leaf blade), as well as partial shade, and even with strong shading. True, in the latter case, the intensity of its growth will be insignificant, and the leaves will be curved and small, and it will not be possible to form a lush, dense bush.

Advice! Since the leaves will constantly be drawn towards the light, so as not to disturb the shape of the plant, the zamioculcas must be periodically rotated around its axis.

  • the soil- for normal growth of zamioculcas you will need a loose substrate, not very fertile, as in general for cacti and succulents. To avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil, which will cause rotting of tubers and leaves, drainage should occupy up to a quarter of the total volume of the pot, and the content of sand and perlite in the substrate should be about 50%. Sphagnum or coal would be a good addition. “Heavy” waterproof soil is absolutely contraindicated for planting zamioculcas
  • watering- quite moderate, the earthen lump should dry out not only on top, but also a little in the middle. If you are not sure, then it is better to wait a day or two - the plant will be able to provide itself with moisture accumulated in the stem and leaves. Watering schedule: in summer, once every 2 weeks, in winter, once a month.
  • humidity- Zamioculcas seems to have been created for our apartments with central heating, in which the air is very dry in winter. It does not require regular spraying, but periodically it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge to wash away the dust that has accumulated on them.
  • transfer– the zamioculcas root is quite powerful, so it will need a fairly powerful pot, preferably a clay one, because the growing rhizome can not only deform, but even tear plastic container. If young (1-2 years old) plants are recommended to be replanted annually, then at a “mature” age, zamioculcas replanting is carried out much less frequently, sometimes once every 3-5 years, depending on the growth rate. Wherein new pot choose only 20-30% more than the previous one.

Another method is propagation by cuttings. The cut stem is divided into parts by making cuts between the leaves. After drying the cut for an hour, the cutting is pressed into vermiculite and watered abundantly and a greenhouse is made, which is placed in a warm, well-lit place. Vermiculite is kept slightly moist. The process of root formation and subsequent growth of the tuberous underground rhizome is quite long - it can last several months, and new leaves will appear only after six months. For propagation, you can also use single leaf plates, but in this case the process will be even longer.

Advice! The larger part of the plant is taken for rooting, the faster the rhizome is formed, the larger it will be, the sooner it will be possible to obtain a full-fledged specimen of Zamioculcas from a young plant.

Another wonderful decorative foliage indoor plant- Zamioculcas zamiaefolia. Zamioculcas received its name due to its external resemblance to zamia, which is quite rare in room conditions plant from the Sagovnikov family.

Zamioculcas like indoor culture gained popularity due to massive sales on flower auctions in the Netherlands, although they had not even heard of it until the end of the 20th century.

Zamioculcas - herbaceous plant with rather high, up to one meter, complex pinnate leaves, belonging to the Araceae family. Zamioculcas is considered an unpretentious indoor plant, easily tolerated and low humidity, and even partial shading, which is why it was highly appreciated by landscaping designers and amateur gardeners. But, despite its unpretentiousness, the conditions for keeping Zamioculcas should not be taken to extremes.

Zamioculcas has very beautiful leaves. The individual leaves included in the complex pinnate leaves are leathery, dark green, glossy, slightly pointed at the apex. The complex pinnate leaves themselves are slightly thickened towards the base. They are densely arranged on a short horizontal stem, giving the appearance of a rosette. Zamioculcas root is a large underground water-storing tuber. Thanks to this root, Zamioculcas easily tolerates drought conditions. But flowering in Zamioculcas is a rather rare occurrence in indoor conditions. Even if Zamioculcas blooms, it will not attract attention, since its inflorescence, which resembles a small cob, is formed at the base of the leaves and is surrounded by a kind of green blanket.

By the way, in 2007 a new miniature variety zamioculcas, in appearance it is not very different from the usual one, only the height of the bush is more compact, it grows only up to 60 centimeters, and its leaves are smaller than those of the ordinary zamioculcas.

They say that zamioculcas reduces the symptoms of depression and has a positive effect on the overall emotional state.

Growing zamioculcas at home does not present any particular difficulties; it is quite unpretentious.

The soil

Zamioculcas does not have any special requirements for the soil mixture; the classic soil mixture, which contains peat, turf and leaf soil, and sand, is perfect for it. You can add a little chopped sphagnum to the soil mixture.

Young plants are replanted as they grow, once every 1-2 years. Adult zamioculcas are replanted once every four to five years. Zamioculcas is considered a slow-growing plant.

To transplant an adult zamioculcas, use narrow and tall pots. At the bottom of the pot you need to put a thick layer of drainage, approximately 1/3 or 1/4 of the height of the pot in the form of clay shards, expanded clay or a layer of sand. Such drainage will make the bottom of the pot heavier and make the pot more stable, since leaves that are too tall can easily outweigh a light pot. In addition, to support tall leaves (so that they do not fall or turn out of the pot), you need to use a circular support. But this is only necessary for large specimens older than 5-7 years.

There is no need to rush into replanting newly purchased zamioculcas. Give it two to three weeks to adapt, and besides, Zamioculcas does not need frequent transplants. Transplantation will also not benefit Zamioculcas if it occurs in the autumn. winter period. Therefore, if you purchased zamioculcas in the fall or winter, it is better to take a closer look, observe how the plant behaves in new conditions, and start replanting at the end of February - March.

Light for Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas prefers diffused light. For normal development, the plant should be kept in a bright place without direct sunlight. Zamioculcas grows well on eastern and western windows. If you have only southern windows in your house, then with the arrival of spring, zamioculcas should be moved away from the window or shaded from direct sunlight so that the leaves do not get sunburn.

Watering Zamioculcas

Temperature of keeping Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas grows well at normal room temperature +20 +25°C. IN winter time in winter you can reduce the temperature to + 16°C, while watering is also significantly reduced. Zamioculcas, like other indoor plants, needs fresh air, but does not like drafts.

Feeding Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is periodically fed, starting from mid-March and up to September inclusive, at intervals of two to three weeks. Liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents, which do not contain nitrogen fertilizers, and their concentration is slightly lower than the concentration of other fertilizers, are well suited for Zamioculcas. Fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are suitable for Zamioculcas, just dilute them more than for other decorative deciduous plants. Too high a concentration of fertilizers, as well as the use of nitrogen fertilizers, can cause burns and rot of the rhizomes and leaves of zamioculcas. To prevent the plant from getting burned, an aqueous solution of fertilizer is applied to moist soil. For foliar feeding zamioculcas by leaves, a standard aqueous solution of fertilizers for feeding the rhizomes is diluted in water tenfold. In October, all feeding of Zamioculcas is stopped.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow. It could be natural cause aging leaves, improper care, which consists of insufficient or excessive watering, damage to zamioculcas by pests.

Zamioculcas does not like prolonged coolness and prolonged stagnation of water in the soil. This can cause rotting of roots and stems. However, do not rush to throw the plant away. Remove it from the pot, rinse thoroughly root system zamioculcas in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and inspect it. All bad rotten parts of the roots must be carefully cut out, the remaining part should be sprinkled with activated or charcoal, dry it, and then plant it in a new soil mixture without watering. If necessary, for the first time (3-7 days), zamioculcas can be covered with a bottle.

Zamioculcas(Zamioculcas zamiifolia) - this one exotic flower with such a funny name became known to amateur flower growers relatively recently - in the late 90s, when Dutch nurseries began offering customers the first copies of this plant.

In a short period of time, Zamioculcas managed to gain great popularity and become a favorite indoor plant for many - unpretentious and perfect for decoration not only residential, but also office premises.

People managed to come up with another name for zamioculcas - dollar tree(by analogy with the money tree - Crassula). Perhaps this is why this exotic is so often found in banks and other financial institutions.

Another common name is woman's happiness, obtained thanks to the rare unusual flowering of Zamioculcas.

This overseas guest, whose homeland is eastern Africa, belongs to the araceae family, but unlike other representatives of this family - inhabitants of the tropics (anthurium, philodendron, dieffenbachia, alocasia, spathiphyllum), completely unpretentious.

IN natural environment Zamioculcas thrives in arid soil conditions, under the hot scorching sun, but it is also very comfortable in our latitudes.

Zamioculcas is an ornamental deciduous plant with a spectacular appearance and an unusual structure. The flower has no branches, and what many mistake for stems are actually compound leaves growing directly from the tuber.

The tuber is completely covered with soil and acts as a moisture accumulator. The leaves of the plant are erect, feathery, rather large, covered with a waxy coating.

At the base of each leaf there is a thickened petiole. All parts of the zamioculcus are adapted to to accumulate moisture in case of drought.

The dollar tree grows very slowly. It blooms quite rarely, and only when it reaches a certain age, so at home the flowering of zamioculcas is not a common occurrence.

The flower, like all aroids, in appearance resembles a small corn cob, surrounded by a pale green blanket.

Lifespan this evergreen 5-10 years, during this time he reaches height 1 meter.

All parts of Zamioculcas are poisonous, so you need to place it in the house where it will be out of reach of small children or pets.

Can't be allowed hits poisonous juice into the eyes, and during care exotic plant caution should be exercised.

Caring for a houseplant zamioculcas. Conditions of his detention

Indoor zamioculcas is not at all demanding in terms of care and maintenance, but it does not forgive negligence. Immediately after purchasing the plant, it is necessary to endure a 2-3 week adaptation period, after which, depending on the season and the needs of the plant, replant.

Calmly tolerates “forgetfulness” in watering and not afraid of drafts. During the warm season, he enjoys spending time on the balcony, veranda, and open terrace.


When choosing a place in the apartment for an African guest, better to give preference south windows with good solar lighting. Ideally, the light should be diffused, but even occasional direct sunlight will not harm the plant.

North windows are also suitable, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the growth of zamioculcas will not be as intense as on the south side, and the color of the leaves may become less saturated due to less light.

Shaded areas of the room not suitable for the plant- lack of lighting will lead to the fact that the leaves will begin to reach for the light and grow thin, weak, with sparsely spaced leaf plates.

Thus, the lack of sufficient light is essential impairs the decorative qualities of the flower.


Since Zamioculcas comes from hot countries, it has increased resistance to dry and hot weather. In the summer, the dollar tree feels great when t +21+29 degrees, in winter he is comfortable with +15+18 .

Decrease in temperature in winter plant easier to tolerate when kept dry, without watering. To temperature changes indoor zamioculcas not susceptible, but decrease may not survive below +12 degrees.


Proper watering is the most important stage care for this plant. Failure to follow simple watering rules can lead to death dollar tree. Zamioculcas is a drought-resistant plant, which means it tolerates a lack of moisture better than an excess of moisture.

It’s better not to top up a flower than to overwater it!

However, you should not completely forget about watering, since the plant may shed all its leaves- this is how it fights for survival, reducing its moisture consumption. At the same time, if the root remains alive, the plant is restored with the resumption of watering.

Frequent and abundant watering even more destructive for Zamioculcas. Stagnation of moisture in the soil threatens rotting and subsequent death of roots.

In summer the plant needs moderate watering, between waterings the earthen clod should dry out slightly. If there is any doubt whether it is time to water the flower or not, it is better to postpone this procedure for a day. In winter, the plant is rarely watered, once every 3-4 weeks, settled with non-cold water.

Zamioculcas leaves due to their natural waxy coating easily attract dust, so from time to time the plant needs to have water treatments - a little warm shower, not forgetting to cover the soil in the pot with film to prevent it from getting into excess moisture.

Plant nutrition

Like any indoor plant, Zamioculcas needs feeding. Universal fertilizers diluted to half concentration are suitable for these purposes. You need to feed the flower once every two weeks during the growing season.

The plant takes it very well leaf feeding which is produced 1 – 2 times a month in between waterings. Leaves for this money tree sprayed with nutrient solution complex fertilizer or urea.

Transplantation and propagation

The dollar tree grows quite slowly, which means it does not need frequent planting. Only when the tubers fill the entire pot, Zamioculcas needs to be replanted. Adult specimens will need a transplant once every 5 years, young specimens – once every two years. This must be done carefully - the plant does not tolerate rhizome damage.

Replanting an exotic flower transshipment method, without changing the soil, but only adding required amount new. The soil is replaced in exceptional cases when the plant needs to be divided or it got sick.

It is advisable to choose a pot clay, since in such pots the soil dries out faster and there is less chance of flooding the zamioculcas. As a rule, all subsequent leaves that the plant produces are larger than the previous ones, which means the pot should be quite stable.

Zamioculcas needs light soil, it should allow water and air to pass through well. You can use a ready-made soil mixture for succulents with the addition of coal, or you can prepare it yourself from leaf soil, turf soil, sand and peat. in equal proportions.

When planting a flower in the soil need to watch so that the tubers do not end up too deep, but are slightly visible above the soil surface.

Watch the video and learn how to properly transplant zamioculcas:

Can be done in several ways:

  • cuttings leaf shoots are the most the best way vegetative propagation Zamioculcas;
  • dividing an adult bush- the method is suitable if mother plant quite large;
  • leaf cuttings- the method is suitable if you only have zamioculcas sheets.

Diseases and problems

The natural wax covering the leaves of Zamioculcas is designed to protect the plant from pests, but it still happens that the flower is affected insects such as, or spider mite falling on it from other plants.

Young specimen scale insects quite hard to notice indoor flower. Actively reproducing, this insect becomes noticeable in the form brownish spots on leaves plants.

Adult scale insects are practically motionless, so the plant must be periodically inspected and the scale insects removed with a damp sponge. Finally will help destroy the pest special drugs.

Envelops you with its cobweb bottom part leaf. You can wash it off the zamioculcas with plain water in the shower, or remove it by spraying the plant with tobacco infusion or insecticides.

Aphid The Zamioculcas does not start often, but if it happens, the pest needs to be looked for With reverse side leaves at the tops of the shoots. Aphids are characterized by rapid reproduction and spread. Insect sucks juice from leaves plants, causing the leaves to curl and dry out.

You can fight aphids special compounds, as well as a soap solution with the addition of 1 g of nicotine sulfate per liter of liquid. You can mix soap solution with wood ash.

One of the most dangerous diseases for Zamioculcas is root rot , capable of completely destroying a houseplant. It appears as a result of excessive watering and is caused by bacteria.

A plant affected by root rot turns yellow, withers and is easily pulled out of the pot.

If root rot is detected, it is necessary stop watering. The plant must be freed from the ground, rotten roots removed and the soil replaced with dry soil.

Sometimes Zamioculcas owners are faced with the fact that plant leaves turn yellow. Before sounding the alarm, you should make sure that the cause of yellowing leaves is not due to natural renewal processes, during which the plant gets rid of old leaves.

The culprit could also be: overwatering with root rotting, lack of watering over a long period, temperature drop below acceptable values.

Having found out the cause, you need to immediately begin eliminating it in order to preserve the remaining greens.

Over the course of a year, the plant produces only 1-2 new sheets, but at good conditions content and sufficient lighting grows to the size of a small bush. Therefore, a flowerpot with zamioculcas will look better in spacious, open rooms.

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So, indoor zamioculcas

In fact, scientifically this plant has an even funnier name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia, because it resembles zamia, a rare gymnosperm plant. What's unusual about his appearance? And the fact that its trunk is a tuber with water reserves located in the ground. And all these “sticks with leaves” are leaves of an unusual feathery shape, which are often mistaken for trunks. Sometimes they are up to a meter long. The leaves are so close to each other that they seem to form a rosette.

The flower of Zamioculcas is unusual and inconspicuous at the same time: a small cob, similar to young corn, wrapped in a sail-shaped petal-veil. It blooms almost at the very base of the trunk, so it is not noticeable. Therefore, Zamioculcas can be considered a 100% ornamental deciduous plant.

And the leaves are indeed very attractive: regular in shape, almost always the same in size and covered with a natural waxy coating, which not only protects the leaves in places where they grow naturally from sunburn and moisture evaporation, but also gives the plant a shiny, polished appearance.

Caring for Zamioculcas at home

In its natural properties, Zamioculcas is similar to Dieffenbachia and Calla lilies. It belongs to the Araceae family. Zamioculcas – unpretentious plant, but caring for zamioculcas at home is still needed.


You can even place it in a corner, but in such a way that it receives diffused sunlight for at least 6-8 hours.

The plant is quite large, so you are unlikely to be able to place it on a window. But in general it can be placed anywhere in the apartment.

Watering Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas should be watered only when the soil dries out. But it requires plenty of watering. Moisture accumulates in the tuber, which is the stem. So, it is better to underfill than to overfill, so that the tuber-stem does not begin to rot.

Air humidity

Air humidity is also not particularly important. Unless with sufficient hydration it looks brighter and more luxurious. Well, if the air is very dry, they can fall lower leaves. Although if Zamioculcas has been living with you for more than a year, then do not be surprised by this. Old leaves fall off simply due to age.


TO temperature conditions Zamioculcas is also not too demanding. But he prefers warm air. Even in winter, the temperature should not drop below 16 °C. It also tolerates periods of heat and drought without pain.

Soil for Zamioculcas

To plant zamioculcas, you can use a universal soil mixture. It's quite balanced. If you make up the mixture yourself, its composition can be as follows: leaf soil, turf soil, peat, sand in equal parts. You can add sphagnum moss.

However, like other plants, this flower will grow well if there is good drainage. After all, stagnation of water is harmful to any plants. And the zamioculcas tuber can also rot as a result.

Feeding Zamioculcas

If you want your zamioculcas to grow big and powerful, then you need to fertilize it. The fact is that this plant is naturally slow growing. Flower growers who want to propagate this flower from cuttings will have to wait a long time; new leaves do not appear often. A new shoot (aka leaf) may appear in six months to a year. To accelerate growth, you need to fertilize zamioculcas.

Since we are already talking about reproduction, it is worth mentioning right away that there are several ways to reproduce Zamioculcas. In this he is similar to Dieffenbachia. Propagated by cuttings, parts of a compound leaf with a bud. A large specimen can be divided into parts, so that each has at least one growth point. Both cuttings and parts are rooted directly in a peat-sand mixture under a kind of greenhouse made of a plastic bag or jar. As a result, a nodule (this is a stem) should form, on which both roots and a bud will appear - a growth point.

Zamioculcas transplant

A young zamioculcas grows more intensively than an adult specimen, so the pot has to be changed more often - as the size of the flower increases - that is, annually. Later, a transplant is needed every two years. And a flower older than 6-7 years is generally replanted once every 5 years.

So, optimal conditions for Zamioculcas: warm room, bright diffused light, moderate watering, periodic spraying.

Zamioculcas is a plant not only with an exotic name, but also with a very unusual appearance, and although it practically does not bloom at home, its shiny green leaves are enough to decorate the interior of any apartment.

Popularly, Zamioculcas has two more names - “women’s happiness” and “dollar tree”; the plant received its second nickname thanks to the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, it is believed that this flower activates the money sector and helps improve financial position Whether this is true, everyone decides for himself, but it’s a fact that the plant requires minimal care, and at the same time the flower pleases the owner’s eye. In today's article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for this zamioculcas.

Choosing a landing site

Zamioculcas prefers diffused bright light, but direct sunlight is destructive for it. A great place for a flower will be the south side of the apartment, but not the window sill, but a place near it. A curtain on the window can be a good protection from the sun; it will help diffuse the light. IN summer time It is best to grow a “dollar tree” in the fresh air, be it a highway or a balcony.

At the same time, the flower will actively increase in growth, and the leaves will become richer. In autumn, as soon as the nights become cool, the plant should be hidden in the apartment, the fact is that Zamioculcas lives in southern Africa, because big differences temperatures are detrimental to him.

Optimal watering of Zamioculcas

This plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so immediately after watering, the tray under the plant should be emptied. IN summer period Zamioculcas should be watered moderately, but often, about every other day, but in winter the amount of water should be reduced. It is best to test the soil with your finger before watering; if the soil is dry, only then should it be moistened.

Temperature and humidity

This plant is unpretentious; it can tolerate almost any temperature above zero. Optimal temperature in summer - +22-+25°C, and in winter the plant can feel great indoors at a temperature of +16-+18°C.

As for humidity, it should be high, because in dry summers and in heating season In winter, you should remember to spray the plant with a spray bottle and additionally wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

The main beauty of Zamioculcas is its rich green leaves, so to enhance the effect of “shiny leaves,” you can purchase a special plant polish and wipe the flowerpot once every two weeks.

Zamioculcas transplant

If the roots of the flower no longer have enough space in the pot, then it needs to be replanted. To do this, first of all you need to select suitable soil. Zamioculcas is not recommended to be planted in heavy soil. The best option will be the purchase of a special substrate for succulents and cacti in flower shop. You also need to purchase a container larger than the previous one. When replanting from the roots, you need to remove all the old soil, then fill the rhizome in a new container, then the plant needs to be watered.

Reproduction at home

This plant can be propagated both by dividing the bush and by leaf plates. Both the first and second options are best done in the spring, after the plant’s “hibernation.” To use the first method, you need to cut off the leaf stalk at the base without touching the bud, dry the cut well, and then root it in the substrate.

To propagate the bush, in early spring, Zamioculcas is divided into two parts, each of which sits in a separate pot. In both cases, you should not expect immediate results; the dollar tree is a slow-growing plant, so sometimes the results are visible only after six months.

Feeding Zamioculcas

If you are satisfied appearance plants and you don’t set a goal to grow a “meter-long giant”, then you don’t need to apply fertilizers at all. This species is so undemanding that it can easily do without them. If the task is to grow a large “dollar tree”, then the time of feeding should fall during the period of active growth of the plant. It should be fed with fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

In winter better plant do not fertilize at all, but in the spring, during the growing season, apply mineral or organic fertilizers.