Filling the snow slide. How to fill a winter wooden slide

Winter offers us sledding, skiing, ice skating and other fun activities. To give real joy to your own children, you should figure out how to properly pour snow slide. Let's try to understand this issue.

Choosing a place to build a slide

Before answering the question of how to properly fill a slide, let’s find out in which places it is best to form it. It is recommended to choose safe areas. It is advisable that the slide be located away from trees and bushes, roadways, all kinds of drains and sewer hatches, deep ravines, and other objects that can cause injury during the descent.

It is better to choose a spacious area. The higher the slide is planned to be built, the more free territory should be available. Of course, going down a high, massive slide, the slope of which is made with all sorts of turns, will be much more fun.

Slide size

The width and height of the future structure will depend on the available amount of snow, reserve own strength and patience. If you plan to make a slide for very young children, don’t get too carried away. For the little ones, a structure of the most modest size will be enough. So what should the dimensions of the slide be? As practice shows, the optimal ratio of the height of the structure to its length is 1:4.

How to properly fill a snow slide with water? In addition to the descent itself, you will need to create a rollout. The latter is a flat, trampled and icy territory, along which sliding will continue for some time until it comes to a complete stop.

Tilt angle

When trying to figure out how to properly fill a snow slide, you should not make the descent too flat or, conversely, too steep. An inclination of 30-50° is considered ideal at the top point. Next, the height of the descent must be gradually reduced, trying to make the slide evenly flat until the very end.

How to build a slide?

It is convenient to build a slide using large balls of snow prepared in advance. The latter must be laid tightly together, and all gaps must be filled with a shovel. The resulting mass of snow must be compacted thoroughly. The result will be a base on which it will be convenient to create a descent, railings, and other elements.


To make the slide convenient for both children and adults, you should take care of creating steps. They need to be placed on the highest side of the structure. The optimal width for steps will be from 40 to 50 cm. This will allow people with very different foot sizes to climb the hill comfortably. On the sides of the steps you can make low sides, which will be easy to grab while climbing.

How to properly fill a slide with water?

Now let's move directly to the issue of filling. Before starting the procedure, you need to let the slide stand for several days alone. This will allow the frame to compress and become as strong as possible. Thus, the snow structure will not fall apart after the first ride.

How to fill a slide correctly? It is necessary to carry out such work when there is severe frost outside - from -20 ° C. Otherwise, the shape of the structure may “float”. The optimal time for filling the slide with water is considered to be in the evening, when the sun has already managed to hide behind the horizon.

People who are well versed in how to properly fill a slide with water recommend first walking along its surface, spraying small drops with a spray bottle. After a few hours, the structure will be covered with a thin ice crust, which will allow the main pouring to begin.

It is convenient to water the slide with water from a watering can. This should be done slowly. Indeed, with a large flow, there is a risk of large gaps forming in the thickness of the snow. Oddly enough, the water should not be the coldest. Using barely warm water, you can get a perfectly smooth surface much faster. If, with this solution, voids form on the surface of the snow, they should be immediately filled with slurry from snow, leveling with a piece of cloth. If you leave such shortcomings unattended, you can get scratched or tear your clothes when riding on the jagged edges.

How to properly fill a slide at the descent point? To do this, you need to mix snow into a container of water. The resulting slurry must be laid out on the slope, leveling with a construction spatula. For safety, it is worth building curbs along the entire length of the slope and treating their internal surfaces in the same way. Then you can leave the slide alone until the ice layer completely hardens.

After complete freezing, the structure can be doused with water again. Then you should walk along the descent with a polished board. As a result, the slide will become even more slippery and smooth.


Using the above recommendations, an adult will not be a lot of work build a slide and fill it with water. The main thing is to show imagination and do the work carefully. Naturally, it may take a whole day or even more to implement your plan.

However, the effort spent will pay off in spades, because with the help of an ice slide, children will be able to have fun from the beginning of the first frost until spring, without leaving their own yard. By the way, it will be possible to descend from such a home-made structure not only in warm clothes, but also on rubber mats, cardboard and even a sled.

We took skis and sleds into our hands -

And off we went for a ride.

On a winter day, in the frost, in the morning

A snowy mountain is waiting for us.

O. Karelin

New Year holidays – best time for winter street fun. Well, isn’t it great to go out with the whole family after breakfast and roll around in the soft snowdrifts, create a fun mess on the hill, scream, laugh, so much so that the neighboring kids will come running?! If you don't have an ice slide in your yard, now is the time to build one! And it doesn’t matter where you live - in your own house or in a multi-story building - there will always be a place and grateful children, the main thing is that there is material - snow. A lot of snow.

Benefits for health and soul

Skiing down the mountains in winter is an old Russian pastime that not only children, but also adults, or rather young people, indulged in. Well, or those who considered themselves young. Merchants, peasants and even portly ladies - no one was ashamed of hooting down the hill. Peter I especially loved such fun: he personally participated in the opening of the main slides in the capital and did not disdain to share the fun with the walking people. Moreover, for each new season he demanded a new sled for sledding. They say that in those days there was a tradition - to ride down the mountain in pairs and kiss tightly after each successful descent. It’s no wonder that young people loved this fun, because everyone tried to invite the object of their adoration as a couple.

Sliding down a slide is an unforgettable experience that a person carries throughout his life. After all, on a slide, a child gets to know his body in a new way. When you slide down a slide on your stomach, butt or legs, the “ground disappears from under your feet.” And you need to learn to control yourself in other conditions.

Downhill skiing develops reaction speed and trains the vestibular system. In active games and for adults, a slide is great way disperse blood throughout the body, and also an excellent opportunity for contact with your child.

So, if nature has not deprived your region of rich snow cover this year, then without hesitation, start building an ice slide!

Making a slide

If the decision has been made, then it’s time to start turning it into reality. So what will need to be done?

Place for a slide

First you need to choose the right place for the future slide. Pay attention to safe open areas that are away from the road, trees, walls of houses, ponds, bushes, etc. The descent must be free and nothing should hinder it.

If there is a natural slope nearby, this will make your job easier. If not, you will have to create it yourself. To do this, invite your neighbors who also have children to help. This will speed up the process and make your work easier. Well, it will be more fun.

To create an artificial slope, start by piling snow into one large pile. If the snow is heavy, then throwing it will, of course, be more difficult, but this will make the process of forming a slide easier.

Slope formation

Have you added enough snow? Climb onto the pile and begin to trample and crush it, gradually forming a path down. If the snow is loose, then thoroughly water the snow preparation cold water from a watering can. It is important that the water spreads evenly, so it is better to take a watering can with a spray nozzle.

Now you can add snow again, slowly changing the contour of the slide to the one you need. Try to make the path for sliding long enough - at least 5 meters. At the top of the slide, trample a wide platform, and with reverse side arrange a descent with a steepness of 55-65 degrees. This is a preparation for future steps. And the slope on which children (and not only) will ride should be 35-45 degrees. The steeper the angle, the sharper the sensation, but to make such a slide, you will have to throw a very large pile. Therefore, try to form a gentle, smooth descent.

Sides and steps

Be sure to add sides to the slide. To do this you need to "cut" upper layer snow, leaving a border around the edges.

Form the steps. Start cutting the snow from top to bottom. Flatten the snow with a shovel, then compact it with your feet. The optimal width of one step is 45 cm. Do not water the steps with water! Otherwise, it will be impossible to climb them. To ensure safe lifting, you need to make sides, for example, from old wooden slats.


If you want to make a high-quality slide, then leave your structure for a day so that the snow settles. And even better - for 2 days.

When the time required for the snow to shrink has passed, return to the slide with water. If it is possible to remove the hose, then it is better to do so. If you are placing a slide in the yard apartment building, again contact your neighbors whose window is closer. I think they will not refuse and will allow you to extend the hose.

Prepare a shovel. Water the top of the slide with water and trim the surface. During pouring, pits may appear. They must be compacted with snow until they are equal to the general surface of the slide.

Fill the horizontal path with an even layer of water. The longer it is, the greater the distance future riders will glide.

It is important to form a smooth surface immediately after dousing the snow with water. Otherwise, it will “grab” and you will have to cut off the ice and smooth out the unevenness.

Roll the slide several times at short intervals so that the ice has time to bind the surface of the slope.


Design the area where the skaters will land. Free it from stones, branches, snags. Throw in a thick layer of snow and trample it down. And, of course, fill the path that continues down the hill, but we have already talked about this.

Well, now the slide is ready to “bring happiness” to you and your children. Just sprinkle sand or small pebbles on the steps before you climb them. Spend more time with your kids and enjoy your ride!

A DIY snow slide is an ideal activity for adults and children. After all, you only have to spend a few hours building the structure.

But your kids will have a wonderful ice attraction for the whole winter.

Let's start together

How to fill a snow slide? For this you need very little - snow, desire and enthusiasm. Well, also a few working hands. It’s good to involve the kids in this matter. After all, a snow slide made with your own hands will be especially loved if a piece of your labor is invested in it. Younger children can be entrusted with the simplest and most basic work, for example, bringing snow in children's buckets or rolling snowballs. Older children can be challenged by building steps. Well, you can even trust more experienced people to fill the descent with water. Believe me, the kids will remember the process of building a slide from ice and snow for the rest of their lives. It's so exciting!

Necessary equipment

Before building a snow slide, let's prepare the tools and equipment that will be needed for the job. There must be a lot of snow so that it can be used to build a frame and steps, and also add slides during operation. You also need to prepare:

It is advisable to equip the kids well who will help you during construction. After all, the main thing in this matter is not to get sick, and not just to solve the question: “How to fill a slide with snow?” Therefore, it is better for children to wear waterproof overalls and also stock up on several pairs of mittens. Make sure that the little ones don’t sweat or loosen their clothes, otherwise it’s very easy to catch a cold.


Any construction project must have its own parameters. They depend on the age of those who will ride on the homemade slide. If these are teenagers and adults, you can safely build a slide one and a half to two meters high. If kids will ride on this snow attraction, then the height of the slide should be no more than one meter.

The length of the descent, to make it easy and safe to ride, should be about 5 meters. It is very important to calculate the angle of descent. The slide should not be made too steep; the slope should be about 40 degrees. If you make it bigger, then the pleasure from

there will be less descent, and at the end of the descent on a steep hill the child may receive a noticeable blow. But a slide that is too flat will be uninteresting, because then the speed of the slider will significantly decrease.

The width of the slide should be sufficient to allow you to slide down it on a sled. This is about half a meter, no more. Having thought about how to fill a snow slide, do not forget about the sides on the descent to ensure safety. Otherwise, kids risk falling before reaching the end.

Don't forget about reliable steps - they will make it easy to climb the hill, and if you sprinkle them with sand, they will no longer be slippery.

Benefits of a snow slide

If you make a slide at the beginning of winter, then throughout the snowy season it can be improved and modernized by adding arches, turns, making branches, adding snow sculptures and decorating it. The advantages of this design are obvious:

  • construction can be carried out with children of all ages;
  • no special costs no need for expensive materials or specific tools;
  • You can experiment and apply your own design.

Before you fill the snow slide, you need to choose a convenient place. It is very important to place it away from the roadway and away from paths. See how well it will be lit in the evening, because it gets dark early in winter. Choose its location so that there are no bushes or trees nearby, no fences, hatches, poles, or anything that could pose a danger to those riding.

Shovels in hand - and forward

It’s better, of course, to guess when a relatively warm day will arrive. Then the snow will be sticky and the construction process will be much easier. How to make a snow slide? First, let's roll up a few snow globes different sizes. We place the largest one at the base, then we install a smaller ball and so on until the descent. We fill the empty space between them with snow and compact it tightly.

Then we form the steps. They should be wide enough and not too high. It is recommended to lay sheets of plywood on the descent line - then the surface will be even and smooth. The plywood should be covered with snow and the surface should be compacted tightly to a thickness of approximately 10-15 centimeters. Then, after filling with water, the slope will not sag and no holes or bumps will appear on it.

Fill several times

When the frame of the slide is ready, all that remains is to fill the slide with water. It is best to repeat this several times over several days so that the ice layer is strong.

Otherwise, the sled will quickly break the ice. Do not pour water in a strong stream so as not to wash away the snow; do it carefully and slowly.

If it is already frosty outside and it is impossible to choose a warm day to build a slide due to meteorological conditions, then from plywood and wooden shields You can install formwork and pour snow into it.

It will also be convenient to cut snow bricks from snowdrifts that have been well compacted. They are placed, for example, at the base of steps.

Initially, the steps should also be filled with water - then they will gain strength and will not crumble underfoot. As soon as they freeze well, they must be sprinkled with sand so that the children can climb them without fear.

Think about the top platform of a snow slide. It should be level, safe and relatively large so that the child does not fall off it. You can also lay boards or plywood on top of it. But you should definitely ensure that the platform is not slippery.

You can make two descents from one site: one steeper, the other gentler. Don't forget to decorate your slide with an arch or a funny snowman - your attraction should be not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive.

Many will agree that it is impossible to imagine winter without snowdrifts and ice slides. Of course, for about three months during the winter you can think about making a snow slide. Moreover, all work can be done with your own hands without outside help. Such a structure will be a real joy for your kids. But it will also please adults. Moreover, all work can be completed quickly and without much difficulty.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

In order to successfully build a snow slide, we will need:

  • a lot of snow;
  • a pair of shovels;
  • much water.

All are listed here necessary tools for the construction of our slide.

Choosing a place for the slide

First, every summer resident must take care of choosing a place where the slide can be located in the future. We choose a location based on maximum safety for children, that is, the structure should be located at a great distance from the roadway.

Then we check this area for spaciousness so that children can easily approach the slides. Moreover, than bigger slide and the better the ice on it, the more open area required. Only in this case will children be able to ride the slide freely.

Determining the height and length of the slide

In the marked area you need to make a huge snow mountain, for this we throw shovels a large number of snow. It follows that we choose the height and width based on your strengths. We make it as high as possible, but within reasonable limits. However, if you want to make a children’s slide, then you don’t need to get too carried away: in this option, we proceed from our convenience and the safety of the kids. It is clear that we carry out all the work in winter, when the temperature outside is sub-zero.

The photo shows a slide with steps

Regarding the length, fans of this Russian fun for the winter advise making a slide no less than 5 m long; you can make a little more. However, keep in mind that you should not make a very long snow slide for children.

Shape and angle of the slide

Another important point When preparing a slide, it’s a matter of choosing its shape. There is no need to opt for an ordinary slide, that is, a classic form. You have the opportunity to make it with many turns in different directions. For example, such a slide can be seen on bobsleigh tracks. Or a slide with an arch is another current option. You can also try your own skills in making snow sculptures; you can make not just a skating rink, but fairy tale hero or a mythical figure.

The angle of inclination is also important. There is no need to do a very steep or, conversely, gentle option for children. The most acceptable angle of inclination should be at least 30, but not more than 50 degrees, and then the angle must be reduced over time. That is, the slide needs to be made flat. Well, for small children it is better to make a gentle slope out of snow with your own hands at the beginning of work.

Are steps necessary? Of course, if you are making a slope for young children. You may want to refrain from making steps if your children are over 5 years old. And where exactly - definitely from the highest area of ​​the hill.

Don’t forget about making sides on the sides of the steps, approximately 30 centimeters high. Also keep in mind that you can make small sides along the edges of the slope so that the kids don’t fly off the slope when skating.

Stages of pouring a slide with your own hands

For the work, we first take buckets with cool water or a hose, go up the steps to our slope and start pouring - don’t rush, we do all the work carefully so that the entire structure is not damaged. When pouring, you need to level the surface of our slope - only in this way can you get a perfectly flat surface. Areas where holes have appeared from the liquid must be densely filled with snow and watered again.