Order and we will deliver. Measuring complex SG-TK-D65 (BK-G40T) The SG-TK-D complex includes

Measuring complex SG-TK-D-40

The measuring complex SG-TK-D-40 takes into account consumption natural gas on industrial production and in commercial utilities.

The SG-TK complex operates on the basis of an electronic temperature corrector TS 220 and a VK diaphragm gas meter. The corrector brings the meter readings to normal conditions. The complex also includes a metering device designed for the expected highest gas consumption. If consumption is less than 40 m3/h, then BK G25 is used.

Temperature corrector TS220 from the company PromGazVolga TS-220 can work in tandem with the BK G25 meter. To do this, an installation kit is placed on the input tube of the metering device.

It includes:

  • temperature sensor sleeve (the corrector is placed in it, its position is fixed with a locking screw);
  • union fastening nut for connection to the metering device.

On the other side, the installation kit is connected to the pipeline. The pulse generator IN-Z31 is attached to the reporting device of the meter using a clamp. It transmits pulses to the corrector input via a special cable. The higher the consumption, the more impulses.

What work does SG-TK-D-40 perform?

1. Thanks to the presence of an optical input, the device allows you to read and program information from the corrector.

2. On the screen you can see:

  • measured quantities;
  • values ​​normalized to normal conditions;
  • archival data.

3. Based on measurements of operating gas pressure and air temperature, as well as calculated values, the device creates an archive. It can contain five hundred or more entries. Archive data interval: hour, day, month.

4. Recording in the archive occurs when:

  • measuring the period ends,
  • an accident happens
  • change the corrector settings.

5. Allows you to program two digital outputs through which data is read from the complex at a distance.

6. Reports emergency situations:

  • unauthorized access,
  • changing the limits of measured quantities.

Methods of execution SG-TK-D:

The corrector can be installed on the wall;

The temperature sensor is located on the housing.

Main indicators of SG-TC

Highest long-term consumption, with normal operation device Qno.10

Highest consumption Qmax.16

Lowest consumption Qmin.0.10

Relative inaccuracy of readings:

at a consumption interval of 0.1 Qnom. - Qmax. +/- 1.5%

at a consumption interval Qmin. - 0.1 Qnom. +/-3%

Nominal diameter in inch designation 50 mm

Greatest operating pressure 50 kPa

The device operates at air temperatures from 30 degrees below zero to 60 degrees Celsius.

Verification is carried out every ten years

Distance between axles 280 mm

The complex is used to measure the amount of gas SG-TK in accordance with GOST 5542-87 in units of volume (quantity) reduced to standard conditions through automatic electronic correction of readings of a rotary meter type RVG, turbine gas meters type SG, TRZ, diaphragm gas meter type VK for temperature and fixed values ​​of pressure and gas compressibility coefficient.

The SG-TK complex can also be used to measure the volume of other non-aggressive, purified and dry gases (air, nitrogen, argon, etc., excluding oxygen).

The scope of application of the SG-TK complex is flow control and commercial accounting of gas volumes in pipelines, gas distribution points and stations (GRP, GDS), oil refining facilities, thermal power plants, oil chemical industry and other technological facilities in various industries industry.

The complex can be used in explosive areas of premises and outdoor installations in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 7.3 PUE, GOST R51330.0, GOST R51330.10, GOST and has explosion protection marking “1ExibIIВT4”.

To ensure operation on gas containing mechanical impurities, gas filters must be installed in front of the complex.


b) gas meter depending on the design, maximum permissible operating pressure and highest flow rate:

    — turbine gas meter SG (SG-TK-T1), TRZ (SG-TK-T2);
    — rotary gas meter RVG or RABO - (SG-TK-R);
    — diaphragm gas meter BK - (SG-TK-D).

Main technical characteristics:

Operating cost range:

  • for modifications SG-TK-T based on the SG meter: from 8 m³/h to 4000 m³/h (operating flow range Qmin/Qmax up to 1:20);
  • for modifications SG-TK-T based on the TRZ meter: from 5 m³/h to 6500 m³/h (operating flow range Qmin/Qmax up to 1:30);

    for modifications SG-TK-R based on the RVG meter: from 0.6 m³/h to 650 m³/h (operating flow range Qmin/Qmax up to 1:160);

    for modifications SG-TK-R based on the RABO meter: from 0.4 m³/h to 400 m³/h (operating flow range Qmin/Qmax up to 1:250);

    for modifications SG-TK-D: from 0.016 m³/h to 160 m³/h (operating flow range Qmin/Qmax 1:160).

Measurement error of the complex version SG-TK-T based on meters SG, TRZ and version SG-TK-R based on the meter RVG, RABO:

    modifications SG-TK-T based on meters TRZ version “2U”, SG-TK-R based on RABO meters version “2U” (in the range volumetric costs under operating conditions from Qmin to Qmax: ±1.0%);

    modifications SG-TK-T, SG-TK-R based on RVG, SG meters and TRZ, RABO meters of other designs (in the range of volumetric flow rates under operating conditions from Qmin to Qt: ±2.1%; in the range of volumetric flow rates under operating conditions conditions from Qt to Qmax: ±1.1%)

Measurement error of the SG-TK-D design complex based on the VK meter:

    flow range from 0.1 Qnom to Qmax: ±1.6%;

    flow range from Qmin to 0.1 Qnom: ± 2.2%.

Substitution value of working pressure (excessive) depending on the design of the complex:

    for version SG-TK-D (with gas meter type VK): up to 0.05 MPa;
    for versions SG-TK-R(-T) with gas meters such as RVG, RABO (TRZ, SG): up to 0.1 MPa.

    Temperature range environment SG-TK complex: from −30°C to +60°C.

    Interverification interval is 5 years.

    Explosion protection:
    The SG-TK complex is approved for installation in hazardous areas and has explosion protection marking “1 Ex ib IIB T4”.

The complexes have an optical local access interface.
The SG-TK complex additionally has a remote access interface RS232/RS485, as well as the ability to connect external source nutrition direct current+5…9V, which allows it to be used in automated system commercial gas metering (ASKUG).

Functions of the measuring complex:

Programming and reading information from the corrector using the optical port installed on the front panel of the device.

Display of current measured and calculated parameters and archive data.

Formation of an archive with a volume of more than 2200 records with intervals of an hour, day or month for the working and standard volume of gas, substitution pressure, gas temperature, correction factor. Values ​​are recorded in the archive after the end of the measurement period, as well as in the event of emergency situation(exceeding the limit values ​​of the measured parameters) or in case of changes in the corrector settings.

Programming of 2 digital outputs for transmitting gas volume values ​​in the form of pulses and/or transmitting error messages.

Alarm about emergency situations (unauthorized intervention, violation of the boundaries of measured parameters, etc.).

Remote access interface - RS232/RS485;

Remote transfer of archive and process data using the software package "SODEK TS", "SODEK Standard" or "SODEK Extra";

Possibility of connecting telemetry modules BP-EK-03/T, BPEK-04/TS;

Transmission of SMS messages.

When ordering, you must indicate the direction of gas flow relative to the operator. The operator is positioned facing the meter's counting mechanism and the corrector display, and the direction of gas flow can be from right to left or left to right.

If the corrector is installed on a wall, the cable lengths of the temperature converter (no more than 0.9 m) and the temperature sensor must be matched when ordering.

The SG-TK complex is equipped with a PS232/RS485 remote access interface, as well as the ability to connect an external DC power supply +5...9V, which allows it to be used in an automated commercial gas metering system (ASKUG).

The inter-verification interval is 5 years.

Additional devices(not included in delivery):

  • external power supply and communication modules of the BPEK series (BPEK-03, BPEK-03/T, BPEK-03/Sh, BPEK-03/TSh, BPEK-04/TS);
  • MP260 functional expansion module;
  • software and hardware complex for reading data AS-300.

Attention! Additional devices must be installed outside the hazardous area.

If the location of the temperature transducer sleeve is placed on the pipeline, as agreed with the Customer, a set of mounting parts is supplied.

Software (not included):
- WinPADS - a software tool for configuring (parameterizing) the corrector.
- SODEK is a software package for reading archives and maintaining a database on a PC.

By agreement with the Customer, it is possible to supply the following equipment:

  • gas filter FG16, which is installed in front of the SG-TK complexes;
  • a set of straight sections of the KPU for the SG-TK complexes for the installation of gas meters used in the complex in accordance with the requirements of the operational documentation for the gas meter and the requirements of PR50.2.019-2006. The control unit has pressure tapping points to control the pressure drop across the gas meter with which the complex is equipped.

SG-TK complexes depending on the type of meters and various options versions have different technical characteristics.
Designs of complexes, ranges of measured flow rates, nominal diameters and maximum operating pressures correspond to the data in Table 2.

Volume flow measurement range m 3 / h
based on VK counter 0,016 - 160
based on SG meter 10 - 2500
based on TRZ meter 5 - 6500
based on RVG meter 0,6 - 650

Options for the SG-TK complex with a gas meter VK, SG, TRZ, RVG


Option for the complex with a VK gas meterStandard sizeVolume flow measurement range at P work
Qmax, m³/hQ nom, m³/hQmin, m³/h
SG-TK-D-2.5 G1.6 2,5 1,6 0,016
SG-TK-D-4 G2.5 4 2,5 0,025
SG-TK-D-6 G4 6 4 0,04
SG-TK-D-10 G6 10 6 0,06
SG-TK-D-16 G10 16 10 0,1
SG-TK-D-25 G16 25 16 0,16
SG-TK-D-40 G25 40 25 0,25
SG-TK-D-65 G40 65 40 0,4
SG-TK-D-100 G65 100 65 0,65
SG-TK-D-160 G100 160 100 1

Designs of complexes, ranges of measured flow rates, diameters conditional passage and maximum operating pressures correspond to the data in the tables below.

Table. Specifications complexes with turbine meters for SG gas, version T.

Execution of the complex Nominal diameter DN Volume flow measurement range at Рrab
Qmax Qmin
measurement range
1:10 1:20
mm m3/h m3/h m3/h
SG-TK-T-100 50 100 10 -
SG-TK-T-250 80 250 25 13
SG-TK-T-400 100 400 40 20
SG-TK-T-650 100 650 65 32,5
SG-TK-T-800 150 800 80 40
SG-TK-T-1000 150 1000 100 50
SG-TK-T-1600 200 1600 160 80
SG-TK-T-2500 200 2500 250 125

Table. With corrector TS220 and gas meters SG-250...2500 (flange version)

Designation Rice. Gas meter type Duh,
SG-TK-T-250 5 SG16MT-250 80 195 160 8 240 415 320 14
5 SG16MT-400
100 215 180 300 435 332 18
5 SG16MT-800
150 280 240 8 450 490 360 33
5 SG16MT-1600
200 335 295 12 550 385 47

Table. This table shows the technical characteristics of complexes with turbine meters TRZ version T.

Execution of the complex

Nominal diameter, DN

Meter size

Volume flow measurement range at Рrab

measurement range
1:20 1:30
mm m 3 / h m 3 / h m 3 / h
SG-TK-T-100 50 G65 100 5 -
SG-TK-T-250 80 G160 250 13 -
SG-TK-T-400 80 G250 400 20 13
SG-TK-T-400 100 G250 400 20 -
SG-TK-T-650 100 G400 650 32 20
SG-TK-T-650 150 G400 650 32 -
SG-TK-T-1000 150 G650 1000 50 32
SG-TK-T-1600 150 G1000 1600 80 50
SG-TK-T-1600 200 G1000 1600 80 -
SG-TK-T-2500 200 G1600 2500 130 80
SG-TK-T-2500 250 G1600 2500 125 -
SG-TK-T-4000 250 G2500 4000 200 130
SG-TK-T-4000 300 G2500 4000 200 -
SG-TK-T-6500 300 G4000 6500 320 200

Table. With corrector TC220 and gas meters TRZ G160-G4000.

Designation Rice. Gas meter size TRZ RU
1 G160, G250 1,6 80 240 456 356 26 200 160 18 8 22
1 G250, G400 1,6 100 300 491 381 28 220 180 18 8 29
1 G400, G650, G1000 1,6 150 450 581 438,5 30 285 240 22 8 56
1 G1000, G1600 1,6 200 600 620 460 30 335 295 22 12 101

Table. Technical characteristics of complexes with rotary gas meters RVG.

Execution of the complex Nominal diameter DN Meter size Range of operating costs (at Рrab)
Qmax Qmin
measurement range
1:20 1:30 1:50 1:65 1:80 1:100 1:160
mm m3/h m3/h m3/h m3/h m3/h m3/h m3/h m3/h
SG-TK-P-25 50 G16 25 1,3 0,8 - - - - -
SG-TK-P-40 50 G25 40 2,0 1,3 0,8 0,6 - - -
SG-TK-P-65 50 G40 65 3,0 2,0 1,3 1,0 0,8 - -
SG-TK-P-100 50 G65 100 5,0 3,0 2,0 1,6 1,3 1,0 0,6
SG-TK-P-160 80 G100 160 8,0 5,0 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,6 1,0
SG-TK-P-250 80 G160 250 13,0 8,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,5 1,6
SG-TK-P-400 100 G250 400 20,0 13,0 8,0 6,0 5,0 4,0 2,5
SG-TK-P-650 100 G400 650 32,5 20,0 13,0 10,0 8,0 6,5 4,0
SG-TK-P-650 150 G400 650 32,5 20,0 13,0 10,0 8,0 6,5 4,0

Table. With TC220 corrector based on RVG-16 - RVG-400 counters

Designation Rice. Standard size of gas meter RVG Du
SG-TK-R-25...100 3 G16-G25 50 125 335 390 115 171 297 M16 4 14
SG-TK-R-160 3 G100 80 160 435 390 165 171 297 M16 8 18
SG-TK-R-250 3 G160 80 160 469 441 189 241 324 M16 8 35
SG-TK-R-400 3 G250 100 180 529 441 219 241 324 M16 8 41
SG-TK-R-650 3 G400 100 180 660 464 290 260 324 M16 8 52
SG-TK-R-650 3 G400 150 240 660 464 290 260 324 M20 8 58

Fig. 1. Gas flow direction - from left to right

Fig 2. Gas flow direction - from right to left

Fig 3. Gas flow direction - from left to right

Fig 4. Gas flow direction - from right to left

Fig 5. Gas flow direction - from left to right

Figure 6. Gas flow direction - from right to left

Fig. 7. Installation of the SG-TK complex with a TS220 corrector with a place for measuring gas temperature on the pipeline

Schemes SG-TK

Options for the complex with a VK gas meter

Find out prices or buy SG-TK possible through price request form or equipment order form. Expert advice can be obtained by phone 8-800-555-7654 . The call is free to all regions.

Basic information:

Based on the counter: TRZ, SG, RVG, VK

Gas volume corrector: TS220

Throughput, m3/h: from 5 to 6500; from 0.016 to 160

Price on request


SG-TK complexes are designed to measure the volume of natural gas in accordance with GOST 5542 and other non-aggressive, dry and purified, single- and multi-component gases in units of volume (quantity) reduced to standard conditions through automatic electronic correction of turbine (TRZ, SG), rotary ( RVG), diaphragm (VC) gas meters for temperature and at fixed values ​​of pressure and gas compressibility coefficient.

The SG-TK complex consists of a gas volume corrector TS220 and a gas meter.

Depending on the type of gas meter used, the SG-TK complex has the following versions:

  • execution complex SG-TK-T- with turbine gas meter TRZ Ru16 or SG16MT-R;
  • version of the SG-TK-R complex - with a rotary gas meter RVG;
  • version of the SG-TK-D complex - with a BK diaphragm gas meter.

Principle of operation:

The principle of operation of the SG-TK complex is based on the simultaneous measurement of the volume of gas (under operating conditions) passed through the meter and the temperature of the gas, followed by calculation, processing and archiving of the volume of gas reduced to standard conditions, taking into account conditionally constant (substitution) values ​​of pressure and compressibility coefficient gas using the gas volume corrector TC220.

Functions performed:

  • Programming and reading information from the corrector using the optical port installed on the front panel of the device.
  • Display of current measured and calculated parameters and archive data.
  • Formation of an archive with a volume of more than 2200 records with intervals of an hour, day or month for the working and standard volume of gas, substitution pressure, gas temperature, correction factor. Values ​​are recorded in the archive after the measurement period has expired, as well as in the event of an emergency (exceeding the limit values ​​of the measured parameters) or in the event of changes in the corrector settings.
  • Programming of 2 digital outputs for transmitting gas volume values ​​in the form of pulses and/or transmitting error messages.
  • Alarm about emergency situations (unauthorized intervention, violation of the boundaries of measured parameters, etc.).
  • Remote access interface - RS232/RS485;
  • Remote transfer of archive and process data using software SODEC;
  • Possibility of connecting telemetry modules BP-EK-03/T, BPEK-04/TS;
  • Transmission of SMS messages.

Main characteristics:

  • Operating flow range: for modifications SG-TK-T based on the SG meter: from 8 m 3 /h to 4000 m 3 /h (operating flow range Qmin/Qmax up to 1:20);
    for modifications SG-TK-T based on the TRZ meter: from 5 m 3 / h to 6500 m 3 / h (operating flow range Qmin/Qmax up to 1:30);
    for modifications SG-TK-R: from 0.6 m 3 / h to 650 m 3 / h (range of operating flow rates Qmin/Qmax up to 1:160);
    for modifications SG-TK-D: from 0.016 m 3 / h to 160 m 3 / h (range of operating flow rates Qmin/Qmax up to 1:160).
  • Measurement error of the SG-TK-T version based on SG, TRZ meters and the SG-TK-R version based on the RVG meter:

Flow range from Qt to Qmax; ± 1.2%;
-flow range from Qmin to Qt; ± 2.2%,
where Qt is the transition point (flow rate at which the error changes from one value to another):

Version SG-EK-T-100 based on the meter SG16MT-100-R (-R-1): 0.2Qmax;

Version SG-EK-T based on the meter SG16MT-250…4000-R-2: 0.1Qmax;

Version SG-EK-T based on the meter SG16MT-250...4000-R-3: 0.05Qmax;

Version SG-EK-T-250...6500 based on the TRZ G100...G4000 meter: 0.1Qmax;

Version SG-EK-T-100 based on the TRZ G65 meter: 0.2Qmax;

Version SG-EK-R based on the RVG meter of the main version: 0.1Qmax;

Version SG-EK-R based on the RVG meter, additional version “U”: 0.05Qmax.

  • Measurement error of the SG-TK-D design complex based on the VK meter:

Flow range from 0.1 Qnom to Qmax; ±1.7%;
- flow range from Qmin to 0.1 Qnom ± 3.2%.

  • Nominal diameter DN, mm:
    SG-TK-T based on the SG meter: Du50...Du200
    SG-TK-T based on TRZ meter: DN50...DN300
    SG-TK-R: DN50...DN150
  • Substitution value of working pressure (excessive) depending on the design of the complex:
    for version SG-TK-D (with gas meter type VK): up to 0.05 MPa;
    for versions SG-TK-R(-T) with gas meters type RVG (TRZ, SG): up to 0.1 MPa.
  • Ambient temperature range of the SG-TK complex: from -30 0 C to +60 0 C.
  • Interverification interval is 5 years.
  • Explosion protection:
    The SG-TK complex is approved for installation in hazardous areas and has explosion protection marking “1 Ex ib IIB T4”.

The complexes have an optical local access interface.
The SG-TK complex additionally has a remote access interface RS232/RS485, as well as the ability to connect an external DC power supply +5...9V, which allows it to be used in an automated commercial gas metering system (ASKUG).

Optional equipment:

Additional devices (not included in delivery):

  • external power supply and communication modules of the BPEK series (BPEK-03, BPEK-03/T, BPEK-03/Sh, BPEK-03/TSh, BPEK-04/TS);
  • MP260 functional expansion module;
  • hardware and software complex for reading data AS-300.

Attention! Additional devices must be installed outside the hazardous area.

Software (not included):

  • Software package "SODEK ® Standard™" version 6.x - designed for collecting data from non- large quantity TC220 in interactive mode with a direct connection or remotely (including via GSM channel).
  • The software and hardware complex “SODEK ® Extra™” is designed to collect data from a large number of TC220 correctors in automatic mode with a direct connection or remotely (including via GSM / GPRS channels).

By agreement with the Customer, it is possible to supply the following equipment:

  • gas filter FG16, which is installed in front of the SG-TK complexes;
  • a set of straight sections of the KPU for the SG-TK complexes for the installation of gas meters used in the complex in accordance with the requirements of the operational documentation for the gas meter and the requirements of GOST R 8.740-2011. The control unit has pressure tapping points to control the pressure drop across the gas meter used in the equipment of the complex.
  • SG-TK can be supplied as part of gas metering and reduction points of the PUG, PURDG series.

Selection of measuring complex

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Measuring systems of the SG-TK-D types for measuring gas consumption are used in tasks requiring accurate readings of consumed natural (or other non-aggressive) gas. Typically these are commercial utilities and industrial systems. Thanks to the presence of a thermal corrector, the gas meter readings are updated taking into account the ambient temperature.

The SG-TK-D measuring complex consists of an electronic temperature corrector for gas volume TS220 and a diaphragm gas meter BK (VK). Depending on the planned flow rate, the kit includes a meter for the corresponding maximum flow rate.

The principle of operation of the complex is to simultaneously calculate the gas flow passing through the meter, taking into account automatic temperature correction based on the calculation by the TC220 corrector of the true flow reduced to standard conditions, using the values ​​of temperature, pressure and gas compressibility coefficient.


product name

Center distance

Nominal flow rate, m3/h

Operating temperature range, t (0C)

Price including VAT / (RUB)

SG-TK-D-2.5...6 (VK G1.6; VK G2.5; VK G4 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor on the gas meter housing
SG-TK-D-2.5...6 (VK G1.6; VK G2.5; VK G4 + TC220) Installation of a corrector on the wall, a temperature sensor in the inlet (outlet) pipe of the gas meter

Cost of BK G6 with TC 220

SG-TK-D-10 (VK G6 + TC220 Installation of a corrector on the wall, a temperature sensor in the inlet (outlet) pipe of the gas meter
SG-TK-D-10 (VK G6 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor on the gas meter housing
SG-TK-D-10 (VK G6 + TC220) Installation of a corrector on the wall, a temperature sensor in the inlet (outlet) pipe of the gas meter

Cost of BK G10 with TC 220

SG-TK-D-16 (VK G10 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor on the gas meter housing
SG-TK-D-16 (VK G10 + TC220 Installation of a corrector on the wall, a temperature sensor in the inlet (outlet) pipe of the gas meter

Cost of BK G16 with TC 220

SG-TK-D-25 (VK G16 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor on the gas meter housing
SG-TK-D-25 (VK G16 + TC220 Installation of a corrector on the wall, a temperature sensor in the inlet (outlet) pipe of the gas meter

Cost of BK G25 with TC 220

SG-TK-D-40 (VK G25 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor on the gas meter housing
SG-TK-D-40 (VK G25 + TC220 Installation of a corrector on the wall, a temperature sensor in the inlet (outlet) pipe of the gas meter

Cost of BK G40 with TC 220

SG-TK-D-65 (VK G40 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor in a sleeve (fl) built into the gas meter housing

Cost of BK G65 with TC 220

SG-TK-D-100 (VK G65 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor in a sleeve built into the gas meter housing (fl)

Cost of BK G100 with TC 220

SG-TK-D-160 (VK G100 + TC220) Installation of a corrector and temperature sensor in a sleeve built into the gas meter housing (fl)


  • Based on the information about the environmental parameters available in the electronic corrector TS220, it gives the gas flow rate reduced to standard conditions.
  • Allows you to program and read information using an optical port mounted on the front panel of the corrector.
  • Displays read and calculated parameters, as well as archived data, on the LCD screen.
  • Creates an archive of five hundred records based on measurement data and environmental parameters, as well as calculated parameters. Archiving interval - hour, day or month, optional. Data is also archived when unusual situations arise and the complex settings are changed.
  • Remote access interface - digital ports RS232/RS485.
  • Allows you to program the existing two digital ports, through which data is remotely read from the complex about the amount of gas passed, as well as data about any failures and unusual situations.
  • Notifies against the occurrence of non-standard situations (unauthorized access, measured parameters exceeding acceptable limits).
  • Uses the SODEC software package for remote data transfer (including archival).
  • Allows you to connect communication modules of the BP-EK-03/T, BPEK-04/TS series.
  • Allows you to send SMS messages.

Additionally, the complex can be supplied with:

SODEC software for both retrieving data from a small number of electronic correctors in interactive mode (including via GSM channel), and for retrieving data from a large number of correctors in automatic mode (including via GSM / GPRS channels );
- communication modules of the BPEK series and an external power supply;
and other popular equipment.