Why is Rosneft buying TNK-BP? TNK BP is a joint Russian-British venture

» announced the purchase of TNK-BP.

2013 - a message was received about the completion of the transaction to purchase TNK-BP.


2003 - creation of the company by two founders: British BP and Tyumen Oil Company of Russia. In 1995, the TNK company was formed, leaving Rosneft. The current owners privatized the company in 1997. In 1999, TNK included the Saratov oil refinery and four oil and gas production enterprises. Then it acquired ONAKO and the Lisichansky Oil Refinery. TNK owns the oil producing association Orenburgneft.

After the merger into BP, the structure of the enterprise changed. During the period from 2005 to 2007, the company sold Saratovneftegaz, Udmurtneft, an oil refinery in the city of Orsk and a stake in RUSIA Petroleum.

Conflict between TNK-BP shareholders

2008 - a public conflict arose between shareholders who insisted on reducing the number of British managers in TNCs and the dismissal of General Director Dudley. One of the shareholders, the AAR consortium, believed that the British company was trying to control the holding without taking into account the interests of other shareholders. It was announced that they would begin to protect their interests through legal procedures. The chairman of the board of directors accused the Russian "" of trying to control TNK-BP by force and was upset by the inaction of the Russian one.

In July, a lawsuit was filed in High London against four Russian shareholders of the company. They were Mikhail Fridman, Viktor Vekselberg, Leonard Blavatnik and German Khan.

In September, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding. As a result, CEO Dudley was removed, BP managed to retain a 50% stake and an IPO of 20% of the joint venture.

Owners and management of TNK-BP

The company is a subsidiary of TNK-BP International. Place of registration - British Virgin Islands. TNK-BP International was formed in 2003, the founders were the British oil company BP and the AAR consortium, which contributed shares to it: 96% - TNK; 98% - ONAKO; 98% - Sidanko; 50% - "" and shares of "RUSIA Petroleum" and "Rospan". In 2005, the TNK-BP Holding holding was created, with registration in the Tyumen region. As of October 2012, 50% of the shares were owned by the British BP, 5% of the shares were in free float, the rest was owned by Alfa Group.

In October 2012, an announcement was made about an agreement between Rosneft and TNK-BP shareholders on the purchase. The British side received $16.65 billion and 12.84% of Rosneft shares. The AAR consortium received $27.73 billion. There were no plans to pay dividends or buy back shares from minority shareholders. This impacted the company's stock price, which fell 21%, a record high.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service agreed to Rosneft's request to purchase 100% of TNK-BP. Since 2013, Rosneft has exercised full control over the activities of TNK-BP.

Activities of TNK-BP

The company produces oil in a number of regions of the country: in Western Siberia, in the Volga-Ural region, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The company owns the gas production company Rospan International.

As of 2008, the company's reserves amounted to 8.230 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

The company owns five oil refineries (Ryazan, Nizhnevartovsk, Nyagan (KhMAO), Saratov, Lisichansk).

The retail network consists of more than 1,500 gas stations that use the TNK and BP trademarks.

Performance indicators of TNK-BP

The company employs about 60 thousand people. As of 2008, hydrocarbon production amounted to 601 million barrels of oil equivalent.

Violation of antimonopoly legislation by TNK-BP

In 2008, a fine of 1.1 billion was imposed on the company. The basis is the collective maintenance of high prices for wholesale sales petroleum products. The company challenged these in court. However, the Supreme Arbitration Court refused to challenge the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

2012, February, the company was fined by the FAS in the amount of 1.39 billion rubles, as the “third wave” of antimonopoly cases against oil companies. The fine was received for “creating discriminatory conditions in the wholesale gasoline market,” as well as for setting and maintaining monopolistic high prices on the market for the period II-III quarters of 2011.

Social policy of TNK-BP

As of 2010, the company spent 1.4 billion rubles on charity. The company's team has been taking part in the RTCC Russian racing series since 2009. In 2010, the Touring team championship was won in this series. The team received 1671.6 points.

TNK-BP shares

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TNK-BP company, company history, production and sales

TNK-BP company, company history, production and sales, corporate structure

1. TNK-BP Company

2. History

3. Corporate governance

Corporate structure

Board of Directors

Anti-corruption and prevention

4. Production

Exploration and production

Geological exploration


5. Sale of oil and petroleum products

6. Oil services

7. Technology

Production optimization

Geological exploration


Projects and Engineering

8. Ecology and safety

Environmental programs and initiatives

Associated gas utilization


Prevention of water pollution

Greenhouse gas emissions assessment

9. Social responsibility

Career at TNK-BP

External activities

10. Procurement and sales

TNK-BP is one of the leading oil companies in Russia and is one of the ten largest private oil companies in the world in terms of oil production volumes. The company was formed in 2003 as a result of the merger of the oil and gas assets of BP in Russia and the oil and gas assets of the Alpha Access/Renova consortium (AAR). BP and AAR own TNK-BP on a parity basis. TNK-BP shareholders also own about 50% of the shares of Slavneft.

TNK-BP is a vertically integrated oil company whose portfolio includes a number of production, refining and marketing enterprises in Russia and Ukraine. The company's mining assets are located mainly in Western Siberia (Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, Tyumen Region), Eastern Siberia (Irkutsk Region) and the Volga-Ural region (Orenburg Region). In 2008, the company's production (including its share in Slavneft) amounted to 1.85 million barrels. AD per day.

TNK-BP Company

An independent audit of reserves conducted by DeGolyer and MacNaughton confirmed that as of December 31, 2008, TNK-BP's total proven reserves amounted to 10.252 billion barrels. n. e. according to PRMS criteria (formerly SPE). The inventory replacement rate was 146%. According to the SEC methodology, without taking into account the validity period of licenses, TNK-BP’s total proven reserves amounted to 8.112 billion barrels. n. e. The inventory replacement rate was 82%.

The company's main processing assets are located in Ryazan, Saratov, Nizhnevartovsk and Lisichansk (Ukraine). TNK-BP's refining capacity is 675,000 barrels per day.

The company's retail network includes about 1,400 gas stations in Russia and Ukraine, operating under the TNK and BP brands. The company is a key supplier to the Moscow retail market and a leader in the Ukrainian market.

The company's management staff, led by a team of managers with experience in more than 50 countries, is located in Moscow. A powerful combination of the best international and Russian personnel ensures the introduction of world-class technologies and international standards production activities, corporate governance and labor protection and environmental safety.

TNK-BP's approximately 63,000 employees work primarily in the eight largest regions of Russia and Ukraine.

TNK-BP is a member of or supports the following organizations:

American-Russian business advice

American Chamber of Commerce

Association of European Businesses

British Business Club

German-Russian Forum

World Resources Institute

Energy Institute, London

Institute for Energy Research, Oxford

Energy Policy Institute

Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)

International Association of Oil and Gas Producers

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

International Economic Forum

Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum

Moscow International Oil and Gas Club

Society of Petroleum Engineers

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Russian-British Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Nixon Center

She is also one of the founders of the Russian Partnership for the Development of Responsible Business -

TNK-BP also joined the World Economic Forum's Partnership Against Corruption initiative.


TNK-BP ranks third in terms of oil production in Russia. The company's share is about 18% of total production (including the share of Slavneft in production).

On September 1, 2003, BP, Alfa Group and Access/Renova (AAR) announced the creation of a strategic partnership and the intention to combine their oil assets in Russia and Ukraine. The result of the agreement was the creation of the TNK-BP company, which is currently the third largest company in Russia in terms of reserves and oil production volumes.

BP and AAR own TNK-BP on a parity basis. AAR contributed to the new company its stakes in TNK International, ONAKO and SIDANKO, as well as shares in RUSIA Petroleum (which owns the license to develop the Kovyktinskoye gas condensate field and the Verkhnechonskoye oil and gas field) and the gas production enterprise Rospan International in Western Siberia (Novo-Urengoyskoye and East Urengoyskoye field).

BP's contribution was its shares in the companies SIDANCO and RUSIA Petroleum, as well as a stake in the Moscow network of BP gas stations. In January 2004, BP and AAR entered into an agreement to include BP's 50% share in Slavneft into TNK-BP. Previously, this company, operating in Russia and Belarus, was jointly owned by AAR and Sibneft (currently Gazprom Neft).

Since the start of operations, TNK-BP has increased its production volume by almost 17%, from 1.58 million barrels. n e./day in 2003 to 1.85 million barrels. n e./day in 2008 (including TNK-BP’s share in Slavneft).

In the near future, TNK-BP will continue to develop the company's mature fields, maintaining production levels and ensuring annual replacement of reserves in a volume exceeding annual production. At the same time, TNK-BP continues to develop new fields that will ensure growth for the company in the long term. It is expected that the first of the company's new projects will be put into operation in 2009 - until then, no significant increase in production is expected at TNK-BP fields.

In 2008, the replacement rate of TNK-BP's total proven reserves using the PRMS method was 146%. Over five years, the average reserve replacement rate using the SEC LOF method was 133%.

Corporate governance

Corporate structure

The TNK-BP strategy emphasizes the importance of corporate governance as one of key elements necessary to create a world-class Russian company.

Since the company's establishment in 2003, TNK-BP has developed and implemented a corporate governance system designed to protect the interests of all shareholders, facilitate effective and timely decision-making and obtain transparent management information. The corporate governance standards adopted by our company are among the highest among Russian companies, and we are constantly working to further improve them to the level of the best international standards.

The fundamental document of the TNK-BP corporate governance system is the agreement between the shareholders of BP and AAR, which formulates general principles company management.

The TNK-BP Board of Directors, consisting of eleven members (four from BP, four from AAR and three independent directors), provides strategic direction to the company. There are two committees under the Board of Directors: the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee.

The current activities of the company are managed by the TNK-BP senior management team.

TNK-BP implemented several projects aimed at improving corporate governance and increasing information transparency. Thus, the large-scale Accounting Transformation Project (ATP) has modernized accounting systems and practices. This is the first project of this kind in the Russian oil industry, and its successful implementation made it possible to significantly reduce the preparation time and increase the accuracy of external and internal financial reporting. Today:

The time required to close reporting has been reduced to 10 days.

A unified chart of accounts has been developed.

Accounting in accordance with IFRS standards (previously formed in the corporate center) is carried out in regional representative offices.

Data safety and integrity is ensured by implemented and controlled systems.

The company also began implementing a Project to improve the internal control system and continues to improve the Code of Business Practices and corporate standards. All of these projects have allowed us to significantly improve corporate governance through increased transparency, enabled by an efficient two-way flow of accurate information from production units to management company, effective forecasting and planning, informed decision making and accurate resource allocation.

In 2004, TNK-BP began a large-scale corporate restructuring with the aim of simplifying the complex corporate structure inherited from its predecessor companies, reducing the number legal entities and improving corporate governance. In the process of restructuring, the predecessor companies of TNK, SIDANKO and ONAKO became part of TNK-BP Holding (TBH), which now owns the majority of TNK-BP's mining and processing assets in Russia. As a result of the restructuring, we were able to rationalize the company's structure and increase the transparency of our activities. TBH shareholders meet twice a year at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to review semi-annual and annual results and approve dividends.

At the end of 2006, TBH for the first time presented consolidated financial statements in accordance with USGAAP standards, prepared in addition to the regulatory reporting under RAS, which TBH sends to Federal service on financial markets in accordance with Russian legislation. In the future, TBH will continue to provide financial statements in accordance with USGAAP and RAS.

In 2005, TNK-BP was the first Russian company to join the World Economic Forum's Partnership Against Corruption initiative, which calls on companies to adopt a zero-tolerance policy against bribery and develop practical anti-corruption measures.

TNK-BP is a progressive company focused on increasing operational efficiency and constantly improving production indicators. The company strives to achieve the highest results in all areas of its activities. Each company manager has an individual production contract with clearly defined tasks that are aimed at achieving corporate goals outlined in the company's business plans.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of TNK-BP includes 11 members: four representatives from each of the two groups of shareholders, as well as three independent directors. The Board of Directors performs the following key functions:

determines the strategic directions of development of TNK-BP;

analyzes the performance of the company and its compliance with the strategy;

appoints, dismisses and evaluates the activities of the company's management;

ensures that the company's activities comply with high standards of business ethics;

exercises financial control;

advises on major acquisitions, divestitures and disbursement programs.

There are two committees subordinate to the Board of Directors: the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee.

Anti-corruption and prevention

Combating and preventing corruption is one of the priorities of TNK-BP. The company views rejection of corruption as an integral component of its efficiency and sustainable development.

TNK-BP was the first Russian oil and gas company to join the World Economic Forum's Partnership Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) and is successfully implementing the key provisions of this document into daily business practice.

Since 2005, the company has been implementing a plan to reduce corruption risks. Since 2007, the implementation and control of the implementation of the plan has become the scope of activity of the corruption risk reduction manager, whose position was created at TNK-BP.

The result of these steps was the creation of a multi-level system for reducing corruption risks at TNK-BP. This system is reflected in the Code of Business Practices and a number of policies, standards and procedures of TNK-BP, which detail the responsibilities of management regarding business ethics, algorithms for the actions of all management levels and company employees in the event of the possible occurrence of corruption risks, as well as measures to identify and prevent manifestations of corruption.

Corporate provisions regulatory documents In the field of anti-corruption, not only TNK-BP employees, but also the company’s partners who enter into contractual relations with it are obliged to strictly comply. Thus, standard procedures for processing transactions and contracts concluded by TNK-BP with external contractors and suppliers provide for the mandatory inclusion in the contract of so-called anti-corruption clauses, which prohibit any corrupt actions of all parties to the agreement and provide for sanctions up to the termination of the transaction.

In 2006, about a thousand line managers of the TNK-BP corporate center underwent special training on the implementation of business ethics. The company also carried out ethical certification, during which a declaration of compliance with business ethics was signed by more than 250 senior and senior managers of TNK-BP. In addition, a series of seminars were held for top managers of TNK-BP on the interpretation and practice of applying anti-corruption laws and best practices in this area.

TNK-BP's efforts to combat corruption were highly appreciated by PACI management and reputable independent organizations.


TNK-BP is one of the leading oil companies in Russia in terms of oil production. TNK-BP's production assets are located in Western Siberia, the Volga-Ural region and Eastern Siberia.

TNK-BP refines oil at five of its own refineries (four of which are in Russia and one in Ukraine) and controls a network of approximately 1,400 gas stations operating under the TNK and BP brands in Central Russia and Ukraine. In addition, the company occupies a leading position in the Moscow fuel market.

Exploration and production

TNK-BP controls a large and diversified portfolio of exploration and production assets, which provides the company with significant growth opportunities in the short, medium and long term. The production assets include both already developed and undeveloped fields. Production growth will be supported by the introduction of new technologies to enhance oil recovery and optimize production processes at developed fields. In the future, the development of new assets will contribute to further growth in oil and gas production.


According to the audit, as of December 31, 2008, TNK-BP's total proven reserves amounted to 10.252 billion barrels. n. e. according to PRMS criteria (formerly SPE). In 2008, the replacement rate of TNK-BP's total proven reserves using the PRMS method was 146%.

In addition to the increase in proven reserves using the PRMS method, geological exploration activities carried out by the company provided an increase of about 530 million barrels. unproven reserves, which indicates another successful year in the area of ​​renewal of the resource base.

According to the SEC methodology, without taking into account the validity period of licenses, TNK-BP’s total proven reserves amounted to 8.112 billion barrels. n. e. In 2008, adding 494 million barrels. of proven reserves is equal to the replacement rate of total proven reserves excluding the validity period of licenses in the amount of 82%. Over five years, the average reserve replacement rate using the SEC LOF method was 133%.

TNK-BP owns about 200 production licenses. 2/3 of production is carried out at 10 main fields. 80% of proven reserves are located in the company's 20 main fields.


Production at the fields included in the assets of TNK-BP has been growing rapidly over the past few years. Significant growth was achieved primarily due to the effectiveness of the use of technologies to enhance oil recovery and management of waterflooding systems in mature fields. The company's specialists have also achieved significant success in conducting geological exploration work at the main fields of TNK-BP. In particular, if in 2001 TNK-BP production (excluding Slavneft) was 1.04 million barrels per day. (52 million tons/year), then already in 2008 it reached 1.45 million barrels/day. (almost 70.5 million tons/year).

One of the advantages of TNK-BP's production assets is that more than 50% of total production is provided by the five largest fields, which creates a significant synergistic effect.

Despite the fact that at the moment TNK-BP does not have significant proven gas reserves on its balance sheet according to the PRSM and SEC methodologies, the company produces about 9 billion cubic meters of associated petroleum gas annually. The company has medium- and long-term options for developing its gas business, which will be implemented subject to further development market for independent gas production and sales.

Currently, TNK-BP sells more than 11 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year, most of which is associated petroleum gas. Medium-term prospects for the development of TNK-BP's gas business are based on the development of gas and condensate production assets of the Rospan company, located in the Nadym-Pur-Tazovsky region. TNK-BP plans to develop Rospan's production capabilities in accordance with the growing gas demand of the Russian market. The scale and timing of Rospan's future development depend on the possibility of access to the pipeline system.

Geological exploration

TNK-BP carries out a whole range of geological exploration work in the main regions of the company's activities. In Western Siberia, geological exploration covers the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk fields Autonomous okrugs, Tyumen, Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions, and in the European part of the Russian Federation - Orenburg, Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic. In Eastern Siberia geological exploration work are being conducted in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the main work is aimed at searching for and exploring satellite deposits, that is, small deposits located near developed deposits with developed infrastructure and additional exploration of existing reserves. The main work is concentrated on the territory of the Latitudinal Ob Region (subsoil users are Samotlorneftegaz, TNK-Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhnevartovsk Oil Producing Enterprise, Varyeganneftegaz, Yugraneft) and the Krasnoleninsky arch (subsoil user TNK-Nyagan).

In 2008, through geological exploration, the company achieved an increase of 530 million barrels. unproven reserves.

In the south of the Tyumen region, TNK-BP is the only large company, which has a significant resource base and produces oil. Licenses to conduct geological exploration in this region belong to TNK-BP subsidiaries - Tyumenneftegaz, TNK-Uvat, Radonezh Petroleum. In the Tyumen region there are significant territories with both promising resources (2D seismic and exploratory drilling are being carried out there) and fields prepared for development, such as Kalchinskoye, Urnenskoye and Ust-Tegusskoye (additional exploration and clarification of the structure of structures is underway - 3D seismic, exploration drilling). Over the past three years, the company has significantly increased the volume of geological exploration work in the region, which has allowed it to significantly expand the resource base and discover several new oil and gas fields.

The licensed areas of the Novosibirsk region (located in the northern part of the Novosibirsk region) are currently poorly studied. Novosibirskneftegaz carries out 2D seismic surveys and exploratory drilling in order to more fully study the territory, as well as further exploration work (3D seismic, exploration drilling).

Activities in the European part of Russia are mainly represented by the Orenburg region, where residual oil reserves and resources are dispersed across many small fields. The licenses belong to TNK-BP subsidiaries - Orenburgneft and Buguruslanneft. The main volume of work is focused on identifying satellite deposits, which can then be quickly put into development. 3D seismic exploration is increasingly being used as the main search tool.

In the Samara and Saratov regions, bordering the Orenburg region, TNK-BP carries out seismic exploration and drills exploratory wells in three license areas.

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the presence of TNK-BP is limited to five licenses. Both prospecting work and additional exploration of previously discovered deposits are being carried out in the existing areas. Drilling of prospecting and exploration wells is carried out on the territory of the East Urengoy and Novo-Urengoy fields (subsoil user - Rospan International) for the purpose of additional exploration of the Neocomian formations and the Achimov member, and at the Russkoye field, where the potential of deep-lying Jurassic deposits is being studied.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, TNK-BP carries out geological exploration work at the Suzunskoye and Tagulskoye fields (subsoil users are Suzun and Tagulskoye) and nine more license areas that form the Bolshekhetskoye project. Active geological exploration work is being carried out on the territory of the Bolshekhetsk project - 2D and 3D seismic exploration, drilling of exploration and prospecting wells for additional exploration of already identified deposits and discovery of satellite deposits, and trial operation of wells is underway.


TNK-BP's refining capacities are located mainly in the European part of Russia and are balanced with production capacities for extraction. Oil refining faces two tasks: to ensure the supply of petroleum products to wholesale and retail markets within the country and to increase export potential by increasing sales of petroleum products to markets near and far abroad.

TNK-BP owns five main refineries, four of which are located in Russia and one in Ukraine. The actual processing of these plants in 2007 amounted to 28.71 million tons/year.

RNPK is located in Ryazan (200 km southeast of Moscow). This plant is advantageously located for the supply of petroleum products both to the Moscow market and to the export market northwestern Europe. Other refineries - Saratov Refinery, Krasnoleninsky Refinery and NNPO - are typical for Russia in terms of capacity and technological equipment. Their location allows them to effectively satisfy local demand for petroleum products.

LINIK (Ukraine), equipped with a catalytic cracking unit, is the best in Ukraine. The plant is advantageously located from the point of view of servicing the domestic market, as well as export deliveries through the Black Sea terminals.

Sales of oil and petroleum products

As a vertically integrated oil company, TNK-BP processes and markets significant volumes of crude oil and petroleum products produced.

The task of implementation lies with the TNK-BP Sales and Logistics Department, which supplies oil and petroleum products to consumers in domestic and foreign markets, supplies the company's refineries with raw materials, and also supplies petroleum products to TNK-BP sales enterprises for subsequent sale.

Today TNK-BP sells 8 grades of crude oil and 47 types of petroleum products through various transportation and sales channels, including pipeline, rail and water transport(about 60 different directions), as well as through 14 sales enterprises and a network of oil depots in several regions of Russia.

In 2007, the volume of oil sales amounted to about 81 million tons, of which 46% was exported, and 54% was supplied to refineries in Russia and the CIS (oil sales data). The main share of exported oil is sold by the company through open tenders.

The volume of sales of petroleum products in 2007 amounted to 27 million tons, of which 15 million tons were exported, 3 million tons were supplied to the domestic market and 9 million tons were sold through the sales network (data on sales of petroleum products). The main volume of sales of petroleum products on the domestic market is gasoline, and the main share in exports comes from diesel fuel and fuel oil.

In order to increase operational efficiency, the Sales and Logistics Department has implemented a number of projects during its work aimed at diversifying sales channels, optimizing business processes and IT systems, expanding the range of supplied products, improving transportation safety, and developing human resources.

Transportation of oil and petroleum products is an activity associated with increased risk, therefore, from the beginning of the company’s work, special attention was paid to it. Currently, both sea and river transportation is carried out by vessels that meet the safety standards adopted by BP and other international companies.

All terminals with which the company operates are also regularly audited to identify and eliminate risks in relation to environmental and industrial safety.

The company's long-term development strategy for 5 years is focused on the following priority areas:

Further improvement of commercial chains - optimization of sales and logistics business processes.

Increasing the share of highly liquid refined products and products that meet international specifications.

Effective use of storage opportunities for oil and petroleum products to generate additional profit.

Implementation of control and risk reduction systems.

Development of new effective business processes and supporting systems.

Professional improvement and growth of employees through the use of motivation, training and rotation opportunities.

Oil services

TNK-BP completed its exit from the oilfield services business in July 2009. The company intends to focus on its core activities – production, refining and marketing of oil and petroleum products. In addition, the sale of oilfield service assets will allow TNK-BP to increase business efficiency and provide access to the most modern drilling rigs, drilling equipment and overhaul wells, as well as services, will contribute to the development of market competition and attract Russian market recognized international service companies.

In recent years, TNK-BP's oil services business has been focused on improving the efficiency and value of services for the Exploration and Production Block. TNK-BP operated ten oil service enterprises located in the Orenburg region and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

They provided services in the areas of:

current and capital workover of wells (TKRS);



The total number of personnel was about 7 thousand people.

The main tasks of TNK-BP oil services were:

increasing the efficiency and quality of services;

consolidation of production assets;

leadership in the field of labor protection, industrial safety and security environment

A corporate risk management system was introduced at all enterprises of the Oilfield Services Block, a series of technical audits were carried out, significant progress was achieved in reducing the number of major and serious incidents, and a program to work with educational institutions Russia.

In May 2009, TNK-BP reached an agreement to sell the oilfield services business to Weatherford International. In July, the deal was approved by the antimonopoly authorities and it was completed. As a result, TNK-BP received the priority right to engage Weatherford as a contractor to provide drilling rigs and advanced technologies


TNK-BP views technology as one of the key components of its success in the global economic arena. Competent management technology, first of all, allows you to introduce new approaches to work and helps get rid of obsessive thinking patterns. The fear of change is replaced by the realization that change is a normal part of any process, both production and management.

TNK-BP employees strive to demonstrate the highest professionalism in their work, to comply with accepted international standards that regulate the use of not only new technologies, but also new methods of work, thanks to which the efficiency of existing technologies, methods and techniques also increases. This approach is typical for all areas of the company’s activities: exploration and production, refining and marketing.

In 2004 and 2005 expert working groups were created in some of the main areas of the company's production activities - a corrosion control group, a group of expert support for the operation and maintenance of wells, a drilling group, a group for increasing the efficiency of drilling operations, a group of electric centrifugal pumps, a group of well maintenance and workover, a group optimization of reservoir pressure maintenance systems, as well as an expert group on oil measurement and accounting and an electrical expert group.

Specialists from all Business Units and technology experts took an active part in the work of the groups and made a significant contribution to the results of the implementation of the programs in 2004-2005. Groups ensure problem resolution, dissemination of best practices, implementation common standards and procedures, practical use of technologies, transfer of technical experience to the regions.

In May 2006, the TNK-BP Visual Modeling Center was opened, using the latest computer-aided design technologies.

Production optimization

Increasing the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing and developing comprehensive solutions aimed at increasing the coverage of formations by waterflooding are the subject of serious, focused work by all divisions of the company. In 2004, TNK-BP managed to achieve an increase in oil recovery through the use of hydraulic fracturing by more than 50% compared to 2003, without deteriorating production cost indicators. Such impressive results were achieved thanks to the introduction of new technologies, refinement of tools and new forms of cooperation between specialists from different units. A huge team is working on the task of increasing the coverage of formations by waterflooding: this year alone, production departments collected and analyzed data from thousands of areas. For all four main areas of the company's production and commercial activities, comprehensive action programs have been developed, the implementation of which will be an important factor in the constant growth of production volumes.

Geological exploration

The exploration division is responsible for implementing the company's exploration program, which has several distinct areas of focus. “Border” exploration of mature deposits (Brownfields), carried out as a continuation of previously started programs, has been well developed. Such work makes it possible, at low costs, to discover fields with reserves in the range of 6.84 million tons (50 million barrels). These deposits, although small, are relatively easy to develop and allow the transition to industrial exploitation in the shortest possible time. Another important area of ​​work is exploration of new deposits (Greenfields); this includes the Uvat project, 4 fields of Krasnoyarsk-Taimyr, Rospan areas and the Kovyktinskoye field. The Company has acquired a license for extensive areas and intends to continue appraisal and exploration work in order to ensure the achievement of planned targets for field development and reserve replenishment. The next direction is completely new promising areas, such as Yamal, Eastern Siberia and the Arctic shelf. Reserve volumes at individual fields located in these areas may exceed 34.2 million tons (250 million barrels). Another important and very promising component of the TNK-BP exploration program is work on undeveloped fields and fields of the unallocated fund. The company hopes that these strategic components, combined with the latest technologies, will provide the "freedom of maneuver" necessary for further development.


In the refining and trading division, the optimization system implemented by TNK-BP continues to work for the benefit of the company - the reliable algorithms underlying it are steadily increasing the oil netback. Projects such as the modernization of vacuum gas oil production at the Ryazan Refinery, the construction of a bitumen production unit and a gasoline isomerization unit at the Lisichansk Refinery, the construction of a visbreaking unit at the Saratov Refinery are all examples of the introduction of technologies that will allow TNK-BP to take its rightful place in the future of oil production. and gas processing industry. These projects are aimed mainly at increasing the depth of refining and yield of light petroleum products, improving the quality of high-octane gasoline and introducing modern catalysts.

Projects and Engineering

As part of the expansion of its production base in 2008-2009. the company successfully launched three large oil production projects: the Uvat group of fields in the Tyumen region (reserves - 1 billion barrels), the Verkhnechonskoye field in Eastern Siberia (1.4 billion barrels), as well as the northern center for the development of the Kamennoye field in Khanty-Mansiysk district (1.7 billion barrels). In the near future, TNK-BP will focus its technology activities on the Yamal projects: Russky, Suzunsky, Tagulsky and Messoyakha (together with the Slavneft company), as well as on the Rospan project. All these fields in Yamal together represent an impressive resource base with an annual potential of more than 30 million tons of oil equivalent. In the next ten years, Yamal will become for TNK-BP and for Russia as a whole the main center for increasing reserves and replenishing production. In addition, over the course of five years, the company plans to invest significant funds in a comprehensive program for modernizing oil refineries in Russia and Ukraine in order to increase the depth of refining and achieve Euro-3 and Euro-4 fuel standards.

Ecology and safety

TNK-BP management considers industrial safety, employee health and environmental issues to be among the most important. From the very first day of its establishment, company leaders have repeatedly emphasized their commitment to industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection, which was reflected in the formulation of the policy.

At the moment, the company has developed five Program Commitments (Policies) of TNK-BP, including the Policy on labor protection, industrial safety and environmental protection. Policies outline the company's forward-looking strategic vision and core values. At the second level are the TNK-BP Standards, which describe in more detail the ways of implementing the Policies. They reflect goals for the near future and correspond to the strategic concept of the company.

Of course, there are problems in oil-producing areas, mainly due to aging infrastructure. But, along with the problems, there are also great opportunities in using the latest technologies offered by BP.

TNK-BP allocates about $180 million a year to solve environmental, industrial and labor safety problems - this money should be spent on things that will reduce industrial injuries, material damage and negative impacts on the environment, as well as taking measures to replace worn pipes.

Rational environmental management

Like any other industrial activity, the operation of oil and gas enterprises has an impact on the environment. The company is aware of its responsibility to society for possible Negative consequences production activities, and makes significant efforts to minimize the component-by-component and complex impact on the environment. Minimization methods include modernization of production to reduce emissions and discharges, replacement and inhibition of pipelines to prevent oil spills, reclamation of mechanically disturbed and oil-contaminated lands, utilization of associated petroleum gas and many other environmental measures. As a result of these measures, our operational environmental performance has improved year on year and we are consistently eliminating legacy pollution.

Over the years of its existence, the company has achieved the following results:

Gross emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for the company as a whole decreased by 22.5% compared to 2007. As a result, the level of use of associated petroleum gas by TNK-BP in 2008 was 80%. In the medium term, taking into account the macroeconomic situation, TNK-BP plans to gradually continue work aimed at increasing the level of use of associated petroleum gas and bringing it to 95% at all company assets.

Despite the increase in oil and gas production and the commissioning of new fields, the level of water consumption throughout the company remains stable. This is due to measures aimed at reducing technological losses, modernizing treatment facilities and optimizing water consumption in general.

The company's volume of recycled water supply and reused water has increased by 22% since 2005. In particular, at oil and gas production enterprises there is a gradual reduction in the use of fresh water to maintain reservoir pressure and the use of produced water for these purposes.

The use of industrial waste has increased by 74% since 2006, a third of which is oil sludge. One of the widest areas of application for oil sludge is road construction, where it is used either as an additive to the asphalt mixture or as a raw material in the manufacture of building materials.

The number of spills in the company decreased by 63% compared to 2005 as a result of TNK-BP’s successfully implemented integrity management strategy. Thus, in 2004-2008, 3,280 km of pipelines were reconstructed, and the main requirement for reconstruction is the mandatory provision of internal and external protection.

As a result of the “historic heritage” reclamation program (that is, lands contaminated in previous years of exploitation by predecessor companies or previous license holders), more than 1,700 hectares of land have been completely reclaimed and transferred to state commissions; the costs of these activities amounted to almost $50 million.

Investments in the company's environmental protection measures increased 7.5 times, from RUB 600 million. in 2005 to 4.5 billion rubles. in 2008. Despite the current financial situation, the volume of investments in environmental protection in 2009 will not only not decrease, but will even increase slightly.

Environmental programs and initiatives

In the field of environmental safety, the company has focused its attention on three main areas: land reclamation, associated gas utilization and ensuring the integrity of pipelines. Significant progress has been made in addressing these challenges.

One of the company's priorities is the reclamation of lands inherited from predecessor companies. The program for the reclamation of the “historical heritage” and the decommissioning of production facilities has been carried out since 2005. During this time, as a result of the work done at the sites with total area Reclamation of more than 1,700 hectares was fully completed and land delivery to authorized government bodies was ensured.

The company continues to implement programs to increase the use of associated petroleum gas. Projects in this area include the construction of gas collection systems, the expansion of gas processing capacities, and the construction of power plants using associated gas as a raw material. Capital investments in the processing of associated gas will help improve the environmental situation by reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and will also make it possible to put the use of associated petroleum gas on a commercial basis.

Since 2003, TNK-BP has invested heavily in pipeline inspection, replacement and corrosion protection programs, which now total approximately 25,000 km. The company's mechanical integrity program includes the replacement of worn pipes, as well as the introduction of new technologies to protect existing pipelines from corrosion. It is planned to replace the pipelines by 2012 total length 4,500 km and carry out 50% anti-corrosion treatment pipeline system.

Associated gas utilization

Utilization of associated gas (APG) is an important strategic area of ​​activity for TNK-BP, as it reduces emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and ensures the company's compliance with license obligations. The company continues to implement programs aimed at increasing associated gas utilization rates in the regions where the company operates. The level of use of associated petroleum gas by TNK-BP was 80% in 2008. Accordingly, gross emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for the company as a whole decreased by 22.5% compared to 2007. The volume of APG production in 2008 amounted to 9.728 billion cubic meters, which is 14.7% more than in 2007. A significant increase in the volume of recycling and a decrease in emissions into the atmosphere is due, firstly, to the commissioning of an oil absorption unit, which makes it possible to separate condensate from associated petroleum gas at the Nizhnevartovsk Gas Processing Plant. And, secondly, by increasing the capacity of the Belozerny gas processing plant. Both of these plants are part of the joint venture between TNK-BP and SIBUR. In the medium term, taking into account the macroeconomic situation, TNK-BP plans to gradually continue work aimed at increasing the level of use of associated petroleum gas.

In April 2009, SIBUR Vostok and TNK-BP signed a memorandum of intent in the field of processing associated petroleum gas in the Irkutsk region. The document provides for the possibility of combining the efforts of companies to create gas processing facilities in the region on the raw material base of the Verkhnechonskoye field, which is being developed by an oil company. SIBUR has already begun developing technical and economic considerations (TES) for the construction of gas processing and gas chemical facilities in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. After the completion of the thermal power plant, the parties will decide on the advisability of joint participation in the construction of new production facilities in the Irkutsk region. The development of gas processing in the eastern part of the country largely depends on the participation of the state in the creation of the appropriate infrastructure and the existence of long-term commercial agreements on the supply of APG between the project operator and subsoil users before the construction of processing facilities begins.


Among others environmental problems, inherited by TNK-BP from predecessor companies, more than 5,000 hectares of oil-contaminated land, hundreds of sludge pits and several thousand tons of drilling waste became the property of the company. Most of these facilities are located in Western Siberia, of which about 80% are at the Samotlor field. This field has been in operation for more than 30 years, and its early development was carried out without complying with modern environmental standards. The peak of production occurred in the early 80s, but the environmental consequences have persisted to this day.

TNK-BP has committed itself to eliminating inherited oil-contaminated and disturbed lands and accumulated drilling waste (the so-called “ historical heritage"). A special program was developed for their elimination, and to finance activities within the framework of this program, TNK-BP formed a special fund, the volume of which - about 200 million US dollars - is annually reviewed and adjusted taking into account the progress of the program, new knowledge and technologies in the field of reclamation . As a result of this program, more than 1,700 hectares of land have been completely reclaimed and transferred to authorized state commissions; the costs of these activities amounted to almost $50 million.

The company’s strict position regarding the quality and effectiveness of environmental protection work, as well as the low ability of the environmental services market to meet the company’s needs in the volume and quality of this work, required a revision in 2008 of the remediation program for contaminated lands, as well as approaches to organizing this work. The program was based on the following principles: focus on the final result and effectiveness of the work carried out, the use of natural self-healing mechanisms, as well as the balanced use of service market opportunities. The company abandoned inflated plans for annual reclamation volumes in favor of a combined approach, providing for the annual identification of self-regenerating lands, a balanced use of the forces of contractors and its own departments to ensure the delivery of at least 300 hectares per year to government commissions. Despite the increase in the duration of the program, this approach was agreed upon with the Administration of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug when considering and agreeing on a new 3-year environmental work program.

Prevention of water pollution

In 2008, at the Uvek oil depot of Saratovnefteprodukt, a unique environmental project was implemented - a system of remote-controlled pop-up booms, aimed at preventing pollution of the Volgograd reservoir of the Volga River in the event of an emergency oil spill when loading tankers. TNK-BP invested about 6 million rubles in the project.

New protective system is a boom 200 m long, consisting of separate pneumatic sections 10 m long, including two shore sections 12 m long, equipped with a specially designed skirt that ensures the tightness of the booms at the water-shore section. In its initial state, the boom is located at the bottom, across the neck of the Uvek Bay and is held from possible shifting by 10 dead (river) anchors weighing 150 kg each. The shell materials of pop-up booms are resistant to oil, gasoline, acids, alkalis and ultraviolet radiation– their service life is at least 10 years. The sections are made with quick-release locking connections, allowing replacement of faulty sections in no more than 30 minutes. The project for installing a system of pop-up booms in the water area of ​​the berths of the Uvek oil depot of Saratovnefteprodukt fully complies with the TNK-BP strategy in the field of increasing the level of industrial and environmental safety: the innovative approach ensured constant protection of the Volga bed from the ingress of oil products from the water area of ​​the oil depot berths.

Prompt prevention of a possible emergency oil spill into the waters of the largest river in Europe will minimize the risk of environmental damage. The company’s specialists note that this project is a pilot project, and, depending on local conditions, it can be successfully implemented at other enterprises of the company, where work is carried out on loading petroleum products into tankers, as well as on oil production near water bodies and even on the sea shelf .

Greenhouse gas emissions assessment

The sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the course of TNK-BP's business activities are the combustion of associated petroleum gas (APG) in flares, fuel combustion, generation of electrical and thermal energy, waste incineration, as well as technological losses during the production and processing of oil, gas and oil and gas condensate. Indirect sources of emissions include imports of electrical and thermal energy by the enterprise.

The corporate greenhouse gas assessment protocol was developed based on the recommendations of The International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) and tested jointly with BP specialists. The protocol evaluates emissions of the main greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Total figures are given in tons of CO2 equivalent.

General indicators for greenhouse gas emissions, given in CO2 equivalent, repeat the general trend for APG utilization by the company in 2005–2008. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions in 2007 was due to technical problems at the Belozerny gas processing plant in the Nizhnevartovsk region and the associated restriction on the receipt of APG from the company's subsidiaries. Significant reduction in emissions observed in 2008 carbon dioxide and methane, which is explained by a significant (12%) increase in the level of associated gas utilization across the company in 2008 compared to 2007. Consistent implementation of the APG utilization program will make it possible to further systematically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Social responsibility

In 2008, TNK-BP allocated $94.9 million to external social programs at the federal and regional levels and paid $30 million to budgets of all levels in Russia and Ukraine.

Career at TNK-BP

TNK-BP is a Russian company that strives to be a responsible corporate citizen of Russia and Ukraine. The company considers it necessary to contribute to increasing national competitiveness, promote the social and economic development of the regions of its presence and be a reliable partner of government authorities and public organizations in the formation of a stable and favorable social environment. TNK-BP is one of the largest Russian taxpayers: in 2006, the company transferred about $20 billion to budgets of all levels, and since the company began operating in 2003 - about $50 billion.

TNK-BP is a responsible employer that complies with the provisions of labor legislation, actively interacts with trade union organizations, creates new jobs, provides decent working conditions for its employees and provides all opportunities for their professional development and career growth.

TNK-BP guarantees high level social protection of its employees. The company implements programs for non-state pension provision, voluntary medical care, sanatorium and resort treatment, as well as children's recreation. They are addressed to employees, members of their families, as well as non-working pensioners of the company's subsidiaries. In 2007, TNK-BP spent $93 million on internal social programs aimed at employees. This is an increase from 2005 and 2006, when the company committed $80 million annually to internal social investment.

The company strives not only to strictly comply with legislative and regulations Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection, but also implements a system of measures aimed at achieving the level of the best world standards in this area and completely preventing accidents, reducing negative impact on human health and the environment.

The management of socially significant aspects of TNK-BP's activities is carried out on the basis of the Code of Business Practices, which regulates the company's activities in the field of business ethics, labor protection, safety and environmental protection, control and finance, its relations with employees and third parties.

The planning and implementation of TNK-BP social programs is coordinated by the social investment working group. TNK-BP is currently developing a long-term strategy for social responsibility. The company regularly evaluates the effectiveness of social programs, building a system of partnerships with government authorities, local governments, public organizations, local communities and expert organizations.

TNK-BP strives to ensure that its social programs are as targeted as possible and meet the urgent needs of society. The recipients of TNK-BP social programs are children and youth, veterans, people in need of treatment and rehabilitation, as well as other socially vulnerable groups of the population. Through targeted social programs, TNK-BP contributes to strengthening public health and developing education, culture and sports.

In 2006, the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Center for Comprehensive Social Research of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Center for Social Monitoring conducted a large-scale study of the social situation in the regions where TNK-BP operates. The results of the study made it possible to more accurately determine the directions of social investments of TNK-BP in solving priority problems of regional development and the real needs of people.

In 2007, TNK-BP allocated $148 million for external social programs. In terms of total volumes of social investments, the company occupies one of the leading places among Russian companies.

TNK-BP has established an effective communications system that allows it to openly and promptly inform external audiences and company employees about important aspects of its activities. Information about the company's social investments can be found in the TNK-BP corporate brochure, the TNK-BP Newsletter, the Novator magazine, thematic publications such as annual reviews of social investments, as well as in presentations by TNK-BP management on the company's activities in the field environmental protection.

External activities

Every year, in partnership with government authorities, public, educational and other organizations, TNK-BP forms all-Russian and regional social investment programs, which are reflected in agreements with regional administrations. The company proceeds from the fact that consistency and long-term nature of social investments are the key to qualitative changes in solving national and local social problems.

In 2005, TNK-BP allocated $90 million for external social programs. In 2006, we increased our total external social investment to US$160 million. As of the end of November 2007, the company had allocated more than $100 million for these purposes.

Some examples of strategic external programs implemented by TNK-BP in 2006 in partnership with non-profit organizations carrying out development activities social sphere:

Purchase and construction of housing for low-income families (Assistance Fund, the amount of funds invested by TNK-BP amounted to USD 30 million).

Financing of a comprehensive all-Russian program for the prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis and HIV infection. The program provides for the purchase of medicines for children, financing of treatment courses, educational activities (Children’s charitable foundation helping the sick viral hepatitis and AIDS, allocated $6 million).

Providing support to regional medical institutions in need of funding (Children's AIDS Fund, $2.5 million).

Financing of the program for the restoration of historical buildings and the preservation of the cultural heritage of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg Development Fund, $9 million).

Payment for the education of gifted children from low-income families and assistance to the Gorchakov school in St. Petersburg (Pavlovsk, 300 thousand US dollars).

As part of annual agreements with regional administrations, TNK-BP implemented multi-purpose social programs, as well as individual projects in the key regions of its activity: Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, as well as Tyumen, Orenburg, Saratov, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The company provides financial support to healthcare, educational and cultural institutions, sports organizations, agricultural producers, as well as indigenous peoples. We have helped repair and build hundreds of kilometers of roads, bridges and power lines, confirming our reputation as a reliable and long-term partner for local governments and local governments.

In October 2006, the organization in the field of corporate responsibility monitoring AssociatedAbility included TNK-BP in the top ten best companies Russia in terms of social responsibility.

In 2007, TNK-BP allocated $10 million for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. The company is a co-founder and provides support to the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, which should become the main Russian center for training in the MBA program under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.

Procurement and sales

TNK-BP's annual costs for purchasing goods and services in Russia exceed $6 billion. Ninety percent of contractors are domestic companies. Traditional procurement processes have been replaced by supply chain management. The goal is to establish effective connections between the market and the company's internal needs by identifying economic impact factors in supply chains: timeliness, quality, price and performance management of suppliers and contractors.

These processes are carried out by Supply System Management (SSM), the main task of which is to determine and provide the company's needs for goods and services in the most beneficial manner for TNK-BP, both in terms of value and in terms of production indicators. In addition, CSS works with suppliers and contractors to create a sustainable competitive market in all key procurement sectors.

The CSS strategy involves a transition from short-term contracts to long-term contracting, which allows the company to work together with suppliers to increase operational efficiency and improve quality.

In fulfilling its contractual obligations, TNK-BP adheres to the highest standards of business management when purchasing materials and services. The Company manages its procurement activities with integrity, ensuring integrity and transparency, in accordance with the highest standards professionalism and strict compliance with relevant legal standards, as well as ensuring flexibility and reducing external risks to the business.


http://www.tnk-bp.ru/ Official website of TNK-BP

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Big news last hours: State oil corporation Rosneft has agreed to buy out the company TNK-BP from its shareholders.

Oil is always politics. Big oil means big politics. And after the purchase, Rosneft will become the world's largest company in terms of reserves and production.

First, let’s figure out who owned the property purchased by Rosneft. TNK-BP.

This company was established in 2003.

This is what I wrote about five years ago in this book: “We should admire the resilience of the proud Britons. They really want to stay on our oil and gas market, they really want to influence it, and through this influence foreign policy Russia. But it won't work. The difficulties for TNK-BP did not end there. And sooner or later, the British oil monopoly will be squeezed out of Russia, and its oil assets will be sold to a Russian company. “This is bad for us, bad for the company and, of course, very bad for Russia,” Peter Sutherland, chairman of the board of the British oil giant, assesses the developing events. But the author of this book thinks that, on the contrary, it’s good. Very good. Is control over the main resource of the planet, over the main resource of one’s country in the hands of its government, good or bad? Answer this question yourself."

And finally the British are being squeezed out of TNK-BP. They squeeze it out gently, Putin-style. But persistently and steadily. The private company TNK-BP is being completely bought out from its shareholders by the state company Rosneft.

“Earlier today it became known that the Rosneft oil company is purchasing 100% of TNK-BP shares from the AAR consortium and the British oil company BP. The signing of the corresponding agreement was announced by the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. The total transaction amount was $61 billion."

Does this mean that control over a large part of our mineral resources is returning to the hands of the Russian state? Yes it is.

Let's understand the confusing scheme of buying and selling oil assets.

First, let's make sure that Rosneft is really a state company.

We go to the company’s website, read: http://www.rosneft.ru/Investors/structure/share_capital/

Share capital structure

Composition of shareholders (shareholders) of OJSC NK Rosneft, owning more than 1% of the Company’s authorized capital as of October 1, 2012.

TNK-BP Group

TNK-BP (Tyumen Oil Company - Beyond Petroleum (before 2011 - British Petroleum)) is the only joint venture among the largest oil and gas companies in Russia. TNK-BP was organized in 2003 by British BP and Russian TNK (an asset of the Alpha, Access/Renova (AAR) consortium).
Key oil producing assets are Nizhnevartovskneftegaz, Tyumenneftegaz, Varyeganneftegaz, TNK-Uvat. Oil is produced in the fields of Western Siberia (KhMAO, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, south of the Tyumen region), and production is also underway in the Orenburg region and in Eastern Siberia.

Among the main fields with the historically maximum share of production are Samotlorskoye, Talinskaya area, Severo-Varyeganskoye.
Prospects for increasing production - Verkhnechonskoye field, fields of the Uvat project (Urnenskoye, Tyamkinskoye and Ust-Tegusskoye).

Gas assets are concentrated at the base of the gas production subsidiary Rospan International (operator of the East Urengoy and Novo-Urengoy gas condensate fields in the Purovsky district of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). Among the promising projects are the Russkoye and Tagulskoye fields located in Yamal.

Tanks rumbled across the field...
- a song from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

The entire history of TNK is a history of corporate conflicts. The “tankers” (as it was customary to call TNK managers at one time) received their basic asset - Nizhnevartovskneftegaz - in a difficult struggle. The city-forming enterprise of Nizhnevartovsk was burdened with tax debt - at the same time, the enterprise had huge arrears in settlements with Ukraine for oil, and had many social obligations to the city. The management of TNK acted quite aggressively, as a result - the enterprise was completely restructured, but at the same time TNK also got rid of non-core assets and minimized the contribution of social urban projects.

By the early 2000s, TNK controlled the oil producing Nizhnevartovskneftegaz and Tyumenneftegaz, an oil refinery in Ryazan, as well as a number of marketing enterprises in the Tyumen, Ryazan, Kursk, Kaluga and Tula regions, as well as in Karelia.

Then there were many more difficult stories - gaining control over ONAKO and entering the Orenburg region, a conflict for control over SIDANKO with its future partner - BP, including for the “granddaughter” of SIDANKO and the “daughter” of Chernogorneft - the Yugraneft company, in the struggle for which riot police were deployed. Among the newest corporate conflicts is AAR's appeal to the Stockholm Tribunal with a demand to annul the deal to create a strategic alliance between Rosneft and BP.

The finale of the history of TNK falls on 2013 - this year the share of TNK-BP was sold to the state-owned Rosneft. The shareholders, who spent an estimated $0.7 billion on purchasing oil and gas enterprises, sold them for almost $28 billion less than 20 years later. The investment turned out to be successful.

A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.

The history of British Petroleum, which recently changed its brand to the more global Beyond Petroleum, begins in 1901, when the Englishman William Knox d'Arcy began oil production in Persia. With the change of shareholders and participating countries, the name of the company changed in the following way: Anglo-Persian Oil Company (1909), Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (1935), British Petroleum Company (1954).

During this time, the company expanded its interests, forming assets in the processing, coal, mining, chemical, and transport industries. However, in the late 80s, having suffered a fiasco in a number of areas, BP again focused mainly on hydrocarbon production, choosing a strategy for the development of new fields - in the CIS, South America - and new production technologies (including deep-water projects).

It was new mining technologies that caused the most swipe financial condition and reputation of the company in modern history: the accident of an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico has long become an example of the fact that offshore projects can become a serious threat to the planet. It is possible that the transaction to sell a stake in TNK-BP was a direct consequence of the costs incurred and still expected to eliminate the consequences of the environmental disaster.

Throughout its history, British Petroleum often resorted to political pressure in relation to the countries in which it operated; scandals arose around BP's indirect participation in various kinds of coups in third world countries. However, in Russia, it was BP rather than TNK that was the injured party.

However, the result was not so bad: by selling 50% of the shares of TNK-BP to Rosneft, BP received 18.5% of the largest Russian oil company, part of the rights of a “blocking” shareholder, as well as two of the nine seats on the board of directors. And the Rothschilds, who are rumored to control BP, have seriously increased their influence in the post-Soviet space.

The privatization of Rosneft under the leadership of Sechin will be difficult, but bright.
- Igor Shuvalov.

On October 22, 2012, the largest deal in the history of the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation was announced - the state-owned Rosneft agreed to purchase TNK-BP. Less than six months later, on March 21, 2013, Rosneft gained full control over the company. We will monitor developments.

OJSC TNK-BP is the parent company of the TNK-BP Group.

Companies that are part of the TNK-BP Group by business areas:

Exploration and production of oil and gas:
Orenburgneft, Orenburggeology,

Company creation: in 2003, the company was formed as a result of parity between the British company BP and the Tyumen Oil Company. TNK itself (Tyumen Oil Company) was created in 1995 as a result of the separation of oil production assets from Rosneft. Privatized in 1997, it went through several reforms with the division of assets and the acquisition of new capacities. The parity deal jointly with Sibneft to acquire the Slavneft enterprise has not yet reached its logical conclusion regarding the division of property between the owners. TNK BP also owns the Orenburgneft association.

Changes in the structure of assets continued after the creation of the joint venture; Udmurtneft, a share in RUSIA Petroleum, Saratovneftegaz and the Orsky Oil Refinery were sold.

Field of activity: oil production and oil refining.

Full title: open Joint-Stock Company"TNK-BP Holding"

The headquarters of TNK BP is located in Moscow.

The company is ranked 234th on the 2009 Fortune Global 500 list.

"TNK BP" represented

Executive Director - German Khan.

Executive Director for Gas Business - Viktor Vekselberg.

Contact Information

Postal and legal address
st. Arbat, 1
Moscow, Russia, 119019
Email mail: