Second higher education in clinical psychology by correspondence. Second higher education in psychology - in MSPI

Today, more and more often, education alone is not enough. The reasons for this can be very different. Some people only after graduating from the first university come to the conclusion that they have chosen the wrong field of activity, some work in an industry where one education is not enough to fully immerse themselves in the process, sometimes a second education is necessary for career growth. At the Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova you can get second higher education in psychology.

Psychology is an excellent choice as a second degree. Studying of this subject useful not only for work and career growth, but also for yourself, for self-development. Understanding the psychological processes occurring in people helps to build more harmonious relationships with others, find one’s place in society, and become more successful in all areas of life. Moreover, in many areas of business, understanding psychological aspects becomes very important, which means that a second education in this field will help you make a career. And, of course, obtaining a second higher education in psychology makes it possible to choose psychology as the main activity.

Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova invites you to get a second higher education in psychology in Moscow. With us you can gain in-depth knowledge that will allow you to work in the following areas of professional activity:

  • diagnostic and corrective;
  • expert and advisory;
  • educational;
  • scientific research;
  • cultural and educational.

In addition to full-time and correspondence form training, our institute also offers correspondence courses in psychology for those who wish to obtain a specialty, but do not have the opportunity to study in any other way.

The area of ​​professional activity of psychologists includes solving complex problems in the field of education, healthcare, culture, sports, national defense, jurisprudence, management, social assistance to the population, as well as in public and economic organizations, administrative bodies, research and consulting organizations providing psychological services individuals and organizations.

The training program in the direction of “Psychology” provides for the study of the following educational cycles:
Humanitarian, social and economic cycle:
History, Philosophy, Foreign language, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Law, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Logic, Rhetoric, etc.
Mathematical and natural science cycle:
Neurophysiology, Modern concepts natural sciences, Anatomy of the central nervous system, etc.
Professional cycle:
General psychology, history of psychology, Methodological foundations of psychology, Animal psychology and comparative psychology, Personality psychology, Social psychology, Ethnopsychology, Labor psychology, Organizational psychology, Pedagogical psychology, Introduction to clinical psychology, Basics of neuropsychology, Basics of pathopsychology, Psychophysiology, Basics of counseling psychology, Basics psychogenetics, Experimental psychology, psychology of stress, Psychology social work, Family psychology, etc.
and sections:
Physical Culture;

educational and industrial practice, research work;

final state certification.

The object of a specialist’s professional activity is mental processes, properties and states of a person, the subject is their manifestation in various areas of human activity, interpersonal and social interactions, methods and forms of their organization and changes under external influence.

Having received second higher psychological education in Moscow, a specialist acquires knowledge, skills and abilities with which he will be ready to participate in solving complex problems in the system of the national economy, education, healthcare, management, and social assistance to the population.

A graduate of the faculty who has received the first and is prepared to carry out the following types of professional activities:

  • diagnostic and correctional;
  • expert and advisory;
  • educational and educational;
  • research;
  • cultural and educational.

Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova gives the opportunity to undergo not only full-time training. We also offer the opportunity to receive part-time

Places of practice for students of the Psychology major:

The practice of psychology students is carried out in educational institutions (kindergartens, schools), in the Territorial Center social services No. 10, in LLC "NIYAL", "Art-Studio of Psychology", "Psychology Center YOUCANLIVE", Psychological Center "DOM".

Achievements of students of the specialty "Clinical Psychology" in the 2013/2014 academic year:

Students of the specialty Clinical Psychology actively participated in the competition of student scientific works SNV Moscow and the Moscow region 2014. The winner of the gold medal was N. Timoshenko (scientific supervisor - Candidate of Psychological Sciences E.V. Khachaturova); The owner of the memorable diploma was A. Petrova (scientific supervisor - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.V. Chernikova).

Achievements of teachers in the 2013/2014 academic year:

Publications of MGI named after. E.R. Dashkova, published in the 2013-2014 academic year, the authors of which are our teachers.

Scientific publications

Russia and the world: yesterday, today, tomorrow: Current problems of humanitarian knowledge: collection of articles. M., 2014

Educational publications

Matvienko S.P. Statistical processing of psychological research data. M., 2013.

Noss I.N. Projective psychology. M., 2014. (in print)

Khachaturova E.V. Preparation and defense of coursework and final qualifying work (Clinical Psychology): teaching aid. M., 2013.

Educational and scientific events for the 2013/2014 academic year:

IN modern society More and more people are becoming interested in psychology and psychoanalysis. The scientific works of such scientists as Sigmund Freud, Jung, Erich Fromm, Eric Burn, Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter, and others become reference books for some of them. The number of fans of psychology is constantly increasing. And now aspiring amateur psychologists are already thinking about how interesting it is to be a psychologist, and are looking for a suitable university to receive a second higher education at the Faculty of Psychology.

Where to go to study

Currently, a wide variety of universities are open. Second higher education can be obtained in both state and non-state educational institutions. The first option is, of course, more preferable, but also more expensive. If the desire to study is great, but there are not very many funds, you can consider commercial institutes. But in this case, it is very important to inquire in advance about the qualifications of future teachers and the possibility of internship. Also, for future students, most universities have forms of correspondence and distance learning.

In Moscow, traditionally strong training is provided at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and others. In St. Petersburg, the most popular are St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. I. P. Pavlova, St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen. Training lasts on average 3-4 years. To seriously study psychology, a second higher education can be obtained in one of them. Many of these universities also offer professional retraining programs. The duration of such a program is less than 1-2 years, and the cost is somewhat lower.

Learning process

In the process of studying, many students begin to understand that reading interesting literature, analyzing life situations, described in books and magazines, and scientific psychology as a second higher education are not the same thing. A large volume of literature, memorization of specialized terms, study of the anatomy and physiology of the brain - these are the everyday life of a novice psychologist. There will be practice only at the end of the training; most likely, you will not be allowed to work with real clients yet, but will only be shown the workrooms of practicing psychologists and introduced to the features of their work.

Apparatus employed

Before you go to study, it is better to imagine in advance where you will go to work later. There are a lot of options, ranging from schools, kindergartens and social centers, ending with your own psychological office. Psychologists are also required in various organizations to assist in personnel selection and conduct training for existing teams. During your studies, it is very important to decide on the psychological trend that you will adhere to in your studies. further work, and undergo specialized trainings and seminars in this area. Although they are not cheap, they will give you the opportunity to practice and obtain a certificate that will improve your level as a specialist.

Being a psychologist is both difficult and interesting at the same time. Universities provide good opportunities for studying psychology. In order not to be disappointed in future profession, you need to be prepared in advance for difficulties and, most importantly, be able to treat people with great attention, patience and respect.

In Moscow, as you know, there are many very diverse educational institutions, including higher ones. Where to go for those who dream of becoming a psychologist - let's talk about it today. So, the heroes of the day today are the 4 best in the field of Psychology.

1. Throughout recent years is practically the sole leader in many areas. Its psychology department was no exception. 11 departments, as many as 5 scientific laboratories(psychology of communication, neuropsychology, psychology of work, psychology of perception and psychology of professions and conflict) are excellent opportunities for students that the university provides.

Evlalia Prosvetova, graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 2011:

“The teaching at the faculty is fundamental and academic, which has strengths and weaknesses. Weak sides The problem is that we are trained primarily as scientists (good scientists), but not as practicing psychologists, so the faculty doesn’t provide enough practice; a lot of things have to be acquired later “on the side.” But strong point is that we are given an excellent theoretical basis and professional thinking is formed, thanks to which we quite easily acquire the necessary practical skills and knowledge, which graduates of other universities do not always have. The teaching staff is very strong - they are taught by leading Russian psychologists, very smart and respected people. In short, education at the Faculty of Psychology is excellent in quality basic education, which then needs to be superimposed on various advanced training.”

The Faculty of Psychology is known far beyond Russia and is famous for its achievements, including participation in many international projects, organizing internships and practices for students, allowing them not only to immerse themselves in the profession, but also to significantly expand their horizons.

Research scientific works teachers are awarded the most high awards and awards, and students are given a unique opportunity to learn from practicing psychologists and true masters of their craft.

2. And about the next place for future psychologists high level- Institute of Psychology named after. Vygotsky is best told by his director, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova: “Nowadays it’s quite difficult to find higher educational institution, wherever psychologists are trained. Of course, such diversity, on the one hand, allows an applicant who decides to connect his professional activity with psychology, choose the most suitable university for studying, from his point of view. On the other hand, such diversity leads to the fact that both future specialists and their parents cannot decide which higher education institution to entrust vocational training in the field of psychology. The currently adopted Unified State Exam system, the results of which in most cases determine whether or not an applicant is suitable for studying at a particular faculty, does not contribute to the conscious choice of a university. Thus, many heads of psychological faculties note that their applicants simultaneously enter, for example, the biology and soil faculties, since both the psychological and biology and soil faculties have one set of unified state exams.

Training at the Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky RSUH has a number of distinctive features and features. So, firstly, given that L.S. Vygotsky was distinguished by a special way of working in psychology associated with art, in our educational process, starting from the first courses, there are many disciplines related to art. This is experimental psychological theater, the psychology of directing, communication with text, etc.

The second feature of the training of psychologists at the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities is associated with the presence of a large number of practical and theoretical-practical disciplines that allow students from the very beginning of their studies to feel themselves in the role of a psychologist. In addition, projects led by professional psychologists(our teachers). This real projects(development of educational toys, assistance to children with severe somatic diseases, features of organizing scientific conferences, etc.), participation in which allows students to enter the profession and learn professional communication with colleagues.

The third feature of studying at the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky RSUH concerns special forms of training, which we call “workshops”. They allow not only to master different disciplines provided for by the standards of higher psychological education, but to create a single semantic field (in each course, in each direction), which ensures the formation and development of a holistic image of the profession and, ultimately, professional consciousness.

The last, fourth, feature of training at the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities, and, at the same time, the first one, which largely determines the teaching of psychology at the Institute, and not at the faculty, is associated with the role scientific research, both students and teachers. We believe that in the process of training psychologists, they should develop a research position that allows them to successfully work in psychology, and teachers often make the process of training young specialists the subject of their research.”

3. The Faculty of Psychology is another possible choice for an applicant. This is a serious institution of higher education, which is confirmed by the fact that the faculty educational activities is carried out - no more nor less - on the basis Russian Academy Sciences, and the dean, Anatoly Laktionovich Zhuravlev, is a corresponding member of the RAS.

Students can choose one of seven departments and receive a bachelor's degree upon graduation.

Graduate psychologists are in demand in the labor market and successfully realize themselves in their chosen profession, no matter what area of ​​application of their knowledge and skills they choose - it can be scientific or research activities, pedagogical or educational, cultural or expert-analytical.

4. Faculty of Psychology. amazes many with the pace of its development - very dynamic, ambitious, it is one of the leading universities in psychological education.

Modern psychologist – modern methods. This motto makes the university one of the most innovative, modern and open to everything new. Without prejudice, however, to the standard academic program.

Applied research, unique technologies developed within the university, a foundation from the knowledge and experience of previous generations - this is what allows the university to maintain its position.

They look closely at each student here, trying to reveal in him not only a professional psychologist, but also a person with high moral and moral principles. Demanding and responsive teachers and a close-knit team of students and teachers make you feel like you are in a team with common goals.

We hope you found the information useful and wish you good luck in your application!

Thousands of graduates from all over the country dream of getting an education in Moscow universities. Firstly, a diploma from a capital university is respected in the regions. Secondly, with a quality education it is easier to pass an interview and get a job Good work. Thirdly, Moscow universities provide competitive knowledge. You can receive high-quality psychological and pedagogical education at the Institute of Public Administration:

  • Our private university has objective tuition prices.
  • Students receive correspondence higher education in psychology (pedagogy) at IGA without interrupting their work. They simultaneously study and improve their qualifications in a company, institution, organization or private structure. Moreover, according to the law, the employer is obliged to provide paid leave during the examination session.
  • Training is conducted according to the same curricula as full-time students. They study similar disciplines and gain the same amount of knowledge.
  • Our teachers provide students with competent educational materials. At the same time, each student has full access to a large electronic library.
  • The field of study “Psychology” significantly expands your horizons and perception of this world: correspondence studies in Moscow, at the Institute of State Academy, will allow you to immerse yourself in the study of your specialty as much as possible.

What knowledge do students receive at IGA?

Students master the bulk of knowledge – approximately 75% – on their own. Their knowledge is tested during the examination session.

Through a well-thought-out curriculum, students will understand:

  • how to carry out psychological examinations of the development of schoolchildren - the data obtained will help prepare for them individual program education;
  • how to teach in primary school and work with young children;
  • how to invent and conduct play activities in private and public kindergartens;
  • how to help schoolchildren who find themselves in difficult situation, – correspondence courses in psychology in Moscow will provide valuable knowledge that can be effectively implemented in practice;
  • how to advise parents about mental development a child with impairments;
  • how to work with children disabilities health;
  • how to create in an educational institution favorable conditions for children's development.

As practice shows, a Moscow diploma significantly increases the chances of finding a well-paid job.

In what areas can you find work after graduating from the IGA?

After graduating from the Institute of Public Administration, you can build a career both in a government structure and in a private company, commercial organization, educational institution.

Graduates often go to work in kindergartens and schools - in private institutions specialists have excellent salaries. Indeed, during their studies, students receive knowledge that will allow them to ensure the protection of children’s health at the proper level, carry out educational work, help them develop.

Graduates also work as social psychologists, correctional and rehabilitation teachers.

How much does it cost to study at IGA?

Correspondence higher education in the field of Psychology (pedagogy) costs 48 thousand rubles per year. The student can also gain knowledge using the latest remote technologies. At the same time, the price of training decreases and amounts to 36 thousand rubles per year.

If you have any problems current issues After reading this material, then call our university at the phone numbers that are presented on the website. Our employee will try to help you as much as possible and answer your questions professionally.